Golem N Pygmalion

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姝 Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2007, Vol. 6, No. 4, 475– 483.


Restraining Golem and

Harnessing Pygmalion in the
Classroom: A Laboratory Study
of Managerial Expectations and
Task Design
Washington State University

In seeking to enhance teaching effectiveness, educators and trainers are demonstrating a

growing interest in understanding positive expectations and the resulting Pygmalion
effect. Unfortunately, the true impact of the Golem effect—Pygmalion in reverse— has
gone unproven and the potential negative effects are not wholly understood.
Furthermore, the literature largely fails to address the extent to which Pygmalion-related
effects may differ based on task design. This study examines the effect of an instructor’s
verbalized expectations— both negative and positive— on the performance of 351
business-school undergraduate students. Analyses using pre- and posttreatment data
collected during controlled-laboratory experiments indicated, most notably, that negative
expectations of students’ performance on cognitively based tasks tend to degrade that
performance. The effects on noncognitively based tasks were, however, positive. Positive
expectations had the opposite effect. Implications for management education research
and related applications are discussed.

When teachers show that they expect students to prophecy theory, the bulk of expectations-related
perform well, students do perform well; when research has, not surprisingly, focused on the Pyg-
teachers project no such expectations, students do malion effect. As illustrated in the movie My Fair
not attain the same level of performance. Research Lady (based on George Bernard Shaw’s play titled
supporting this Pygmalion effect in the classroom Pygmalion), the effect can be defined as improved
is powerfully convincing, with studies spanning subordinate performance resulting from ex-
several decades (e.g., Rosenthal & Jacobson, 1968; pressed, positive supervisory expectations. But
Cooper, 1979; Dusak & Joseph, 1985; Babad, 1995). what about the reverse effects?
The implications of such research are evident in Theory and related research surrounding the
the management literature, too, with several stud- consequences of negative Pygmalion effects—
ies underscoring the importance of managers’ ex- coined Golem effects by Babad, Inbar, and
pressed positive expectations in generating supe- Rosenthal (1982)—is even more provocative given
rior performance from subordinates (Eden, 1990a; suggestions that a superior’s low expectations,
McNatt, 2000; Sutton & Woodman, 1989). made apparent through his or her behavior, can
Stemming from Merton’s (1948) self-fulfilling- negatively impact subordinates’ performance. This
phenomenon has proved more elusive as a re-
search topic than positive Pygmalion effects be-
An earlier version of this manuscript was named “Best Paper in cause researchers have had difficulty in directly
Management Education and Development” at the 2005 Acad- testing the effects of negative supervisory expec-
emy of Management meeting. I thank the meeting-paper re-
viewers, and especially J. B. Arbaugh, 2004-05 Program Chair,
tations due to ethical constraints and operational
MED Division, as well as the James Bailey, AMLE Editor, and his challenges.
reviewers, for their advice and counsel. These constraints are particularly critical in a
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476 Academy of Management Learning & Education December

