Laboratory Manual For Gen - Chem.1

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Competencies stipulated in the Curriculum Guide for General Chemistry 1
Safety Rules inside the laboratory
Acknowledgment by the student
Quiz No.
1----Safety Rules
2--- Common Laboratory Equipment and Apparatus
Assessing Laboratory Performance
Exploring the Laboratory
1----What’s Inside your Laboratory
2----Chemical Nomenclature
3----Balancing Chemical Equations
4----Orbitals and Quantum Numbers
5----Electronic Configuration
6----Covalent Bonding
7----Structural Models
Report Sheet
1----Separation Techniques
2----Density Measurements
3----Acid-Base Reaction
Experiment No.
1----Separation Techniques
2----Density Measurements
3----Acid-Base Reactions
4----Graham’s Law of Effusion
5----Flame Test
Game: Periodic Properties of Matter
“Move on, Move up, or Tumble"

Chemistry is a specialized subject integrated into the STEM strand of the newly-
implemented senior high school curriculum. It is a science that involves various
abstract topics essential to understanding scientific processes and the high-rising
global technology.

The abstract nature of Chemistry requires the incorporation of laboratory

experiments for better comprehension on the part of the students. Thus, this manual
was prepared to increase the laboratory exposure of the senior high school learners
in Aurora National High School and to other government schools within the
Zamboanga Peninsula, despite the derisory equipment and chemicals.

The experiments included in this manual were based on the competencies

stipulated in the curriculum guide. Alternative experiments and activities are
provided for those experiments needing materials and chemicals that are not
available in our school.

I am grateful for the opportunity of extending my greatest love for chemistry and
passion for learning. To my ever supportive Principal, Ma'am Erlinda M. Romarate
and to the Schools Division Senior High School coordinator, Dr. Glyn V. Sayson, thank
you so much. You both gave me the chance to take the first step in achieving my
personal goal as a teacher. To the teachers who will use this manual, it is hoped that
they will find joy and ease in teaching chemistry and in facilitating the laboratory
experiments. I also hope that the students who will perform the experiments and
activities will be able to master basic chemistry concepts and develop the
appropriate skills necessary to become fully competent on this subject.

Julienne Stephanie Fabie-Agapin

Competencies stipulated in the Curriculum Guide for
General Chemistry 1

Laboratory Learning Competency

1 Apply separation techniques such as distillation and
2 Determine the density of liquids and solids
3 Practice chemical nomenclature: writing formulas of ionic
compounds; naming ionic compounds from formulas
4 Perform exercises on writing and balancing chemical
5 Determine mass relationship in a chemical reaction
6 Demonstrate Graham’s law of effusion in an experiment
7 Perform exercises on quantum numbers
8 Perform exercises on writing electronic configuration
9 Investigate reactions of simple ions and apply these in
qualitative analysis
10 Determine the periodic properties of the main group elements
11 Perform exercises on writing Lewis structures of ions/ionic
compounds and molecules
12 Determine and observe evidence of molecular polarity
13 Perform exercises on the structure of organic compounds using
14 Perform laboratory activities on enzyme action, protein
denaturation, separation of components in coconut milk
Safety Rules in the Laboratory

It is compulsory for all students using the chemistry laboratory to read and fully
understand the following safety rules. Each student is required to complete
and perfect the quiz on Laboratory Rules before he/she is allowed to perform
any experiment in the laboratory.

1. Eating inside the laboratory is strictly prohibited. Foods can absorb toxic
2. Wear laboratory gowns every time you are in the laboratory. Make sure
to remove contact lenses when inside the laboratory because some
chemicals are highly volatile, which could get attracted to contact
lenses and may result to severe eye irritations.
3. Never inhale vapors or fumes produced in chemical reactions or from
bottled chemicals in the laboratory. Fume hoods should be used when
mixing or transferring chemical solutions that may produce highly volatile
and toxic products. In cases where no fume hoods are available, consult
your instructor where you could carry out the experiment.
4. Never taste chemicals used in the laboratory.
5. Never perform an unauthorized experiment. Never work in the laboratory
without your instructor.
6. Never take something out from the laboratory, specially equipment,
glassware, and reagents.
7. Do not return unused chemicals to a reagent bottle. Otherwise it may
contaminate the chemicals inside the bottle.
8. For highly basic and acidic substances, remember to dilute it by pouring
the acid or base slowly to water, with constant stirring. Never pour water
into concentrated acids and bases.
9. Never leave lighted Bunsen burners and alcohol lamps unattended.
10. Do not dispose solid materials, filter paper in the sink or troughs. Instead,
dispose them in the trash can or on the specially provided solid waste
11. Notify your instructor if any accidents and injuries, regardless of their
12. Closed-toe shoes must be worn in the laboratory at all times.
13. Learn to locate and operate all safety devices provided in the
14. Wash your hands well before leaving the laboratory.
15. Clean working area at the end of your laboratory session.
16. In cases when chemicals spill on to your skin, wash immediately with
water and report incident to your instructor.
17. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the laboratory at all times.
18. When metallic mercury is spilled, watch closely to see where the droplets
go. Then avoid stepping on them. Notify your instructor immediately so
that proper decontamination procedures can be instituted.
19. Any special health special health factor such as an allergic reaction to a
chemical or a pregnancy must be reported to the instructor the soonest
possible time.
20. Read the entire experiment and complete any pre-laboratory
assignments before entering the laboratory. Make sure to check the
MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of the chemicals that will be used in
every experiment.

I have read and understood the Safety Rules. The details have been
discussed by my instructor thoroughly. I agree to abide by these regulations in
the interest of my own safety and that of my other classmates.

Name: Laboratory Schedule:

Locker No.: Instructor:
Group No.:

_________________________________ __________________________________

Student's Signature & Date Instructor's Signature & Date


Julienne Stephanie Fabie-Agapin

Quiz No. 1
Laboratory Rules

Name: ________________________________________
Group No. ________________________________________
Date taken: ________________________________________

Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false by writing

the word TRUE or FALSE in the space provided.

___________ 1. If chemicals come into contact with your skin, immediately

wash the affected area with alcohol.
___________ 2. Fume hoods are used in the chemical laboratory when
using volatile or poisonous chemicals.
___________ 3. It is permitted to leave a lit Bunsen burner and alcohol lamp
___________ 4. Always return unused chemicals to a reagent bottle to
avoid wasting chemicals.
___________ 5. You are allowed to wear open-toed sandals in the
___________ 6. Always add acid to water vigorously.
___________ 7. Smoking is allowed sometimes in the laboratory.
___________ 8. Drinking soda in the lab is permitted as long as the soda
can is at least 10 feet away from all chemicals.
___________ 9. You are required to wear contact lenses in the laboratory
all the time.
___________ 10. Minor incidents may not be reported to your instructor.
Assessing Laboratory Performance
This rubric was formulated to assess the skills and performance of the students
while conducting the experiments and performing the activities.

