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Sociology at Surrey University of Surrey

•In its simplest formulation snowball
populations such as the deprived, the •Although they violate the principles of
sampling consists of identifying respond- socially stigmatised and elites. sampling, the use of snowball strategies
ents who are then used to refer research- •Snowball sampling has advanced as a provides a means of accessing vulner-
ers on to other respondents. technique and the literature contains evi- able and more impenetrable social
•Snowball sampling contradicts many of dence of a trend toward more sophisti- groupings. However, the nature of simi-
the assumptions underpinning conven- cated methods of sampling frame and larity within social networks may mean
tional notions of sampling but has a error estimation. that ‘isolates’ are ignored.
number of advantages for sampling

Accessing Hidden and Hard-to-Reach Populations:

Snowball Research Strategies
Rowland Atkinson and John Flint
Treading an uneasy line between the dictates criminal and the isolated (Faugier and Rowland Atkinson and John
of replicable and representative research Sargeant, 1997). Snowball sampling can be Flint are researchers at the De-
design and the more flowing and theoreti- placed within a wider set of link-tracing meth- partment of Urban Studies, Uni-
cally led sampling techniques of qualitative odologies (Spreen, 1992) which seek to take versity of Glasgow. Both have
research, snowball sampling lies somewhat advantage of the social networks of identi- an interest in the spatial distri-
at the margins of research practice. However, fied respondents to provide a researcher with
bution and experience of social
the technique offers real benefits for studies an ever-expanding set of potential contacts
which seek to access difficult to reach or hid- (Thomson, 1997). This process is based on exclusion and have been com-
den populations. These are often obscured the assumption that a ‘bond’ or ‘link’ exists missioned to devise a method-
from the view of social researchers and policy between the initial sample and others in the ology for tracing residents who
makers who are keen to obtain evidence of same target population, allowing a series of leave regeneration areas in
the experiences of some of the more mar- referrals to be made within a circle of ac- Scotland.
ginal excluded groups. quaintance (Berg, 1988).
Policy makers and academics have long been Snowball sampling can be applied for two
aware that certain ‘hidden’ populations, such primary purposes. Firstly, and most easily,
as the young, male and unemployed, are of- as an ‘informal’ method to reach a target
ten hard to locate. Other groups such as population. If the aim of a study is primarily
criminals, prostitutes, drug users and peo- explorative, qualitative and descriptive, then
ple with unusual or stigmatised conditions snowball sampling offers practical advantages
(e.g. AIDS sufferers) pose a range of meth- (Hendricks, Blanken and Adriaans, 1992).
odological challenges if we are to understand Snowball sampling is used most frequently
more about their lives. This issue describes to conduct qualitative research, primarily
the processes and the advantages and diffi- through interviews. Secondly, snowball sam-
culties of using snowball sampling tech- pling may be applied as a more formal meth-
niques. odology for making inferences about a popu-
lation of individuals who have been difficult
Snowball Sampling to enumerate through the use of descend-
Snowball sampling may simply be defined as: ing methods such as household surveys
A technique for finding research subjects. (Snijders, 1992; Faugier and Sergeant, 1997).
ISSUE One subject gives the researcher the name
of another subject, who in turn provides the Early examples of the technique can be seen
name of a third, and so on (Vogt, 1999). in Whyte’s Street Corner Society (1955) and

33 This strategy can be viewed as a response to

overcoming the problems associated with
sampling concealed populations such as the
Patrick’s study of a Glasgow gang (1973),
which used initial contacts to generate con-
texts and encounters that they could use to
study the gang dynamic. A general move
social research UPDATE

