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Napomena Izdavača, Publisher’s note

Jugoslovenski pregled kao izvršni izdavač, Acting in the capacity of executive publisher,
u saradnji sa nosiocem licence za Srbiju the Yugoslav Survey has published in cooper-
- lijalom internacionalne inženjering kom - ation with the holder of licence for Serbia – the
panije Mace u Beogradu - publikovao Belgrade branch of Mace international engi-
je pet standardnih formi FIDIC ugovora, neering company - ve standard FIDIC con-
uključujući i tzv. Crvenu knjigu (Uslovi ugo - tract forms, including also the so-called Red
varanja za građevinske i tehničke radove Book (Conditions of Contract for Construction
po projektu Investitora). Zbog urgentnih ak - for Building and Engineering Works Designed
tuelnih zahteva i potreba u vreme pripreme by the Employer). Because of urgent current
za štampu Crvene knjige bili su prevedeni i demands and needs at the time when the Red
publikovani samo Opšti uslovi, ali ne i njeni Book was being prepared for printing, only its
prilozi: General Conditions were translated and pub-
lished, without its following appendices:
- Smernice za pripremu posebnih us-
lova i - Guidance for the Preparation of Particular
Conditions, and
- Obrasci tendera, ugovornog sporazuma i
- Forms of Letter ofTender, Contract Agreement
sporazuma o rešavanju sporova.
and Dispute Adjudication Agreement
Ovim prilozima, koji se takođe publikuju
With these appendices, which, too, are pub-
u paralelnom tekstu na srpskom i engles -
lished parallel in Serbian and English, we
kom, kompletiramo sve osnovne forme
have completed all of the basic forms of FIDIC
FIDIC ugovora koje se primenjuju u ugo-
contracts which are applicable in contracting
varanju poslova u Srbiji, posebno kada projects in Serbia, especially those involving
su u pitanju projekti sa međunarodnim international participation. In that respect, we
učešćem. U tom smislu, podsećamo i would also like to draw your attention to the
na naša dva vodiča EU koji kompletiraju two EU guidebooks, which round off our offer:
našu ponudu:
- Project Cycle Management Guidelines,
- Smernice za upravljanje projektom 2004, Evropska komisija
- Praktični vodič za ugov orne procedure u - Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EC
kontekstu akcija u zemljama van EU External Actions, 2006, Evropska komisija
Uslovi ugovaranja za građevinske radove
Conditions of Contract for Construction



Sadržaj 4-5 Contents


Deo II


Part II

 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova


UVOD..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 6
NAPOMENE O PRIPREMI DOKUMENTACIJE PONUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1 Opšte odredbe ................................................. 12
2 Investitor.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 14
3 organ (Engineer) .........................................
Nadzorni organ 14
4 Izvođač ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 16
5 Naimenovani podizvođači ......................................... 20
6 Osoblje i radna snaga ............................................. 20
7 Postrojenja, materijali i iizrada
izrada.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
8 Početak radova, kašnjenja i obustave ................................ 24
9 Ispitivanja po
radova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
10 Preuzimanje od
Investitora. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
11 Odgovornost za
nedostatke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
12 Merenje i procena ................................................ 26
korekcije ................................................
13 Izmene i korekcije 26
14 Ugovorna cena i plaćanje ......................................... 26
15 Raskid ugovora
Investitora. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
16 Obustava i raskid
Izvođača. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
17 Riziki iodgovornost
odgovornost.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38
18 Osiguranje...................................................... 38
19 Viša sila
sila.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40
20 Potraživanja, sporovi i arbitraža .................................... 40
ANEKSI OBRASCI GARANCIJA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 5


INTRODUCTION .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 7
NOTES ON THE PREPARATION OF TENDER DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1 General Provisions .............................................. 13
2 The Employer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 15
3 The Engineer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15
4 The Contractor.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17
5 Nominated Subcontractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6 Staff and Labour .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21
7 Plant, Materials and Workmanship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
8 Commencement, Delays and Suspension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
9 Tests on Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
10 Employer’s Taking Over. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
11 Defects Liability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
12 Measurement and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
13 Variations and Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
14 Contract Price and Payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
15 Termination by Employer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
16 Suspension and Termination by Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
17 Risk and Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
18 Insurance....................................................... 39
19 Force Majeure................................................... 41
20 Claims, Disputes and Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
ANNEXES FORMS OF SECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

FIDIC Construction, Part II

 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova


Uslove za ugovaranje građevinskih radova pripremila je Međunarodna federacija inženjera

konsultanata (FIDIC) i oni se preporučuju za opštu primenu u izgradnji objekata i tehničkim
radovima za koje se ponude prikupljaju na međunarodnom nivou. U nekim pravnim sistemima
može da bude potrebno vršenje izmena u ovim uslovima i to naročito ako se primenjuju na
domaće ugovore.
Po uobičajenim aranžmanima za ovakvu vrstu ugovora, Izvođač izvodi radove u skladu sa pro -
jektnim detaljima obezbeđenim od strane Investitora ili njegovog predstavnika, tj. Nadzornog
organa (Engineer). Iako ovi Uslovi dopuštaju mogućnost da se od izvođača zahteva da pro -
jektuje delove osnovnih radova, oni nisu predviđeni za primenu kada su Radovi većim delom
projektovani od strane Izvođača. U slučaju takvih Radova, bilo bi prikladnije da se koriste
FIDIC-ovih Uslovi za ugovaranje postrojenja i projektovanje-izgradnja ili Uslovi ugovaranja
projekata ključ u ruke.
Ove smernice su predviđene da sastavljačima Posebnih uslova pomognu pružanjem opcija
za razne podklauzule po potrebi. Uzorni tekstovi su uključeni u najvećoj mogućoj meri između
redova. Međutim, u nekim slučajevima data je samo promemorija.
Pre unošenja uzornog teksta, mora da se proveri da li je on u potpunosti primeren datim
okolnostima. Ukoliko se ne smatra prikladnim, uzorni tekst bi trebalo da se izmeni pre pri -
U slučaju izmenjenog uzornog teksta i u svim slučajevima kada se vrše izmene i dopune, po
trebno je voditi računa o tome da ne dođe do dvosmislenosti bilo u odnosu na Opšte uslove ili
između klauzula Posebnih uslova.
U pripremi Uslova ugovora koji se unose u dokumentaciju ponude za ugovor, može da se koristi
sledeći tekst:
Uslovi ugovora uključuju “Opšte uslove”, koji sačinjavaju sastavni deo “Uslova ugo
vora za izgradnju”, prvo izdanje 1999., koje je objavila Međunarodna federacija
inženjera konsultanata (FIDIC), i sledeće “Posebne uslove” koji sadrže izmene i
dopune takvih Opštih uslova.

U Opštim uslovima ne postoje podklauzule koje iziskuju unos podataka u Posebne uslove. Kao
što je napomenuto u tački (ii) Uvoda, Opšti uslovi upućuju na potrebu unošenja podataka u
Prilog ponude ili (u slučaju tehničkih stvari) Specikacije.
FIDIC je objavila dokument pod naslovom “Postupak podnošenja ponude”, drugo izdanje
1994., koji predstavlja sistematski pristup izboru podnosilaca ponude i dobijanju i proceni
ponude. Taj dokument je predviđen da Investitoru pomogne u dobijanju solidnih i konku -
rentnih ponude sa minimalnim kvalikacijama. FIDIC namerava da ažurira Postupak pod -
nošenja ponude i da objavi smernice za primenu ovih Uslova za ugovaranje građevinskih

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 7


The terms of the Conditions of Contract for Construction have been prepared by the Fédération
Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) and are recommended for general use for the
purpose of the construction (excluding most design) of building or engineering works where
tenders are invited on an international basis. Modications to the Conditions may be required in
some legal jurisdictions, particularly if they are to be used on domestic contracts.
Under the usual arrangements for this type of contract, the Contractor constructs the works in
accordance with design details provided by the Employer or his representative, the Engineer.
Although these Conditions allow for the possibility that the Contractor may be required to de-
sign parts of the permanent works, they are not intended for use where most of the works are
designed by the Contractor. For these Works, it would be more appropriate to utilise FIDIC’s
Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build or Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey
The guidance hereafter is intended to assist writers of the Particular Conditions by giving op -
tions for various sub-clauses where appropriate. As far as possible, example wording is -in
cluded, between lines. In some cases, however, only an aide-memoire is given.
Before incorporating any example wording, it must be checked to ensure that it is wholly suit -
able for the particular circumstances. Unless it is considered suitable, example wording should
be amended before use.
Where example wording is amended, and in all cases where other amendments or additions
are made, care must be taken to ensure that no ambiguity is created, either with the General
Conditions or between the clauses in the Particular Conditions.
In the preparation of the Conditions of Contract to be included in the tender documents for a
contract, the following text can be used:
The Conditions of Contract comprise the “General Conditions”, which form part
of the “Conditions of Contract for Construction” First Edition 1999 published by
the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC), and the following
“Particular Conditions”, which include amendments and additions to such General
There are no Sub-Clauses in the General Conditions which require data to be included in the
Particular Conditions. As noted in sub-paragraph (ii) of the Foreword, the General Conditions
refer to any necessary data being contained in the Appendix to Tender or (for technical matters)
in the Specication.
FIDIC has published a document entitled “Tendering Procedure” which presents a systematic
approach to the selection of tenderers and the obtaining and evaluation of tenders; the second
edition was published in 1994. The document is intended to assist the Employer to receive
sound competitive tenders with a minimum of qualications. FIDIC intends to update Tendering
Procedure and to publish a guide to the use of these Conditions of Contract for Construction.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Napomene u vezi pripreme dokumentacije ponude

Dokumentaciju ponude trebalo bi da pripremaju inženjeri odgovarajuće struke, koji su upoznati

sa tehničkim aspektima potrebnih radova, a bilo bi poželjno da je pregledaju i pravnici odgo -
varajuće specijalnosti. Dokumentacija ponude koja se izdaje podnosiocima ponude sastoji se
od Uslova ugovora, Specikacija, Crteža i Ponude i Cenovnika koje popunjavaju podnosioci.
Kod ove vrste ugovora, gde se radovi vrednuju na osnovu merenja, Predmer obično predstavlja
najznačajniji cenovnik. Takođe može da bude potreban i Cenovnik dodatnih radova da bi se
obuhvatili sitniji radovi koji se vrednuju po ceni koštanja. Pored toga, svaki podnosilac ponude
trebalo bi da dobije podatke koji su navedeni u podklauzuli 4.10 i Uputstva podnosiocima -po
nude, da bi se upoznali sa posebnim stvarima koje bi Investitor želeo da oni uzmu u obzir pri
određivanju cena u Predmeru i predračunu, a koje ne sačinjavaju sastavni deo Ugovora. Kada
Investitor prihvati Ponudu, Ugovor (koji tada postaje pravosnažan) uključuje te popunjene -ce
Specikacije mogu da sadrže stvari koje se pominju u nekim od sledećih podklauzula (ili

1.8 Uslovi za dokumentaciju Izvođača
1.13 Dozvole koje pribavlja Investitor
2.1 Fazno zaposedanje temelja, konstrukcija, postrojenja ili sredstava pristupa
4.1 Projekti Izvođača
4.6 Ostali izvođači (i druga lica) na gradilištu
4.7 Originalne kote, linije i referentni nivoi
4.14 Treća lica
4.18 Zaštita životne sredine
4.19 Električna energije, voda, gas i ostale instalacije nagradilištu
4.20 Oprema investitorai besplatan materijal

5.1 Naimenovani podizvođači

6.6 Pogodnosti za osoblje
7.2 Uzorci
7.4 Ispitivanje tokom proizvodnje i/ili izgradnje
9.1 Ispitivanja na završetku
13.5 Okvirne sume

Mnoge podklauzule Opštih uslova upućuju na podatke iz Priloga ponude, čime se obezbeđuje
zgodna lokacija za podatke koji se obično traže. Uzorni obrazac koji se nalazi u ovoj publikaciji
obezbeđuje ček listu potrebnih podataka, ali u Opštim uslovima ili uzornom Prilogu ponude
nema naznake o tome da li je ove podatke propisao Investitor ili ih je uneo Podnosilac ponude.
Investitor bi trebalo da pripremi Prilog ponude na osnovu ovog uzornog obrasca, sa elementima
koji su uneti u skladu sa njegovim zahtevima.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 9