classroom setting given the potential implications fects and demonstrated the magnitude of the phe-
for those subjected to the associated treatment. nomenon in education.
Some researchers have used existing teacher bi- In 1969, Livingston theorized that raising super-
ases as a proxy for negative expectations, since visory expectations regarding workplace produc-
such biases carry with them lower expectations for tivity would serve as a determinant of subordinate
the students at whom the bias is directed (e.g., performance. In the decades since Livingston’s
Baron, Tom, & Cooper, 1985). Meta-analyses dem- Pygmalion-in-management article, hundreds of
onstrate adequate effect magnitude for positive studies have been conducted in nonbusiness set-
and negative expectations, but do not directly set- tings (Rosenthal, 1994). However, as demonstrated
tle whether expectations—such as those explicitly in McNatt’s (2000) meta-analysis, there have been
verbalized by an instructor— have similar trending relatively few Pygmalion studies in management-
effects on subordinates’ performance (cf., Brophy, related contexts; the recent meta-analysis in-
1983). cluded only 17 studies. Underscoring the impor-
To further complicate the study of such effects, tance of the phenomenon in management, McNatt
some researchers have posited that Pygmalion- reported an overall corrected estimate of the aver-
related effects vary with task design. For example, age effect of d ⫽ 1.13 (58 effect sizes, n ⫽ 2,784).
Lundberg (1975) found that positive-expectation ef- Similarly, Kierein and Gold (2000) reported an over-
fects affected team productivity and satisfaction all effect size of d ⫽ 0.81 (13 effect sizes, n ⫽ 2,853)
differently based on the scope of the involved in the nine studies included in their meta-analysis.
tasks. That is, output was greater under positive- Both effect sizes fall into Cohen’s (1988) categoriza-
expectation conditions when tasks were more in- tion of “large.”
volved. Locke and Latham (2002) provided theoret- In 1974, King tested the effect on a somewhat
ical support for considering task design as a different sample in which managers’ expectations
moderator in the goal-performance linkage. Other regarding the productivity of four plants were ar-
researchers have not, however, found empirical tificially raised. Productivity improved in all the
evidence that expectancy-induced effects vary sig- plants, but significantly greater productivity im-
nificantly with task design (e.g., Kierein & Gold, provements were found in those plants where
2000). My purpose in this study, then, is to test the managers’ expectations were artificially elevated.
Pygmalion and Golem effects in a classroom set- As already mentioned, Lundberg (1975) replicated
ting through an experiment with university busi- King’s study of plant productivity in an experimen-
ness-school students as participants. In particular, tal-laboratory setting using 108 college students.
the investigation is targeted at discerning whether The purpose of the replication using a laboratory
students randomly assigned to treatment groups— setting was to control for extraneous factors
wherein an instructor provides positive, negative, thought to have potentially influenced King’s re-
or no expectations regarding performance, respec- sults. The author reported that positive expecta-
tively—will perform differently. Thus, the primary tions had a modest effect (p ⬍ .10) on output as
contribution is to provide empirical evidence for compared with the output of the control group.
largely untested Golem-related theory. Moreover, Still others have tested Pygmalion in the work-
we explore the related causal conclusions by ex- place. Sutton and Woodman (1989) tested the Pyg-
amining these potential effects on the basis of task malion effect in two department stores, but their
design, thereby facilitating a broader understand- findings were inconclusive—most likely owing to
ing of Pygmalion and Golem in management edu- experimental-design flaws (Eden, 1990a). Sutton
cation. and Woodman noted in their summary, too, that
one possible reason for the inconclusive findings
was that supervisors did not have enough time to
interact differently with treatment employees than
Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) provided the first with their control counterparts.
empirical evidence of the Pygmalion effect. In a Dating back to Rosenthal’s (1969) early work, the
field experiment using an educational setting, common approach has been to randomly desig-
these researchers confirmed their hypothesis that nate some group members as high performers and
students for whom teachers held higher expecta- to plant the idea of such a designation as a seed in
tions would perform better, despite the random the supervisor or teacher; researchers then com-
assignment of students to what teachers were told pare output from these perceived high performers
was the overachieving group. Later studies (e.g., with those who are treated as controls. Eden
Babad, 1995; Rosenthal & Rubin, 1978) firmly estab- (1990b) suggested that such an approach does not
lished the existence of positive-expectations ef- control for interpersonal contrast effects that result
2007 Reynolds 477

