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TMP 2063 1



Mathematics is the machinery or driving to the development of and developments in science

and technology. As such, Ministry Malaysian Education through Curriculum Development

Centre (PPK) made the Integrated Curriculum for Secondary School (ICSS) syllabus Form 2

for Mathematics subject effort to realize Philosophy National Education objective and

Malaysian government desire to making our country as a those countries industrial based on


In the Integrated Curriculum for Secondary School (ICSS) syllabus Form 2 for

Mathematics, Circles chapter is one of the topics which need learned and dominated by

student. Knowledge of circles chapter would be further developed positively in themselves

and skill achieved would make inside basis produce skilled work force in cater to industrial

sector's needs year 2020. Previous theory and new discovery in Circles chapter would enable

school pupils implemented in their daily life and further produce something useful and

innovative for goodness society and country. Based on Rukunegara, this topic can develope

student to become a citicen whose belief in god, loyalty to king and country, upholding the

constitution, rule of law and good behaviour and morality. From what students have learn,

they will know that all the concept and properties of the circle will bring them that the unique

thing that God made in our life. Futhermore, application the concept of circle in their life will

made them become the citicen which is good behaviour and morality.


The Circles chapter of the Mathematics curriculum aims are :-

• To develop individuals who are able to think briefly about concept of circle include its

properties, application of part of a circle by using drawing and calculating.

TMP 2063 2

• Apply all knowledge about circles effectively and responsibly in solving problems and

making decision.

• Enable the individual to face challenges in everyday life that arise due to the

advancement of science and technology.


Based on Integrated Curriculum for Secondary School (ICSS) Mathematics syllabus for Form

2, five learning objectives which need achieved and dominated by pupils in this chapter are:-

The mathematics curriculum of the Form 2 in Circles chapter enables students to:-

1) Understand definition, concept and properties of circle.

2) Widen the use of basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

related to circle.

3) Acquire basic mathematical skills such as:

• Making estimation about the value of π

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• Measuring the area, chord and length of arc and constructing center and

radius of a given circle.

• Collecting and handling data about circle.

• Representing and intrepreting data by derived the formula.

• Recognizing and representing relationship mathematically.

• Using relationship to solve the problem.

• Solving problems involving circle

• Making decisions

4) Student will communicate mathematically about the circle.

5) Apply knowledge and skills of mathematics in solving problems and making


6) Relate the knowledge of circle with other areas of knowledge.

7) Use suitable technologies in concept building, acquiring skills, solving problems and

exploring the field of mathematics.

8) Acquire mathematical knowledge and develop skills effectively and use them


9) Inculcate a positive attitude towards circle.

10) Appreciate the importance and beauty of circle.


The organization of the content usually start with learning outcomes that must be achieve

after teaching and learning process. In Learning Objective, it defines what should be taught. It

cover all aspects of the mathematics curriculum programmed and are presented to support

students’ understanding of the concepts and skill of mathematics. For example, “Student must

understand and use the concept of circumference to solve problems.”

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In column Suggest Teaching and Learning Activities, it list some examples of teaching

and learning activities including methods, techniques, strategies and resources pertaining to

the specific concepts for skills. These are, however, teacher are encouraged to look another

examples, determining teaching and learning strategies most suitable for students and provide

appropriate teaching and learning materials such as the textbooks and the internet. For

example, “use dynamic geometry software to explore parts of a circle or use advanced

calculator that already has π as one of the buttons. This will allow less typing for you and a

more accurate answer because the π button produces an approximation to π that is much more

accurate than 3.14.”

The Learning Outcomes define specifically what students should be able to do. They

prescribe the knowledge, skills or mathematical process and values and this are measurable in

all aspects. For example, “student will be able to do identify parts of circle such as center,

circumference, radius, diameter, chord, arc, sector, and segment.”

In the Point To Note column, attention is drawn to the more significant aspects of

mathematical concepts and skills to ensure that they are taught and learning effectively as

intended. For example, Emphasize п = 3.142 or 22/7.”