Notes on the Preparation of Tender Documents

The tender documents should be prepared by suitably-qualied engineers who are familiar with
the technical aspects of the required works, and a review by suitably-qualied lawyers may be
advisable. The tender documents issued to tenderers will consist of the Conditions of Contract,
the Specication, the Drawings, and the Letter of Tender and Schedules for completion by the
Tenderer. For this type of contract, where the Works are valued by measurement, the Bill of
Quantities will usually be the most important Schedule. A Daywork Schedule may also be nec -
essary, to cover minor works to be evaluated at cost. In addition, each of the Tenderers should
receive the data referred to in Sub-Clause 4.10, and the Instructions to Tenderers to advise
them of any special matters which the Employer wishes them to take into account when pricing
the Bill of Quantities but which are not to form part of the Contract. When the Employer accepts
the Letter of Tender, the Contract (which then comes into full force and effect) includes these
completed Schedules.
The Specication may include the matters referred to in some or all of the following Sub-

1.8 Requirements for Contractor’s Documents

1.13 Permissions being obtained by the Employer
2.1 Phased possession of foundations, structures, plant or means of access
4.1 Contractor’s designs
4.6 Other contractors (and others) on the Site
4.7 Setting-out points, lines and levels of reference
4.14 Third parties
4.18 Environmental constraints
4.19 Electricity, water, gas and other services available on the Site
4.20 Employer’s Equipment and free-issue material
5.1 Nominated Subcontractors
6.6 Facilities for Personnel
7.2 Samples
7.4 Testing during manufacture and/or construction
9.1 Tests on Completion
13.5 Provisional Sums

Many Sub-Clauses in the General Conditions make reference to data being contained in the
Appendix to Tender, providing a convenient location for the data which is usually required. The
example form in this publication thus provides a check-list of the data required; but there is no
indication, either in the General Conditions or in the example Appendix to Tender, that this data
is either prescribed by the Employer or inserted by the Tenderer. The Employer should prepare
the Appendix to Tender, based on this example form, with the elements completed to the extent

of his requirements.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

10 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Investitor može da od Podnosilaca traži i druge podatke i da u cenovnike unese

U Uputstvima bi možda trebalo da se preciziraju eventualna ograničenja u vezi pripreme Priloga
ponude i/ili cenovnika i/ili da se preciziraju informacije koje bi svaki Podnosilac trebalo da pri-
loži uz ponudu. Ako je potrebno da svaki Podnosilac podnese garanciju matične kompanije i/ili
garanciju za ponudu, takav zahtev (koji važi pre pravosnažnosti Ugovora) trebalo bi da stoji u
Uputstvima podnosiocima ponude. Uzorni obrasci su priloženi uz ovaj dokument kao Aneksi A
i B. Uputstva mogu da sadrže i stvari koje se pominju u nekim od sledećih podklauzulama (ili
4.3 Predstavnik izvođača (ime i radna biograja)
4.9 Utvrđivanje kvaliteta
9.1 Ispitivanja na završetku
18 Osiguranja
20 Rešavanje sporova

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 11

The Employer may also require other data from Tenderers, and include a questionnaire in the
The Instructions to Tenderers may need to specify any constraints on the completion of the
Appendix to Tender and/or Schedules, and/or specify the extent of other information which each
Tenderer is to include with his Tender. If each Tenderer is to produce a parent company guar -
antee and/or a tender security, these requirements (which apply prior to the Contract becoming
effective) should be included in the Instructions to Tenderers: example forms are annexed to
this document as Annexes A and B. The Instructions may include matters referred to in some or
all of the following Sub-Clauses:
4.3 Contractor’s Representative (name and curriculum vitae)
4.9 Quality Assurance system
9.1 Tests on Completion
18 Insurances
20 Resolution of disputes

FIDIC Construction, Part II

12 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Klauzula 1 – Op
šte od

Podklauzula 1.1  

Mogla bi se ukazati potreba da se neke denicije izmene. Na primer: osnovi datum mogao bi da se deniše kao određeni kalendarski datum nansijska institucija mogla bi da zahteva određenu stranu valutu može se tražiti da neka druga valuta bude lokalna valuta Zemlje pozivi na “Zemlju” mogli bi da budu neprikladni za prekogranično gradilište

Podklauzula 1.2  ua

Ako je potrebno da se pozivi na “dobit” preciznije iskažu, ova bi klauzula mogla da se izmeni:
Na kraju podklauzule1.2, uneti sledeći tekst:
U ovim uslovima, odredbe koje sadrže izraz “trošak plus primerena dobit” iziskuju
da ta dobit iznosi jednu dvadesetinu (5%) tog troška.

Podklauzula 1.5  Po

 dokuaa
Obično je potreban redosled prioriteta za slučaj da se kasnije utvrdi sukob između . ugo -
vornih dokumenata. Ako nije predviđen redosled prioriteta, ova bi klauzula mogla da se
Brisati podklauzulu 1.5 i zameniti je sledećim tekstom:
Dokumenti koji sačinjavaju Ugovor smatraju se uzajamno objašnjivim. Ukoliko se
utvrdi dvosmislenost ili neslaganje, prednost se daje u skladu sa merodavnim pra -
vom. Nadzorni organ je ovlašćen da izda bilo koji nalog koji je po njegovom mišlje -
nju potreban za rešavanje dvosmislenosti ili neslaganja.

Podklauzula 1.6  o

o oazu
Obrazac Sporazuma trebalo bi da se unese u dokumentaciju ponude kao aneks Posebnih uslo -
va. Uzorni obrazac dat je na kraju ove publikacije. Ako su bili potrebni dugotrajni pregovori u
vezi ponude, možda bi bilo preporučljivo da se u Ugovorni sporazum unese prihvaćeni ugovorni
iznos, osnovni datum i/ili datum početka. Zaključivanje Sporazuma može da bude uslovljeno
merodavnim pravom.

Podklauzula 1.14  old

aa odooo
U slučaju većeg ugovora, mogu da budu precizirani detaljniji uslovi zajedničkog ulaganja. Na
primer, možda bi bilo poželjno da svaki član podnese garanciju matične kompanije. Uzorni
obrazac te garancije priložen je uz ovaj dokument kao Aneks A.
Ovi zahtevi koji važe pre nego što Ugovor postane pravosnažan, trebalo bi da se unesu u
Uputstva podnosiocima ponude. Investitor bi želeo da rukovodilac zajedničkog ulaganja bude
određen što je moguće ranije, tako da to lice bude zaduženo za dalje kontakte, ne želeći da
bude umešano u sporove između učesnika zajedničkog ulaganja. Investitor bi trebalo da pa -
žljivo pregleda ugovor o zajedničkom ulaganju, za koji je možda potrebna saglasnost institucije
koja nansira projekt.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 13

Clau 1  Gal Poo

ub-Clau 1.1  o

It may be necessary to amend some of the denitions. For example: the Base Date could be dened as a particular calendar date one particular Foreign Currency may be required by the nancing institution a different currency may be required to be the contract Local Currency the references to “Country” may be inappropriate for a cross-border Site

ub-Clau 1.2  Iao

If the references to “prot” are to be more precisely specied, this Sub-Clause may be varied:
At the end of Sub-Clause 1.2, insert:
In these Conditions, provisions including the expression “Cost plus reasonable
prot” require this prot to be one-twentieth (5%) of this Cost.

ub-Clau 1.5  Poy of ou

An order of precedence is usually necessary, in case a conict is subsequently found among
the contract documents. If no order of precedence is to be prescribed, this Sub-Clause may be
Delete Sub-Clause 1.5 and substitute:
The documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one
another. If an ambiguity or discrepancy is found, the priority shall be such as may be
accorded by the governing law. The Engineer has authority to issue any instruction
which he considers necessary to resolve an ambiguity or discrepancy.

ub-Clau 1.6  Coa A

The form of Agreement should be included in the tender documents as an annex to the Particular
Conditions: an example form is included at the end of this publication. If lengthy tender negotia-
tions were necessary, it may be considered advisable for the Contract Agreement to record the
Accepted Contract Amount, Base Date and/or Commencement Date. Entry into an Agreement
may be necessary under applicable law.

ub-Clau 1.14  Jo ad al Lably

For a major contract, detailed requirements for the joint venture may need to be specied. For
example, it may be desirable for each member to produce a parent company guarantee: an
example form is annexed to this document as Annex A.
These requirements, which apply prior to the Contract becoming effective, should be included
in the Instructions to Tenderers. The Employer will wish the leader of the joint venture to be -ap
pointed at an early stage, providing a single point of contact thereafter, and will not wish to be
involved in a dispute between the members of a joint venture. The Employer should scrutinise
the joint venture agreement carefully, and it may have to be approved by the project’s nancing

FIDIC Construction, Part II

1 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

odaa odklauzula  Po

lo dala
Ako je potrebna poverljivost, može se uneti sledeća podklauzula:
Izvođač se obavezuje da sa detaljima Ugovora postupa kao sa privatnim i poverljivim
stvarima, osim u meri koja je potrebna da izvršava svoje ugovorne obaveze ili da
postupa u skladu sa merodavnim zakonima. Izvođač nema pravo da objavljuje ili da
kom objavljivanje
časopisu ili dakom
ili na bilo obelodani
mestu bez Radova u nekom
prethodne stručnom
saglasnosti ili tehnič-

Klauzula 2  I

Podklauzula 2.1  Pa

o 
ua a adl
Ako ne može da se obezbedi pravo pristupa, kako pre početka, tako i kasnije, pojedinosti o
tome se unose u Specikacije.

Podklauzula 2.3  P

oal I
Ove odredbe trebalo bi da odražavaju ugovore Izvođača sa ostalim izvođačima na gradili -

Klauzula 3 – Nadzo oa

Podklauzula 3.1  ba

z  olaa
olaa Nadzoo
Nadzoo oaa
U Posebnim uslovima bi trebalo da se unesu zahtevi za odobravanje od strane Investitora.

Nadzorni organ mora da pribavi izričito odobrenje Investitora pre nego što postupi
u skladu sa sledećim podklauzulama ovih Uslova:
(a) Podklauzula _____________ **
(b) Podklauzula _____________ **

* (upisati broj; opis postupka, ako nije potrebno odobrenje)

Ovaj spisak može da se poveća ili skrati po potrebi. Ako obaveza pribavljanja odobrenja
Investitora važi samo posle određenih granica, nansijskih ili neke druge prirode, uzorni tekst
bi trebalo menjati.

odaa odklauzula  aa

aa ada
Nadzorni organ ili Predstavnik izvođača može da traži od drugog da prisustvuje
sastancima menadžmenta radi razmatranja budućih radova. Nadzorni organ vodi
zapisnik na sastancima menadžmenta i dostavlja primerke zapisnika prisutni-
ma i Investitoru. U zapisnik se unosi odgovornost za sva delovanja u skladu sa

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 15

Addoal ub-Clau al o b Codal

If condentiality is required, an additional sub-clause may be added:
The Contractor shall treat the details of the Contract as private and condential,
except to the extent necessary to carry out obligations under it or to comply with ap-
plicable Laws. The Contractor shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose
any particulars
previous of the of
agreement Works in any trade or technical paper or elsewhere without the
the Employer.

Clau 2  h Eloy

ub-Clau 2.1  Rh of A o h 

If right of access cannot be granted, both early and thereafter exclusively, details should be
given in the Specication.

ub-Clau 2.3  Eloy’ Pol

These provisions should be reected in the Employer’s contracts with any other contractors on
the Site.

Clau 3  h E

ub-Clau 3.1 – E’ u ad Auhoy

Any requirements for Employer’s approval should be set out in the Particular Conditions:
The Engineer shall obtain the specic approval of the Employer before
taking action under the following Sub-Clauses of these Conditions:
(a) Sub-Clause _____________ **
(b) Sub-Clause _____________ **

** (Insert number; describe action; unless all require approval)

This list should be extended or reduced as necessary. If the obligation to obtain the approval
of the Employer only applies beyond certain limits, nancial or otherwise, the example wording
should be varied.

