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Research Report

Agility and Perturbation Training

Techniques in Exercise Therapy for
Reducing Pain and Improving Function
in People With Knee Osteoarthritis:
G.K. Fitzgerald, PT, PhD, FAPTA, is A Randomized Clinical Trial
Associate Professor, Department of
Physical Therapy, School of Health G. Kelley Fitzgerald, Sara R. Piva, Alexandra B. Gil, Stephen R. Wisniewski,
and Rehabilitation Sciences, and Chester V. Oddis, James J. Irrgang
Director, Physical Therapy Clinical
and Translational Research Center,
University of Pittsburgh, 6035 Forbes Background. Impairment-based exercise programs have yielded only small to
Tower, Pittsburgh, PA 15101 (USA).
moderate benefits in reducing pain and improving function in people with knee
Address all correspondence to Dr
Fitzgerald at: osteoarthritis (OA). It has previously been proposed that adding agility and pertur-
bation training to exercise programs for people with knee OA may improve treatment
effects for pain and function.
is Assistant Professor, Department
of Physical Therapy, School of
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences,
Objective. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of adding
University of Pittsburgh. agility and perturbation techniques to standard exercise therapy compared with the
standard exercise program alone for people with knee OA.
A.B. Gil, PT, PhD, is Research Spe-
cialist, Department of Physical Ther- Design. This was a single-blinded randomized controlled trial.
apy, University of Pittsburgh.

S.R. Wisniewski, PhD, is Professor, Setting. The study was conducted in the outpatient physical therapy clinic of a
Department of Epidemiology, and large, university-based health center.
Co-Director, Epidemiological Data
Center, Graduate School of Public Participants. One hundred eighty-three people with knee OA (122 women, 61
Health, University of Pittsburgh. men) participated.
C.V. Oddis, MD, is Professor of
Medicine and Director, Fellowship Interventions. Participants were randomly assigned to either a group that
Training Program, Division of received agility and perturbation training with standard exercise therapy or a group
Rheumatology and Clinical Immu- that received only the standard exercise program.
nology, University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Measurements. The outcome measures were self-reported knee pain and func-
Pennsylvania. tion, self-reported knee instability, a performance-based measure of function, and
J.J. Irrgang, PT, PhD, ATC, FAPTA, global rating of change.
is Associate Professor and Director
of Clinical Research, Department of Results. Although both groups exhibited improvement in self-reported function
Orthopaedic Surgery, University of and in the global rating of change at the 2-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up periods, there
Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
were no differences between groups on these outcomes. There was no reduction in
[Fitzgerald GK, Piva SR, Gil AB, et al. knee pain or improvement in performance-based function in either group.
Agility and perturbation training
techniques in exercise therapy for Limitations. It is possible that more-intense application of the interventions or
reducing pain and improving func- application of the interventions to participants with knee OA who were at greater risk for
tion in people with knee osteo-
falling may have yielded additive effects of the agility and perturbation training approach.
arthritis: a randomized clinical trial.
Phys Ther. 2011;91:452– 469.]
Conclusions. Both intervention groups exhibited improvement in self-reported
© 2011 American Physical Therapy function and the global rating of change. Our results, however, did not support an
Association additive effect of agility and perturbation training with standard exercise therapy in our
sample of individuals with knee OA. Further study is needed to determine whether there
Post a Rapid Response to
are subgroups of individuals who might achieve an added benefit with this approach.
this article at:

452 f Physical Therapy Volume 91 Number 4 April 2011

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

xercise therapy is well estab- function in people with knee OA have complaints of knee instability,
lished as an important part of above and beyond what is explained agility and perturbation training tech-
clinical management for people by impairments such as knee pain, niques provide exposure to other
with knee osteoarthritis (OA).1– 4 quadriceps muscle weakness, and lim- challenges of motor function (eg,
Although exercise therapy has been ited joint motion.7 This evidence quick stops, turns, and changes in
shown to be helpful, recent system- may indicate that in order to enhance direction; challenges to balance;
atic reviews indicate that the effects functional gains with exercise ther- negotiating obstacles) that may be
of exercise on pain and function are apy, exercise programs should include encountered during daily functional
moderate for people with knee OA.5,6 activities that will address problems activities. Therefore, these tech-
Based on these findings, it appears with knee instability. niques may be beneficial to people
that there is room for improvement with knee OA by enhancing func-
in designing OA exercise therapy Therapeutic exercise approaches have tional ability, even if they do not
programs. been shown to reduce complaints of complain of knee instability.
knee instability in some people with
Exercise therapy programs for knee anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) Recently, we developed a supple-
OA traditionally have been impairment- injury.10 These approaches included mental approach to exercise therapy
based in design, focusing on impair- the use of lower-extremity strength- that included the use of agility and
ments associated with knee OA such ening as well as agility and perturba- perturbation techniques in conjunc-
as lower-extremity joint motion def- tion training techniques. Agility tion with a standard impairment-
icits, muscle weakness, and reduced training techniques involve quick based exercise therapy program for
aerobic capacity.1– 4 Although these stops and starts, cutting and turning, people with knee OA.11 The pro-
programs may be effective in improv- and changes in direction. Perturba- gram consisted of many of the same
ing these impairments, they do not tion training incorporates the use of activities that were used, with mod-
provide the individual with expo- rollerboards and wobble boards to ifications, in people with ACL-
sure to other challenges of motor challenge balance and knee stability. deficient knees. The modifications
function (eg, quick stops, turns, and The idea is that exposing individuals included performing agility tech-
changes in direction; challenges to to activities that challenge the knee niques using walking-based rather
balance; negotiating obstacles) that to potentially destabilizing loads dur- than running-based activities and
may be encountered during daily ing therapy may help them learn to beginning in double-limb support
functional activities. Overall physical deal with these loads when encoun- rather than single-limb support for
function might be further improved tered in regular daily activity. Adding the perturbation techniques. The
if individuals with knee OA were these types of training techniques to agility exercises focused on expos-
better prepared to deal with these standard rehabilitation programs was ing the individual to quick stops and
challenges to motor function. This found to be more effective in re- starts, quick turns and changes in
improvement in overall physical ducing dynamic knee instability (or direction, and negotiating obstacles
function might be accomplished if improving dynamic stability) upon encountered in the environment.
individuals were exposed to such return to high-level physical activity The perturbation training involved
challenges in motor function in con- than an impairment-based standard the use of rollerboards and tilt-
junction with traditional impairment- program in people with ACL-deficient boards to expose the individual to
based exercise therapy programs. knees.10 challenges in balance. We reported
on successful implementation of
It also is well recognized that some Given the limited effects with this program in a case report.11 The
people with knee OA may complain impairment-based exercise programs
of knee instability.7–9 Patients usually on improving physical function in
describe this knee instability as “giv- knee OA, coupled with the fact that Available With
ing way” or “buckling” of the knee a significant proportion of people This Article at
during activities of daily living. The with knee OA have complaints of
prevalence of self-reported instabil- knee instability, we reasoned that a
ity among people with knee OA has similar approach that was found to • The Bottom Line Podcast
ranged from 11% to 44% and has be effective for people with ACL- • Audio Abstracts Podcast
been shown to be correlated with deficient knees might be modified to This article was published ahead of
reduced functional ability.7–9 There be beneficial for people with knee print on February 17, 2011, at
is evidence that complaints of knee OA. In addition, even for those indi-
instability contribute to reduced viduals with knee OA who did not