Category Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Score

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Materials All materials Most materials Materials are Materials are No materials
are on hand are on hand requested/secured requested/secured are seen on
before the before during the during the the working
experiment experiment experiment experiment. Lacks area
two or more
materials from the
Laboratory Routinely Routinely Two or more Most members All members
safety follow safety follow safety members did not required constant required
procedures procedures follow safety reminder to follow constant
procedures safety procedure reminder to
follow safety
Use of Uses materials Uses materials Uses materials with Uses materials with Incompetent
materials with high with some limited in using the
degree of considerable competence competence materials
competence competence
Execution and Actively helps Demonstrates Demonstrates Shows little Shows no
Participation to to identify commitment considerable commitment to commitment
achieve group group goals to group goals commitment to group goals and to group goals
goals and works and carries out group goals, but has difficulty in and works
effectively to assigned showed slight performing the ineffectively
meet them in roles/tasks difficulty in roles/tasks on the
all roles/tasks effectively performing assigned assigned
assumed assigned roles/tasks
Procedural Selects and Selects and Selects and Selects and Selects
Knowledge applies applies the applies the applies the appropriate or
appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate inappropriate
strategies and strategies and strategies and skills strategies and skills skills and
skills specific to skills specific to specific to the required by the strategies
the task the tasks tasks with task, but makes a required by
without error, without considerable errors number of non- the task and
and applies significant critical errors in makes critical
some in errors doing so. errors in
innovative applying them
Interpersonal Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
Skills in Group appropriate appropriate appropriate inappropriate inappropriate
Work and behavior behavior behavior inside the behavior inside the behavior
Behavior inside the inside the laboratory, laboratory inside the
inside the laboratory, laboratory, expresses opinions sometimes, laboratory,
laboratory interacts interacts that are quite expresses opinions rarely interacts
positively with significantly sensitive to others’ that are insensitive positively
all group with most abilities, but to others’ abilities, within the
members, group interacts only with and interacts only group, and
encourages members, and other group with other group shows frequent
such contributes in members when members when lack of
interaction in a way that is prompted, prompted sensitivity on
others, and is sensitive to the the feelings
always abilities and and abilities of
sensitive to the feelings of other group
abilities and others members
feelings of when
others’ expressing
contributions. opinions
Work Area Routinely Cleans work Cleans work area Requires some Requires
keeps working area with very with some reminders to clean constant
area clean minimal reminders working area reminders to
without reminders clean working
reminders area
Return of Always returns Returns Returns equipment Requires some Requires
Equipment equipment equipment with some reminders to return constant
with no with minimal reminders equipment reminders to
reminders reminders return
EXPLORING THE LABORATORY: Common Equipment and Their

●Safety goggles This will protect your eyes from toxic fumes and other volatile
●Safety gloves This will protect your hand from spilt corrosive chemicals.
●Laboratory gown This is worn to protect you from injuries in case of spills or splashes
from chemical solutions used.
●Beaker This is as container and is specifically helpful for for mixing, stirring,
and heating chemicals.
●Erlenmeyer flask or This allows easy mixing and swirling of the reagents in the flask,
conical flask minimizing the tendencies of spilling.
●Test Tube This is used to hold small samples.
●Watch glass This can be used as a lid for a beaker during heating or when storing
●Crucible This is used for gravimetric analysis. It can withstand extreme
●Funnel This is helpful in transferring liquids and in filtration process.
●Graduated cylinder This is used for measuring liquid solutions.
●Volumetric flask This flask is used to measure liquid more accurately.
●Droppers These are often used when adding an indicator to a solution.
●Pipettes These are used to measure liquid solutions and transfer these
solutions into another container.
●Buret/burette This is used during titration process.
●Ring stand This is used to suspend burets, and other containers for titration and
for heating.
●Clay triangle This is used to suspend crucibles
●Tongs and forceps These are used for grabbing things that should not be touched by
bare hands. Tongs are often used to hold crucibles in gravimetric
●Spatula These are for used for scooping solid chemicals out from the
reagent bottle.
●Thermometer This is used to measure the temperature.
●Bunsen Burner This is a mechanical apparatus that is connected to a flammable
gas outlet
●Balance This is used to weigh chemicals.
Beaker Erlenmeyer Flask Evaporating dish

crucible crucible tongs stirring rod

test tube test tube rack test tube holder

bunsen burner iron stand, iron clamp, wire gauze rubber tube
Note: You may take a photo of the laboratory equipment available in your school and
paste here.
Activity 1: What’s inside your laboratory?
Objective: To identify the available equipment and apparatus inside the

Name: ____________________________________________
Group No. ____________________________________________
Date taken: ____________________________________________
Date submitted: ____________________________________________

Identify the glassware and equipment available in your school laboratory. Put
a check mark ( ⁄ ) in the space provided if it’s available and ( ) if it’s not.

_______ 1. balance _______ 16. rubber tube

_______ 2. burette clamp _______ 17. glass tube
_______ 3. graduated _______ 18. iron ring
_______ 4. thermometer _______ 19. iron stand
_______ 5. beaker _______ 20. iron clamp
_______ 6. Bunsen burner _______ 21. volumetric flask
_______ 7. clay triangle _______ 22. droppers
_______ 8. crucible tongs _______ 23. test tube rack
_______ 9. crucible and lid _______ 24. test tube holder
_______ 10. Erlenmeyer flask _______ 25.separatory funnel
_______ 11. evaporating dish _______ 26. watch glass
_______ 12. funnel _______ 27. gloves
_______ 13. glass rod with _______ 28. laboratory gown
rubber policeman
_______ 14. burette _______ 29. safety googles
_______ 15. spatula _______ 30. scoopula
Quiz No. 2
Common Laboratory Equipment and Apparatus

Name: ________________________________________
Group No. ________________________________________
Date taken: ________________________________________

Matching type: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter in the space
provided before each number.
___1. balance a. weigh chemicals
___2. Burette b. Employed for complete dissolution and
___3. Graduated cylinder c. employed in separating NaCl from water
___4. thermometer d. employed in mixing, pouring, and heating
of chemicals
___5. Beaker e. hold crucibles
___6. Bunsen burner f. may be used to cover beakers
___7. clay triangle g. measures temperature
___8. crucible tongs h. This allows easy mixing and swirling of the flask
without too much risk of spilling.
___9. Watch glass i. used in filtration
___10. Erlenmeyer flask j. source of heat
___11. evaporating dish k. used to suspend crucibles
___12. funnel l. This is used for extremely accurate addition
of liquid, such in titration.
___13. Stirring rod m. This is a primary measuring tool for the
volume of a liquid.
EXPERIMENT 1: Separation Techniques
Learning Competency: Apply separation techniques such as distillation and
Note: No distilling apparatus and chromatographic paper available, thus, other
separation techniques will be employed.