Addoal ub-Clau  Maa M

The Engineer or the Contractor’s Representative may require the other to attend
a management meeting in order to review the arrangements for future work. The
Engineer shall record the business of management meetings and supply copies of
the record to those attending the meeting and to the Employer. In the record, re -
sponsibilities for any actions to be taken shall be in accordance with the Contract.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

1 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Klauzula 4  Iz

Podklauzula 4.1  

 obaz
obaz Izoaa
Ponekad može da postoji pozicija privremenih radova za koju Izvođač nije u potpunosti od -
govoran. Na primer, ugovorom mogu da budu predviđeni privremeni aranžmani za skretanje
vodotoka po projektu Nadzornog organa. U takvim slučajevima mogu da budu potrebne iz-

mene ove klauzule, uzevši u obzir vrstu ove pozicije privremenih radova i obim odgovornosti

Podklauzula 4.2  Ga

aa za dobo
dobo z
z ola
Prihvatljivi obrasci garancije za dobro izvršenje posla trebalo bi da se unesu u dokumentaciju
ponude kao prilog Posebnih uslova. Uzorni obrasci su priloženi uz ovaj dokument kao Aneksi
C i D. Oni objedinjuju dva seta Jedinstvenih pravila koje je objavila Međunarodna trgovačka
komora (“MTK”, čije je sedište u 38 Cours Albert 1er, 75008 Pariz, Francuska), koja takođe
objavljuje smernice za primenu tih Jedinstvenih pravila. Može da bude potrebno da se izvrše
izmene ovih uzornih obrazaca i teksta podklauzule da bi se uskladili sa merodavnim pra -
Posle drugog stava podklauzule .2 uneti sledeći tekst:
Ako je garancija za dobro izvršenje posla u obliku bankarske garancije, nju izdaje
bilo (a) banka sa sedištem u Zemlji ili (b) neposredno neka strana banka koja je
prihvatljiva investitoru. Ako ta garancija nije u obliku bankarske garancije, nju izdaje
nansijska organizacija čije je sedište u Zemlji ili koja ima licencu za poslovanje u

Podklauzula 4.3  Pd

ak Izoaa
Ako je Predstavnik poznat u vreme podnošenja ponude, podnosilac može da predloži
Predstavnika. Podnosilac može da predloži alternative, naročito ako je u izgledu odugovlače
na dodela ugovora. Ako merodavni jezik nije jezik za svakodnevne komunikacije (na osnovu
podklauzule 1.4) ili ako je iz bilo kog drugog razloga potrebno da se odredi da Predstavnik
izvođača mora da tečno govori određeni jezik, mogla bi se dodati jedna od sledećih rečenica:
Na kraju podklauzule .3 dodati:
Predstavnik Izvođača i sva ta lica takođe moraju da tečno govore _____________
________ (uneti naziv jezika).
Na kraju podklauzule .3 dodati:
Ako Predstavnik Izvođača ili ta lica tečno ne govore _____________ (uneti naziv
jezika), Izvođač se obavezuje da obezbedi prisustvo stručnog prevodioca tokom celog
radnog vremena.

Podklauzula 4.4  Pod

Tekst Opštih uslova sadrži uobičajene uslove. Ako je potrebno manje (ili ni malo) saglasnosti,
neki (ili svi) podstavovi (a) do (d) mogu da se brišu ili odrede u Posebnim uslovima:
Prethodna saglasnost nije potrebna ako je vrednost podugovora manja od 0,01%
prihvaćenog ugovornog iznosa.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 17

Clau 4  h Coao

ub-Clau 4.1  Coao’ Gal blao

Occasionally, there may be an item of Temporary Works for which the Contractor will not be fully
responsible. For example, the Contract may specify temporary arrangements for river diver -
sion which have been designed by the Engineer. In these cases, the Sub-Clause may require

the taking
Employer’s account of the type of this item of Temporary Works, and of the extent of

ub-Clau 4.2  Pfoa uy

The acceptable form(s) of Performance Security should be included in the tender documents,
annexed to the Particular Conditions. Example forms are annexed to this document as Annex
C and Annex D. They incorporate two sets of Uniform Rules published by the International
Chamber of Commerce (the “ICC”, which is based at 38 Cours Albert 1er, 75008 Paris, France),
which also publishes guides to these Uniform Rules. These example forms and the wording of
the Sub-Clause may have to be amended to comply with applicable law.
At the end of the second paragraph of Sub-Clause .2, insert:
If the Performance Security is in the form of a bank guarantee, it shall be issued ei-
ther (a) by a bank located in the Country, or (b) directly by a foreign bank acceptable
to the Employer. If the Performance Security is not in the form of a bank guarantee,
it shall be furnished by a nancial entity registered, or licensed to do business, in
the Country.

ub-Clau 4.3  Coao’ Ra

If the Representative is known at the time of submission of the Tender, the Tenderer may pro -
pose the Representative. The Tenderer may wish to propose alternatives, especially if the con-
tract award seems likely to be delayed. If the ruling language is not the same as the language
for day to day communications (under Sub-Clause 1.4), or if for any other reason it is necessary
to stipulate that the Contractor’s Representative shall be uent in a particular language, one of
the following sentences may be added.
At the end of Sub-Clause .3, add:
The Contractor’s Representative and all these persons shall also be uent
in _________________________ (insert name of language)
At the end of Sub-Clause .3, add:
If the Contractor’s Representative, or these persons, is not uent in
______________________ (insert name of language), the Contractor
shall make a competent interpreter available during all working hours.

ub-Clau 4.4  uboao

The wording in the General Conditions includes the conditions which will usually be applicable.
If less (or no) consent is required, some (or all) of sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) may be deleted, or
qualied in the Particular Conditions:
Prior consent shall not be required if the value of the subcontract is less than 0.01%
of the Accepted Contract Amount.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

1 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Može se dodati jedna rečenica radi povećanja obima za koji je potrebna saglasnost:
Prethodna saglasnost Nadzornog organa potrebna je u pogledu isporučilaca sle -
dećih materijala:
(uneti pojedinosti: npr. konkretne izrađene ili montažne pozicije)
Može se dodati jedna rečenica kojom bi se Izvođač podstakao na angažovanje domaćih izvo
Ako je to izvodljivo, Izvođač se obavezuje da izvođačima iz Zemlje pruži priliku da
budu angažovani u svojstvu podizvođača.

Podklauzula 4.8  Po
u za
 a ad
Ako Izvođač deli gradilište sa drugim licima, možda ne bi bilo prikladno da on obezbedi
neke od navedenih stvari. Potrebno je da se u takvim slučajevima preciziraju obaveze

Podklauzula 4.9  

a kala
Tekst Opštih uslova nameće potrebu za sistemom utvrđivanja kvaliteta u skladu sa po-
jedinostima preciziranim u Ugovoru. Ako to nije prikladno, ova podklauzula može da se

Podklauzula 4.12  N

ddl z
k ulo
U slučaju većih podzemnih radova, raspodela rizika od podzemnih uslova predstavlja aspekt
kojeg bi trebalo razmotriti tokom pripreme dokumentacije ponude. Ako bi trebalo da strane dele
te rizike, onda bi se podklauzula mogla izmeniti:
Brisati podstav (b) podklauzule .12 i zameniti ga sledećim:
(b) naplatu
procenata( _______
( _______%)%)
uključuje u ugovornu cenu (razliku od _______ procenata snosi Izvođač).

Podklauzula 4.17  

a Izoaa
Ako Izvođač ne obezbeđuje opremu koja je potrebna za izvođenje Radova, trebalo bi da se
preciziraju obaveze Investitora: videti podklauzulu 4.20. Ako je potrebno da Izvođač obezbedi
opremu, mogu se uneti dodatni stavovi, pod uslovom da su u skladu sa merodavnim zakoni -
Na kraju podklauzule .17, dodati sledeći tekst:
Oprema Izvođača koja je u njegovom vlasništvu (neposredno ili posredno) smatra
se imovinom Investitora počev od njenog prispeća na gradilište. Takvo obezbeđenje
imovine ne utiče na:
(a) obaveze ili odgovornost Investitora,
(b) isključivo pravo Izvođača na upotrebu svoje opreme u cilju uzvođenja
Radova, ili
(c) odgovornost Izvođača za rukovanje i održavanje njegove opreme.
Pravo vlasništva nad svakom pozicijom opreme vraća se Izvođaču kada se steknu
uslovi za njeno uklanjanje sa gradilišta ili kada on primi Potvrdu o prijemu Radova,
zavisno od prvo nastalog slučaja.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 19

A sentence may be added to increase the extent to which consent is required:

The prior consent of the Engineer shall be obtained to the suppliers of the following
(insert details: for example, specic manufactured or prefabricated items)
A sentence may be added in order to encourage the Contractor to use local contractors:
Where practicable, the Contractor shall give a fair and reasonable opportunity for
contractors from the Country to be appointed as Subcontractors.

ub-Clau 4.8  afy Podu

If the Contractor is sharing occupation of the Site with others, it may not be appropriate for him
to provide some of the listed items. In these circumstances, the Employer’s obligations should
be specied.

ub-Clau 4.9  Qualy Aua

The wording in the General Conditions imposes the requirement of a quality assurance system
in accordance with details specied in the Contract. If inappropriate, this Sub-Clause may be

ub-Clau 4.12  foabl Phyal Codo

In the case of major sub-surface works, the allocation of the risk of sub-surface conditions is an
aspect which should be considered when tender documents are being prepared. If this risk is to
be shared between the parties, the Sub-Clause may be amended:
Delete sub-paragraph (b) of Sub-Clause .12 and substitute:
(b) payment for any such Cost, ____________ per cent ( __________%)
of which shall be included in the Contract Price (the balance
___________ percent of the Cost shall be borne by the Contractor).

ub-Clau 4.17  Coao’ Equ

If the Contractor is not to provide all the Contractor’s Equipment necessary to complete the
Works, the Employer’s obligations should be specied: see Sub-Clause 4.20. If vesting of
Contractor’s Equipment is required, further paragraphs may be added, subject to their being
consistent with applicable laws:
At the end of Sub-Clause .17, add the following paragraphs:
Contractor’s Equipment which is owned by the Contractor (either directly or indi -
rectly) shall be deemed to be the property of the Employer with effect from its arrival
on the Site. This vesting of property shall not:
(a) affect the responsibility or liability of the Employer,
(b) prejudice the right of the Contractor to the sole use of the vested Contractor’s
Equipment for the purpose of the Works, or
(c) affect the Contractor’s responsibility to operate and maintain Contractor’s
The property in each item shall be deemed to revest in the Contractor when he is
entitled either to remove it from the Site or to receive the Taking-Over Certicate for
the Works, whichever occurs rst.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

20 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Podklauzula 4.19  El

ka 
a� od
a  a
Ako je predviđena mogućnost da Izvođač koristi instalacije, u Specikacije bi trebalo da se
unesu pojedinosti, sa mestima i cenama.

Podklauzula 4.20  

a I
oa  b
la a
Da bi ova podklauzula bila važeća, u Specikacijama bi trebalo da postoji naznaka svake po
zicije koju Investitor obezbeđuje i/ili kojom rukuje, sa svim potrebnim pojedinostima. U slučaju
određenih tipova uređaja, mogu da budu potrebne i dalje odredbe radi raščišćavanja koja se
odnose na odgovornost i osiguranje.

Podklauzula 4.22  bzb

 ad
Ako izvođač deli gradilište sa drugim licima, možda ne bi bilo prikladno da on bude odgovo-
ran za njegovu bezbednost. U takvim bi slučajevima trebalo da se preciziraju odgovornosti

Klauzula 5  Na
oa odzoa
U većini slučajeva iz podklauzule 4.4, Izvođač bira podizvođače sa ograničenjima predviđenim
Ugovorom. Klauzula 5 reguliše situaciju u kojoj Investitor može da izabere podizvođača, iako
druga rečenica podklauzule 4.4 i dalje važi.
Tačke podklauzule 5.2 ukazuju na neke probleme koje bi možda trebalo rešiti.
Ako je potreban naimenovani podizvođač, potrebno je da se u dokumentaciju ponude unesu
sve pojedinosti. Ako investitor predviđa da će podizvođač dobijati naloge u skladu sa klauzulom
13, a da nije naimenovani podizvođač, potrebno je da se izvrši izmena klauzule 5, i to tako što
bi se opisale date okolnosti.

Klauzula 6  obl  ada aa

Podklauzula 6.5  Rad

o 

Ako Investitor ne želi da u Prilogu ponude precizira radno vreme ili da ga ograniči na ono
koje je precizirao podnosilac ponude (npr. radi planiranja aktivnosti Nadzornog organa), ovu bi
podklauzulu trebalo brisati.

Podklauzula 6.6 Po

odo za oo
bl  adu
adu au
Ako je predviđeno da Investitor obezbedi smeštaj, potrebno je da se njegove obaveze u tom
smislu preciziraju.

