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THORACIC TRAUMA Tracheobronchial Injuries Quaternary Blast Injuries

Introduction Diaphragm Injuries Physics of the Blast Wave
Indications for Resuscitative Thoracotomy BLAST LUNG INJURY Management of Blast Lung Injury
Indications for Urgent Thoracotomy Introduction Initial Management and Diagnostic
Indications for Delayed Thoracotomy Primary Blast Injuries Approach to the Thoracic Trauma
Thoracic Cage Injuries Secondary Blast Injuries Patient
Lung Parenchyma Injuries Tertiary Blast Injuries

It is important to perform an initial cardiac ultrasound,

THORACIC TRAUMA because EDT can be considered futile if asystole is the pre-
senting rhythm and pericardial tamponade is absent.3 In
INTRODUCTION patients with appropriate indications, aggressive efforts are
Among trauma victims, thoracic trauma is the second most justified, because functional long-term outcomes in survi-
common cause of death in the field and the third most vors are excellent. More than half of survivors are dis-
common cause of death in patients who make it to the charged home from the hospital, and more than 75% have
hospital. In civilian trauma, the most common mechanism normal cognition, are ambulatory, and have no evidence of
is blunt trauma and the most frequently encountered inju- posttraumatic stress disorder.5 However, inappropriate EDT
ries (i.e., hemothorax and pneumothorax) are seen in 20% results in no survival benefit, wasted use of resources, and
of patients.1 The majority require only tube thoracos- exposure of health care workers to needle-stick and bone
tomy for definitive treatment; however, up to 15% of these fragment injuries.6
patients will require operative intervention,1 whether
immediate (resuscitative), urgent, or delayed. Overall mor- INDICATIONS FOR URGENT THORACOTOMY
tality in patients with thoracic trauma is about 10%, with
a low Glasgow Coma Scale score exerting the strongest Commonly accepted indications for urgent thoracotomy
influence on mortality.1 Additional predictors of poor out- include any of the following: initial chest drain output of
comes include increasing age, mechanism of blunt injury, 1500 mL; greater than 1500 mL output in the first 24
increasing number of ribs fractured, and concomitant long hours after injury; more than 200 mL bloody output per
bone extremity fractures.1 hour for 3 consecutive hours; massive air leak (present
during all phases of respiration, associated with inability to
INDICATIONS FOR RESUSCITATIVE reexpand the lung or affecting ventilation secondary to loss
of tidal volume); or hypotension.7 Rarely, a patient has
sudden cardiovascular collapse or new neurologic symp-
Patients who arrive without signs of life may benefit from toms, typically after the patient is placed on positive pres-
emergency department thoracotomy (EDT) or “resuscitative” sure ventilation, that are consistent with air embolism and
thoracotomy depending on the amount of time elapsed require urgent thoracotomy.
since the loss of vital signs (<15 minutes for penetrating
trauma; <10 minutes for blunt trauma).2,3 The goal of this INDICATIONS FOR DELAYED THORACOTOMY
procedure is to restore spontaneous circulation by rapid
repair of intrathoracic injuries or release of pericardial tam- Delayed thoracotomy is performed several days after injury
ponade, and occlusion of the descending thoracic aorta to in stable patients, usually for retained hemothorax, trapped
divert perfusion to the brain and heart. Internal cardiac lung, persistent air leak, or rib fixation (discussed later).
massage with injection of intracardiac medications may
also be indicated. In cases of bronchovenous air embolism,
clamping of the pulmonary hilum prevents further propa- THORACIC CAGE INJURIES
gation. Because resuscitative thoracotomy should always
proceed to the operating room for definitive repair, it should Rib Fractures
not be attempted without a surgeon immediately available. Rib fractures are seen in 10% of hospitalized trauma
Rhee and colleagues reported that the overall survival rate patients.8,9 The morbidity of rib fracture pain is underap-
after EDT is 7.4%, with a survival rate of 15% among all preciated; one third of patients require hospitalization for
patients with penetrating injuries and 35% among patients pain control, and pneumonia develops in another third of
with penetrating cardiac injuries.4 On the contrary, sur- these patients.10 The true incidence of rib fractures is likely
vival rates are very low (2%) after blunt traumatic arrest.4 higher, in that, a supine chest radiograph is, at best, about

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76  •  Trauma and Blast Injuries 1355

Table 76-1  Chest Wall Trauma Scoring System Age 65 Age 65


Mortality as percentage of patients

Age (years) Number of Rib Fractures
<45 = 1 point <3 = 1 point 35

45-65 = 2 points 3-5 = 2 points 30

>65 = 3 points >5 = 3 points 25
  Score: _____   Score: ______ 20
Pulmonary Contusion Bilateral Rib Fractures 15
None = 0 points No = 0 points 10
Mild = 1 point Yes = 2 points 5
Severe = 2 points   Score: ______
Bilateral = 3 points 1–2 3–4 5–6 7
  Score: _____ Number of rib fractures
Total Score: _____ Figure 76-1  Relationship between the number of rib fractures and
mortality. In a retrospective study of patients admitted to trauma centers,
From Pressley CM, Fry WR, Philp AS, Berry SD, Smith RS. Predicting outcome mortality increased with increasing number of rib fractures, an easily quan-
of patients with chest wall injury. Am J Surg 204:910–914, 2012. tifiable measure of trauma severity. At each number of rib fractures, mor-
tality for those older than 65 years was greater than that for those younger
than 65. (From Stawicki SPG, Michael D, Hoey, Brian A, et al: Rib fractures in
the elderly: a marker of injury severity. J Am Geriatr Soc 52:805–808, 2004.)
50% sensitive for detecting rib fractures. Chest computed
tomography (CT) (eFig. 76-1) is much more sensitive and
can also evaluate for other occult injuries.8 In general, ribs
tend to fracture at their weakest structural point (the pos- thoracic injury.26 However, TEA is underused, with studies
terior angle) or directly at the point of impact.11 They are reporting less than 30% TEA use in eligible patients.27 Epi-
rarely the sole injury, and 50% of patients with rib fractures dural analgesia is not without risk, though, and side effects
have other significant injuries.10 In a patient with lower rib include hypotension, epidural hematoma, urinary reten-
injury (9th through 12th), abdominal solid organ injury tion, and epidural abscess.
(spleen or liver) should be ruled out. Interestingly, a recent pooled meta-analysis did not
Pressley and colleagues developed a simple scoring find any benefit of TEA for duration of mechanical ventila-
system based on initial clinical findings (age, number of tion, ICU LOS, hospital LOS, or mortality.28 For epidural
fractured ribs, severity of pulmonary contusion [PC], unilat- analgesia to be of benefit, appropriate patient selection is
eral vs. bilateral rib fractures), to predict the likelihood of paramount. Although absolute number of fractured ribs is
requiring mechanical intubation or intensive care unit (ICU) predictive of the need for TEA, it is important to examine
admission12 (Table 76-1). The authors found that a patient the patient carefully to determine whether pain is severe
with a score of 7 or 8 had a high probability of death, need enough to cause respiratory embarrassment. In fact, one
for ICU admission, and a need for mechanical ventilation. review reported that epidural analgesia was associated
Similarly, a score of greater than 5 predicted the need for a with increased complications and prolonged LOS in older
longer hospital stay and prolonged mechanical ventilation. patients.29
Other studies found that an increasing number of rib frac- Another underused analgesic option is the thoracic para-
tures correlates to increasing ICU length of stay (LOS), hos- vertebral block (TPVB) or paravertebral catheterization,
pital LOS, and mortality.13,14 which is easy to learn, has a greater than 90% success rate,
Treatment for the vast majority of patients with rib frac- and has a low incidence of side effects.30,31 When successful,
tures is supportive care, consisting of aggressive pain TPVB has been shown to improve pain scores and pulmo-
control and pulmonary rehabilitation. Deep breathing facil- nary function tests.32 TPVB provides unilateral pain relief
itates clearance of secretions to reduce the incidence of and thus is usually used only for patients with unilateral rib
pneumonia. Analgesic options include oral analgesics fractures; however, it is also useful when there are contra-
(including opioids), intermittent intravenous analgesics, indications to TEA, such as coagulopathy, spinal fractures,
patient-controlled analgesia, thoracic epidural analgesia or altered mental status.
(TEA), intrapleural blocks, intercostal blocks, and thoracic In addition to pain control, a formalized multidisciplinary
paravertebral blocks.15 Non-opioid analgesic options include pathway that includes aggressive respiratory therapy and
acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs nutritional support has been shown to decrease ventilator
(including ketorolac), anticonvulsants such as gabapentin, days, LOS, infectious morbidity, and mortality among
and topical lidocaine patches.16 Numerous small, single- patients older than age 45 years with more than four frac-
center trials have reported that pain control with TEA, com- tured ribs.33
pared with intravenous opioids, results in superior outcomes Older patients with rib fractures are at especially high risk
as measured by less pain, improved pulmonary function, for complications: 15% require intubation, and pneumonia
fewer ventilator days, fewer infections, fewer pulmonary develops in up to 31%34-36 (Fig. 76-1). In patients older than
complications, shorter ICU LOS, and shorter hospital age 45 years, morbidity sharply increases when more than
LOS.17-24 Furthermore, TEA may also attenuate the postin- four ribs are fractured.37 Bulger and coworkers reported
jury inflammatory response.22,25At present, TEA is the that patients older than 65 years with fractured ribs have
preferred analgesic modality for pain secondary to blunt double the morbidity and mortality rates compared with

