Questionnaire Researchers

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Questionnaire for Researchers; Final Version; February 2005


Highest Educational Attainment      
Phone Number      
Group/Institutional Affiliation      
Years of service at present work      

Please make sure that you have answered all the questions. In case you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.

Number Variable Label Question Variable Type Response Categories

1) Personal
1.1 IDNUMB      
1.2 AGE How old are you (age at last birthday)? Number      
1.3 SEX What is your sex? Tick one Male
response only Female
1.4 COUNTRY In which country have you spent the      
majority of your professional time in the
past five years?
1.5 ADDRESS What is your current address (please      
provide your full postal address)?
1.6 PHONE What is your daytime contact telephone      
number with regional dialing code?
1.7 EMAIL What is your email address?      

1.8 DISCIPLINE Which of these categories best describes Tick all that Psychiatrist
Questionnaire for Researchers; Final Version; February 2005

your professional position? apply Neurologist

Other Medical Practitioner
Social Scientist
Public Health Professional
Other, please specify      

1.9 INSTITUTION Which of these categories best describe the Tick all that NGO
institution you work with? apply University Department
Research Organization/Institute
Government Ministry
Private Sector (for profit)
Not applicable; do not work in an
Other, please specify      

1.10 NETWORKS Are you affiliated to any research network? Tick one No
response only National Network
Regional Network
International Network
Both regional and international
1.10.1 NETWORK NAME If yes to 1.10, which network/s are you a      
member of?
2) Research Experience
2.1 METHODS In which of the following research methods Tick all that Epidemiology, Public Health
have you received formal training? apply Qualitative research methods
Basic Sciences, e.g. neuroimaging,
genetics, statistics
Other, please specify      

2.2 REVIEWER How many mental health related articles or Tick one None
Questionnaire for Researchers; Final Version; February 2005

grant applications have you reviewed in the response only 1 articles/grants

past five years? 2 - 5 articles/grants
6 - 10 articles/grants
> 10 articles/grants
2.3 EDITOR How many editorial or advisory boards of Tick one None
academic journals have you served on in response only 1
the past five years? 2
3.0 RECENT Number of mental health related projects in Please complete this information in the
RESEARCH the past five years; for each project: status, Table
EXPERIENCE type of study, mental disorder, funding
source, collaborators, outcome
Questionnaire for Researchers; Final Version; February 2005



1. The theme of the 2. The role you 3. The setting 4. Were there 5. The source of 6. Which mental 7. Was the 8. The motivation
research (Tick all played in this from where the collaborations in funding for the health issue was the association of the for pursuing this
that apply) research subjects in the your country or research (Tick all focus? (Tick all that mental health issue research (Tick all
(Tick one response research were internationally that apply) apply) with specific that apply)
only) sampled (Tick one (Tick all that marginalized groups
response only) apply) included in your
research question/
objectives (Tick all
that apply)
Epidemiology Principal Community None None (own Psychoses Women Burden of
and Public Investigator Primary National funds) Depression/ Children and illness/ public
Health Co- Principal Care International Research Anxiety Adolescents health
Clinical Trials Investigator General with other Council Substance Poverty Availability of
Social/ Collaborator Hospital low and Foundation/ Use Refugees funds
Psychological Researcher Psychiatric middle NGO Childhood Minorities Collaborator
Science Supervisor Hospital income WHO Disorders Elderly proposal
Methodology Other,please Multiple countries Drug Dementia persons Personal
Health specify       Not International Company Epilepsy Violence/ interest
Systems applicable with high University Personality Trauma Career
Basic Science Other,please income Ministry Learning Prisoners prospects
Clinical specify       countries Multiple Disabilities Disabled Policy maker
Other, please Other,please Eating persons request
specify       specify       Disorders Other, please Commissioned
Suicide specify       by external
Other,please agency
specify       Social
Other, please
Questionnaire for Researchers; Final Version; February 2005