Podklauzula 6.8 Nadz

o od a
a Izoaa
Ako merodavni jezik nije isti kao i jezik za svakodnevne komunikacije (u skladu sa podklau-
zulom 1.4) ili ako je iz bilo kog razloga potrebno da nadzorno osoblje Izvođača tečno govori
određeni jezik, može se dodati sledeća rečenica.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 21

ub-Clau 4.19  Ely� Wa ad Ga

If services are to be available for the Contractor to use, the Specication should give details,
including locations and prices.

ub-Clau 4.20  Eloy’ Equ ad F-Iu Maal

For this Sub-Clause to apply, the Specication should describe each item which the Employer
will provide and/or operate and should specify all necessary details. With some types of facili-
ties, further provisions may be necessary, in order to clarify aspects such as liability and insur

ub-Clau 4.22  uy of h 

If the Contractor is sharing occupation of the Site with others, it may not be appropriate for him
to be responsible for its security. In these circumstances, the Employer’s obligations should be

Clau 5  Noad uboao

In most cases under Sub-Clause 4.4, the Contractor selects Subcontractors, subject to any
constraints specied in the Contract. Clause 5 provides for the particular situation whereby the
Employer may select a Subcontractor, although the second sentence of Sub-Clause 4.4 should
still apply.
The sub-paragraphs of Sub-Clause 5.2 indicate some of the problems which may have to be
If a nominated Subcontractor is to be required, full details should be included in the tender
documents. If the Employer anticipates that a Subcontractor is to be instructed under Clause
13 but is not to be a nominated Subcontractor, Clause 5 should be amended, describing the
particular circumstances.

Clau 6  aff ad Labou

ub-Clau 6.5  Wok Hou

If the Employer does not wish to specify working hours in the Appendix to Tender, or to restrict
them to thethis
example), times speciedmay
Sub-Clause by the Tenderer (in order to plan the Engineer’s supervision, for
be deleted.

ub-Clau 6.6  Fal fo aff ad Labou

If the Employer will make some accommodation available, his obligations to do so should be

ub-Clau 6.8  Coao’ ud

If the ruling language is not the same as the language for day to day communications (under
Sub-Clause 1.4), or if for any other reason it is necessary to stipulate that the Contractor’s
superintending staff shall be uent in a particular language, the following sentence may be

FIDIC Construction, Part II

22 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Upisati na kraju podklauzule .:
Potrebno je da dobar deo nadzornog osoblja Izvođača poznaje
(uneti naziv jezika)
ili se Izvođač obavezuje da obezbedi dovoljan broj stručnih prevodilaca tokom rad -
nog vremena na gradilištu.

oda odklauzul
Može se ukazati potreba za dodavanjem nekoliko podklauzula kako bi se uzele u obzir okolno
sti i lokacija gradilišta:
Strano osoblje i radna snaga
Izvođač može da iz inostranstva dovede svo osoblje koje je potrebno za izvođenje
Radova. Izvođač mora da se postara o tome da to osoblje dobije potrebne dozvole
za boravak i rad. Izvođač je odgovoran za povratak osoblja koje je on doveo u
mesto u kome ih je angažovao ili u državu porekla. U slučaju smrti bilo kog člana
svog osoblja ili člana njegove porodice u Zemlji, Izvođač je isto tako obavezan da
se postara o povratku ili pogrebu preminulog.
Mere protiv insekata i štetočina
Izvođač se obavezuje da stalno preduzima potrebne mere za zaštitu osoblja i radne
snage na gradilištu od insekata i štetočina i da umanji opasnost po zdravlje. Izvođač
se obavezuje da obezbedi odgovarajuću prolaksu za svoje osoblje i da postupa u
skladu sa propisima lokalnih zdravstvenih organa, uključujući i upotrebu odgovara-
jućih insekticida.
Alkoholna pića i narkotici
Izvođač ne može da mimo zakona Zemlje uvozi, prodaje, deli, trampi ili na drugi
način raspolaže alkoholnim pićima ili narkoticima, niti da to dozvoli odnosno odobri
svom osoblju.
Oružje i municija
Izvođačili ne
oružje može bilo
municiju da deli,
kojetrampi ili dakom
vrste bilo na licu,
neki niti
drugida način stavi
dozvoli na osoblju
svom raspolaganje
da to
Praznici i verski običaji
Izvođač se obavezuje da poštuje priznate praznike, dane odmora i verske i ostale
običaje Zemlje.

Klauzula 7 Po

oa� a
al  z

odaa odklauzula
Ako Ugovor nansira neka ustanova čija pravila iziskuju restriktivno korišćenje njenih novčanih
sredstava, može se dodati još jedna podklauzula:

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 23

Insert at the end of Sub-Clause .:
A reasonable proportion of the Contractor’s superintending staff shall have a work-
ing knowledge of
(insert name of language),
or the Contractor shall have a sufcient number of competent interpreters available
on Site during all working hours.

Addoal ub-Clau
It may be necessary to add a few sub-clauses to take account of the circumstances and locality
of the Site.
Foreign Staff and Labour
The Contractor may import any personnel who are necessary for the execution of
the Works. The Contractor must ensure that these personnel are provided with the
required residence visas and work permits. The Contractor shall be responsible for
the return to the place where they were recruited or to their domicile of imported
Contractor’s Personnel. In the event of the death in the Country of any of these
personnel or members of their families, the Contractor shall similarly be responsible
for making the appropriate arrangements for their return or burial.

Measures against Insect and Pest Nuisance
The Contractor shall at all times take the necessary precautions to protect all staff
and labour employed on the Site from insect and pest nuisance, and to reduce
their danger to health. The Contractor shall provide suitable prophylactics for the
Contractor’s Personnel and shall comply with all the regulations of the local health
authorities, including use of appropriate insecticide.
Alcoholic Liquor or Drugs
The Contractor shall not, otherwise than in accordance with the Laws of the Country,
import, sell, give, barter or otherwise dispose of any alcoholic liquor or drugs, or per-
mit or allow importation, sale, gift, barter or disposal by Contractor’s Personnel.
Arms and Ammunition
The Contractor shall not give, barter or otherwise dispose of to any person, any
arms or ammunition of any kind, or allow Contractor’s Personnel to do so.
Festivals and Religious Customs
The Contractor shall respect the Country’s recognised festivals, days of rest and
religious or other customs.

Clau 7 Pla� Maal ad Wokah

Addoal ub-Clau
If the Contract is being nanced by an institution whose rules or policies require a restriction on
the use of its funds, a further sub-clause may be added:

FIDIC Construction, Part II

2 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Sva roba more da potiče iz podobnih zemalja koje su navedene u
(upisati naziv smernica za nabavke)
Robu prevoze prevoznici iz pomenutih podobnih zemalja, ukoliko ih Investitor ne
izuzme u pisanoj formi na osnovu potencijalno neopravdano visoke cene ili kaš -
njenja. Garantne, osiguravačke i bankarske usluge pružaju osiguravajuća društva i
banke iz podobnih zemalja.

Klauzula 8  Po
ak� za
o  obu

Podklauzula 8.2 – Rok završetka

Ako je predviđena fazna primopredaja Radova, faze se denišu kao Sekcije u Prilogu po-

Podklauzula 8.7  Nak

ada  ou
zokoa ka
Po mnogim pravnim sistemima, iznos ovakve naknade štete mora da se obračuna na
bazi umerene procene Investitorovog gubitka nastalog u slučaju zastoja. Ako se prihva -
ćeni ugovorni iznos navodi kao zbir brojki u više valuta, možda bi bilo poželjnije da se
ove naknade (dnevne) denišu kao procenat odbitka koji bi se primenio na svaku brojku

pojedinačno. A kodeniše
bi mogla da se je prihvaćeni ugovorniiliiznos
kao procenat kao iskazan
brojka uu lokalnoj
dnevna naknada

odaa odklauzula
U dokumentaciju ponude mogu da se uključe podsticaji za raniji završetak Radova (iako se
podklauzula 13.3 odnosi na ubrzani završetak):
Potrebno je da se Sekcije završe u rokovima navedenim u Prilogu ponude,
kako bi Investitor mogao da ih zauzme i koristi pre završetka Radova u celini. U
Specikacijama se navode pojedinosti o radovima koji moraju da budu izvedeni da
bi Izvođač stekao pravo na premije i iznosi premija.
Za potrebe obračuna premija, rokovi za završetak Sekcija iz Priloga ponude
su ksni. Nikakve korekcije rokova zbog produženja roka završetka neće biti

Klauzula 9  I
a o za
ku a

Podklauzula 9.1  ba

z Izoaa
U Specikacijama bi trebalo da se navedu ispitivanja koja bi Izvođač trebalo da izvrši
pre nego što dobije Potvrdu o preuzimanju radova. Ako se Radovi ispituju i preuzima-
ju fazno, uslovi ispitivanja trebalo bi da uzmu u obzir uticaj nekih nedovršenih delova

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 25

All Goods shall have their srcin in eligible source countries as dened in
(insert name of published guidelines for procurement).
Goods shall be transported by carriers from these eligible source countries, unless
exempted by the Employer in writing on the basis of potential excessive costs or
delays. Surety, insurance and banking services shall be provided by insurers and
bankers from the eligible source countries.

Clau 8  Co� lay ad uo

ub-Clau 8.2   fo Colo

If the Works are to be taken-over in stages, these stages should be dened as Sections, in the
Appendix to Tender.

ub-Clau 8.7  lay aa

Under many legal systems, the amount of these pre-dened damages must represent a reason -
able pre-estimate of the Employer’s probable loss in the event of delay. If the Accepted Contract
Amount is to be quoted as the sum of gures in more than one currency, it may be preferable
to dene these damages (per day) as the percentage reduction which would be applied to each
of these gures. If the Accepted Contract Amount is expressed in the Local Currency, the dam -
ages per day may either be dened as a percentage or be dened as a gure ni Local Currency:
see Sub-Clause 14.15(b).

Addoal ub-Clau
Incentives for early completion may be included in the tender documents (although Sub-Clause
13.2 refers to accelerated completion):
Sections are required to be completed by the dates given in the Appendix to Tender
in order that these Sections may be occupied and used by the Employer in advance
of the completion of the whole of the Works. Details of the work required to be ex -
ecuted to entitle the Contractor to bonus payments and the amount of the bonuses
are stated in the Specication.
For the purposes of calculating bonus payments, the dates given in the
Appendix to Tender for completion of Sections are xed. No adjustments of
the dates by reason of granting an extension of the Time for Completion will
be allowed.

Clau 9   o Colo

ub-Clau 9.1  Coao’ blao

The Specication should describe the tests which the Contractor is to carry out before being
entitled to a Taking-Over Certicate. If the Works are to be tested and taken-over in stages, the
tests requirements may have to take account of the effect of some parts of the Works being

FIDIC Construction, Part II

2 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Klauzula 10  P
uza od a
a I

Podklauzula 10.1  Po

da o uzau
Ako je predviđeno fazno preuzimanje Radova, faze se denišu kao Sekcije u Prilogu ponude.
Preporučljive su tačne geografske denicije, a u Prilogu bi trebalo da postoji tabela kojom bi
se denisali rokovi završetka i naknade štete zbog kašnjenja. Takva tabela data je u uzornom

Klauzula 11  d
ooo za d

Podklauzula 11.10  Nz

 obaz
Može biti potrebno da se ova podklauzula ponovo razmotri zbog roka odgovornosti koji je pred
viđen merodavnim zakonima.

Klauzula 12  M
  o

Podklauzula 12.1  Rado

Rado odlo
odlo u

Ako je predviđeno
izgradnji, potrebno da se se
je da bilopojedinosti
koji deo Osnovnih
navedu uradova meri na osnovu
dokumentaciji ponude,evidencije
uključujućio injegovoj
za koju je Izvođač odgovoran.

Klauzula 13  Iz
  kok
Vršenje izmena može da se pokrene na jedan od sledeća tri načina:
(a) Nadzorni organ može da izda nalog za vršenje izmena u skladu sa podklau-
zulom 13.1, bez prethodnog dogovora u pogledu ostvarljivosti ilicene;
(b) Izvođač može da podnese sopstvene predloge u skladu sa podklauzulom
13.2, a koji bi bili korisni obema stranama; ili
(c) Nadzorni organ može da traži predlog u skladu sa podklauzulom 13.3u cilju
postizanja prethodnog dogovora kako bi se spor sveo na minimalan obim.