Substances may combine to form a mixture. Unlike pure substances, the composition of
a mixture can vary because each substance retains its own chemical identity and
properties. This makes the separation of the individual components a lot easier. This
experiment will enable students to apply separation techniques such as distillation and

Distillation is an important technique often employed to separate the components of a

homogenous mixture. This process depends on the different abilities of substances to
form gases. For example, if we boil a solution of salt and water, the water evaporates,
forming a gas, and the salt is left behind. The gaseous water can be converted back to
a liquid on the walls of a condenser and collected in the receiving flask, as shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1. Simple Distillation set-up

Source: Brown, et al., 2015
Chromatography is another separation technique that is based on the differing abilities
of the substances to adhere to the surface of solids. All chromatographic techniques
depend highly on the types of a stationary phase and a mobile phase. The mobile
phase should have the ability to flow through the stationary phase and carry the
components of the mixtures with it.

Figure 2. Separation of three substances using column chromatography

Source: Brown, et al., 2015

Other common and simple separation techniques include filtration, decantation,

crystallization, and evaporation.

Experimental Procedures

A. Separation of mixtures via Filtration and Evaporation

Evaporating dish Analytical or top-loading balance or any Boiling chips
weighing apparatus scaled in grams
Saturated NaCl solution Heating apparatus Beakers
Filter paper or cheesecloth Glass funnel Weighing
Sand Stirring rod Conical flasks

1. Weigh 5 grams of NaCl and 5 grams of sand.

2. Mix solids in a conical flask and add 250 mL of water. Swirl to mix.
3. Filter the mixture and transfer filtrate into the evaporating dish.
4. Boil the dish until most liquid evaporates.
5. Turn off the hot plate or the heat source and dry out the salt.
6. Record weight of salt and compute for percent recovery of NaCl using the formula:

Source: Brown, et al., 2015

B. Separation of mixtures via crystallization

 Potassium aluminum sulfate or any
common salt such as table salt and
Epsom salt
 Distilled water
 Stirring rod
 Beaker
 Heat source
 Pan
 Pencil
 String
 Paper clip
 cloth

1. Make a saturated salt solution. Bring to a slow boil approximately 250 mL of distilled
water. Add a teaspoon or two of the salt that you prepared. Add some more salt until,
while constant stirring, no more salt will dissolve.
2. Pour solution into a clean, pyrex beaker. Suspend a string into the glass from a pencil
laid across the top of the glass. You may use a stick or a pen.
3. Tie a paper clip at the lower end of the string so it hangs down.
4. Wrap the beaker, along with the pencil, with a clean cloth so it cools slowly. Observe
the formation of crystals every day. Left undisturbed, the crystals grow larger every day
until the solution runs dry.
Report Sheet 1: Separation Techniques
Name: __________________________________ Date Performed: _________________________
Group No. _______________________________ Date Submitted:__________________________

A. Separation of Mixtures via Filtration and Evaporation


1. What is filtration? How about evaporation?


2. What happened when the mixture in the conical flask was filtered?

4. What was the composition of the filtrate in step 3? How about the residue?

3. What was the purpose of heating the filtrate?


4. How many percent of the salt was recovered? Show complete solution.

B. Separation of Mixtures via Crystallization


1. What is crystallization?

2. What is the purpose of crystallization?


3. What is the purpose of cooling the solution at room temperature?

Experiment 2: Density Measurements
Learning Competency: Determine density of liquids and solids.
Density is defined as the ratio of the mass of substance per unit its volume. It is an
intensive property, which means it does not depend on the quantity of the substance,
and that it can be used as a means for identification. Density is temperature dependent.
Thus, the temperature is always recorded when determining the density of a substance.
For instance, the density of water (liquid water) at room temperature is 1.0 g/mL, while
this value goes down to 0.999 g/mL when it starts to solidify. This special property of water
is the very reason why solid water (ice) always floats on liquid water.

Experimental procedures

A. Density of Distilled water

Graduated cylinder Weighing scale Distilled water Thermometer

1. Weigh a dry 10 mL graduated cylinder and record the mass. Recall that a trailing zero
is a significant figure, and should be written down.
b. Obtain a fair amount of distilled water and measure its temperature. Remember to
record this number to the tenths of degrees.
c. To the best of your abilities, put 10 mL of water in the graduated cylinder. Record the
volume, remembering that you should estimate one place past the markings.
d. Weigh and record the mass. Be careful not to spill!
e. Do this three times, taking care to dry (as best as you can) the glassware in between
f. Consult a reference book to determine the density of water at your observed
temperature. Cite your reference properly.

Temperature of distilled water __________________________________________________

Trial No. 1 2 3 Average

mass of empty cylinder
mass of cylinder + water
mass of water
Volume of water
Density of water

Compute for Percent Error using the formula:

% error = [(experimental value-true value)/true value] x 100

B. Density of a Marble

Graduated cylinder Weighing scale Distilled water Thermometer

1. Weigh a marble and record mass.

2. Place 10 mL water in the graduated cylinder.
3. Place the marble inside the graduated cylinder and record volume of the marble as
the volume of water displaced less the volume of water. Record temperature
4. Determine density of marble.

Recorded Temperature: __________________________________________

Trial No. 1 2 3 Average

mass of marble
Initial volume of water
Volume of water plus
Volume of marble
Density of marble

C. Density of a Regular-shaped Object

Ruler Weighing scale Solid Block

1. Obtain a solid block from the instructor. Using your metric ruler, determine the
dimensions of the block (length, width, height) and record the values to the nearest 0.01
cm (1).
2. Calculate the volume of the block.
3. Repeat the measurements for second and third trials.
4. Using a single pan, triple beam balance (Centogram) or a top loading balance (if
available), determine the mass of the block
5. Record the mass to the nearest 0.001 g.
6. Calculate the density of the block at room temperature

Temperature: _______________________________________________

Trial No. 1 2 3 Average

Length of the block
Height of the block
Width of the block
Volume of the block
Mass of the block
Density of the block
Report Sheet 2: Density Measurements

Name: __________________________________ Date Performed: _________________________

Group No. _______________________________ Date Submitted:__________________________

A. Density of Distilled Water

Temperature of distilled water __________________________________________________
Trial No. 1 2 3 Average
mass of empty cylinder
mass of cylinder + water
mass of water
Volume of water
Density of water
Percent error

B. Density of a Marble
Recorded Temperature: __________________________________________
Trial No. 1 2 3 Average
mass of marble
Initial volume of water
Volume of water plus
Volume of marble
Density of marble

C. Density of a Regular-shaped object

Temperature: _______________________________________________
Trial No. 1 2 3 Average
Length of the block
Height of the block
Width of the block
Volume of the block
Mass of the block
Density of the block