The teaching and learning process of circles emphasize concept building and skills acquisition

as well as the inculcation of good and positive values. There are other elements that have to

be taken into account and carefully planned and infused into the teaching and learning of the

circle. This is arranged in such a way to give flexibility to teacher to implement an enjoyable,

meaningful, useful, and challenging teaching and learning environment. At the same time, it is

important to ensure that student show progression in acquiring the mathematical concepts and

skill. There are five main elements focused in teaching and learning of circles. That is
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problem solving in mathematics, communication in mathematics, reasoning in mathematics,

mathematical connection and application of technology.

The problem solving in circles teach and train student to be taught how to solve

problem given and problems related in our daily life. It is important because it is

comprehensive and covers the whole curriculum. The development of problem solving skills

needs to be emphasized so that the students are able to solve various problems effectively by

using ‘Polya Model’ and the more specific problem solving strategies.

The communication in circles is useful to helps students to reinforce and strengthen

their knowledge and understanding of circles to a deeper level. Through effective

communication students will become efficient in problem solving and be able to explain their

conceptual understanding and mathematical skill to their peers and teachers. There are three

processes in communication of circles. There are communication through listening, reading

and visualization.

Communication through the listening process encourages students to think using their

mathematical knowledge in circle in making decisions. Communication through the reading

process need students to collect data and rearranges the relationship idea and concepts. Lastly,

communication through the visualization encourages students to make an observation,

analyses, interprets and synthesizes data. In addition, an oral communication is an interactive

process involves psychomotor activities.

The development of mathematical reasoning is closely related to intellectual and

communicative development of students. It also encouraged students to estimate, predict, and

make intelligent guesses in the process of seeking solutions. Therefore logical and rational

thinking has to be absorbed in students thinking.

Opportunities for making connections must be created so the students can link the

conceptual to procedural knowledge and see circles as integrated whole rather than jumble of
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unconnected ideas. Circles ideas can be related with two other topics that are loci in two

dimension and lines and angles. In these two chapters students know ideas about radius and

angles. Than circles topic will be continue with circles II and circles III in next year.

Applications of technology in circles help students to understand circles concept in

depth, meaningfully and precisely and enable them to explore circles idea. The technology

that circles topic will be used is the geometry software. This software can help to explore

parts of a circle such as center, circumference, radius, diameter, chord, arc, sector and

segment, to explore the value of pi, to explore the relationship between the length of arc and

angle at the center of a circles, to explore the relationship between the radius and the area of

circles and to explore the relationship between the area of a sector and the angle at the center

of the circles.


Teaching and learning approaches refer to specific techniques that the teacher or facilitator

will use during a particular lesson, course, activity, etc. Any kind of learning approach used

must take into account that means giving information is not enough. Thus, learning

approaches should provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes that the learner needs rather

than the specific content or knowledge of the curriculum in order to develop and improve a

permanent, healthy, sustainable, citizenship orientated lifestyle.

Suitable choice of teaching and learning approaches will provide stimulating learning

environment that enhance effectiveness of learning mathematics. In other words, it is better to

know how the learners study than what they study. Over the years, students’ approaches to

learning have been a focus of study for many researchers. There are some researchers mention

that there is a general agreement that there are two fundamental approaches to learning : deep

and surface. Some features of student approaches to learning include the following :
TMP 2063 7

Deep approach Surface approach

Intention to understanding Intention to reproduce

Vigorous interaction with content Memories information needed for assessments

Relate new ideas to previous knowledge Failures to distinguish principles from examples

Relate concepts to everyday practice Treat task as an external imposition

Relate evidence to conclusions Focus on discrete elements without integration

Examine the logic of the argument Unreflective about purpose or strategies

A few theory of teaching and learning with regard to circle chapter can apply by

teachers such as Mathematical Concept (Zoltan P Dienes), The Principles or Theorems of

Learning Mathematics (Jeromer Bruner), The Phases of Learning Sequence (Robert Gagne')

and Ausubel Meaningful Learning Model (David P.Ausubel): Teaching Mathematics In

Secondary Schools: Theories and Practices by Noor Shah Saan & Sazelli Abdul Ghani.

