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Rahat Sohan 
1200 Cornwell Street 
Los Angeles, CA 90020 
(223) 400-4000 

Communication - ​Proficient mastery of proper and formal English, along with fair 
understanding of Bengali and Spanish 
Resourceful - ​Willing to exert maximum effort in order to complete every task 
assigned to the best of my ability. 
Leadership​ - Through experience conducting laboratory assignments, managing 
multiple clubs, and constantly taking the initiative, I’m confident in my ability to 
work alongside other as well as independently 

Engineering for Health Academy​ - Student 
August 2017 - PRESENT 
● Built a motor vehicle through usage of balsa wood and a battery.  
● Participated and won in Annual Science Fair 
● Coded an app from scratch which connects to a smart watch to return 
heart rate information to an app, allowing the app to alert paramedics in 
case of heart failure. 

Bangla Youth Leadership Group, Los Angeles ​- Co-Founder 

August 2013 - PRESENT 
● Manage club activities through collaboration with fellow members.  
● Coordinate club affairs: street cleanups, community service, fundraisers 

Pio Pico Public Library​ - Volunteer 

JANUARY 2015 - MARCH 2016 
● Shelf books according to the Dewey Decimal Classification system; 
● Assisted visitors in finding the books, CDS/DVDS they sought after; 
● Assisted front desk with book checkout. 
● Participated in annual book sales (2015) in which the Koreatown Pio Pico 
Library Branch sold a record number of books, all profits went to 
enriching the library. 

Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School, LA ​- Junior 
August 2015 - June 2019 

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