FINAL Proposal Template Innovation Fund Draft Final 20feb18

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Basic Education Sector Transformation (BEST) Program

Innovation Fund
Project Concept Note
1. General Information

Project Title Utilization Of Interactive Learning, E-Worksheets, Collaborative

Lesson Planning, And Contextualization Of Assessment Strategies
To Increase The Mastery Levels Of Science Grade 4 Learners


Division/School ADLAON, CEBU CITY
or Organization
Details of
Contact Person


Contact 09468278703
E-Mail Address:
Total Project Amount Requested
Cost Counterpart
Project Duration June 2018 to March 2019

2. Background/Rationale – The problem to be addressed by the Project

Background/ Adlaon Integrated School teachers, through the leadership of
Context Dr. Ma. Felina S. Calledo, the school principal for the school year
2016 - 2017 had convened for the purpose of identifying the different
areas to improve. As a result, one of the top priority to be addressed
is the low MPS of the Elementary Science specifically the grade 4
pupils in which only 3 pupils got 50% -70% proficiency, and all the 32
Grade 4 pupils got very low proficiency (49% and below) . Thus, the
Science teachers had come up with an intervention activity entitled
“PROJECT ANGAT” which aims to uplift the Science MPS of the
elementary pupils. Some of the activities of this project were the
1. The conduct of LAC sessions for Science Teachers,
2. Reproduction of review materials,
3. Create E-worksheets in Science 4
4. Others

This project had started last year. However, it was not fully
implemented due to lack of financial and human resources.
As of the recent SMEA, pupils mastery in Science 4 skills is
still below the 50% proficiency.

Issue/s being The issue addressed by the school is The low MPS in Science of the
addressed Grade 4 learners. Identified factors that causes this low performance
are the following:
 inavailability of multi-media resources & e-worksheets to aid
in the teaching-learning process
 shifting of medium of instruction from MTB to English
language lead to low comprehension and retention of the
pupils in the Science subject.
 elemetary teachers have less mastery of the Science subject
given that they are generalist and non-majors of the said

3. Objectives and Outputs

General Objective What will this project contribute to in achieving higher aims of the
institution (i.e., division, school, Community Learning Centers or CLCs)
Specific After undergoing the LAC sessions & science subject refresher
Objective courses (as stipulated under the Project Description below) , the
five (5) science teachers will demonstrate improved proficiency or
mastery in teaching Science as indicated by:

a. Pupils’ Assessment

 active participation of students in the completion of the

prepared Interactive Learning E-worksheets.
 increase in science Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of the
35 grade IV pupils, from 50% in S.Y. 2016-2017 to 75% in
S.Y 2018-2019.
 increase number of learners who will get the passing
score in both formative and summative assessments
(from below 50% to 75% of the pupils).
 decline in the number of absentees, given that the
students of today’s generation are more engaged into e-

b. Teacher’s Assessment

 Improved teaching strategy of science teachers based on

positive comments and/or feedbacks indicated in the
periodic classroom-teaching evaluation sheet.
 innovation of teaching strategies & approaches from the
traditional way of teaching to effective & efficient
utilization of multimedia instructional facilities through
the use of power point presentations, audio & video clips.

Outputs These are the specified outputs of the project::

 Collaboratively developed lesson plans by AIS Science
teachers during LAC sessions
 documented approaches and strategies used,

 E-worksheets
 Documented training for science teachers
 Data /Profile of pupils performance result

4. Development Intervention – The proposed solution to be supported by the Project

Project This project is a new undertakings that intends to augment the
Description Science 4 Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of Adlaon Integrated
School, since the aforementioned “Project Angat” was not fully
realized due to funding limitations of the school. That being said, the
following activities are proposed to be implemented to support the
main purpose of the activity:

1. Interactive Learning and E-worksheets.

The use of Smart Television Set with WiFi connectivity , LCD

Projector and Sound System in the classroom will make the lesson
easier, effective and efficient for both teachers and learners.
Furthermore, this will also address the different learning styles and
Multiple Intelligences of the learners.

