A Systematic Approach To Developing Single-Stage Soft Switching PWM Converters

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5, SEPTEMBER 2001 581

A Systematic Approach to Developing Single-Stage

Soft Switching PWM Converters
Tsai-Fu Wu, Senior Member, IEEE and Shih-An Liang, Student Member, IEEE

Abstract—A systematic approach to developing soft switching

PWM converters based on the synchronous switch scheme is pre-
sented in this paper. With the approach, several families of passive
and active soft switching PWM converters, such as buck–boost,
Zeta, Ćuk, and Sepic, can be generated from the two basic con-
verters, buck and boost. Also, the approach is used to integrate
multiple converters to form a single-stage soft switching PWM con-
verter. It has been shown that analysis of the converters can be con-
veniently performed from the derived general configurations, re-
ducing the complexity significantly. Therefore, employing the tech- Fig. 1. Conceptual block diagram of converters in cascade connection.
nique can not only explore more physical insights into the con-
verters in a family but reveal more relationships among the soft
switching converters over conventional approaches. Measured re-
sults from a prototype have verified the feasibility of the derived
single-stage converters.
Index Terms—Single-stage converter, soft switching.


T O ACHIEVE lighter weight, smaller size and higher

power density, pulse-width-modulated power converters
are operated at high switching frequency. However, as the

switching frequency increases, they suffer from high switching

losses, high EMI levels and, consequently, low efficiency in
hard switching converters. Several kinds of soft switching con-
verters, such as series and parallel resonant converters [1]–[3],
quasiresonant converters (QRCs) [4]–[6], and multi-resonant
converters (MRCs) [7]–[9], have been proposed to alleviate
these problems. In the converters, the power switching devices
are commutated with either zero-voltage switching (ZVS) (b)
or zero-current switching (ZCS); thus, switching losses and Fig. 2. Schematic diagrams of the passive soft switching PWM buck and boost
EMI are reduced significantly. Unfortunately, some of their converters [19].
characteristics such as high voltage and current stresses, large
conduction losses, high load limitations and high costs restrict then, return to PWM operation for the rest of a switching period.
the practical use of these converters [10], [11]. These converters can be classified into two groups: passive soft
Most recent development in high frequency converter config- switching converters and active soft switching converters. Pas-
uration is a hybrid of resonant soft switching and PWM control. sive methods use only passive components to achieve zero-cur-
This group of converters are called soft switching PWM con- rent transition at turn on and zero-voltage transition at turn off
verters which can relieve the drawbacks described previously. [17]–[20]. Active methods incorporate passive components and
In converter operation, the ZVS-PWM and/or ZCS-PWM tech- auxiliary active switch to achieve soft switching resonant com-
niques can be used to minimize switching stresses and switching mutation [21]–[23]. In [12]–[23], the concepts of fundamental
losses, and are particularly attractive for high frequency appli- soft switching cells were employed to generate many families of
cations. In the soft switching PWM converters, the switches op- soft switching PWM converters. A general rule for generating
erate in resonant mode only during switching transitions and these soft switching PWM converters, however, has not been es-
Manuscript received November 29, 1999; revised April 27, 2001. Recom- In this paper, a systematic approach to developing soft
mended by Associate Editor J. Qian. switching PWM converters is proposed, which is based on the
The authors are with the Power Electronics Applied Research Laboratory synchronous switch scheme proposed in [24], [25]. The basic
(PEARL), Department of Electronics Engineering, National Chung Cheng Uni-
versity, Chia-Yi, Taiwan, R.O.C. (e-mail: tfwu@ee.ccu.edu.tw). converter units (BCUs) of each passive or active soft switching
Publisher Item Identifier S 0885-8993(01)08046-2. family are first identified, and the converters in a family are
0885–8993/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE

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Fig. 3. Illustration of the derivation of passive soft switching buck–boost converter.

then synthesized systematically. Each type of passive or active can be turned on or off independently. When the power switches
soft switching PWM converters is further divided into buck can be operated synchronously and they share a common node,
and boost families for the convenience of analysis and design. the two-stage converter can be converted to a single-stage
The proposed approach can explore more physical insights into converter (SSC) through an integration of the switches. In
the converters in a family, and reveal more relationships among the following, a family of soft switching PWM converters are
converters over conventional approaches. derived by using the synchronous switch scheme.