April 2011 Volume 91 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 453

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

patient in the case report had knee stability and reducing pain by adding who received the agility and pertur-
pain and complaints of knee instabil- agility and perturbation training tech- bation training. Because previous
ity secondary to her knee OA and niques to a therapeutic exercise pro- studies have shown that exercise can
had to stop playing golf and tennis. gram for people with knee OA. help reduce pain5,6 and that pain has
She also had difficulty climbing stairs a strong relationship with physical
without her knee feeling unstable. The purpose of the current study function in people with knee OA, we
Following 12 sessions of the pro- was to formally test the effectiveness also examined the effect of the inter-
gram, she had reduced her knee pain of adding agility and perturbation ventions on knee pain. We hypothe-
by 60% (pretraining score⫽5/10 training to an exercise therapy pro- sized that if the agility and perturba-
and posttraining score⫽2/10 on 0 –10 gram in comparison with the same tion training program were to have
numeric knee pain scale), improved exercise therapy program without an additive effect in improving func-
her Western Ontario and McMaster agility and perturbation training for tion, it is likely it would also have an
Universities Osteoarthritis Index people with knee OA in a random- additive effect in reducing knee pain.
(WOMAC) total score by 22% (pre- ized clinical trial. We hypothesized
training score⫽27, posttraining that participants who received agil- Method
score⫽21) and her WOMAC physical ity and perturbation training tech- Design Overview
function score by 24% (pretraining niques in conjunction with a stan- The study was a prospective, single-
score⫽17, posttraining score⫽13), dard exercise therapy program would blinded (testers were blinded to
and no longer had complaints of knee have greater improvements in phys- treatment group; treating therapists
instability. She was able to return to ical function compared with those were not blinded to group but did
golf and tennis. The success of this who received only the standard exer- not participate in any testing proce-
case prompted us to conduct the cise program. We also hypothesized dures) randomized controlled trial.
current study to determine whether that there would be a greater pro- All participants gave written informed
there is an additive effect on improv- portion of participants reporting consent prior to enrollment in the
ing function and self-reported knee improved knee stability in the group study.

Setting and Participants

The Bottom Line The study was conducted in the
Outpatient Department of Physical
Therapy at the University of Pitts-
What do we already know about this topic?
burgh Medical Center, Center for
Agility and perturbation training, when added to standard exercise pro- Sports Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl-
grams, has helped improve the outcome for young athletes who sustained vania. Participant recruitment began
an anterior cruciate ligament injury. One case report suggests that this in October 2004, and the final data
collection procedure was performed
approach also might improve the effects of therapeutic exercise in a
in December 2008. Participants were
person with knee osteoarthritis.
volunteers who were recruited from
What new information does this study offer? the greater Pittsburgh metropolitan
area through physician offices, com-
This study tested whether adding agility and perturbation training to a munity flyers, newspaper advertise-
standard exercise program could provide additional improvements in ments, and the University of Pitts-
function and knee stability in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Although burgh Arthritis Institute Registry.
participants in both groups appeared to improve in self-reported physical All participants provided written
function, there did not appear to be an additive effect of the agility and approval from their physician to par-
perturbation training program. ticipate in the study.

If you’re a patient, what might these findings mean Individuals were included in the
for you? study if they met the 1986 American
College of Rheumatology (ACR) clin-
If you have knee osteoarthritis, adding agility and perturbation training ical criteria for knee OA12 and had
techniques to your therapeutic exercise program may or may not increase grade II or greater Kellgren and Law-
the benefits of therapy. More work is needed to determine which patients rence radiographic changes in the
may benefit from this approach. tibiofemoral joint.13 The 1986 ACR
criteria for diagnosis of knee OA

454 f Physical Therapy Volume 91 Number 4 April 2011

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

include knee pain and at least 3 of any of the follow-up testing or inter- ing the perturbations. Details of both
the following: age 50 years or older, vention procedures. of these exercise programs are pro-
morning stiffness of less than 30 min- vided in the Appendix.
utes’ duration, crepitus with active Participants were randomly assigned
motion of the knee (eg, when squat- to 1 of 2 exercise intervention groups. To ensure standardization of the inter-
ting while weight bearing), tender- Those assigned to the standard exer- vention implementation, all thera-
ness on palpation of the bony mar- cise group received an exercise pro- pists were given one-on-one instruc-
gins of the joint, bony enlargement, gram that included lower-extremity tion in the intervention procedures
and no palpable warmth.12 Individu- muscle stretching (quadriceps femo- by the principal investigator (G.K.F.).
als with patellofemoral joint radio- ris, hamstring, and calf muscle stretch- The therapists were provided with a
graphic changes were included pro- ing) and strengthening (quad sets, booklet that included descriptions
vided that they had tibiofemoral supine straight leg raises, prone and pictures of the exercises and
radiographic changes as well. To hip extensions, seated isometric instructions in the progression of
ensure that study participants could knee extensions, single-leg leg presses, the exercises. The trial coordinator
safely participate in the training pro- standing hamstring curls, and standing conducted periodic, random reviews
grams, individuals were excluded if heel raises), long-sitting knee flexion of the participants’ treatment
they required use of an assistive and extension range of motion, and records to ensure that they were
device for ambulation, reported a treadmill walking. All lower-extremity receiving their assigned protocols
history of 2 or more falls within the exercises were performed bilater- and progressing programs per the
previous year, were unable to ambu- ally. This program was consistent protocol. The principal investigator
late a distance of 30.5 m without with current published treatment performed a face-to-face review of
an assistive device or need of a rest recommendations for exercise pro- the intervention programs with the
period, or reported severe visual prob- grams for knee OA.1,2,4 therapists every 6 months.
lems. In addition, individuals were
excluded if they had undergone total Participants assigned to the agility To account for any potential effect
knee arthroplasty, exhibited uncon- and perturbation group received the that differences in contact time in
trolled hypertension, had a history of same standard exercise program as therapy between groups may have
cardiovascular disease, or had neuro- the standard exercise group with the had on treatment outcome, partici-
logical disorders that affected lower- addition of agility and perturbation pants in the standard exercise group
extremity function. training techniques. The agility train- performed an arm-bike exercise
ing techniques included side step- activity of the upper extremities for
Randomization ping, braiding (lateral stepping com- 10 to 15 minutes. This amount of
and Interventions bined with forward and backward time approximated the time it took
To ensure a balanced assignment of crossover steps), front crossover for participants in the agility and
participants to the 2 intervention steps during forward ambulation, perturbation group to complete the
groups, block randomization was back crossover steps during back- agility and perturbation training
used. To eliminate any potential biases ward ambulation, shuttle walking activities. Participants were to com-
that could occur from an investigator (forward and backward walking to plete 12 supervised sessions of their
determining the next intervention and from designated markers), and respective program in a 6- to 8-week
assignment in the block sequence, the a drill requiring multiple changes period, depending upon their sched-
intervention assignments occurred in in direction in which the therapist uling constraints.
random block sizes of 2 and 4. In provided hand signals at random to
addition, randomization was strati- prompt the individual to change During the supervised exercise ses-
fied by the presence of unilateral direction (forward and backward, sions, therapists began instructing
versus bilateral knee OA. A set of right and left lateral steps, diagonally participants in the home exercise
sequentially numbered, sealed enve- backward and forward) during walk- activities so that they would be inde-
lopes containing participant inter- ing. The perturbation techniques pendent in this program by the end
vention assignment were created incorporated the use of foam sur- of the supervised therapy period of
by the study statistician. Following faces, tiltboards, and rollerboards to the study. The content of the home
baseline testing, the trial coordinator expose the individual’s lower limbs exercise program for the standard
assigned an individual to a group and body to potentially destabilizing exercise group was similar to that of
based on the instructions in the next forces. The participants attempted to the program they received during
sealed envelope in sequence. The maintain balance and control over the supervised sessions, with some
trial coordinator did not take part in the exercised lower extremity dur- modifications. Because they would

