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This book is dedicated to you. Thank you for buying it, I truly appreciate your support and wish
you all the best. Feel free to reach out to me at if you
have any questions about the book or my material. You can also post your questions in the
comments section of my site at I try to respond to every
email and comment within 24 hours. I also want to give a special thanks to The Rational Rebel
and Winston Smith for editing the work and to Unlucky Devil for the design and formatting. I
Introduction III

Chapter 1: How The Sexual Marketplace Works 1

Chapter 2: How To Be Successful In The Sexual Marketplace 5

Chapter 3: How To Set Up and Optimize Tinder 17

Chapter 4: What To Expect From Tinder 27

Chapter 5: How To Get Laid On Tinder 31

Chapter 6: Lay Reports 46

Chapter 7: My Statistics 200

Chapter 8: What Kind of Results You Should Expect 202

Chapter 9: Troubleshooting 203

Conclusion 205

Relevant Resources 206 II
This book is designed for one thing and one thing only: getting you laid on Tinder as fast as
possible with the least amount of effort. This book is not designed for finding you a girlfriend
or a wife. If you're looking for a wife on Tinder, you're doing it wrong. Tinder is a hook up app, so
use it accordingly.

This book is written from 100% personal experience. To date I've fucked 120 girls in total, with
over 80 of those lays coming from online dating at over a 70% close rate on the first date. At 32
years old, with my first girlfriend at 13 I have almost 20 years of experience in dating,
including casual sex, group sex, BDSM, polyamory and monogamous relationships. I’ve studied
pimping, pick up artists, ethology and female psychology in depth. This is not a book written by
an internet marketer - this is the straight dope with the screencaps and analysis to prove it.

If you’ve bought similar products in the past, this book will not be like anything you’ve read
before. There is no generic un-tested advice here, no snake oil salesmanship and no sugar
coating. You’ll learn how the sexual marketplace works, how to maximize your sexual value and
a practical, efficient method for fucking girls on Tinder.

The method you’re going to learn allowed me to fuck 10 girls in five weeks with ages rang-
ing from 18 to 36. This method is the culmination of almost a decade of online dating, with a
playbook honed to ruthless efficiency and applied to the greatest sex-enabling platform in the
world, Tinder.

Tinder is the most efficient way to get laid without paying for it. Where else can you order DTF
(Down To Fuck) girls to your door without having to leave your bedroom? This is completely
unprecedented in the history of getting pussy.

So lets get started. The first thing you need to understand is how the sexual marketplace
works. III
How The Sexual Marketplace Works

From an evolutionary perspective, across all species, females are the gatekeepers of sex and
are more sexually selective than men. If women were designed to fuck any man, no matter how
defective, our species would not have survived. Women risk death with every pregnancy, nature
did not design women to take that risk in vain but instead to produce a healthy, genetically fit

In the sexual marketplace, women are more valuable than men. Like any marketplace, the
sexual marketplace is subject to the laws of supply and demand. Eggs are limited and sperm is
abundant, so naturally the demand for eggs is higher than the demand for sperm.

In a traditional marketplace people get together to buy and sell goods or services. The sexual
marketplace functions in a similar way, with the major difference being that sex is an equal-val-
ue exchange as opposed to an exchange of different goods and services.

In our culture, however, sex is not treated as an equal value exchange. Both men and women
accept that sex is a transaction where women are the buyers and hold all the sexual capital.
Even though both parties are getting the same thing, it’s accepted that women are giving some-
thing to men and that men are taking something from women. Society also accepts that men
are the sellers and can only get access to sexual capital from successfully selling to women,
just like a salesman earns his capital from selling to a client. A man can either get sexual cap-
ital from selling his services to multiple clients, or he can form an exclusive contract with one
client in exchange for consistent access to her sexual capital.

Sexual capital is treated as value-loaded and finite as opposed to its true nature, equal-value
and infinite. By treating sexual capital as value-loaded and finite, woman monopolize the sup-
ply, hoarding it like a wealthy investor. Women are given sexual currency at birth by being born
female and accumulate more with age by maximizing their sexual market value and spending it
selectively. In other words, by not being a slut.

Sluts are labeled as sexual fools, the same as people who spend their money foolishly. Sluts
only get sex in exchange for sex. They make the mistake of treating sex as an equal-value
exchange instead of leveraging it for other things. Since they’ve spent so much of their sexu-
al capital they can never afford a good product like a confident, attractive, wealthy man who
wants to be in a monogamous relationship. 1
The sexual marketplace, like all markets, is a buyer’s market. Women, like all buyers, have a
buyer’s mentality when it comes to sex. They look for reasons not to buy as opposed to looking
for reasons to buy. They know they have something of value, but they have limited funds before
becoming a slut, so most want to buy wisely. They want to keep their numbers down and the
quality of men high.

Most women, especially as they age, value finding a partner to raise children with over almost
anything else in their lives and will easily sacrifice casual sex to preserve their reputation. This
is why you hear nothing but a barrage of lies from them when it comes to sex. Women will sell
you purity, telling you how they only want to have sex in a committed relationship. But mark my
words, this is a bold-faced lie.

Women are as sexual as men are, they want to fuck multiple men just as much as men want to
fuck multiple women, albeit slightly more selectively. Nature has no concept of marriage or a
committed relationship and commitment is a human construction designed to prevent murder
and maintain order in society. Nature designed women to have as many children with as many
high quality men as they can. Women repress their promiscuous instincts because it conflicts
with their desire for securing a mate and resources because they know men want to be sure
of the paternity of their children.

Most women offer a relationship in exchange for sex and I can’t say I blame them. This is, after
all, the socially acceptable method. From a cultural perspective women are punished for being
sexual. Women are punished less harshly than they used to be prior to the feminist revolution,
but most women still sell some version of purity and lie about wanting to fuck multiple men.

In traditional society, prior to the feminist revolution, the best way for women to spend their
sexual capital was to buy a marriage with a man. In exchange for her sexual currency she
would get children, emotional support, financial support, a bodyguard, a social escort, a respon-
sible father and a sexual partner.

In order to create a stable society it was necessary to control a woman’s sexual currency. The
elite of all cultures across the world codified marriage as a business contract enforced by reli-
gion and the state, the violation of which would lead to ostracization or death. Marriage as an
institution was so powerful that it became the only lawfully acceptable place for sex.

Of course our elites fucked who they wanted. They never have and never will play by the rules
they construct, but the average man had no choice. For many men, marriage was a good bar-
gain, he had access to consistent sex, fidelity and a partner to raise a family with. The stability
and population growth brought through the inventions of agriculture and marriage was respon-
sible for humans becoming the most dominant predator species in the history of the known
universe. Without marriage we would still be living in caves. 2
This system lasted from the dawn of civilization until the 1960’s and the feminist revolution.
Prior to feminism a man received a wife who would provide him with children, domestic chores,
fidelity and sex in exchange for financial resources, emotional support and physical protection.
Post-feminism, men receive none of these things and with the advent of no-fault divorce, en-
forced alimony and child support, marriage has now become a dangerous proposition in North
America. Not only is finding a traditional woman all but impossible, but also half of all your shit
is on the line if she wants a #yolo divorce.

On the plus side, finding girls for casual sex has never been easier. Sex before marriage and
after divorce has become expected, the result being our current hook up culture of casual sex
and short-term relationships. In the de-regulated sexual marketplace, female sexual choice is
the driving force and since women only want to fuck men who are equal to or better than them,
the top 30% of guys fuck everything while the bottom 20% are involuntarily celibate (incels).
The average guy is only able to get sex within the confines of a monogamous relationship, a
less restrictive version of the old marriage contract.

Now that’s not to say that all the barriers to casual sex have been removed. Feminism de-
stroyed the religious barriers to casual sex, but the evolutionary and cultural barriers still exist.
In the post-feminist world, society still believes women should use their sexual capital for se-
curing a monogamous relationship as a test run for marriage. People give lip service to sexual
liberation, but sexually liberated women are still treated like sluts. Women are still way more
repressed than they pretend to be. This is why girls flake, reschedule and tell sexual lies. Other-
wise Tinder would look a lot more like Grindr. “Good” girls don’t wait for marriage anymore, but
they wait for an exclusive relationship or five dates at the very least. Good girls are still sexually
repressed, just less so and without the idea of eternal damnation for getting some dick on the
down low.

Women will always be more sexually selective based on evolutionary reasons, but they would
fuck way more men than they do now if the cultural barriers were fully removed. The cultural
barriers still exist partly because men still want to buy purity and partly because women have
refused to let go of their sexual privilege. Feminism has no interest in taking away a woman’s
sexual power over men because it’s far too advantageous for them.

If the cultural barriers were fully removed women would fuck every guy they thought was hot.
From the barista who serves her coffee, to co-workers, to the guy in her yoga class. You get a
glimpse of their true nature when you see them drunk and making out with multiple guys on
the dancefloor. Without cultural barriers, nightclubs would be nothing but young, good looking
people fucking as opposed to women attention-whoring, teasing and going home to play with
themselves. Believe me, in a consequence-free world, young women would be fucking five guys
a weekend. 3
So, the result of the feminist revolution has not been the sexual liberation of women but rather
the creation of a hybrid market based on free sexual choice for women but balanced between
our traditional customs and our primitive sexual state. This is a market that would never
have been possible under previous historical conditions, but is one that we’re able to sustain now
through birth control, abortions and the enforced redistribution of income.

In this hybrid market, most women still want to exchange sex for commitment or a relationship
that will lead to commitment, but there are many women who will now exchange sex for sex. 4
How To Be Successful In The Sexual Marketplace

How To Maximize Your Sexual Market Value

In the real world your sexual market value is determined by a number of different factors, but in
a forum as shallow as Tinder it’s based on one thing: your looks. The easiest way to measure
your looks is by using a number from 1 to 10. 1 to 4 is below average, 5 to 7 is average and 8 to
10 is attractive. You really want to do as much as you can to get yourself to at least a 7 for
your age bracket. Of course some things are out of your control, but style, fitness and good
pictures go a long way.

Despite what some “dating coaches” tell you, women only date men in their league and despite
what the media tells you, women are more superficial about looks than men. Remember, wom-
en are more sexually selective than men.

Women are also very particular in terms of the type of man they like, but we can make some
generalizations based on women’s genetic programming. Women are evolved to be most
attracted to tall, strong, healthy, masculine men. On Tinder we can narrow your sexual market
value down to 6 primary categories: age, face, body, style, race and height.

1. Age

When it comes to age, every woman has a different cutoff for what is acceptable for her to
fuck. For some women their cutoff might be as little as guys two years older on the low end to
30 years older on the high end, but most women won’t date guys more than 10 years older on
average. If you take good care of yourself, 10 years is no problem. I’m 32 and can easily fuck

2. Face

Your face is the first thing women are going to look at. Unfortunately there is not a ton you can
do with your genetics. To maximize your facial aesthetics you should lose the glasses, take
pics in good lighting and get your body fat below 10%. If you’re a young guy with a babyface,
growing out the stubble is a good idea. 5
Your haircut is also extremely important. Many girls will screen you out based on your haircut
alone. For almost every guy reading this, short hair is the way to go. Unless you’re very pretty,
or in a band and have the rockstar look locked down, you have to keep your hair short. Girls
hate long hair on guys as much as we hate masculine short hair on girls. Here are a few basic
styles you should be working with:

The Close-Cropped Buzzcut

Balding guys don’t have many options, but a close-cropped buzzcut can be a good look. I don’t
like the fully shaved head unless you’re black - the shaved head is the combover of the 21st
century. This is also a great look for muscular guys, especially with a bit of stubble. I’ve been
wearing my hair like this for the past year with good results. 6
The Side Part

If you’re selling the successful professional, the suit and the side part are a great look. Think
Don Draper or George Clooney.

The Ivy League

The ivy league is a variation on the crew cut, where the hair on the top of the head is long
enough to style with a side part. I had a good run with this look in my late twenties. 7
The Long High And Tight

The long high and tight is a longer version of the typical marine haircut. This is a great look for
guys with masculine facial features.

Front Flip

This was the standard issue haircut in my high school days. The way to wear it now is with
styling glue instead of gel and with a less aggressive flip. The styling glue has the hold of a gel
but goes on dry so you don’t end up looking like Ross from Friends. 8
3. Body

Your body is extremely important when it comes to presenting a sexual image. Women are
attracted to dominance, strength and sexual virility. Being muscular is one of the best ways to
display this to women. You should at the very least be fit, meaning being under 10% body fat
with at least ten lbs. of muscle on your frame. The muscle is especially important for guys on
the smaller side. If you’re taller and have naturally broad shoulders you can get away with just
being lean.

The good thing about your body is that you have complete control over this aspect of your
sexual market value and getting in shape can add as much as two points to your League.
There is just no excuse not to be fit if you’re serious about getting women. For how to get in
shape, check out my strength training routine in the relevant resources section of this book.