II. PROCEDURES FOR GENERATING SOFT SWITCHING A. Generation of Passive Soft Switching PWM Converters
To reduce switching losses in high frequency PWM con-
Switching power converters are usually connected in cascade verters, many passive soft switching configurations have
to achieve multiple functions, such as adding a power factor been proposed in the literature with zero-current transition at
corrector (PFC) to prevent harmonic current pollution. These turn on and zero-voltage transition at turn off. Therefore, the
can be conceptually illustrated by a two-converter system switching losses and EMI can be effectively reduced, and high
shown in Fig. 1. In the figure, the multistage converter consists performance, high reliability and low cost can be achieved.
of two power stages, namely converter unit 1 (CU1) and As shown in Fig. 2, the passive soft switching buck and boost
converter unit 2 (CU2). Each stage in the cascaded converter converters are recognized as the two BCUs, and the passive soft
system can be controlled separately; that is, each power switch switching cells enclosed in the dashed line are formed with only

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Fig. 4. Illustration of the derivation of passive soft switching Cuk converter.

passive switches and reactive elements. From the two BCUs, It can be further simplified by removing diodes and
another possible passive soft switching buck–boost, Zeta, Ćuk, to become the one shown in Fig. 3(d), because the
and Sepic can be generated by using the synchronous switch currents through and are the same during the steady
scheme. With the passive soft switching Cell, the converter op- on-state, and no differential current circulates through
eration is not changed except at the switching transition during and . It is apparent that, in Fig. 3(d), diodes and
turn on and turn off. For the rest of the switching period, these are in series when conducting steady on-state current;
converters are operating in the regular PWM converter mode. To thus, they can be substituted with a single diode , as
obtain the passive soft switching single-stage converters (SSCs), illustrated in Fig. 3(e). By properly relocating switch
CU1, and CU2 are grafted through switch integration in which and rearranging the overall circuit configuration, the passive
one is PWM converter and the other is passive soft switching soft switching PWM buck–boost converter is obtained and
PWM converter. depicted in Fig. 3(f).
For instance, grafting passive soft switching PWM boost By following the same derivation procedure, grafting passive
converter on PWM buck converter yields a soft switching soft switching PWM buck converter on PWM boost converter
buck–boost SSC. The derivation of this SSC is illustrated in can yield a soft switching boost–buck SSC (i.e., Ćuk converter).
Fig. 3. Fig. 3(a) shows the two converters in cascade connec- The soft switching Zeta SSC can be derived by properly cas-
tion, corresponding to CU1 and CU2. First of all, we observe coding PWM buck–boost converter and soft switching PWM
that the function of an – – network is equivalent to buck converter. Analogously, the soft switching Sepic SSC can
that of an , and relocate switch , without changing its be developed by properly organizing the PWM boost–buck
operating principle; thus, an equivalent converter configura- converter as well as soft switching PWM boost converter.
tion is derived and drawn in Fig. 3(b). It reveals that active The derivations of these SSC’s are illustrated in Figs. 4–6.
switches and are in the – type configuration (with Alternatively, it is possible to derive the passive soft switching
a – common node); thus, with the synchronous switches converters by cascading a CU1 passive soft switching PWM
scheme, and are replaced with switch and diodes converter and a CU2 PWM converter, which is illustrated in
and . The derived circuit is depicted in Fig. 3(c). Fig. 7.

