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Double Curvature Bending of Variable-Arc-Length Elasticas

Article  in  Journal of Applied Mechanics · March 1999

DOI: 10.1115/1.2789173


28 180

4 authors, including:

Somchai Chucheepsakul C. M. Wang

King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi National University of Singapore


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S. Chucheepsakul
Department of Civil Engineering,
King Mongkut's University of
Technology Thonburi,
Double Curvature Bending of
Bangkok 10140, Thailand
Mere. ASME Variable-Arc-Length Elasticas
C. M. Wang This paper deals with the double curvature bending o f variable arc-length elasticas
Department of Civil Engineering under two applied moments at fixed support locations. One end of the elastica is held
while the other end portion of the elastica may slide freely on a frictionless support
at a prescribed distance from the held end. Thus, the variable deformed length of
X. Q. He the elastica between the end support and the frictionless support depends on the
Department of Mechanical and relative magnitude of the applied moments. To solve this difficult and highly nonlinear
Production Engineering problem, two approaches have been used. In the first approach, the elliptic integrals
are formulated based on the governing nonlinear equation of the problem. The perti-
The National University of Singapore, nent equations obtained from applying the boundary conditions are then solved
Kent Ridge 119260, Singapore iteratively,for solution. In the second approach, the shooting-optimization method is
employed in which the set of governing differential equations is numerically integrated
using the Runge-Kutta algorithm and the error norm of the terminal boundary condi-
T. Monprapussorn tions is minimized using a direct optimization technique. Both methods furnish almost
Department 0[ Civil Engineering, the same stable and unstable equilibrium solutions. An interesting feature of this kind
King Mongkut's University of of bending problem is that the elastica can form a single loop or snap-back bending
Technology Thonburi, jor some cases of the unstable equilibrium configuration.
Bangkok 10140, Thailand

1 Introduction structures, during operations, may experience this bending con-

figuration as well. Large bending on either portion of the pipe
The class of elastica problems for which the equilibrium
or rod may cause the failure of the structural system. This
deformed arc-length between stationary supports is to be deter-
investigation complements earlier studies that confined bending
mined may be referred to as variable arc-length elastica prob-
to one of a single curvature-type bending. The governing nonlin-
lems. Early studies on variable arc-length elasticas include the
ear differential equation for elasticas subjected to such a double
work by Gospodnetic (1959) and Conway ( 1947 ) who obtained
curvature bending is first derived. Together with the boundary
closed-form solutions for elasticas under a central point load
condition, the equation is solved exactly using the elliptic inte-
while Schile and Sierakowski (1967) treated elasticas under
gral technique. As an independent check, the shooting optimiza-
two symmetrically located point loads. The variable arc-length
tion method is also used to obtain the solutions. In this method,
of the elasticas studied by these early researchers arise from the
the set of governing differential equations is numerically inte-
fact that both end portions of the beams are allowed to slide on
grated using the fifth-order Cash-Karp Runge-Kutta method and
their rigid supports. More recently, Chucheepsakul et al. ( 1994,
the elvor norm minimized by an optimization algorithm. Exten-
1995, 1996, 1997a, b) and Wang et al. (1997) investigated the
sive bending results are presented and salient feature of such a
bending of variable-arc-length elasticas under moment gradient
problem are highlighted.
and a noncentral point load. Unlike the aforementioned earlier
studies, the variableness of the arc-length is due to the fact that
one end of the elastica is now held while the other end portion
of the elastica is allowed to slide on a support. This type of 2 Governing Equation
variable-arc-length elastica problems, which has applications in Figure 1(a) shows an elastica of uniform flexural rigidity
marine risers and cables, has drawn the attention of a number El. It is hinged at end A and supported on a frictionless support
of researchers as shown in recent discussions in the open litera- at B located at a distance L from end A. This beam is subjected
ture (see Hartono, 1997; Golley, 1997).
to a clockwise moment MA = (1 -- /3)M0 at the hinged end A
The present paper continues in this line of research by consid-
and a clockwise moment Mn =/3Mo at B. The scalar parameter
ering the double curvature bending of the variable arc-length /3 proportions the magnitude of the moments applied at A and
elasticas under two applied moments in the same direction ap- B.
plied at the supports. In offshore engineering operations, the
The constitutive relation and the geometric relations are given
double curvature bending configuration of elasticas is known by
as an " S " shaped of the suspended pipe laying system or pipe
drilling system. The lower portion of pipe develops sag-bend
while the upper portion is hog-bend. The class of flexible rods M = - E l -dO
-; -dy
- = sin 0; -&- = cos0 (la,b,c)
such as robot manipulator arms or deployable flexible space ab ds ds