4. Style

Style to women reflects so many things about you, from status to social intelligence to sex
appeal, that it’s crucial you have your shit together in this area. Your style and niche should be
clearly defined and attractive to women, whether it’s hipster, frat boy, professional, pretty boy,
or rockstar. Even geek has become chic to some women. What’s not chic is having no fashion
sense. Wearing dad jeans and Seinfeld sneakers is not a niche, unless the niche you’re going
for is celibate. For the casual look, I prefer a fitted t-shirt and jeans. This is what I used for my
backup picture on Tinder: 9 10
The most powerful niche is the successful professional; every woman loves a man in a suit.
Your suit doesn’t have to be expensive; a $250 suit from Zara works well. As long as it’s slim
fitting and properly tailored, you will have better style than 99.9% of men. Here is a good exam-
ple of a well fitting suit worn by Ryan Gosling in Crazy, Stupid, Love., a great movie to model your
look after:

Look at the difference a blazer makes in these before and after pictures; this guy went from
unfuckable to being a legitimate sexual option with just a few changes to his wardrobe: 11
5) Race

Like genetics, race is unfortunately something you can’t control but is a major factor in your at-
tractiveness to women. In North America, being white is a big advantage in the sexual market-
place. Women are extremely racist when it comes to dating, if your race is poorly stereotyped
sexually, like Asian or Indian men are, you’ll have a much harder time dating outside of your
race. You might also find that you’ll be discriminated against by girls within your own race. It’s
a sad situation but it’s a reality, despite what many pickup artists will tell you. With that said,
you can only control what you can control so just keep playing the numbers game with the
tactics outlined here. Adding style and fitness to the equation can still take you a long way, no
matter your race.

6) Height

Height is very important to many women. While there is not a whole lot you can do, the right
shoe will give you an inch and a half. I have boots that put me pretty close to six feet. The good 12
thing about Tinder is that it doesn’t filter by height. I’m 5’10 and have fucked a few women over
5’9 that would probably have filtered me out of their search criteria if this was a traditional
dating site. If you’re over six feet, that’s a big advantage and I would state that in your profile.
If you’re under six feet, don’t bring it up unless she asks. If she does, be honest. You can give
yourself an extra inch but an outright lie will just end up wasting your time and hers.


I’ve come up with a quick formula using the above criteria that will give you a rough idea of
the “league” you can expect to date within using Tinder. To get your league add these weights
to get a number out of 10. To find your age-adjusted league take your number and apply it to
women within 10 years of your age. For example, at 32, I’m an 8 for women between the ages
of 22 and 42.

• Height: >6’ = +2, 5’8-5’11 = 0, <5’7 = -2

• Body: Muscular and Lean = +2, Average = 0, Skinny/Fat = -2
• Style: Stylish = +2, Average Guy = 0, Aspergers/Seinfeld = -2
• Race: White = +2, Black/Latin = +1, Middle Eastern = 0, Asian/East Indian = -2 (N. America)
• Face: Good Looking = +2, Average = 0, Below Average = -2
• League: = Add Results From All Categories To Get Number Out Of 10
• My League = 8 (Height =0, Muscular And Lean = +2, Style = +2, Race = +2, Face = +2)

How To Sell Yourself

As we covered in Chapter 1, we as men are sexual salesmen. Many people wrongly assume
that women sell sex, not true: women dress up to entice men to sell sex to them. Men sell sex
to women by meeting their sexual market value standards and handling their objections. A
man’s product is himaself and his salesmanship is his game. Men use game to obtain and
retain women within their league.

Selling is a game where the deck is stacked against you, but you cannot sell successfully with-
out playing the game. If you could, you wouldn’t be reading this book right now. In the sexual
marketplace, like every marketplace, you can either play or be played. To sell successfully you
need to internalize these seven key mentalities.

1. Be Confident

As a seller you are always coming from a position of weakness. You’re never on equal footing
with a woman, even as an attractive man you can be sexually rejected by an unattractive wom-
an. But, your power as a salesman comes from your confidence in your product, which you 13
must know how to project regardless of the situation. Girls, like clients, only want to buy from
winners. If they smell loser on you it’s over. But, true confidence is something you can only
have in hindsight once you’ve already been successful.

So how do you project confidence, you ask?

Fake it till you make it, at least at first. Act like you’re used to getting girls, dress like you’re
used to getting girls, walk like you’re used to getting girls, talk like you’re used to getting girls.
You need to act the part and eventually the behaviors will solidify. Mick Jagger wasn’t always
Mick Jagger; he used to be a skinny English prep school boy until he decided he was going to
become the world’s biggest rockstar. Act like a confident, alpha male and eventually that’s what
you’ll become.

2. Treat Girls Like Your Clients

In the sexual marketplace, girls are your clients. To get them to buy your sexual services you
need to treat them like you would treat a client in business. That means be polite, make her feel -
special, make her feel like she has your full attention and most importantly tell your clients what
they need to hear to close the deal. Remember that she’s looking for reasons not to buy, so
don’t give her any. If you feel like the joke you’re going to make is risky, save it for boys’ night.
The most important thing when meeting any potential client is not saying anything stupid.

3. Screen Women For Being Down To Fuck

Whether a woman will fuck you depends on a lot of different things. All women have a primary
motivation in life, which will be love, status, or stimulation. As we noted before, finding a girl
who is going to exchange sex for sex is hard. Our ideal girl is motivated by stimulation. Girls
who are primarily motivated by love will almost always repress their sex drive and trade sex for
a relationship. Our ideal girl will have a high sex drive and will need sex as opposed to wanting
it. Low sex drive girls are able to repress themselves relatively easily, high sex drive girls can't.
High sex drive, stimulation based girls are the ones we want.

A lot of guys make the mistake online of lying about not wanting sex. You shouldn’t do that be-
cause it’s weak, unethical and brings all kinds of drama you don’t need. There are enough girls
looking for sex that you don’t need to lie. Plus those non-DTF girls are going to make you wait
way too long to get some pussy and you will both end up frustrated by not meeting your goals.

4. Always Be Closing

Everything you say to a girl should be with the aim of moving the interaction forward and clos-
ing her. From the second you message a girl you’re thinking about what you need to do to fuck
her. Closing means pulling the trigger the second she gives you an opening. Closing means 14
when you get her back to your place, you escalate sexually with her until she’s ready to fuck
(never with force, always seduction).

5. Have An Abundance Mentality

As the old saying goes, women are like buses: if you miss one there’s always another one com-
ing. There are billions of women on the planet. If the girl you’re talking to isn’t into it, you need
to always assume other women will be. Abundance is a crucial concept because you cannot
sell properly when you have a scarcity mentality. A scarcity mentality means you will cling to
every girl like she’s your last meal, making you desperate and needy. In other words, scarcity is
a game killer.

6. Be Sex-Positive

Internalize the fact that girls will have sex with you because they have just as strong a sex
drive as men do. The world didn’t reach six billion people by accident. Being sex-positive
means not feeling guilty for having sex. It means you recognize sex as a value-neutral ex-
change and not a dirty act where you’re taking advantage of a girl.

It’s important that you understand that at their core, women are just as sexual as men. The
main difference is that they’re more selective than we are. Despite the rise of feminism, women
are still extremely repressed sexually. Women’s bodies react the same way as men’s do toward
visual stimuli. Women at their core have the same sexual fantasies as men do, which you can
read more about in any of Nancy Friday’s books. Don’t believe any bullshit women tell you to
the contrary: women want to fuck, burn that into your brain. You're not taking something from
her; you're giving something to her: sexual pleasure. Sex in its purest form is just an activity for
two people to enjoy.

7. Be Cool

When it comes to getting and keeping women, showing weakness is the most effective way
to destroy a girl’s attraction to you. Women don’t love weak men; they despise them. Girls are
going to test you to see if they can find chinks in your armor, they’re going to test you because
they have buyer’s mentality, they’re going to test you because they’re narcissistic. Your re-
sponse, if you want to be successful, is to be cool.

When a girl flakes on a date, be cool.

When a girl stops texting you, be cool.
When a girl shows up late to a date, be cool.
When a girl reschedules at the last minute, be cool. 15
How To Apply Yourself
Being a playboy is a part-time job. Make no mistake, getting lots of woman in your life takes
time. Between messaging, texting, dates and repeat business you need to apply yourself to
get laid consistently.

Banging 10 girls in five weeks is extraordinary, to get those kind of results takes consistent
effort. Luckily with Tinder you can just hammer out green hearts all day at work under your
desk. To properly apply yourself there are three key things that you need to do;

1. Play The Numbers Game

Dating, like sales, is a numbers game. The more shots you take, the more points you’re going to
score. To get more women, message more women. The more, the better. It’s as simple as that.

2. Follow The Method

The method I’m going to show you is the product of almost a decade of online game. I’ve test-
ed absolutely everything and what I’m giving you guys is the most efficient way to get laid I’ve
ever found. Feel free to test other things, but don’t be surprised when you don’t get the results
you wanted. Stick to the script and you will get laid.

3. Get Rid Of Timewasters

Buyers are liars and girls online are no exception. Most of them are there to window shop, get
attention and do anything besides put your penis in their vagina. Avoid timewasters like the
plague, they can easily double the amount of time you spend on your quest to get pussy. Check
out the section on them later in the book to see exactly what to look out for. 16
How To Setup and Optimize Tinder

How Tinder Works

For those of you who are new to Tinder, the premise is simple. Swipe right on hot girls and
swipe left on ugly ones. When a girl swipes right on you and you swipe right on her, Tinder noti-
fies you that you’re a match and lets you message each other. Since Tinder only allows you to
message people who match with you, you know that every girl you talk to thinks you’re attrac-

The app works by using your Facebook account and photos as your profile pics, while giving
you a couple lines of text to describe yourself. Once you’ve setup your profile you can filter
women by age and distance, meaning you won’t see anyone outside of your age and distance
range. If you don’t meet their criteria, they won’t see you either.

Tinder Plus And Limited Swipes

As of February 2015 and the time of publishing of this book, Tinder has announced plans to
launch a paid version of the app known as Tinder Plus. The service is aiming to be live by
March 2015 with paid subscriptions rumored to start at $2.99.

Users would be able to get to undo swipes, change their location and get access to unlimited
swipes. As of February 2015 Tinder has begun limiting swipes in an effort to crack down on
bots and to force spammers like us to pay up. When users hit their limit they have to wait 24
hours before they can start swiping again. With that said, I haven’t had a problem with this but
some of you guys might, so you should know how to hack it.

The Tinder Algorithms

The algorithm used to limit swipes looks at a number of data points, including the
number of swipes, direction (obviously), velocity, time spent looking at a profile, etc. This
means that a user could theoretically swipe right on 500 recommendations in a row after thor-
oughly reviewing each individual profile and never get the prompt to upgrade to Tinder Plus.
It doesn’t seem like there is a hard limit so if you’re having problems, slow down. Instead of
banging 400 swipes out in ten minutes, stretch it out to an hour.

The way the Tinder matching algorithm works is a closely guarded secret. I’ll give you my best 17
guess as to what it screens for based on my own observations and what some nerds on the
Internet think. Tinder most likely filters for:

1. Attractiveness: As judged by the frequency of right swipes on you.

2. Human Characteristics: Meaning you’re not a bot. Unfortunately there are a lot of robot
prostitutes on here trying to get you to sign up to their malware depositories. Needless to
say, you shouldn’t do that.
3. Newness Of Your Account: That means they push your profile hard for the first few days
online to keep you motivated.
4. Reports On You: So don’t be rude to these girls even if they’re being rude to you, just un-
match them or you can report them if you’re feeling petty.
5. How Many Facebook Friends You Have: It’s up to you whether you want to expand your
Facebook network to try and maximize this potential factor. I had no Facebook friends on
my profile and had no problems.
6. Length Of Time Between Your Last Login: When I check in right off the bat in the morning
I will usually get two out of 10 right swipes being matches which is much higher than my
average of about two out of 100.

What You Need

1. A Facebook Profile

Unfortunately, Tinder runs off Facebook, which means you need a Facebook account. Since
Facebook is a timewaster for little girls, you shouldn’t have a Facebook profile. Even if you do,
you probably won’t want grandma to see the whorish pictures I’m going to tell you to post.

Instead, and this advice is for entertainment purposes only, you have the option of creating a
fake Facebook profile. Facebook and Tinder request you provide accurate information, so I sug-
gest you do that and since you’re a good guy I’m sure you’ll follow the rules.

So, for entertainment purposes, if someone wants to create a fake Facebook profile, they could
just set up a dummy email address and create a new account. By creating a fake Facebook
account, this person would allow himself to tinker with his photos until everything is just right,
then upload the pics desired.

Contrary to Internet rumors you don’t need 50 friends on a fake Facebook profile for Tinder to
work. I’ve used Tinder on two accounts with zero Facebook friends on each. As I said above,
the amount of friends you have may affect the algorithm, so feel free to add as many as you
want. You can check out tinderseduction on Facebook. It's a group filled with people looking
to add friends to enable their tinderwhoring. You can get 50 friends in about a day by friending
the people who post on the wall. 18
If you’ve used Tinder before and deleted your account, you won’t be able to set it up again on
the same phone without some hacking skills or deep digging on the Internet so make sure you
really want to delete your account. The main restrictions are on trying to set up a different ac-
count using the same Facebook, email, or device.

