Experiment 2: Level Transmitter Calibration

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Weekly Laboratory Report

Experiment 2: Level Transmitter Calibration

GA In-Charge
Laboratory Session Date
Report Submission Date

Group No. Group 3

Group Members
Table of Contents












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1.0 Summary
[Highlights the main objective of the experiment, the experimental conditions, the
experimental results and conclusions.]

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2.0 Introduction and Theory
[Mentions about the fundamentals and background of the experiment. The theory
behind the experiment and its relevant equations should be highlighted.]

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3.0 Experimental Procedures
[Contains a statement of how the experiment was carried out.]

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4.0 Experiment Data
[Gives a summary of the raw readings taken during the experiment. Any observation
that might be relevant should also be mentioned.]

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5.0 Calculations
[Based upon the experimental data, appropriate calculations should be conducted to
achieve the desired results.]
Based on Figure 6.1 the gradient slope for graph of flowrate against height of water for
determination of flow resistance are as follows:

For 20% Opening:

Gradient = 0.0118 m2/min = 0.00019667 m2/s

Flow Resistance = 1/Gradient = 1/0.00019667 = 5084.66 s/m2

For 30% Opening:

Gradient = 0.0116 m2/min = 0.00019333 m2/s

Flow Resistance = 1/Gradient = 1/0.00019333 = 5172.50 s/m 2

For 50% Opening:

Gradient = 0.0265 m2/min = 0.00044167 m2/s

Flow Resistance = 1/Gradient = 1/0.00044167 = 2264.13 s/m2

Based on Figure 6.2 the gradient slope for graph of flowrate against height of water for level
measurement in closed-tank are as follows:

At tank top pressure = 0.5 psi

Gradient = 0.007 m2/min = 0.00011667 m2/s

Flow Resistance = 1/Gradient = 1/0.00011667 = 5998.8 s/m2

At tank top pressure = 1.0 psi

Gradient = 0.0075 m2/min = 0.000125 m2/s

Flow Resistance = 1/Gradient = 8000 s/m2

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6.0 Results
[Presents the results of the calculations. The results should be in line with the
objective of the experiment.]
In Experiment 2.16 Determination of Flow Resistance, the main objective is to find the
flowrate for each height of the water and then we need to calculate the flow resistance in the system.
We set the heights of the water to be specifically at 100mm, 200mm, 300mm, 400mm, and 500mm
by manipulating two (2) valves to control the flowrate. For at least 1-minute, we need to maintain
the height of the water at the set level and then we determine the flowrate by reading from the

To determine the flow resistance for each heights of the water, we need to plot graph of
flowrate against the height of water. We can determine the flow resistance by dividing 1 over the
gradient slop of the graph.

Graph of Flowrate against Height of Water


y = 0.0265x + 16.05


y = 0.0116x + 5.78

y = 0.0118x + 1.62
0 100 200 300 400 500 600

20% Opening 30% Opening 50% Opening

Linear (20% Opening) Linear (30% Opening) Linear (50% Opening)

Figure 6.1: Graph of flowrate against height of water for determination of flow resistance.

Based on Figure 6.1, we can see that the flowrate is increasing with the set level of the height
of the water. The flowrate of the inlet is also increasing with the percentage of opening, which is the
percentage of release of pressure built inside the tank.

In Section 5.0, from the calculations of the flow resistance, we can clearly see that the flow
resistance is decreasing when the percentage of opening, percentage of pressure built inside the
tank, is increasing.

In Experiment 2.17 Level Measurement in Closed Tanks, the objective is to determine the
flow resistance at each specific heights of water to be maintained when tank top pressure is applied
at 1.0psi and 0.5psi. The percentage opening of the outlet valve is set at 30% opening.

To determine the flow resistance for each heights of the water, we need to plot graph of
flowrate against the height of water. We can determine the flow resistance by dividing 1 over the
gradient slop of the graph.

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Graph of Flowrate against Height of Water
18 y = 0.0075x + 13.55
12 y = 0.007x + 11.7
0 100 200 300 400 500 600

0.5 psi 1.0 psi Linear (0.5 psi) Linear (1.0 psi)

Figure 6.2: Graph of flowrate against height of water for level measurement in closed-tank.

Based on Figure 6.2, we can see that the flowrate is increasing with the set level of the height
of the water. The flowrate of the inlet is also increasing with increasing the tank top pressure.

In Section 5.0, from the calculations of the flow resistance, we can see that the flow resistance
is increasing when we increase the tank top pressure form 0.5psi to 1.0psi.

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7.0 Discussion
[Discusses the experimental results. The discussion should relate experimental
findings with its associated theory. Any weakness in the experiment or any proposal
of methods to improve the experiment should also be discussed.]

2.16 Determination of Flow Resistance

Based on the graph from the experiment, the higher the height, the higher the flow resistance
with constant the percentage of open valve MV03 at 20%. This is due to high flow velocities and
high fluid viscosities result in a larger pressure drop across a section of pipe. The higher the pressure
drop will increase proportional to the frictional shear forces within the piping and hence will create
the resistance to flow.

On the other hand, the higher the opening output valve MV03, the higher the flow resistance
due to increase driving pressure from pressure inlet to pressure outlet and produce higher
differential pressure. According to Ohm's Law, which states that flow (f) equals the pressure
difference (ΔV) divided by resistance (R), the higher the pressure different, the higher flow
resistance Therefore, the highest flow resistance is 2264.13 s/m2 which is at highest opening output
valve MV03 at 50%

2.17 Level Measurement in Closed Tanks

In this experiment, we observed that by adding the 1.0 psi pressure at the top of the tank, the
flow resistance is higher which is 8000 s/m 2 compare to adding 0.5 psi pressure at the top of the
tank by constant the opening output valve MV03 which is 30%. This is because, the increase
pressure on top of the tank will increase the velocity of the flowrate that discharge at the bottom of
the tank. Therefore, the higher the velocity, the higher resistance to flow through piping because of
increase frictional shear forces within piping.

Error and Modification

 Human Error
1. It can take wrong value when do the reading at sight glass during stand at wrong position.
2. Hence it is recommended that during take of reading, at sight glass with millimetre scale
(LG) which is the indirect measurement, the eye should sharp to the level.

o Systematic Error
1. It is quite hard to adjust water level by using MV01 and MV02 to achieved to the set point
and take the reading value.
2. Hence, it is recommended that adjust the water level by using MV01 and MV02 slowly and
wait about 1 minutes after it reach the set point to make it stable before take the value.

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8.0 Conclusion
[Should emphasise the main findings of the experiment. The conclusion should
answer every aspect of the experimental objectives.]

Page 10 of 13
[Contains the list of references made in the report.]

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[Contains the raw readings taken during the experiment, sample calculations and any
additional information.]
Table shows the flowrates for each specific height of the water inside the tank for different
percentage of opening for Experiment 2.16 Determination of Flow Resistance.
Percentage Opening (%) 20 30 50
Height (mm) Flowrate (L/min)
100 3 7 18
200 3.5 8 22
300 5.2 9.5 24.5
400 6.9 10 26.5
500 7.2 11.8 29

Table shows the flowrates for each specific height of the water inside the tank for different tank top
pressure for Experiment 2.17 Level Measurement in Closed Tanks.
Tank Top Pressure (psi) 0.5 1
Height (mm) Flowrate (L/min)
100 12 14.5
200 13.5 15
300 14 15.5
400 14.5 16.5
500 15 17.5

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