when the referent against which improved perfor- dents and compared the performance results with
mance is assessed—the control group—is part of data on students for whom teachers naturally had
the group of individuals under study. To test this either high or low expectations. Of regret is that
assertion, Eden studied 29 platoons in the Israel the teachers’ familiarity with low-expectations stu-
Defense Forces (IDF) by randomly assigning entire dents likely confounded the results.
platoons to either Pygmalion or control groups. To address the ethics of operationalizing nega-
Analyses suggested that nearly a fifth of the vari- tive expectations while maintaining reasonable
ance in mean platoon performance was deter- ecological validity, Beez (1971) randomly applied
mined by the experimental treatment. an expectation manipulation through a fictitious
While considerable empirical evidence exists to psychological report given to students’ tutors; the
support the Pygmalion effect, the number of stud- reports included low intelligence-test scores for
ies exploring Pygmalion effects in both educa- artificially labeled “low-ability” children and un-
tional and workplace settings are modest given usually high scores for randomly assigned “high-
the potential impact on performance and produc- ability” children. Results indicated that the treat-
tivity. There are three primary reasons for this. ments produced the hypothesized outcomes; the
First there are inherent difficulties associated with “low-ability” children performed significantly
instilling “treatment” expectations. Second, as worse than the “high-ability” children. Feldman
noted by Eden (1990a), it may be that this aspect of and Prohaska (1979) conducted an experiment in
self-fulfilling prophecy is so ubiquitous and so em- which confederates acting as students evinced ei-
bedded in the social fabric that it transcends ev- ther positive or negative expectations toward 40
eryday scrutiny. Moreover, teachers and managers participants acting as their teachers. Results indi-
might anticipate that the effects of their expecta- cated there was a general, significant impact on
tions will be overtly manifested in performance, the participants’ behavior resulting from the treat-
when in reality, the effects are often difficult to ments corresponding to the corresponding treat-
enumerate unless both the target function of the ment directionality. Feldman and Theiss’s (1982)
expectation and the associated output can be ob- study of the joint effects of teachers’ expectations
jectively separated and quantified. of students and students’ expectations of teachers
on the performance and attitudes of both groups
produced similar results.
Using a management setting, two studies go be-
The Golem effect is the negative or dark version of yond offering anecdotal evidence of the Golem
Pygmalion: Behavior reflecting low or negative su- effect while addressing the aforementioned chal-
pervisory expectations generates negative results lenges associated with Golem research. Oz and
in subordinates’ performance. Babad et al. (1982), Eden (1994) randomly led treatment-assigned
drawing from Hebrew slang, where the word squad leaders (n ⫽ 17) in a military unit to believe
means oaf or fool, used the term Golem to describe that low scores on physical fitness tests were not
the negative version of Pygmalion effects. The indicative of subordinates’ ineptitude, while con-
term originates from a Jewish legend in which a trol squad leaders (n ⫽ 17) were not told how to
robotlike being was created and brought to life to interpret test scores. Tests indicated that low-scor-
eradicate evil but ultimately became a monster ing individuals in the experimental squads im-
owing to the increasingly corrupting influence of proved more than those in the control squads.
its power (Collins & Pinch, 1998). While the researchers employed a respectable re-
The outcome of the Golem effect can emerge search design and were cautious to abide by eth-
either as a net decline in the quality of subordi- ical standards, the sample was extremely small.
nates’ performance or simply as lower-than-other- Of greater relevance, the researchers failed to in-
wise-attainable levels of performance. With few troduce lower supervisory expectations or to com-
exceptions, recent empirical evidence is anec- pare the results with those of a control group, thus
dotal, drawing on extrapolations from Pygmalion failing to follow the methodology applied in the
experiments. The reason for this is again likely to majority of work designed to test the Pygmalion
be the troubling ethics of experimentally affecting effect (e.g., Rosenthal & Jacobson, 1968). It is there-
an individual’s performance by artificially lower- fore arguable that the researchers failed to assess
ing his or her supervisor’s expectations. Even the Golem effect directly. The study is important,
Babad et al. (1982) opted not to apply a treatment of however, because it was the first to attempt iden-
artificially lowered teacher expectations toward tification of Golem effects in a managementlike
students; rather, the researchers experimentally context.
raised teachers’ expectations toward some stu- Davidson and Eden (2000) replicated the Oz and
478 Academy of Management Learning & Education December