Podklauzula 13.8  Kok

 uld
uld o
o okoa
Ove odredbe za korekcije mogu da budu potrebne, ako bi bilo neumesno da Izvođač snosi
rizik od porasta troškova zbog inacije. Ukoliko ova podklauzula ne važi, u Prilog ponudeunosi
se tabela za svaku valutu plaćanja. Takva tabela data je u uzornom Prilogu. Potrebno je da se
pažljivo izračunavaju ponderi/koecijenti (“a”, “b”, “c”, ..., čiji ukupni iznos ne sme da premaši
jedinicu) i biranju i proveravanju indeksa troškova.

Klauzula 14  
ooa 
a  l

Podklauzula 14.1  oo

a a
U pripremanju Posebnih uslova, trebalo bi da se razmotre iznosi i rokovi plaćanja Izvođaču.
Pozitivan novčani tok sigurno bi bio koristan Izvođaču, a podnosioci ponude trebalo bi da u
obzir uzmu postupak privremenih plaćanja kada pripremaju svoje ponude.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 27

Clau 10  Eloy’ ak 

ub-Clau 10.1 – ak- Ca

If the Works are to be taken-over in stages, these stages should to be dened as Sections,
in the Appendix to Tender. Precise geographical denitions are advisable, and the Appendix
should include a table, so as to dene the Time for Completion and delay damages: the table is

shown in the example Appendix.

Clau 11  f Lably

ub-Clau 11.10 – fullld blao

It may be necessary to review this Sub-Clause for the period of liability imposed by the ap-
plicable law.

Clau 12  Mau ad Ealuao

ub-Clau 12.1  Wok o b Maud

If any part of the Permanent Works is to be measured according to records of its construc -
tion, details should be specied in the tender documents, including any records for which the
Contractor is to be responsible.

Clau 13  Vaao ad Adu

Variations can be initiated by any of three ways:

(a) the Engineer may instruct the variation under Sub-Clause 13.1, without
prior agreement as to feasibility or price;
(b) the Contractor may initiate his own proposals under Sub-Clause 13.2, which
are intended to benet both Parties; or
(c) the Engineer may request a proposal under Sub-Clause 13.3, seeking prior
agreement so as to minimise dispute.

ub-Clau 13.8  Adu fo Cha  Co

These provisions for adjustments may be required if it would be unreasonable for the Contractor
to bear the risk of escalating costs due to ination. Unless this Sub-Clause is not to apply, the
Appendix to Tender should include a table for each of the currencies of payment: the appropri-
ate table is shown in the example Appendix. Particular care should be taken in the calculation
of the weightings/coefcients (“a”, “b”, “c”, ..., the total of which must not exceed unity) and in
the selection and verication of cost indices. Expert advice may be appropriate.

Clau 14  Coa P ad Pay

ub-Clau 14.1 – h Coa P

When writing the Particular Conditions, consideration should be given to the amount and timing
of payment(s) to the Contractor. A positive cash ow is clearly of benet to the Contractor, and

tenderers will take account of the interim payment procedures when preparing their tenders.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

2 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Mogle bi da budu potrebne dodatne podklauzule zbog eventualnih izuzetaka od opcija koje su
navedene u podklauzuli 14.1 i bilo kojih drugih pitanja vezanih za plaćanje.
Ugovori troškovi plus, po kojim se stvarni troškovi utvrđuju i plaćaju, su neuobičajeni i
koriste se kada je Investitor voljan (zbog hitnosti ili drugih razloga) da prihvati rizike. Ako
je predviđeno da Izvođaču budu plaćeni stvarni troškovi, klauzulu 12 trebalo bi zameniti
odredbama koje opisuju način utvrđivanja troškova i ugovorne cene. Usled toga bi odred -
be Opštih uslova koje Izvođaču daju pravo na isplatu dodatnih troškova uglavnom bile
bez ikakvog uticaja.
Podklauzula 14.1(a) ne bi važila ako se radi o paušalnom plaćanju.
Paušalni ugovori bi mogli da budu prikladni ako dokumentacija ponude sadrži detalje koji
su toliko kompletni da bi potreba za izmenama bila malo verovatna. Na osnovu podata -
ka iz dokumentacije ponude, Izvođač može da pripremi sve ostale podatke i da izvede
Radove bez potrebe da se Nadzornom organu obraća radi dobijanja objašnjenja i daljih
Nije isključeno dalje projektovanje od strane Izvođača (u skladu sa tačkama (a) do (d) podkla-
uzule 4.1). Međutim, ovi Uslovi bi bili neprikladni ako bi bio potreban značajan projektantski
doprinos Izvođača. U takvim slučajevima, možda bi bili prikladniji neki drugi obrasci FIDIC-a:
videti FIDIC-ove Uslove ugovora za postrojenje i projektovanje-izgradnju ili Uslove ugovora za
projekte ključ u ruke.
Kada se radi o paušalnom ugovoru, dokumentacija ponude trebalo bi da sadrži dinamiku pla -
ćanja (videti podklauzulu 14.4), a svi crteži koji su potrebni za izgradnju označavaju se kao
Izvođačeva dokumentacija.
dokumentacije Specikacije
Nadzornom organu bi trebalo
na odobrenje odda sadrže
strane opis postupka za podnošenje te
Brisati klauzulu 12.
Brisati poslednju rečenicu podklauzule 13.3 i zameniti je sledećim tekstom:
Po izdavanju naloga za vršenje neke izmene ili po odobravanju neke izmene,
Nadzorni organ postupa u skladu sa podklauzulom 3.5 radi odobravanja ili utvrđi -
vanja korekcije ugovorne cene i dinamike plaćanja u skladu sa podklauzulom 1..
Te korekcije uključuju primerenu dobit i uzimaju u obzir Izvođačeve podneske iz
podklauzule 13.2 (eventualne).
Brisati tačku (a) podklauzule 1.1 i zameniti je sa:
(a) ugovorna cena predstavlja paušalni prihvaćeni ugovorni iznos i ona
podleže korekcijama u skladu sa Ugovorom;
Ako podklauzula 14.1(b) ne važi, trebalo da se unesu dodatne podklauzule.
Sva roba koju Izvođač unese u Zemlju oslobođena je od carine i ostalih uvoznih daž-
bina, ako je pribavljeno prethodno pismeno odobrenje Investitora za uvoz. Investitor
overava dokumente koje je Izvođač pripremio radi carinjenja i takođe obezbeđuje
sledeće dokumente za oslobađanje od carine:
(navesti potrebne dokumente koje Izvođač ne može da pripremi)
Ako potom ne bude odobreno oslobođanje od carine, Investitor se obavezuje da
nadoknadi plativu odnosnu plaćenu carinu.
Sva uvezena roba koja ne bude ugrađena ili utrošena u vezi Radova mora da se
izveze po prestanku ugovora. Ukoliko se ne izveze, na nju se plaća carina u skladu
sa zakonima Zemlje.
Međutim, može se desiti da oslobađanje od carine ne važi za:

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 29

Additional Sub-Clauses may be required to cover any exceptions to the options set out in Sub-
Clause 14.1, and any other matters relating to payment.
Cost-plus contracts, under which the actual Costs are determined and paid, are unusual and
only used when (for reasons of urgency or otherwise) the Employer is willing to accept the
risks involved. If the Contractor is to be paid actual Costs, Clause 12 should be replaced by
provisions describing the method of determining the Costs and Contract Price. As a result, the
provisions in the General Conditions which entitle the Contractor to payment of additional Costs
will generally be of no effect.
Sub-Clause 14.1(a) would not apply if payment is to be made on a lump sum basis.
Lump sum contracts may be suitable if the tender documents include details which are suf -
ciently complete for construction and for Variations to be unlikely. From the information supplied
in the tender documents, the Contractor can prepare any other details necessary, and construct
the Works, without having to refer back to the Engineer for clarication or further information.
Further design by the Contractor (under sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) of Sub-Clause 4.1) is not
precluded. However, these Conditions would be inappropriate if signicant design input by the
Contractor is required. In those cases, FIDIC’s other forms may be more appropriate: see
FIDIC’s Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build or Conditions of Contract for EPC/
Turnkey Projects.
For a lump sum contract, the tender documents should include a schedule of payments (see
Sub-Clause 14.4), and any drawings required for construction may be specied as being
Contractor’s Documents. The Specication should describe the procedures under which the
Contractor submits these Documents for the Engineer to approve.
Delete Clause 12.
Delete the last sentence of Sub-Clause 13.3 and substitute:
Upon instructing or approving a Variation, the Engineer shall proceed in accordance
with Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or determine adjustments to the Contract Price and to
the schedule of payments under Sub-Clause 1.. These adjustments shall include
reasonable prot, and shall take account of the Contractor’s submissions under
Sub-Clause 13.2 if applicable.
Delete sub-paragraph (a) of Sub-Clause 1.1 and substitute:
(a) the Contract Price shall be the lump sum Accepted Contract Amount
and be subject to adjustments in accordance with the Contract;
If Sub-Clause 14.1(b) is not to apply, additional Sub-Clause(s) should be added.


All Goods imported by the Contractor into the Country shall be exempt from cus -
toms and other import duties, if the Employer’s prior written approval is obtained for
import. The Employer shall endorse the necessary exemption documents prepared
by the Contractor for presentation in order to clear the Goods through Customs, and
shall also provide the following exemption documents:
(describe the necessary documents, which the Contractor will be unable to pre-
If exemption is not then granted, the customs duties payable and paid shall be
reimbursed by the Employer.
All imported Goods, which are not incorporated in or expended in connection with
the Works, shall be exported on completion of the Contract. If not exported, the
Goods will be assessed for duties as applicable to the Goods involved in accor -
dance with the Laws of the Country.
However, exemption may not available for:

FIDIC Construction, Part II

30 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

(a) robu koja je slična robi domaće proizvodnje, osim ako te domaće robe
nema u dovoljnim količinama ili ako domaća nije u skladu sa standardi-
ma potrebnim za Radove; i
(b) element carine ili poreza koji je nerazdvojiv od cene robe i usluga na-
bavljenih u Zemlji, a koji se smatra uključenim u prihvaćeni ugovorni
Lučke dažbine, kejske dažbine i elementi carine i poreza koji su nerazdvojivi od
cene robe ili usluga (sa pomenutim izuzecima) smatraju se uključenim u prihvaćeni
ugovorni iznos.
Nerezidentno (strano) osoblje ne plaća porez koji je u Zemlji propisan za zarade
isplaćene u stranoj valuti ili porez na sredstva za život, zakupnine ili slične usluge
koje Izvođač obezbeđuje svom osoblju, ili naknade za to. Ako se bilo kom članu
Izvođačevog osoblja deo zarade u Zemlji isplaćuje u nekoj stranoj valuti, taj član je
obavezan da neutrošeni deo u stranoj valuti iznese iz Zemlje (po prestanku njego -
vog angažmana u izvođenju Radova).
Investitor podnosi zahteve za oslobođenje u smislu ove podklauzule. Ako oslobođe-
nje ne bude odobreno, Investitor se obavezuje da nadoknadi plaćene poreze.

Podklauzula 14.2  Aa

o laa
Pri sastavljanju Posebnih uslova, potrebno je da se uzmu u obzir koristi od avansnih plaćanja.
Ukoliko ova klauzula ne važi, ukupno avansno plaćanje (i broj tranši ako ih ima više) mora da
se precizira u Prilogu ponude. Potrebno ja da se dinamika odbitaka kontroliše da bi se obezbe
dilo izvršenje isplate preostalog dela pre završetka Radova. Tipični iznosi iz tačaka (a) do (d)
podklauzule Opštih uslova zasnovani su na pretpostavci da je ukupno avansno plaćanje manje
od 22% prihvaćenog ugovornog iznosa.
Prihvatljivi obrasci garancija trebalo bi da se unesuu dokumentaciju ponude kao prilog Posebnih
uslova. Uzorni obrazac je priložen uz ovaj dokument kao Aneks E.

Podklauzula 14.7  Plaa

Ako je predviđen drukčiji rok plaćanja, podklauzula može da se izmeni kako sledi:
U tački (b) podklauzule 1.7, cifru “5” zameniti cifrom “2”.
Ako je potrebno da se navedu zemlja ili zemlje plaćanja, pojedinosti mogu da se unesu u ce-

Podklauzula 14.8  Ka

 u laau
Ako eskontna stopa centralne banke zemlje u čijoj se valuti vrši plaćanje ne predstavlja valjan
osnov za proračun zatezne kamate koja sledi Izvođaču, možda bi morala da se deniše neka
druga stopa. Alternativno, stvarana zatezna kamata bi mogla da se plati uzevši u obzir lokalne
nansijske aranžmane.