As an innovation to the traditional teaching method using

manila papers and chalk talk technique, the teachers are now
intergrating technology in their lessons. This goes to show that the
teachers are now slowly shifting to a more progressive approach of
teaching. Thus, it is highly recommended for the school to acquire
wide-screened monitor for bigger, clearer and appealing visual
presentations. That way, the learners will be seated properly, take
down notes, and participate actively in class discussions while

For instance, in Grade 4 Science, First Quarter Competency,

the first topic on Mixtures will be introduced through film viewing as
motivational activity and springboard of the lesson before starting to
the actual experimentation on discovering different types of mixtures.

For the Second Quarter Competency, main organs of the body

are being tackled. That being said, it is more comprehensive for the
students to learn the said topics when they will be able to visualize
the parts, functions and processes of the human anatomy. Learners
understanding of the topic will be improved by viewing all the single
details and the three-dimensional parts of the human body. Basically,
this will reinforce learnings with the help of the existing dummies of
the different body system/organs in the science laboratory.

Moreover, the pupils will be expected to get high scores when

they are provided with e-worksheets to work on, instead of writing
questions on the board or on manila papers. The worksheets contains
background information of the topic for their reference, suggested
guide questions for analysis and abstraction and engaging exercises

given about certain topics or competency. With Interactive Learning
E-worksheets, the pupils will be more engrossed and enthusiastic to
learn the subject when the exercises are being done through the
manipulation of computer/multimedia.

2. Collaborative Peer Learning.

The class will be divided into small groups (5-7 members) that
comprises the leader, assistant leader, secretary & reporters. A set of
rubrics shall be defined to assess the level of participation of the
groups and individual pupils.

3. Contextualization of Assessment.
The mode of conducting periodical test is the use of Division-
made Tests. In this activity, the Teacher and the School Head shall
devise the contextualized assessment method aligning the standards
of the division-made tests for the Grade 4 pupils.

4. Collaborative Lesson Planning.

Teachers handling Science subject in Grade 3 and Junior HS
shall be tapped to assist in the preparation of the lesson plans. This
shall entail sharing of strategies and approaches that works and do
not work in a particular classroom setting and group of learners. This
will be done during LAC session schedules.

5. Refresher Course for science Teachers.

For effective utilization of the multimedia facilities, the teachers
will be needing to undergo enhancement training on Power point
presentation, animation and hyperlinking. Likewise, Science teachers
are also advised to undertake refresher courses for some difficult
topics to equip them with knowledge and skills to impart to their
learners. There is a need for these trainings, since elementary
teachers are generalist and not majors of the science subject.
The following are the topics that needs retooling and
enhancement: Mixtures, Soil Formation, Weathering, Water Cycle,
Nitrogen Cycle, Carbon- Oxygen Cycle, Cell Division, Basic Life
Support (CPR, First Aid etc.), Solar System (Theories), Chemical
Bonding, and Force and Energy.

Beneficiary All the upcoming Grade 4 pupils of the school year 2018 - 2019 will
Description be the first beneficiary of this project due to the following identified
 grade 4 pupils had below 50% Science MPS in S.Y 2016-2017
 transitioning of the medium of instruction in teaching science from
Mother Tongue Based (MTB) to English language

They are being prioritized in this project to augment the Science 4

Mean Percentage Score (MPS), for they are identified as the ones
with very low performance in the Science subject for the past few
years, compared to other grade levels. But the Grades 5 and 6 can

still benefit the project for review purposes specially that the new
curriculum is progressive in nature.

Links with other Describe the linkages/relations to other ongoing/recent/planned

Programs/Activiti programs or activities
es  The school has planned an intervention activity entitled “Project
Angat” which aims to uplift the Science MPS of the elementary
pupils. However, it was not fully implemented due to lack of
financial and human resources.
 The activities designed in it were for the purpose of improving
/increasing the pupils performance in science through varied
Project  To be able to sustain the project, the proponent should have the
Sustainability consistency in the implementation and constant monitoring of the
 The school principal and the project focal will assure the proper
accounting and documentation of the materials, facilities and the
conduct of activities.
 Best practices will be shared to other schools with similar situation
through bench marking, sharing and lay down the proper
Risk Committed financial resources. Some risks in the activity includes
Management the financial management, in which the school has committed MOOE
and that purchasing high priced facilities is less priority. That being
said, in order to mitigate impact of this risks, we shall link to other
organizations (government or non-government) and tap our sustained
stakeholders to procure the multi-media facilities (such as laptop, TV,
projector, speakers) needed to sustain the said project.