Eden (1994) approach by using a treatment de- Mento, & Locke, 1987) with goal difficulty effect
signed to prevent low expectations from forming sizes (d) of .48 for the most complex tasks versus .67
on the part of instructors of trainees of disadvan- for the least complex tasks, suggest that individu-
taged women in the IDF. The researchers randomly als assess the simplicity of a task more readily.
instructed leaders from half of the platoons that With respect to the present study, it is important
the recruits possessed substantially higher-than- to note that tasks that are similar in design to those
usual abilities for special recruits. Results indi- for which individuals have received expectancy
cated that the Golem effect was evident in the information may be consonantly affected. Latham
lower performance achieved by the control squads. and Seijts (1999), for example, found that goals
It is important to note, however, that in both the Oz were better achieved when participants received
and Eden and Davidson and Eden (2000) studies, expectations that were distinct and immediately
the researchers did not introduce a treatment con- related to the task outcomes. As Dorner (1991)
sisting of lowering supervisory expectations to- noted, individuals perform better in achieving
ward the subordinates. Hence the findings, while complex tasks when success with related goals
provocative, fail to test the Golem effect explicitly. has been realized or— equally critical—linked to
Vrugt (1990) adopted a more targeted design and explicit expectations that are correspondingly
conducted an experiment that, while not central to complex. Finally, Frese and Zapf (1994) demon-
the management or educational domain, investi- strated that expectations are more readily mani-
gated whether artificially induced negative expec- fested in correlative performance outcomes when
tations on the part of therapists might be conveyed the linkage between task and expectation is un-
by nonverbal behavior toward clients. Beginning equivocal.
male psychotherapists (n ⫽ 18), serving as inter- Such research provides a foundation for under-
viewers, and male psychology students (n ⫽ 18), standing linkages between expectations and re-
serving as interviewees, were randomly assigned lated tasks. Suppose, however, that tasks are in-
to either treatment or control conditions. The treat- troduced to which the expectations do not relate?
ment involved informing the respective interview- How will students or subordinates respond? More
ers that the interviewees were undergoing treat- to the point, will performance on tasks of different
ment for psychological problems. The significant design (e.g., intellective vs. physical) be different
findings confirmed the hypothesis that the thera- for distinct treatment groups?
pists’ negative expectations did affect clients in a Kavanagh (1972), addressing a topic that is tan-
negative manner. gential to the present one, discerned that respon-
dents, when given a choice, tended toward choos-
ing and completing tasks for which they perceived
no negative expectations. Conversely, individuals
Weick (1984) introduced the notion that positive who perceived positive expectations with respect
expectations are quickly reinforced by what he to a specific task gravitated more strongly toward
termed “small wins”—simple tasks that reinforce completing such a task. More recently, Bolt, Kil-
the self-expectations created by the superior. Eden lough, and Koh (2001) found that positive expecta-
(1988) explained how these small wins can lead to tions were more strongly linked with positive out-
success in more complex tasks and that “Managers comes when task design was intellectually more
should . . . make these successes salient to workers difficult. When task complexity was low, the rela-
through feedback that molds the right attributions tionship was apparent but was less pronounced.
of success and failure” (p. 649). But do such small Unfortunately, these and other researchers study-
wins or losses, when linked to expectations, lead ing task design have failed to explore the implica-
individuals to perform differently on tasks that tions of negative expectations and the resulting
vary in design? outcomes. Nonetheless, the implications suggest
Individuals apply a greater variety of strategies that expectation effects— both positive and nega-
to complex tasks than to easy tasks. Supporting tive—will carry over to unrelated tasks.
Weick’s (1979) related notion of requisite variety,
Chesney and Locke (1991) found that the effects of
expectations may vary with task assignments be-
cause individuals receiving expectancy informa- Relating to the primary objective of this research,
tion may link related success or failure expecta- which is to test the existence of both Pygmalion
tions to some strategies but not to others and that and Golem effects resulting from an instructor’s
larger potential gains warrant consideration of expressions of positive and negative expectations,
more strategies. Moreover, meta-analyses (Wood, respectively, of a business student’s performance,
2007 Reynolds 479