April 2011 Volume 91 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 455

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

not have a leg press machine in their follow-up period. After this period, Outcome Measures
homes, wall squat exercises were participants were encouraged to con- Testing was performed at baseline
substituted for the leg press exer- tinue the program, but further mon- and at 2, 6, and 12 months following
cise. Although a 1-repetition maxi- itoring was not performed. randomization. Self-report measure-
mum resistance used in the leg press ments were taken at all time points.
exercise could not be directly trans- A number of steps were taken to The physical performance measure-
lated to the wall squat, most partici- encourage adherence to the home ments were taken at baseline and
pants had been lifting about half of exercise program. Participants were at the 2- and 6-month time points.
their body weight during the leg provided with a binder containing Testers were blinded from knowl-
press exercise, so we were confident descriptions and pictures of their edge of participants’ group assign-
that the wall squats were providing home exercises. Exercise diary check- ments. The participants were not
resistance similar to that of the leg lists were provided to the partici- informed of the specific group to
press. Participants were provided pants so that they could record the which they were assigned. They
with cuff weights to perform the amount of exercise they performed only knew that they were randomly
straight leg raises, hip extensions, each week. These diaries were to be assigned to 1 of 2 exercise approaches.
and hamstring curls at home. For the returned at each follow-up visit Although the treating therapists could
isometric knee extensions, they were through the 6-month follow-up visit. not be blinded from the participants’
provided with heavy-resistance Thera- Participants were provided a small group assignments, they were not
Band* (Gold color) and instructed monetary reward for returning their involved in any of the study testing
how to attach it to a chair in order to exercise diaries at the follow-up visit. procedures and remained blinded
perform an isometric knee extension In order to prevent any bias from from test results.
exercise. participants forging their diaries to
receive the reward, we instructed Primary outcome measure. The
Participants in the agility and pertur- them that they would be paid for WOMAC total score was the primary
bation group performed all of the returning the diary regardless of outcome measure for the study. The
same standard home program exer- whether the form was complete and WOMAC is a disease-specific mea-
cises as those in the standard exer- that we only wanted to monitor how sure of pain, stiffness, and physical
cise group. In addition, they per- much they actually did their exercise function for individuals with knee
formed all agility exercises with the program. There would be no penalty OA. The WOMAC comprises 5 items
exception of the activity involving for incomplete forms. Participants also related to pain, 2 items related to
multiple changes in direction during came in to the clinic for a face-to-face stiffness, and 17 items related to
walking on therapist command. They visit with the study coordinator for a physical function. Each item is
also did not perform tiltboard and review of the home exercise pro- scored on a 5-point Likert scale. The
rollerboard activities because we gram 4 months post-randomization. 0 to 4 Likert version (version 3.1)
could not provide them with this This visit was to ensure that partici- of the WOMAC was used in this
equipment for home use and there pants were performing their pre- study. The reliability and validity of
would be safety concerns in per- scribed exercise program properly WOMAC scores have been estab-
forming these activities without and to assist them in troubleshooting lished.15–17 We also analyzed the
supervision. As an alternative, they any problems with the home pro- WOMAC physical function subscale
were instructed to perform a single- gram. No outcomes were tested at scores separately from the total
leg standing balance exercise on this 4-month visit. Finally, the trial scores to ensure that the pain and
level surfaces and carpeting. Par- coordinator conducted monthly tele- stiffness components in the WOMAC
ticipants in both groups also were phone contacts to remind partici- total score did not mask the potential
encouraged to continue a walking pants to perform their exercises effects on physical function.
program of at least 30 minutes per and complete their exercise diaries
day at least 3 days a week for the and to assist in troubleshooting any Secondary outcome measures.
home program. They were encour- difficulties with the home program. Secondary outcome measures were:
aged to perform all prescribed home This multistep approach has been self-reported knee instability, self-
exercises at least 2 times per week. shown to improve adherence to reported knee pain, global rating of
We monitored their home program exercise programs14 and was imple- change (GRC) score, and Get Up and
participation through the 6-month mented through the 6-month follow- Go Test (GUAG) score.
up period.
* The Hygenic Corp, 1245 Home Ave, Akron, Participants rated the severity of
OH 44310-2575. knee instability on a 0 to 5 numeric

456 f Physical Therapy Volume 91 Number 4 April 2011

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

scale in response to the query: “To corresponds to the phrase “a very Sample Size
what degree does giving way, buck- great deal worse.” To estimate the sample size required
ling, or shifting of the knee affect for the study, based on preliminary
your level of daily activity?” The rat- The GUAG was used as a performance- observations in our clinic of people
ings were as follows: 5⫽“I do not based measure of function. To per- with knee OA undergoing exercise
have the symptom”; 4⫽“I have the form this test, participants were therapy and those who had received
symptom, but it does not affect daily seated on a standard-height chair agility and perturbation training as
activity”; 3⫽“the symptom affects with armrests. On the command “go,” part of the exercise program, we
my activity slightly”; 2⫽“the symp- they stood up and walked as fast as assumed an 8-point difference in the
tom affects my activity moderately”; possible along a level, unobstructed mean between groups with a com-
1⫽“the symptom affects my activity distance of 15.2 m. A stopwatch was mon standard deviation of 18 points
severely”; and 0⫽“the symptom pre- used to measure the length of time it on the WOMAC, with a .05 level of
vents me from all daily activities.” took to complete the task. We have significance and a 2-sided alternative
This self-report rating of knee insta- demonstrated intrarater (ICC⫽.95) hypothesis. This estimate translates
bility was taken from the Knee Out- and interrater (ICC⫽.98) test-retest into an effect size of approximately
come Survey—Activities of Daily Liv- reliability in our laboratory for the 0.44. This effect size would be con-
ing Scale.18 The test-retest reliability GUAG.22 The minimum detectable sidered a moderate treatment effect
of this self-report rating of knee change was 1.2 seconds.22 between groups, and we believed it
instability on 50 individuals with a would be reasonable if adding the
variety of knee pathologies, includ- Assessment of additional agility and perturbation
ing knee OA, was estimated using Potential Covariates training to existing exercise therapy
an intraclass correlation coefficient In order to account for any potential programs was to be worth the extra
(ICC [2,1]⫽.72). Because few par- covariates that might need to be con- time and effort. Our analysis indi-
ticipants rated their instability as 0 or trolled in the final analysis, we com- cated a sample size of 168 partici-
1, we collapsed the ratings into a pared potential differences between pants (84 per group) would yield
dichotomous variable. Participants groups on a number of variables that approximately 80% power to detect
were classified as “unstable” if their could influence treatment outcome. a difference of 8 in the mean
knee instability rating was severe These variables included age, sex, WOMAC scores at the 1-year end-
enough to affect their activity (ie, race, height, weight, body mass index, point. We anticipated that approxi-
ⱕ3). They were classified as “stable” years with a diagnosis of knee OA, mately 30% of the participants might
if the knee instability rating did not medications, anxiety (measured using either fail initial screening or drop
affect their activity (ie, ⱖ4). the Beck Anxiety Index23), depres- out; therefore, we needed to enroll
sion (measured using the Center for 240 participants (120 per group) to
Participants rated the worst knee Epidemiological Studies—Depression account for this loss.
pain they experienced in the 24 Scale24), fear of physical activity (mea-
hours prior to testing using an sured using the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Data Analysis
11-point numeric pain rating scale, Questionnaire physical activity sub- Summary statistics are presented as
with 0 representing “no pain” and 10 scale, modified for the knee25,26), and means (⫾SD) for continuous vari-
representing “the worst pain imag- physical activity (measured using the ables and as percentages for discrete
inable.” Numeric rating scales have Physical Activity Scale for the variables. Parametric and nonpara-
been found to be reliable and valid Elderly27) (Tab. 1). In addition, radio- metric analysis-of-variance methods
for measuring clinical pain.19,20 graphic severity of knee OA (using and chi-square tests were used to com-
the standing fixed knee flexion view pare the baseline clinical and demo-
A GRC score was obtained from each for the tibiofemoral joint and Mer- graphic characteristics, treatment fea-
participant at the 2-, 6-, and chant view for the patellofemoral tures, rates of side effects and serious
12-month time points. The GRC is a joint),13 knee alignment (using the adverse events (injuries or symptoms
15-item scale in which individuals long cassette radiographic view), associated with the interventions or
rate the degree to which their knee comorbidities, serious adverse events, testing procedures that required refer-
condition has changed from the number of dropouts, and adherence ral to a physician for evaluation or
time treatment was initiated to the to the home exercise program were intervention), and adherence to home
present.21 For example, a rating of assessed (Tabs. 2 and 3, Fig. 1). exercise between treatment groups
1 corresponds to the phrase “a very (Tabs. 1, 2, and 3).
great deal better,” 8 corresponds to
the phrase “about the same,” and 15

