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Crisis of the 'militant ideology'

crisis of unity on the political left

left wing politics

Having rejected the possibility of a politics based on a single theory that will accurately
capture the truth of all social events
In the case of a differend, a wrong is done to a party who cannot phrase their hurt (See
Postmodernism (c) The Differend). For Lyotard, no just resolution of a differend is
possible. Because of the radical incommensurability of phrase regimes in the case of a
differend, any "resolution" would only assert the legitimacy of one phrase regime at the
cost of silencing the other, thus deepening the wrong. Justice demands a witnessing and a
remembering of the fact that there is a differend. This means presenting the fact that a
wrong has been done which cannot itself be presented. This is then the contradictory task
of presenting the unpresentable, a task Lyotard sees as best accomplished in the arena of

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