the first set of hypotheses is: performance, this group would likely perform well
Hypothesis 1a: Positive expectations verbalized by on the subsequent tests she was to administer
the instructor will positively influ- during the next meeting. Support instructor B was
ence students’ performance. informed of her group’s dismal performance, along
Hypothesis 1b: Negative expectations verbalized with the knowledge that such performance por-
by the instructor will negatively in- tended equally poor outcomes on the upcoming
fluence students’ performance. tests. As Easterly-Smith, Thorpe, and Lowe (1994)
Hypothesis 1c: The absence of verbalized expecta- suggested, the third support instructor was given
tions will neither positively nor no information about the students in the respective
negatively influence students’ per- group but was directed to give the two subsequent
formance. tests during the same class period. It is important
Pertaining to expectancy effects on task design, to note that—as suggested by Eden (1990a)— ex-
the related hypotheses are: pectations are more likely to be perceived as ac-
Hypothesis 2a: Positive expectations verbalized by curate by the receiver when there is a basis for the
the instructor will result in a signif- expectation, such as past achievement, thus the
icant positive effect on students’ reference to the pretest aided in the treatment ap-
performance of an unrelated task. plication and expression of expectations. Finally,
Hypothesis 2b: Negative expectations verbalized the outline of how the posttests were applied was
by the instructor will result in a sig- supplied to the support instructors to ensure the
nificant negative effect on stu- information delivery was kept constant across
dents’ performance of an unrelated treatments, thus supporting the experimental de-
task. sign to test the effects of expectations rather than
those associated with feedback or goal setting.
As a means of exploring task design and in a
METHODS manner consistent with that outlined by Dawn and
Latham (1996), the first of the two posttests was
Design and Procedure
very similar in subject and scope to the pretest
As Babad (1993) noted, “Numerous obstacles pre- given to the students. The second test, which was
vent effective application of expectancy research” described to the students as “completely different
(p. 145). Traditionally, Pygmalion studies have in- from the previous test” and an exercise of “noncog-
troduced treatments in which the teacher’s expec- nitive” skills, required students to create origami
tations have been artificially manipulated, therein cups. Students were given verbal instructions
providing evidence supporting self-fulfilling- along with a handout describing the folding pro-
prophecy theory. Moreover, directional effects as- cedure. Following a practice period, they were
sociated with positive and negative expectations then given 5 minutes to fold as many cups as
have not been successfully assessed due to the possible (with the explanation that only completed
ethical and operational challenges. cups would be counted).
Embracing what Archer (1993) describes as Every effort was made to create what Aronson
“imaginative epistemology,” then, we employed a and Carlson (1968) termed mundane reality in ap-
research design in which the treatments were ap- plying the treatments. To accomplish this, the
plied directly to students by way of support in- same course instructor applied each of the treat-
structors. The course instructor first administered ments to the respective support instructors (which
what was explained as a management-acumen were new each term, supporting the treatment ap-
assessment, which was simply a test comprised of plication’s legitimacy) throughout the 4-year data-
15 logic puzzles, commonly considered brainteas- collection period. In addition, the “tests” were ad-
ers (␣ ⫽ .91). The following day, students were ministered in a serious fashion to persuade
randomly divided (although neither the subjects students that they would be graded and that the
nor support instructors knew the segregation was “management-assessment” scores would contrib-
random), allegedly based on scores earned on the ute to their course grades. Furthermore, the stu-
first test. dents were told that the origami cups were needed
Next, the supporting instructors were supplied for an event to be held on campus later that day
with information about students. Specifically, sup- and that only cups of good quality could be used.
port instructor A was told she had been assigned To ensure the legitimacy of the experimental
the high-performing group; that is, the students design, support instructors were new to the course
had performed well on the previously adminis- each year and had no knowledge of similar exper-
tered test. She was also told that based on such iments performed during previous semesters. The
480 Academy of Management Learning & Education December

