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Photography 1:

Introduction to
Instructor: Mrs. Hensley

Course Description:
This class explores the basics of traditional black and white photographic printing as well as
digital photographic processes using Adobe Photoshop. We will examine both the aesthetic and
technical aspects of the photographic process through several method-based assignments. The
uses of metering, lighting, composition, and technical aspects of the camera will be reviewed
during class to give students a basic understanding of the art of photography.

Suggested Materials:
35 mm Single Lens Reflex (SLR) Camera with MANUAL focus and exposure settings. Having a
camera is not required for this course, however it is extremely helpful. Ask parents, aunts, uncles,
family, neighbors, etc. to borrow one for the class. If you are looking to purchase one, I recommend
shopping on ebay for a pentax k1000. In addition to a film camera, having a digital camera is helpful. Many
students use a family camera or their phone. Digital cameras can also be signed out for a specific amount of
time for students to complete work.
This year, students will be given an 9 x 12 sketchbook to use in class. If the student loses the
sketchbook, they will be required to replace it by either purchasing one themselves or purchase one
from the department at cost of $15.

Class Expectations:
All students are expected to observe and adhere to all policies defined in the Student Agenda Book
regarding lateness and conduct. Because photography requires the use of expensive and complex
equipment and tools, you must treat all tools with the utmost care and respect (cameras, enlargers,
filters, darkroom equipment, chemistry, computers, etc.). Students are expected to maintain the studio
space and darkroom. The developing, enlarging and printing of black and white images takes place in
the classroom and darkroom where chemicals are used and stored. No food or drink is allowed in the
studio. Clear water bottles will be allowed in the classroom section of the studio only. It is very
important that students are serious and thoughtful about their behavior and actions at all times.
Dangerous or inappropriate behaviors will result in the loss of darkroom time. Students are expected
to participate in class discussions, critiques, and activities. Students are expected to be prepared with
required materials when class starts. Binders and paper can be permanently stored in the studio.
Cameras can be turned in before school starts or brought to class. No student will be permitted to go
to their car / locker to retrieve materials for class. Behavior issues will be dealt with according to the
HHS PBIS discipline ladder.

Photography Class Structure:

Step 1: Introduction of a New Shooting Assignment. I will present the concepts / relevant skills and
techniques / works by exemplar photographers and previous students that model strong and weak solutions to
the problem. Often students will critically analyze the works, and engage in discussions about them together in

Step 2: Preliminary work. A portion of class time will be used to generate ideas for students’ own solutions to
the new problem in their sketchbooks. Brainstorming methods include written responses to prompts, group
discussions, thumbnail sketches and artist research.

Step 3: Contact Sheets & In-Progress Critiques. After students process their film and make a contact sheet
of the images, they will have an independent in-progress critique/reflection to help the them decide which
negatives to print or digital photos to edit in Photoshop.

Step 4: Final Class Critique. The final assessment of a student’s artwork will take place during a final class
critique. The final critique is designed to allow students to personally reflect on the success of their own work,
as well as their peers.
 During the final critique, students will:
1) Evaluate and score their final works using the assigned criteria.

2) Participate in the final critique by responding to a written reflection and sharing their thoughts.

Students will receive a separate grade for their participation in the critique. Students who have an unexcused
absence the day of the critique will receive a zero for this participation grade. Students who are legally absent
that day will receive an “incomplete,” (will not count for or against grade) as final class critiques cannot be

Step 5: Teacher Assessment. Lastly, the instructor will grade the work based upon the assigned criteria. I will
collect the work (or it will be submitted digitally via Canvas), along with the evaluation sheet at the end of the
final class critique. Assignments will be graded using the criteria described below:

Grading Criteria:
Idea development: (20%)
 Applies strategies to generate a variety of solutions to a given art problem.

Design: (20%)
 Organizes ideas through the use of materials and compositional / formal strategies.

Personal choicemaking and meaning: (20%)
 Uses best practices and experiences to inform and develop an
authentic voice.

Studio Skills & Practices: (20%)
 Demonstrates artistic behaviors in the studio environment: perseverance of
task, care of materials, and respect for others and their work.

Craftsmanship: (20%)
 Employs strategies and techniques to insure the quality and the final presentation of
completed assignment.

