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English He had been here for two years and Marcela

Estrelia D. Alfon had given him Paul, that day at the bodega
When he had the bale taken from his shoulder by
Marco opened the magazine and began to the others, and they had the bale taken from his
read. Sometimes he stuck his tongue between his shoulder by the others, and they had carried him off
teeth as he endeavoured to form in his mind the to one corner, where they had indulge the bubbling
sounds he thought the English words on the paper in his throat. They had taken from him to his wife
should have. Unconsciously, he even started to utter then, and left him with many admonitions about not
them aloud, his tongue clumsy over them, but his being afraid, he would be all right.
heart proud that he could say them at all – until he But when they had gone, he had cried, a
came to himself, remembering he had been hurrying weakness he couldn’t prevent, and lain with his face
to his work much as he had hurried until the to the wall ; while Marcela, who was older than he
newsboy at the corner had trust that paper at him. was, wiped away her own tears and talked to him
There were students going to school, the smaller brusquely about not angering her by being so afraid.
they were, the more laden with the books, it And Paul had cried in the cradle that Cela had
seemed. There were men, some young, some old, improvised by folding a blanket and trying the
wearing clothes that had been slept in rolling their corners with strips of cloth to the wall. He had cried
shirt sleeves higher up on their arms. There were some more then, and had sobbed aloud, and he had
others relatively better dressed, who hurried as prayed to God that he would soon be well enough
much, and tugged at coat sleeves to make them for the two who depended on him.
cover dirty shirt cuffs. But many there were too,
who bore the stamp of good living, who pressed Questions for discussion
palms over breast pockets and hip pockets, as if
feeling for pencils therein, or wallets perhaps, less 1. What is Marco’s job? Describe what he
they had left these at home. And even these hurried. does._____________________________________
Even the cocheros flourished their whips, it seemed
with much impatience, and the drivers of some
automobiles expressed their irritation at the 2. Where is his place of work? Is it a healthful place
slowness of the traffic with the grate and noise of to work in? Why or Why not? _________________
their gear shifting.
Marco licked his lips again, and looked at
the newsboy who stood near him the small con for
his paper, he looked at the newsboy who stood near 3. What illness did Marco suffer from? Is his illness
him, thrusting papers at all passers-by. The boys related to his job ? What circumstances may have
eyes still showed signs of sleep. When Marco gave contributed to this type of illness? How did he
him the small coin for his paper, he looked at it a regain his health?
while, tinkled it on the sidewalk, pick it up, then __________________________________________
shoved it into his pocket. As Marco walked on, the __________________________________________
newsboy continued to thrust papers at the hurrying
people, and his “paper, Sir?” reminded Marco that 4. Compare Marco’s sons Pauland Vicente: in age,
Marcela would be right to scold him for buying a physical appearance, and attitude towards learning.
paper in a language he could not read.
He arrived at the bodega in time and
immediately took off the coat he wore over his 5. What was Marco’s dream for his sons? Who is
undershirt and wrapped t around the magazine. His more likely to fulfil his dream? Why?
search for a place to lay the coat in, revealed only
dusty corners and piled up bales of maguey, and
finally he hung the coat up on a nail in the wall , no 6. Would you say Marco was an extremely poor
one would see the paper it concealed. man? Explain your
They began working even before the answer____________________________________
whistle. Marco ought to have been used to the stifle
of the bodega, its dust, its tang of the sea that rose
from the maguey, the spoiled, moldyodor of copra, 7. What incidents indicate Marco’s strong
and the smell of sweat from the bodies unwashed: determination to learn to read and speak in English?
but every once in a while, he still had to leave his Why so you think was he determined to do so?
place at the weighing scales to go out and gasp his __________________________________________
fill of air in the alley that ran by the bodega. How _________________________________________
thankful he had been when the American boss had
put him on a pesador, taking him from the ranks of 8. Point out instances where Marco displayed the
bale-carriers where he had been. value of humility; of resourcefulness; of self
___9. Kindly pick up the pieces of paper on the
9. Name some Filipinos you know or have read floor.
about who have shown similar worthwhile values. ___10. Stand straight.
In what ways did they display these values?
__________________________________________ H. Evaluating Learning (Formative Assessment)

10. Pick out scenes or incidents described in the Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions of
story which reflect local traditions and practices. place. Use the map below as your guide.
What values do they represent? Are they
worthwhile pre-serving? at the end behind between in in front
__________________________________________ of next next to on opposite

Imperative Sentence

 It is used in giving a command or an 1.The railway station is at the end of the

instruction, expressing hope or a wish, as road, the bank and the library.
well as in requesting. 2.The bank is at the end of the road on the left-hand
Example: side and the library.
3.The library is of the road, on the
Have a nice day! right-hand side and opposite the bank.
4.The post office is on the left-hand side, opposite
the cinema and to the bank.
In this case, you are not giving a command, 5.The concert hall is between the cinema and the
but hoping that someone enjoys the day. hotel the right of the street.

Example: 6.The shopping centre is the town hall and

in front of the car park.
Turn left on Quezon Avenue. 7.The police station is the first building on the
right, the football ground, opposite the
Explanation: café.

In this case, you are giving someone 8.The football ground is on the right, the
instructions. police station.
9.The café is the first building on the left,
Example: the church.

Kindly fill out the information sheet and 10.The market is the middle of the street.
wait for your turn.


In this case, you are requesting someone to

do as you say.

I. Identify whether it is a command or a request.

Write C if it is a command and R if it is a

___1. Close the door, please.

___2. Clean the backyard.
___3. May you please give this form to the
___4. Kindly fetch me a gallon of water.
___5. Write a simple poem about bringing peace to
____6. Invite friends to join the celebration.
___7. Come to me and be my love.
___8. Please bring those books here.

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