assignments to the “smart” or “loser” groups were change-value means and standard deviations by
explicitly made, creating a very real psychological treatment.
expectations schema among support instructors. Of the 351 students participating in the study,
Furthermore, we tested the manipulation by que- 51% were female and 12% were international stu-
rying the support instructors at the conclusion of dents. These characteristics were similar across
the experiment as to how their respective students the four classes. Neither gender nor international
had performed during the posttest; each responded status significantly differentiated the treatment ef-
as expected. That is, the support instructor with the fects. Similarly, no differences were found on the
Golem group reported that her students had not basis of which year the data were gathered (sup-
performed well (even though she did not know how porting the earlier check against cohort effects).
the other group did), while the instructor with the To ensure that the randomization scheme was
Pygmalion group reported that this group had per- adequate and that resulting differences among
formed admirably (again without a performance treatment effects were not the result of selection
referent). anomalies, we analyzed pretest scores on the ba-
At the conclusion of the experiment, the students sis of treatment using analysis of variance. No
assembled for a formal debriefing given by the significant difference was found, indicating ade-
course instructor. The entire experiment was dis- quacy of randomization in creating pre-experimen-
cussed with particular focus on the effects. To this tal equivalence among treatment groups.
end, the data were entered for a cursory analysis Next, differences between pretest and posttest
and the results, which demonstrated the related scores were compared on the basis of each treat-
effects, were explained, underscoring the impor- ment group. Results of the corresponding t tests
tance for managers to understand the phenome- demonstrated that participants reported signifi-
non. Finally, students were presented with the op- cantly higher scores under positive treatment con-
tion to pull their respective data from the research ditions and significantly lower scores under nega-
study. tive treatment conditions. As expected, there were
no significant differences between pretest and
posttest scores for the control group. Furthermore,
an additional analysis of variance demonstrated
Drawing from undergraduate students in required, significant differences among the treatment
2nd-semester introductory management courses groups on the basis of the posttest scores. Distin-
during a 4-year period (2001–2004), the sample in- guishing the supporting analyses by treatment
cluded 374 full-time students at a large university group underscored the differences between the
in the northeastern United States. Owing to absen- positive treatment effect and the control, as well as
teeism during the pre- or posttest application, the between the negative treatment effect and the
final sample for which “cup” data were available control.
totaled 351. Furthermore, on one occasion the post- The change in pretest/posttest scores was re-
test was not distributed; thus, the sample produc- gressed on the treatments to assess the effect of
ing change in pretest/posttest scores was avail- the positive and negative expectations, as stated
able for 275 participants. To guard against cohort in H1. The results indicated that, indeed, both
effects, the students were queried during the first treatments were significant and that the main ef-
class meeting about what they expected and about fects offered considerable explanatory power (R2 ⫽
what they had heard would be involved in the .16; F ⫽ 8.38; df ⫽ 2, 272; and p ⬍ .001). Subsequent
class. No reports or references were made to sug- t tests demonstrated highly significant differences
gest students had heard of the experiment de- between treatment effects, confirming each of the
scribed herein. Similarly, safeguards were taken to related hypotheses.
ensure the support instructors were not aware of To test the second set of hypotheses, we re-
the manipulations. gressed the number of cups on the treatments.
Again, the main effects were significant (R2 ⫽ .11;
F ⫽ 19.75; df ⫽ 2,348; and p ⬍ .001). Further analysis,
however, did not support the hypotheses. As dem-
The means and standard deviations for pretest, onstrated by the means in Table 1, which were
posttest, resulting change, and number of cups are significantly different in comparing each pairing
shown in Table 1. The information regarding pre- of values, those who received positive expecta-
test/posttest change and cups deserves more atten- tions regarding their managerial acumen pro-
tion because these reflect treatment effects more duced a lesser number of cups than did those who
explicitly. To this end, the table also includes received corresponding negative expectations.
2007 Reynolds 481