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Fig. 6. Illustration of the derivation of passive soft switching Sepic converter.

voltage and current stresses. However, using the active method

increases the design complexity of both power stage and control
circuit, increasing circuit cost and deteriorating in system relia-
For convenience of illustration, grafting a PWM buck con-
Fig. 5. Illustration of the derivation of passive soft switching Zeta converter.
verter on an active soft switching PWM boost converter which
yields a soft switching boost–buck (Ćuk) one is conducted.
Derivation of the converter is shown in Fig. 8. By following the
B. Generation of Active Soft Switching PWM Converters
same philosophy described previously, the active soft switching
In addition to a passive soft switching method, an active PWM Ćuk converter can be derived when the active switches
method also has been proposed by using additional active, posses a common node and are operated in unison. Similarly,
passive switches and reactive elements to achieve ZVS or ZCS by applying the synchronous switches technique, the other
function. With this approach, the switching losses of the main converters with active soft switching can also be derived, which
and auxiliary switches can be reduced, while without increasing are buck–boost, Zeta, and Sepic converters.

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Fig. 7. Illustration of grafting a boost converter on a soft switching buck converter to yield a passive soft switching buck–boost converter.

C. Generation of Isolated Single-Stage ZVS-PWM 1) switches operating in hard switching, 2) low conversion effi-
Active-Clamping Converters ciency, and 3) high voltage stress. In order to relieve these dis-
To protect line source from harmonic current pollution, more advantages, a family of isolated single-stage ZVS-PWM con-
stringent regulation from IEC1000-3-2 has been imposed on verters are derived with an active-clamping method. These con-
electronic equipment. To comply with the regulation, it is cus- verters present soft commutation and low voltage stress im-
tomary to add a power factor corrector (PFC) in front of a dc posed on switches, while without circulating reactive energy
regulator. In the literature, many active PFC’s with tight output that would cause extra conduction losses.
regulation have been proposed. They can be divided into two Generation of isolated single-stage ZVS-PWM ac-
categories: two-stage PFC’s and single-stage PFC’s. Although tive-clamping converters includes selection of PFC’s and
a two-stage PFC is relatively mature and viable in the applica- regulator semi-stages, and applies the synchronous switch
tions with a wide power range, it is not an optimal design and technique to integrate the semi-stages. Fig. 9 illustrates the
it may suffer from the drawbacks of low conversion efficiency, derivation of a boost-forward ZVS-PWM SSC with the
high cost and high design complexity for low power applica- clamping action achieved by a boost cell. The active clamping
tions. of the SSC in Fig. 9 is formed with capacitor and switch
In an effort to improve the conversion efficiency and also to . In the steady state, the voltage across clamp capacitor is
reduce the component count and cost, a number of single-stage
converter topologies have been proposed [26]–[31]. These con-
verters, however, have at least one of the following drawbacks: (1)

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Fig. 8. Illustration of the derivation of active soft switching ‘Cuk converter [20].

It can be seen that (1) is a transfer function same as that of a same procedure, the rest of the isolated ZVS-PWM SSC’s can
boost converter. Thus, the clamping action is named as a boost be derived, and are shown in Figs. 10 and 11.
cell. Similarly, as shown in Fig. 10(a), the active clamping cell
is a buck type, in which the voltage across clamp capacitor D. A Family of Quadratic Soft Switching PWM Converters
is In applications of converters that require a wide range of input
to output conversion, PWM converters must operate with an ex-
(2) tremely low or high duty ratio. For example, the duty ratio would
have to be about 0.0688 for a 48-to-3.3 V conversion, which se-
For the circuit shown in Fig. 10(b), the cell is a buck–boost cell,
verely limits the switching frequency and the dynamic range of
in which can be expressed as
the load. An undesirable high peak current will be introduced,
which results in a great amount of power losses. Cascade of
(3) two (or more) converters can significantly extend the conver-
sion ratio and resolve the problems mentioned above, but they
The boost and forward-boost ZVS-PWM converters con- require more power switches. By using the synchronous switch
nected in cascade are shown in Fig. 9(a). Since the source leads scheme, these converters are grafted to form an SSC, which can
of and share the same node, and they can be operated obtain the merits of only one active switch, compact size, pos-
synchronously, by adopting the approach presented in [24], sible high reliability, and simple driver design.
[25], T-type synchronous switch is used to replace them, In the above mentioned converters, however, switching
as depicted in Fig. 9(b). After removing blocking diode , losses are still inevitable. In order to maintain high switching
the resulting converter is shown in Fig. 9(c). By following the frequency operation while maximizing the converter efficiency,

