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Gastrulation: Highly integrated cell and tissue Embryonic Cellular Movements:

movements whereby blastula cells are dramatically >Invagination- movement of a group of cells (epithelial)
rearranged inward: inpocketing [opposite: evagination- lumen
-3 primary germ layers are established formed by basal surface]
-basic body plan is established (rudimentary primary and >Involution- rolling movement, free to move further up
body axes) underneath the exterior tissue (by bulk)
-cells brought to new positions, for inductive interactions >Ingression- individual cells move away from epithelial
(neurulation and organogenesis) sheets migrating inwards, usually mesenchymal cells
*Fate has been specified but potency not fully (with cytoplasmic extension) ex. neural crest cell HOW:
determined -alter cell architecture
*Polarity of egg (Vegetal-Animal pole) when established -alter program of motility
as the zygote is formed determine anterior and posterior -alter adhesiveness (lose it, change in micro-
axes tubule alignment)
*Cells that use to be together at the end of the cleavage *SPREADING OF GROUP OF CELLS
will be rearranged >Epiboly- increase in cell surface area, change in cell
Inductive interactions: cells have autonomous (cell will shape; resulting to thinning of cells so that it can cover
always give rise to its fate whether where it is located) another area (monolayer)
and conditional (dependent to the signal of surrounding >Intercalation- 2 or more rows of cells, moving to one
cells) development another, insertion of cells to junction of other layer,
increasing surface area of tissue, cell rearrangement
>Convergent extension- specialized intercalation,
however it has a specific direction to follow. Increase in
surface area of tissue. Intercalating perpendicular to the
axis of extension
>Delamination- separation of two or more layers.
Common in hypoblast, epiblast layers

-Unit of migration (individual or sheet?)
-Intrinsic/Extrinsic factor in movement
-Spreading: movement of tissue
-Change in shape and motility (columnar, bottle,

MODEL: Sea Urchin Gastrulation

(colors: fate map)
Mesomeres- animal pole: conditional
Macromeres- vegetal cells: conditional
Micromeres: autonomous specification (skelotegenic
cells) produce skeletal spicules
Organs do not form on their own, they need signals Specifies veg2 cells that specify veg1 layer-
>Ectoderm: Epidermis, brain, NS produce endoderm
>Endoderm: Embryonic gut Proteins (in cell specification): Beta catenin
>Mesoderm: Notocord (transcription factor)- operates by Wnt pathway,
molecule responsible for specifying micromeres,
Embryonic Cell Movement: heart of gastrulation inducing other areas to form structures
-goal is to form the three germ layers >no involution only invagination (presumptive
endoderm: vegetal region/plate) due to changes in cell
shape to form archenteron for elongation
>Primary Mesenchymal Cells: ingression – Displaced ventrally during gastrulation
>Vegetal plate: primary invagination (result from – Forms archenteron floor
changes in shape of cells in vplate) to produce 2. Bottle cells generate initial depression of blastopore
archenteron (primitive gut)
>Secondary invagination- elongation of archenteron Frog Gastrulation begins in marginal zone ( surround
across blastocoel: attches near animal pole of embryo equator of blastula, animal and vegetal hemispheres
(filopodia extended by secondary mesenchyme cells meet. Blastopore lip formed by bottle cells, changing cell
locates at the tip of archenteron involved) shape: apical constriction creates local invagination
>Secondary Mesenchymal Cells: from tip of invaginating *Jeff Hardin and Ray Keller: culture explants in surgically
archenteron- changes in cells in the tip performing altered embryos :isolated bottle cells constrict at apical
ingression: drags elongating archenteron to contact with surface but assume characteristic bottle shape only with
ectodermal cells other cells surrounding
>Apical constriction and invagination- vegetal plate *Xenopus (RE 1981) bottle cells are not necessary for
endoderm cells change their shape from a cuboidal to continued gastrulation; role is limited to generating
columnar to flask-shape (intercalates and extends initial depression of the blastopore
elongating the archenteron tube upward towards roof of –Removal of bottle cells: embryo healed w/in
blastocoel cavity, bend to left, fuse and eventually forms 30min, gastrulated and develop normally except that the
future oral opening) archenteron is truncated at cephalic end

Amphibian: Tasks of gastrulation 3. Involution of marginal zone cells: next phase of