TABLE 1 instructor’s brief comments regarding his expecta-

Means, Standard Deviations, Change Values, and tions to students. The consequences resulting from
Cups by Treatment repeated exposure would likely have been even
more dramatic.
(ⴙ) (ⴚ) (c)
The findings regarding the unrelated task
Treatment Treatment Treatment
(origami cup folding) are both interesting and pro-
Pretest (N ⫽ 275) M:10.78 M:10.83 M:10.81 vocative. It appears that students who were told
SD:2.89 SD:3.40 SD:2.42 they were inferior in a cognitive task (logic puzzles
Posttest (N ⫽ 275) M:10.42 M:8.94 M:9.76 put forward as a test of managerial acumen) may
SD:2.70 SD:2.97 SD:2.24
have compensated when presented with a less-
Change Value (N ⫽ 275) M:⫺.36 M:⫺1.89 M:⫺.1.05
SD:2.67 SD:3.17 SD:1.82 skilled task. Similarly, it would seem that students
Cups (N ⫽ 351) M:17.87 M:20.82 M:23.70 in the “smart” group might have felt that applying
SD:6.00 SD:8.04 SD:7.02 a significant effort to such a menial task was un-
The control group, which produced more origami
Moreover, the control group produced significantly cups than either treatment group, offers a puzzle.
more cups that either of the treatment groups. Were these students simply bored and sought to
excel as they might in any exercise? If so, why did
they not perform better than the treatment group in
the cognitive portion of the experiment? Clearly,
The linkage between verbally expressed expecta- such questions are food for future research on task
tions— both positive and negative—and resulting design as it applies to expectancy effects.
performance on related tasks was confirmed. The These composite results also bring to bear the
effect of positive expectations is not surprising research on self-efficacy as a partial explanation.
given both the ubiquitous relationship between As Stajkovic and Luthans (1998) explained, one of
positive expectations and outcomes and the evi- the strongest antecedents of self-efficacy is past
dence provided in the literature linking positive performance. Thus, students who believed they did
supervisory expectations and subordinate perfor- well on the pretest may have felt more efficacious
mance in both classroom and workplace settings when taking the posttest. Reynolds (2001) expli-
(e.g., Crawford, Thomas, & Fink, 1980; Eden & cated the likely effect of expectations in the self-
Ravid, 1982; King, 1974; Rosenthal, 1994). efficacy/performance link and suggested, as we do
The findings pertaining to the Golem effect rep- here, that more research is needed to understand
resent a unique contribution toward the study of the related variables.
interpersonal expectations in that they demon-
strate empirically—for the first time—that a super-
visor’s verbally expressed negative expectations
have a direct impact on subordinates’ performance Although the results of this study make important
on related tasks. While previous studies have at- contributions to our understanding of Pygmalion-
tempted to confirm the Golem effect (e.g., Babad et related effects, there are several limitations. The
al., 1982; Davidson & Eden, 2000; Oz & Eden, 1994), participants were undergraduate students in a
none of these studies actually applied a treatment management course. It is conceivable that gradu-
of negative expectations. Only Vrugt (1990) directly ate students might respond differently. Similarly,
tested the role of negative expectations in his we cannot discern whether these effects can be
study involving therapy interviews; that study did generalized to executive-education or manage-
not, however, involve real patients, was not within ment-development settings. Additionally, the ex-
the management or education domains, and fo- periments were performed at a top-ranking busi-
cused only on nonverbal-communication behaviors. ness school. Would similar effects be found in less-
The Golem effect produced in this study is also competitive academic settings? This remains an
important because it was induced while circum- empirical question to be answered only by future
venting the ethical issues cited earlier. To date, research.
researchers have attributed their inability to di- The experimental design of the study, particu-
rectly test the Golem effect in a manner similar to larly pertaining to the application of the expecta-
the method used in Pygmalion experiments be- tions treatment, also may limit generalizability.
cause of these ethical concerns. Finally, this find- While such an approach was necessary to circum-
ing is noteworthy because the research involved vent the ethical obstacles to subjecting partici-
only a single exposure to a treatment involving an pants to low supervisory expectations, this argu-
482 Academy of Management Learning & Education December

ably limits the extent to which we can generalize teacher expectations. Journal of Educational Psychology 75,
631– 661.
the findings. For example, it would be interesting
to introduce lower expectations for instructors re- Chesney, A., & Locke, E. 1991. An examination of the relation-
garding students’ abilities on a random basis (em- ship among goal difficulty, business strategies, and perfor-
mance on a complex management simulation task. Acad-
ploying random assignment of students to treat- emy of Management Journal, 34, 400 – 424.
ment and control groups) and ensure these are
Cohen, J. 1988. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral
communicated fully to the students; the results
sciences (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Asso-
might expound the finding reported here. ciates.
It is also possible that some participants may
Collins, H., & Pinch, T. 1998. The Golem: What you should know
have realized or suspected that they were part of about science (3rd ed.). Cambridge, England: Cambridge
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Dennis Reynolds (der@wsu.edu), is the Ivar Haglund Distinguished Professor of Hospitality

Management at the Washington State University College of Business in Pullman, Washing-
ton. Reynolds received his PhD in hospitality management from Cornell University where,
prior to joining WSU, he served as the J. Thomas Clark Professor of Entrepreneurship and
Personal Enterprise. His related research interests include relational exchanges as anteced-
ents to operational efficiency.

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