If you’ve deleted your account and want to set it up again you’ll need a new phone, a different
Facebook account, a different email address and a different phone number for verification.

2. A Tinder Account

Once you’ve got Facebook set up you need to download the Tinder app, sign in with your Face-
book credentials and set up an account. The first thing you need to do is turn on Tinder
notifications on your phone. That way, you’ll know when a girl matches with you. 19
Next, you want to decide on your age range and distance filter. I had my age range set from 18
to 37. As far as distance goes, even in a big city I would use at least 25 miles, because in my
experience DTF girls will come pretty far to meet you, especially when they have a car. She
might be from a small town or suburb but wants to preserve her reputation, so she’s happy to
go anonymously meet up with a city guy. For guys who live in a small town you’re going to have
to cast dozens or even hundreds of miles. This is obviously not ideal, but you need a large dat-
ing pool. Luckily girls who live in small towns will have the same problem and will be more
willing to meet over distance. But if you’re serious about being a player you really should move
to a big city. 20
Next up you want to sort out exactly how your profile is going to look. It should be clear that
you’re looking for sex. My profile text is “Chill guy looking for a cool girl to have fun with.” If
you’re in your 40’s you might want to make that a bit more mature, but it worked for me at 32.
I’ve also experimented with; “Tech Entrepreneur looking for a sweet, cool girl to hang out with.
Not as much of a douchebag as my flexing picture would suggest” with good results. Again,
make sure your profile has two to three of the best possible photos of you with no one else
in the frame. If you’re going to use a shirtless picture, lead with that. It’s great for screening
out girls who aren’t DTF or feminists who think shirtless pics are “douchey.” I can’t stress
enough how important it is to showcase your looks as much as possible. Have a look at my
profile pictures below for some examples.

3. Good Pictures

My Profile: May 2014 (my real name is blacked out) 21 22
My Profile: November 2014 23 24
As you can see from the above photos I did two rounds on Tinder: the first in July with older
pics and the second in November with 15 lbs. of extra muscle on my frame, the results were
the same.

You’ll notice that almost all of the pictures are showing off my physique with the exception
of an amateur modeling picture taken with a $1500 camera in natural lighting by an amateur
photographer friend. We shot in 2008 for a total of 4 hours in afternoon light yielding over 400
pictures which I narrowed down to 7. I then used Irfanview to tweak the contrast just slightly
to really make it pop. That series has served me incredibly well online which is why I still use
the picture today despite it being dated. I strongly suggest you do the same, don’t worry about
looking “tryhard”, your pictures are everything so make them count.

By all accounts shirtless pictures are the exact type of pictures you’re told not to post to online.
That’s because most dating advice is written by neutered drones, not ladykillers. Also, most
girls online, even on Tinder, are looking for a boyfriend. We want to screen these girls out right
off the bat and nothing says “no boyfriend potential” like shirtless pictures.

Now, you only want to show off your body if you have visible abs and muscular arms. For your
reference In May I was carrying close to 40 lbs. of muscle at 8% body fat, by December I was up
to 55 lbs. of lean body mass at just under 10% body fat. If you’re going to go the shirtless route
you should have at least 20 lbs. of lean muscle at 10% bodyfat or less. Even if you’ve got an av-
erage sized body now and have never set foot in a weight room, this can be done within a year
if you apply yourself. I strongly suggest you get in shape if you’re not already, that -
transformation can add as much as 2 points to your sexual market value.

If you’re not in shape yet, just stick to high res pics you look good in. For the high res pics ei-
ther suit up or go for jeans and a fitted t-shirt like I did.

4. Social Skills

You should have normal social skills, meaning the ability to vibe with a girl, make small talk and
make her feel comfortable once you meet up with her. This is one of those things where prac-
tice makes perfect. Don’t worry about being nervous, chances are she’ll be more nervous than

This method works best for guys living in a major city. I live in Toronto, which has approximate-
ly five million people. This is important because online game is a ruthless numbers game; you
need to play the numbers and spam lots of girls. This can work in small or mid-size cities but
you will get worse results. As we covered earlier, you’ll have to cast a wider net, up to 100 miles
and bank on girls who are in the same boat as you. 25
6. Decent Sexual Market Value

This method will work best for guys with decent-to-good looks and style who are in decent-to-
good physical shape. Ideally, you should be at least a 7 for your age bracket. Your face, race
and height are out of your control but everything else is. I truly believe that any guy over 5’6
barring any serious medical problems can be a 7 in his age bracket once you have your fitness,
style, haircut and social skills dialed in. If you're truly serious about being a player you need to
max out the areas you can control. 26
What To Expect From Tinder

Tinder Will Make You Feel Ugly

If you have some experience with online dating of any kind, you’ll know that it makes you feel
ugly. Unfortunately, dating on Tinder will make you feel even uglier. Don’t worry, you’re not
alone. This is exactly how I felt when I started getting into online dating about seven years ago
and it’s how I still feel sometimes. This was before guys on pickup forums really talked about
online game, since it was thought of as "not real game." You’ll see further on in the book how
atrocious my statistics are on Tinder. When you compare that to daygame where I can go 1 in
15 with at least half of those girls being sexually unavailable, it begs the question: why is on-
line dating so much worse?

The answer is that online dating compounds the inequalities of the dating market. As we’ve
already covered, women are buyers and men are sellers, as buyers, women will always be more
selective. The seller always has to initiate, but since most guys are too nervous to approach
women in public, they retreat to sending messages online. Since guys have low response rates
online, many have realized (myself included) that you need to spam women to get laid.

This compounds the problem by giving women more options and allowing them to be even
more selective. This makes men start to feel less attractive than they actually are and women
start to feel more attractive than they actually are from all the male attention. With girls feel-
ing more attractive than they actually are, they become even more selective, compounding the
problem again. Girls have the opposite feeling we do online. I’ve seen inboxes of girls who I
wouldn’t rank higher than a 6 and they are bombarded by guys on a daily basis. Unfortunately
this is reality, I just want to make sure you know this in advance so that you can manage your
expectations and stay positive.

Tinder Is Slutty

Tinder is a known hook up app, which means the chances of girls being DTF are higher than
your average dating site. That doesn’t mean there aren’t lots of girls looking to find their soul-
mate, but with only a couple lines of text, anyone who is on there for more than a hook up is
lying to themselves.

Tinder Has Hot Girls 27
On Tinder you’ll find hotter girls than most dating sites. This is because every girl has Face-
book, so setting up a Tinder profile is easy and frictionless. Hot girls love Tinder because it lets
them be extremely superficial, which is their natural state in the sexual marketplace.

Tinder Is Easy

Tinder is ridiculously easy to use. You can mash the green heart all day while getting paid to fill
out TPS reports.

Tinder Is Cheap

Your cost per date is $0. Meanwhile, a guy who hits the club a couple nights a weekend can
easily spend hundreds on cover, drinks, food and cabs while still coming up empty-handed.

Tinder Takes Work

I close 1/15 girls from daygame, 1/100 from OKCupid and 1/3000 on Tinder. The numbers
speak for themselves.

Tinder Is Dirty

Tinder is a dirty app run by dirty people for dirty people to do dirty things. In my experience, Tin-
der will do other dirty things like showing you a disproportionate amount of attractive people
when you first log in and will lie to you by saying there is no one around when your friends are
able to find people. Just accept that Tinder is dirty like that.

Tinder Has Bots

Recently Tinder has become infested with bots. Needless to say, you shouldn’t sign up to the
fraud depot they’re trying to sell you. Just unmatch so you don’t waste time accidentally trying
to message them again in the future.

Tinder Has Fake Profiles

Like all online dating apps there will be fake profiles, Tinder seems to have more than most
though, probably because of the ease of setting up an account.

Tinder Moments Is Useless

Tinder moments is a new feature that allows women to upload photos of their cats or the latte
they’re going to drink for guys to like. You can technically use this feature if you want to waste
your time instead of trying to get laid. 28
The best way to use Tinder moments is to ignore it and focus on putting your penis in women’s
vaginas. Also, don’t add dick pics to your Tinder moments. When I tried this, I got no likes, lost
one potential lay and had an objection from one girl who felt she wasn’t special anymore be-
cause now everyone had the picture of my genitals and not just her.

Tinder Has Timewasters

Most girls online are timewasters. They’re window shoppers enjoying the barrage of options
but aren’t really interested in buying anything unless they can get a great deal, which would
be a guy with a much higher sexual market value who wants a relationship. Women also don’t
have access to your physical presence, so none of it is real to them. Until we meet them, we’re
just pixels on a screen of a potentially “sketchy” guy. Since dating is sales you want to treat it
the same way. Focus on hot prospects and get timewasters out of your sales funnel, which will
save you a lot of time and mental energy. Here are 12 signs that you’re dealing with a timewast-

1. She’s A Woman: Woman are completely unaccountable when there are no social ramifica-
tions, so don’t expect much and you won’t be disappointed.
2. She’s Online: Women are even more unaccountable online. A lot of women are online for
attention, validation, amusement, finding platonic friends, or any other number of reasons
that aren’t aligned with your goal of getting laid.
3. She Gives Short Answers: You ask how her day is going and she answers “good.” You ask
how her weekend was and she says “meh.” Usually these are young girls testing their power,
seeing how little they can give and have a man respond. Girls that are interested in meeting
up usually give more detailed answers. They answer questions positively and ask questions
of their own.
4. She Won’t Give You Her Phone Number: She might say she’s not comfortable enough yet, or
that she just met you or she’ll try to get your Facebook or Instagram instead. Any of these
answers means she’s not serious or is just looking to boost her number of admirers on so-
cial media.
5. She Asks For More Pics: This means she’s undecided about you and is indecisive in gen-
eral. She may want to run your pics by her friends or creep your Facebook to see if you’re
worthy of a date. Generally this means she’s not serious. If you have two pictures online in
clear lighting that should be enough for any girl to decide if she wants to meet up.
6. She Won’t Confirm Plans: I treat a maybe as a no because in 99.9% of cases it is. I still
might text her the day-of and try and get her to hang out, but it’s not something I plan for.
If she was excited about hanging out, she would go out of her way to make it happen. Not
confirming plans means you’re low on her priority list and if everything else falls through
and you happen to text her she might meet up with you. That is, if it’s not raining or too far
away from her house, I’m being serious here. 29
7. She Flakes: If she flakes once, she’s going to flake again with almost 100% certainty. Unless
you happen to text her when she’s drunk, horny and DTF, don't expect to see her again.
8. She Tries To Reschedule: This is just one step below a flake. It’s true in life that sometimes
things come up, but generally if you're excited about something you make it a priority. If I
had a date with Sasha Grey I would show up if there was a hurricane. Rescheduling usually
means she's feeling lazy or something better came up, but she’s still kind of interested in
you. She might show up to the next date but chances are she won't.
9. She Takes Three Or More Days To Respond: This means she's not taking online dating seri-
ously. These girls almost always go silent eventually.
10. She Says She Needs To Get To Know You Better First: If she’s not comfortable enough to
meet up after a few messages then she never will be. At first you new guys might be tempt-
ed to message a girl for weeks on end to get her comfortable with you. I used to do that
myself, but watch her go silent any time you ask to meet up. Girls who are serious will be
ready to meet up after a handful of messages back and forth.
11. She Won’t Book A Meeting In The First Week: Sometimes she’s legitimately busy, but gener-
ally if you haven’t gotten her to meet up within a week of first messaging her, it’s not going
to happen. The further out you get, the worse your odds are. I treat every girl like she has a
one-week expiration date.
12. She’s Rude: It should go without saying that a girl who is rude to you doesn’t respect you.
This means she won’t be meeting up, but more importantly, that you shouldn’t want to meet
up with her. She might say nasty things about why you shouldn’t have shirtless pics up or
some variation of projecting her sexual guilt on to you. Unmatch these girls immediately.
Normal girls with healthy self esteem don’t say nasty things to people they don’t know. 30
How To Get Laid On Tinder

The Method
As we covered earlier in the book, you’re a sexual salesman and your results are going to be
based on three things: your product (which is you), your salesmanship (which is your game)
and your work ethic. Your product is defined by your sexual market value, your game is defined
as the means to obtain and retain women within your league and your work ethic is defined by
how many girls you prospect, message and follow up with.

Once a girl has an interest in your product, your job is to go from open to close by handling her
objections in the most efficient way possible. All women want sex. The only question is who
they are going to buy it from and what specific objections need to be handled. 95% of women
will object to exchanging sex for sex so, for our purposes, we have to work with the 5% who are
DTF. Of that 5%, most women’s objections on Tinder will revolve around her safety, your height,
sexual chemistry and her comfort level with you.

You should also know in advance exactly what you’re pitching to women and what the features
and benefits are of your product. I’m pitching sex and the features I can offer are passion,
experience, skills and stamina. The benefits for her are fun, excitement, physical pleasure and
orgasms. Now you don’t want to list off the features and benefits outright but you want to be
able to convey them through your words, actions and demeanor.