April 2011 Volume 91 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 457

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

Table 1.
Baseline Characteristics by Treatment Group

Agility and
Standard Exercise Group Perturbation Group
Characteristic (nⴝ92) (nⴝ91) P

Age (y), X (SD) 64.6 (8.4) 63.3 (8.9) .31

Sex (female), n (%) 62 (67.4) 60 (65.9) .83

Race, n

White 78 83 .18

Black 10 7 .46

Hispanic 0 0 .99

Asian 2 0 .16

Native American 2 1 .57

Weight (kg), X (SD) 85.3 (18.0) 86.6 (20.0) .64

Height (cm), X (SD) 168.0 (10.1) 167.6 (8.8) .81

Body mass index (m/kg2), X (SD) 30.2 (6.1) 30.8 (6.8) .57

Prior history of knee injury, n (%) 35 (38.0) 39 (42.9) .51

Years with arthritis, n (%) .36

⬍1 5 (5.4) 5 (5.5)

1–2 11 (12.0) 11 (12.1)

3–5 21 (22.8) 32 (35.1)

5–10 25 (27.2) 23 (25.3)

⬎10 30 (32.6) 20 (22.0)

Medications at baseline, n (%)

Analgesic 13 (14.1) 12 (13.2) .85

Corticosteroid 2 (2.2) 1 (1.1) .57

COX-2 inhibitor 12 (13.0) 11 (12.1) .85

Glucosamine 14 (15.2) 13 (14.3) .86

Injection 17 (18.5) 15 (16.5) .72

Nonsteroidal 23 (25.0) 26 (28.6) .59

Beck Anxiety Index score, X (SD) 4.7 (5.3) 4.7 (5.5) .94

Center for Epidemiological 7.5 (7.2) 7.1 (7.5) .73

Studies–Depression Scale, X (SD)

Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire 10.0 (5.7) 11.3 (6.7) .15

physical activity score, X (SD)

Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly, X (SD) 141.6 (67.2) 162.2 (86.7) .08

Numeric knee pain rating, X (SD) 4.4 (2.4) 4.7 (2.6) .39
WOMAC total score, X (SD) 28.1 (15.7) 28.1 (16.6) .95

WOMAC physical function score, X (SD) 19.9 (11.9) 19.5 (12.3) .83

Knee instability rating,b n (%) unstable 28 (30.4) 36 (40.0) .20

Get Up and Go Test score (s), X (SD) 9.6 (2.3) 9.6 (2.1) .86
WOMAC⫽Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index.
ⱕ3⫽unstable, ⱖ4⫽stable.

458 f Physical Therapy Volume 91 Number 4 April 2011

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

Table 2.
Baseline Characteristics by Treatment Group: Radiographic Severity and Comorbiditiesa

Agility and
Standard Exercise Group Perturbation Group
Characteristic (nⴝ92) (nⴝ91) P

Radiographic severity (Kellgren and Lawrence grade)

Least-affected knee medial compartment .71

Grade 0 10 (10.8) 8 (8.7)

Grade I 26 (28.3) 22 (24.2)

Grade II 19 (20.7) 23 (25.3)

Grade III 24 (26.1) 29 (31.9)

Grade IV 13 (14.1) 9 (9.9)

Most-affected knee medial compartment .19

Grade 0 3 (3.3) 3 (3.3)

Grade I 10 (10.9) 5 (5.5)

Grade II 28 (30.4) 21 (23.1)

Grade III 29 (31.5) 44 (48.3)

Grade IV 22 (23.9) 18 (19.8)

Least-affected knee lateral compartment .73

Grade 0 24 (26.1) 28 (30.7)

Grade I 14 (15.2) 18 (19.8)

Grade II 29 (31.5) 23 (25.3)

Grade III 21 (22.8) 17 (18.7)

Grade IV 4 (4.4) 5 (5.5)

Most-affected knee lateral compartment .23

Grade 0 15 (16.3) 7 (7.7)

Grade I 17 (18.5) 17 (18.7)

Grade II 19 (20.7) 29 (31.9)

Grade III 32 (34.7) 27 (29.6)

Grade IV 9 (9.8) 11 (12.1)

Least-affected knee patellofemoral compartment .58

Grade 0 9 (9.8) 8 (8.7)

Grade I 18 (19.6) 20 (22.5)

Grade II 37 (40.2) 31 (33.7)

Grade III 19 (20.7) 27 (29.6)

Grade IV 9 (9.8) 5 (5.5)

Most-affected knee patellofemoral compartment .13

Grade 0 3 (3.3) 6 (6.6)

Grade I 19 (20.7) 12 (13.3)

Grade II 34 (36.7) 34 (37.3)

Grade III 24 (26.1) 34 (37.3)

Grade IV 12 (13.2) 5 (5.5)

Unilateral involvement 10 (10.9) 13 (14.3) .49

Least-affected knee alignment, varus (°), X (SD) 177 (4.1) 178 (3.8) .45

Most-affected knee alignment, varus (°), X (SD) 176 (5.5) 176 (5.0) .92


April 2011 Volume 91 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 459

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

Table 2.

Agility and
Standard Exercise Group Perturbation Group
Characteristic (nⴝ92) (nⴝ91) P


High blood pressure 38 (41.3) 48 (52.8) .12

Back pain 47 (51.1) 41 (45.1) .41

Cancer 19 (20.7) 8 (8.8) .02

Congestive heart failure 1 (1.1) 0 (0.0) .99

Diabetes 4 (4.4) 7 (7.7) .34

Depression 20 (21.7) 12 (13.3) .13

Heart disease 8 (8.7) 7 (7.7) .80

Previous hip fracture 0 (0.0) 2 (2.2) .25

Kidney disease 1 (1.1) 1 (1.1) .99

Liver disease 2 (2.2) 0 (0.0) .50

Lung disease 7 (7.6) 4 (4.4) .36

Memory problems 8 (8.7) 7 (7.7) .80

Stomach ulcer 7 (7.6) 7 (7.7) .98

Stroke 1 (1.1) 2 (2.2) .62

Values represent number of participants (%), unless otherwise indicated.

Table 3.
Home Exercise Adherence by Group

Agility and
Standard Exercise Group Perturbation Group
n (%) n (%) P
Session adherence .63

Adherent (⬎80%) 48 (52) 43 (47)

Partially adherent (50%–80%) 15 (16) 19 (21)

Not adherent (⬍50%) 26 (28) 22 (24)

No adherence data 3 (4) 7 (8)

Total 92 (100) 91 (100)

Based on the percentage of expected home exercise sessions to complete during the follow-up period. The expectation was 2 sessions per week over a
16-week follow-up period, totaling 32 sessions.