away from participant observation of this ated with a largely quantitative tradition of The problem of selection bias may be par-
kind towards the use of snowball sampling the measurement of social problems that tially addressed, firstly through the genera-
techniques primarily for interview-based re- often suffer from a lack of responses from tion of large sample and secondly by the
search has been seen more recently. Snow- particular groups, often the young and un- replication of results to strengthen any gen-
ball sampling has been used in studies of employed males. Ascending methodologies, eralisations. At present, a statistical formali-
drug users (Avico et al, 1998, Griffiths et al, such as the use of snowball techniques, can sation of snowball sample biases is not avail-
1993; Kaplan et al, 1987); prostitution be used to work upwards and locate those able (Van Meter, 1990). However, larger
(McNamara, 1994); pickpockets (Inciardi, on the ground who are needed to fill in the sample sizes may reduce bias. For example
1977); aids sufferers (Pollak and Schlitz, gaps in our knowledge on a variety of social Pollak and Schlitz’s study of AIDS sufferers
1988) and the seriously ill (Sudman and Free- contexts. In this sense snowball sampling can produced a sample with representative pro-
man, 1988). be considered as an alternative or as a com- portions for age, class and size of town of
While some may seek to characterise the top- plementary strategy for attaining more com- residence (Pollak and Schlitz, 1988).
ics for which snowball strategies have been prehensive data on a particular research In addition to selection bias, there is also
used as being trivial or obscure, the main question. the issue of gatekeeper bias (see Groger,
value of snowball sampling is as a method While many have considered snowball strat- Mayberry and Straker, 1999). In their work
for obtaining respondents where they are egies primarily as an aid to accessing the vul- they identified a difficulty when using nurs-
few in number or where some degree of trust nerable or the deviant, some studies have ing home staff as ‘go-betweens’ in obtain-
is required to initiate contact. Under these used them to engage with the ‘hard to reach’ ing the informed consent of caregivers.
circumstances, techniques of ‘chain referral’ among urban elites. Saunders’ (1973) study These ‘gatekeepers’ were sometimes reti-
may imbue the researcher with characteris- of urban politics is an example where a cent or protective toward those they cared
tics associated with being an insider or group ‘reputational’ method was used. Respond- for and sometimes hindered access for the
member and this can aid entry to settings ents were asked who held power in the lo- researchers. Based on their experiences
where conventional approaches find difficult cal arena. This lead to a series of contacts they attempt to draw a comparison between
to succeed. and the establishment of a subjective indica- snowball sampling and scrounging sam-
A range of advantages have been claimed for tion of the relative local power bases. This pling. They describe the latter in terms of:
snowball sampling. Firstly, it has enabled suggests that snowball sampling has a wider desperate and continuing efforts, against
access to previously hidden populations. applicability in sociological research than has mounting odds, to round out the collection
hitherto been realised. of individuals with relevant types of experi-
Often members of such populations may be ences we know to exist but have not been
involved in activities that are considered de- Difficulties able to capture (Groger et al, 1999:830)
viant, such as drug taking, or they may be While social scientists may vary in the de-
Snowball samples have a number of deficien-
vulnerable, such as the stigmatised in soci- gree to which they accept such a viewpoint
ety, making them reluctant to take part in we can recognise similar traits in quantita-
more formalised studies using traditional 1. Problems of representativeness
tive approaches such as household surveys.
research methods. Trust may be developed and sampling principles
Here we often find struggles to obtain ad-
as referrals are made by acquaintances or The quality of the data and in particular a equate numbers of respondents by making
peers rather than other more formal meth- selection bias which limits the validity of the repeated visits to minimise biases derived
ods of identification. Snowball sampling has sample are the primary concerns of recent from low response rates.
been found to be economical, efficient and snowball sampling research (Van Meter,
The ideal number of links in a referral chain
effective in various studies. For example, it 1990; Kaplan et al, 1987). Because elements
will vary depending on the purpose of the
has been shown to be capable of producing are not randomly drawn, but are dependent
study. More links in each chain will gener-
internationally comparable data in Avico et on the subjective choices of the respondents
ate substantial data about a particular sam-
al’s 1988 study of cocaine users in three Eu- first accessed, most snowball samples are
ple, and may also allow access to those most
ropean cities. It may be used to examine biased and do not therefore allow research-
difficult to identify (e.g. those respondents
changes over time. Snowball sampling can ers to make claims to generality from a par-
who require the greatest level of trust to be
also produce in-depth results and can pro- ticular sample (Griffiths et al, 1993). Sec-
built up before participating). However, it
duce these relatively quickly. ondly, snowball samples will be biased to-
is also more likely that members of such a
Perhaps one of the strongest recommenda- wards the inclusion of individuals with inter-
relationships, and therefore will over-empha- large single chain sample will share similar
tions for the snowball strategy stems from a and unique characteristics not shared by the
distinction between descending and ascend- sise cohesiveness in social networks
wider population. Thus, there may be a case
ing methodologies (Van Meter, 1990). Tra- (Griffiths et al, 1993) and will miss ‘isolates’
for initiating several discrete chains with
ditional techniques such as household sur- who are not connected to any network that
fewer links, particularly where any inference
veys, as ‘descending’ strategies, are associ- the researcher has tapped into (Van Meter,
social research UPDATE

