General Release and Settlement Agreement

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"Agreement") is a voluntary agreement made by and between the City of Hartford (hereinafter,
"the City"), the Hartford Municipal Employees Association, (hereinafter, "HMEA"), and Mr.
Donald LeFevre (hereinafter, "Mr. LeFevre").

WHEREAS, HMEA, of which Mr. LeFevre was a bargaining unit member, filed on Mr.
LeFevre's behalf a grievance challenging an action by the City to place Mr. LeFevre on
administrative leave with pay with the Connecticut State Board of Mediation and Arbitration
which was subsequently designated Case No. 2007-A-0510; and

WHEREAS, the parties have discussed and agreed upon a resolution of said grievance as
well as any and all matters to the extent specifically addressed in this Agreement; and

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants contained in this

Agreement and with the intent of fully and forever resolving any and all disputes between the
parties, in all forums, and without establishing any precedent, the City, HMEA and Mr. LeFevre
agree as follows:

1. No Admission of Liability. Neither the negotiation, undertaking, agreement nor

execution of this Agreement shall constitute or operate as an acknowledgement or
admission of any wrongdoing or violation of any law, contract, regulation or
statute by the City or Mr. LeFevre, including any person acting on their behalf.

2. Consideration.

a. In consideration of Mr. LeFevre executing this Agreement, the City shall

make the following payments to Mr. LeFevre in accordance with the terms and
conditions below.

i. Mr. LeFevre shall be paid thirty-two thousand five hundred seventeen

and 50/100ths dollars ($32,517.50) in a check made payable to
"Donald LeFevre" within thirty (30) days after the execution of this

ii. Mr. LeFevre shall be paid seventy-six thousand seven hundred ninety-
one and 00/100ths ($76,791.00) dollars in a check made payable to
"Donald LeFevre" within ten (10) days after January 1, 2008. Such
payment includes compensation for four hundred four and one-quarter
(404.25) hours of accrued vacation leave, totaling fourteen thousand
nine hundred twenty-four and 42/100ths dollars ($14,924.42).

iii. Mr. LeFevre shall be paid thirty-five thousand six hundred fifteen and
92/100ths dollars ($35,615.92) in a check made payable to "Donald
LeFevre" within ten (10) days after January 1, 2009.
iv. If Mr. LeFevre becomes deceased at any time before all payments in
(i), (ii) and (iii) above are paid by the City to "Donald LeFevre", said
payments will be paid to Donald LeFevre's estate.

v. The above payments are subject to any and all standard tax

The City further agrees to continue the health insurance coverage in effect
for Mr. LeFevre and his spouse at the time of Mr. LeFevre's resignation
(including dental coverage) until the last day of the month in which Mr. LeFevre
reaches the age of sixty-five (65) [September 11, 2008]. The cost of such health
insurance coverage shall be paid entirely by the City effective upon the execution
of this Agreement and shall continue until such coverage expires on September

In addition, upon reaching age sixty-five (65), Mr. LeFevre (and his
spouse, if or when applicable) must transfer to the age sixty-five (65) and over
City health care coverage plan and must enroll in Medicare Part B benefits to
remain eligible to continue City health care benefit coverage through September
30, 2009. Mr. LeFevre is responsible for paying any premiums for Medicare
coverage and the City will pay the cost for the supplemental coverage only.

If Mr. LeFevre becomes deceased at any time on or before September 30,

2009, health insurance coverage for Mr. LeFevre's spouse shall continue and be
paid, as stipulated above under the applicable coverage, by the City until such
coverage expires on September 30, 2009.

b. In consideration for the City executing this Agreement, Mr. LeFevre and
HMEA agree to the following:

i. Mr. LeFevre shall resign in good standing from his position as Tax
Collector of the City effective immediately upon the execution of this
Agreement. Such resignation shall be provided in writing and
submitted to Mr. John Rose, Jr., City of Hartford, Corporation Counsel
Office, 550 Main Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06103. The parties
agree Mr. LeFevre leaves with a clean and clear personnel record.

ii. Mr. LeFevre shall not be eligible for any HMEA pension benefits, nor
shall he be entitled to receive any payout of accumulated sick leave for
his City service time that began October 12, 2003 through Mr.
LeFevre's date of resignation. However, any pension contributions
made by Mr. LeFevre since his re-employment with the City on
October 12, 2003 will be refunded to Mr. LeFevre in accordance with
Chapter 2A of the Municipal Code.

iii. The pension benefits provided to Mr. LeFevre for his previous
employment with the City will not be impacted by (ii) above.
The City and McEleney & McGrail have specifically advised Mr. LeFevre to
consult with an attorney or advisor of his choosing before signing this Agreement.
McEleney & McGrail, LLC and Stephen F. McEleney represent HMEA, only, in
this transaction.

6. Knowing and Voluntary. In signing this Agreement, Mr. LeFevre

acknowledges that he freely and voluntarily enters into this Agreement without
duress, intimidation, undue influence, or any threatened loss of benefit. Mr.
LeFevre further acknowledges that he has read this Agreement and fully
understands its contents, meaning, intent, and implications.

7. Past Practice and Precedent. This Agreement is specific to Mr. LeFevre, and as
such, it shall not establish past practice or precedent in any other possible
dispute(s) that may arise between the parties in the future. Furthermore, this
Agreement shall not be cited or used as evidence in any proceeding except one to
enforce its terms.

8. Governing Law. This Agreement and disputes arising there from shall be
governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
Connecticut. If any provision of this Agreement should be held unlawful by a
court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in

9. Complete Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the complete understanding

between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, oral, or written. An
amendment to this Agreement after the date of execution must be in writing and
signed by all parties to the Agreement.

Approved and dated this _ day of August 2007.


Donald LeFevre



Lee Erdmann
Chief Operating Officer or Mayor's Designee

da Moniz-Carroll


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