1. The theme of the 2. The role you 3. The setting 4. Were there 5. The source of 6. Which mental 7. Was the 8. The motivation
research (Tick all played in this from where the collaborations in funding for the health issue was the association of the for pursuing this
that apply) research subjects in the your country or research (Tick all focus? (Tick all that mental health issue research (Tick all
(Tick one response research were internationally that apply) apply) with specific that apply)
only) sampled (Tick one (Tick all that marginalized groups
response only) apply) included in your
research question/
objectives (Tick all
that apply)
Epidemiology Principal Community None None (own Psychoses Women Burden of
and Public Investigator Primary National funds) Depression/ Children and illness/ public
Health Co- Principal Care International Research Anxiety Adolescents health
Clinical Trials Investigator General with other Council Substance Poverty Availability of
Social/ Collaborator Hospital low and Foundation/ Use Refugees funds
Psychological Researcher Psychiatric middle NGO Childhood Minorities Collaborator
Science Supervisor Hospital income WHO Disorders Elderly proposal
Methodology Other,please Multiple countries Drug Dementia persons Personal
Health specify       Not International Company Epilepsy Violence/ interest
Systems applicable with high University Personality Trauma Career
Basic Science Other,please income Ministry Learning Prisoners prospects
Clinical specify       countries Multiple Disabilities Disabled Policy maker
Other, please Other,please Eating persons request
specify       specify       Disorders Other, please Commissioned
Suicide specify       by external
Other,please agency
specify       Social
Other, please
Questionnaire for Researchers; Final Version; February 2005


1. The theme of the 2. The role you 3. The setting 4. Were there 5. The source of 6. Which mental 7. Was the 8. The motivation
research (Tick all played in this from where the collaborations in funding for the health issue was the association of the for pursuing this
that apply) research subjects in the your country or research (Tick all focus? (Tick all that mental health issue research (Tick all
(Tick one response research were internationally that apply) apply) with specific that apply)
only) sampled (Tick one (Tick all that marginalized groups
response only) apply) included in your
research question/
objectives (Tick all
that apply)
Epidemiology Principal Community None None (own Psychoses Women Burden of
and Public Investigator Primary National funds) Depression/ Children and illness/ public
Health Co- Principal Care International Research Anxiety Adolescents health
Clinical Trials Investigator General with other Council Substance Poverty Availability of
Social/ Collaborator Hospital low and Foundation/ Use Refugees funds
Psychological Researcher Psychiatric middle NGO Childhood Minorities Collaborator
Science Supervisor Hospital income WHO Disorders Elderly proposal
Methodology Other,please Multiple countries Drug Dementia persons Personal
Health specify       Not International Company Epilepsy Violence/ interest
Systems applicable with high University Personality Trauma Career
Basic Science Other,please income Ministry Learning Prisoners prospects
Clinical specify       countries Multiple Disabilities Disabled Policy maker
Other, please Other,please Eating persons request
specify       specify       Disorders Other, please Commissioned
Suicide specify       by external
Other,please agency
specify       Social
Other, please
Questionnaire for Researchers; Final Version; February 2005

4) Research Resources

4.1 TRAINING Are you involved with teaching any of the Tick all that None
following training programs? apply Short courses in mental health research
Masters Programs in mental health research
PhD programs in mental health

4.2 INTERNET Do you have access to the internet-based Tick one No

databases of research literature? response only Yes, but only free websites (e.g. PubMed)
Yes, to paid resources (e.g. PsycInfo)

4.3 LIBRARY How many mental health related journals Tick one None/do not access a library
does a library you can readily access response only 1 journal
subscribe to? 2-3 journals
4-10 journals
>10 journals

4.4 BIOSTATS Do you have access to the technical support in Tick one None
epidemiology and/or biostatistics? response only Yes, in my institution
Yes, from outside institution
Don’t need, am sufficiently qualified

4.5 NEUROSCI Do you have access to the technical support in Tick one None
neurosciences and/or basic sciences research? response only Yes, in my institution
Yes, from outside institution
Don’t need, am sufficiently qualified

4.6 ETHICS Do you have access to an ethical review Tick one None
board? response only Yes, in my institution
Yes, from outside institution
Questionnaire for Researchers; Final Version; February 2005