Overlapping of activities. As science teachers, we need time

management to multi- task. We must also consistently follow the
approved schedules by the School Head and calendar of activities set
by the Cebu City Division Office. It is also wise for the school to help
the teachers in determining what needs to be done or prioritized first
when confronted with lots of pressure at work.

5. Implementation Arrangements
Implementing DepEd, Adlaon Integrated School
General Adlaon Integrated School is one of the 4 Integrated Schools
description of the under the Cebu City Division categorized as a medium school. This
proponent was opened in 1946 (Elementary) and 1980 (High School). The
organization School is located in a parcel of land with an area of 5, 534 sq. m. It is
33 kilometers away from the city proper. The school can be reached
through “Habal-habal” or motorcycle.

At present, there are 14 teachers, 1 Assisting Principal in the

Elementary Department, and 14 Secondary Teachers (Junior and
Senior High), with 1 school Principal, Dr. Rosario O. Palanca.

AIS is an implementing unit school with an annual budget
under the General Appropriations Act (GAA) broken down into
Personnel Services and MOOE.

The school has four (4) duplex buildings with 11 classrooms for the
elementary classes. It also has a three- story building with 12-
classroom for Junior High and a 3-storey 6-classroom building for the
Senior High School.

For the past 3 years, the school had been awarded as Brigada
Eskwela ‘2016 and ‘2017 Best Implementing School for Medium
School Category, Elementary Level, RAFI-SEED Seal of Excellence
in Education Development Awards for SY 2017-2018 top five (5)
finalist, First Place Eco-Friendly School as Waste Metamorphosis
Awardee for its remarkable creativity in transforming wastes into
decorative learning materials as observed during the Search for
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Schools sent on Junior High School
Student to the Jeneses Student Exchange Program in Japan, Top
Performing School, Rank 4 having achieved the mastery level in
Science for the S.Y. 2005-2006 National Achievement Test in the
Secondary Level.
Though the school had garnered all these awards, there are
still areas that need to be improved and worked on. One of these, is
the low MPS of Science 4 pupils for the past few years, since the K-12
curriculum has been implemented in the grade 4 last S.Y. 2015 –
2016. In this connection, to support the new adopted curriculum of
DepEd, the school will now forge towards advancement in teaching
methods and strategies by integrating technology in teaching-learning

Regional Office

Funding Source/ Give Assistance. Monitor, assess and

evaluate regional learning outcomes. Undertake and manage region-
wide research and development projects, which may be funded
through official development assistance and/or funding agencies. Plan
and manage the effective and efficient use of personnel, physical and
fiscal resources of the regional office, including professional staff

Division Office

Monitoring Team. Works closely with school-based

administrators to provide supervision and evaluation of classroom
teacher performance. Works with principals to ensure that learning
materials are procured and equitably distributed to schools as
needed to support initiatives. Trains principals to monitor change
process within their schools using objective data collection
instruments and techniques. Develops feedback instruments and
conducts administrative and teacher supervision and evaluation
with respect to targeted teaching strategies, and submitted units of

District Office

As a Coordinating Body it promotes and supports skills

development among pupils through the establishment of the Student
Technologists and Entrepreneurs of the Philippines (STEP)
organization in every school and the conduct of skills trainings and
competitions in the elementary level.

School Head

Implementing Body. Managing and monitoring of

implementation of the resource allocation process within the School.

Science Teachers

The science teacher must recognize that the process

of conceptual change can often be difficult and deeply personal for
the learners. As a science teacher educator moves the learner to
develop professionally by engaging one-on-one with learners as
expertise is shared and support is provided.

Science Teacher Activity Lead

Teacher leaders assume a wide range of roles to

support school and student success. Whether these roles are
assigned formally or shared informally, they build the entire school's
capacity to improve. Because teachers can lead in a variety of ways,
many teachers can serve as leaders among their peers.

Proposed Work Include as an attachment to cover the following: a) Activity; b) Time

Plan and Budget frame; c) Name of person responsible, and d) Budget, divided into 2 –
BEST and counterpart (see template in Annex 1)

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