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1356 PART 3  •  Clinical Respiratory Medicine

younger patients with similar injuries.27 Bedside vital capac- Surgical fixation of the “floating” chest wall segment has
ity measurement can predict hospital LOS and identify been practiced for decades in Europe and Asia, but is under­
those patients requiring discharge to an extended care used in the United States, likely due to a combination of
facility.38 relative unfamiliarity with the procedure itself and unfa-
Nonunion results in a small percentage of rib fractures miliarity with the evidence supporting the procedure. In a
and can manifest as chronic pain and discomfort.10 Typi- survey of trauma surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and tho-
cally, follow-up demonstrates that a significant proportion racic surgeons, only 26% had ever performed or assisted on
of patients have chronic persistent pain and impairment of the procedure and most were unaware of the published
both work and personal life.39 In one study, patients with rib randomized trials supporting its use.49 European and Asian
fractures had more disabilities at 30 days after injury than studies report clinical benefit, yet the quality of evidence is
did patients with chronic medical illness. These patients poor and consists mainly of small, observational single-
with rib injuries missed an average of 70 days of work.40 center studies.50-52 To date, three randomized controlled
Two months after injury, more than 75% of patients with studies and a meta-analysis evaluating surgical fixation in
rib fractures reported some form of disability.41 Interest- patients with flail injury have been published supporting rib
ingly, the single most important predictive factor for long- fracture fixation.43 Tanaka and colleagues reported that
term disability after rib injury was the initial intensity of patients who underwent internal fixation of their fractured
pain. The total number of rib fractures and injury on both ribs benefited by less mechanical ventilation, lower inci-
sides was not predictive.41 dence of pneumonia, shorter ICU LOS, improved pulmo-
nary function, and quicker return to employment.53
Flail Chest.  A flail chest, also known as “stoved-in” or Granetzny and coworkers also reported decreased need for
“crushed” chest, is the most severe form of blunt thoracic mechanical ventilation, shorter ICU LOS, and lower inci-
injury (see Chapter 98). The mortality associated with dence of pneumonia in patients randomized to operation.54
flail chest is up to 40%.42 Radiographically, it is defined Most recently, Marasco and associates demonstrated
as three or more consecutive ribs fractured in at least two decreased ICU LOS and decreased need for tracheostomy in
locations. Clinically, a flail chest manifests as paradoxical patients randomized to operative repair of flail chest, with
incursion (rather than excursion) of the “floating segment” no difference in duration of invasive mechanical ventila-
of chest wall during inspiration (Videos 76-1 and 76-2). tion.46 The optimal time for operative intervention is cur-
Due to the significant energy transfer required to produce rently unknown and no trial has compared surgical fixation
this injury, flail chest is almost universally accompanied with modern nonoperative management with TEA and
by PC. chest physiotherapy. An economic analysis based on
The management of flail chest has evolved over the past reported incidences of complications and outcomes con-
half century. Previously, it was believed that the paradoxical cluded that, despite the additional cost of surgery, rib fixa-
chest wall movement was the cause of the respiratory tion for flail chest remained cost-effective compared with
failure and hypoxia. Now, it is understood that the respi- nonoperative management.55
ratory impairment is due to the underlying pulmonary Numerous techniques are described for rib fracture fixa-
parenchymal injury. Historically, efforts were focused on tion, including the use of wire suture, staples, metal or
correcting the paradoxical motion through external stabi- absorbable plates, and screws.10 A case-control study
lization (“sandbagging”), and later, “internal pneumatic reported by de Moya and colleagues concluded that rib frac-
stabilization” (i.e., positive pressure ventilation).43,44 Hence, ture fixation significantly decreased the need for analge-
in the mid-twentieth century, the predominant treatment sia.56 Infection of rib fixation hardware is uncommon,
method for all patients with flail chest was mechanical ven- reported to be approximately 2%.10
tilation. Starting in the mid 1970s, some physicians found Rescue therapies such as single lung ventilation and
that these patients could be adequately managed without high-frequency oscillatory ventilation may be considered
ventilatory support. It was at this time that it was recog- when traditional mechanical ventilation fails to improve
nized that the underlying PC rather than the chest wall oxygenation. However, there is no evidence to support
instability was the driving factor in outcome.45 Currently, routine use of these treatment modalities.
less than half of patients with flail chest require mechanical The long-term outcome of flail chest managed nonopera-
ventilation.46 Abnormal gas exchange, not chest wall move- tively is marked by disability, with 70% of patients reporting
ment, should drive the decision to mechanically ventilate a dyspnea and more than 50% reporting chronic chest wall
patient with flail chest.47 pain.48,57 Less than half of patients are able to return to
In the modern management of flail chest, optimal pain work.58
control is paramount. According to the Eastern Association
for the Surgery of Trauma practice management guide- Sternal Fractures.  The most common cause of sternal
lines, TEA is the preferred pain treatment modality in the fracture is motor vehicle crash (eFig. 76-2).59 The presence
treatment of flail chest.48 When an epidural catheter is con- of sternal fractures has traditionally been considered a
traindicated, TPVB may be considered. If mild to moderate marker of injury severity, especially in previous decades
respiratory compromise is present, a trial of noninvasive when seatbelt use was not as widespread. As such, some
ventilation in conjunction with TEA may be considered advocate for hospital admission and close monitoring to
before proceeding to endotracheal intubation. However, in rule out other serious injuries, such as blunt cardiac injury.
the absence of respiratory embarrassment, mechanical Others report that sternal fracture, ipso facto, is not a sig-
ventilation to treat paradoxical chest wall motion is not nificant cause of morbidity or mortality, and many believe
recommended. that morbidity is mainly attributable to other associated