The linear method I’m going to outline for you guys is the most efficient way to close a girl
online. Think of the close as a straight line with the open as point A and the close as point B.
Like any method, you want the shortest distance from point A to point B possible. Your goal is
to move her along the line as quickly as you can while going through all the steps. In some rare
cases you can skip steps as outlined in the lay reports, but for most women you should stick to
the script. Every time she objects to something or goes silent she is veering off the line, every
time she veers off the line your job is to gently guide her back on to the line at the place you
left off and continue walking her towards the close. Here’s how it looks: 31 32
Everything in the method depends on how much work you put into prospecting. By prospecting
I mean the search for potential buyers of your sexual services. Dating is a numbers game and
the results you get are going to be based on the effort you put in. Prospecting on Tinder means
getting as many matches as you can.

Initially I was selective of who I swiped right on, but I quickly realized that this was a waste of
time. On Tinder, discretion is for dummies. The most efficient way to prospect girls is to mind-
lessly hammer the green heart. It’s much faster than swiping right and whenever you match
with a girl you don’t like, you can easily unmatch her in seconds. Be warned, Tinder is buggy
and can get overwhelmed quickly, so give it a few seconds to load the next pic or it might
freeze up on you.

The most efficient way to prospect is at your job. Just have your phone under the desk and
hammer out as many green hearts as you can throughout the day. It will make wage slavery
just a bit brighter to know that you’re getting paid to wrangle women off the Internet.

Oddly enough, I found that most of the time my matches were with decent or better looking
girls. I think part of the reason for this is that sexier looking girls have higher sex drives. Or, in
some cases, less attractive girls might not bother swiping on you because they feel you’re out
of their league. Once you’ve got a match she’s now in your sales funnel at the start of the line.
Your first step is opening her.

Once Tinder notifies you of a match, you now have a lead. My advice is to message her as soon
as possible and strike while the iron is hot. There are four basic opening message scenarios
you can use:

1. “Hey x, hows it going?” This is a simple greeting for girls who could be offended/put off by
more aggressive flirting. It generally applies to your typical hipster or overly educated white
2. “Hey sexy, hows it going?” I’ll use this for girls who give off a more sexual vibe. I find it tends
to work better on black and Latin women who are more comfortable with their sexuality and
more likely to view it as a compliment instead of patronizing.
3. “You look like trouble ;)” I use this interchangeably with the above for girls who I feel have
more of a sexual vibe to them. It’s flirty/sexual and gives you and her a number of options
for banter. Credit goes to Mike from Danger and Play. Some girls find it cheesy, but so is Tin-
der so just roll with it. One common response to the trouble opener from girls is: “Look who’s 33
talking”, my response is: “Oh I’m definitely trouble, I won’t deny that. ;)” Another response
I got was: “I sure am” to which I’d respond: “My kind of woman, I think we’re going to get along

4. She opens you. This is the ideal scenario. If she opened you with a question, respond and
ask one back to her. If she opened you with a compliment, compliment her back. If she
opened you with a smiley face or some other non-sequitur than open her with one of the
three lines above.

You can use whatever opener you want from the basic greeting to one with more sexual innu
endo. The key, as described above, is your sexual market value. The one thing you can’t do is
be rude. Not only will this work against you, but it might get you reported. Despite what some-
pickup companies might tell you, playing "asshole" game is not a good strategy. Treat these
girls how you would want to be treated. Once you’ve got the opening message out of the way
it’s an easy transition into rapport.

I like to follow my opening message with a quick fluff question like: “How was your weekend?”
just to get some conversation going, nothing fancy necessary. Basically just showing her you
have a bit of interest in her as a person and that you’re a normal human being.

She’ll probably follow up by asking the same question back to you. This should get you another
couple of responses back and forth. Your goal is to show her that you’re not an asshole, which
is actually going to separate you from a lot of guys on Tinder.

The one question I almost always ask is: “So how are the boys treating you on here?” This is
a great question because chances are they’re not treating her well. They’re either being rude,
creepy, or flaky. By bringing this up early you can distinguish yourself from the other guys
immediately. For example, if she talks about how rude they are, you tell her how crazy it is that
guys actually talk to women like that.

Once you’ve built a bit of rapport you can transition into screening her for being DTF.

By using a known hook up app and posting shirtless pictures it should be pretty obvious what
you’re looking for, but you would be surprised. Tinder isn’t a dating site, so you can’t read a
girl’s intentions off the bat, some girls will just swipe right and talk to you because they think
you’re hot. The best way to screen her for being DTF is to ask her what she’s looking for. The 34
question I use is exactly that: “So what are you looking for on here?”

Despite messaging a guy with shirtless pics on Tinder, you’d be surprised how many girls won’t
admit to looking for casual sex. There is a case to be made that some girls will lie about what
they want for fear of being labeled a slut but I usually don’t want to waste my time fighting
through a girl’s sexual guilt and lies. More often than not they will back out anyway, but if you
want to see how to close one of these girls, check out my lay report on the entitled princess.

So, the ideal responses to our DTF screening questions are “have fun”, “fwb”, “see what happens
;)” or “sex”. That means you want to get a verbal agreement of her intentions up front. Tinder is
so efficient that you should have enough leads to be able to do this. You want yes girls only, no
maybe girls. In sales, 95% of your results come from people who are interested from the open.
It’s the same way with girls.

When she responds with one of the positive answers above, this gives you a perfect segue to
pitch the meeting. Say, “cool, we should hang out this week, how does your schedule look?”
If she is good to meet then schedule a time that works for both of you and invite her straight to
your place. Say, “great, why don’t you swing by my place around 8, I’ll come down and meet you in
the lobby.” This gives her the comfort of knowing that she can just leave if she doesn’t like what
she sees. Of course this only works if you live in an apartment building. Inviting her straight to
your place is the number one DTF screening tool there is.

If she balks at coming over, aim for a coffee shop within five minutes of your place. You should
say: “no problem, I totally understand, if it makes you more comfortable we can meet for coffee at x
time and date” and just follow the same procedure. If she needs to go for a drink to be able to
do this, then just meet her at a bar within striking distance of your place.

When I first started testing this method, I was surprised by how many girls would come straight
to my place, wanting to meet in a public place is a completely reasonable expectation for any
woman meeting a random guy off the internet. With that said most of my lays were girls who
came straight to the lobby of my building which means you should always ask first, the worst
she can say is no. Don’t be worried about ruining your chances, girls who are serious will either
come over or pitch you on meeting for a coffee or a drink.

Whether you’re meeting her at your place or at a coffee shop, it’s very important to get a girl to
meet up within a week from first contact, ideally within a few days. The longer you go without
meeting up, the worse your chances get. Think of her contact information as having an expira-
tion date of one week. No matter how hot she is or what excuse she uses, if she doesn’t meet
up within the first week there is a 99.9% chance that her contact information will be useless. 35
Every single lay in this book is with a girl who agreed to meet up in the first week. This is some-
thing that I’ve tested on a massive scale in regards to online dating, to the point where if she
doesn’t agree to meet up within the first week, I’ll delete her contact information right there.
The reason that following these steps is crucial is because 99% of girls online are timewasters,
happy to message you and entertain themselves but go radio silent at the idea of meeting up
or will flake on a whim. For your sanity you need to be ruthless with this shit.

Numbers on Tinder are mostly an afterthought because the app functions like BBM, but getting
the number is still important for a couple of reasons. One, her giving you her number shows
she’s at least somewhat invested in you. If she balks and tries to give you her Facebook or even
worse, her Instagram, you know there is a good chance she’s going to waste your time. And
two, the number lets you send and receive pics. This is a crucial part of screening and setting
up a sex date.

Once she gives you her number, it’s time to solidify her DTF status. If you’ve been flirting heav-
ily you can start off right away by texting her: “hey it’s x from Tinder, here’s something to think
about till x day” and send her a picture of your torso and cock (if you’re in shape). 36
If she responds positively or sends one back, you know there’s a good chance she won’t flake
and is truly DTF. Not only does sexting solidify her DTF status, but more importantly it also gets
her horny for your date and excited to meet you. If you’re not in shape then don’t send her your
torso pic, but if you’ve got a nice cock you can send that. If you have neither then just send her
a quick message like: “hey sexy, looking forward to having some fun with you on x date.”

If she’s responding positively, you should try to transition into sex talk. Your objective is to get
her excited to meet you and to find out what she likes in bed so that you can use it on her when
you do meet up. Sex talk also pushes the interaction closer to actual sex. Remember: every-
thing you do should be done with the aim of closing.

Outside of sexting, once you have the meeting booked, try to keep the texting to a minimum.
The more you text her, the more time she has to ask questions that might disqualify you or give
you the chance to say something stupid.

I know what you’re thinking---that sending girls pictures of your dick is not a classy thing to do
and you are correct. Your female friends and “dating coaches” will tell you not to do this, but
fuck them. The kind of girls who will be put off by dick pics are girls who aren’t DTF. You want
the sex-positive girls who are unashamed of their intentions. Remember, women are sexual
creatures and want sex just as much as men do, unfortunately they collectively hide behind a
massive wall of lies.

An exception to sexting is if you’re trying to convert a girl. That means you want to bang a girl
who hasn’t been fully screened to be DTF and you’re worried that sending her a sext or a dick
pic will make her flake. The only time a conversion is worth it is if the girl is super hot and has
agreed to meet up but is on shaky ground. You should go in knowing that most of the time
these girls are timewasters, but I’ll leave it at your discretion if you want to go for the conver-
sion lay. If you want to see how it’s done, check out my lay report with the Brazilian girl.

Objection Management
Like all buyers, women will have objections that need to be handled before you can close the
deal. The good thing about Tinder is that you know she’s attracted to you. Just by being able
to message her you’ve already handled her biggest objection. Some common objections you’ll
get on Tinder will be about your height, about coming straight to your place and about where to
meet, among other things. Read through the lay reports to see examples of specific objections
and how to handle them.

You can expect to have at least two or three objections with every single girl you’re trying to
close. As we covered before, the way to handle an objection is to disarm it as quickly as possi-
ble and go back to exactly where you were on the straight line and keep moving forward. Every 37
time she makes an objection she’s veering off that line and your job is to put her back on it.
Once she’s back on that line, you just keep walking her through every step towards the close.

The way to handle objections is to tell her what she wants to hear. If she’s worried about her
security, make her feel comfortable. If she’s worried about sexual chemistry, describe how
passionately you’d fuck her. The exception to this would be outright lies like exaggerating your
height, which I would recommend avoiding. Your goal is to handle the objection as quickly and
efficiently as possible. Once you’ve managed her objection, go right back to the model and con-
tinue where you left off. Keep in mind that even DTF girls will have two to three objections you
need to manage before you can fuck them.

This is an optional step if a girl has gone silent on you. If you have to re-engage with a girl, no
matter how promising it seemed at first, you’re in damage control. 99% of the time if a girl has
gone silent on you she will never meet up. In my daily life, I don’t find it worth the headache
to re-engage with a flaky girl, but for my Tinder experiment I tried to re-engage with my entire
match list and it got me a few lays in the end.

When a girl re-engages after going silent you can assume in advance that she’s going to be
very flaky. It’s up to you if you want to re-engage or not. If you have an abundance of matches
I would say it’s not worth your time, but if you only have a small pool to choose from then it
might be worth it for you. If she does re-engage with you, just continue where you left off on the
straight line, the same as you would after handling an objection.

In the lay reports section you’ll see I “convert” a few girls through re-engaging, these are diffi-
cult girls who were flaky and not verbally DTF before the meet but still responding. They obvi-
ously wanted to fuck but either their sexual guilt or sense of entitlement kept them from being
reliable and verbally DTF. You’ll also see I was only able to close two difficult girls out
of approximately 400 matches that I re-engaged with or did damage control on. That’s a close
rate of 0.5 %.

In my day to day life I don’t fuck with difficult girls. If a girl goes silent, flakes, reschedules or
tries to change the venue at the last minute, I’m done. These are not objections, they are cardi-
nal sins and evidence of timewasting. I know the chances are slim to none for getting laid plus
they’re going to be a pain in the ass. With that said its up to you guys how you want to play it:
if you’ve got an abundance of pussy you can afford to get rid of problem clients, if you’re just
starting out you might find value in pursuing every lead.

Confirmation Text 38
On the day of the meeting you should send her a quick confirmation text like: “hey, just wanted
to make sure you’re still good to meet up tonight”. If she’s going to follow through she’ll text you
back that she can make it. If she’s going to flake then she’ll either text you an excuse or she
won’t respond at all. In rare cases some terrible human beings will confirm with you that they
can make it and still not show up, but that’s all part of the game. The purpose of the text is not
to get her to meet up, it’s to make sure you don’t waste your time and can schedule something
else for that night in case of a flake.

Sex Prep

If there’s a good chance you’re going to be having sex with a new girl there are a couple of
things you should do before you meet up with her. You want to make sure you’ve eaten a bal-
anced meal at least three hours before the date, anything closer will fuck up your stamina. You
should also avoid caffeine because it stimulates your nervous system, making it harder to get
an erection, especially if you’re already nervous.