All outcome analyses were conducted missing scores were imputed using outcomes over the course of the
according to the intention-to-treat the last observation carried forward follow-up period. We adjusted the
(ITT) principle. Regression models approach. To determine whether this models for the incidence of can-
(linear for continuous measures and imputation approach affected study cer, as it was significantly different
logistic for discrete measures) were results, we conducted sensitivity between groups at baseline. We also
used to determine whether there analyses. The analyses were repli- adjusted the models for the Physical
was an independent treatment effect cated using multiple imputation. Activity Scale for the Elderly score
on the outcome variables at the Consistent findings indicated that because although not statistically
12-month follow-up assessment, the results were not affected by this significant, the group mean differ-
adjusting for those baseline charac- approach to missing data. General- ences appeared to approach signifi-
teristics that differed between treat- ized estimating equation longitud- cance. Furthermore, we adjusted
ment groups. At the 12-month assess- inal models were used to model for the most-affected knee medial
ment, data for participants with the association of treatment on the compartment and patellofemoral

460 f Physical Therapy Volume 91 Number 4 April 2011

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy


Excluded (n=48)
Did not meet inclusion criteria (n=34)
Refused to participate (n=10)
No PT referral from MD (n=4)

Standard Exercise Group Agility and Perturbation Group

(n=92) (n=91)

Lost to follow-up (n=1) Lost to follow-up (n=2)

TKA (n=1) THA (n=1)
Illness (n=1) Refused futher participation (n=1)
Missed 2-month testing visit (n=5) Missed 2-month testing visit (n=12)

Standard Exercise Group Agility and Perturbation Group

(n=84) (n=75)

Lost to follow-up (n=3) Lost to follow-up (n=5)

UKA (n=2) UKA (n=1)
Illness (n=1) THA (n=1)
Refused further participation (n=2) Illness (n=2)
Missed 6-month testing visit (n=3) Missed 6-month testing visit (n=3)

Standard Exercise Group Agility and Perturbation Group

(n=78) (n=75)

Lost to follow-up (n=3)

UKA (n=3)
TKA (n=2) Lost to follow-up (n=1)
Illness (n=3) Missed 12-month testing visit (n=1)
Death (n=1)
Refused further participation (n=3)

Completed study (n=69) Completed study (n=76)

All 92 in ITT analysis All 91 in ITT analysis

Figure 1.
CONSORT diagram of study enrollment and participation. PT⫽physical therapy, TKA⫽total knee arthroplasty, THA⫽total hip
arthroplasty, UKA⫽unicompartmental knee arthroplasty, ITT⫽intention to treat.

compartment radiographic severity Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases randomized to a treatment group.
because, although not statistically (grant 1-R01-AR048760). The views The characteristics of these partici-
significant, there did appear to be contained in this publication are pants, by group, are shown in Tables
some difference between the groups those of the grantees and do not nec- 1 and 2. There were no differences
on these variables and previous essarily reflect those of the funding between groups for any demographic
research indicated that radiographic agency. variables or potential covariates,
severity might affect the outcome of with the exception of history of
exercise therapy.28 No adjustment for Results cancer in the list of comorbidities.
multiple tests was implemented for Two hundred thirty-one participants The standard exercise group had sig-
secondary endpoints, so the results were enrolled in the study. Forty- nificantly more participants with
should be interpreted accordingly. eight participants were not random- a history of cancer than the agility
ized to a treatment group, as they did and perturbation group (Tab. 2).
Role of the Funding Source not meet the study inclusion criteria There were no adverse events result-
This study was supported by the during screening procedures (Fig. 1). ing from participation in the study
National Institute of Arthritis and Therefore, 183 participants were

April 2011 Volume 91 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 461

Table 4.

Outcome Measures by Treatment Group at Each Time Point With Intention-to-Treat (ITT) Analysisa

2-Month Follow-up 6-Month Follow-up 12-Month Follow-up 12-Month ITT Sample Treatment P Values

Standard Agility and Standard Agility and Standard Agility and Standard Agility and
Exercise Perturbation Exercise Perturbation Exercise Perturbation Exercise Perturbation
Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group 12-Month Follow-up Longitudinal
Adjustedb Adjustedb
Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean

Physical Therapy
(95% CI), (95% CI), (95% CI), (95% CI), (95% CI), (95% CI), (95% CI), (95% CI), (Treatment (Treatment
Measure n n n n n n n n Unadjusted Adjustedb Effect) ⴛ Time)

WOMAC total 22.0 19.0 23.6 19.1 19.9 20.3 23.9 23.5 .89 .62 .35 .05
score (18.7–25.3), (15.5–22.4), (19.7–27.5), (15.4–22.7), (16.1–23.6), (16.1–24.2), (19.5–26.5), (19.6–27.4),
n⫽84 n⫽75 n⫽78 n⫽75 n⫽66 n⫽76 n⫽92 n⫽91

Volume 91
WOMAC physical 15.2 12.8 16.6 13.1 13.6 13.9 15.9 13.2 .90 .74 .45 .04
function score (12.7–17.6), (10.3–15.3), (13.7–19.4), (10.4–15.7), (10.9–11.3), (11.1–16.7), (13.1–18.4), (16.1–18.9),
n⫽84 n⫽75 n⫽78 n⫽75 n⫽66 n⫽76 n⫽92 n⫽91

Knee pain 4.1 3.5 4.0 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.8 4.1 .56 .31 .56 .13

Number 4
(3.5–4.6), (3.0–4.1), (3.4–4.6), (2.8–4.0), (2.8–4.2), (3.0–4.3), (3.1–4.3), (3.5–4.6),
n⫽84 n⫽75 n⫽78 n⫽75 n⫽66 n⫽76 n⫽92 n⫽91

Global rating of 5.3 4.4 5.3 4.5 5.1 5.5 5.4 5.4 .52 .40 .57 .03
change (4.7–6.0), (3.9–5.0), (4.6–6.0), (3.9–5.2), (4.4–5.8), (4.6–6.3), (4.7–6.1), (4.6–6.3),
n⫽84 n⫽75 n⫽78 n⫽75 n⫽66 n⫽76 n⫽92 n⫽91

Get Up and Go 9.2 8.9 9.1 8.8 9.7 11.1 .96 .75
Test score (8.7–9.7), (8.4–9.3), (8.5–9.3), (8.4–9.2), (8.8–10.5), (9.8–12.4),
n⫽80 n⫽74 n⫽69 n⫽70 n⫽92 n⫽91

Knee instabilityc 30.0 (25/84) 25.0 (19/75) 24.4 (19/78) 29.3 (22/75) 21.2 (14/66) 27.6 (21/76) 26.1 (24/92) 31.9 (29/91) .39 .32 .67 .55
95% CI⫽95% confidence interval, WOMAC⫽Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index.
Adjusted for incidence of cancer, Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly score, most-affected knee medial and patellofemoral compartments radiographic severity.
Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

Reported as percentage of participants with knee instability (ⱕ3 on the knee instability rating scale).



post hoc testing of the simple

April 2011
of change in WOMAC scores, we
scores for each group to percentages
been reported to be clinically mean-
WOMAC scores from baseline has
nificant. A 17% to 22% change in
Our results indicate that although

ingful.29 By converting our change

between-group effects were not sig-
cise group at early time points,
slightly more than the standard exer-
and perturbation group improved
Although we did find a significant
interaction indicating that the agility
between the intervention groups.
improvements in outcome measures,
both groups exhibited some modest
who had knee instability within the
in the proportion of participants
or GUAG scores within the groups.

there were no significant differences

There also was no significant change
There were no changes in knee pain
illustrate this interaction (Fig. 2).
scores over the follow-up periods to
WOMAC total and physical function
We have provided a plot of the
GRC scores in the early follow-up
and physical function scores and

disappeared by the 1-year endpoint.

period. However, these differences
dard exercise group in WOMAC total
more improvement than the stan-
turbation group exhibiting slightly
baseline, with the agility and per-
improvement in both groups from
Table 4 indicate there was some
time interaction results shown in
point. The significant treatment ⫻
come measures at the 1-year end-
treatment groups for any of the out-
there were no differences between
gitudinal ITT analysis indicated that
Table 4 provides the mean outcome

for each outcome variable. The lon-

and the treatment ⫻ time interaction
point, the results of the ITT analysis,
scores for each group at each time
reported by participants in either
Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

Figure 2.
Plot of Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index total (A) and physical function (B) scores at each time point.
Asterisk indicates both groups’ scores were significantly different from their respective baseline scores (P⬍.01).