• to bring inside the embryo those areas destined gastrulation; occurs while animal cells undergo epiboly
to form the endodermal organs, and converge at blastopore
• to surround the embryo with cells capable of (RE Keller 1981) Replace involuting marginal zone layers
forming the ectoderm, and with other gastrula tissues (both superficial layer and
• to place the mesodermal cells in the proper deep layer w/ animal cap: grafted animal cap patches
positions between them balked at blastopore lip and did not move in) (superficial
Fate map of Xenopus gastrula layer with animal cap: involuted and became part of
*Imposed upon the egg by transcription factor VegT archenteron roof)
(autonomic: endoderm) and paracrine factor Vg1 Bottle cells to pharyngeal cells of foregut, DB become
1.) different gastrula areas show distinct cellular prechordal plat, next cells involuting into the embryo
behaviors through DBL- chordamesoderm cells: form notochord)
• Animal cap
– Engage in epiboly 4. Convergent Extension is especially strong in Dorsal
• Non-involuting marginal zone Marginal Zone- participated by NIMZ and IMZ
– Undergoes epiboly *Keller et al., 1985: Radical intercalation- perpendicular
• Involuting marginal zone to embryo surface, Mediolateral intercalation: parallel to
– Forms upper margin of blastopore embryo surface
– Superficial IMZ
• Forms the archenteron roof 5. The Animal Cap and the non-ivoluting marginal zone
– Deep IMZ undergo epiboly- thinning, cell division, rearrangement:
• Gives rise to much of the mesoderm decrease cell layers in animal cap from 2 to 1: intercalate
• Deep Zone -Events involve during epiboly: radical intercalation in
– Ring of cells between DIMZ & large vegetal cells deep layer
– Migrate up wall & roof of blastocoel; Leads IMZ
• Bottle cells
– Vegetal border of IMZ
• Vegetal base
– Large yolky cells extending from bottom of
blastocoel to outside of vegetal hemisphere
Mechanisms on Xenopus: 2 signaling pathways-
Planar (major role in embryos) sent by
blastopore lip through ectoderm plane (express region-
specific marker genes) and Vertical signal sent to
overlying ectoderm: the prospective neural plate
Neuralizing mesoderm signals
3. Neural induction is a multistep process (associated
with region specific expression of genes)
*Ectoderm devt depends on proximity of inducing tissue
and preparedness of responding tissue
-Dorsal ectoderm: Neural plate
-Ventral ectoderm: Epidermis; expresses Epi1 at
midneurula stage

Neural Induction
-formation of neural tube in association w/ an underlying
notochord, laterally adjacent somites, and other
mesodermal structures EMBRYONIC AXIS: stereotypical
arrangement; coordinated dev’t by inductive
interactions (blastopore lip)
1. Dorsal blastopore lip organizes formation of entire
embryo (Spemann experiments)
*graft of dbp developed accdg to fate: notochord
*graft dorsalized the host’s mesoderm: kidneys
*graft acted as neural inducer; host ectoderm formed as
neural plate
2. Neural induction shows regional specificity:
*Experiment by Spemann Blastopore Graft (early
gastrula: complete head no tail): Early-involuting
mesoderm tended to induce anterior axial structures;
Later-involuting mesoderm induce trunk and tail
*Otto Mangold Experiment: Neural plate form early
neurula exposing chordamesoderm (notochord and
adjacent somites) Chordamesoderm was isolated and
divided into 4 Differentiation of Neural Tube (give rise to glial cells and
1st quarter: induced parts that lie in front of brain neurons)
2nd quarter: head+brain+eyes+ear vesicles -consist of neuroepithelial cells
3rd quarter: hindbrain+spinal cord+ musculature -lies on a basement membrane, single layer
4th quarter: spinal cord+ somites + kidney + tail -neural epithelial cells: germinal epithelium
-blastopore lip at diff stages and corresponding areas of -neural stem cells: divide assymetrically
chordamesoderm from late gastrula induce diff sets of Stem cells
dorsal structures. Committed progenitor cell (PMC ingression)
Spinal cord: distinction between 3 layers (meninges,
white and gray matter) differ in bulge formation from
*1st stage: cells break away from lumen, migrate towards
external limiting membrane: outside (these cells form
mantle that eventually becomes gray matter) maturation
are noted by axons and dendrites (further maturation
sheathing of schwann cells: formation of marginal layer:
white matter)
-white matter>grey matter>Ependymal cells (csf
-when differentiating nucleus go to basal region for

*Formation of dorsal and ventral ridges

Alar plate: Dorsal- roof plate
Basal plate: Ventral- floor plate
*Notochord for dorso-ventral patterning
:Add notochord= floor plate- devt dorsal neurons

Meten cerebrum
Mylen medulla
Origin of PNS Cells
Neural Crest Cells: varied fates
-determined by neural plate/ectoderm and epidermal
ectoderm are adjacent to each other
-boundary of neural plate and epidermis
-arise from inductive interaction of epidermis and neural
-arise from neural plate cells and epidermal cells
-acquire properties that can be distinguished from
neighboring cells: inductive influence of
chordamesoderm (intermediate signal) or juxtaposition
hypothesis c

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