1. The density of iron is 7.29 g/cm3. What is its density in the SI units of kg/m3? Show your
2. Why can density be used as a means for identification?
3. A miner discovered some yellow nuggets. They weighed 105 g and had a volume of
21 cm3. Were the nuggets gold or “fool’s gold” (pyrite)? (The density of gold is 19.3
g/cm3 and that of pyrite is 5.0 g/cm3 at 20˚C.) Show your work to justify your answer.
4. Hexane has a density of 0.659 g/cm3 at room temperature. How many mL are needed
to have 30.0 g of liquid? Show your calculations. Will hexane float in water at room
temperature? Explain.
5. Iron (density =7.86 g/cm3) should sink in water since its density is greater than that of
water. However, ships (for example, the Titanic) have hulls constructed of steel, an iron
alloy, and float. Explain why this is possible.
6. List some characteristic properties of matter that are intensive properties.
7. A student doing a density determination of a liquid used a 25-mL volumetric pipet.
When measuring a liquid with the pipet, the student blew out all the liquid, including the
small amount from the tip. Explain how this act will influence the density determination.
8. A student wished to determine the density of an irregular piece of metal and one
obtained the following data: (a) mass of the metal: 10.724 g; (b) volume by
displacement: (1) graduated cylinder with water: 31.35 mL, (2) graduated cylinder with
water and metal: 35.30 mL. Show your calculations for determining the density, and from
the table below, identify the metal.
Sample Formula Density
Aluminum Al 2.70
Iron Fe 7.86
Tin (white) Sn 7.29
Zinc Zn 7.13
Lead Pb 11.30
Source: Brown, et al., 2015
Learning Competency: Practice chemical nomenclature: writing the chemical formulas
of ionic compounds, and naming ionic compounds from formulas
Name: __________________________________ Date Performed: ________________________
Group No. _______________________________ Date Submitted:__________________________

Just like people, substances are systematically named to avoid confusion. The system
used in naming substances is called chemical nomenclature. The rules for chemical
nomenclature are based on the division of substances into categories. The major division
is between organic and inorganic compounds. Organic compounds contain carbon
and hydrogen, often in combination with oxygen, nitrogen, or other elements. All others
are inorganic compounds. This activity intends to help students understand the basic
rules for naming three categories of inorganic compounds: ionic compounds, molecular
compounds, and acids (Brown, et al., 2015).

Names and Formulas of Ionic Compounds

1. Cations
a. Cations formed from metal atoms have the same name as the metal:
Na+ sodium ion Zn2+ zinc ion Al3+ aluminum ion
b. If a metal can form cations with different charges, the positive charge is indicated by
a Roman numeral in parentheses following the name of the metal:
Fe2+ iron (II) ion Cu+ copper (I) ion
Fe iron (III) ion
3+ Cu2+ copper (II) ion
Note: Ions of the same element that have different charges may have different
properties, such as colors. Most metals that form cations with different charges are
transition metals. To distinguish the differently charged ions of a metal, the suffixes -ous
and -ic are employed. (Brown, et al., 2015):
Fe2+ ferrous ion Cu+ cuprous ion
Fe 3+ ferric ion Cu2+ cupric ion
c. Cations formed from nonmetal atoms have names that end in -ium:
NH4+ ammonium ion H3O+ hydronium ion

The table below shows formulas of common cations

Charge Formula Name Formula Name

1+ H+ hydrogen ion NH4+ ammonium ion
Li+ lithium ion Cu+ copper (I) or cuprous ion
Na+ sodium ion
K+ potassium ion
Cs+ cesium ion
Ag+ silver ion
2+ Mg2+ magnesium ion Co2+ cobalt (II) or cobaltous ion
Ca2+ calcium ion Cu2+ copper (II) or cupric ion
Sr2+ strontium ion Fe2+ iron (II) or ferrous ion
Ba2+ barium ion Mn2+ manganese (II) or manganous ion
Zn2+ zinc ion Hg22+ mercury (I) or mercurous ion
Cd2+ cadmium ion Hg2+ mercury (II) or mercuric ion
Ni2+ nickel (II) or nickelous ion
Pb2+ lead (II) or plumbous ion
Sn2+ tin (II) or stannous ion
3+ Al3+ aluminum ion Fe3+ iron (III) or ferric ion
Cr3+ chromium (III) or chromic ion
Source: Brown, et al., 2015
Note: The ions at the right side are the monatomic ions with no possible other charges.
Those on the right side are mostly polyatomic cations. The Hg22+ ion is unusual because,
even though it is a metal ion, it is not monatomic. It is called the mercury (I) ion because
it can be thought of as two Hg+ ions bound together (Brown, et al., 2015).

Name each of the following monatomic cations:

1. Li+ ___________________ 6. Fe3+ _____________________________

2. Ag+ ___________________ 7. Cd2+ _____________________________
3. Al3+ ___________________ 8. Mg2+ _____________________________
4. Mn2+ ___________________ 9. Sn4+ _____________________________
5. H+ ___________________ 10. Na+ _____________________________

2. Anions

a. The names of monatomic anions are formed by replacing the ending of the name of
the element with -ide:
H hydride ion O2 oxide ion N3 nitride ion
Source: Brown, et al., 2015

A few polyatomic anions also have names ending in -ide:

OH hydroxide ion CN cyanide ion O22 peroxide ion
Source: Brown, et al., 2015

b. Polyatomic anions containing oxygen have names ending in either -ate or -ite and
are called oxyanions. The -ate is used for the most common or representative oxyanion
of an element, and -ite is used for an oxyanion that has the same charge but one O
atom fewer:

NO3 nitrate ion SO42 sulfate ion

NO2 nitrite ion SO32 sulfite ion
Source: Brown, et al., 2015

Prefixes are used when the series of oxyanions of an element extends to four members,
as with the halogens. The prefix per- indicates one more O atom than the oxyanion
ending in -ate; hypo- indicates one O atom fewer than the oxyanion ending in -ite:

ClO4 perchlorate ion (one more O atom than chlorate

ClO3 chlorate ion
ClO2 chlorite (one O atom fewer than chlorate
ClO hypochlorite ion (one O atom fewer than chlorite)
Source: Brown, et al., 2015

c. Anions derived by adding H+ to an oxyanion are named by adding as a prefix the

word hydrogen or dihydrogen, as appropriate:

CO32 carbonate ion PO43 phosphate ion

HCO3 hydrogen carbonate ion H2PO4 dihydrogen phosphate ion
Source: Brown, et al., 2015

Notice that each H+ added reduces the negative charge of the parent anion by one.
An older method for naming some of these ions uses the prefix bi-. Thus, the HCO3- ion is
commonly called the bicarbonate ion, and HSO4- is sometimes called the bisulfate ion.
The table below lists the common anions.
Name each of the following anions:

F- ______________________ S2- _______________________

Br- ______________________ N3- _______________________
I- ______________________ O2- _______________________
Cl- ______________________ C4- ________________________
P3- ______________________ H- ________________________
Common Anions and Polyatomic ions