4.7 CONSUMER In the past five years, have consumers or Tick one No
users of mental health services been response only Yes
involved with your mental health research?
4.8 POLICY In the past five years, have policy makers Tick one No
been involved with your mental health response only Yes
4.9 CONSULTANCY In the past five years, have you had access Tick all that No
to any mental health related research apply Yes, from a charitable or public institution
fellowships or consultancies? Yes, from a private or corporate institution
(incl. pharmaceutical companies)
4.10 FUNDING Approximately how much research funding Number      
have you had access to in the past year?
(Please report the currency you are using to
describe this amount.)
5.1 PUBL_LOC In the past five years, how many Tick one None
publications have you had in local academic response only 1 publication
journals, i.e. ones that mainly or exclusively 2-5 publications
publish papers from your country? 6-10 publications
>10 publications
5.2 PUBL_INT In the past five years, how many Tick one None
publications have you had in international response only 1 publication
academic journals, i.e. predominately 2-5 publications
publishing papers from different countries? 6-10 publications
>10 publications
5.3 JNL_CHOICE What is the primary reason for choosing a Tick one Impact factor
particular journal for the last article you response only Readership
published? Personal preference for the journal
Better chance of the paper being accepted
No specific reason
Other, specify      
Questionnaire for Researchers; Final Version; February 2005

5.4 PRES_LOC In the past five years, how many Tick one None
presentations of mental health research have response only 1 presentation
you made at national conferences, i.e. in 2-5 presentations
your country? 6-10 presentations
>10 presentations
5.5 PRES_INT In the past five years, how many Tick one None
presentations of mental health research have response only 1 presentation
you made at international conferences, i.e. 2-5 presentations
outside your country? 6-10 presentations
>10 presentations
5.6 PHD_STUD In the past five years, how many students Tick one None
have you supervised for higher research response only 1 student
degrees (e.g. PhD) having a significant 2-5 students
component related to mental health? 6-10 students
>10 students
5.7 DISSEM Have your research findings been Tick all that TV
disseminated in any of the following ways apply Radio
in the past five years? Local newspapers
International newspapers
Leaflets or other concise material
Materials for policy makers
Other, please specify      
5.8 IMPACT Can you identify any policy, program, Tick one No
advocacy or practice change that has response only Yes
resulted from the evidence of your research Don’t Know
5.8.1 IMPACT_EG If yes, please give one specific example:      

5.9 NOIMPACT Can you identify any established research Tick one No
evidence you have generated that should response only Yes
have influenced policy, program, advocacy Don’t Know
or practice, but that has not done so?
5.9.1 NOIMPACT_EG If yes, please give one specific example:      
Questionnaire for Researchers; Final Version; February 2005

What in your opinion are the most important mental health research priorities in your country, over the next five years? Please rank up to 3
categories for each of the following themes relating to research priorities (1=First Priority ; 2= Second Priority ; 3= Third Priority) :
6.1 PRIOR_TYPE Over the next five years, what in your Ranking of 3       Epidemiological studies of burden and risk
opinion are the most important mental choices factors
health research priorities in your country? (number       Clinical trials
according to       Social science research, e.g. illness beliefs,
priority) measurement
      Health systems research, e.g. services
evaluation, policy and economic studies
      Basic sciences research, including genetics
and neuroimaging
      Other, please specify      

6.2 PRIOR_DISORD Please rank the three most important mental Ranking of 3       Psychoses
health issues for your research work: choices       Depression/Anxiety
(number       Substance Use Disorders
according to       Child and Adolescent Disorders
priority)       Dementia
      Learning Disabilities
      Eating Disorders
      Other, please specify      
Questionnaire for Researchers; Final Version; February 2005

6.3 PRIOR_POP Please rank the three most important Ranking of 3       Women
marginalized populations for your research: choices       Children and Adolescents
(number       Poor
according to       Refugees
priority)       Minorities
      Elderly persons
      Persons exposed to Violence/Trauma
      Disabled Persons
      Other, please specify      

6.4 PRIOR_RSN Please rank the three most important Ranking of 3       Burden of disease in the population
reasons for the choices you made, in choices       Availability of funds
response to the previous two questions (number       Personal interest
according to       Policy maker request
priority)       Social justice/equity
      Other, specify      

6.5 PRIOR_CHAL Please rank the three most important Ranking of 3       Lack of funds
challenges or obstacles you have faced in choices       Lack of trained researchers
implementing these research priorities. (number       Lack of support from peers
according to       Lack of research culture in institution
priority)       Lack of collaborators
      Lack of time
      Personal conflicts
      Other, specify      

6.6 CONSENT Do you consent to having your name and Tick one No
research experience included in databases of response only Yes
Mental Health Researchers that may be used
in on-line or print databases?
6.7 PARTICIPATE Would you be interested in being part of a Tick one No
mental health research network? response only Yes
Questionnaire for Researchers; Final Version; February 2005

Please refer other researchers or stakeholders in your country who are also involve in mental health research and practice:

Mailing Address      


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