about a wider hidden population is consid- Criteria for membership of a sample will de-
ered important. pend on the nature of the research question
Attempts have been made to consider the being posed. In the case of deviant activities
statistical accuracy of samples obtained by such as drug taking it may be that some re-
snowball techniques using ‘mark-recapture’ ferrals will not be accurate. Secondly, refer-
techniques (Fisher et al, 1994; Shaw et al, rals will largely depend on the subjective
1996) to estimate homeless populations. perceptions of initial respondents about the
Mark-recapture take its name from the tech- involvement of others in the same activity.
niques used to estimate numbers of natural Thus particular individuals (the most popu-
wild populations. A sample of animals is cap- lar, long-term residents or those with wider
tured from the population and released, a social networks) are more likely to be iden-
second sample is taken and counted and the tified than others. Much of snowball sam-
number of recaptures noted. Shaw et al pling rests on the assumption that social
(1996) give the example of eighty animals networks consist of groups with relatively
being marked and then, in a second sample homogenous social traits. However, there
of fifty animals, ten being found with marks. are limits to this and it largely depends on
The overlap of ten animals creates a multi- what characteristics are considered to be the
plier of 5 (50/10) leading to an estimate of most important. In the case of a particular
400 (5 times 80) for the size of the popula- disability, for example, it is assumed that
tion. someone in this group would know others
In comparing registers, such as service to whom a researcher could be directed.
agency data and police arrest data, the ratio However, some groups may themselves con-
of total agency population to the number sist of highly atomised and isolated individu-
of overlaps can similarly be used to estimate als whose social networks are relatively im-
the size of an unknown population. How- paired. Young unemployed men have been
ever, while such techniques help us to test viewed as a prime case in this respect and
the relative robustness of a sample, the ma- may therefore be very difficult to identify or
jority of snowball sampling applications have to initiate contact with. It is therefore appar-
been used to look at vulnerable and hidden ent that snowball samples are both time con-
experiences which have been ignored by de- suming and labour intensive (Griffiths et al,
scending research methodologies. 1993; Faugier and Sergeant, 1997).
2. Finding respondents and 3. Engaging respondents as informal
research assistants social research UPDATE is
initiating ‘chain referral’
Researchers may encounter initial hostility distributed without charge on
By their very nature, members of a hidden
population are difficult to locate. Often stud- and suspicion from targeted individuals. request to social researchers
ies require some previous ‘knowledge of in- There is also evidence of research fatigue, in the United Kingdom by the
particularly amongst marginalised groups
siders’ in order to identify initial respond-
who have been subject to previous research
Department of Sociology at
ents. Such prior knowledge may not be read- the University of Surrey as part
ily available to researchers and it may be very (Moore, 1996). Establishing the trust of re-
time consuming and labour intensive to ac- spondents is therefore essential. Often trust of its commitment to support-
quire. Under these circumstances it is pos- can only be built up slowly as the purposes ing social research training
sible that people in positions of relative au- of the study and the consequences for re-
spondents of taking part become clearer as and development.
thority or proximity may provide a route into
the required population (Groger et al, the study develops (Berg, 1988; Faugier and Contributions to social re-
1999). For example, housing officers might Sergeant, 1997). In both an ethical and a prac- search UPDATE that review
be able to introduce a researcher to a ten- tical sense, respondents need to be reassured
of the protection of the information they current issues in social re-
ant on incapacity benefit if the tenant agrees
to be identified. It should be stressed that provide. This assurance of confidentiality can search and methodology in
there are clear ethical implications for such only be demonstrated over time. These about 2,500 words are wel-
work and that informed consent should be points suggest that the initial respondents come. All UPDATE articles
considered a prerequisite. may act as invaluable assistants in obtaining
are peer-reviewed.
social research UPDATE