In chapter ‘Circles’ Mathematics form 2, there are many suitable approaches in

teaching and learning that teacher can apply in the classroom in order for students to get an

effective learning. For example, teacher can apply cooperative learning to students to achieve

learning objectives where students will be taught to understand and use the concept of

circumference. Besides that teacher also can use the same approaches in teaching subtopic

concept of area of circle. Teacher also can teach this chapter by using constructivism where

students will be able to derive the formula of the circumference of a circle. Teacher also can

use this approach so that student can estimate the value of Pi.

Problem solving also can be one of approaches in teaching and learning that teacher

can apply to teach chapter ‘Circles’. This approach can be used to teach students to

understand and use the concept of area of sector of a circle to solve problem. Besides, teacher

also can use the same approach so students can solve problems by understanding and using
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the concept of arc of a circle. There are many other approaches that teacher can use in

teaching and learning of this chapter. It depends on the teacher to use the most appropriate

and suitable approach that he/she thinks in order to produce an effective learning for students.


A method can be regarded as the teacher’s systematic and well-planned series of action in

order to achieve the short-term instructional objectives. Inductive method, deductive method,

expository method and practical work are the examples of method that can be used of teacher

in the classroom. A would-be teacher might feel inadequate in many areas such as experience,

mathematical background or creativity that are required to generate an effective method for a

certain topic or skill. An effective and successful teacher needs to know a multitude of ways

on how to deliver and explain any mathematical ideas based on their suitability and whether

the learning situations warrant them to be used.

For chapter ‘Circle’ Mathematics form 2, there are many methods that can be used of

teacher in teaching and learning. For example, teacher can use expository method. This

method is the most frequently employed method in mathematical instruction. It involves the

delivery of the lesson’s content through explaination, story-telling or demonstration with the

sole purpose of teaching a certain concept. For this chapter, teacher can use this method to

explain the concept of circle and parts of a circle. Teacher can explain the concept with the

aid of the teaching materials for example circular object such as a globe. With this method,

students listen to the teacher’s explaination, remember and record important point.

Besides that, teacher also can use inductive method to teach this chapter. This method

can be used to obtain the formula, fact or the general property from studying or investigating

several specific examples from specificity to generalization. In chapter ‘Circle’, teacher can

use this method so that students can derive the formula of the circumference of a circle.
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Besides, students also will be able to derive the formula of the length of an arc by using this

method. Students also can derive the formula of the area of a circle and formula of the area of

a sector with inductive method. One more thing that students can obtain by using this method

is the value of Pi.

Practical work method is one more method that teacher can apply in the classroom to

teach chapter ‘Circle’. This method can be used to train students in the application of the

teaching aids to help them learn mathematical facts and concepts. For this chapter, teacher can

use this method for example to obtain the value of Pi. Students are required to draw circles of

different diameters on the manila card and they are required to measure the circumference of

each circle. Then students are required to fill a table and generalise the value of Pi obtained.

Besides that, teacher also can apply this method so students can recognize parts of a circle by

drawing a circle.

Teacher must apply the most appropriate and suitable method so that the process of

teaching and learning will be a meaningful one to teacher and especially to students in order

to get an effective learning.


As a teacher, we must use some kind of teaching strategies to help students understand better

in Mathematics. In topic of circle, there are several teaching strategies that can be applied.

The most commonly used strategy by the teacher in any mathematics instruction is the

question and answer strategy. Bloom (1977) proposes the following six levels of thinking

which are known collectively as Bloom’s Taxonomy. Taxonomy level bloom can be divided

into two parts namely low level and high level while information that want to be conveyed by

teachers to his pupil could be categorized on facts, concept, skill and principle. For examples,

students need to understand the concept and skill on how to draw a circle if given a diameter.
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Another strategy that can be applied is called thinking skill strategy. As an example,

the “find my rule” strategy could help in generating inductive thinking. The teacher would

provide several items or articles that follow a certain rule. The students would then be

required to identify the rule associated with these items. For example teacher requires students

to identify parts of a circle such as center point, chord, arc, and etc.

Case method strategy providing opportunity for students to apply what they learn in

the classroom to real life experience has proven to be an effective way of both disseminating

and integrating knowledge. For example, teachers can tell the students circles are used for

making products such as wheels of a bicycle or a car.