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Fig. 9. Illustration of the derivation of isolated single-stage ZVS-PWM active-clamping converter [21]–[23].

Fig. 10. Isolated ZVS-PWM SSC’s derived from boost and forward converter [21]–[23].

soft switching cells are introduced to the converters. For It is apparent that the quadratic soft switching Zeta SSC can be
instance, grafting passive soft switching PWM Zeta converter derived by properly relocating switches and of the Zeta
on PWM Zeta converter yields a quadratic soft switching PWM converter shown in Fig. 12(a); thus, the circuit configuration
Zeta SSC. The derivation of this SSC is illustrated in Fig. 12. becomes the one shown in Fig. 12(b). Since switches

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Fig. 12. Illustration of the derivation of passive soft switching quadratic Zeta

degenerating and rearranging the circuit, the new quadratic

soft switching converter is obtained and shown in Fig. 12(d).
Moreover, with the analogous procedure, the other quadratic
soft switching PWM converters can be obtained, which are
illustrated in Fig. 13. All of these quadratic converters can
operate with soft switching, a wide load range and a wide
conversion ratio.

Fig. 11. Isolated ZVS-PWM SSC’s derived from boost and flyback converter III. APPLICATION OF AN ISOLATED SINGLE-STAGE ZVS-PWM
and are in – type, they can be replaced with an – This section presents an application of the isolated
synchronous switch , as shown in Fig. 12(c). By properly single-stage ZVS-PWM active-clamping converter which is the

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Fig. 14. An isolated ZVS-PWM SSC with synchronous rectifiers and current
doubler used as an illustration example.

ciency of ZVS-PWM SSC, the output configuration is designed

with a self driven synchronous rectifier. The current doubler
is adopted to reduce current stress and simplify transformer
To facilitate the analysis of the operating principle, Figs. 15
and 16 show the topological stages of the ZVS-PWM SSC
within a switching cycle and its key waveforms, respectively.
The operation of the converter can be explained as follows:

A. Operating Principle
The converter differs from conventional single-stage con-
verters by adding an auxiliary power MOSFET switch ,
a resonant inductor , a resonant capacitor which is
the output capacitance of power switch , and a clamping
capacitor to the converter. Switch is the main power
MOSFET switch. In the converter, the two power switches are
switched in a complementary way.
By employing these additional components, zero voltage
switching (ZVS) for both main switch and auxiliary
switch can be accomplished. Therefore, the ZVS feature
associated with a constant switching frequency makes the
converter suitable for high efficiency and high power density
applications. In Fig. 14, when switch turns off, the current
will continue to flow through clamping capacitor and the
body diode of . Then, the auxiliary power switch is
turned on, while the body diode of is forward biased,
resulting in that turns on with ZVS. Under the assumption
that the resonant frequency of the circuit formed by transformer
primary inductor and clamping capacitance is much
lower than the switching frequency, the voltage across will
not have a significant change. When the auxiliary power switch
is turned off, the magnetizing current will continue to flow
toward the source via the output capacitor of and the
transformer primary inductor of . Because is so small,
it leads to an approximately linear discharging characteristic
and the discharging time is very short. The voltage across
switch will decrease in the resonant manner toward zero,
and then a ZVS condition of can be achieved. The detailed
circuit operation can be explained stage by stage.
Stage 1 [Fig. 15(a), ]: At the main power
switch is turned on, and the current flowing
Fig. 13. Schematic diagrams of the passive soft switching quadratic PWM
converters. through the switch is given by the sum of boost inductor cur-
rent , primary winding current and magnetizing current
. As can be seen from Fig. 15(a), diode is reverse biased
combination of two semi-stages, namely boost PFC semi-stage and is forward biased. The inductor current is being
and isolated forward-boost ZVS-PWM active-clamping linearly increased, and the slope is given by
semi-stage. The schematic is depicted in Fig. 14, in which a
synchronous rectifier and a current doubler are added to the
isolated ZVS-PWM SSC. To improve the performance and effi-