Reflection: (separate grade)
 Communicates an understanding of concepts and strategies, personal choices,
through the evaluation of artworks.
Photography is about exploration - in this class, you will discover things in the world around you
that you never noticed before and develop your own personal identity as a photographer through
guided explorations into both technical aesthetic decisions and conceptual investigations. Be
inquisitive, open-minded, and WANT to dig deeper into the topics that interest you and you WILL be
successful. (oh, and hand stuff in)

The Fine Print

Academic Integrity:
Each student is responsible for upholding and maintaining academic integrity according to the Howard High School’s
Academic Honor Code. You signed a Code of Conduct at the start of the year – review it if necessary.
**At any point, the teacher may ask for a student’s original photograph. If the student cannot produce the original
photograph, the student will not receive credit for that assignment. Also, digital photographs include metadata that can
be cross-referenced if there is any doubt about where and when the photo was taken. Please take your own photographs
specific to each assignment.
Word of the Week
Every two weeks, students will be given a word or prompt to shoot digitally for a homework assignment. The word should
be thoughtfully interpreted by the student. Students will first have a sketchbook assignment worth 25 points that helps
them weed out cliché responses and arrive at a thoughtful concept the first Friday. The students will turn in the photo of
their refined concept to Canvas the next Friday. This will be followed by a critique and contest. The winning print will be
printed, matted and the student will receive extra credit for the assignment (late work will not be considered for extra
credit). The photo that unpacks each word or concept is also worth 25 points.

GT: Digital Portfolios

GT students are expected to maintain a digital portfolio throughout the year. Work done in class will be scanned and
uploaded to a free website builder like Weebly or Wix. We will be using this as a classroom tool for sharing work as well
as an opportunity to learn about creating an effective online presence as an artist.

In Photo 1, the bulk of our homework will involve completing shooting assignments. Please plan your time accordingly to
complete all shooting assignments on time. In addition to shooting assignments, Photo 1 students will often be required
to complete sketchbook assignments based on the shooting problem that has been assigned. It is in the student’s best
interest to use their regular class time wisely to complete assignments. If in-class time is not used wisely, more out-of-class
work may be the result. *Parents can check on due dates and assignments by looking at Canvas.
Equipment that can be signed out for out-of-school use is used at your discretion. The cost of lost, damaged, or broken
cameras, tripods, etc. will be the responsibility of the student who signed out the equipment.
Due Dates / Late work:
Assignment deadlines are set at the discretion of the instructor when the assignment is given. It is the student’s
responsibility to make up any missed work due to excused absences, and to collect daily objectives, handouts, and notes.
Students are also responsible for scheduling appointments with the teacher to discuss make-up work. If the student is
absent on the day an assignment is due, the assignment should be handed in on the following day. Late work from
unexcused absences or otherwise will not be given full credit. For each day late you submit any assignment (homework
and class-work), after the deadline, you will be deducted one letter grade, (or 10%) up until 50%. Students may turn any
assignment into the teacher for half credit by the end of the marking period.

Upgrade / Redo Policy

If a student wishes to resubmit an assignment, they may purchase film at a cost of $3.00 and redo the work. They may also
inquire about completing the work digitally. The two grades will be averaged out to get the final grade for the work. For
example, if the student originally earned a 70% and redid the work to earn a 90%, the redone grade would be an 80%. This
only applies on final photographs, digital assignments or word of the week problems.
Denial of Credit / Absences:
According to county-wide policy, students are not to miss more than 5% of any credited class for the entire school year.
Missing studio art classes can place a student in a difficult position for making-up work. All students are responsible for
making up missed assignments on their own accord. Only students who provide proper notes documenting an excused
absence will be given exemption from the daily letter grade penalty. Students are responsible for keeping all proper
documentation to defend their excused absences.

Cell Phones / Electronics - BYOD Policy

Students are not to have devices out unless they have specific individual permission from the teacher which will be
indicated verbally and with a visual cue.

Howard High School Photography Department

Syllabus Contract
This syllabus is a contract. By signing below, you and your parents / guardians are acknowledging
that you have read the entire Photo 1 course syllabus, and will abide by and support all of its stated
policies at:

___________________________________ ___________________________________
Student Signature Parent / Guardian Signature

___________________________________ ___________________________________
Student Name (printed) Parent / Guardian Name (printed)

If you would like to be contacted by me for any reason, please put down your information below. If you have a
preference (email or phone) of how you would like to be contacted, please check the box next to the
information. Providing this information is optional.

• _________________________________________

• _________________________________________
Phone & best time to call

Cameras and photography equipment

• I own / can acquire a 35 mm SLR (single lens re ex) camera with manual settings for the use
during Photo I.

• I plan on using the school provided cameras to complete the course work in Photo I.

• I have photography equipment (cameras, darkroom supplies, etc.) I would like to donate to the
Howard Photography Program (please be sure to fill out contact information above) Donations
are tax deductible

Twitter and Instagram: @ Howardhighart

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