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76  •  Trauma and Blast Injuries 1357

injuries.59-62 With increasing seatbelt use, the incidence full effects of PC may not be obvious immediately; however,
of sternal fractures has increased while mortality has clinically significant PC becomes apparent within 24 hours.
decreased.63,64 The natural history of PC is progressive dysfunction over
In the initial workup of a patient with sternal fracture, it the first few days and resolution within a week.68
is important to rule out a blunt cardiac injury with a 12-lead Severe PC can produce systemic effects. Animal studies
electrocardiogram and serum troponin level. Arrhythmias, demonstrate that after unilateral contusion, there is capil-
ST changes, heart block, signs of ischemia, and elevated lary leak in both ipsilateral and contralateral sides. Both
troponin levels are considered abnormal screening tests and lungs develop increased edema and accumulation of inflam-
should be followed by a confirmatory echocardiogram; matory cells.69 Inflammatory cytokines are increased both
normal findings on electrocardiogram and initial troponin locally and systemically, and there is evidence of global
level essentially exclude the diagnosis of blunt cardiac immune dysfunction.70-73 Additionally, PC primes the
injury.65 Nuclear medicine studies are not useful in the diag- immune system for an exaggerated response to a subse-
nostic workup of blunt cardiac injury. As in rib fractures, quent second hit, such as infection69,74 (Fig. 76-2). Trauma
adequate pain control is paramount in the treatment patients with PC have twice the rate of ventilator-associated
of sternal fractures. Sternal fracture fixation is rarely pneumonia as those without PC.75 At 6 years after injury,
indicated. more than half of patients with PC have evidence of lung
fibrosis on CT scan,76 and long-term lung function can be
Clavicle Fractures.  The clavicle is an S-shaped bone that compromised.39
acts as a strut between the shoulder and the axial skeleton. Because not all PCs are clinically significant, several
It protects the apex of the lung, brachial plexus, and sub- authors have attempted to identify factors predictive of
clavian vessels. Clavicle fractures follow direct impact to the outcome. De Moya and associates developed a simple scoring
extremity or chest, and account for 44% of all fractures to system, combining the initial CT findings, Glasgow Coma
the shoulder girdle.66 Score, and number of fractured ribs, to predict the need for
Fractures of the middle third are the most common,
accounting for 69% to 81% of all clavicular fractures.66
Diagnosis of clavicle fractures requires some type of
imaging, usually radiography, although many are only Lung contusion
visualized on CT. Special radiographic views can be ordered
to improve the evaluation for subtle fractures, fracture dis-
placement, or sternoclavicular joint dislocations (eFigs.
76-3 and 76-4). These views include axillary views,
45-degree cephalic tilt, or a serendipity view, which is a
40-degree cephalic tilt.
Treatment generally is nonoperative, with a sling or
figure-of-eight brace, and 2 to 6 weeks of immobilization, Permeability injury to
as well as avoidance of heavy lifting and contact sports for type I epithelial cells
4 to 6 months. Operative treatment is indicated for all open TLRs
fractures, skin tenting that will result in an open fracture,
and any neurovascular compromise. A recent Cochrane
meta-analysis of eight trials involving 555 patients exam-
ined the difference between conservative treatment and PMN
surgical fixation among patients with fractures of the Alv MØ
middle third of the clavicle. Unfortunately, due to heteroge- ↑Chemokines
neity between the studies and overall high risk of bias, no
strong conclusions can be made and the authors concluded Surfactant Apoptosis of
dysfunction type II cells
that the decision to operate must be made on a case-by-case from
basis.67 Injury to inhibitors
type II cells

Pulmonary Contusion
PC is a common injury, with an incidence of 30% to 75%
in patients suffering blunt thoracic injury48 and up to 17% Activation of
of all trauma admissions. PC is most common after a blunt fibroblasts
mechanism of injury, but can also manifest adjacent to a Figure 76-2  Inflammatory effects following pulmonary contusion. In
missile tract through lung parenchyma. At the microscopic the diagram, the potential interactions of the cells and mediators of the
level, the contused lung displays edema, alveolar and intra- innate inflammatory response to contusion are shown. While this inflam-
parenchymal hemorrhage, and atelectasis, which results in matory mechanism may amplify the injury of the contusion, it may also
provide potential targets for therapeutic intervention. TLRs, Toll-like recep-
intrapulmonary shunting, ventilation-perfusion mismatch, tors. (From Raghavendran K, Notter RH, Davidson BA, et al: Lung contusion:
and decreased lung compliance. This manifests as hypox- inflammatory mechanisms and interaction with other injuries. Shock 32:122–
emia, hypercarbia, and increased work of breathing. The 130, 2009.)

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1358 PART 3  •  Clinical Respiratory Medicine

mechanical ventilation. Interestingly, in this study, less than oscillatory ventilation, surfactant administration, prone
one third of all PCs were evident on the initial chest radio- positioning, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for
graph (eFig. 76-5).77 Other authors have questioned the the treatment of PC is poorly studied and considered experi-
significance of “occult” PC (i.e., apparent only on CT, eFig. mental at this time.87-90
76-6). In a prospective study of 255 patients with PC, In the management of PC, the patient should be resusci-
Deunk and colleagues reported that patients with occult tated to maintain signs of adequate tissue perfusion. Once
PC fared no worse than those without PC, while those with this has been achieved, however, meticulous attention
PC seen on both chest radiograph and chest CT scan had should be paid to the avoidance of excessive fluid adminis-
significantly worse outcomes.78 Others have attempted to tration, to the point of using a pulmonary artery catheter
correlate PC size (as a percentage of total lung volume) with if necessary to help guide diuretic therapy.48 Aggressive pul-
outcomes. Studies have demonstrated that patients with PC monary toilet and adequate analgesia are paramount in
volume greater than 20% of total lung volume are at preventing pneumonia.
increased risk for requiring mechanical ventilation, devel-
oping pneumonia, and developing acute respiratory distress Pulmonary Laceration
syndrome (ARDS).79 Pulmonary laceration reflects tearing of the pulmonary
At this time there is no well-supported intervention to parenchyma that disrupts the alveolar walls. Pulmonary
treat PC, and management consists mainly of supportive lacerations result from several mechanisms, such as alter-
care and avoidance of iatrogenic injury. Steroids are not nate compression and decompression of the chest wall or
recommended and prophylactic antibiotics are strongly dis- from a sudden, rapid increase in intrathoracic pressure
couraged. Four decades ago, Trinkle and coworkers recog- with a closed glottis leading to high intra-alveolar pressure
nized that crystalloid administration increased PC size that produces shearing of pulmonary parenchymal tissue.
while diuresis decreased PC size.80 Pharmacologic therapies Alternatively, pulmonary laceration may also result from
being investigated include arginine vasopressin and direct puncture of lung tissue by a fractured rib, missile, or
dexmedetomidine.81A recent animal study reported that stab wound, or from shearing of lung tissue fixed by previ-
dexmedetomidine infusion in a PC model improved hemo- ously formed pleural adhesions. The disrupted pulmonary
dynamic parameters, decreased inflammatory infiltration, tissue fills with blood and/or air and manifests on thoracic
limited the extent of lung damage, and abrogated pulmo- imaging as one or more pulmonary parenchymal cavities
nary edema.82 In patients with early, severe hypoxemia (eFig. 76-7), appearing as gas-fluid levels, frequently with
(arterial PO2/FIO2 <200), a trial of noninvasive ventilation surrounding pulmonary consolidation and ground-glass
may be attempted in order to decrease the need for intuba- opacity related to hemorrhage and atelectasis.
tion; however, the development of pneumothorax must be While only a small fraction of patients with thoracic
carefully monitored.83,84 In animal studies, the application injury ultimately require urgent thoracotomy, of those
of positive end-expiratory pressure has been shown to that proceed to surgery, about one third may require lung
decrease the size of PCs. Small clinical studies have reported resection, usually to remove severely injured lung tissue,
that recruitment maneuvers are successful in improving to control hemorrhage, or to remove irreparable proxi-
aeration (“open lung” strategy).85 In patients with PC, the mal bronchus injuries.91 The extent of resection can
use of airway pressure release ventilation has been reported range from simple, nonanatomic “wedge” resection, to
to decrease the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumo- formal anatomic lobectomy, to the extremely morbid pneu-
nia; however, experience and evidence is limited.75 For monectomy. For the majority of penetrating injuries, lung-
severe, unilateral PC, lung isolation ventilation may be con- sparing techniques such as simple suture or “tractotomy”
sidered.86 The use of rescue therapies such as high-frequency are sufficient91-93 (Fig. 76-3). Not surprisingly, there is a