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During in the on state, current in the secondary winding

can be expressed as


At this operation, there will be a voltage across the secondary

winding which will turn on and the current in the secondary
winding will flow through , the load, and synchronous
switch . Inductor is in free wheeling through and
output load.
Stage 2 [Fig. 15(b), ]: The main power switch
is turned off at . The output capacitor of is
charged by the magnetizing current, in which the charge time
is very short, leading to the drain to source voltage
rising steeply. Boost inductor current still continuously
flow and with a slope given as follows:


If is smaller than , the slope of current is

Stage 3 [Fig. 15(c), ]: When the output ca-
pacitor of is continuously charged, voltage
will increase over the rectified input voltage , resulting in the
slope of current being negative. Therefore, the polarity of
boost inductor voltage is reversed, as shown in Fig. 15(c); then
diode is maintained reverse biased and is forward bi-
Stage 4 [Fig. 15(d), ]: When is
increased so as diode is forward biased and diode is
reverse biased, current , which was flowing through main
power switch , is diverted to dc-link capacitor , as
indicated in Fig. 15(d). In the secondary winding, due to the
change of the voltage polarity, the current will flow through
output inductor , output load and synchronous rectifier
switch . The current through output inductor will
continue to flow via and the load.
Stage 5 [Fig. 15(e), ]: When is in-
creased to clamping capacitor voltage , the magnetizing cur-
rent of the transformer will continue to flow into the clamping
capacitor and the body diode of auxiliary switch . As a re-
sult, the auxiliary switch turns on at ZVS. At the same time,
the clamping circuit current is decreasing in a resonant manner.
The resonant frequency is determined by the clamping capaci-
tance and the sum of magnetizing inductance and leakage
inductance of the transformer. It is assumed that the resonant
frequency of the circuit is much lower than the switching fre-
quency. Therefore, the voltage across clamping capacitor
will not have a significant change during operation. The polarity
in the secondary winding did not change, and the secondary cur-
rent flow is the same as that during – interval.
Stage 6 [Fig. 15(f), ]: When the boost inductor
Fig. 15. Topological stages existing in the boost-forward-boost ZVS-PWM current reaches zero, the operation of circuit enters a dis-
SSC over one switching cycle.
continuous conduction mode (DCM) and both diodes and
are reverse biased. Within this stage, the current through
Therefore, the dc-link capacitor discharges energy which clamping capacitor and the transformer flows back to the
will be transferred to the secondary through the transformer. dc-link capacitor.

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Fig. 18. Measured waveforms of drain-source voltage V across Q and

current i through Q .

Fig. 19. Measured waveforms of input voltage v and current i at v =

100 V and I = 3:5 A.

Fig. 16. Key waveforms of the ZVS-PWM SSC shown in Fig. 11. Fig. 20. Measured waveforms of input voltage v and current i at v =
230 V and I = 3:5 A.