where x, y are the Cartesian rectangular coordinates measured

Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY
from end A and 0 is the slope of the centroidal axis of the
MECHANICS. elastica with respect to the horizontal.
Discussion on the paper should be addressed to the Technical Editor, Professor Figure 1 (b) shows the deformed configuration of elastica
Lewis T. Wheeler, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, under the clockwise moments, the elastica will bend in a double
Houston, TX 77204-4792, and will be accepted until four months after final
publication of the paper itself in the ASME JOURNALOF APPLIEDMECHANICS.
curvature mode for 0 < / 3 < 1 with point C being the point of
Manuscript received by the ASME Applied Mechanics Division, Feb. 1 I, 1998; contraflexure. Considering a free-body diagram of the elastica
tinal revision, Sept. 25, 1998. Associate Technical Editor: R. C. Benson. (Fig. I (c)), the bending moment is given by

Journal of Applied Mechanics Copyright © 1999 by ASME MARCH 1999, Vol. 66 / 87

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M, = (1-fl)Mo M 8 = tiM° where

#Z #Z x
~----~, and ~=

3 Elliptic Integrals Method

Upon integrating Eq. (4) and applying boundary conditions
given in Eqs. ( 5 a - c ) , the set of first-order differential equa-
tions, Eqs. ( 7 a - c ) , and two constraint equations, Eqs. (8) and
( s a -- s c ) (9), are obtained.
= - o = o


- - = COS0; --= sin0 (7b,c)

dx- dx-

2 sin (0a - 0.) = (l - 2fl)/~ cos 0r (8)

2 sin (0~ - Oc) = /32M cos 0i~ (9)

The minus sign ( - ) in Eq. (7a) applies for - O c ~- 0 -< OA and

the plus sign ( + ) applies for - O c -< 0 -~ 0~.
For convenience and generality, the following nondimen-
M, = 0-.a)Mo sional parameters are used:

Motan0~ f2 = # , c o s 0 + sin0+ /z2; #, = - t a n 0 . ; #2=fl2 M]

L A ~_x

u = ~1 + #~; T = cos -I (1) sin -1 l

( 10a . . . . . e)

In view of the foregoing nondimensional terms, the integrations

of the curvature expression in Eq. (7a) and the longitudinal
and transverse coordinate in Eqs. (7b) and (7c) with respect
Fig. 1 (al Undeformed configuration of elastica; (b) deformed configu- to the arc-length parameter x-yield the following pertinent equa-
ration of elastica under clockwise moments; (c) free body of elastica tions:
Case I: tx2 -< v or ~ t -< 2 see 0 , / f l 2.

M. 14. I or - 0 c 0 _< Oz I
M(s) = (1 - f l ) M o - ~ y tan OB - - - ' x . (2)
x-= - - ~ 1 foA W¢o ~ /l~ [ F ( ~ , k ) - F(G,k)] (11)
In view of Eqs. (1) with some algebraic manipulations, Eq. (2)
may be written as
1 t'~ cos 0
d20 Mo
E1 [tan 0. sin 0 + cos 0]. (3)
ds 2 L
sin T
= - ~ { 2 [ E ( , , b , k ) - E('C'a, k ) ] (12)
Then the governing equation, the boundary conditions, and
the inflection condition written in a nondimensional form are
as follows: - [ F ( ~ , k) - F(~A, k)] }
2k cos r
d20 ~ {cos ~ - cos ~A}
= M[tan 0B sin 0 + cos 0] (4)

1 P~ sin 0
c~s0 0:0. = - ( 1 - fl)~;
Y= J0A- -d0
dO = 0 (5a,b,c) -- ~ { 2 [ E ( d I ), k) - E((I)A, k)]
dO = -/3a,I; -d~ o=Oc ~/J.,a7 (13)
-'~ O~OB