Figure 76-3  Lung-sparing “tractotomy” in which the tract of the penetrating injury is rapidly opened and injured vessels and bronchi ligated.
A, The stapling device is advanced through the orifices of the entry and exit wound and is then closed and fired to staple the lung on either side and to
open the tract (“tractotomy”) for visualization of the injured vessels and bronchi. B, The tractotomy exposes the bleeding vessels, which are then selectively
ligated. The tractotomy approach preserves lung by avoiding wedge resection, lobectomy, or pneumonectomy. (From Asensio JA, Demetriades D, Berne
JD, et al: Stapled pulmonary tractotomy: a rapid way to control hemorrhage in penetrating pulmonary injuries. J Am Coll Surg 185:486–487, 1977.)

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76  •  Trauma and Blast Injuries 1359

stepwise increase in mortality with increasing extent of

lung resection for trauma: wedge resection (19%), lobec-
tomy (27%), and pneumonectomy (53%).
While most healthy patients can tolerate a wedge resec-
tion or lobectomy, pneumonectomy imposes a tremendous
physiologic burden and patients may succumb to right ven-
tricular failure. Using a porcine model, Cryer and colleagues
demonstrated that pulmonary vascular resistance increases
up to 500% within 4 hours after pneumonectomy.94 Post-
operative complications in survivors are common, and
include pneumonia, bronchopleural fistula, empyema, or
erosion into the pulmonary artery.
Bronchopleural Fistula
A bronchopleural fistula is a direct connection between the
bronchus and atmosphere by way of the pleural space and
tube thoracostomy. While most heal spontaneously, a per-
sistent bronchopleural fistula may seriously impair the
ability to ventilate a patient secondary to loss of tidal volume
through the fistula. It is believed that air flowing through
the fistula impedes healing and therefore medical therapies
are aimed at reducing bronchopleural fistula flow. Figure 76-4  Tension pneumothorax. The free air in the left hemithorax
Nonsurgical treatments include minimizing airway is associated with a shift of the mediastinum into the right chest, depres-
pressures (via lower tidal volumes, positive end-expiratory sion of the hemidiaphragm, and widening of the intercostal spaces. Hypo-
pressure, and inspiratory time), application of positive intra- tension follows due to impairment of venous return to the right heart, both
by the high intrathoracic pressure and perhaps mechanical compression
pleural pressure through the chest tube, isolated contralat- or kinking of the superior vena cava. Immediate decompression is required.
eral lung ventilation, dependent positioning of the side
with the bronchopleural fistula, and use of high-frequency
oscillatory ventilation.95-97 Bronchoscopy is useful to iden-
tify the injury directly (proximal) or the affected bronchial of the internal mammary artery, subclavian artery, or pul-
segment (distal). A balloon is used to occlude the segments monary artery.106,107 Others recommend inserting a chest
sequentially until a reduction in air leak is noted. Once the tube at the outset instead of a needle due to frequent failure
affected bronchus is identified, agents such as silver nitrate, rates associated with the latter.108
cyanoacrylate-based agents, gelatin, fibrin, and even fishing An open pneumothorax, or “sucking” chest wound, is a
weights have been applied to occlude the bronchial segment special form of pneumothorax whereby a defect in the chest
and close the fistula.98-102 Bronchopleural fistula refractory wall permits air entry through the wound with diaphrag-
to medical therapy for more than 7 days may require matic movement. If the size of the wound approaches the
pleurodesis or operative intervention. size of the trachea, this may significantly hamper ventila-
tion, because air preferentially enters through the wound.109
Miscellaneous Before operative repair, the wound should be covered with
Pneumothorax.  Pneumothorax, air within the pleural a flutter (“Heimlich”) valve or an occlusive dressing with
cavity, is present in 40% and 20% of blunt and penetrating one side open to allow air egress.
thoracic trauma patients, respectively (see Chapter 81).103 For less severe pneumothorax, the decision to drain the
The clinical consequence of pneumothorax ranges from pleural cavity should be made based on the degree of respi-
asymptomatic to the most life-threatening manifestation, ratory compromise and the potential for enlargement to a
“tension” pneumothorax, whereby progressive air trapping tension pneumothorax. Managed without tube thoracos-
in the thorax results in a contralateral mediastinal shift, tomy, it is estimated that the average pneumothorax absorp-
compression or kinking of the superior vena cava/inferior tion rate is 1.25% per day.110 Clinical significance of a
vena cava, and a precipitous drop in preload and cardiac pneumothorax depends not only upon the absolute size of
output (Fig. 76-4). Clinically, this form of “obstructive” the pneumothorax, but also on the preinjury condition of
shock manifests as hypotension and hypoxia, and should be the patient (e.g., presence of chronic obstructive pulmo-
treated with immediate thoracic decompression, either nary disease) and other associated injuries. Chest tube
with needle thoracostomy or tube thoracostomy. Current insertion is not without risk, and modern series report a
recommendations from the Advanced Trauma Life Support 15% to 20% incidence of tube-related complications, with
program104 are to insert the needle in the mid-clavicular an additional 15% requiring more chest tubes after subop-
line at the second intercostal space; however, some authors timal placement111,112 (Fig. 76-5). One rare but potentially
have questioned the efficacy of inserting the needle in this fatal complication following pneumothorax drainage is
location and recommend instead inserting the needle in reexpansion pulmonary edema113 (Fig. 76-6). Prophylactic
the mid-axillary line at the fifth intercostal space because antibiotics for the duration of dwell time of the chest tube
of decreased chest wall thickness in this location.105 Addi- are not recommended.114
tionally, lateral needle insertion avoids potentially life- An “occult” pneumothorax is defined as a pneumothorax
threatening hemorrhagic complications such as laceration which can only be visualized on chest CT scan; it is not

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1360 PART 3  •  Clinical Respiratory Medicine

detectable on chest x-ray nor is it suspected on clinical

examination (Fig. 76-7). “Occult” pneumothorax is present
in up to 12% of seriously injured patients115,116 and, in an
era of liberal CT scanning, comprise more than 50% of all
pneumothoraces diagnosed in injured patients.117 Supine
portable chest radiographs have been consistently shown to
be only 50% sensitive for the detection of pneumothorax.
Ultrasonography has been shown to be more sensitive than
chest radiography for the detection of pneumothorax.118-127
Subtle findings on supine chest radiograph suggestive of
pneumothorax include the “deep sulcus” sign (Fig. 76-8).
The management of “occult” pneumothorax has evolved
over the past 3 decades from mandatory tube thoracostomy
for all “occult” pneumothoraces, progressing to selective
drainage for only those patients undergoing positive pres-
Figure 76-5  Tube thoracostomy placement. Diagram showing the sure ventilation,128 to selective drainage for all patients.115,128
placement of a thoracostomy tube in the mid-axillary line; the tube is In a large, multicenter observational study involving 569
directed anteriorly for drainage of a pneumothorax. (From Van Way CW III, patients with “occult” pneumothorax across 16 trauma
Buerk CA: Surgical skills in patient care. St. Louis, 1978, CV Mosby.)