A quarter tab of Cialis, with a doctor’s prescription of course, is a great insurance policy and
can make things more fun. A low dose is still effective and won’t give you a headache like high-
er doses.

If you have time you want to make sure you can shit, shower and shave. When shaving make
sure your pubic area and nose hairs are cleanly trimmed as well. If you’re going to shit in your
place do it no later than an hour before the date so your washroom has time to air out. Every
single girl will use your washroom within the first 15 minutes of getting back to your place. If
you’re in a pinch you can use the washroom in your building’s gym.

Instead of using booze to relax, which will fuck up your sex cardio, Phenibut is a great alterna-
tive to take the edge off and will make sex feel much more intense. Phenibut and a quarter tab
of Cialis will make you a beast.

Your Frame For The Date

You want to come across as relaxed, charming, confident, polite and most importantly, normal.
She wants to be relieved that you’re not a creep from the Internet so she can feel comfortable
enough to fuck you.

Your Clothes For The Date

By the time she shows up you should be freshly showered, groomed and in nice clean clothes. 39
As with anything else in life, first impressions mean everything. If you have a nice body, you
should wear a tight t-shirt or sweater. Check out my fashion guide here for more ideas.

I usually wear sweatpants at home, but even if a girl is coming straight to your place it’s not a
good first impression, so at least put on some nice jeans. If the girl is tall I will wear my boots,
which give me an extra inch and a half. For you shorter guys I would suggest the same thing.
One thing you should avoid if you can is wearing socks (when she’s coming to your place).
There is no graceful way to take your socks off and you want your transition to sex to be as
smooth as possible.

Setting Up

The first thing you need to do as far as setting up goes is make sure that your place is clean,
especially your bathroom. It’s not that she won’t fuck you if your bathroom is dirty, but it is just
not a good look. You should also have condoms within arm’s reach of your bed and a bottle of
wine in the fridge in case she needs a drink to loosen up. If she’s coming to your place this is all
you need to do to set up.

If it’s a coffee date, get to the venue on time to set up. Don’t worry about her getting there be-
fore you because she’ll be at least five minutes late, usually 10. This gives you enough time to
get your drink and find a comfortable table away from other humans that faces the door. You
also want to adjust the table and chairs so you can easily slip out and give her a hug so that
her first impression of you is not you struggling to stand up.

On a coffee date, if you have a rare unicorn who gets there on time you can buy her a coffee
or whatever she wants. For the average girl who shows up late, let her get up and get her own
drink while you message other girls on Tinder. Definitely do not go back, wait in line and pay
again for a girl who showed up late.

I always try to avoid alcohol dates but I will go to a bar if the girl insists. In that situation, what
she’s saying when she insists is that she won’t be able to go through with having sex with you
without some booze in her. Coffee dates are a better setup than drink dates for a few reasons.
First, the price. Coffee dates will cost you about $5, while booze is $30 at the minimum. If
you’re a serious player those costs add up. Also, after a couple drinks, your erection strength
goes down and so does your cardio, especially if you’ve been drinking beer, which means you
won’t be able to put on a peak performance. From just two or three drinks my sex cardio is
down to about 80 percent.

Greet, Touch And Compliment

If you’re meeting her at a coffee shop or bar, the first thing you want to do when a girl walks in
is stand up, tell her it’s nice to meet her and give her a hug. Once she’s settled in I always make 40
sure to pay her a compliment on her looks. This will immediately put her at ease, remember all
women are insecure about their looks. This also sets the tone for sex happening by showing
her that you’re sexually attracted. Ideally she’ll compliment you back but it’s no problem if she
doesn’t. If she didn’t like your look then she wouldn’t be there.

If she came straight to your house then greet, touch and compliment her just the same. If
you’ve been sexting heavily, you can skip the steps below and get right into closing her. If she
seems nervous and reserved then it’s best to take your time and stick to the script.

Leading Her

If you’ve met her in a coffee shop or a bar you should usher her into her seat. I’ll usually put
my hand on her elbow or lower back and say: “have a seat,” not in a commanding way but in a
friendly, polite way. Sometimes I’ll pull out her chair if I can reach. This is how you lead with
polite dominance. Remember, treat her as if she was your client in business. That means you’re
on your good behavior. Forget this “being an asshole” routine that many pickup artists follow,
it will work against you. What you're selling is polite confidence and that you’re a winner. Every-
one wants to do business with a winner.

If you meet her at your place you can use the same tactic to usher her through the door or into
the elevator. In an apartment building it’s really important to keep a conversation going in the
elevator ride and the walk through your hallway. This is because many women are going to be
getting nervous at this point and second guessing their decisions.

Conversation Ratio

At the start you’ll usually need to do most of the talking, or at least most of the leading of the
conversation. It will probably be about 80/20 your way, but you should be able to get it down to
50/50 within a few minutes. The easiest way to make a girl feel comfortable is to get her en-
gaged and talking about herself. You do that by asking her questions.

Question/Vibe Loop

To get a woman feeling comfortable, I start asking her questions. I use a ton of questions, there
is no topic girls like more than talking about themselves. I try to do as little talking as possi-
ble. Talking about herself and having you respond positively with insightful questions makes
her feel that she’s really connecting with you. Some example questions I’ll ask are: “Where did
you go to school?”, “What do you do for work?”, “Whereabouts do you live?”, “Did you grow up in
the city?” No segues are needed for these questions. When you watch a lot of the best comedians
they don’t use segues either because they just become engaged with whatever topic is at hand. 41

When you’re talking to a woman you always want to be in rapport with her. Your goal should be
to never break rapport or outright contradict what she says. Even light teasing is still part of
rapport. A tease is not a “neg,”a tease should be done playfully and in the spirit of fun.

Sex is the ultimate rapport, so you should start building up to that from the second you meet
her. You almost always want to be in agreement with what she’s saying. If she says: “ I can’t
believe the streetcar was so crowded on the way over here, it’s so annoying,” you should answer
with something like, “Ya I bet, that sounds really annoying.” If she says she just finished her de-
gree and is so excited about her new job you want to say something like: “That’s awesome, that
sounds like a really exciting field.” You want to empathize and filter back whatever emotion she’s
projecting to you.

Being in rapport doesn’t mean you should be passive, though. You should always be leading
the action and if a girl starts on a negative topic you need to steer her back to positive things.
Let’s say a girl is getting angry because she had to wait 30 minutes for the bus I’ll say: “That
sucks you had to wait so long. Hey, I forgot to ask, how was that art exhibit you went to- this

Once the topic has been covered or you’re stalling out, just ask her another question. Let’s say
you’ve been talking about what she’s taking in school for 10 minutes and you’re stalling out.
You can ask her what she likes to do for fun or what kind of music she listens to.

Just repeat the question and vibe loop until she asks about you. When (or if) she asks about
you, you should have a couple of cool, normal hobbies you do. I use the gym and hot yoga.
Make sure your hobbies are relatable to her. If she’s intelligent I’ll talk about the books I read,
if she’s dumb I’ll talk about partying. You can talk about yourself for a bit but you always want
to flip it back to her. People feel most comfortable when they have an attentive audience. I
learned this in my sales training. Clients don’t want to hear about you, they want to talk about
themselves and for you to actively listen.

Don’t bother with sex talk, sex is already assumed from your hardcore screening. If you’ve fol-
lowed the system you know she is DTF or at least a close conversion. Remember the purpose
of the date is to make her feel comfortable, she already knows you want to fuck. If she brings it
up, however, you can roll with it and find out what she likes so you can use it on her later.

Asking Her To Leave

If you’ve met her at the bar or a coffee shop, you can ask her to leave when you think she feels
comfortable. This can be anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour depending on how relaxed she
is. Remember the point of the date was just to prove you’re a cool, normal guy that she can feel 42
safe going home with. Sex is assumed barring you don’t do anything stupid, so don’t be afraid
to pull the trigger and ask her home with you.

It’s really important to keep her comfortable on the way home. I've seen girls have complete
state changes as their logical brain kicks in, where they start thinking: "I can't believe I'm going
back to this guy’s place” or "I hope he's not a psycho." Keeping the conversation going strong
is a good way to put her at ease. As we covered before, this is especially important for the
elevator ride in your building and walking down the hallway to your door, as these are the two
biggest moments where girls go through state changes.

So, you’ve got her back to your place, either from another venue or you ordered her directly
from the Internet, congratulations. The first thing you should do is take her coat if she has one
and hang it up. I always keep an extra hanger next to my jackets for this exact reason. It’s a
gentleman’s gesture and is good for retentions---remember, she feels like she is giving some-
thing to you so the more respectful you are towards her, the less buyer’s remorse she’s going
to have. The better she feels about the experience, the more repeat business you’ll have. You
should also take off your shoes and get her to take hers off as well. Now you have one less
piece of clothing to take off.

In some cases, especially if you’ve been sexting heavily, she’s going to be ready to go once she
gets back to your place. In fact, you’ll see in the lay reports that I was fingerbanging one girl
before we made it to the elevator. You can tell if she’s ready by how relaxed she is. If she
looks relaxed and turned on then you can get started right away by pushing her up against the
wall and kissing her, grinding, rubbing her pussy, all that fun stuff. In situations like this you can
lead her back to the bedroom or just fuck her up against the wall.

In other cases, if she’s been more reserved or she seems a bit nervous you’re going to have to
take your time. Usually that won’t take too long though because she’s already been primed for
sex, it should take at most an hour for her to get comfortable enough to fuck.

If you’ve got a bachelor pad I suggest not having anywhere to sit except for the bed. If you have
a one bedroom or a house, just lead her straight into the bedroom. If she’s nervous she might
ask you something like: “where are we going?” Just answer nonchalantly: “the bedroom.” You
don’t want to fuck her on the couch. Couch sex can be fun, but in my opinion you can’t put on
a peak performance on a couch, you need the space and comfort of a bed. Since it's your first
time you want to maximize all the probabilities of putting on a good performance because
beating up that pussy is the best thing you can do for client satisfaction and retention.

Once you’ve got her on the bed, try to sit close to her while resting up against the headboard. 43
If she sits close to you she’s probably ready to go. If she sits far away, she’s going to need a bit
more time. Just go back into the question and vibe loop again until she starts to open up.
When she gets comfortable enough just tell her to come sit next to you.

Kiss her for a few minutes to get her comfortable before you let your hands roam. If she stops
you or moves your hand at any point, just give it about five minutes and try again. Chances are
though, that she’ll be ready to go at this point.

At another five minutes in you can take her shirt off and yours at the same time. If you’re inex-
perienced just leave the bra on or tell her to take it off so you’re not fucking around back there.
Kiss her and give her close body contact for another five minutes, not only is she going to get
wetter but it will also get her to release the bonding hormone oxytocin which will relax her. Even
girls that are into hardcore rough sex still appreciate this kind of foreplay.

Rub her clit outside of her pants before you reach your hand inside, she should be dripping
wet at this point. Rub her clit for awhile under her pants before you take them off, let her build
up the desire to fuck you. The cleanest way to take a girls' pants off is to undo any buttons or
zippers then at the same time pull her pants and panties down to her mid thighs as you move
away from her. While still holding her pants and underwear, move back off the bed so you’re
standing up and pull her pants away from her. Most girls will help you by wriggling a bit. As
you’re sliding her pants and panties past her ankles, take her socks off too.

Once her pants are clean off, take yours off while you’re still standing up then get back into
bed. If you’ve lost your hardon don’t worry about it, just go back to making out with her. Give
it a few more minutes of rubbing your cock against her pussy while you make out. Then reach
down next to your bed, grab the condom, slide inside and enjoy. For first time sex I almost al-
ways use missionary as my first position; it’s the best position for controlling your orgasm.

To delve deeper into how to dominate in the bedroom, checkout my sex guides to learn how to
fuck her properly, eat pussy and make her squirt. Most importantly, relax and have fun, this is
what it’s all about.

The Day After Text

Once you’ve fucked a girl you want to send her a text the next day telling her what a great
time you had. It’s the polite thing to do and is extremely important if you want to see her again
because it makes her feel she wasn’t “used” for sex. Now we know from Chapter 1 that sex is a
value-equal exchange, but in her mind it’s not.

Lastly and I hate to have to bring stuff like this up, but when you send a day after text and she
responds positively you’ve got an insurance policy against a false rape accusation. Add to that 44
all the sexual screening you’ve done prior to that date and you’re going to be well-protected.
Also, make sure that if you do end up drinking that you cut it after two drinks max. I’ve made
it a personal rule to never have sex with a drunk girl and I think you should too. You want her
sober and completely accountable for her actions. 45
Lay Reports

In this chapter I’m going to break down nine of my Tinder lays and one bonus handjob report so
you can see exactly how the method works in real time. Seven of these lays run smoothly and
yours will be no different. Once you master this shit, you’ll notice that the majority of your lays
are easy because DTF girls will not waste your time.

