The Realibility of Business Record Management

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Nur Afiqah Binti Kamarulzaman
Universiti Teknologi MARA Kampus Puncak Perdana, Shah Alam, Malaysia

The purpose of this paper is to find out the reliability of business record management, it also to
find the customer statification and good services in business record management. Some of the
flow in manage a good quality in business record management to achieve the need of customer.
The purpose to give a good performance to gained advantage from user statisfication.

Keywords: Record Management, Business Record, Reliability of Record

According to Zachary G. Newman (2015). A business record can take many forms, from
memoranda, reports, and records, to data compilation, so long as it describes acts, events,
conditions, opinion, or diagnoses that were made at or near the time by, or from information
transmitted by, a person with knowledge. To have a business record admitted, the proponent
must show that the record was made at or near the time of the event that the record was made by
or from information transmitted by a person with knowledge that the record was kept in the
ordinary course of a regularly conducted business activity and that it was a regular practice of
that business to make such a record.

According to secure data management, (2015). Records Information Management (RIM)

Policy Recommendations four reliable record of policy. A Secure Storage Solution, A reliable
RIM programme must ensure that records are stored in a secure and suitable location. This
location must protect documents or data throughout their retention life-cycles, from
environmental and criminal threats. Many companies that claim to have reliable record
management system prioritise convenience over security. They will therefore keep their records
in rooms that are unused by employees, such as basements believing this will save time, money
and hassle. Storing documents in substandard locations could have hugely damaging long term
consequences. Files stored in inadequate spaces are more vulnerable to environmental harm
caused by damp and humidity both of which are capable of permanently destroying files and
making them illegible. Furthermore, these vacant, and therefore often run-down, storage spaces
rarely offer sufficient protection for confidential data. Businesses need to manage information
from secure offsite storage facilities which have the appropriate security measures in place to
protect critical data.

Second is an effective record destruction programme confidential record destruction is an

area of record management that is frequently overlooked. Many employees still believe that
throwing a document in an ordinary bin is a satisfactory document disposal solution. As many
businesses continue to transfer data to a digital format, it is easy to forget how valuable physical
data remains and, consequently, how important it is for information destruction to be carried out
securely. Documents only become invaluable when they are illegible and a standard office bin is
not going to be able to do this. Shredders still remain incredibly reliable when it comes to secure
document disposal shredders not only make files illegible, and therefore useless to any third
party perpetrator, but can also be environmentally friendly if the paper waste is responsibly
recycled afterwards.

Third is a straightforward file indexing system, A straightforward indexing system will

enable employees to track and control the movements of important files. Files should be indexed
in a way that reduces the time it takes for employees to track down relevant documents,
improving employee productivity. It should also be easy to use a complicated system will only
deter employees from using it and lead to files being misplaced. Organisations that deal with
high volumes of paperwork might want to consider using an offsite record management partner
to assist with their indexing system. A record management partner will use its expertise to create
an indexing system suited to a business’s specific requirements.

Fourth is compliance and Collaboration in the Workplace. A record management system

only becomes reliable once employees fully understand how a system works and is prepared to
comply with this system. A new record management system will always have a few teething
problems, especially if its predecessor was particularly slack. It will take some time for
employees to get used to the responsibilities associated with an effective RIM system. It is the
duty of the employer to encourage employees to get to grips with this new system and make sure
employees are informed about what the fulfilment of a reliable RIM policy involves.

According to Tridinoo (2017). Increase The Quality of Business Management Record

Keeping for business in organization shall maintain records in a manner that ensures timely,
efficient, and accurate retrieval of needed information. It can be used in tracking and managing
stock, work in progress, customer’s orders, jobs or other details management requires to make
quality decisions. Analysing records help you see your business’s performance and financial
health. You can measure your company’s profitability & performance over time by looking at
patterns in your records. You must analyse and track records to help make decisions, and see if
you have enough capital to cover your expenses. Forecasts can be made from the record keeping
data to predict the supply and demand gap to plan accordingly in advance to boost performance.

Beware of Fraud & Accidents, record keeping helps you verify that your business does not
have any false accounts or fraud claims of debt. It is easy to even double check accounts to
avoid any calculation errors, frauds, embezzlement or theft. It is after all your business and the
live hoods of all other employees are at threat if a business goes bankrupt. Happy Customers for
the record keeping on details of complaints about products, service, staff or anything else, and
steps taken to resolve them can be used to provide better customer service. Keeping in mind the
privacy, recording personal details, products purchased and product enquiries are useful in
finding new customers and improve customer satisfaction by providing customized solutions.

Better financial accounting, good accounts are the basis of a good business. If you don’t
have an accurate grasp of your financial situation, your plans will be based on little more than
guesswork. Investors or lenders will also want to see well-organized finances before they
commit to funding your business. Businesses should keep detailed records of income and
expenses to measure loss or profitability and cut down on unnecessary expenses. It also helps
you do your taxes with ease. Improve Legal Compliance depending on your type of business
structure, you have different legal documents. For example, if you own an incorporated
company, you should keep track of your articles of incorporation.

According to aspire (2015). Identify customer requirements. Customers expect to receive

high-quality goods or service. Quality refers to the characteristics of a product, system, service or
process that meet the requirements of customers and other interested parties. These
characteristics are generally discussed in terms of the value offered to a customer. Quality, cost
and time are three components that contribute to value. These are discussed below. Quality The
quality of a product relates to its ability to satisfy the purpose for which it was made. Customers
expect the quality to conform to safety legislation as well as being well made and meeting their
needs. They expect accurate and clear descriptions and operating or assembly instructions to be
available. Cost Customers expect the cost of the product or service to correspond with its quality.
They expect reasonable and competitive prices, and correct pricing information and signage.
Time Customers expect the product or service to be available when they need it and or for it to
be delivered on time. The value associated with a product, process, system or service relies on
the organisation’s ability to meet the cost, time and quality specifications of the customer.

Another way to make sure that you are providing good service is to get regular customer
feedback. This may head off customer defections and will minimize bad word-of-mouth, as
dissatisfied customers typically complain to friends and associates. You can monitor customer
satisfaction through a customer satisfaction survey. It might be appropriate for you to hand it to
first-time customers, and you can mail it to existing customers. Keep the survey simple, avoiding
lengthy or detailed questions and limiting the total length to a page. You do not want to take up
any more of your customers’ time than necessary. Just target a few key areas and ask your
customers how they rate your performance


According from Brooke Harper (2017). One of the first challenges that a company can face
is consistency. While it can be easy to provide a good customer service for a time, it would be
difficult to do it over and over again. Not only that, companies and businesses of today have to
offer customer service in different channels. Customer service must not only be through phone
and email, it must also include other channels like social media platforms. This makes it harder
for companies to provide a consistent and effective customer service.
An efficient and unique customer experience. How can a company motivate employees, As
companies and businesses focus more on customers, another challenge is making all their
employees motivated and well-adjusted. Creating a customer-focused culture in the office is
important. It makes sure that each and every one is on the same page. These adjustments usually
take the most time and effort, but it is most definitely worth it. How can a company use customer
feedback, another big challenge is ensuring that customer feedback translates to positive
changes. It does not automatically happen. There are times when feedback are left unattended.
Companies must make sure that they use customer feedback to find areas of improvements.
Changes and adjustments should be made to resolve the issues highlighted by the customers.


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