April 2011 Volume 91 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 463

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

found that changes for each group training” plus strengthening exer- carried forward approach to handle
either were within or exceeded this cises versus only strengthening exer- missing data, so the analysis included
range at most time points (2 months: cise in 60 female participants. The data from 183 participants at the
standard exercise group⫽21%, agil- participants received 24 sessions of 1-year endpoint, which is well over
ity and perturbation group⫽32%; their respective interventions over the initial sample size estimate. We
6 months: standard exercise group⫽ an 8-week period. Outcome was performed a sensitivity analysis using
16%, agility and perturbation group⫽ measured at the end of the 8-week multiple imputation to verify our ITT
32%; 12 months: standard exercise period. Similar to our study, although approach. In addition, the relatively
group⫽29%, agility and perturba- both groups improved, there was no small difference in means between
tion group⫽28%). Likewise, the per- difference in WOMAC scores.30 Dira- groups indicates that we probably
centage of change from baseline in coglu et al did report that WOMAC did have sufficient power to con-
WOMAC physical function scores physical function scores were statis- clude that the groups were not dif-
was within or exceeded this range tically better in the kinesthesia ferent on our outcome measures.
(2 months: standard exercise group⫽ group; however, the actual differ-
24%, agility and perturbation group⫽ ence was on the order of 0.7 points, In developing the agility and per-
34%; 6 months: standard exercise which, in our opinion, does not turbation training program, we had
group⫽17%, agility and perturbation seem clinically meaningful. They hypothesized that exposing partici-
group⫽33%; 12 months: standard also reported greater improvements pants to challenging movement prob-
exercise group⫽32%, agility and per- in scores on the Medical Outcomes lems, including challenges to knee
turbation group⫽29%). Post hoc Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Sur- stability, balance, quick changes in
pair-wise comparisons on the per pro- vey questionnaire (SF-36) physical direction, quick stops and starts, and
tocol data using a Bonferroni correc- function, role limitations (physical), so on, would better prepare them for
tion indicated that the within-group and vitality (energy or fatigue) sub- dealing with these types of move-
changes from baseline in the WOMAC scales. The kinesthesia group also ment problems during daily function.
total and physical function scores had significantly faster times on the This logic may have been reasonable
were significant (P⬍.01) for both 10-Meter Walking Test (0.68 seconds and appeared to have worked in
groups (Fig. 2). The GRC scores also faster) following treatment, but it is younger, athletic individuals with ACL
exhibited moderate improvements unclear whether this finding repre- injuries.10 However, in older individ-
for each group (5⫽somewhat better sents a clinically meaningful differ- uals with knee OA, the daily chal-
to 4⫽moderately better) at all 3 ence. Participants in Diracoglu and lenges to balance and requirements
follow-up time points. There were colleagues’ study received twice as for agility may not be as intense or
only slight improvements in knee many treatment sessions as our par- as frequent as those encountered by
pain (0.3 to 1.0) and in GUAG scores ticipants received and in a shorter younger, athletic people. Therefore,
(0.3 to 0.5 seconds) in both groups, time frame. It may be possible that adding agility and perturbation train-
and we would not consider these if we had administered a greater ing techniques to exercise programs
changes to be clinically meaningful. number of treatment sessions in a may not have as dramatic an effect
Likewise, there were only slight shorter period of time, we might on knee stability and general func-
within-group improvements in the have detected significant differences tion in older individuals with knee
proportion of participants reporting between our intervention groups. OA as had previously been observed
knee instability from baseline to the for younger, athletic individuals. It
follow-up periods. The results do not Our initial sample size estimate indi- may be true that some of our par-
support an additive effect of agility cated that we needed 168 partici- ticipants engaged in higher-level
and perturbation training techniques pants (84 per group) to have suffi- activity where challenges to balance
to a standard exercise therapy pro- cient statistical power, and as we and agility may occur, but perhaps the
gram in our sample of participants had anticipated a 30% initial screen- majority of them did not.
with knee OA. ing failure or dropout rate, we indi-
cated we would enroll 240 partici- Another potential limitation is that
We are aware of only one other pants. We did not meet the target we had excluded participants who
study that examined the effective- enrollment, as we enrolled only 231 were already known to be at risk for
ness of a similar training program participants due to limitations in falling and those who required assis-
that included balance and agility funding. At the 1-year endpoint, we tive devices for ambulation. It is pos-
exercises in people with knee OA. had complete data on 143 partici- sible that these individuals might
Diracoglu et al30 compared the effec- pants. However, because we used an benefit more from the agility and per-
tiveness of “kinesthetic and balance ITT analysis, we used a last score turbation training than from a standard

464 f Physical Therapy Volume 91 Number 4 April 2011

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

exercise program. Further study is and perturbation training techniques gang provided institutional liaisons. Dr Piva
warranted to determine whether add- are advantageous for some and not and Dr Gil provided clerical support. Dr Gil,
Dr Wisniewski, Dr Oddis, and Dr Irrgang
ing agility and perturbation training really helpful, or perhaps harmful,
provided consultation (including review of
techniques for people with knee OA for others. In order to improve the manuscript before submission).
who are also at risk for falling may precision of decision making,
This study was approved by the University of
have an additive effect on improving it would be helpful to determine
Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board.
function in those individuals. whether there are patient character-
istics that could be measured at base- This study was supported by the National
Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and
Another potential problem is that line that would help determine who
Skin Diseases (grant 1-R01-AR048760).
our outcome measures may not have is likely to benefit from adding agil-
been sufficiently sensitive in captur- ity and perturbation training tech- Clinical trial registration number:
ing aspects of physical function that niques to exercise programs and who
might be more influenced by agility is not likely to benefit. This effort This article was submitted May 26, 2010, and
and perturbation training. For exam- was beyond the scope of our study, was accepted December 28, 2010.
ple, the WOMAC does not include but we are currently examining our DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20100188
items that directly incorporate data to determine whether we can
higher-level activities requiring bal- identify baseline predictors of treat-
ance and agility skills. In addition, ment response for both of our inter- 1 American College of Rheumatology Sub-
we had only one performance-based vention groups. committee on Osteoarthritis Guidelines.
measure of function. If other types Recommendations for the medical man-
agement of osteoarthritis of the hip and
of performance-based measures of Conclusion knee: 2000 update. Arthritis Rheum.
function had been used, we might 2000;43:1905–1915.
Although both intervention groups
have found differences between our 2 Jordan KM, Arden NK, Doherty M, et al.
exhibited some moderate improve- EULAR Recommendations 2003; an
intervention groups. For example, ments in self-reported outcome mea- evidence-based approach to the manage-
in a recently completed feasibility ment of knee osteoarthritis: report of a
sures, there was no additive benefit task force of the Standing Committee for
study including participants with from including agility and perturba- International Clinical Studies Including
total knee arthroplasty, we found Therapeutic Trials (ESCISIT). Ann Rheum
tion training techniques in a stan- Dis. 2003;62:1145–1155.
that single-limb stance time (a mea- dard exercise program for our partic- 3 Ottawa Panel Evidence-Based Clinical
sure of balance) and self-selected gait ipants with knee OA. The use of Practice Guidelines for Therapeutic Exer-
speed improved in participants who cises and Manual Therapy in the Manage-
other outcome measures (eg, more ment of Osteoarthritis. Phys Ther. 2005;
received the same agility and pertur- variety of performance-based physi- 85:907–971.
bation training techniques compared cal function measures, balance, pro- 4 Zhang W, Moskowitz RW, Nuki G, et al.
with those who received a standard OARSI recommendations for the manage-
prioception) or application of the ment of hip and knee osteoarthritis, part
exercise program.31 interventions to subgroups of people II: OARSI evidence-based, expert consen-
sus guidelines. Osteoarthritis Cartilage.
with knee OA who also have prob- 2008;16:137–162.
The fact that there were only slight lems with balance may be needed to 5 Fransen M, McConnell S, Bell M. Exer-
changes in knee pain from base- observe an additive effect. Future cise for osteoarthritis of the hip or knee.
line in both groups most likely also Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;3:
study also is needed to determine CD004286.
played a role in dampening any ben- whether baseline clinical measures 6 Jamtvedt G, Dahm KT, Christie A, et al.
eficial effects of adding agility and could be used to identify individuals Physical therapy interventions for patients
perturbation training to exercise pro- with osteoarthritis of the knee: an over-
who may benefit from adding agility view of systematic reviews. Phys Ther.
grams to improve physical function. A and perturbation training techniques 2008;88:123–136.
strong relationship between pain to exercise therapy programs for 7 Fitzgerald GK, Piva SR, Irrgang JJ. Reports
and function is well established in people with knee OA. of joint instability in knee osteoarthritis: its
prevalence and relationship to physical
people with knee OA, and it would function. Arthritis Rheum. 2004;51:941–946.
not be surprising that differences 8 Felson DT, Niu J, McClennan C, et al. Knee
Dr Fitzgerald, Dr Piva, Dr Wisniewski, Dr Oddis, buckling: prevalence, risk factors, and
in physical function would not be and Dr Irrgang provided concept/idea/ associated limitations in function. Ann
observed if there were not signifi- research design. Dr Fitzgerald, Dr Piva, Dr Intern Med. 2007;147:534 –540.
cant differences in knee pain follow- Wisniewski, and Dr Irrgang provided writing. 9 Schmitt LC, Fitzgerald GK, Reisman AS,
ing treatment. Dr Gil and Dr Oddis provided data collec- Rudolph KS. Instability, laxity, and physical
tion. Dr Gil and Dr Wisniewski provided data function in patients with medial knee osteo-
arthritis. Phys Ther. 2008;88:1506 –1516.
analysis. Dr Fitzgerald, Dr Piva, and Dr Gil
In both groups, we had responders provided project management. Dr Fitzgerald
and nonresponders to treatment. It provided fund procurement. Dr Oddis pro-
may be that the addition of agility vided participants. Dr Fitzgerald and Dr Irr-

