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TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10

UNIT 8. GRAMMAR BOOSTER 1: The passive voice

I. Change the active sentences to the passive voice.

Example: “Neat Auto Repair” repairs my car. My car is repaired_ by “Neat Auto Repair”.

1. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.


2. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.


3. Someone stole my wallet and cellphone yesterday.


4. People drink champagne on New Year’s Eve.


5. Tony Pereda wrote “The Kingdom Now”.


II. Circle the letter that best completes each conversation.

1. Beautiful Japanese dresses __________ by 4. These “cabezas clavas” ______________ by

Mrs. Iwanaga. the Chavin civilization.
a. are design a. was made
b. is designed b. were made
c. are designed c. were maked
d. was designed d. are made

2. Our entrance exam ___________ by 5. Famous songs _____________ by Gianmarco

thousands of students every year. Zignago.
a. was took a. are compose
b. is taken b. was composed
c. is took c. is composed
d. is taked d. have been composed

3. Most roads ____________ since the natural

disaster occurred.
a. have been repaired
b. been repaired
c. will been repaired
d. have repaired

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


I. Circle the letter that best completes the statement.

1. I need some clay for the ___ class. 6. A: What’s this figure made ___?
B: Stone.
a. pottery
a. off
b. painting
b. about
c. drawing
c. of
d. photography
d. material
2. This ___ is interesting because it is made
of glass and stone. 7. She loves expensive gold ____: earrings,
bracelets and necklaces.
a. cloth
a. sculptures
b. sculpture
b. fashion
c. painting
c. jewelry
d. drawing
d. accessory
3. You can’t judge a book by its ___.
8. A: It’s so ______.
a. front
B: Yes, it makes you think about life.
b. pages a. inspired
c. story b. exhibit
d. cover c. provocative
d. thought - provoking
4. This wood figure was ___ by hand.
a. do 9. I think the dark colors make this painting
b. carved is a little __________.
c. create a. extroverted
d. designed b. depressing
c. old
5. The painter was _____ by the natural
environment of the mountain. d. thought-provoking

a. made
10. He has a natural ___ for painting.
b. talented
a. talent
c. interested
b. gifted
d. inspired
c. present
d. abilities

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10

II. Write examples of objects made of each material.

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10

UNIT 8. GRAMMAR BOOSTER 2: Questions in the passive voice

I. Complete the questions with was/were and the verbs in the box.

made carved designed directed found

1. A: ______ this golden figure _________ in Peru?

B: Yes, archeologists found it in Huaraz.

2. A: ________ these movies _________ by Steven Spielberg.

B: No, they weren’t.

3. A: _____ this wooden door ________ by a carpenter?

B: Yes, it’s a piece of art.

4. A: ______ those Russian dolls ______ of cloth?

B: Yes, I bought them when I traveled to Russia last year.

5. A: ______ your house __________ by an architect? It is so beautiful!

B: No, it was my own design.

II. Circle the letter that best completes each conversation.

1. A: _________ these plates used for? 3. A: Look at this vase! It is really pretty.
B: People use them for decoration. B: Sure. Where ____________?
a. What is a. it was made
b. How is b. was it made
c. What are c. was it maked
d. How are d. it was done

2. A: ______ that sweater made? 4. A: I love your Nissan car. _____________ ?

B: Handmade, it was made in Puno. B: In 2010.
a. How was a. When was manufactured
b. Where was b. When it was manufactured
c. How were c. When was it manufacture
d. Where were d. When was it manufactured

5. A: __________________________
B: This cup? It’s made of clay.
a. What is that cup made of?
b. What that cup is made of?
c. What is that cup made?
d. How is that cup made of?

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


Read. Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

PABLO PICASSO 1. What was Picasso’s father like?