- [F(¢~, ~) - F(,bA, k)]}

zlo=oA = o; ylo=o A = O;
2k sin ~- . . . .
+ ~/cos~p- COS~t,AI
xl0=0~ = 1; Ylo=0, = 0 (6a,b,c,d)

88 / Vol. 66, MARCH 1999 Transactions of the A S M E

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For-0c-< 0-<0~ I 1 po cos0
- -- --dO
1 fo dO
S=Sc+-~ -oct
V ? ~- -- ' [ E ( ~ , k ) - E ( 6 9 A , k ) ]
- ~[2F(~c,k)- F(~a,k)- F(~,k)] (14)

1 po cos 0
x =Xc+ 2~J--o,:-~ -dO

- 2!~ {212E(69c, k) - E(69A, k) - E(69, k)l

•2 2y co_s~- { 41 - k 2 sin 2 69 - 41 - k 2 sin 2 69a }

- [2FUbc, k) - F(e)A, k) - F(69, k)] }
2k cos r
{2 cos ~c - cos ~A -- COS 'bl
/~2 + ,, cos ~ r
(15) ~// 2/14 u 1 [E(69, k) - E(69a, k)]

Y=Yc+ ~9~
, ; °odO
s Oc 4 ~
{ 212E(69c, k) - E('I'A, k) - E(69, k)]
+~/ 2M s i ~ r { 4 1 _ k 2sin 269 41 k 2sin 2
- [2F(69c, k) - F(69a, k) - F(69, k)] } ]

2k sin 7-
4u/9i { 2 c o s ~ c - COS69A-- COS~} J IFor-0c -< 0-~ 0~ J

where F ( ~ , k) and E(69, k) are the adjustable elliptic integrals
× [2F(69c, k) - F(69A, k) - F(ff), k)] (21)
of the first and second kind, respectively (Byrd and Friedman,
197l) and define as 1 p0 cos 0
x = Xc + - ~ _ | ---r-dO
F(69, k) = sgn (0) × the Jacobi's standard elliptic integral q2Md-oc ~/~

of first kind ( 17a) /#2 + u sin r f

I 2M ~ l[2E(~c'k)
E(69, k) = sgn (0) × the Jacobi's standard elliptic integral
of second kind (17b) - E(~A, k) - E(ff', k)]


1 ifcos(r + 0)-< 0
sgn(0) = -1 i l ' c o s ( r + 0) > 0 (17c)
_ / # 2 + b, c o s 7-
~/ 2a4 u { 241 - k 2 sin 2 69c

~i=sin t /u[l - s i n ( r +Oi)] ( i = A , B , andC) (17d) - 41 - k 2 sin 2 69A -- 41 -- k 2 sin 2 69 }

V u +#2 (22)
and go sin 0
y = yc + 4 ~ J _ o ~ 7 dO
k = ~ 2u (17e)
V 2~
/~ + L/COS T
f[t2E(69c, k)
The subscripts A, C, and B denote quantities evaluated at end
A, at the point of contraflexure C, and at end B. -- E(69A, k) - E(69, k)]
Case II: #2 -> v or ~V/-> 2 see On]fl 2.
IFor-0c-<0-< Oa ]

1 fl dO
+ ~ 2~ u { 2 4 1 - k 2sin 269c

- 41 - k 2sin 269A- 41 - k 2sin 2~}

= -'/iV 2 [ F ( ~ , k) -- F(t~A, k)] (18)

Journal of Applied Mechanics MARCH 1999, Vol. 66 / 89

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Table 1 Comparison of results for K,/= 3

Rotation at end d Rotation at inflection point C Rotation at end B Arc-length between

end A and end B
Scaling 0~ (rad.) 0c (rad.) 0, (rad.)
para- sB / L

,a Stable Unstable Stable Unstable Stable Unstable Stable Unstable


0.2 0.809178 0.809178 1.676451 1.676451 -0.308262 -0.308261 -0.774967 -0.77496~ -0,25009~ -0.25009~ -0.730252 -0,730253 1.057947 1.057947 1.389155 1.389157

0.3 0.582261 0.582261 1,935173 1.935176 -0.195065 -0.195065 -0.85214C -0.852141 i-0.05989~ -0.059895 -0.753528 -0.753528 1,024429 1.024429 1.571777 1.571778