Figure 76-6  Reexpansion pulmonary edema. A, A pneumothorax can be seen on the right with a subtotal lung collapse. B, The same patient after
expansion of the lung following placement of a thoracostomy tube. Peripheral right upper lobe opacity is now present, consistent with the development
of reexpansion injury and edema in that region of lung. (From Malota M, Kowarik MC, Bechtold B, Kopp R: Reexpansion pulmonary edema following a post-
traumatic pneumothorax: a case report and review of the literature. World J Emerg Surg 6:32, 2011.)

Figure 76-7  Occult pneumothorax. A, Anterosuperior supine chest radiograph of blunt trauma victim. There is no obvious pneumothorax. B, CT scan
reveals a large occult left-sided pneumothorax. (From Ball CG, Hameed SM, Evans D, et al: Occult pneumothorax in the mechanically ventilated trauma patient.
Can J Surg 46:373–379, 2003.)

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76  •  Trauma and Blast Injuries 1361

changes may be made at shorter intervals, because clini-

cally significant recurrent pneumothorax appeared within
3 hours.133
Accumulating evidence suggests that smaller 14- to
16-French “pigtail” catheters are equally effective as tradi-
tional large-bore chest tubes (28- to 40-French), require
less dissection, can be placed by the Seldinger technique,
and may be less painful.134,135

Hemothorax.  A hemothorax is blood in the pleural cavity

that can cause a wide range of symptoms from minor dis-
comfort to life-threatening situations (eFig. 76-8). In
general, hemothorax evident on supine chest radiograph
should be drained immediately, because these typically rep-
resent volumes of at least 200 mL. Similar to “occult” pneu-
mothorax, “occult” hemothoraces also exist and the
decision to drain an “occult” hemothorax should take into
consideration the amount of blood present and the morbid-
ity of chest tube insertion.
The initial treatment of hemothorax is tube thoracos-
tomy. Based on the volume of initial output, the next step
may be either urgent thoracotomy or observation. If the
source of bleeding is the pulmonary parenchyma, hemosta-
sis is usually achieved by complete expansion of the lung
because the pulmonary circulation is a low pressure circuit.
Bleeding from lacerated intercostal or internal mammary
Figure 76-8  Deep sulcus sign on chest radiograph. In this supine
patient, a pneumothorax on the left can be recognized by the depth of the arteries is likely to persist and may require urgent thora-
diaphragmatic sulcus on the left compared with the right (arrows). There cotomy for definitive hemostasis. Indications for urgent tho-
is also lucency overlying the left hemidiaphragm, representing air anterior racotomy include hemodynamic instability, 1500 mL initial
and lateral to the left hemidiaphragm and seen as an air-tissue interface chest tube output, greater than 1500 mL over a 24-hour
period, or greater than 200 mL/hr blood drainage for 3
consecutive hours.136 Hemothorax secondary to major tho-
racic vascular structures (e.g., aorta, pulmonary artery)
centers, Moore and colleagues reported that 21% required almost universally requires emergent thoracotomy for
immediate tube thoracostomy. Of the remaining patients, hemodynamic instability.
however, only 6% overall failed observation and required Assuming adequate drainage and resolution of the
tube thoracostomy for pneumothorax enlargement, respi- hemothorax, it is customary to “advance” the chest tube to
ratory distress, or development of hemothorax. In this water seal before removal, similar to the chest tube manage-
series, 14% of patients on positive pressure ventilation ment for a simple pneumothorax (see earlier). An additional
required tube thoracostomy. Importantly, no patient who factor to consider is the daily volume of bloody chest tube
failed observation experienced an adverse event resulting drainage. While there are no standardized guidelines or rec-
from delay of chest drainage.129 ommendations, the majority of trauma surgeons advance
After drainage, standard management of the chest tube a chest tube once the daily output decreases to between
entails serial chest radiographs to document resolution of 100 mL and 300 mL per day.
the pneumothorax. A bedside clinical examination should The evacuation of a hemothorax can be incomplete in up
be performed to rule out an ongoing air leak, which is to 20% of cases and can be frustrating to deal with.132,137,138
usually secondary to persistent alveolar-pleural fistula.130 Untreated, a stagnant hemothorax may evolve into
Air leaks may be graded according to increasing severity: empyema or fibrothorax (“trapped lung”), two morbid com-
forced expiratory, expiratory, inspiratory, and continuous. plications.139 Additional chest tube placement is usually
The vast majority of posttraumatic air leaks in stable ineffective for clot evacuation.
patients are forced expiratory (coughing) or expiratory and Early video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) (less than 5
almost all resolve with time and patience.130 Typically, the days after injury), compared with delayed operation or
chest tube is placed at 20 cm H2O suction and “advanced” additional chest tubes, has been reported to decrease hospi-
to water seal before removal. It is customary to obtain a tal LOS and decrease conversion to open thoracotomy.140,141
chest radiograph after transitioning to water seal and after According to the Eastern Association for the Surgery of
chest tube removal to monitor for pneumothorax reappear- Trauma guidelines, there is level 1 evidence that a retained
ance. Pneumothorax recurs after chest tube removal in hemothorax should be treated with early VATS, and not
11% to 24% of cases; however, if the pneumothorax is insertion of a second chest tube. VATS should be considered
small and stable and the patient is asymptomatic, observa- within 3 to 7 days of hospitalization because this reduces
tion is frequently successful.131,132 It is common practice to the risk for infection and the requirement for thoracotomy
allow up to 24 hours between changes in chest tube man- (level 2 evidence). Retained hemothorax less than 300 mL
agement, however Schulman and associates reported that by chest CT scan may be observed.142 Currently, intrapleural

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1362 PART 3  •  Clinical Respiratory Medicine

700 ics and CT-guided catheter drainage may be attempted.

Operative resection (VATS or thoracotomy) may be neces-
600 sary if less invasive measures fail.

Suction volume (mL)