There are also a variety of ways to stimulate discussion. For example, some faculty

begins a lesson with a whole group discussion to refresh students’ memories about the

assigned reading. Other faculty fined it helpful to have student’s list critical points or

emerging issues, or generate a set of questions stemming from the assigned reading. These

strategies can also be used to help focus large and small group discussions. Obviously, a

successful class discussion involves planning on the part of the instructor and preparation on

the part of the students. Instructors should communicate this commitment to the students on

the first day of class by clearly articulating course expectations. Just as the instructor carefully

plans the learning experience, the students must comprehend the assigned reading and show

up for class on time, ready to learn.

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Week Chapter Learning Objective Topic/ Subtopic Activity T&L Duration

20-22 Chapter 10 : Circles • Recognize and 10.1 Part of a circle • Introduce the concept 1× 40 (minutes)
(3 weeks) draw parts of • Identify circle as a of circle as a locus.
a circle set of points • Use dynamic
• Understand equidistant from a geometry software to
and use the fixed point. explore parts of a
concept of • Identifying part of circle
circumference a circle • Class work in pair
to solve • Draw a circle • Exercise
problems • Determine the
• Understand center and radius
and use the 10.2 Concept of • Measure diameter 2 × 40 (minutes)
concept of arc circumference and circumference
of a circle • Value of π of circular objects
to solver • Formula of the • Explore the history of
problems circumference π
• Understand of a circle • Explore the value of
and • Diameter and radius π using dynamic
use the of the geometry software
concept of circumference of • Class work
area of a circle the circle individually
to solve • Solving problems • Class work in pair
problems • Exercise
• Understand
and use the
concept of area
of sector of a
circle to solve
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10.3 Concept of arc of a • Explore the 2 × 40 (minutes)

circle relationship between
• Formula of the the length of arc and
length of an arc angle at the centre of
• Solving problems a circle using
dynamic geometry
• Class work in pair
• Exercise
10.4 Concept of area of a • Explore the relationship 2 × 40 (minutes)
circle between the radius and
• Formula of the area the area of a circle:
of a circle a) using dynamic
• Radius and geometry
diameter of a circle software
• Solving problems b) through activities
such as cutting
the circle into
equal sectors and
rearranging them
into rectangular
• Class work in pair
• Exercise
10.5 Concept of area of • Explore the 2 × 40 (minutes)
sector of a circle relationship between
• formula of the the area of a sector
area of a sector and the angle at the
• solving problems centre of the circle
using dynamic
geometry software.
• Exercise
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• Quiz

Closure : • The teacher 10 (minutes)

• Summary summarizes the circle
• Check • Students make
understanding reflection on what
they have learned

Circles topic will be continue with circles II and circles III such below :

Form 2 : Circles

Form 3 : Circles II

Form 4 : Circles III

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In this syllabus, there are no different between mathematics of lower form and upper form. In

form of assignment, oral questioning and answering, observation and interview it is the part of

the teaching and learning process to ascertain the strengths and weakness of the students.

In this chapter of circle I from form 2, the students will use the knowledge in circle I

to learn another chapter in form 3, 4 and 5. Based on form 2 learning about the circle, students

can understand the concepts of circle.

To know the students understand or not this chapter, the teacher must do some

evaluation to their students. The suitable evaluation the teacher can do for this chapter is do

some activities out of class such as apply the concepts of circle in daily life. So this activity

can give more happening to students and changes their mood to student is have more

interesting to study.

The other evaluation can do during teaching and learning is the teacher need spend 5

minutes before end of the class lesson. This is because, the teacher can do summarize about

the lesson for that day already teaches. It is also important to know the students understand

about the learning of the circle. After that, the teachers also can do another activity to use the

5 minutes before end of the class. The activities are, the teacher can give the exercise to

students and students should do it as homework. For the next class, teacher and students need

discuss the answer for the exercise. Based on the exercises, the teachers also can know how

far the student understands about the topic of the circle. Then, it can know the objective of

the teaching and learning process achieve for this topic.

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