The first section of the report is the screencaps of the interaction followed by my analysis illus-
trating my method. Pay special attention to how I manage objections. You’ll see every woman
had at least a couple objections before she was ready for sex. Once you understand the game
you’ll recognize that the bulk of your work is going to be getting rid of girls who waste your

When this stuff truly clicks for you its going to change the entire way you look at women and
dating, if you’re new to the game then this section is going to be a game changer for you. 46
Petite Milf 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

This lay was as straightforward as they come. As a career woman in her mid-30’s she was all
business from the beginning, as opposed to a flaky 21 year old testing her sexual power and
validating her ego. I started off with a basic greeting, she responded immediately by volunteer-
ing a question back to me. Both of these things are good signs.


When I asked her how the boys were treating her she mentioned they were flaky. This was
another good sign because it meant that she was serious about meeting up and was tired of
getting toyed around.

Objection Management

I treated flakiness as her first objection and handled it by telling her that I’m not like those guys
and I won’t waste her time.


I then asked her my standard DTF screening question about what she’s looking for Tinder. She
laughs at the idea of anything serious and responds that she just wants fun and friends with
benefits. Perfect. It’s really that easy when you’re dealing with a DTF girl who is into you sexual-


By the way she responded to my screening question I knew I could immediately pitch the meet.
After that I negotiated logistics and set a date and time.


I ask for her number, she gave it to me with no problems.


Once I got her number, I sent her my torso/dick pic to solidify her DTF status, which she liked.
I sexted her and she responded positively, eventually sending me a picture back. I also learned
what she likes in bed and used it on her once we met up.

Objection Management 56
While we're texting she asks me how tall I am. This is a pretty common objection because most
women screen hard on short guys. I told her I was 5’10, she responds with “perfect.” Objection

Confirmation Text

I text her the day of and she’s good to go.

The Date

I meet her in the lobby. She’s tiny and nervous, not that I blame her, she’s meeting a strange
guy who is twice her size, at night, at his place. When a woman is nervous, she’s going to need
some time to relax: you never want to kiss someone and start feeling physical tension.

I usher her into my place, sit her down on the bed and get us both some wine. She talked about
her divorce, her kid and her asshole ex husband. I could tell she’d had a rough couple of years
and probably hadn’t been fucked in a while, which explains why she was on Tinder.

I talked with her for about an hour until she loosened up, her body language relaxed and she
started talking openly. I knew at this point I could go in for the close.


I kissed her for a few minutes before I went for her clothes then I turned the lights down low
and took her clothes off slowly, easing her into it. Once her clothes were off I got laid and did
exactly what she told me she liked in bed.

Day After Text

I sent her a text the day after to thank her for coming by and told her that I had great time. 57
18 Year Old Brazilian Girl 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

I started off with a sexual opener, she responded but wasn’t giving me much. This would be her
standard behavior throughout the interaction.


I tried to get her more engaged with small talk but she was still giving the bare minimum. This
is typical of some young girls testing their power with guys and indulging their narcissism on-
line. I was very surprised this girl came through, 99 out of 100 times these girls are flakes or go
silent at the first attempt at meeting up.


I asked her what she’s looking for online, no response.


I re-engaged with her a few days later, she went silent again. At this point all I’m doing is re- en-
gaging and pitching the meeting. I know she doesn’t have the interest to answer more ques-
tions so I’ve just added her to my bombardment list, where I hammer girls to meet up every day
and surprisingly she says yes.


At first, as per protocol, I invite her over. She balks so I suggest coffee and she agrees. I
thought the chances of this girl flaking were so high that I booked a couple other flaky girls for
the same night. I staggered them so I’d only have to cancel if I had a girl coming home with
me. This is good practice but I wouldn’t do it with warm leads since it means you could end up
burning that lead. Save this tactic for the flaky girls and book them all together.
99.9 times out of 100, in situations like this, girls will flake. I'm pretty sure the reason she
agreed to meet up was because she was a tourist and didn't have much to do. Visiting girls are
the best because they don't have a big social network and don’t want to spend Friday night at

Getting The Number

I get her number.


I skipped the sex talk and dick pics because the lay was already on shaky ground. Had this 70
been almost any other girl I wouldn't have wasted my time but this was an 18-year-old Brazil-
ian with a fat ass for fuck sake, I needed to see this through. At 32 years old I don’t know how
many more 18-year-old Brazilian girls I have left. This is technically a conversion lay but a
conversion lay from my method is much easier than a conversion lay from other more generic
methods. This is because from my pictures, screening questions and asking her over, a girl
knows exactly what I want so her agreement to meet up means she’s at least 50% of the way

Confirmation Text

I text her the day of and she queefed out a response of the barest commitment humanly pos-


This girl was irritating, but when I saw her coming I have to say it was worth it. She had the
kind of ass you could see from the front.

We chilled at the coffee shop for about an hour. She talked about how crazy Brazil was, how
people die all the time and how her dad used to punch her in the head when he got angry. I
can’t say I knew how to manage that one so I changed topics. That’s the great thing about
asking questions: once you change topics, all is forgotten. -

Once I felt she was comfortable enough I invited her straight back to my place. She said ok
in her typically non-committal way. It was sad to see that the epidemic of hipster entitlement
had spread to Brazil. Roosh V would be devastated.


Once I got her back to my place I banged her after an hour of conversation and a glass of
wine. I fucked her for about 15 minutes and even with a condom on it was really hard not
to cum with that 18-year-old Brazilian ass in my hands. I made up for it by licking her to an
intense orgasm until we both passed out for a few hours.

Day After Text

I sent her a text the next day telling her I had a great time, she told me the same. 71
Superfreak Teacher 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

I started off with my favorite opener “you look like trouble” and she responded with flirty banter,
off to a good start.


I asked her a few basic questions and she responded quickly and positively.


After a few flirty messages back and forth I pitched the meet.

Objection Management

She brings up one objection before she answers my pitch, my height. She’s 5’11 and wants to
make sure I’m not too short, she also wants to make sure I’m cool with a tall girl. Tall women
are always self conscious about their height. I responded with my height and some humor. It’s
always better to be elegant when you can, even though I was an inch shorter than her I still
made her cut off.

Once that objection was managed she went straight into sex talk. I like this girl, she’s doing my
job for me. Right away I know I’m dealing with a nympho. These kind of girls don’t want sex,
they need it. In sales, the best client to have is the one who needs your services as opposed to
just wanting them. It’s the same way with girls. Girls like this can fuck all night without getting
sore, they are DTF in the truest sense of the word and not ashamed of their sexuality.


Once her objection was managed I continued where I left off. I could tell she wanted to hang
out that night but I had another girl coming over so I picked it back up in the morning. I pitched
her to come over and she asked what the plan was. She wanted to make sure I could put it
down. I tell her exactly what I would do to her without shame or hesitation. She loves it and we
make plans to hang out.


She gives me her number and asks for directions before I can even get to it, beautiful.


I text her and before I can send her a picture of my dick she sends me a picture of her tits and 88
asks for one back. DTF in the truest sense of the word. I send her a pic and we start sexting,
this girl is horny and very sexually open which is exactly what I’m looking for.

Confirmation Text

I text her the day of and she’s good to meet up.


So this girl comes to my lobby wearing stockings, no panties and a 1980’s style half sweatshirt
covering her top. I realized after taking it off that she had a full lingerie set underneath, corset
and all. From the second I meet her we’re making out, I drag her back to the elevator, the doors
close, I throw her up against the elevator mirror as I finger her pussy, she’s dripping wet, no
panties on. I take her back to my place and destroy her pussy. This girl was a certified freak
with a super fit body, it’s hard to believe she was a school teacher.

Day After Text

I text her the day after and she wants to fuck again that night and almost every night that
week. A true nympho. 89
Chubby Bunny 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

She messaged me first. This is the ideal opener.


Since she opened me, I move towards more aggressive rapport by giving her a sexual compli-
ment to show my interest and set the tone. There are a lot of “pickup artists” who tell you not
to compliment girls. This is bullshit, girls love compliments. As long as it’s not excessive it
doesn’t make you look needy. Also, the more attractive you make her feel the more comfortable
she’ll be with you sexually.


I ask her my standard DTF screening question and she responds that's she’s looking for fun but
is open to more. All I hear is DTF.

The Pitch

I pitch the meet at my place and she accepts.

Getting Her Number

I get her number.


Once I’ve got her number I send her a dick/torso pic and she responds in kind with a little sex-
ting in between. By the time the date rolls around she’s ready to go.

Confirmation Text

I text her, she confirms for that night.

The Meeting

I’ll be honest, I was a little disappointed with what she looked like in person. Unfortunately, she
came from about an hour and a half outside of Toronto straight to my place. It’s not a coffee
shop where I can pretend to get a text and leave. This girl came to my place to get fucked and
sending her home would have been pretty cruel, so I felt like I had to take this one for the team.

Closing 101
Once we got upstairs, she was ready to go but I wasn’t so we talked a bit first. This girl was run-
ning late and I figured she was going to flake so I had literally just closed my next door neigh-
bor. I didn’t really want to kiss her that much either, which didn’t seem to be a problem. This girl
loved giving head and it showed---she practically ripped my pants off. She swallowed my entire
dick no problem. Her head game was out of control.

This got me hard enough to fuck. I gave her about 15 minutes of subpar sex. After that I let
her hang out for about an hour and a half because I didn’t want to send her home too quickly,
especially when I could tell she wanted more. I didn’t, however. All I wanted to do was eat some
pizza and read my book. This is the downside of inviting a girl straight to your place.

The Day After Text

She texted me within hours of leaving that she wanted more. I responded politely but didn’t
take her up on the offer. 102
Entitled Princess 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110

If you look up entitlement in the dictionary you would see this girl’s smiling face. I’m going to
delve a bit deeper into this one to show you guys how to handle a girl like this, because you’ll
meet a lot of them. Normally I would let her go because I like to date nice women, but as part of
my Tinder experiment I followed through. I opened her with a sexual compliment and greeting,
she responded quickly by complimenting me back and asking a question in return - the ideal


I transition into some basic small talk about the weather and our jobs.


Once the pleasantries are out of the way I start my screening process. She brings up how guys
only want one thing, as if she’s surprised by why guys are on Tinder, especially guys like me
with shirtless pictures in our profiles. I don’t deflect, I own it, letting her know I’m no different
then those guys.

Objection Management

She acts shocked but doesn’t stop messaging me. This isn’t ideal but it’s still workable. Imme-
diately I start thinking that this is a DTF girl with lots of sexual guilt and time would prove me
right. She teases me about not being able to keep up and my instincts tell me she’s a brat. A
brat is a submissive girl who likes to act out with the hopes of finding a guy to put her in her
place. I was proven right on this as well.

Most submissives happily submit to an alpha. Brats, however, are trouble because they like to
submit emotionally but at the same time their ego hates it. For this reason, they always come
at you with an undercurrent of aggression. I know this girl is going to need a lot of hard game
and teasing. Despite what some guys might tell you, being a cocky asshole is not the ideal
frame because teasing and frame battles just prolong the close and risk the girl getting angry
and calling it off. The ideal frame is polite, easy and linear, straight to sex.


I ask her to come over. I know she’ll probably object but I want to get back on track.

Objection Management

She tests me on what we’d be doing, I tell her fucking. Again she starts with the tests, I’m so 111
used to it that all I hear is words. I know she wants to fuck, but she wants to make it difficult for
me, typical brat. That’s further reinforced when she mentions going for a drink. Usually when a
girl flat out rejects coming over I’m the one who has to pitch the coffee/drink. It also shows me
she’s going to need to get drunk to relieve her sexual guilt and her nerves.


We book a date for drinks.


I get her number which she gives me shit on, mouthy girl.


I don’t have screencaps of the texts but here’s how it went down. I texted her pics of my dick
and tried to sext her, she gave me shit, typical brat behavior, but still in play. Any time a girl
doesn’t go silent after a dick picture I consider her DTF, although not a sure thing.


She flaked at the last minute on our date. Normally this is where I’d drop it, but as part of my
Tinder experiment I forged on with bombarding her.


I started messaging her every day and she would always respond which meant it was still in
play. If she hadn’t responded I wouldn’t have wasted my time: I stop texting a girl any time I get
two unanswered texts.

So, I set up drinks next to my place. Now I knew this girl was flaky so I was double booking her
and another flaky girl for the same time slot. I was right, she flakes again.

She flaked the first two times we agreed to meet as I expected and was prepping to flake the
third time because: “it might rain”...unless I came to her, so I did. I was invested now and want-
ed to see it through. Plus I’ll admit, it didn’t hurt that this girl was pretty hot. With that said,
were it not for my site and this book I probably wouldn’t have bothered with her.

Confirmation Text

She finally confirms the meeting. 112
The Meeting

I broke a rule by going to her, but she lived close enough that I figured I could just take her back
to my place with a cheap cab ride. My backup plan was to find a way to get myself back to her
place. The way to do that is to suggest going back to hers for a glass of wine, or if that fails,
walk her home and ask to use the washroom. This one turned out a bit differently.