Charge Formula Name Formula Name

1 H hydride ion CH3COO acetate ion
F fluoride ion ClO3 chloratem ion
Cl chloride ion NO3 perchlorate ion
Br bromide ion MnO4 nitrate ion
CN cyanide ion permanganate ion
OH hydroxide ion CO32 carbonate ion
2 
O2 oxide ion CrO42 chromate ion
O22 peroxide ion Cr2O72 dichromate ion
S2 sulfide ion SO42 sulfate ion
3 N3 nitride ion PO43 phosphate ion
Source: Brown, et al., 2015

Name each of the following polyatomic ions:

1. CN- _________________________ CrO42- _________________________

2. OH- _________________________ NO3- __________________________
3. SO42- _________________________ PO43- __________________________
4. NH4* _________________________ CO32- __________________________
5. MnO4- _________________________ CH3COO- __________________________

3. Ionic compounds

Names of ionic compounds consist of the cation name followed by the anion name:

CaCl2 calcium chloride

Al (NO3)3 aluminum nitrate
Cu(ClO4)2 copper(II)perchlorate (or cupric perchlorate)
Source: Brown, et al., 2015

Note: In the chemical formulas for aluminum nitrate and copper (II) perchlorate,
parentheses followed by the appropriate subscript are used because the compounds
contain two or more polyatomic ions.
Combine each pair of ions to get the chemical formula, then name the compound

Individual Ions Compound Formula Compound Name

Mg+2 F MgF2 magnesium fluoride
Ca+2 S2 ______________ ________________
Al +3 P 3
______________ ________________
K+ Cl _______________ _________________
Provide the name of the compound given its chemical formula

Formula Individual Ions Name of Compound

MgCl2 Mg+2 Cl ____________________
ZnCO3 ______ ______ ____________________
K2S ______ ______ _____________________
FePO4 ______ ______ _____________________
SnO2 ______ ______ _____________________
CuBr2 ______ ______ _____________________
Ag3N ______ ______ _____________________

Write the chemical formula from the name given for each compound

Name of Compound Individual Ions Formula

Iron (III) chloride Fe3+ Cl FeCl3
Lithium cyanide ________________ ________________ ________________
Silver Nitrate ________________ ________________ ________________
Silver phospide ________________ ________________ ________________
Calcium chloride ________________ ________________ ________________
Zinc Carbonate ________________ ________________ ________________
Copper (II) acetate ________________ ________________ ________________

Name the following molecular compounds:

N2O4 _______________________ Cl2O7 ___________________
SiBr4 _______________________ XeF6 ___________________
P4O10 _______________________ SO4 ___________________
CCl4 _______________________ SO3 ___________________

Names and Formulas of Acids

a. Acids containing anions whose names end in -ide are named by changing the -ide
ending to -ic, adding the prefix hydro- to this anion name, and then following with the
word acid:
Anion Corresponding Acid
Cl (chloride) HCl hydrochloric acid
S2 (sulfide) H2S hydrosulfuric acid
Source: Brown, et al., 2015

b. Acids containing anions whose names end in -ate or -ite are named by changing -ate
to -ic and -ite to -ous and then adding the word acid. Prefixes in the anion name are
retained in the name of the acid:

Anion Corresponding Acid

ClO4 perchlorate HClO4 perchloric acid
ClO3 chlorate HClO3 chloric acid
ClO2 chlorite HClO2 chlorous acid
ClO hypochlorite HClO hypochlorous acid
Source: Brown, et al., 2015

Names and Formulas of Binary Molecular Compound

1. The name of the element farther to the left in the periodic table (closest to the metals)
is usually written first. An exception occurs when the compound contains oxygen and
chlorine, bromine, or iodine (any halogen except fluorine), in which case oxygen is
written last.
2. If both elements are in the same group, the one closer to the bottom of the table is
named first.
3. The name of the second element is given an -ide ending.
4. Greek prefixes indicate the number of atoms of each element.

Note: Exception: The prefix mono- is never used with the first element. When the prefix
ends in a or o and the name of the second element begins with a vowel, the a or o of
the prefix is often dropped.

Cl2O dichlorine monoxide NF3 nitrogen trifluoride

N2O4 dinitrogen tetroxide P4S10 tetraphosphorus decasulfide
Source: Brown, et al., 2015

Name each of the following ions and determine the formula and name of the
corresponding acids that form from the ions

Ion Name of Ion Formula of Acid Name of Acid

Cl chloride ion HCl hydrochloric acid
CO32 _________________ _________________ _____________________________
SO32 _________________ _________________ _____________________________
_________________ _________________ _____________________________
Activity 3: Balancing Chemical Equations
Learning Competency: Perform exercises on writing and balancing chemical equations

Name: __________________________________ Date Performed: _________________________

Group No. ______________________________ Date Submitted:__________________________


A chemical reaction is a reaction between two or more substances to produce new

materials. It can be classified into six types: combination, synthesis, decomposition,
combustion, single and double displacement, and acid-base. A chemical equation
needs to be balanced at all times, in order to determine accurately the amount of
substance used and produced in a chemical reaction. This activity intends to let the
learners experience a concrete example of a chemical reaction, as well as help them
practice writing and balancing chemical equations.

Supplemental Experiment: THE BURNING MONEY

Money (paper bill) Match Graduated cylinder
70% ethyl alcohol 250-ml beakers (2) Distilled water

1. Measure 10 mL distilled water and 70% alcohol separately.

2. Transfer the water and alcohol into the beakers. Label each.
3. Submerge money into the water for about a minute. Remove and shake off to release
excess water.
4. Submerge the wet bill into the 70% alcohol solution for about a minute. Remove and
shake off excess alcohol solution.
5. Start burning the money. Record observations.

CAUTION: Take extra care in lighting the money. Otherwise your hands and face will burn
up too.


1. What was the importance of submerging your paper bill in the water before dipping it
on 70% ethyl alcohol?

2. Write the complete chemical equation of “the burning money” and classify.

3. Balance and classify the reactions below:

a. Mg(s) + ZnCl2(aq)  MgCl2(aq) + Zn(s)

Balanced chemical equation: __________________________________________________
Type of chemical equation: __________________________________________________

b. AgNO3(aq) + CaCl2(aq)  AgCl(s) + Ca(NO3)2(aq)

Balanced chemical equation: __________________________________________________
Type of chemical equation: ___________________________________________________
c. KClO3(s)  KCl(s) + O2(g)
Balanced chemical equation: ___________________________________________________
Type of chemical equation: ___________________________________________________

d. C2H6(g) + O2(g)  CO2(g) + H2O(g)

Balanced chemical equation: ___________________________________________________
Type of chemical equation: ___________________________________________________

e. PbCO3(s)  PbO(s) + CO2(g)

Balanced chemical equation: ___________________________________________________
Type of chemical equation: ___________________________________________________

f. C2H4(g) + O2(g)  CO2(g) + H2O(g)

Balanced chemical equation: ___________________________________________________
Type of chemical equation: ___________________________________________________

g. Mg(s) + N2(g)  Mg3N2(s)

Balanced chemical equation: ___________________________________________________
Type of chemical equation: ___________________________________________________

h. C2H8O2(l) + O2(g)  CO2(g) + H2O(g)

Balanced chemical equation: ___________________________________________________
Type of chemical equation: ___________________________________________________
4. Write and balance the chemical equation described in the chemical reactions below:
a. Reaction between methane and Bromine.

b. Magnesium metal burns brilliantly in air to produce magnesium oxide.


c. Solid calcium carbonate decomposes to form metal oxides and carbon dioxide when

d. combination reaction between lithium metal and fluorine gas


e. decomposition reaction that occurs when solid barium carbonate is heated


f. Nitrogen and hydrogen react to form ammonia


g. Nitrogen monoxide and oxygen react to form nitrogen dioxide


h. the chemical reaction between solid calcium carbide, CaC 2, and water to form an
aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide and acetylene gas, C2H2.