0.4 0.404192 0.404192 2.200021 2.200024 -0.139999 -0.139999 -0.895187 -0.89518~ 0.101105 0.101105 -0.712570 -0.712570 1.010185 1.010185 1.795838 1.795839

0.5 0.248962 0.248962 2.563713 2.563716 -0.122994 -0.122994 -0.897397 -0.89739~ 0.248962 0.248962 -0.577880 -0.577879 1.006148 1.006148 2.131044 2,131044

0.6 0.107839 0.107839 3.211004 3.211009 -0.134068 -0.134068 -0.781243 -0.781241 0.3891081 0.389108 -0.227209 -0.227208 1.009265 1.009265 2.683418 2,683420

0.7 -0.022824 -0.022823 4.034156 4.034159 -0,166414 -0.166414 -0,50765C -0.50764~ 0.523583 0.523583 0.277445 0,277446 1.018010 1.018010 3,133527 3.133527

0.8 -0.144274 -0.144274 4.584228 4.584237 -0,215100 -0.215099 -0.27135~ -0.27135~ 0,652506 0.652506 0.622864 0.622866 1.031259 1.031259 3,205925 3.205925

0.9 -0,256301 -0.256301 4,910267 4.910275 -0.277533 -0,277532 -0,104691 -0.10468~ 0.774510 0.774510 0.840437 0,840439 1.047787 1.047788 3.126340 3.126340

1.0 -0.357892 -0,357891 5.102634 5.102641 -0.357892 -0.357891 0.011884 0.011888 0.887168 0,887168 0.986463 0.986465 1.066052 1.060052 3.004975 3.004975

EIM = Elliptic integrals method

SOM = Shooting-optimization m e ~ o d

Table 2 Comparison of results for/~/= 4

Arc-length between
Rotation at end A Rotation at inflection point C Rotation at end B
end A and end B
Oa (rad.) 0 c (rad.) 08 (rad.) s~/ L
Stable Unstable Stable Unstable Stable Unstable Stable Unstable


0.3 0.825429 0,825429 1.838025 1,838032 -0.275928 -0,275928 -0.710531 -0.710532 -0.095780 -0.095780 -0.557152 -0.55715,1 1.050532 1.050532 L406683 1.406685

0.4 0.543462 0.543461 2.271076 2.271081 -0.186644 -0.186644 -0.797177 -0.797177 0.135969 0,135969-0.514942-0.5149433 1.018374 1.018374 1.683169 1,683171

0.5 0.330743 0.330743 2.845593 2.845597 -0.161837 -0.161837 -0.794667 -0.79466~ 0.330743 0.330743 -0.296000 -0.29599~ 1.010778 1.010777 2.090479 2.090480

0.6 0.150575 0.150575 3,715098 3,715102 -0,172847 -0.172847 -0.621146 -0.621145 0.507668 0.507669 0.168135 0.168136 1.015525 1,015525 2.590702 2.590704

0.7 -0.006984 -0.006984 4.454271 4.454278 -0.205004 -0.205003 -0.382895 -0.382893 0.670480 0.670480 0.578994 0,578995 I 1.028092 1.028092 2.779393 2.779394
I !
0.8 -0.144723 -0.144723 4.913399:4.913407 -0.248341 -0.248340 -0,200994 -0.200991 0.817771 0.817771 0.834135 0.834136 ~ 1.045181 1.045182 2.748219 2.748219

0.9 -0.263226 -0.263226 5.187674 5.187683 -0.297909 -0.297908 -0.070484 -0.070479 0.946332 0.946333 0.998837 0.998839 1.063600 1.063600 2.650107 2.650107
i i

1.0 -0.363395 -0.363394 5.342972 i 5.342977 -0,363395 -0.363391 0,021717 0.021721! 1.053967 1.053968 1.111548 1.111550 1,080591 1.080593 2.538994 2.538995
EIM = Elliptic integrals method

SOM = Shooting-optimization method

where A = 2sin(0k- 0B)-- (1 - 2 f l ) M c o s 0 n = 0 (25)

(hi=sin 1./u[1-sinO-+Oi)] ( i = A , B , andC) (24a) ,/~ = 2 sin (0~ - Oc) - f12~ cos 0n = 0 (26)
[ 2u f3 = - fo °' Sin
x/~O do + f ~ sin~ O dO = 0. (27)
k = ~;-~ u (24b) oc qf~