a. He was really strict with Pablo
Pablo Picasso was a famous Spanish artist. For b. He motivated his son’s ability
c. He didn’t like art at all
most people, he is known simply as “Picasso.” He
d. He was never agree with Pablo
was born on October 25th, 1881, and died on April
2. What was remarkable when Picasso applied
8, 1973. Pablo’s father was a drawing teacher, and
to La Llonga?
he encouraged his son’s artistic ability. When Pablo a. He painted a mural for the school
was ten years old, the family moved to Barcelona, b. He had the best grades
Spain, where Pablo took an exam to enter a famous c. He could take a one-month exam in
one day
and prestigious art school, called La Llonga. The d. He passed a math’s exam
exam was supposed to take one month, but Pablo
3. What was the name of his series of works?
finished it in one day! He later moved to Paris, a. The pink Ages
where was worked as an artist creating and b. The blue paintings
exhibiting his drawings. During this time, he c. The blue period
d. B and C
created his famous “Blue Period” works. They were
called this because of their devotion to the color, 4. What is said about his art work?
a. It was realistic
and because they were quite somber in nature. In
b. It was cubist
the 1920s, Picasso continued his work by creating c. It was old-fashioned
theatre sets. His work during this period was d. It was strange
considered neo-classical, modern, surreal, and 5. What was his status like as a celebrity?
cubist. Picasso then moved on to printmaking and a. His art was discovered after he died
lithography. He was never content to use a medium b. He was never recognized as an artist
c. He was famous during his life
the way it was traditionally used, and came up with
d. He was famous in his home city
many inventive new ways to create art.
One of the most interesting things about Picasso is
that he was the first artist to be famous during his
own lifetime. He was quite a celebrity, and is
considered one of the most important artists of the
twentieth century.

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


I. Listen and circle T (true) or F (false). Correct the false information.

1. The woman thinks Theo is very talented. T - F
2. They are talking about a sculpture. T - F
3. Theo thinks he is the best in that kind of art. T - F

4. They are talking about Paul Johns’ painting. T - F
5. The woman thinks Paul’s work is quite good. T - F

II. Listen to two audio segments and circle the correct answer.

1. What are they talking about?
a. a dress
b. a sculpture
c. a photo
d. a painting

2. What was it made of?

a. clay
b. silver
c. glass
d. wood

3. Where was it made?

a. Peru
b. Panama
c. Mexico
d. Brazil

4. What city will she visit?
a. Paris
b. Rome
c. Barcelona
d. Madrid

5. What piece of art are they talking about?

a. a painting
b. a sculpture
c. a photo
d. some jewelry

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10

UNIT 9. GRAMMAR BOOSTER 1: The Infinitive of Purpose

I. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the infinitive of purpose.

look send enjoy buy talk about get

to get William Luna’s autograph.

Example: We are making a line _________

1. I’m calling Sharon ___________ about the meeting.

2. We will go to Mancora ___________ the beach and nice weather.

3. I want to lose weight ____________ slim for my sister’s wedding.

4. Luis turned on his laptop ___________ an e-mail.

5. My parents went to the supermarket ___________ the groceries for the week.

II. Circle the letter that best completes each item.

1. A: Why did you go to the library? 3. He joined Friendmatch _______ new friends.
B: _____________ for my exam. a. for meet
a. For study b. to meeting
b. Study c. meeting
c. Studying d. in order to meet
d. To study
4. I usually use my computer ___________
2. A: The computer crashed. music videos and movies.
B: Why don’t you try _________ it? a. to download
a. to restart b. downloading
b. restarting c. for download
c. for restart d. in order to downloading
d. to restarting
5. I created a Whatsapp group _________ in
touch with my school friends.
a. for keeping
b. to keeping
c. for to keep
d. for keep

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


I. Circle the correct answer for each item.

1. A: What are you doing? 6. Pablo uses the Internet just to send and
B: Nothing special. Just ____ around. ____ e-mails.
a. fooling a. receive
b. nothing b. give
c. boring c. obtain
d. lazy d. mail

2. Restarting the computer should work as a 7. It’s really annoying when you receive a lot
___ for that problem. of ___ e-mail.
a. solution
a. instant
b. working
b. junk
c. reparation
c. interesting
d. trick
d. terrific

3. I’ve finished my report. Now I need to

8. ____ is a big problem. Many people are
____ the file.
victims of violence on the Internet these
a. save
b. safe a. Criminal
c. keeping b. Anti-virus
d. opens c. Cyberbullying
d. Software
4. I love ___ the Internet everyday.
a. navigate 9. _____ use computers to get into websites
b. surfing or computer systems without permission.
a. Networks
c. saving
b. Hackers
d. writing
c. Viruses
5. He ___ a comment under her picture. d. Bully
a. printed
b. crashed 10. You should ____ on the print icon.
c. posted a. put
d. fix b. click
c. press
d. punctuate

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10

II. Write a command for each icon.

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10

UNIT 9. GRAMMAR BOOSTER 2: Comparisons with as … as

I. Complete the sentences using as … as and the adjectives given.


Dinner will be ready soon. I’ll finish cooking ____as fast as____ I can. (fast)