5. Which of the following reactions is the balanced equation that represents the
decomposition reaction that occurs when silver (I) oxide is heated?
(a) AgO(s)  Ag(s)+ O(g) (b) 2AgO(s)  Ag(s)+ O2(g)
(c) Ag2O(s)  2Ag(s)+ O(g) (d) 2Ag2O(s)  4Ag(s)+ O2(g)
Experiment 3: Acid-Base Reaction
Learning Competency: Determine mass relationship in a chemical reaction.


Stoichiometry is the study of the quantitative relationship between the amount of

reactants used and the amount of products formed. This is primarily based on the law of
conservation of mass, which requires equal masses of the reactants and products. This
experiment will enable learners to determine the mass relationship in the reaction
between baking soda (sodium carbonate) and muriatic acid (HCl).

Conical flasks Watch glass Tongs
Muriatic acid Heating apparatus pipettes
Baking soda Weighing apparatus Stirring rod

Experimental Procedures

CAUTION: Be reminded to wear protective gears while performing this experiment.

1. Weigh a beaker and record its mass

2. Add approximately 2.0 grams of baking soda
3. Add 3-5 drops of muriatic acid while stirring, until the bubbling stops.
4. Keep the beaker partially covered with watch glass.
5. Add two more drops of muriatic acid to make sure the reaction has gone to
completion (all baking soda should be dissolved).
6. Place beaker in the heating apparatus. Heat gently and boil liquid to dryness.
7. Let the beaker cool. Record mass of beaker + NaCl
Report Sheet 3: Acid-Base Reaction
Name: __________________________________ Date Performed: _________________________
Group No. _______________________________ Date Submitted:__________________________

Data Table

Mass of empty beaker g

Mass of beaker and Na2CO3 g
Mass of Na2CO3 g
Mass of beaker and NaCl g
Mass of NaCl g
Actual Yield of NaCl g
Theoretical Yield g
Percent Yield g


1. Which starting material in the reaction is the limiting?


2. What evidence will support your answer in number 1?


3. How did you compute for the theoretical yield of NaCl? Show.

4. What does the percent yield tell you?


5. What can be accounted to the differing actual and theoretical yields?

6. What was the indication that the reaction was already complete?

7. Discuss at least two possible means of improving percent yield.

EXPERIMENT 4: Graham’s Law of Effusion
Learning Competency: Demonstrate Graham’s law of effusion in an experiment

Graham’s law of effusion states that the rate of effusion of a gas is inversely proportional
to the square root of the mass of its particles. This law explains why a helium-inflated
balloon deflates more quickly than air-filled balloon. Mathematically, it can be stated as:

Source: Brown, et al., 2015


Two (2) same-sized balloon Two different gasses stopwatch string

Stopwatch pump ruler

Experimental Procedures

1. Inflate one balloon using your breath, the other with your pump.
2. Record diameter and circumference using a ruler and a string.
3. Deflate the balloons at the same time. Record.
4. Calculate the effusion for each gas (distance per unit time it took to fully deflate the
balloon). Make sure to be consistent with the units used.
5. Use Graham’s law to calculate the theoretical ratio of the diffusion of gases.

Gas Rate of effusion

Theoretical ratio of the diffusion of the two gases

1. List at least two (2) practical applications of Graham’s Law.

2. If equal amounts of helium and argon are placed in a porous container and allowed
to escape, which gas will escape faster? How much faster? Show solutions.
3. What is the molecular weight of a gas that diffuses 1/50 as fast as hydrogen?
Activity 4: Orbitals and Quantum Numbers
Learning Competency: Perform exercises on quantum numbers
Name: __________________________________ Date Performed: _________________________
Group No. _______________________________ Date Submitted:__________________________


In 1926, Erwin Schrödinger proposed an equation, now known as Schrödinger’s wave

equation. This equation treats both the wave-like and particle-like behaviors of an
electron, which paved the way for quantum mechanics, a new approach to dealing
sub-atomic particles.

Schrödinger’s equation gave a powerful new means of viewing the structure of

electrons. The solution to Schrödinger’s equation for the hydrogen atom yields a set of
wave functions called orbitals. Each orbital possesses its own shape and energy.

Unlike the Bohr model, which only introduced a single quantum number, the quantum
mechanical model uses three quantum numbers, n, l, and ml

1. The principal quantum number, n, can have positive integral values 1, 2, 3, . . .

. As n increases, the orbital becomes larger, and the electron spends more time
farther from the nucleus.

2. The second quantum number—the angular momentum quantum number, l—

can have integral values from 0 to (n – 1) for each value of n. This quantum
number defines the shape of the orbital.

Values of l 0 1 2 3
Letter used s p d f
Source: Brown, et al., 2015

3. The magnetic quantum number, m l, can have integral values between -l and l,
including zero. This quantum number describes the orientation of the orbital in

Possible Subshell Possible Number of Total number

n values of l designation values of ml orbital in of orbital in
subshell shell
1 0 1s 0 1 1
2 0 2s 0 1 4
1 2p 1,0,-1 3
3 0 3s 0 1 9
1 3p 1,0,-1 3
2 3d 2,1,0,-1,-2 5
4 0 4s 0 1 16
1 4p 1,0,-1 3
2 4d 2,1,0,-1,-2 5
3 4f 3,2,1,0,-1,-2,- 7
Chemistry the Central Science, Brown, et al., 2015
Practice Problems:
Note: You may need to refer to previous discussions, or to the handouts provided by your
instructor on Quantum Numbers.

