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In FASL, Some material requires inventory count more frequently within the fiscal year.

In this process we will be activating the CC indicator for the materials which require frequent
count, which will be specific to the plant.

With this method, all materials to be included in the inventory count are classified into different cycle categories
such as A, B, C, and D.
Each cycle category has a different time interval assigned to it. You can set these parameters via the Cycle
counting indicator. The cycle counting indicators are used to group the materials together into individual
categories. For each plant, define the cycle counting physical inventory indicator (CC phys. inv. ind.). This
indicates that a given material is subject to the cycle counting method of inventory. The indicator also defines at
which time intervals a physical inventory should be carried out for the material.
For materials that should be verified by the cycle counting method, you must assign the cycle count indicator in
the material master record.

No. of phys. inventories per fiscal year for cycle counting

Specifies how often during the fiscal year a physical inventory is to be carried out for a material
subject to cycle counting. The system uses this specification to convert the count interval into

Physical inventory interval (in workdays) for cycle counting(Maximum interval of days between

Specifies after how many workdays following the last inventory count another physical
inventory has to be carried out for a given material. The count interval is determined
automatically on the basis of the number of physical inventories specified for the fiscal year.

For calculating the number of workdays between two inventories, the system refers to the
assigned factory calendar of the plant.

Float time (in workdays) for cycle counting

Indicates the number of workdays by which the planned count date may vary from the current

CC Phys. No. of Flot

Plant Inv.ind. phys.inv. Interval Time Percentage
1010 A 12 20 5 56
1020 B 6 41 10 28
1030 C 3 82 20 14
1040 D 1 247 0 2

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