1. My sons are _____________________ their father. (almost / tall)

2. Our new sofa will be ___________________ the old one. (just / comfortable)

3. The weather today isn’t ___________________ yesterday. (cold)

4. A sports Volkswagen isn’t _____________________ a sports Ferrari. (nearly / expensive)

5. My English teacher wasn’t _____________________ my History teacher. (quite / strict)

II. Circle the letter that best completes each item.

1. A: What do you think about this new store? 3. I don’t earn ___________ as my sister does.
B: I think its prices are _________ Kelly’s.
a. as many money as
a. as more affordable as
b. as much money than
b. as affordable than
c. as much money as
c. as affordable as
d. as money as
d. affordabler than
4. My new cellphone has ________________ as
2. A: Did you enjoy the meal in this restaurant? my old one.
B: To be honest, it wasn’t _______I thought. a. just as many games as
a. as better as b. just as much games as
b. as well as c. as just many games as
c. as good than d. just more games as
d. as good as
5. Tongo is not ___________ Juan Diego Flores.

a. as nearly famous as
b. nearly so famous than
c. nearly as famous as
d. nearly more famous as

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


Read the ads. Then circle the letter that best answers each question.

Is your computer very slow?
Visit our store for services like Password removal,
re-Install Windows/Mac OS X/ Linus, upgrade all
Windows / OS X/ LINUS of your choice
Data Backup, software installation(Licensed)
Broken Laptop Screen Replacement, etc.
Contact Sam at 678-677-545 COMPUTER PROFESSORS 3
Visit our store for all your Computer problems.
We don't charge for diagnostics and NO FIX, NO
I am a hard working, problem solver with exceptional Broken Screen or repair, Keyboard Issues,
communication skills and a keen eye for composition motherboard Issues, DC-Jack replacement, power
and typography. Issues, No video or display, among others.

I’m expert in Brand Identity, Logos, Business Cards, OUR LOCATION: S G WIRELESS 218
etc. Publications, Websites, Video Editing, animated E. BURNSIDE AVE BRONX, NY 10457
Digital Ads (347)-271-5288

Email me at
We are third party service provider and not in
ADVENTURE WEB DESIGNS any way associated with Norton or any of
Aventure Web Design service is a
professional web design and online marketing
4 its partner companies. We offer support for
Norton products and sell subscription based
firm in the Aventura, Florida area. We create additional warranty on computer and other
the latest website for you. We also make it peripheral devices.
highly responsive.
Jason Borne
For more information

1. Which ad provides information about 3. Which ads offer services for companies?
professionals? a. 2 and 4
a. 1
b. 3 and 5
b. 2
c. 1 and 5
c. 3
d. 4 and 3
d. 4
4. Which ads offer services for broken PCS?
2. Which service offers additional warranty?
a. 3 and 1
a. 1 b. 5 and 1
b. 2 c. 2 and 4
c. 4 d. 2 and 3
d. 5
5. Which service doesn’t charge for first visit?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


I. Listen and circle T (true) or F (false). Correct the false information.

1. The man wants to buy a new video game. T - F
2. The man thinks a Macro is the best brand. T - F
3. The Macro costs more than the Panatel. T - F

4. The woman has a problem with the printer. T - F
5. The man suggests the woman buy a new one. T - F
II. Listen to two audio segments and circle the correct answer.

1. How many hours a day is he online?
a. 7 hours
b. less than 7 hours
c. 9 hours
d. a bit more than 10 hours
2. Why does he visit
a. to watch movies
b. to get informed about current news
c. to listen to music
d. a and b
3. Who usually sends him instant messages?
a. his friends from university
b. his family abroad
c. his girlfriend
d. his friend Nick
4. When did she join Facebook?
a. Years ago
b. Last month
c. Some months ago
d. None of the above
5. How many friends does she have in her Facebook account?
a. 1000
b. Over 1000
c. 100
d. Over 100

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10

UNIT 10. GRAMMAR BOOSTER 1: The unreal conditional

I. Complete the unreal conditional sentences matching both columns.


1. If I were you, __e__ a. if you could move to another country?

2. Would you donate some money ____ b. I wouldn’t have money to pay the bill.
3. Where would you live ___ c. if you found a wallet on the street?
4. If we had lunch in an expensive restaurant ____ d. would she get angry?
5. If you told Laura the truth, _____ e. I wouldn’t work so hard.
6. What would you do ____ f. if you were rich and famous?