1. What are the shapes of s, p, and d orbitals respectively?


2. How many 1s orbitals are there in an atom? 4p orbitals? 4d orbitals?

3. What is the maximum number of orbitals with the data below:

n=4 l=1 ____________________________

n=2 l=2 ____________________________
n=3 l=2 _____________________________
n=5 l=1 ml=-1 _____________________________

4. Which orbitals cannot exist? 2p 3p 4d 3f 6s 2d


5. Write a set of quantum numbers for a 4f orbital.


6. Describe the electrons defined by the following quantum numbers:

n l ml
3 0 0 ____________________________________
2 1 1 ____________________________________
4 2 -1 ____________________________________
3 3 2 ____________________________________
3 1 2 _____________________________________

6. How does the size of a given type of orbital vary with n?

7. Give the complete set of quantum numbers for all the electrons that could populate
the 3d subshell of an atom.
8. Fill the missing values in the table below:

n l Sublevel Possible ml values No. of orbitals

3 2 _______________ ______________________________ __________
2 0 _______________ ______________________________ __________
5 1 _______________ ______________________________ __________
4 3 _______________ ______________________________ __________

9. What is the name given to the subshells of the following shells?

a. n=2 shell b. n=3 shell
______________________ ______________________

10. How many subshells are there for the following principal quantum numbers?
a. n=2 b. n=3
______________________ ______________________
Activity 5: Electronic Configuration
Learning Competency: Perform exercises on writing electronic configuration

Name: __________________________________ Date Performed: _________________________

Group No. _______________________________ Date Submitted:__________________________


This activity intends to help learners practice on writing the electronic configuration of an
atom. Electron configuration describes the way electrons are distributed among the
various orbitals of an atom. The electron is most stable when it is at its ground state—the
lowest possible energy state. If only there are no restrictions on the possible number of
electrons to reside at a single orbital, all electrons would have crowded the ground
state. However, following Pauli’s exclusion principle, a single orbital can only
accommodate at most two electrons. Thus, the orbitals are filled in order of increasing
energy, with no more than two electrons per orbital.

Practice Here!

1. Draw the orbital diagram for the electron configuration of oxygen, atomic number 8.
How many unpaired electrons does an oxygen atom possess?

2. How many of the elements in the second row of the periodic table (Li through Ne) will
have at least one unpaired electron in their electron configurations?

3. Write the electron configuration for silicon, element 14, in its ground state. (b) How
many unpaired electrons does a ground-state silicon atom possess?

4. What is the characteristic valence electron configuration of the group 7A elements,

the halogens?

5. Based on its position in the periodic table, write the condensed electron configuration
for bismuth, element 83. How many unpaired electrons does a bismuth atom have?

6. Write the condensed electron configurations for the following atoms, using the
appropriate noble-gas core abbreviations: (a) Cs, (b) Ni, (c) Se, (d) Cd
a. __________________________ b._______________________________
c. __________________________ d._______________________________
7. Provide the correct electron configuration

Electron configuration
1. Bromide ion
2. Nickel
3. Arsenic
4. Boron
5. Argon

8. What element has the electronic configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d10


9. Give the number of unpaired electrons for the following atoms:

Atom No. of unpaired electrons
1. Nickel
2. Arsenic
3. Sulfur
4. Calcium
5. Cadmium

10. Identify whether the element is diamagnetic or paramagnetic on its ground state.
Hint: Diamagnetic elements have no unpaired electrons while paramagnetic elements
have at least one unpaired electron.
1. Nickel
2. Arsenic
3. Sulfur
4. Calcium
5. Cadmium
6. Barium
7. Selenium
8. Zinc
9. Silicon
10. Potassium

11. Cite at least two (2) possible consequences when electrons get promoted from the
ground state to the excited state/s.

12. Write the shorthand electron configuration for:

1. Nickel
2. Arsenic
3. Sulfur
4. Calcium
5. Cadmium
6. Barium
7. Selenium
8. Zinc
9. Silicon
10. Potassium
13. Draw the complete orbital diagram for Magnesium.

14. Draw orbital diagrams for the shorthand configurations of Ni and Ge

a. Ni

B. Ge

15. Is the electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s24d104p5 valid or not? Explain.

Experiment 5: Flame Test
Learning Competency: Investigate reactions of simple ions and apply these in
qualitative analysis

Name: __________________________________ Date Performed: _________________________

Group No. _______________________________ Date Submitted:__________________________

Flame test is a qualitative test conducted to identify the presence of a relatively small
number of metal ions in a compound. The salt of each metal, once ignited, gives off a
distinct color, which is the basis for the identification. The principle behind this test is that
when electrons are heated, they usually gain energy that would make them move up
from their lowest energy state (ground state) to the excited states (higher energies).

Beaker Nichrome wire Lithium chloride
Bunsen burner Deionized water Copper chloride
Rubber tube 6M HCl Potassium chloride
Wash bottle Calcium chloride Strontium chloride

Experimental Procedures
Note: If the salt solutions are unavailable in the laboratory, make salt solutions out from
home materials, e.g. table salt, sodium acetate etc.

1. Obtain a Nichrome wire and about 10 mL of 6M HCl solution in a 50-mL beaker.

2. Dip the tip of the Nichrome wire into the 6M HCl solution before every flame test.
3. Rinse the loop with deionized water using a wash bottle.
4. Ignite the Bunsen burner and adjust the flame so that it is as hot as possible (blue
flame with light-blue inner cone).
5. Heat the loop in the hottest part of the flame until no color is imparted by the loop.
5. Start testing each of the salts. Record the color of the flame emitted by each salt.


1. Why do you need to dip the Nichrome wire into 6M HCl solution before every flame

2. Name the colors in visible light, beginning with that highest energy (shortest

3. What is monochromatic light?


4. In the flame test, sodium gives the brightest and most persistent color in the flame. Do
you think that potassium could be detected visually in the presence of sodium by
heating this mixture in a flame? Explain your answer.
GAME 1: Periodic Properties of Matter
Learning Competencies: Determine the periodic properties of the main group elements.


The periodic table is arranged in such a way that those elements with similar properties
and with the same number of electrons in their valence orbital are arranged in the same
column. However, despite sharing some similarities for being in the same column, there
can still be differences on their properties, mainly because these elements do not share
the same rows in the periodic table. For example, sulfur and oxygen both belong to 6A,
and thus exhibit very similar properties. Take note that despite sharing the same column
on the table, what is evident is that at room temperature, oxygen is a colorless gas, while
sulfur is a yellow solid. This game intends to help students familiarize the properties and
trends of elements in the periodic table.

Game Cards (Note: You may obtain this from Aurora National High School)

Game Mechanics
About the game
 This game is called “MOVE UP, MOVE On, or TUMBLE” and will be played by bona
fide STEM learners.
 The game will make use of a pre-made cards (available at Aurora National High
 Each card will have two (2) different elements with important information
available (such as atomic weight, charge, electronegativity value, and atomic
 All charges will be indicated for elements with more than one stable charge and
depending on the player, any charge in the card may be utilized.
 Each player will be given five (5) random cards to play with.
About the players
 The players will be composed of Senior High School students, particularly STEM
 The class (STEM) will be divided into groups. Each group must have five (7)
 Each group will have a representative to play with the representatives of the
other groups.
 The game will go on simultaneously, thus, depending on the number of students
in the class, seven (7) tables will be prepared for the seven groups of players.
 The score of the representatives will be summed up to get the total scores for the
Actual Game
To start the game, the sequence of players will be determined (example tossing
of coins, etc.). The first player will dictate the requirement. For example, if the player has
“Hydrogen” on his/her card, he/she may say “Move on” or “Move up.” If it is ‘move on”,
it means (along the row), the second player must present “"Helium," in order to be able
to give the next requirement. If the player has no card that is along the row of the card
of the one asking the requirement, the next player, according to the sequence, will be
given the chance to present the card. The first player to give off/ lay down all the cards
will be declared winner and will be credited ten (10) points.
The player may also specify the requirement based on the data on the cards. For
example, if the player has Co (electronegativity=1.9) and says “move on” with
electronegativity value. The next player must present As (2.0), instead of Ni
(electronegativity value=1.9), Cu (1.9), Zn (1.6), etc.
Tumble, will require decreasing values. For instance, if the player has Li and says
“tumble” with electronegativity, this means that the next player may give Na, or, K, or
Rb, or Cs, or even Ba! Please follow legends to avoid confusion.