April 2011 Volume 91 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 465

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

10 Fitzgerald GK, Axe MJ, Snyder-Mackler L. 17 Hawker G, Melfi C, Paul J, et al. Compari- 26 Scopaz KA, Piva SR, Wisnewski S, Fitz-
The efficacy of perturbation training in non- son of a generic (SF-36) and disease- gerald GK. Relationships of fear, anxiety,
operative anterior cruciate ligament rehabil- specific (WOMAC) (Western Ontario and and depression with physical function in
itation programs for physically active indi- McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index) patients with knee osteoarthritis. Arch
viduals. Phys Ther. 2000;80:128 –140. instrument in the measurement of out- Phys Med Rehabil. 2009;90:1866 –1873.
comes after knee replacement surgery.
11 Fitzgerald GK, Childs JD, Ridge TM, 27 Washburn RA, Smith KW, Jette AM, Janney
J Rheumatol. 1995;22:1193–1196.
Irrgang JJ. Agility and perturbation train- CA. The Physical Activity Scale for the
ing for a physically active individual with 18 Irrgang JJ, Snyder-Mackler L, Wainner RS, Elderly (PASE): development and evalua-
knee osteoarthritis. Phys Ther. 2002;82: et al. Development of a patient-reported tion. J Clin Epidemiol. 1993;46:153–162.
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Joint Surg Am. 1998;80:1132–1145.
12 Altman R, Asch E, Bloch D, et al. Devel- therapy is effective for patients with osteo-
opment of criteria for the classification 19 Jensen MP, Miller L, Fisher LD. Assessment arthritis of the knee: a randomized con-
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tion of osteoarthritis of the knee: Diagnos- parison of three scales. Clin J Pain. 1998; 28:156 –164.
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the American Rheumatism Association. 20 Katz J, Melzack R. Measurement of pain. G. Minimal clinically important rehabilita-
Arthritis Rheum. 1986;29:1039 –1049. Surg Clin North Am. 1999;79:231–252. tion effects in patients with osteoarthritis
13 Kellgren JH, Lawrence JS. Radiological of the lower extremities. J Rheumatol.
21 Jaeschke R, Singer J, Guyatt GH. Measure-
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ment of health status: ascertaining the
Dis. 1957;16:494 –502. minimal clinically important difference. 30 Diracoglu D, Aydin R, Baskent A, Celik A.
14 Jette AM, Rooks D, Lachman M, et al. Control Clin Trials. 1989;10:407– 415. Effects of kinesthesia and balance exer-
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22 Piva SR, Fitzgerald GK, Irrgang JJ, et al.
of participation and adherence. Geron- matol. 2005;11:303–310.
Get up and go test in patients with knee
tologist. 1998;38:412– 421. osteoarthritis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 31 Piva SR, Gil AB, Almeida GJ, et al. A bal-
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466 f Physical Therapy Volume 91 Number 4 April 2011

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy

Exercise Therapy Proceduresa

Exercise Description Exercise Dosage/Progression

Calf Stretching: Subject stands in front of wall with hands supporting body against the 2 repetitions, each of 30 seconds’ duration. Performed on
wall. For the limb being stretched, the hip is extended, the knee is extended, and the both limbs. Range can be increased during 30-second
foot is placed flat on the floor. The contralateral limb rests on the floor for stability, with period if subject reports stretch discomfort has decreased.
the hip and knee comfortably flexed and the foot resting comfortably on the floor. The
subject slowly leans forward toward the wall, keeping the foot flat and maintained in
slight supination and keeping the knee extended, until a stretch discomfort is felt in the
calf muscles. The exercise should be repeated on the other limb.
Hamstring Stretching: The therapist stabilizes the contralateral limb on the plinth 2 repetitions, each of 30 seconds’ duration. Performed on
and moves the stretching limb in a straight-leg-raise position, flexing the hip until a both limbs. Range can be increased during 30-second
stretch discomfort is felt by the subject in the hamstrings while keeping the knee in period if subject reports stretch discomfort has decreased.
full extension. The range can be increased during the 30-second period if the subject
reports that the stretch discomfort has decreased. The exercise should be repeated
on the other limb.
Prone Quadriceps Stretching: The subject lies prone on the treatment table. The 2 repetitions, each of 30 seconds’ duration. Performed on
therapist stabilizes the contralateral limb on the plinth. The knee of the stretching both limbs. Range can be increased during 30-second
limb is placed in 90° of flexion, then the therapist extends the hip until a stretch period if subject reports stretch discomfort has decreased.
discomfort is felt by the subject in the quadriceps. The exercise should be repeated
on the other limb.
Long-Sitting Knee Flexion and Extension: The subject is positioned in long Repetitions are progressed from a minimum of 10 to a
sitting on the treatment table. The therapist instructs the subject to flex the knee as maximum of 30 repetitions. Subjects are given the option
far as possible by sliding the foot along the treatment table toward the pelvis. The of doing 30 consecutive repetitions or 3 sets of 10
subject holds the flexed position for 3–5 seconds. A belt, a towel, or a strap may be repetitions, according to their preference.
used by the subject to assist with bending the knee. The therapist then instructs the
subject to extend the knee by sliding the foot along the treatment table toward the
end of the table. The subject holds the fully extended position for 3–5 seconds. The
exercise should be repeated on the other limb.
Quadriceps setting: The subject is positioned in long sitting with the knee Exercise is progressed from 10 contractions to 30
extended. Therapist instructs the subject to isometrically contract the quadriceps contractions, as tolerated. Subjects are given the option
muscles bilaterally as vigorously as possible without reproducing pain. The subject is of doing 30 consecutive repetitions or 3 sets of 10
instructed to hold the contraction for 3–5 seconds. The exercise should be repeated repetitions, according to their preference.
on the other limb.
Supine Straight Leg Raises: The subject is positioned supine on the treatment Exercise is progressed from 10 to 30 repetitions. Subjects
table. The contralateral knee is flexed so that the foot is resting comfortably in a foot are given the option of doing 30 consecutive repetitions
flat position on the table. The therapist instructs the subject to raise the exercise limb or 3 sets of 10 repetitions, according to their preference.
with the knee maintained in full extension to the height of the contralateral flexed When subject can do 30 repetitions without added
knee position, then lower the limb back to the table. The exercise should be weight, a 1-pound cuff weight is added. Resistance is
repeated on the other limb. progressed by adding 1 pound when the subject can do
30 repetitions at the current resistance.