Podklauzula 14.9  I

laa aao
aao doza
Ako je potrebno da se deo garantnog depozita oslobodi i zameni odgovarajućom garancijom,
može se uneti dodatna podklauzula. Potrebno je da se u dokumentaciju ponude unesu prihvat -
ljivi obrasci garancija kao prilog Posebnih uslova. Uzorni obrazac dat je u ovom dokumentu kao
Aneks F.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 31

(a) Goods which are similar to those locally produced, unless they are not
available in sufcient quantities or are of a different standard to that
which is necessary for the Works; and
(b) any element of duty or tax inherent in the price of goods or services
procured in the Country, which shall be deemed to be included in the
Accepted Contract Amount.
Port dues, quay dues and, except as set out above, any element of tax or duty
inherent in the price of goods or services shall be deemed to be included in the
Accepted Contract Amount.
Expatriate (foreign) personnel shall not be liable for income tax levied in the Country
on earnings paid in any foreign currency, or for income tax levied on subsistence,
rentals and similar services directly furnished by the Contractor to Contractor’s
Personnel, or for allowances in lieu. If any Contractor’s Personnel have part of their
earnings paid in the Country in a foreign currency, they may export (after the conclu-
sion of their term of service on the Works) any balance remaining of their earnings
paid in foreign currencies.
The Employer shall seek exemption for the purposes of this Sub-Clause. If it is not
granted, the relevant taxes paid shall be reimbursed by the Employer

ub-Clau 14.2 – Ada Pay

When writing
vance the Particular
payment(s). Conditions,
Unless this consideration
Sub-Clause is not to should
apply, be
the given
total to the benets
advance payment -
of ad(and
the number of instalments if more than one) must be specied in the Appendix to Tender. The
rate of deduction for the repayments should be checked to ensure that repayment is achieved
before completion. The typical gures in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of the General Conditions
Sub-Clause are based on the assumption that the total advance payment is less than 22% of
the Accepted Contract Amount.
The acceptable form(s) of guarantee should be included in the tender documents, annexed to
the Particular Conditions: an example form is annexed to this document, as Annex E.

ub-Clau 14.7  Pay

If a different period for payment is to apply, the Sub-Clause may be amended:
In sub-paragraph (b) of Sub-Clause 1.7, delete “5” and substitute “2”
If the country/countries of payment need to be specied, details may be included in a

ub-Clau 14.8 – layd Pay

If the discount rate of the central bank in the country of the currency of payment is not a reason
able basis for assessing the Contractor’s nancing costs, a new rate may have to be dened.
Alternatively, the actual nancing Costs could be paid, taking account of local nancing ar -

ub-Clau 14.9  Pay of Ro Moy

If part of the Retention Money is to be released and substituted by an appropriate guarantee, an
additional Sub-Clause may be added. The acceptable form(s) of guarantee should be included
in the tender documents, annexed to the Particular Conditions: an example form is annexed to
this document, as Annex F.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

32 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova


Kada garantni depozit dostigne tri petine (0%) limita garantnog depozita nave -
denog u Prilogu ponude, Nadzorni organ overava i Investitor isplaćuje Izvođaču
polovinu (50%) limita garantnog depozita, ako dobije garanciju po obrascu i od
izdavača koji su odobreni od strane Investitora, na iznos i u valutama koje odgova-
raju plaćanju.
Izvođač se obavezuje da se postara o tome da garancija bude važeća i primenlji -
va sve dok izvođač ne završi Radove i otkloni nedostatke, kako je predviđeno za
garanciju za dobro izvršenje posla iz podklauzule .2 i ona se njemu potom vraća.
Ovo oslobađanje garantnog depozita vrši se umesto oslobađanja druge polovine
depozita u skladu sa podklauzulom 1.9.

Podklauzula 14.15  V
alu laa
Ako se sva plaćanja vrše u lokalnoj valuti, ista mora da se navede u Ponudi i važiće samo prva
rečenica ove podklauzule. Alternativno, ova podklauzula može da se zameni:
Obračunska valuta jeste domaća valuta i sva plaćanja u skladu sa Ugovorom vrše
se u lokalnoj valuti. Plaćanja u lokalnoj valuti moraju da budu potpuno konvertibilna,
osim kada se radi o lokalnim troškovima. Procenat koji se pripisuje lokalnim troško-
vima precizira se u Prilogu ponude.

Fak aaa
U slučaju većih ugovora na nekim tržištima, može biti potrebno da se nansijska sred -
stva pribave od ustanova kao što su to agencije za pomoć, banke za razvoj, agencije za
kreditiranje izvoza ili neke druge međunarodne nansijske institucije. Ako se nansiranje
obezbeđuje iz bilo kog od pomenutih izvora, možda bi trebalo da se njegovi posebni zah -
tevi unesu u Posebne uslove. Tačan tekst bi zavisio od dotične institucije, tako da bi bilo
potrebno da se saznaju njeni zahtevi i da se od nje traži odobrenje nacrta dokumentacije
Ti zahtevi mogu da se odnose na postupke podnošenja ponude koje bi trebalo usvojiti da bi
eventualni ugovor mogao da bude nansiran i/ili posebne podklauzule koje bi trebalo da se
unesu u Posebne uslove. Sledeći primeri ukazuju na neke stvari na koje bi zahtevi institucije
mogli da odnose:
(a) zabrana diskriminacije špediterskih kompanija iz bilo koje zemlje;
(b) podložnost Ugovora nekom široko prihvaćenom neutralnom pravu;

(c) obezbeđenje
mestu; arbitraže po priznatim međunarodnim pravilima i na neutralnom
(d) davanje Izvođaču prava na obustavu/raskid u slučaju neizvršavanja obaveza u
okviru nansijskih aranžmana;
(e) ograničenje prava na odbijanje postrojenja;
(f) preciziranje plaćanja koja dospevaju u slučaju raskida;
(g) preciziranje da Ugovor ne može da stupi na snagu sve dok se ne ispune
određeni preduslovi, uključujući prethodna plaćanja u vezi nansijskih aran -
žmana; i
(h) obaveza Investitora da vrši isplate iz svojih sredstava ako iz bilo kog razlo-
ga sredstva iz nansijskog aranžmana ne budu dovoljna za dospele isplate
Izvođaču, bilo zbog neizvršavanja obaveza u okviru nansijskog aranžmana ili
nečeg drugog.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 33


When the Retention Money has reached three-fths (0%) of the limit of Retention
Money stated in the Appendix to Tender, the Engineer shall certify and the Employer
shall make payment of half (50%) of the limit of Retention Money to the Contractor
if he obtains a guarantee, in a form and provided by an entity approved by the
Employer, in amounts and currencies equal to the payment.
The Contractor shall ensure that the guarantee is valid and enforceable until the
Contractor has executed and completed the Works and remedied any defects, as
specied for the Performance Security in Sub-Clause .2, and shall be returned to
the Contractor accordingly. This release of retention shall be in lieu of the release
of the second half of the Retention Money under the second paragraph of Sub-
Clause 1.9.

ub-Clau 14.15 – Cu of Pay

If all payments are to be made in Local Currency, it must be named in the Letter of Tender, and
only the rst sentence of this Sub-Clause will apply. Alternatively, the Sub-Clause may then be
The currency of account shall be the Local Currency and all payments made in
accordance with the Contract shall be in Local Currency. The Local Currency pay -
ments shall be fully convertible, except those for local costs. The percentage attrib-
uted to local costs shall be as stated in the Appendix to Tender.

Fa Aa
For major contracts in some markets, there may be a need to secure nance from entities such
as aid agencies, development banks, export credit agencies, or other international nancing
institutions. If nancing is to be procured from any of these sources, the Particular Conditions
may need to incorporate its special requirements. The exact wording will depend on the rel -
evant institution, so reference will need to be made to them to ascertain their requirements, and
to seek approval of the draft tender documents.
These requirements may include tendering procedures which need to be adopted in order to
render the eventual contract eligible for nancing, and/or special Sub-Clauses which may need
to be incorporated into the Particular Conditions. The following examples indicate some of the
topics which the institution’s requirements may cover:
(a) prohibition from discrimination against the shipping companies of any one coun-
(b) ensuring that the Contract is subject to a widely-accepted neutral law;
(c) provision for arbitration under recognised international rules and at a neutral
(d) giving the Contractor the right to suspend/terminatein the event of default under
the nancing arrangements;
(e) restricting the right to reject Plant;
(f) specifying the payments due in the event of termination;
(g) specifying that the Contract does not become effective until certain conditions
precedent have been satised, including pre-disbursement conditions for the
nancing arrangements; and
(h) obliging the Employer to make payments from his own resources if, for any
reason, the funds under the nancing arrangements are insufcient to meet the
payments due to the Contractor, whether due to a default under the nancing
arrangements or otherwise.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

3 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Uz to, neka nansijska institucija ili banka možda želi da Ugovor sadrži upute na nansijske
aranžmane, naročito ako je predviđeno nansiranje iz nekoliko izvora za razne stavke isporuka.
Nije neuobičajeno da Posebni uslovi sadrže posebne odredbe koje označavaju razne katego -
rije postrojenja i preciziraju dokumenta koja se podnose relevantnoj nansijskoj ustanovi radi
isplate. Ako se ne ispune zahtevi nansijske institucije, moglo bi da bude otežano (ili čak one-
mogućeno) obezbeđenje odgovarajućeg nansiranja projekta i/ili ta institucija može da odbije
da Ugovor nansira u celini ili delimično.
Međutim, kada nansiranje nije vezano za izvoz robe i usluga iz određenje zemlje, već se jed
nostavno obezbeđuje na bazi zajma kojeg komercijalne banke pružaju Izvođaču, tim bankama
može da bude stalo do toga da prava Izvođača budu veoma ograničena. One bi mogle da pože -
le da se iz Ugovora isključe bilo kakvi uputi na nansijske aranžmane i da ograniče Izvođačeva
prava iz klauzule 16.


Prihvaćeni ugovorni iznos formira se kakosledi:
(analiza po stavkama i/ili po isporuci/dostavi/itd.)
i njega Investitor isplaćujeIzvođaču na niže navedeni način.
(a) ______% prihvaćenog ugovornog iznosa Investitor neposredno isplaću-
je Izvođaču u roku od 28 dana od prijema sledećih dokumenata od strane
(i) komercijalna faktura naslovljena na Investitora u kojoj je preciziran dospeli
(ii) garancija za avansno plaćanjeizdata od strane _____________ banke po
priloženom obrascu,
(iii) garancija za dobro izvršenje posla izdata od strane ____________ banke
po priloženom obrascu, i
(iv) privremena situacija kojom sepotvrđuje dospelo plaćanje i precizira njegov
(b) ______ % ugovorne cene za isporuku postrojenja plaća se kako sledi:
(i) ______ % procenjene ugovorne vrednosti isporučenog postrojenja
Investitor neposredno isplaćuje Izvođaču po otpremi svake pozicije, na
osnovu sledećih dokumenata:
(srcinalna) komercijalna faktura,
(srcinalna) otpremnica,

(srcinalna) potvrda o poreklu, i
polisa osiguranja),
(srcinalna) privremena situacija kojom se potvrđuje
dospelo plaćanje i precizira njegov iznos.
(ii) _______ % procenjene ugovorne vrednosti isporučenogpostrojenja, ispla-
tom Izvođaču u skladu sa ugovorom o zajmu po otpremi svake pozicije,
po podnošenju kvalikacione potvrde po priloženom obrascu i primeraka
navedenih pod tačkom (b)(i).

(c) razlika ugovorne cene plaća se kako sledi:

(i) _______ % procenjene ugovorne vrednosti pruženih usluga, neposrednom
isplatom Izvođaču od strane Investitora po pružanjurelevantne usluge, na
osnovu sledećih dokumenata:
(srcinalna) komercijalna faktura, i
(srcinalna) privremena situacija kojom se potvrđuje dospelo pla-
ćanje i precizira njegov iznos.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 35

In addition, the nancing institution or bank may wish the Contract to include references to the
nancing arrangements, especially if funding from more than one source is to be arranged to
nance different elements of supply. It is not unusual for the Particular Conditions to include
special provisions identifying different categories of Plant and specifying the documents to be
presented to the relevant nancing institution to obtain payment. If the nancing institution’s
requirements are not met, it may be difcult (or even impossible) to secure suitable nancing for
the project, and/or the institution may decline to provide nance for part or all of the Contract.
However, where the nancing is not tied to the export of goods and services from any particu
lar country but is simply provided by commercial banks lending to the Employer, those banks
may be concerned to ensure that the Contractor’s rights are very restricted. These banks may
wish the Contract to exclude any reference to the nancing arrangements, and/or to restrict the
Contractor’s rights under Clause 16.