input voltage: 90 264 , line frequency: 47 Hz 63

output voltage: 20 V, output current: 3.5 A;
switching frequency: 100 kHz.
A circuit diagram of the SSC with the synchronous rectifiers
and current doubler is shown Fig. 14. It is designed with the
following parameters:
mH F
Fig. 17. Measured waveforms of drain-source voltage V across Q and
current i through Q and C . H H
Stage 7 [Fig. 15(g), ]: At time the IRFPE 50
auxiliary power switch is turned off. The reverse current will FEP6DT EI-33
continue to flow through the dc-link capacitor and the output turns turns
capacitor of main power switch . Voltage air gap mm
across will decrease in the resonant manner toward zero, Measured current and voltage waveforms of switches
creating a ZVS operating condition for . When the main and are shown in Figs. 17 and 18. These waveforms agree
power switch is turned on again at the end of stage 7, the with those predicted theoretically, and present ZVS commuta-
circuit operation described above will start once again. tions. Figs. 19 and 20 show the experimental waveforms of the
line current versus line voltage. It can be seen that the current
B. Experimental Results and Discussion follows the voltage closely and the waveforms are almost sinu-
To verify the theoretical discussion of the proposed isolated soidal, proving that a high power factor can be achieved by the
single-stage ZVS-PWM active-clamping converter, a 70 W SSC proposed ZVS-PWM SSC. Fig. 21 shows the plot of the input
with the following specifications is designed: power factor as a function of output power under different line

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Fig. 21. Plots of power factor versus output power under different line

efficiency ( ) versus the line voltage range at full load. Fig. 22

shows the dc-link voltage of storage capacitor versus output
power with input voltage of 264 . The maximum dc-link
voltage is 408 V, so a 450 V rated dc-link bulk capacitor can
be used. In this paper, a high-voltage stress problem is solved
by operating the PFC semi-stage in DCM (discontinuous con-
duction mode) and the dc/dc regulator semi-stage in a combined
DCM/CCM (continuous conduction mode). At light load, the
dc/dc regulator semi-stage is operated in the DCM, while at
heavy load it is operated in the CCM; thus, the dc-link voltage
can be properly controlled within a certain voltage range. A de-
tailed description can be found from reference [32].
Fig. 22. Measured dc-link capacitor voltage V versus output power under
the input voltage of 264 V . IV. CONCLUSIONS

TABLE I It has been shown in the paper that existing and novel soft
LIST OF THE POWER FACTOR AND CURRENT HARMONICS (% OF IEC 1000-3-2 switching PWM converters can be developed with a system-
CLASS D LIMITS MULTIPLIED BY 2.3) OF THE ZVS-PWM SSC UNDER THE atic approach based on the synchronous switch scheme. In the
paper, generation of several families of basic passive and ac-
tive soft switching PWM converters, and isolated single-stage
ZVS-PWM active-clamping converters with PFC function has
been presented in detail. Also, the approach is used to inte-
grate two converters to form a family of quadratic soft switching
PWM converters which can significantly extend the conversion
Employing the synchronous switch technique can not only
provide physical insights into the converters in a family, but re-
TABLE II veal relationships among these soft switching converters. Exper-
LIST OF THE POWER FACTOR AND CURRENT HARMONICS (% OF IEC 1000-3-2 imental results measured from a laboratorious prototype have
CLASS D LIMITS) OF THE ZVS-PWM SSC UNDER THE OPERATING verified the feasibility of the derived single-stage converters.
CONDITION OF v = 230 V AND I = 3:5 A