400 Tracheobronchial injuries present in one of two ways,
depending upon site, size, and communication with the
300 pleural cavity: they are either immediately apparent, requir-
ing immediate attention (11%), or they are very subtle and
200 difficult to diagnose.150,151 Two thirds are unrecognized for
more than 24 hours and, in 10%, there is no evidence of
100 thoracic injury on physical examination or radiographs.150
In this second group of patients, there is no discernible
0 morbidity associated with delayed repair. Death is usually
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 not from the tracheobronchial injury itself, but instead from
Time (min) fatal injuries to adjacent vascular structures.152 Even with
Figure 76-9  Comparison of fluid dynamics between two different sizes of complete transection, the robust peritracheal connective
pleural drains. The smaller drain (19-French, blue) is as effective as the tissue can splint the tracheal fragments, maintaining
larger one (28-French, brown) in draining fluid. (From Niinami H, Tabata M, airway continuity. Blunt force likely injures the tracheo-
Takeuchi Y, Umezu M: Experimental assessment of the drainage capacity of
small silastic chest drains. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 14:223–226, 2006.)
bronchial tree by one of three mechanisms: rupture from
tracheal compression against the rigid vertebral column,
rupture from increased airway pressures due to compres-
sion of the chest with a closed glottis, or laceration from
thrombolytics are considered second line treatment after shearing forces.153
VATS and can be considered in subacute hemothoraces to The majority of tracheobronchial injuries take place
improve drainage.143,144 within 2.5 cm of the carina, with main stem bronchial
Over the past decade, there has been a trend toward using injuries comprising the majority (86%).150,153 Clinically, the
smaller chest tubes for evacuating hemothorax.135 When patient may have dyspnea (the most common symptom),
comparing the standard 36-French to 40-French chest tube hoarseness, stridor, hemoptysis, crepitus, or respiratory dis-
with 28-French to 32-French tubes, Inaba and colleagues tress. Radiographically, the “fallen lung” sign, first described
found that the initial drainage volume and total indwelling by Oh and associates in 1969, is a highly specific finding for
time were similar and there were no differences between this injury. This sign manifests when the patient has a pneu-
groups in tube-related complications or the need for addi- mothorax. When pneumothorax is present without tra-
tional interventions.145 A recent animal study of flow cheobronchial injury, the lung falls toward the hilum
dynamics provides even further evidence to support that (central displacement), whereas with tracheobronchial
smaller tube size is equally effective for hemothorax evacu- injury, the transected lung falls away from the hilum
ation. Niinami and coworkers reported that a 19-French (peripheral displacement) (Fig. 76-10). CT scanning may
fluted silicone drain is capable of draining 11 L/hour146 demonstrate bronchial wall discontinuity (eFig. 76-10 and
(Fig. 76-9). Similarly, Kulvatunyou and colleagues reported Video 76-3) or mediastinal emphysema. A tracheal or prox-
that a 14-French “pigtail” catheter seems to drain blood as imal bronchus injury should be suspected with pneumome-
effectively as larger bore traditional chest tubes, with a diastinum or with a pneumothorax refractory to chest
similar incidence of complications.147 drainage. Bronchoscopy is the most effective method of
Chylothorax.  Traumatic chylothorax is an uncommon Although the treatment for large or life-threatening tra-
entity that results from disruption of the thoracic duct. Chy- cheobronchial injuries is immediate repair, selective intuba-
lothorax presents as a milky pleural effusion upon resump- tion beyond the injury alone (or even observation alone)
tion of oral intake and the diagnosis is confirmed by finding may be successful in carefully selected patients with small
triglyceride levels greater than 110 mg/dL with or without or partial thickness injuries.7,154
lymphocytes predominating.148 Initial treatment involves Delayed complications of unrecognized injury include
lung reexpansion and parenteral nutrition, with the possi- bronchopleural fistula, atelectasis, bronchiectasis, and
ble addition of octreotide. If these measures fail, thoracic postobstructive pneumonia as well as more serious sequelae
duct embolization or operative intervention is warranted.149 such as mediastinitis or cervical abscess.
However, the optimal duration of nonoperative manage-
ment is unknown. DIAPHRAGM INJURIES
Pneumatocele/Intraparenchymal Hematoma.  Also Diaphragmatic injury is a rare but morbid injury, present-
termed a posttraumatic pulmonary pseudocyst, a pneumato- ing in less than 1% of blunt trauma and associated with a
cele is an atraumatic cavitary lesion within the parenchyma 21% overall mortality rate.155 More than 90% are seen after
following a pulmonary laceration (eFig. 76-9). Asymptom- motor vehicle crashes. Two thirds of diaphragm injuries
atic patients may be managed expectantly and most resolve develop on the left, perhaps because the liver cushions the
within several weeks. For infectious complications, antibiot- impact on the right side. Because of the significant force

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76  •  Trauma and Blast Injuries 1363

required to rupture the diaphragm, these injuries are almost to the right hemidiaphragm156 (Fig. 76-11). CT scan has a
universally accompanied by other organ injuries, such as very high sensitivity for blunt diaphragmatic rupture.
lung (77%), liver (52%), spleen (32%), and stomach Imaging signs of injury include: a nasogastric tube termi-
(19%).155 nating above the diaphragmatic contour, discontinuity of
The physical examination is inaccurate for the diagnosis the hemidiaphragm, herniation of the viscera into the
of diaphragmatic injuries. For most victims of penetrating thorax (eFig. 76-12), diaphragmatic thickening (eFig.
injury, there is no sign unique to diaphragmatic injury. For 76-13), the “hump sign,” the “band sign,” the “dependent
patients following blunt trauma, dyspnea and pain are viscera sign” (eFig. 76-14), the “collar sign” (eFig. 76-15),
common but nonspecific. Chest radiography is diagnostic in and the “dangling sign.”157,158
fewer than half of those with injury to the left hemidia- All acute diaphragmatic injuries should be surgically
phragm (eFig. 76-11) and in only 17% of those with injury repaired. The natural history of traumatic diaphragmatic
hernias is poorly studied, but it is presumed that the ten-
dency is to enlarge over time, with progressive herniation
of abdominal viscera into the chest due to the negative
intrathoracic pressure and positive intra-abdominal pres-
sure. For left-sided penetrating thoracoabdominal wounds,
if there is no immediate indication for operative exploration,
it is recommended to perform a diagnostic laparoscopy,
because 20% will have diaphragm injuries.159,160


An increasing frequency of terrorist bombing attacks
worldwide has resulted in a large number of civilian blast
injuries.161 Blast victims require a standard trauma workup
as recommended by Advanced Trauma Life Support. Addi-
tionally, such victims may also present with a set of pulmo-
nary injuries unique to the blast mechanism.162
Victims of blast injuries manifest different injuries
depending on the type of the bomb, the location of detona-
Figure 76-10  “Fallen lung” sign. Chest radiograph obtained 6 hours after tion, and whether the targets were military or civilian. Typi-
initial presentation of acute dyspnea in an 8-year-old boy. Bilateral pneu- cally, military victims have different injuries from civilian
mothorax, more prominent on the right, is seen. Pneumomediastinum and victims. Military personnel are young and healthy, and
soft tissue emphysema are observed. The right lung is seen to be collapsed usually have body armor that protects their thoracic and
inferior to the hilum (fallen lung sign), usually a sign of complete rupture
of the main bronchus. A thoracostomy tube has been inserted on the right,
abdominal organs, whereas civilian victims range from
yet a large right pneumothorax remains. (From Savas R, Alper H: Fallen lung children to older adults and are not wearing body protec-
sign: radiographic findings. Diagn Interv Radiol 14:120–121, 2008.) tion. Thus civilian victims present with more thoracic/lung

Figure 76-11  Hemidiaphragmatic injury in the setting of trauma. A, Right hemidiaphragmatic injury. Frontal chest radiograph shows apparent eleva-
tion of the right hemidiaphragm, generally a nonspecific finding. However, in the setting of trauma, diaphragmatic injury with herniation of the liver into
the thorax manifests similarly, as in this example. B, Left hemidiaphragmatic injury. Frontal chest radiograph shows herniation of the stomach into the
left thorax, consistent with a large tear of the left hemidiaphragm.

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1364 PART 3  •  Clinical Respiratory Medicine