II. Circle the letter that best completes each item. Real and unreal conditionals

1. If I ______ a lot of money, I ________ around 3. If she __________ my best friend, I ________
the world. her all my secrets.
a. had – would traveled a. wasn’t – won’t tell
b. had – will travel b. weren’t – wouldn’t tell
c. would have – traveled c. isn’t – wouldn’t tell
d. had – would travel d. weren’t – would tell

2. What _________ if you ____ your documents 4. If it ______ tomorrow, I _________ to the
and keys? mall.
a. would you do – lost a. rains – won’t go
b. did you do – would lose b. rains – wouldn’t go
c. you did – lost c. rained – don’t go
d. would you do – loss d. would rain – didn’t go

5. We _________ a 10 percent discount if we

_____ the tickets in advance.
a. get – bought
b. got – will buy
c. will get – buy
d. get – will buy

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


I. Circle the correct answer for each item.
6. I want to ___ my tummy, but my mother
won’t let me.
1. He’s such an ______ person. Everyone a. burn
loves him.
a. better b. pierce

b. wrong c. dye

c. exaggerated d. cut

d. old-fashioned
7. A. Thank you so much!
B: Don’t ____ it.
2. I have been ____. I should have paid $5
a. worry
a. overcharged b. mention

b. forgot c. nothing

c. mistake d. say

d. undercharged
8. I would like to change my hair color. I
want to ___ it red.
3. I was going to lie but then I decided to tell
the truth. I just couldn’t ___ myself. a. do
a. face b. see
b. see c. decorate
c. look d. dye
d. watch
9. They donated food for the orphans. It was
4. He thinks that men can go out late, but a real act of ____.
women shouldn’t. What a double ____! a. Modesty
a. discrimination
b. Humbleness
b. sexism
c. rebelliousness
c. standard
d. Kindness
d. modesty
10. Sarah wants to ___ a tattoo on her arm.
5. In that community ___ dominates society.
Women are forced to cover all their body a. paint
when they go outside. b. get
a. sexism
c. split
b. fashion
d. charge
c. dye
d. modesty

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10

II. Complete the sentences with the correct expression from the box.

an arm and a leg split a drop in the bucket

put yourself in someone’s shoes I couldn’t face myself

1. We decided to ____________ when we noticed that they were not going to serve food
at that party.
2. I love my new shoes but they cost me ___________. Now I have no money left!
3. You should ____________. It’s always good to be empathetic with others.
4. They really appreciate your help, but actually it is only a ____________.
5. I wanted to go away with all that money, but I didn’t at the end. ____________.

Write your own sentences using these expressions.






TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10

UNIT 10.GRAMMAR BOOSTER 2: Possessive Pronouns

I. Replace the underlined noun phrases with possessive pronouns.

Example: This was not my fault, it was your fault. This wasn’t my fault, it was yours._

1. The black SUV over there is Mr. Reed’s car.


2. This is my bag, which one is Mrs. Chang’s?


3. Is this your dish or my dish?


4. Are these your daughter’s dolls?


5. I use my parents’ TV to watch movies.


II. Circle the letter that best completes each item.

1. A: Whose cellphone is this? 3. A: Are those your children’s toys?

B: It’s __________. B: No, _________.
a. mine cellphone a. they’re not them
b. mine b. it’s not theirs
c. myself c. they’re not their
d. me d. they’re not theirs

2. A: Are those the teacher’s books? 4. That boat belongs to us, so it’s ________.
B: Yes, _________.
a. our
a. they’re his
b. ours boat
b. they’re them
c. ours
c. it is his
d. us boat
d. they’re yours

5. A: Is this Juan’s parrot?

B: No, ________.
a. it isn’t his
b. he isn’t its
c. it isn’t its
d. he isn’t his

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


I. Listen to two audio segments and circle the correct answer.

1. Where is Luke going tomorrow?
a. to a conference
b. to his new job
c. to a job interview
d. to a ceremony
2. What accessory is Luke planning to wear?
a. a tie
b. a tattoo
c. an earing
d. a piercing
3. What adjective BEST describe Beth?
a. conservative
b. open-minded
c. double standard
d. tolerant
4. According to the father what the problem is with the girl?
a. She has a big tattoo.
b. She is wearing very tight clothes.
c. She is wearing a piercing.
d. She is doing badly at school.
5. What adjective LEAST describe the father?
a. open-minded
b. sexist
c. conservative
d. None of the above

II. Listen and circle T (true) or F (false). Correct the false information.

Conversation 1
1. The boy thinks his grandma should wear a tattoo. T - F
2. The boy thinks tattoo is only for men. T - F
3. The grandma thinks there should be not different rules for people. T - F

Conversation 2
4. The mother says Jessica must be home by midnight. T - F
5. The mother thinks rules are different for boys and girls. T - F

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


Circle the letter that best completes each question.