In view of the foregoing elliptic integral formulation, there Equation (27) can be expressed in terms of elliptic integrals as
are four independent variables (OA, 0n, 0c, ~r). In practical
problems, quite often the moment M is assigned and the dis-
placements OA, Ot~, and Oc are to be determined. However, if = - "cos ~r{ 212EU!~c, k) - E(~A, k) - E(d~n, k)]
the given value o f / ~ is greater than the critical or maximum
value M,~ (see definition below), there is no solution possible.
- [ 2 F ( ' b c , k) - F ( ~ A , k) - F(~b~, k)] }
Therefore, instead of assigning M, the value of 0n has been
assigned and the unknowns to be solved are OA, OC, and M.
Three independent equations are required for solution, for in- + ./2,2k sin ~-{ 2 cos (be - cos (ha - cos ~n },
stance Eqs. (6d), (8), and (9) with the assistance of either Eq.
(16) or (23). The system of nonlinear equations is written as
follows: if#2--< u (28a)

90 / Vol. 66, MARCH 1999 Transactions of the ASME

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7.00 - I

O 0'ad. )
-2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00

Fig. 2 Relationship b e t w e e n / ~ / a n d 04, and OB for 0 -~/J ~ 0.35

• 0,f,
/~:l cTxTx,Ax~ = - f . (31)
cos 7- [2E(4)c, k) E (cl~A, k)
/./ Step 4 Check if I AxT~l I ~ c, if not, repeat Steps 2 - 4 until
the specified tolerance set is achieved.
Step 5 Once 0a, Oc, and M are determined and the deflection
-E(q}n,k)]-(tz~+u)[2F(dPc.,k) y at any distance x can be obtained fi'om either Eqs.
(12), (13), (15), (16) or Eqs. (19), (20), (22), (23).

- F(O~A, k ) - F(#p#, k)l }


+ ~ 2 +______~u.sin '7-{2(1 - k 2 sin 2 ~bc, 11.00-

- x/1 - k 2 sin 2 (hA -- (1 -- k 2 sin 2 (bB}, lO.00--

if/.z2 -> u. (28b) 9.00-

The unknowns OA, OC, and M can be determined by solving 8.00-
iteratively the Eqs. (25) to (27) for the given parameters 01~
and /3. The procedure to solve the nonlinear equations is as 7.00-
6.00 -
Step 1 Assign a value for 0n, (0 -< On -< 7r/2) and set the
initial values of 0a, Oc, and M from the linear beam 5.00-
Step 2 Evaluate Eqs. (25) to (27) and check if the results are 4.00-
satisfied within the specified tolerance e = 10 ~2, i.e., 3.00-
I l l -< e when i = 1, 2, 3. (29) 2.00
Step 3 If the tolerance specification is not satisfied, Oa, OC, t ~ 0 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
and a,71 are adjusted by using the Newton approach, 1.00 M,, 2.4061 2.8871 3.6561 4.2540 5.1436 6.6758
i.e., let { xt, x2, x3 } = { OA, OC, M} 0.00 ~P
X~+1 = X~ + AX~ ~j when i : 1, 2, 3 (30) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
where Ax~"+~ has been solved from Fig. 3 Relationship between Mer and/J

Journal of Applied Mechanics MARCH 1999, Vol. 66 / 91

Downloaded 06 Feb 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
t = 1.0
= 0.9

°'°-I u=3 / / / / =06

-0.10 --

-0.05 --
o.oo , i i / ~ -

= O.

0.90 1.00 x~

o.2o~ ~ "/~=0.3

y_ "p = 0.2
Fig. 4 Stable equilibrium configurations for/~/= 3


Fig. 5 Unstable equilibrium configurations f o r / V / = 3

The value of ~-n = s J L is determined from either Eqs.