and abdominal injuries than military victims. As a general thus much deadlier blast wave. Furthermore, the blast wave
rule, blast injury victims suffer multiple blunt and penetrat- can reflect back from surfaces at an angle greater than 40
ing injuries, including traumatic amputations. Injuries degrees, augmenting the incoming wave and creating a
from blast detonations are classified into the following cat- new blast wave. This phenomenon is known as a “mach
egories: (1) primary; (2) secondary; (3) tertiary; and (4) stem formation.”168 Studies have shown that explosions
quaternary.162 detonated in corners can result in explosions that are up to
eight times deadlier than explosions in the open air.164
Damage to the human body results when the blast wave
transmits energy directly to the body. This energy is trans-
Primary blast injuries result from overpressure effects of the mitted unevenly through body tissues and, as described,
blast wave (see later). The blast typically injures organs that reflects back upon encountering changes in density. As a
have interfaces between different densities, such as air and result, the majority of damage is done at interfaces of dif-
tissue, or water and air. Examples include pulmonary baro- ferent tissue densities. For example, pulmonary blast inju-
trauma, tympanic membrane ruptures, gastrointestinal ries result when the blast wave rapidly changes in amplitude
contusions/perforations, and traumatic amputations. Pre- upon entering and exiting the multiple air- and fluid-filled
viously, tympanic membrane rupture was used as a marker structures within the lungs. Other air/tissue interfaces
of severity of illness from the blast wave. However, recent include the gastrointestinal tract, tympanic membranes,
studies show that tympanic membrane rupture is not a and extremities, where greatly disparate density planes,
reliable marker of severity, demonstrating poor sensitivity such as joints with air, soft tissue, and bones all reside
and specificity.163 Instead, markers of severe blast injury within a small space. The mechanisms causing these inju-
include the following: (1) >10% total body surface area ries can be classified physiologically into distinct categories:
burns; (2) skull/facial fractures; (3) penetrating injuries to (1) spalling forces, (2) implosion forces, and (3) inertia
the head/torso.163 forces.162,167
Spalling Forces
Spalling forces result when the blast wave displaces
Secondary blast injuries result when penetrating injuries and fragments one tissue into another tissue, usually the
are caused by flying debris, such as bomb fragments higher density tissue into the lower density tissue. For
from the explosive device and fragments of bone and teeth example, spalling forces cause the forcible movement of
from the bomber and victims. There are case reports blood from the capillaries into the alveoli, causing alveolar
of these biologic fragments transmitting hepatitis B.164,165 hemorrhage.
Theoretically, transmission of hepatitis C and HIV are also
possible. Implosion Forces
Implosion forces result when the highly compressed edge
of the blast wave enters the victim. This results in gas
that rapidly compresses and reexpands causing injury. For
Tertiary blast injuries result when victims are physically example, implosion forces cause barotrauma by compress-
propelled into hard surfaces by the force of the blast wave. ing and reexpanding the air in the alveoli. Furthermore,
Crush injuries from falling debris also fit into this category. this rapid change in air density can cause an air embolism
by entering the circulatory system.
Quaternary blast injuries encompass all other explosion- Inertia forces result when the blast wave causes the differ-
related effects such as burns, asphyxia, radiation poisoning, ent tissue densities to absorb different amounts of energy.
toxins, psychological trauma, and exacerbation of underly- This results in the different tissues moving at different veloc-
ing medical conditions. ities. The resulting shearing of tissue planes causes massive
injuries, typically traumatic avulsions/amputations.
Blast lung injury results from the combination of all the
forces described above. After the initial damage to the
Explosions result when a chemical reaction transforms a architecture of the alveoli, pulmonary hemorrhage ensues.
solid or liquid into gas within a very short time period, The free hemoglobin in the alveoli leads to the formation
resulting in a massive release of energy. The explosion of free radicals, worsening edema and an early inflamma-
releases most of its energy as a “blast wave,” a positive pres- tory response.169,170 This leukocyte accumulation and
sure front that travels faster than the speed of sound.166 As release of inflammatory cytokines leads to further epithe-
a result, victims feel the blast wave before hearing the explo- lial cell damage over 12 to 24 hours, as well as endothelial
sion. In the open-air, the blast wave behaves in a predictable cell damage over 24 to 56 hours. This inflammatory
manner based on the physics of wave motion.167 cascade results in a lung injury syndrome characteristic
Detonations within confined spaces or under water cause of ARDS.
blast waves that are accentuated and deadlier.162,164 Under Histologic examination of the lung damaged by blast
these conditions, blast waves are reflected back from sur- injury reveals perivascular edema, extensive alveolar hem-
faces with a different density, such as walls or air-water orrhage during the first 12 hours, and then further epithe-
interfaces. The reflected wave superimposes and amplifies lial cell damage and detachment from the basement
the outgoing blast wave, causing a higher intensity and membrane.169,170

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76  •  Trauma and Blast Injuries 1365

MANAGEMENT OF BLAST LUNG INJURY If there is a concern for thoracic injury and the patient
has stable vital signs, workup can begin with a chest radio-
Initial management of patients with blast lung injury graph and thoracic ultrasound. The ultrasound should be
should follow standard local trauma protocols and considered as an extension of the physical examination,
Advanced Trauma Life Support teaching. Survivors of the and a careful survey of the pericardium and bilateral tho-
blast wave with primary blast lung injury have a mortality racic cavities should be performed on every patient. Large
rate of 11% and represent a group of patients with very or clinically significant pneumothoraces or hemothoraces
severe injuries. should be treated immediately with tube thoracostomy
Clinical features include shortness of breath, cough, prior to leaving the trauma bay of the emergency depart-
chest pain, hemoptysis, cyanosis, and tachypnea. Hypox- ment. Depending upon the chest radiograph and ultra-
emia is a typical finding, but may not develop until after sound findings, a chest CT scan or bronchoscopy may be
the first few hours following presentation. One case series required to delineate injury further.
found that only 28% of patients had hypoxemia on initial
All patients with suspected blast lung injury should Key Points
receive a chest radiograph as soon as possible. Radiographic ■ The majority of patients with pneumothorax and
findings of blast injury may include not only the classic “bat hemothorax may be adequately managed by tube tho-
wing” appearance on chest radiograph but also subcutane- racostomy alone.
ous emphysema; pneumothorax; pulmonary interstitial ■ The cornerstone of treatment for rib fractures and flail

emphysema; pneumopericardium; pneumomediastinum; chest is pain control.

and pneumoperitoneum. ■ Pulmonary contusion is a major driver of morbidity
The general treatment for primary blast lung injury and can cause systemic immune dysfunction.
patients is similar to the treatment for the ARDS patient. ■ Occult pneumothorax may be safely managed with
This includes limiting fluid administration to decrease the observation, even in patients on positive pressure
chance of pulmonary edema and the use of low-tidal- ventilation.
volume “lung-protective” ventilation with permissive hyper- ■ Blast lung injury is a unique form of lung injury,
capnia to minimize peak and plateau airway pressures.171 which is most commonly seen in survivors of closed-
Refractory cases can be considered for rescue treatments for space explosions.
ARDS, such as inhaled nitric oxide, inhaled prostaglandins, ■ The diagnosis of blast lung injury is based on clinical

and open-lung ventilation strategies. However, caution observations and confirmed by plain chest radiograph.
should be used when considering extracorporeal membrane Lung injury is the leading cause of late blast
oxygenation. The underlying pathophysiology of blast lung mortality.
involves alveolar hemorrhage and, as a result, there are ■ Management of blast lung injury is predominantly

reports that the required anticoagulation for extracorporeal supportive and closely approximates the treatment of
membrane oxygenation results in catastrophic pulmonary acute respiratory distress syndrome.
In the rare case of air embolism from the blast lung
Complete reference list available at ExpertConsult.
injury, treatment aims to prevent further air emboli. The
patient is placed in the left lateral decubitus position, with
the head down and feet up in an attempt to contain the air Key Readings
embolism at the apex of the left ventricle. Peak pressures Batchinsky AI, Weiss WB, Jordan BS, et al: Ventilation-perfusion relation-
during positive-pressure ventilation should be minimized ships following experimental pulmonary contusion. J Appl Physiol
103:895–902, 2007.
and hyperbaric therapy considered. The diagnosis is a clini- Burlew CC, Moore EE, Moore FA, et al: Western Trauma Association Criti-
cal one because CT scans, echocardiography, and observa- cal Decisions in Trauma: resuscitative thoracotomy. J Trauma Acute Care
tion of retinal air bubbles on funduscopic exams are Surg 73:1357–1361, 2012.
unreliable.162 Cryer HG, Mavroudis C, Yu J, et al: Shock, transfusion, and pneumonec-
tomy. Death is due to right heart failure and increased pulmonary vas-
Patients that survive blast lung injury typically have cular resistance. Ann Surg 212:197–201, 1990.
excellent long-term pulmonary outcomes. One study found DuBose J, Inaba K, Okoye O, et al: Development of posttraumatic empyema
that, one year after the injury, survivors had normal pulmo- in patients with retained hemothorax: results of a prospective, observa-
nary exams, with minimal pulmonary complications.173 tional AAST study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 73:752–757, 2012.
Ha DV, Johnson D: High frequency oscillatory ventilation in the manage-
ment of a high output bronchopleural fistula: a case report. Can J
APPROACH TO THE THORACIC Hernandez G, Fernandez R, Lopez-Reina P, et al: Noninvasive ventilation
reduces intubation in chest trauma–related hypoxemia: a randomized
TRAUMA PATIENT clinical trial. Chest 137:74–80, 2010.
Inaba K, Branco BC, Eckstein M, et al: Optimal positioning for emergent
The assessment of every trauma patient begins with the needle thoracostomy: a cadaver-based study. J Trauma 71:1099–1103,
time-honored “ABCs”—airway, breathing, and circulation. discussion 1103, 2011.
In case of suspected tension pneumothorax, pleural decom- Karmakar MK, Ho AM: Acute pain management of patients with multiple
pression should precede intubation. A complete physical fractured ribs. J Trauma 54:615–625, 2003.
exam should follow the ABCs, with special attention paid Karmy-Jones R, Jurkovich GJ, Shatz DV, et al: Management of traumatic
lung injury: a Western Trauma Association Multicenter review. J Trauma
to the presence of decreased breath sounds, distended 51:1049–1053, 2001.
neck veins, subcutaneous emphysema, and upper extrem- Lavery GG, Lowry KG: Management of blast injuries and shock lung. Curr
ity pulse or neurologic deficits. Opin Anaesthesiol 17:151–157, 2004.