1. Two fossils of a dinosaur _______ in 6. My sister’s hair_______________ my

western India last year. mother’s.
a. was found a. almost is as long as
b. were found b. is almost as long as
c. were finded c. is almost as longer as
d. was founded d. is almost as long than

2. All our electronics _______ from the 7. A Led TV screen ___________ a Smart
house. This is terrible! TV.
a. have been stolen a. isn’t as nearly good as

b. has been stole b. isn’t nearly as good as

c. have being stolen c. is nearly as good as

d. have been steal d. is as nearly good as

3. A: What is this vase ________? 8. I _________ the poor if I ________ a

B: Mainly for decoration. millionaire.
a. used to a. would helped – was
b. used for b. helped – would be
c. made for c. would help – were
d. use for d. would help – am

4. ______the stairs and floors _______ 9. If Karen __________, she would spend
yesterday? her time taking care of her child.
a. Were – cleaned a. doesn’t have to work
b. Did – cleaned b. didn’t have to work
c. Were – clean c. hadn’t have to work
d. Was – cleaned d. hadn’t to work

5. You have to scroll down _______ the 10. A: Is that Rafael or Emma’s ring?
whole text. B: Emma doesn’t wear rings so _______.
a. for read a. it’s hers
b. to reading b. it’s her
c. to for read c. it’s his
d. to read d. it’s theirs

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


Circle the letter that best completes each item.

1. A: What’s your favorite ___? 6. My computer ____. I can’t even save my

B: Mona Lisa. work.
a. drawing
a. crashed
b. sculpture
b. restarted
c. painting
c. opened
d. pottery
d. broken

2. I am going to an art ____ in the Louvre

7. It seems to be a good idea. I will give that
a ___.
a. showing a. option
b. exhibit b. work
c. paint c. problem
d. abstract d. try

3. He’s really ___ fashion. He wants to be a 8. ______ can enter computer systems
designer. through junk e-mail.
a. into a. Anti-virus
b. to b. Viruses
c. for c. Dilemmas
d. likes d. Problematic

4. I don’t like it, but anyway… to each his 9. A: What’s the ____?
___. B: $25.
a. preference a. money
b. own b. coins
c. prefer c. sum
d. like d. total

5. I want to ___ my photos onto the 10. The waiter didn’t _____ me for drinks. I’d
website. better tell him.
a. download a. change
b. upload b. pay
c. show c. charge
d. album c. cover

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


I. Circle the letter that best completes each question.

1. Why were the Indians forced to move out?
TRAIL OF TEARS a. Because of their own expansion
In the early 1800s, the population of America was
b. Because they kept gold
booming and people were moving west. Westward
c. American’s population was getting
expansion came mostly at the expense of the bigger and bigger
Indians who were often forced to move from their d. Because of their political party

native lands. In the state of Georgia, the 2. Why was the Indian removal act authorized?
population increased 600 percent in 40 years. As a a. The Indians were against laws
result, many of its native tribes were pushed out. b. The Indians expanded to other places
The Cherokee Indians of western Georgia had c. Because gold was discovered in their
managed to keep their land until gold was
d. The Indians created the law
discovered in their territory in 1828. In 1830,
however, President Andrew Jackson authorized the 3. What was the treaty about?
Indian Removal Act. The Cherokees fought the law, a. Get gold from the lands
and it was overturned by Chief Justice John b. Indians had to move to Georgia

Marshall two years later. Just three years later, c. Indians would work for Americans
d. Indians had to leave Georgia
however, in 1835, the Treaty of New Echota was
signed. The treaty was not authorized by the 4. What were the Indians forced to do?
Cherokee Nation. Under the treaty, the Cherokee a. Walk miles without facilities for food
were to leave Georgia and the government would b. Travel by trains to the west
compensate them at a price determined to be c. Go to jails in Oklahoma
about 5 percent of the value of the land. The d. Bring their food to Americans

majority of the Cherokee Nation would never have

5. What did Cherokee chief Ross do?
agreed to the treaty, but the U.S. government a. He could stay in the lands
ratified it anyway. In 1838, General Winfield Scott b. He paid the General
and 7,000 troops invaded Cherokee land. Men, c. He could divide the people into groups
women, and children were forced to walk westward d. He bought food for people
from Georgia nearly 1,000 miles with minimal
facilities and food to reservations set up for them in
Oklahoma. Cherokee Chief John Ross eventually
convinced Winfield Scott that his people should lead
the tribe west. Scott agreed and Ross divided the
people into smaller groups so they could forage for
food on their own. Although Ross may have saved
countless lives, nearly 4,000 Indians died walking
this Trail of Tears.
TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10