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[16] A. Elasser and D. A. Torry, “Soft switching active snubbers for DC/DC and computer science from the University of Illinois,
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1996. From 1985 to 1986, he was a System Engineer
[17] K. M. Smith, Jr. and K. M. Smedley, “Properties and synthesis of loss- at SAMPO, Inc., Taiwan, developing and designing
less, passive soft switching converters,” in Proc. 1st Int. Congr. Israel graphic terminals. He was a Teaching and Research
Energy, Power Motion Contr., May 1997, pp. 112–119. Assistant in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
[18] , “Lossless passive soft switching methods for inverters and ampli- University of Illinois, Chicago, from 1988 to 1992. Since 1993, he has been
fiers,” in Proc. Power Electron. Spec. Conf., 1997, pp. 1431–1439. with the Electrical Engineering Department, National Chung Cheng University,
[19] C.-J. Tseng and C.-L. Chen, “Passive lossless snubbers for DC/DC con- Taiwan, where he is currently a Professor and the Director of the Power
verters,” in Proc. Appl. Power Electron. Conf., 1998, pp. 1049–1054. Electronics Applied Research Laboratory (PEARL). His research interests
[20] S. Ben-Yaakov and G. Ivensky, “Passive lossless snubbers for high fre- include developing and modeling of power converters, design of electronic
quency PWM converters,” in Proc. IEEE Power Electron. Spec. Conf., dimming ballasts for fluorescent lamps, metal halide lamps and plasma display,
1997. and design of solar-panel-supplied inverters for grid connection.
[21] R. Watson, G. Hua, and F. C. Lee, “Characterization of an active clamp Dr. Wu is a senior member of the CIE.
flyback topology for power factor correction applications,” IEEE Trans.
Power Electron., vol. 11, pp. 191–198, Jan. 1996.
[22] C. M. C. Duarte and I. Barbi, “A family of ZVS-PWM active-clamping
Dc-to-Dc converters: Synthesis, analysis, design, and experimentation,”
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. 44, pp. 698–704, Aug. 1997.
[23] I. D. Jitaru, “Constant frequency, forward converter with resonant tran- Shin-An Liang (S’99) was born in Miaol, Taiwan,
sition,” in Proc. High Frequency Power Conv. Conf., 1991, pp. 282–292. ROC, in 1958. He received the B.S. degree in elec-
[24] T.-F. Wu, T.-H. Yu, and Y.-H. Chang, “Generation of power converter tronic engineering and the M.S. degree in automatic
with graft technique,” in Proc. 15th Symp. Electrical Power Eng., control engineering from Feng Chia University,
Taiwan, R.O.C., Nov. 1995, pp. 370–376. Tai-Chung, Taiwan, in 1980 and 1987, respectively,
[25] T.-F. Wu and T.-H. Yu, “Off-line applications with single-stage con- and is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the
verters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 44, pp. 638–647, Oct. 1997. Power Electronics Applied and Research Laboratory
[26] M. M. Jovanovic, D. M. C. Tsang, and F. C. Lee, “Reduction of voltage (PEARL), Department of Electrical Engineering,
stress in integrated high-quality rectifier-regulators by variable-fre- National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan.
quency control,” in Proc. Appl. Power Electron. Conf., Feb. 1994, pp. From 1982 to 1984, he was a Research Assistant at
569–575. the Chun-Shan Institute of Science and Technology,
[27] R. Redl and L. Balogh, “Design considerations for single-stage isolated Taiwan, developing and designing switching power supplies. From 1987
power supplies with fast regulation of the output voltage,” in Proc. Appl. to 1989, he was a Lecturer at the Department of Electronic Engineering,
Power Electron. Conf., Feb. 1995, pp. 454–458. Yawn-darn College, and was also at the R&D Department, Hitron Corportation,
[28] R. Redl, L. Balogh, and N. O. Sokal, “A new family of single-stage iso- designing switching power supplies. From 1989 to 1998, he served as an
lated power-factor correctors with fast regulation of the output voltage,” R&D Manager at Behavior Technique Corporation, Taiwan, where he has
in Proc. Power Electron. Spec. Conf., June 1994, pp. 1137–1144. been involved with research and development on switching power supplies.
[29] Y.-S. Lee, K.-W. Siu, and B.-T. Lin, “Single-switch fast-response His interests include developing and designing of converter topologies,
switching regulators with unity power factor,” in Proc. Appl. Power soft-switching techniques. DC/dc converters and power-factor-correction
Electron. Conf., Mar. 1996, pp. 791–796. techniques.

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