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76  •  Trauma and Blast Injuries 1365.e1


eFigure 76-1  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: rib fracture. Axial

enhanced chest CT scan shows displaced right-sided rib fractures (arrows).
(Courtesy Michael Gotway, MD.)

eFigure 76-2  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: manubrial fracture. Axial

chest CT scan shows a fracture line (arrow) through the manubrium, result-
ing from a motor vehicle collision. (Courtesy Michael Gotway, MD.)

eFigure 76-3  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: sternoclavicular dislocation. A, Frontal chest radiograph of a patient who fell from height shows subtle
displacement of the medical head of the right clavicle (arrow); compare with the normally positioned left clavicular head. B, Coronal enhanced chest CT
scan displayed in bone windows shows superior dislocation of the medial head of the right clavicle (arrow). (Courtesy Michael Gotway, MD.)

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1365.e2 PART 3  •  Clinical Respiratory Medicine

eFigure 76-4  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: sternoclavicular dislocation. Axial chest CT scan in a patient following a motor vehicle collision shows
posterior dislocation of the right clavicular head (arrow). Note the normally positioned left clavicular head (arrowhead) and the normal sternoclavicular
joint space (*). (Courtesy Michael Gotway, MD.)

eFigure 76-5  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: pulmonary contusion on chest radiograph. A, Frontal chest radiograph performed at emergency room
presentation in a patient following a motor vehicle collision shows homogeneous peripheral left lung consolidation (arrow), consistent with contusion.
B, Frontal chest radiograph performed 24 hours following presentation (A) shows significant improvement in the left lung contusion (arrow). (Courtesy
Michael Gotway, MD.)

eFigure 76-6  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: pulmonary contusion on chest CT scan. Axial chest CT scan performed in a patient following blunt
traumatic thoracic injury shows homogeneous, nonsegmental, peripheral left upper lobe ground-glass opacity and consolidation (arrowheads), typical of
pulmonary contusion. (Courtesy Michael Gotway, MD.)

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76  •  Trauma and Blast Injuries 1365.e3

eFigure 76-7  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: pulmonary laceration. A, Frontal chest radiograph performed in a patient following a motor vehicle
collision shows right lower lobe consolidation containing an air-fluid level (arrows). B–D, Axial chest CT scan displayed in lung windows shows numerous
right lower lobe areas of cavitation (arrows) associated with surrounding consolidation, consistent with pulmonary laceration. (Courtesy Michael Gotway, MD.)

eFigure 76-8  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: hemothorax. Axial chest CT scan shows a left pleural effusion containing a masslike area of high attenu-
ation (arrows), representing retracting clot within a hemothorax. (Courtesy Michael Gotway, MD.)

eFigure 76-9  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: hematoma with pneumatocele development. A, Axial chest CT scan performed in a patient following
blunt traumatic thoracic injury shows a left upper lobe mass (arrows) with surrounding lucency, the latter consistent with cavitation. The material within
the cavity is blood, consistent with hematoma. B, Axial chest CT displayed in lung windows performed 3 weeks following (A) shows evacuation of the
contents of the left upper lobe cavity, revealing a thin-walled cyst (arrows). This lesion spontaneously closed over the ensuing month, consistent with a
pneumatocele. (Courtesy Michael Gotway, MD.)

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1365.e4 PART 3  •  Clinical Respiratory Medicine

eFigure 76-10  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: tracheobronchial injury. Coronal chest CT displayed in lung windows performed in a patient following
a high-speed motor vehicle collision shows extensive subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum, both hallmarks of airway injury. The left
mainstem bronchus is fractured (arrows), with gas collecting around the area of airway injury. The associated video (Video 76-3) shows the extensive
pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema, and medial left apical pneumothorax as well as multifocal lung parenchymal injures. (Courtesy Michael
Gotway, MD.)

eFigure 76-11  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: diaphragmatic injury on chest radiography. A, Front chest radiograph obtained in a patient after a
motor vehicle collision shows intrathoracic herniation of the stomach (arrows). B, Frontal chest radiograph obtained following chest CT, for which oral
contrast was administered, shows the contrast filling the intrathoracic stomach (arrows). (Courtesy Michael Gotway, MD.)

eFigure 76-12  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: diaphragmatic injury presenting as intrathoracic visceral herniation. Axial chest CT scan performed
in a patient following blunt traumatic injury shows intrathoracic herniation of the spleen (S) as well as other contents of the left upper quadrant, including
the colon (arrow), consistent with a very large left diaphragmatic tear. (Courtesy Michael Gotway, MD.)

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eFigure 76-13  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: diaphragmatic injury presenting as diaphragmatic thickening (the “thick crus” sign). Axial chest
CT scan performed in a patient following blunt traumatic injury shows thickening of the right diaphragmatic crus (arrows), due to retraction of this
structure following right diaphragm injury. Compare the right diaphragm crus thickness with the normal left diaphragm crus (arrowhead). (Courtesy Michael
Gotway, MD.)

eFigure 76-14  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: diaphragmatic injury presenting as the “dependent viscera” sign. A, Normal appearance of the
thoracoabdominal junction. Note the abdominal contents are positioned within the central portion of the image at this level, with the thoracic contents
positioned peripherally. B, Axial chest CT scan performed in a patient following blunt traumatic injury shows that the abdominal viscera (stomach and
left upper quadrant fat, arrows) rests against the posterior chest wall. Normally, as shown in (A), the lung parenchyma and pleura occupy this location.
The positioning of abdominal viscera against the posterior chest wall near the thoracoabdominal junction at chest CT is referred to as the “dependent
viscera” sign and represents intrathoracic visceral herniation, usually due to fairly large diaphragmatic tears. (Courtesy Michael Gotway, MD.)

eFigure 76-15  Blunt thoracic traumatic injury: diaphragmatic injury presenting as the “collar” sign. A, Axial enhanced chest CT scan shows focal
constriction of the stomach (arrowheads) as it enters the thorax through a small left hemidiaphragmatic tear (arrows, left hemidiaphragm). B, Coronal
reformatted CT image shows the focal constriction of the stomach as it passes through the small diaphragmatic defect (arrowheads) to advantage; this
focal constriction is referred to as the “collar” sign (arrow, left hemidiaphragm). (Courtesy Michael Gotway, MD.)

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1366 PART 3  •  Clinical Respiratory Medicine

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