II. Skim through the ads. Circle the letter that best answers each question.

1 Twist of Faith - Arts and Crafts 4

Unique and one of a kind macrame necklaces for male, Gilley Birds home décor
female, unisex.
Handcrafted home decor, refurbished wood
Hand painted gourds, trivets, coasters, wall art, home pieces, furniture, we also do granite, and tile!
decor and more, most with Native American themes
Contact: Julie LeVan Contact: Brian Gilley
675 879 67543 Phone: 2512301212

2 Fabric Sale
Beginning Friday, September 1, 2017, we will Design ur own Jewelry 5
have all our usual $3.99 fabric on sale for New never used crafts, design your own
$2.99. This sale will last through the month of jewelry. See ad still available will delete once
September or until the normally $3.99 fabric is gone, all for 50.00, p.s to see all included let me
gone. know cause limited photo uploads [lots more
Our open hours are Thurs. - Sat. 10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M LOTS

573-292-1455 Contact Shawn at 5678 98798 87

3 Looking for nice tattoo work? mobile tattoo artist(will
travel)good prices. 7+ yrs experience
black and grey and color, traditional, Japanese, script,
Custom made and much more
.Professional and clean, sterilized equipment.
You can better reach me by text or call @t

1. Which service is provided for house 3. Which ad provides information about the
owners? opening days?
a. 1 and 3 a. 1
b. 2 and 5 b. 2
c. 4 and 1 c. 3
d. 5 and 1 d. 4

2. Which ad provides information about the 4. Which ad offers people to do their own
professional’s experience? craft?
a. 1 a. 1

b. 2 b. 2

c. 3 c. 3

d. 5 d. 5

5. Which ad offer products as accessories?

a. 1 and 5
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 5
d. 4 and 5

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


PART 1: Listen and circle the letter of the picture that best answers each question.

1. What kind of art are they talking about?


2. What was the woman trying to do before the computer crashed?


3. What piece of clothing was he about to forget?


4. How does he communicate with his family and friends?


5. What does she most like doing on Facebook?


TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10

PART II: Listen. Circle the letter that PART III: Listen. Circle the letter that
best answers each question. best answers each question

CONVERSATION 1: Questions 1, 2 and 3 CONVERSATION 1: Questions 1, 2 and 3

1. What does the woman want to buy? 1. Where is this conversation probably taking place?
a. a flat TV a. at the cinema
b. a computer b. at the theater
c. a game controller c. at the shopping center
d. a tablet d. None of the above
2. What does the man think about the C40 model?
2. What did the woman find?
a. It is very good
b. He doesn’t know much about it a. a bag
c. He thinks it is bad b. a wallet
d. None of the above c. a cellphone
3. Why does the woman want an XA model? d. None of the above

a. It is cheaper. 3. Where did she find it?

b. The screen is brighter. a. next to a store
c. It is guaranteed for two years. b. under a table
d. None of the above c. behind an armchair
d. None of the above
CONVERSATION 2 Questions 4 and 5
4. What is the man going to buy? CONVERSATION 2: Questions 4 and 5
a. a laptop 4. What has the man dropped unknowingly?
b. a digital camera a. keys and a wallet
c. a web camera b. his driver license and keys
d. a printer c. a keys and an identity card
d. a cellphone and keys
5. What is the difference between the HIP and
PENTAC model? 5. Whose keys are those?
a. PENTAC is more expensive a. his wife’s
b. HIP is more expensive b. his sister’s
c. HIP is better c. his coworker’s
d. None of the above d. None of the above

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10


Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Teacher’s name: ________________________ Room:________________ Time: __________








TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10




























Content Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanics Total

6 6 5 5 3 25


TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10



Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Teacher’s name: ________________________ Room:________________ Time: __________

Based on your teacher’s feedback, write the corrected version of your first draft.


























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TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 10




























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