The Accepted Contract Amount is made up as follows:
(breakdown into items and/or intosupply/delivery/etc)
and shall be payable by the Employer to the Contractoras set out below.
(a) _______% of the Accepted Contract Amount shall be payable by a direct pay-
ment from the Employer to the Contractor within 28 days of receipt by the
Employer of the following documents:
(i) commercial invoice addressed to the Employer specifying the amount of
the payment now due,
(ii) advance payment security guaranteeissued by __________ Bank in the
form annexed,
(iii) performance security guarantee issued by __________ Bank in the form
annexed, and
(iv) Interim Payment Certicate conrming the payment due and specifying the
(b) _______% of the contract price for the supply of Plant shall be payable as fol-
(i) _______% of the estimated contract value of the Plant supplied, by direct
payment from the Employer to the Contractor on shipment of each item,
against the following documents:
(srcinal) commercial invoice,
(srcinal) shipping documents,
(srcinal) certicate of srcin,
(srcinal) insurance certicate, and
(srcinal) Interim Payment Certicate conrming the payment
due and specifying the amount.
(ii) _______% of the estimated contract value of the Plant supplied, by dis-
bursement from the Loan Agreement to the Contractor on shipment of
each item, on presentation of a Qualifying Certicate in the form annexed
and copies of the documents listedin sub-paragraph (b)(i) above.
(c) the balance of the Contract Price shall be payable as follows:
(i) _______% of the estimated contract value of the services rendered, by
direct payment from the Employer to the Contractor on execution of the
relevant service, against the followingdocuments:
(srcinal) commercial invoice, and
(srcinal) Interim Payment Certicate conrming the payment
due and specifying the amount.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

3 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

(ii) ______ % procenjene ugovorne vrednosti pruženih usluga, isplatom

Izvođaču na osnovu ugovora o zajmu,po podnošenju kvalikacione potvr-
de po priloženom obrascu i primeraka navedenih pod tačkom(c)(i).

(d) Investitorova neposredna plaćanja iz tačke (b) vrše se putem neopozivog akre-
ditiva otvorenog od strane Investitora u korist Izvođača i potvrđenog od strane
banke koja je prihvatljiva zaIzvođača.

Pomenute aranžmane (koji se tiču nansijskih institucija, Investitora i Izvođača) može da inicira
Investitor ili Izvođač, pre podnošenja ponude. Alternativno, Izvođač može da inicira nansijske
aranžmane i zadrži odgovornost za njih, mada bi verovatno bio u nemogućnosti ili nevoljan da
obezbedi nansiranje iz sopstvenih izvora. Uslovi koje postavlja banka koja ga kreditira u tom- sluča
ju bi uticali na njegov stav prema pregovorima za ugovor. Ti uslovi mogu da od Investitora iziskuju
vršenje privremenih plaćanja, mada bi veliki deo ugovorne cene mogao da bude uskraćen do - za
vršetka Radova.
Ovakav aranžman za plaćanje može da se postigne bilo na osnovu visokog procenta garantnog
depozita ili odgovarajuće dinamike plaćanja (videti podklauzulu 14.4), sa uputstvima podnosiocima
ponude u kojima su precizirani kriterijumi koje bi podnosioci ponude trebalo da poštuju
. Pošto bi tada
morao da sam obezbedi sopstveno nansiranje da bi pokrio razliku između isplata i svojih izdataka,
njemu (kao i njegovoj banci) bi verovatno bila potrebna neka vrsta obezbeđenja koje bi garantovalo
isplatu po dospeću.
Možda bi bilo dobro da u pripremi dokumentacije ponude, Investitor predvidi kasnije zahteve
tako što će se obavezati da obezbedi garanciju za element plaćanja koji će Izvođač da primi po
kao prilog Radova.
dokumentaciju ponudejetrebalo
Uzorni obrazac bi da
priložen uz se
ovajunesu prihvatljivi
dokument obrasciG.garancije
kao Aneks Trebalo
bi da se doda sledeća podklauzula.
Investitor obezbeđuje (o sopstvenom trošku) garanciju za plaćanje na iznos, u
valuti i izdatoj od ustanove navedene u Prilogu ponude. Investitor se obavezu -
je da garanciju podnese Izvođaču u roku od 2 dana od zaključenja Ugovora.
Garancija se izdaje po obrascu koji je priložen uz ove Posebne uslove ili po
nekom drugom obrascu koji je prihvatljiv Izvođaču. Sve dok Izvođač ne primi
garanciju, Nadzorni organ ne može da podnese saopštenje u skladu sa podkla -
uzulom .1.
Garancija se vraća Investitoru:
(a) kada Izvođaču bude isplaćen prihvaćeni ugovorni iznos;
(b) kada isteknu garantne obaveze ili kada budu izvršene; ili
(c) kada Investitor izvrši svoje ugovorne obaveze zavisno od prvo nastalog

Klauzula 1 5  Ra
kd od a
a I

Podklauzula 15.2  Ra

kd od a
a Ioa
Pre nego što raspiše poziv za podnošenje ponude, potrebno je da Investitor utvrdi da li su
tekst ove podklauzule i svaki očekivani osnov za raskid u skladu sa merodavnim ugovornim

Podklauzula 15.5  Pa

o I
oa a a
Ukoliko nije nesaglasna sa zahtevima Investitora i/ili nansijskih institucija, može se dodati još
jedna rečenica.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 37

(ii) _______% of the estimated contract value of the services rendered, by

disbursement from the Loan Agreement to the Contractor, on presentation
of a Qualifying Certicate in the formannexed and copies of the documents
listed in sub-paragraph (c)(i) above.
(d) The direct payments by the Employer specied in sub-paragraph (b) shall be
made by an irrevocable letter of credit established by the Employer in favour of
the Contractor and conrmed by abank acceptable to the Contractor.
The above arrangements (involving nancing institution(s), Employer and Contractor) may be
initiated by the Employer; or by the Contractor, before submitting the Tender. Alternatively,
the Contractor may be prepared to initiate nancing arrangements and retain responsibility
for them, although he would probably be unable or unwilling to provide nance from his own
resources. His nancing bank’s requirements would then affect his attitude in contract negotia
tions. They might well require the Employer to make interim payments, although a large propor
tion of the Contract Price might be withheld until the Works are complete.
This payment arrangement can be achieved either by a high Percentage of Retention; or by
a suitably completed schedule of payments (see Sub-Clause 14.4), with the Instructions to
Tenderers specifying the criteria with which the Tenderer should comply. Since the Contractor
would then have to arrange his own nancing to cover the shortfall between the payments and
his outgoings, he (and his nancing bank) would probably require some form of security, guar
anteeing payment when due.
It may be appropriate for the Employer, when preparing the tender documents, to anticipate the
latter requirement by undertaking to provide a guarantee for the element of payment which the
Contractor is to receive
should be included in thewhen
Works areannexed
to The acceptable
the Particular form(s) ofan
Conditions: guarantee
form is annexed to this document, as Annex G. The following Sub-Clause may be added.
The Employer shall obtain (at his cost) a payment guarantee in the amount and
currencies, and provided by an entity, as stated in the Appendix to Tender. The
Employer shall deliver the guarantee to the Contractor within 2 days after both
Parties have entered into the Contract Agreement. The guarantee shall be in the
form annexed to these Particular Conditions, or in another form acceptable to the
Contractor. Unless and until the Contractor receives the guarantee, the Engineer
shall not give the notice under Sub-Clause .1.
The guarantee shall be returned to the Employer at the earliest of the following
(a) when the Contractor has been paid the Accepted Contract Amount;
(b) when obligations under the guarantee expire or have been discharged;
(c) when the Employer has performed all obligations under the Contract.

Clau 15  ao by Eloy

ub-Clau 15.2  ao by Eloy

Before inviting tenders, the Employer should verify that the wording of this Sub-Clause, and
each anticipated ground for termination, is consistent with the law governing the Contract.

ub-Clau 15.5  Eloy’ El o ao

Unless inconsistent with the requirements of the Employer and/or nancing institutions, a fur-
ther sentence may be added.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

3 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Uneti na kraju podklauzule 15.5:
Investitor se takođe obavezuje da Izvođaču isplati vrednost bilo kog gubitka ili štete
proizašle iz ovakvog raskida.

Klauzula 16  b
uaa  a
kd od 
a Iz
Podklauzula 16.2  Ra
kd od a
a Izoaa
Pre nego što raspiše poziv za podnošenje ponude, Investitor bi trebalo da proveri da li je tekst
ove podklauzule u skladu sa merodavnim ugovornim pravom. Trebalo bi da proveri da li je svaki
predviđeni osnov za raskid u skladu sa tim pravom.

Klauzula 17  R
zk  od

Podklauzula 17.6  a

 odooo

Iznos koji se pominje u pretposlednjoj rečenici podklauzule 17.
jeste ________________

odaa odklauzula  Ko

Ko aakaaa
aakaaa Ioa
Ako je predviđeno da Izvođač privremeno zauzme Investitorove kapacitet, potrebno bi bilo da
se unese dodatna pod klauzula:
Izvođač preuzima potpunu odgovornost za staranje o niže navedenim pozicijama,
od dana početka korišćenja odnosno zauzimanja do dana predaje odnosno pre -
stanka zauzeća (s tim što do prestanka korišćenja odnosno zauzeća može da dođe
posle datuma navedenog u Potvrdi o preuzimanju radova):
(uneti pojedinosti)
Ako dođe do gubitka ili oštećenja bilo koje gore pomenute stvari dok je Izvođač
odgovoran za staranje o njima, usled bilo čega što nije u domenu odgovornosti
Investitora, Izvođač se obavezuje da o sopstvenom trošku sanira gubitak ili ošteće-
nje na način koji zadovoljava Nadzornog organa.

Klauzula 18  
U Opštim uslovima navedena su osiguranja koja obezbeđuje “Osiguratelj” odnosno Izvođač,
ukoliko nije drukčije predviđeno Posebnim uslovima. Osiguranje koje obezbedi Izvođač mora
da bude u skladu sa opštim uslovima dogovorenim sa Investitorom. Otuda se u Uputstvima
podnosiocima ponude može od njih tražiti da iznesu pojedinosti predloženih uslova.
Ako je predviđeno da Investitor obezbedi bilo koje osiguranje u skladu sa ovom klauzulom, do-
kumentacija ponude trebalo bi da sadrži pojedinosti u vidu priloga Posebnih uslova (tako da bi
podnosioci mogu da procene koje bi im drugo osiguranje bilo potrebno radi sopstvene zaštite),
uključujući uslove, ograničenja, izuzetke i odbitke, po mogućnosti u vidu kopije svake polise.
Investitoru možda ne bi bilo lako da obezbedi osiguranje iz trećeg stava podklauzule 18.2 (za
opremu Izvođača koja sadrži opremu podizvođača), jer možda ne zna količinu ili vrednost tih
pozicija opreme. Sledeća rečenica bi mogla da se unese u Posebne uslove:

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 39

Insert at the end of Sub-Clause 15.5:
The Employer shall also pay to the Contractor the amount of any other loss or dam-
age resulting from this termination.

Clau 16  uo ad ao by Coao

ub-Clau 16.2  ao by Coao

Before inviting tenders, the Employer should verify that the wording of this Sub-Clause is con-
sistent with the law governing the Contract. The Contractor should verify that each anticipated
ground for termination is consistent with such law.