I showed up 15 minutes late, because I knew she was going to keep me waiting longer than
usual. She texted me that she was close, assuming I’d be there. I texted her that I was on my
way. When she found that I wasn’t there she made sure to wait until I got to the venue before
she arrived. I knew she must have walked around the block to kill time, that made me laugh.

Once we finally met up I could see that this girl was hot, long brown hair, perfect tan skin and a
fit body. Definitely the hottest girl I met off Tinder, but with an attitude to match.

Prior to the date I thought she would be spoiled, materialistic, entitled and into rough sex. I was
proven correct on all counts. She seemed nervous at first but was trying to hide it with poise.
Most guys wouldn’t pick up on this but after so many years in the game my eyes are razor
sharp. It comes with being a keen observer of human behavior and having a large database of
girls to work with.

Once we got our drinks she opened up and talked non-stop about her job for 30 minutes. Then
she moved on to her exes and how she: "won't take shit,” how she’s dated “assholes” in the past
but will not accept that behavior anymore. I playfully called her out on all this and she admitted
that she needed a guy to call her out on being a bitch (her words) when she acts shitty. That
should be nothing new to readers of my blog, girls can only truly love alpha males. Deep down
spoiled, bratty girls know they’re shitty and won’t respect anyone who lets them get away with
acting out.

As I probed her harder I told her she would have to take shit, she will like taking shit and weak
guys disgust her. She agreed, contradicting what she had been saying for the last ten minutes.
I told her with a shit-eating grin that she needs a spanking for being so mouthy. Her pupils
dilated and she tried to hold back a smile. Remember guys, when you do this right, teasing is
a part of rapport. Then I hit her with a cold read by telling her she’s tough but sensitive on the
inside. She ate it up, all girls are sensitive. This is the best cold read there is.

She talked about her childhood and how she was raised Catholic, so I could see where the
sexual guilt came from. Then she started teasing me for asking her to hang out four nights in a
row. I almost told her I was triple-booking her but realized that might cost me the lay by putting
my ego over my objectives, so I kept my mouth shut. As a seller you have to think about every
single thing you say if you want to close the deal. It’s much easier to fuck up a date by saying
too much than saying too little. 113
I would compliment her and she would accept cockily, offering nothing back to me with a
smile, so I would then do the same. I don’t know why girls think this is how to flirt. I blame

At this point she started telling me unprompted that I wouldn’t be coming back with her that
night. When girls say things like this out of the blue I know my chances are good, it means
she’s thinking about having sex with me but needs plausible deniability. She started to soften
when we brought up the idea of weed. I knew she was a pothead so I asked if she had any, she
said she didn’t but that she could order some to her place. This worked perfectly, she had her
plausible deniability and I had my excuse to come back to her place. She told me I could come
back but only to smoke.

She talked about her girlfriend a lot and started texting her. She told me how much she loved
her and how she hadn’t seen her in 33 days because she was in Miami. Normally I’d call a girl
out for this bullshit but I was too close to the finish line at this point.

On our way back to her place she Facetimes her friend and their gay BFF in Miami for what
must have been 15 minutes. All I hear is “woooo,” and just the most horrible, racist shit is com-
ing out of her girlfriend’s mouth. They both start drunkenly yelling I love you at each other. Then
I’m introduced on Facetime and I give them my company smile. All this retardation is really
testing my patience but at this point I’m too far invested to turn back.

I finally get back to her place and she’s doing the routine where she pretends to be the pre-oc-
cupied girl, moving things around and half-ignoring me while I lay back on the bed and relax
unperturbed. I laugh to myself, not having seen that move since high school. I wait for the
weed man and the smoke before I make my move. She tells me again that I can’t stay long, “of
course” I say with a shit-eating grin.


After we smoke I sit down next to her and go in for the kiss. She stops me, which came as a bit
of a surprise and also made me think the lay wasn’t going to happen that night. Usually if a girl
is going to put up last minute resistance it starts with her tits or her pussy. I start kissing her
neck for a while which she indulges for a minute, then lightly pushes me away. This happens
multiple times with her telling me how bad I am, what a whore I am, asking me how many girls
I’ve had sex with this month.

She lets me touch her tits and stops, lets me kiss and stops, this goes on for about 40 minutes
on the couch. I don’t argue, I smile and accept all the sexual guilt she projects on to me. Keep
in mind there is no physical tension in her body, she is not telling me no and when she lightly
brushes me off I wait a few minutes before I re-engage her. I’m telling you this because it’s very 114
important to make sure that a girl is comfortable. This girl was very comfortable, she was just
continuing to play hard to get. There is a massive difference between being politely persistent
and trying to force yourself on a woman.

“We’re not having sex tonight,” she says. I know, I say with a big smile. I make the move to lie on
her bed and tell her to follow. I figured this might stall the night out but the couch is no good for
fucking. She comes over but then hops under the covers and tells me that I’m not welcome. I
hop right in with her, she gives in, I eat her pussy until she’s dripping. Just as I’m about to fuck
her I make her beg me to put it inside. She does. I’m high on phenibut, buzzed and have a
quarter tab of Cialis under my belt. The sex is amazing. I make her my whore for the night, she
loves it.

The first key to this lay was patient persistence and holding my frame as a sexual alpha male.
The second key was absorbing all of her sexual guilt and not calling her out on being a hypo-
crite. As you can see, she had tons of objections and all kinds of bullshit drama to go with it.
Dating girls like this will tighten up your game but they come with a lot of headaches so date
at your own risk. Also don’t expect to change women like this or any woman for that matter.

The Day After Text

I text her the next day, she complains her ass is blue from spanking. We sext for a bit during the
next week but when I invite her over she tells me that she’s not a whore and doesn’t do stuff
like that. At this point we both agree we’re looking for different things. 115
The Bartender 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144

This lay is another good example of persistence in action, one I normally wouldn’t have both-
ered with but in the spirit of research I soldiered on. I start off with “hey sexy,” she responds
with a compliment back, we’re off to a good start.


I transition to small talk, we go back and forth with the pleasantries.


I ask her what she's looking for, she deflects and pushes it back to me, I respond with sex and
chemistry. She doesn't outright state her intentions but agrees that sex is better with chemis-
try. I consider this acceptance of my DTF frame.

I lay the sex talk and innuendos on thick, she doesn't play along but she doesn't avoid it either,
not ideal but definitely still in play.


I try and book the meet but she gives me a maybe for that night. To me that’s a no, but I play
along in case she gets a few drinks in her and starts feeling horny again. I message her later
and it’s a no.


I re-engage and she responds. Don’t be fooled, we’re now in damage control, no matter how
good things looked at the start, if you have to re-engage with a girl your chances of closing
have dropped drastically. As we covered above I only have a 0.5% close rate of any girl I have to
re-engage with.


I try to re-book, she gives me a time of 2:30 AM, that’s past my bed time so I reschedule. But
that tells me this girl is DTF, there is absolutely no other reason for meeting up at that time of
night. We book for Sunday and she outright mentions that we’re scheduling a sexcapade, this
confirms that she’s down for it. At this point I’m not going to push it with the sex talk because
she deflected on that a few times already. She agrees to meet up at my place, another good
sign although her messaging back still isn’t consistent. 145

I go for the number but she won’t give it to me, not a great sign but still in play.

Confirmation Text

I text her the day of the meeting for the confirmation. No response for a few hours and at the
risk of sounding like a desperado I message her again. Not that I care if a girl thinks I'm
desperate -- I'm not and never will be -- I only care if it affects my chances of getting the
result I want. Some girl who has already decided she's not going to fuck me can think I'm
desperate all she wants because her opinion is irrelevant. -

She flakes again. Whether these excuses are true or not I don't know, or care, I only care about
results. Notice how there are no apologies. This is typical of all girls before they fuck you. Girls
outside of your social circle don't feel the need for social graces.


The same pattern continues with me re-engaging and her flaking as I add her to my bombard-
ment list. She stays engaged once I get a hold of her. I play some humor off of the Rob Ford
situation that was going on at the time. This pattern continued almost every day. Finally she
broke on Saturday afternoon. I caught her when she was horny and ready to meet up. Then I hit
her with a cold read based on someone I used to date, another advantage of having built a big
database. That slayed her, she hints at meeting up.


Once she hints at meeting up I pull the trigger instantly. She agrees to come over that after-


Since she was coming over within a few hours of the pitch I had to skip sexting, there wasn’t
time between finishing my shopping and then getting home to shower and shave. Plus this
was a done deal as far as I was concerned.


Within two minutes of her stepping in my door I’m raw dogging her from behind up against the
wall. I destroy her for about two hours, she soaks my sheets in squirt, end scene.

The Day After Text 146
My elevator tries to kidnap her like it does a few other girls on the way out. I text her the next
day and tell her I had a great time. 147
Superfreak Squirter 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155

Right off the bat this girl is ready to go. Not only does she message me first, but she also im-
plies immediately that we should hook up. This is as DTF as they come. I spot a freak instantly,
similar to the teacher above and I know this girl is going to be a nympho. Time proved me more
than correct on that.


I skipped rapport knowing she was ready to go that moment.


When you get a message like this you strike when the iron is hot. I immediately pitch her to
meet up, she wants to hang out right then. I was busy so I scheduled her for that night. I want-
ed to make sure to lock her in when she’s in that kind of mood. She agrees easily and I give her
directions to my place


I get her number.


I send her my cock pic, she loves it. She sends me a pic back and starts sexting me. These
nymphos always do my job for me, I love it.

Confirmation Text

I skipped the confirmation text since she was coming over that day.


She comes over, we chat for about a minute, I start taking my clothes off and she follows suit.
Then this girl hops on to my bed, gets down on all fours, looks back at me and tells me to come
fuck her. Wow, I’d never seen that before.


She can’t get it hard enough and I fuck this girl for another couple hours. She soaks my bed in
her squirt but still wants more. We talk for awhile and she’s pretty cool but she has endless
energy. I really hate when a girl can’t just chill after sex. You guys might think these kind of girls 156
are great but they are exhausting, I’ll take a medium sex drive girl over a nympho any day.

Day After Text

I text her the day after and she wants to meet up again soon. 157
Aggressive Arab Girl 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171

So this starts with her messaging me which is usually a good sign, although this is a pretty
aggressive objection off the bat. With that said, it’s still a buying signal.

Managing Objections

I tell her how tall I am but of course I give her shit for being so aggressive. She needs to know
she’s dealing with a man here. My height passes her cut off, she tells me she doesn’t waste
time so I skip the small talk and go straight to screening her.


I ask her what she’s looking for and she tells me she’s looking for fun, we're good to go.


I pitch the meet instantly.

Objection Management

She deflects on locking down a time and date then hits me with a dumb question instead. In
hindsight it sounds like a pre-planned question with a pre-planned answer that she asks every
guy. She answers that her knees are her favorite body part, I make a joke out of it, she loves
that I have a sense of humor.

At first I thought she wanted to talk more to get comfortable with me, but after reading her
profile I realized this objection was to see if I had a sense of humor. She responds by flirting
and opening the door for sex talk. I respond with the same, I ratchet up the innuendo and she
accepts the frame. This girl is good to go.


I pitch her to meet up again, after having passed two objections she’s now ready to hang out
that night. I fall asleep, but she texts me again the next day to meet up. This showed that she
has a lot interest, this girl was definitely ready to fuck.

I asked her to come by my place but she suggested hers. This was actually a better move, as I
could come over right after work. I don’t consider this breaking the rules because this girl was
obviously DTF and it was actually more convenient for me. With that said, I’m not thrilled with
her attitude when she commands me to meet at her place, but that’s a relatively small price to
pay for the easy sex I’m going to get. 172

I get her number.


I send her a picture of my dick. She teases me for it, but anything besides resistance or silence
is accepting the frame. Her response is just pride talking and her trying to dominate the situa-

Confirmation Text

She tells me to bring her a cigarette. I refuse, thefuckouttahere with that. The next thing she
says is bring condoms. Classy. Again she’s trying to get compliance from me to feel she’s in
control of the situation and that she’s “using” me for sex.

The Date

I show up to the coffee shop in her building. The first thing she says is that my hair is shorter
than in my pictures. Then she looks me up and down and tells me to come on up. We get up
to her place and she has a gorgeous condo with a beautiful view overlooking the water but
the place is a disaster zone. There is a bong on her kitchen table with ashtrays, beer cups
and clothes everywhere. She has a bare mattress on the floor of her living room. Disgusting.
I'm guessing her wealthy parents bought her the place as a present for getting her degree and
a job. It’s probably her first time living away from home and she has no idea how to take care of
herself. Not that I bothered to ask; I was there to get laid.

For all her bravado I could tell she was nervous. She kept drinking, walking around and smok-
ing weed. She told me how she liked magic and kept asking me to tell her jokes. Fuck off. Even-
tually I got tired of this bullshit and started making out with her. I threw her up on her marble
countertop and fingered her, then I bent her over the couch and gave it to her from behind while
we both still had all of our clothes on. She had great tits and a great ass. She came a few times
and so did I.

Day After Text

The sex was good but her aggressive personality was grating. She texted me pretty much in-
stantly after I left, telling me to keep in touch. I didn’t. 173
Portuguese MILF 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183

So I lost most of the screencaps for this one, but it started off with a standard opener.