(11), ( 1 4 ) o r Eqs. (18), (21).
: s*=,c = 0 (32b,c,d)
Step 6 Add an incremental A0a to 0n and repeat Steps 2 - 5
to construct the curves of M v e r s u s 0 A and 0n. dz
-- = ~~ cos 0; ~-(0) = 0; 2-(1) = 1 (33a,b,c)
4 Shooting-Optimization Method
In view of Eqs. (1) and (2) and setting forth additional dy = ~ sin 0; y ( 0 ) = 0; y ( 1 ) = 0. (34a,b,c)
dimensionless quantities s* = s/sB, ~'~ = s f L , another form of ds *
the governing differential equations and the boundary condi- For a given value of M, there are four unknowns (0, x, y,
tions can be written in a nondimensional form as and ~-n) to be evaluated from the three first-order differential
equations together with four end conditions (x-(0) = 0; y-(0) =
-- = ~-~34[Z + y t a n 0B - (1 - / 3 ) ] (32a) 0; x-(l) = 1; y-(l) = 0). However, if the given value of M is
ds* greater than the critical or maximum value, the solution does
dO not exist. Therefore, instead of assigning )~, the value of 0 has

s*=[ been assigned and thus the unknowns to be solved are (~-, y,
M, and Y~). The solution steps are as follows:

92 / Vol. 66, MARCH 1999 Transactions of the A S M E

Downloaded 06 Feb 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
// fl=0.9
/ / p:o.8
/ / / p=0.7
-0.28 - -

-0.15 --

-O.IO - -

-0,05 --
D --

o,o-1 \
O.lSq ~ \,8=0.4
0a0 ~ \ / ~ = 0.3
Fig. 6 Stable equilibrium configurations for/~/ = 4

-I.OO-~ 3# = 4
-0.80 q

fi= 1.0
/ fl=0.9
/ /p=os

I ' I ' " [~iA...-"l-~-' ~L

-l,O0 -0.80 -0.61 -0.40 -0 O .20 0.40 .68~ /0d~jlY"
~ou, 01

fl=0.6/ ~ f l W0.3

p 04

Fig. 7 Unstable equilibrium configurations for/~/= 4

Step 1 Set the initial step size of integration and the initial Step 6 Add an incremental zX0u to 0" and repeat Steps 3 - 5
values of s * ( 1 ) = 1, x ( 1 ) = 1, y ( 1 ) = 0 , a n d 0 ( l ) = to construct the curves of M versus 0A and 0,.
Step 2 Given 0B, one guesses/~t and ~j at the first iteration
from the linear small displacement theory. 5 Results and Discussion
Step 3 Integrate Eqs. (32a), (33a) and (34a) from s* = 1 It has been found that there are two equilibrium configura-
to 0 using the fifth-order Cash-Karp Runge-Kutta with tions under the applied moments. One equilibrium state is stable
adaptive step size control following Fehlberg method while the other is unstable. Numerical results of 0A, 0i:, 0,,
(Press et al. 1992). and SB/L for both equilibrium states computed from the elliptic
Step 4 Minimize the error norm using the Nelder and Mead integrals method and the shooting-optimization method are
simplex method (Nelder and Mead, 1965 ) with respect compared in Tables 1 and 2 for M = 3 and 4, and for values
to M and x-n. The objective function ~I) for the minimi- of/3 ranging from 0.2 to 1.0. There is generally an excellent
zation process is agreement between the results obtained from the two methods,
thus confirming the validity of the solution.
M i n d = Iz(0)l + lY(0)I. (35) Figure 2 shows the variations of the moment parameter
with respect to Oaand 01~for values of/3 up to 0.35. The curves
Step 5 Once the value of M, 0a, and 0r are obtained, the value indicate that there are at least two solutions for a given value
of Oc is calculated using Eq. (9). of M and/3. Physically, it can be seen that as M initially in-

J o u r n a l of A p p l i e d M e c h a n i c s MARCH 1999, Vol. 66 / 93

Downloaded 06 Feb 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
creases from zero, the end rotation OA(or 10nl) increases from rium configurations for which the scaling parameter/3 is close
zero as well. As M reaches a maximum resisting value of beam, to unity.
an infinitesimal increase in ]ff will initiate continuous beam
motion. Furthermore, an increment of rotation Oa (or [0BI) re- Acknowledgment
quires no increment of ~/, and for the equilibrium/~ should be
reduced instead of being increased. At this state the equilibrium The authors would like to acknowledge the reviewers for
is unstable, since a small disturbance will initiate continuous their many useful comments which lead to improvements in the
beam motion. Therefore, the peak value of )~ for each /3 is revised manuscript.
known as the maximum or critical value of 34 or A4"cr. This
value can be determined numerically using the Dichotomous References
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