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LMS Features and Review

Jessica Gomez



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LMS Review and Recommendation
Part 1: Review

Key Features LMS 1 LMS 2 LMS 3

Google Classroom Schoology i-Ready

Fast constructive Students can receive Teachers can send and Student receive
feedback- immediate feedback depending receive emails about student immediate feedback in the form
on the assignment. For assignments. of a score at the end of the
example, if it is a question lesson. It does not provide
posted for the classroom and Students gain feedback constructive because it does not
student comments are turned on by a badge set up. It is used to tell students how to improve. It
it, feedback from peers would motivate and encourage also does not allow for teacher
be instant. Feedback from students to do their best. This is comments.
teachers in the way of a way for students to keep track
comments on assignments and of how well they are doing in
editing are also used. the course. The badges provide
a visual for students.
The teacher can also
create a badge for students to

Teacher analytical While there are no There is an analytical There are an abundance
dashboard- dashboard teachers can grade dashboard that lets up view of reports and data collected for
assignments and view the assignments completed, how teachers to look up such as
grades for that one assignment many links clicked on, and diagnostic information,
for all students. The grade discussions. assignment scores, and over
system is adaptable to the view of instruction and time.
assignments wherein the point
system can be changed.

Self-paced Teachers can make Much like any online Students can do self-
individualized learning/ time assignments due on a certain class, students can learn at their paced assignments that are at
flexibility- day or leave it open. Even own pace by having their learning level determined
when due date has passed assignments posted a head of by the program.
students can still turn in work time and accessible.
late. Other than that, there isn’t Teachers can also
a direct self-paced learning assign content.
plan for students. There is no time limit
put on the assignment, although
teachers can see suggested
completion times on how long
the it should take to complete

Multimedia capabilities- Multiple types of media Teachers can up load Students can view
can be used in the Google materials into the courses and videos and can participate in
Classroom. Teachers can post groups set up in Schoology. lessons through the media tools
links, presentations, and videos. such as highlighting text,
Students can do the same. moving content, and drawing.
They can not add their own
media nor can the teacher.

Student self-tracking For self-tracking Students can view their Students have progress
data- students can view grades on gradebook, but this is only if monitoring access. They can
assignments when it is passed teachers allow it. see how well they do over time
back to them and if allowed and gain point/ tokens
change it accordingly. There is depending on how well they
no dashboard for the students to did.
view all their grades at once.
Part 2: Recommendation
If I were to choose one LMS program when teaching on an online school environment it would be Schoology. Having
never taught and online class or using Schoology before I thought it was a great way to provide course content and management for
my elementary grade level.
Schoology has the capability to set up various courses and groups within the program. Students can join by invitation and can
be in various classes at once. This comes in handy when you teach elementary because you are teaching all subjects. It allows for each
subject to have its own coursework.
It is also great at having its own grade book so that teachers can set it up how they want to view student scores and if they want
students to view them as well. The teacher can also assign the point system for the assignments as well which is reflected in the grade
book. Various assessments can also be made within Schoology as well, such as quizzes, that can be scored and placed directly into the
The organization of resources this LMS provides is diverse. The teachers can upload resources for the course is helpful. From
adding assignments, quizzes and tests, discussions, links, and even uploading files Schoology provides a way for teachers online to
customize their classroom environment. Having that tailormade customization is important because it makes it easier for teacher and
students to navigate when using the platform, as well as having students differentiate between teachers from one class to another
making learning a little more personable and instead of another autonomous program.
These features are what I would expect to have in a useful and productive LMS platform and what I would need in order to
teach an online class.

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