We made small talk for a few messages. She brought up her kids pretty quickly, a lot of moms
do that early on so that they don’t waste time on guys who don’t want to deal with women who
have children.


I screened her for being DTF, she said she wasn’t looking for a boyfriend because she was com-
ing out of a long relationship. Perfect.


I pitched the meet at my place but she balked and wanted to go for drinks instead. She pretty
much said that she would need to have a few drinks before she could do this. I booked her at
the hotel bar next to my place.


I got her number.


Once I had the number I reached out and we made some small talk. Then I sent her my stan-
dard dick/torso pic, she responded neutrally with a slight tease, similar to how the Arab girl
above responded. She wanted to maintain power and not commit to sex talk yet, but again,
neutral means she accepts the frame. The idea that girls don’t like dick pictures of guys they’re
attracted to is an outright lie. You’ll see the difference in her response after we have sex. Of
course it’s inappropriate to send one to random girls, but when a girl has been prescreened for
being interested in a sexual relationship with you I think a dick pic is perfectly reasonable.

Confirmation Text

I text her, she confirms for that night.


So we get to the date and she needs last minute directions, she’s also late. This is typical of at 184
least half of the dates I’ve been on, despite the fact that we live in an age of Google maps and
GPS. This shows you how much of a priority you are, at least at first. Once you have sex the
tables turn. As a buyer she has now invested and wants to make sure she gets a return on her
investment. That’s why, if you want something sexual, it’s better to be upfront about it. The fact
that you’re promising nothing in the future makes it completely ethical.

So we meet up for drinks and she looks really good. I can’t believe this girl is 30 with two kids.
She’s about 5’9 with long brown hair, thin, fit, maybe 120 lbs. She’s nervous but is covering it
with poise. She has a great smile and keeps rapport throughout the whole date. This for me is
really important, I always want to be in rapport with people. I’ll never seriously date a girl who
constantly breaks rapport because I like being around nice people.


Once I get her back to my place I close her with no resistance. She’s really sexual and great in
bed. Looking at her body up close it’s hard to imagine she has kids, but that’s what working out
every day does. We leave on good terms, I text her again and we hang out for awhile.

Day After Text

So, just as a point of reference you can see how after we’ve had sex, she is the one who sexts
me. I send her another dick picture and her response this time is completely different, she loves
it. Again, girls love dick pictures of guys they’re attracted to and you shouldn’t believe any lies
to the contrary. She then sends me a pic of her and I make sure to tell her to bring that outfit,
which she kindly does the next time we hang out. 185
Bonus: Handjob From A Virgin 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196

I message this girl and she responds quickly which is a good sign. The ideal response
is “hey handsome” like some of the girls above, but any response is a good response.


I transition to small talk with my favorite leading question; It works well because it leads
directly into my favorite screening question, asking her what she’s looking for on Tinder.
I use that exact question in almost every interaction.


I ask her what she’s looking for, she responds with getting to know guys or to see what hap-
pens. This is a bit more vague than I like but I can work with it. She’s obviously not fully DTF
from the start, so this would be a conversion if it went through, but a low investment conver-
sion as opposed to the Brazilian girl.

I know some of you guys might be thinking, why the fuck would a girl be looking for a commit-
ted relationship with a shirtless guy on Tinder? The reason is: she makes poor life decisions.
I do know that I had to start asking this question because a lot of girls are looking for a boy-
friend. Again, this is already not ideal, I don’t want to convert, I want to close.

The Pitch

I invite her over and figure I’ll see what happens, she accepts and gives me her number. I was
kind of surprised she agreed to come over since I had pegged her as a sheltered Asian girl who
would have a lot of sexual guilt. This actually proved to be right.

Objection Management

So she starts to balk about coming over, I tell her we can meet for coffee if she's more comfort-
able but she decides she's cool to come by. Just by allowing for her to meet me at the coffee
shop I’ve managed this objection.


She gives me her number.


I can tell this is on shaky ground though, so I push it even further to either blow her out or so- 197
lidify her and send her a picture of my dick. The reason I did this with her and held off with the
Brazilian girl is because I put much more value on the Brazilian girl. This was an average look-
ing Asian girl, they’re a dime a dozen in Toronto, so I really didn't care if she met up or not.

The funny thing is in all but the above picture, which was from far away, she had two of her
friends in the frame so I didn't know which average looking Asian girl was coming over. I did
know that like all young Asian girls she would have super soft skin, be thin and have a tight
pussy. On the first two counts I was correct, on the third I unfortunately did not get to find out.

When I send her a picture of my dick, she accepts but responds by saying that she doesn't want
me to expect anything -- another objection.

Objection Management

Now this is still in play but not ideal. As far as I'm concerned she’s not DTF yet but might be by
the end of the night and is just giving me some plausible deniability.

She still agrees to come by my place, but I'm betting she's going to flake at this point. I say
I'm cool with anything and have no expectations. This is the answer you give any time you get
this question. It gives her plausible deniability for later where she can rationalize that it “just
happened.” With pure DTF girls you don't have to worry about this because they don't have the
same cognitive dissonance the average girl has.

Confirmation Text

So I text her the day of and she’s looking to reschedule because it might be raining. I’m not
surprised, but I don’t reschedule anything outside of the first week of contact because it never
happens. Even all the bombardment you see in some of the previous lay reports is within the
first week of contact. It’s literally not even worth pressing a few keys on my phone to resched-
ule past the first week. My response is just a bluff to keep in rapport, if she flakes I’ll never con-
tact her again. I follow my message up by asking if she wants to wait until four o’clock to see if
it’s not raining, though I’m thinking this thing is 99% dead.

She texts me by four that she will see me in a few hours, no question of whether I can still meet
up. She’s not even consciously aware of this, or being malicious, this is just reality when deal-
ing with girls outside your social circle. There are no social consequences.


She shows up to my place and looks like an average looking Asian girl. I still don’t know which
one she was. I get her back to my apartment and she’s giving me all the standard last minute
resistance. She tells me that she’s a virgin and on her period. With that said, she was very into 198
making out with me and I could tell she was really horny, probably from 24 years of repression.

We made out, I put her hand on my cock so she could rub it outside of my pants, I took it out
and she tells me it’s the first cock she's seen outside of her science textbooks, I can't make this
shit up. She wouldn't blow me or take off any of her clothes so I settled for a shitty handjob.
She seemed to feel guilty afterwards and thankfully left quickly. Needless to say I didn't call her


Couldn’t close this one.

Day After Text

Not even worth my time. 199
My Statistics

Time Period

May 3rd 2014 - June 10th 2014/December 2014

Girls Swiped Right

36,000: Yes, you heard that right, I had to go back and double check the math on this. Green
hearting instead of swiping right made that really easy to do, really it’s just tapping a button
1,000 times a day. I calculated the number by doing a few sample tests to get my match %
figure and then multiplying this by my number of matches. The lay-to-swipe ratio on Tinder is
atrocious because of the bots, fake profiles and the fact that some of the people you swipe on
have filtered your age out. Despite the terrible ratios, what Tinder lacks in conversions it makes
up for in efficiency.

My League


Quality Of Girls

6/10 – 8.5/10

Age Range Of Girls




Match %

2%: 2 out of 100 girls I swipe right on will match with me. 200

12: 10 lays from May to the first week in June and another 2 from December.

Lay Rate Per Match

1.7%: meaning 1.7 out of 100 matches were lays. Keep in mind that approximately 40% of my
matches I didn’t message because I wasn’t attracted to them.

First Date Close Rate

86%: much higher than any type of online dating I’ve done before. The key reason for this was
the aggressive sexual screening I did before the date, inviting girls straight to my place and
Tinder being a known hookup app.


Tinder is the easiest way to get laid I know of, with a bit of effort, on any given week I can have
2 to 3 girls come straight to my door without having to leave my apartment. Not only is Tinder
easy to use but it's incredibly efficient, especially if you can get away with it at work. You can
.literally get paid to green heart girls' profiles all day.

With that said, Tinder does require a ton of volume because of the abysmal response rates.
Part of this is because of the amount of bots, fake profiles and the fact that girls are able to
screen your age range out and therefore not see you as a potential match. The other factor is
that I’ve designed such an aggressive method. For more generic methods you would have a
higher response rate but I prefer to have a lower response rate, get rid of the non-DTF girls up
front and have an insane closing ratio of over 85%.

Overall Tinder is an incredible resource for guys looking to get laid, with just a bit of effort you
can make your city your personal playground. 201
What Kind of Results You Should Expect

So at this point in the book you’re probably wondering how the method will work for you and
what kind of results you should expect. I don’t have a sample size to pull from but I’ve made
some estimates based on the guys I’ve been advising online. These are the ratios I would ex-
pect based on the amount of girls you green heart per month. Results will vary of course and
might be slightly lower for guys in smaller cities who are casting a wide net. Sexual market
value is on the left and the expected number of lays per month on the right.

30,000 Green Hearts Per Month

9/10 - 15 to 20 girls per month

7/8 - 7 to 10 girls per month
5/6 - 1 to 2 girls per month
<5 - 0 girls per month

15,000 Green Hearts Per Month

9/10 - 7 to 10 girls per month

7/8 - 3 to 5 girls per month
5/6 - 0 to 1 girls per month
<5 - 0 girls per month

7,500 Green Hearts Per Month

9/10 - 3 to 5 girls per month

7/8 - 1 to 3 girls per month
5/6 - 0 girls per month
<5 - 0 girls per month 202

In the course of running through the method, some of you guys might not be getting the re-
sults you want. Here are the most common mistakes and how to fix them:

Poor Prospecting

This is a numbers game. If you’re wondering why you’re not getting results and you’re only
swiping a few hundred girls a month, you’re doing it wrong. Look at the table above, you’ve got
to be aggressive about swiping and messaging if you want success. Being a player is a part
time job. You should be green hearting at least 5,000 girls a month, that can easily be done in
an hour or two.

Wasting Time On Timewasters

I know she’s so hot and she said she was going to meet up, I know she flaked three times
before but this time she promised she’ll meet up. If this sounds like you then go reread the
section on timewasters. Remember 95% of girls online are timewasters. 95% of women who
match with you will respond a few times and then never respond again. If you’re just starting
out expect to get way, way fewer girls than those who seem interested at first. I don’t believe a
thing a girl says until my cock is inside her. Screen hard for DTF girls or have your time wasted,
the choice is yours.

Having Standards Above Your Sexual Market Value

If you want a lot of sexual variety you can’t expect to have filet mignon every night. Sometimes
the only thing on the menu is a hamburger. I would be lying if I told you every girl I fucked was
hot, but they were all hot enough for me to get it up. At the end of the day, if you’re really strug-
gling, drop the bar a bit lower and get your confidence up by fucking 5s and 6s. They need love
too. If you only want 9’s and 10’s you’re limiting yourself, 7’s are the lifeblood of any playboy.

To get better girls you need to raise your sexual market value. I truly believe that unless your
face is horrible, you’re extremely short, or you have some kind of serious health problem, every
guy can be at least a 7 within his age bracket. Having a shredded body alone will bump you up
a few points. The problem is that most guys are lazy. They’ve given up or never started. Capital-
izing on their laziness can become your edge in the game. The sexual marketplace is compet-
itive, if you want results you have to outwork your competitors. You can’t do much about your 203
face, but everything else you can control. There is no excuse for not being in great shape, hav-
ing great style, living healthy and having good social skills. Follow the links at the end of this
book and start maximizing your total attractiveness while focusing on girls within your league.

Feeling Empty

You might be really successful with this program but then find that fucking a lot of girls on
Tinder is not making you happy. It’s fun, exciting and gives you a dirty high of conquering, but
it’s not particularly fulfilling. I’m not going to tell thirsty men to be moderate with their drinking
water when I used to drink gallons a day. I’m just telling you in advance what to expect on an
emotional level. If you start feeling down and worn out from all the girls, just take a break. Slow
down or find yourself a nice girlfriend, one that’s not on Tinder. 204
Maximize your sexual market value, stick to the script, spam the fuck out of Tinder and you will
get laid. Happy fucking!!

I sincerely want to thank you again for your purchase of this book and I truly hope you’ve found
it worthwhile. Please feel free to reach out to me at
and let me know how things are going for you on Tinder and if there's anything I can do to help
you achieve your goals. 205

• The RLD Strength Training Routine

• Your Strength Training Ranking
• Your Genetic Potential


• 2000 Calorie Diet: 100 Grams Protein, Low Carb, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Under $10 Per Day
• The Best Way To Lose Fat And Maintain Muscle
• The Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting
• The Optimal Way To Bulk Up While Minimizing Fat Gain


• How The Sexual Marketplace Really Works

• 7 Reasons Not To Get Married
• How To Be A Player: The 29 Laws Of The Game


• How To Fuck A Woman Properly

• How To Give A Woman A Squirting Orgasm
• How To Give Her An Orgasm With Your Mouth And Fingers


• An Entire Minimalist Wardrobe For Under $1700

• The Only Grooming Guide You Need 206

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