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“Gifted Hands” / Ben

Recenzie realizată de Diana-Andreea
clasa a X-a

“Gifted hands” reveals the life story of dr. Ben

Carson, who, from an unmotivated ghetto
youngster that was once playing on the outskirts of
Detroit, has become one of the most respected
neurosurgeons in the world. This novel by and
about Ben Carson is an inspiring story of an inner-
city kid with poor grades and little motivation,
who, at the age of thirty-three, became director of
pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins
University Hospital. “Gifted hands” will transplace
you into the operating room to witness surgeries
that made headline around the world. In 1987, dr.
Ben Carson gained worldwide recognition for his
part in the first successful separation of Siamese
twins joined at the back of the head - an extremely complex and delicate operation that took five
months of planning and twenty-two hours of actual surgery. With the use of his “gifted hands”,
Ben Carson accomplishes miracles and attempts the seemingly impossible, turning the
desperation in hope and the hopelessness in future. This inspiring biography reveals a man with
humility, decency, compassion, courage and sensitivity who serves as a model for young people
in need of encouragement to excel in whatever they attempt. In this book, dr. Ben Carson shows
that our faith doesn’t depend on the stars, but on ourselves.

From my personal view, what I most appreciate about this biography is the sincerity that can be
found in every phrase, and the ending, the final chapter, in which there are presented the key of
his success and the principles that have been guiding him since childhood to adulthood. Reading
this book was for me a life changing experience, and there is nothing I would change about the
content. With no doubt will I recommend this novel to all those who are searching for a gripping
and inspiring masterpiece. But first and foremost, I recommend this book to all of the children in
need of support and encouragement, to all of the teenagers who are planning to become doctors,
and to all of the adults who have forgot what the real values of life are.

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