Prone Hip Extensions: The subject is positioned prone on the treatment table. The Exercise is progressed from 10 to 30 repetitions. Subjects
therapist instructs the subject to raise the exercise limb with the knee maintained in are given the option of doing 30 consecutive repetitions or
full extension as high as possible, then lower the limb back to the table. The exercise 3 sets of 10 repetitions, according to their preference. When
should be repeated on the other limb. subject can do 30 repetitions without added weight, a 1-
pound cuff weight is added. Resistance is progressed by
adding 1 pound when the subject can do 30 repetitions at
the current resistance.

Seated Knee Extension Isometrics: The subject is seated on a leg extension Exercise is progressed from 10 contractions to 30
exercise device with the knee in a comfortable flexed position between 90° and 60° contractions as soon as possible (by the 3rd treatment
of flexion. The subject is instructed to push against the force pad of the extension visit). Subjects are given the option of doing
device as vigorously as possible without reproducing pain symptoms. The subject is 30 consecutive repetitions or 3 sets of 10 repetitions,
instructed to hold the contraction for 3–5 seconds. The exercise should be repeated according to their preference.
on the other limb.
Single-Limb Seated Leg Press: The subject is positioned in sitting on a leg press A resistance equivalent to 70% of the 1 repetition
machine with the exercise limb fixed to the foot platform. The subject is instructed maximum should be used for training. Subject attempts
to extend and flex knees in a range of motion from 0° to 45° of flexion against the to perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions at this resistance.
resistance. The exercise should be repeated on the other limb. When the subject can perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions,
resistance should be advanced 1 plate (4.54 kg).
Additional plate is added when 3 sets of 10 repetitions
are achieved with current resistance. A new 1 repetition
maximum should be established every 2 weeks (every 4th
visit). The minimum resistance is then 70% of the newly
established 1 repetition maximum.


April 2011 Volume 91 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 467

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy


Exercise Description Exercise Dosage/Progression

Standing Hamstring Curls With Cuff Weights: A 1-kg cuff weight is wrapped Subject attempts to perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
around the subject’s ankle. The subject faces a wall or door. Keeping the thigh on When subjects can perform all 3 sets of 10 repetitions,
the exercise leg even with the thigh from the support leg, the exercise leg knee is another kilogram of resistance is added.
flexed to 90°, then slowly lowered back to the start position. The exercise should be
repeated on the other limb.
Standing Calf Raises: The subject is positioned in standing with both feet flat on When the subject can perform 30 repetitions with body
the floor. The subject is instructed to raise up on the toes as high as possible, weight, the exercise is performed on a calf machine,
holding for 1–2 seconds, then return to the foot flat position. starting with 1 plate of resistance (4.54 kg). Subjects are
given the option of doing 30 consecutive repetitions or
3 sets of 10 repetitions, according to their preference.
The resistance should be advanced 1 plate when the
subject can perform 30 repetitions.

Treadmill Walking: Subject walks on a treadmill at a self-selected pace beginning When the subject reaches 15 minutes on the treadmill,
at 1–5 minutes duration and progressing to 15 minutes, as tolerated. the walking speed should be increased, as tolerated.

Agility and Perturbation Activities for the Experimental Group

Side Stepping: Subject steps sideways, moving right to left and then left to right, The width of steps and the speed of steps are progressed
approximately 10–20 ft, repeating 2 times in each direction for a total of 4 times. every 1–2 sessions. The activity is initiated on a level surface
and progressed to side stepping over low obstacles when
subject performs side stepping on level surfaces without

Braiding Activities: Subject combines front and back crossover steps while moving The activity is progressed by increasing the width of steps
laterally (walking carioca). During each activity, subject will be moving right to left and the speed of steps every 1–2 sessions.
and then left to right, approximately 10–20 ft, repeating 2 times in each direction
for a total of 4 times.

Front and Back Crossover Steps During Forward Ambulation: The subject Two repetitions are performed. Begin with tandem
will cross one leg in front of the other, alternating legs with each step, while walking crossover steps and progress to full crossover steps when
forward approximately 10–20 ft. The subject will then walk backward to the start the subject’s performance improves. The width of steps
position while crossing one leg behind the other, alternating legs with each step. and the speed of steps can be progressed every 1–2

Shuttle Walking: Plastic pylon markers will be placed at distances of 5, 10, and The activity is progressed by increasing the width of steps
15 ft. The subject walks forward to first marker, then returns to start by walking and the speed of steps every 1–2 sessions.
backward. Subject then walks to 10-ft marker forward, then returns to 5-ft marker
walking backward. The subject then walks to 15-ft marker, returns to 10-ft marker
walking backward, then finishes by walking to 15-ft marker.
Multiple Change in Direction During Walking on Therapist Command: Duration of exercise bout is approximately 30 seconds.
Therapist directs the subject to either walk forward, backward, sideways, or on
diagonal by cueing the subject with hand signals. Changes in direction are cued
randomly by the therapist.

Double-Leg Foam Balance Activity: Subject stands on a soft foam surface with The duration of the activity is approximately 30 seconds.
both feet on the ground. Therapist attempts to perturb patient balance in random The difficulty is progressed as the subject improves by
fashion. progressing to ball catching with therapist perturbing
subject’s balance while standing on foam and progressing
to single-leg support if tolerated without knee pain,
swelling, or buckling.

Tiltboard Balance Training: The subject stands on a tiltboard with both feet on The difficulty of the activity is progressed by adding ball
the board. The therapist perturbs the tiltboard in forward and backward and side-to- catching during the perturbations and progressing to
side directions for approximately 30 seconds each. single-limb support perturbations if the subject tolerates
single-limb weight bearing without knee pain, swelling,
or buckling.

Rollerboard and Platform Perturbations: The subject stands with one limb on a The activity may begin with subject in the semi-seated
stationary platform and the other limb on a rollerboard. Therapist perturbs position, with hips resting on plinth if the subject has
rollerboard in multiple directions, at random, and the subject attempts to resist the difficulty doing the activity in full standing. The activity is
perturbations. The activity lasts approximately 30 seconds. The activity is repeated by progressed to the full standing position when the subject
changing the limbs on the platform and the rollerboard. is able to tolerate this position without pain.


468 f Physical Therapy Volume 91 Number 4 April 2011

Agility and Perturbation Training Techniques in Exercise Therapy


Home Exercise Program

Subjects are encouraged to perform their exercises independently at home at least 2 times per week. The program is
essentially the same, with some modifications for home. The modifications are as follows:

For the Standard Exercise Group’s Home Program:

Wall squats are substituted for the seated leg press.

Isometric knee extensions are performed against heavy resistance elastic bands that are secured to a chair.

For the Agility and Perturbation Group’s Home Program:

Subjects in the agility and perturbation group perform all of the activities in the standard exercise group’s home program
activities. In addition, they perform all agility training with the exception of the multiple change in direction during walking
on therapist command activity. They also do not perform tiltboard and rollerboard activities. They perform single-leg
standing balance.
Reprinted with permission and with modifications from: Scopaz KA, Piva SR, Gil AB, et al. Effect of baseline quadriceps activation on changes in quadriceps
strength after exercise therapy in subjects with knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2009;61:951–957.

April 2011 Volume 91 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 469

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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