the confidence or time of further respond- Hendricks, V. M., Blanken, P. and Adriaans, N. Vogt, W. P. (1999) Dictionary of Statistics and
ents. (1992) Snowball Sampling: A Pilot Study on Methodology: A Nontechnical Guide for
Cocaine Use, Rotterdam: IVO the Social Sciences, London: Sage.
Conclusions Inciardi, J.A. (1977) In search of the class canon: Whyte, W. F. (1955) (2nd ed.) Street corner
Snowball sampling techniques offer an estab- a field study of professional pickpockets, in society: the social structure of an Italian
lished method for identifying and contact- Weppner, R. S. (Ed.) Street Ethnography: slum, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
ing hidden populations and, potentially, for Selected Studies of Crime and Drug Use in
their enumeration although often this may Natural Settings, Beverley Hills: Sage.
be a secondary concern. From this we may Kaplan, C. D., Korf, D. and Sterk, C. (1987)
Temporal and social contexts of heroin-
want to make a distinction between snow-
using populations: an illustration of the
ball strategies as a method of contact in a snowball sampling technique, Journal of
practical sense and as a method of sampling Mental and Nervous Disorders, vol. 175(9),
in more formalised and statistical sense. We 566-574.
have seen that this latter connotation has McNamara, R. P. (1994) The Times Square
been viewed as problematic, but that statis- Hustler: Male Prostitution in New York
tical techniques are being used to improve City, Westport: Praeger.
the method. Snowball-based methodologies Moore, R. (1996) ‘Crown Street Revisited’,
are a valuable tool in studying the lifestyles Sociological Research Online, vol. 1(3)
of groups often located outside mainstream
social research. They may also be used to Patrick, J. (1973) A Glasgow gang observed,
compliment other research methodologies London: Eyre Methuen.
in the study of less stigmatised and even elite Pollok, M. and Schlitz, M. A. (1988) Does
groups. Advances in the quantitative appli- voluntary testing matter? How it influences
homosexual safer sex, Paper presented at
cation of snowball techniques and the in-
the Fourth International Conference on
creasing need for ascending methodologies AIDs, Stockholm, Sweden, June 13, 1998.
to fill in gaps in our knowledge of more ob- Saunders, P. (1979) Urban politics: a
scure social situations suggest both a com- sociological interpretation, London:
plementary and substitute role for snowball Hutchinson.
sampling. The real promise of snowball sam- Shaw, I., Bloor, M., Cormack, R. and Williamson,
pling lies in its ability to uncover aspects of H. (1996) ‘Estimating the Prevalence of
social experience often hidden from both the Hard-to-Reach Populations: The Illustration
researcher’s and lay person’s view of social of Mark-Recapture Methods in the Study of
life. Homelessness’, Social Policy and
Administration, vol. 30(1), 69-85.
References Spreen, M. (1992) ‘Rare populations, hidden
Avico, U., Kaplan, C., Korczak, D. and Van populations and link-tracing designs: what
Meter, K. (1988) Cocaine epidemiology in and why?’, Bulletin Methodologie
three European Community cities: a pilot Sociologique, vol. 36, 34-58.
study using a snowball sampling Snijders, T. (1992) ‘Estimation on the basis of social research UPDATE
methodology, Brussels: European snowball samples: how to weight’, Bulletin (ISSN: 1360-7898)
Communities Health Directorate. Methodologie Sociologique, vol. 36, 59-70.
Berg, S. (1988) Snowball sampling, in Kotz, S. Sudman, S. and Freeman, H. (1988) ‘The Use of is published by
and Johnson, N. L. (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of Network Sampling for Locating the Department of Sociology
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Griffiths, P., Gossop, M., Powis, B. and Strang, J. Van Meter, K. (1990) Methodological and Tel: 01483 300800
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Summer 2001 © University of Surrey

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