Tumble: Decreasing values, anywhere in the periodic table
Move on: Increasing values along the row
Move up: Increasing value of the column

Player Rank Points

1 1 10
2 2 9
3 3 8
4 4 7
5 5 5
6 6 5
7 7 5

Individual Score Sheet:

Table No: __________________________________________________________________
Scorer: __________________________________________________________________
Name and Signature of Scorer

Name of Player Group No. Rank Points

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7

Verified by: _____________________________________________________________________

Name and Signature of Instructor

Group Score Sheet:

Table No: __________________________________________________________________
Scorer: __________________________________________________________________
Name and Signature of Scorer

Group No. Accumulated Points


Verified by: _____________________________________________________________

Name and Signature of Instructor
Activity 6: Covalent Bonding
Learning Competencies:
1. Perform exercises on writing Lewis structures of ions/ionic compounds and
molecules; and
2. Determine and observe evidence of molecular polarity

Name: __________________________________ Date Performed: _________________________

Group No. _______________________________ Date Submitted:__________________________


Chemical bonding is the foundation of most chemical reactions. Generally, chemical

bonding may happen when there is transfer (ionic) or sharing (covalent) of electrons in a
molecule. But why does this happen? Molecules, like us, would want to achieve a
certain kind of stability. Electrons are either shared or transferred so that atoms may
acquire a noble-gas configuration. This activity will help students practice writing Lewis
structures, which is the commonly used way to represent the formation of covalent
bonds. Examples are shown in the pictures below:

Source: Brown, et al., 2015

In forming the covalent bond, each hydrogen atom needed a second electron in order
to achieve the stability experienced by the two-electron noble gas Helium.

Source: Brown, et al., 2015

Just like Hydrogen, chlorine also wanted to become stable like Argon, thus, it needs to
share one electron with another chlorine.

Practice Sheet:

1. Predict the formula of the stable binary compound (a compound composed of two
elements) formed when nitrogen reacts with fluorine and draw its Lewis structure.

2. Which of these molecules has the same number of shared electron pairs as unshared
electron pairs? (a) HCl, (b) H2S, (c) PF3, (d) CCl2F2 (e) Br2.

3. In each case, which bond is more polar? (a) B¬Cl or C¬Cl, (b) P¬F or P¬Cl. Indicate in
each case which atom has the partial negative charge. Compute and show solutions
for the change in electronegativity values.

4. Which of the following bonds is most polar: S¬Cl, S¬Br, Se¬Cl, or Se¬Br?
5. The bond length in the HCl molecule is 1.27 Å. (a) Calculate the dipole moment, in
debyes, that results if the charges on the H and Cl atoms were 1+ and 1- respectively. (b)
The experimentally measured dipole moment of HCl(g) is 1.08 D. What magnitude of
charge, in units of e, on the H and Cl atoms leads to this dipole moment?

6. Draw the Lewis structure for phosphorus trichloride, PCl 3.

7. Draw the Lewis structure for HCN.

8. Draw the Lewis structure for the BrO3- ion.

9. Three possible Lewis structures for the thiocyanate ion, NCS-, are

Source: Brown, et al., 2015

(a) Determine the formal charges in each structure.


(b) Based on the formal charges, which Lewis structure is the dominant one?

10. Draw the Lewis structure for ICl4-.

Activity 7: Structural Models
Learning Competency: Perform exercises on the structure of organic compounds using
In many Eastern cultures, a lotus plant symbolizes purity, mainly because of its self-
cleaning property. The lotus plant, which grows in an aquatic environment, has leaves
that are hydrophobic (water repellant). This property allows the said plant to float on
water, as well as causes any water that falls on its leaf to bead up and roll off, collecting
dirt in the process, keeping the lotus leaves clean. The concept of intermolecular forces
is a need to understand the lotus effect and other phenomena involving both liquids
and solids. This activity will help the students concretize the structure of organic
compounds in order to easily understand the concept.
Clay or table tennis balls sticks
Paint glue gun
Paint brush extra materials (depending on what you have)

Start Activity

Using the materials, let students generate the structure of at least two compounds in the
pictures below:

Source: Brown, et al., 2015

a. nanotube b. graphene

c. Nickel arsenide
Source: Brown, et al., 2015
Experiment 6: Fermentation
Learning Competency: Perform laboratory activities on enzyme action, protein
denaturation, separation of components in coconut milk


One of the oldest and often employed chemical processes known to humans is the
fermentation of sugar to ethanol. Fermentation is an anaerobic process (absence of
oxygen) used primarily by yeast. The main products of this process are ethanol and
carbon dioxide.


Fruits sugar cheesecloth heating apparatus


1. Wash and peel ripe or slightly overripe fruits.

2. Crush the peeled fruit and press well to extract juice.
3. Filter the extracted juice.
4. Add two parts of water to every part of extracted juice. Then add one part sugar to
every four parts of the diluted juice. Shake well.
5. Heat over a low fire for 30 minutes. Make sure the mixture does not boil.
6. Set aside to cool.
7. Add 5 grams of commercial dry yeast to every 3.6 liters of juice mixture.
8. Pour the mixture into a suitable bottle. Plug the bottle with a loosely rolled cotton wad.
Set aside for two (2) more weeks for fermentation until all the air bubble in the mixture
have been released.
9. After fermentation, pasteurize the wine by placing the bottle containing the mixture
into a water bath and heat over a low fire and allow to steam for 30 minutes.
10. Remove the bottle from the water bath and allow it to stand until all the sediments
have settled. The wine is ready for consumption after 2 to 3 months of aging.
11. (Optional) Exhibit your wine.


1. What is the purpose of adding yeast?

2. What is the purpose of pasteurizing the wine?

3. Write the complete chemical equation of fermentation.


4. Cite means on verifying the alcohol content in your wine.


Brown, Theodore, Lemay, H. Eugene, Jr., Bursten, Bruce, and Burdge, Julia. Chemistry:
The Central Science 13th edition. Pearson Education, Inc., New Jersey, USA, 2015.

Zumdahl, Steven and Zumdahl, Susa. Chemistry: Atom’s First Approach 1st edition.
Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, 2012.

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