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H1 : Iska
H2 : Denis
T1 : Tito
Rec : Rafin

H1-H2 : Assalamualaikum w.w

H1 : Good evening viewers, come back to us, I`m Iska Puspalalita and my friend (Denis Hati H.S) in the
TRID Education Facts. This time we are going to discuss about SNMPTN 2013. We`ve known this
time is “busy zone” for Senior High School student who are looking for a college, I mean they are who
want to continue their study at Perguruan Tinggi (Indonesia). And the last two periods the government
held SNMPTN for receiving student system.
H2 : To discuss clearly we`ve invited two guests. Alright, come in please Mr. Muh. Tito as the Education
Minister in Indonesia and Mr. Rafindra Trisna, the rector of Indonesia University. Give applause,
H1 : Sit down please.
H2 : Good evening. How are you, Sir?
T1 : Evening, Alhamdulillah, very well.
Rec : I`m fine, thanks.
H2 : First, we want to ask Mr. Muh. Okay, Sir, can you explain what is SNMPTN?
T1 : SNMPTN is Seleksi Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri. This is selection system that isn`t use a view of
tests, but the student just give their report card when they are in SHS. This is done by all college in
Indonesia at the same time. For this year, beside the report card, national examination`s notes also
needed. And the student must choose at least one college in the province where the school is. And
maximal, they choose two college, at least one of the choice is in the same province where the school
H1 : So, how about the schedule plan, Sir?
Rec : I just want to say the systematic, not the schedule detail. First, the registration of student, so we
including the student`s identities, student`s note in report card from 1st semester- 5th semester. Then,
the student choose the college by themselves and they`ll get recommendation from school. When the
national examination`s note is released, they must submit the note. And the last, announcement of the
H1 : What is the purpose of the government due to this decision?

SHS : Senior High School

T1 : Okay, we won`t to burden the student because of the fee, so the registration is free. And the second,
we want to equalize the education condition in Indonesia.
H2 : What about you about this decision, Sir?
Rec : Ya, I think this decision is good. Because what? The student`s don`t need to do tests, just reporting
note in SHS. Moreover, this is without fee. And I agree what the minister says, this is the easiest way.
H2 : Okay, now let us see the comments of Indonesian.
H1 : I heard this year using online registration, right?
Rec : Yes
H1 : Why? Is this maybe difficult thing, because there are many student that don`t understand the online-
registration especially in the downtown?
Rec : Of course not. I think each school must help their student. And we have told each local government
(education division) through socialization and any kind of educational meeting.
H2 : I want to ask the minister, Sir, how about the student that aren`t accepted in SNMPTN?
T1 : Don`t worry, there are SBMPTN and UM. SBMPTN is Seleksi Bersama Masuk perguruan Tinggi
Negeri, for this one we do a tests according to the ways. UM is Ujian Mandiri or Independent
Examination. So, the students still have opportunity of getting school.
H2 : Oh, ya, Sir. The report card. Is the all of lessons included in the requirement?
Rec : Yes, it`s different by before. Before we just use the national examination lessons, like math, science,
English, etc, now we use all of lessons on each school.
H1 : Okay, now we read the public opinion about SNMPTN 2013 by twitter…
H1 : But, the school, in Indonesia don`t have the same quality at all. Educational imbalance is felt. How
about this, Sir?
T1 : Yes, we know. We are doing program equalization of education in Indonesia. For the example is
National Examination. By national Examination the student in Indonesia have a same base. And this is
task for teachers to develop the left over society.
H2 : How about the college`s view?
Rec : We try to be the best in this selection.
H2 : What do you want to say for the young generations especially SHS, Sir?
T1 : To all my children, especially grade 12 SHS. Fight to be a champion ! You have a dream? Achieve it
start from now.
H1 : Okay, thanks to all our guests. Thanks for all viewers. We are sorry if there are any mistakes. See you
in another chance.
H1-H2 : Wassalamualaikum w.w

SHS : Senior High School

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