Clau 17  Rk ad Robly

ub-Clau 17.6  Lao of Lably

In Sub-Clause 17., the sum referred to in the penultimate sentence shall
be _______________

Addoal ub-Clau   of Eloy’ AoodaoFal

If the Contractor is to occupy the Employer’s facilities temporarily, an additional sub-clause may
be added:
The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of the items detailed below,
from the respective dates of use or occupation by the Contractor, up to the respec-
tive dates of hand-over or cessation of occupation (where hand-over or cessation
of occupation may take place after the date stated in the Taking-Over Certicate for
the Works):
(insert details)
If any loss or damage happens to any of the above items while the Contractor is
responsible for their care, arising from any cause whatsoever other than those for
which the Employer is liable, the Contractor shall, at his own cost, rectify the loss or
damage to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Clau 18  Iua
The wording in the General Conditions describes the insurances which are to be arranged
by the “insuring Party”, who is to be the Contractor unless otherwise stated in the Particular
Conditions. Insurances so provided by the Contractor are to be consistent with the general
terms agreed with the Employer. The Instructions to Tenderers may therefore require tenderers
to provide details of the proposed terms.
If the Employer is to arrange any of the insurances under this Clause, the tender documents
should include details as an annex to the Particular Conditions (so that tenderers can estimate
what other insurances they wish to have for their own protection), including the conditions, lim-
its, exceptions and deductibles; preferably in the form of a copy of each policy. The Employer
may nd it difcult to effect the insurances described in the third paragraph of Sub-Clause 18.2
(for Contractor’s Equipment, which includes Subcontractor’s equipment), because the Employer
may not know the amount or value of these items of equipment. The following sentence may be
included in the Particular Conditions:

FIDIC Construction, Part II

0 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Brisati poslednji stav podklauzule 1.2 i zameniti ga sledećim tekstom:
Međutim, osiguranje koje je navedeno u prva dva stava podklauzule 1.2 obezbe-
đuje i održava Investiotor u svojstvu Osiguratelja, a ne Izvođač.

Klauzu lanego
Pre 19  što
a 
la poziv za podnošenje ponude, Investitor bi trebalo da proveri da li je tekst
ove klauzule u skladu sa merodavnim ugovornim pravom.

Klauzula 20  Po
aaa� o
o  abaa

Podklauzula 20.2  I

oa Ko
 za aa
aa ooa
Ukoliko nije predviđeno da Nadzorni organ donosi prearbitražne odluke iz klauzule 20 (iako ga
je Investitor imenovao), u skladu sa dole opisanim alternativnim opcijama, Ugovor bi trebalo
da sadrži odredbe iz klauzule 20 koje im omogućavaju da, bez sputavanja strana u postizanju
sporazuma u vezi sporova dok su radovi u toku, sporne stvari podnose nepristrasnoj Komisiji
za rešavanje sporova (“KRS”).
Uspeh postupka za rešavanje sporova zavisi, pored ostalog, od poverenja strana u dogovorene
članove KRS.
za članove i daStoga
ako bi
se bilo neophodno
članovi biraju u da nijedna
skladu sa strana ne nameće
podklauzulom 20.3,drugoj strani
taj izbor vršikandidate
nepristrastan entitet. FIDIC je spremna da igra tu ulogu, ako se ovlašćenje u tom smislu izda u
skladu sa uzornim tekstom iz Priloga ponude.
Poželjno je, ali ne i neophodno, da se saglasnost u vezi članova postigne pre nego što
Potvrda o prihvatanju bude izdata i da KRS redovno posećuje gradilište. U skladu sa uzornim
tekstom iz Priloga ponude, mogu da se u tom smislu usaglase pre nego što se izda Potvrda
o prihvatanju ili da se dogovore o postavljenju u nekom drugom roku. Alternativno, stranke
bi mogle da odlože postavljenje do nastanka nekog spora, u kom slučaju bi trebalo da se
izvrše izmene podklauzule 20.2 sa Prilogom – Opšti uslovi Sporazuma o rešavanju sporova
sa Aneksom (Pravila postupka) i Sporazum o rešavanja sporova, kako bi se oni uskladili sa
tekstom odgovarajućih odeljaka FIDIC-ovih Uslova za ugovaranje postrojenja i projektovanje-
Podklauzula 20.2 predviđa dve alternative za sastav KRS:
(a) jedno lice koje bi delovalo kao inokosni član KRS, po zaključenju tripartitnog

sporazuma sa obe strane; ili
tročlana KRS, čiji je svaki član zaključio tripartitni sporazum sa obe stra-
Na kraju ove publikacije data su dva alternativna obrasca pomenutog tripartitnog sporazu -
ma koji odgovaraju usvojenim aranžmanima. Ovi obrasci su zasnovani na Opštim uslovima
Sporazuma o rešavanju sporova, koji su dati u Prilogu Opštih uslova, jer se oni navode i u
podklauzuli 20.2. U ovim alternativnim obrascima Sporazuma o rešavanju sporova, svaki poje-
dinac se naziva članom.
Trebalo bi da se što ranije utvrdi da li je za dati projekt poželjnija jednočlana ili tročla -
na KRS, uzimajući u obzir njegov obim, trajanje i potrebne oblasti stručnosti. Kod nekih
projekata možda bi bila prikladna jednočlana KRS za svaku glavnu oblast stručnosti.
Međutim, to bi moglo da stvori probleme kada po nastanku nekog spora strane ne mogu
da se sporazumeju po pitanju oblasti, pa stoga i kome bi trebalo da se spor podnese na

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 41

Delete the nal paragraph of Sub-Clause 1.2 and substitute:
However, the insurances described in the rst two paragraphs of Sub-Clause 1.2
shall be effected and maintained by the Employer as insuring Party, and not by the

Clau 19  Fo Mau

Before inviting tenders, the Employer should verify that the wording of this Clause is compatible
with the law governing the Contract.

Clau 20  Cla� u ad Abao

ub-Clau 20.2  Ao of h u Adudao Boad

Unless the Engineer (although appointed by the Employer) is to make the pre-arbitral decisions
under this Clause 20, in accordance with the alternative option described below, the Contract
should include the provisions under Clause 20 which, whilst not discouraging the Parties from
reaching agreement on disputes as the works proceed, allow them to refer contentious matters
to an impartial dispute adjudication board (“DAB”).
The adjudication procedure depends for its success on, amongst other things, the Parties’
condence in the agreed individual(s) who will serve on the DAB. Therefore, it is essential that
candidates for this position are not imposed by either Party on the other Party; and that, if the
individual is selected under Sub-Clause 20.3, the selection is made by a wholly impartial entity.
FIDIC is prepared to perform this role, if this authority has been delegated in accordance with
the example wording in the Appendix to Tender.
It is preferable, but not essential, for the individual(s) to be agreed before the Letter of
Acceptance is issued, and for the DAB to visit the Site on a regular basis. Under the example
text in the Appendix to Tender, the Parties may either so agree before the Letter of Acceptance
is issued or agree the appointment within the specied period thereafter. Alternatively, the
Parties may prefer to defer the appointment until a dispute has arisen, in which case Sub-
Clause 20.2 plus the Appendix - General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement with
its Annex (Procedural Rules) and the Dispute Adjudication Agreement should be amended
to comply with the wording contained in the corresponding sections of FIDIC’s Conditions of
Contract for Plant and Design -Build.
Sub-Clause 20.2 provides for two alternative arrangements for the DAB:
(a) one person, who acts as the sole member of the DAB, having entered into a
tripartite agreement with both Parties; or
(b) a DAB of three persons, each of whom has entered into a tripartite agreement
with both Parties.
The form of this tripartite agreement could be one of the two alternatives shown at the end of
this publication, as appropriate to the arrangement adopted. Both of these forms incorporate
(by reference) the General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement, which are included
as the Appendix to the General Conditions because they are also referred to in Sub-Clause
20.2. Under either of these alternative forms of Dispute Adjudication Agreement, each indi -
vidual person is referred to as a Member.
At an early stage, consideration should be given as to whether a one-person or three-person
DAB is preferable for a particular project, taking account of its size, duration and the elds of
expertise which will be involved. For some projects, it may be considered appropriate to ap -
point a one-person DAB for each major eld of expertise relevant to the Works; however, this
may give rise to problems if, when a dispute arises, the Parties cannot agree which eld is
applicable and, therefore, to whom the dispute should be referred.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

2 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

U slučaju jednočlane KRS, Investitor (ili podnosilac ponude) može da predloži imena i
radnu biograju podobnih lica. Možda bi bilo uputno da se predlože alternati ve za slučaj
kasnijeg odbijanja postavlj enja, pod pretpostavkom da ranije nisu pokazali volju da ga pri -
hvate. Može se desiti da jedna strana nije rada da bira sa spiska lica koja je druga strana
već kontaktirala.
U slučaju tročlane KRS, Investitor i podnosilac ponude mogu da jedan drugom pred
lože po jednog člana. Što se tiče predsednika KRS, mogu da jedan drugom predlože
odgovarajuća lica. Možda bi bilo dobro da predsednikova naknada za raspoloživost
bude veća od te naknade koja se plaća članovima, s obzirom na predsednikove uprav
ne obaveze.
Postavljenje KRS može da se olakša, naročito ako se članovi ne postavljaju na početku ugovor
nog roka, unošenjem u Ugovor spiska dogovorenih potencijalnih članova.
Alternativno, Nadzorni organ bi mogao da donosi prearbitražne odluke. Ova alternativa,
koja se tradicionalno praktikuje u opštepravnim državama, može da bude prikladna ako
je Nadzorni organ nezavisni profesionalni inženjer konsultant sa iskustvom i sredstvima
za upravljanje svim aspektima ugovora. Investitor bi trebalo da ima u vidu činjenicu da će
Nadzorni organ, iako obično deluje za račun Investitora u skladu sa podklauzulom 3.1(a),
donositi te prearbitražne odluke nepristrasno i da Investitor ne sme da utiče na tu nepri -
strasnost. Ako se ova alternativa bude smatrala prikladnom, mogla bi se izvršiti izmena


Brisati podklauzule 20.2 i 20.3.
Brisati drugi stav podklauzule 20. i zameniti ga sledećim tekstom:
Nadzorni organ deluje u svojstvu KRS u skladu sa ovom podklauzulom 20. pravič-
no, nepristrasno i o trošku Investitora. Ako Investitor namerava da zameni Nadzorni
organ, njegovo obaveštenje u smislu podklauzule 3. mora da sadrži obrazloženi
predlog zamene.

Podklauzula 20.5  o

azuo a
a ooa
Svrha odredbi ove podklauzule jeste da se strane podstaknu na rešavanje sporova na prijatelj-
ski način, bez potrebe za arbitražom, i to npr. putem neposrednih pregovora, mirenja, posredo
vanje ili drugih načina rešavanja. Uspeh postupka sporazumnog rešavanja sporova često zavisi
od poverljivosti i obostranog prihvatanja postupka. Prema tome, nijedna strana ne bi trebalo da
drugoj strani nameće postupak.

Podklauzula 20.6  Ab

Ugovor bi trebalo da sadrži odredbe za rešavanje putem međunarodne arbitraže sporova koji
ne budu sporazumno rešeni. U slučaju međunarodnih ugovora, međunarodna trgovačka arbi -
traža ima brojne prednosti u odnosu na vođenje parničkih postupaka pred nacionalnim sudovi
ma i ona može da stranama bude prihvatljivija.
Trebalo bi posebno voditi računa o tome da izabrana pravila međunarodne arbitraže budu
kompatibilna sa odredbama klauzule 20 i ostalim elementima navedenim u Prilogu ponude.
Pravila arbitraže Međunarodne trgovačke komore (“MTK”, sa sedištem u 38 Cours Albert 1er,
75008 Pariz, Francuska) često se koriste u međunarodnim ugovorima. Kada broj arbitara i me -
sto arbitraže nisu precizirani, Međunarodni arbitražni sud MTK određuje broj arbitara (obično tri
u bitnijim građevinskim sporovima) i mesto arbitraže.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 43

For a one-person DAB to be mutually agreed, the Employer (or the tenderer) could propose
the names and curriculum vitae of suitable persons, for the tenderer (or the Employer) to
accept. It may be advisable to propose alternates in case some subsequently decline the
appointment, assuming that they have not previously indicated their willingness to accept.
Each Party may be reluctant to choose names from a list of people who have already been
contacted by the other Party.
For a three-person DAB, the Employer and the tenderer may each propose one member,
similar to the above procedure, for the tenderer and the Employer respectively to accept. For
the chairman, the Employer (or the tenderer) could similarly propose suitable persons for the
tenderer (or the Employer) to accept. It may be appropriate for the chairman’s retainer fee
to be more than that of the other two members, reecting the additional administrative tasks
which a chairman will have to perform.
The appointment of the DAB may be facilitated, especially if the members are not to be ap -
pointed at the commencement of the Contract, by including an agreed list of potential mem -
bers in the Contract: in a Schedule.
Alternatively, the Engineer may make these pre-arbitral decisions. This alternative, which
has been the Engineer’s traditional role in common law countries, may be appropriate if the
Engineer is an independent professional consulting engineer with the experience and resourc -
es required for the administration of all aspects of the contract. The Employer should recog -
nise that, although the Engineer generally acts for the Employer as specied in Sub-Clause
3.1(a), the Engineer will make these pre-arbitral decisions impartially and the Employer must
not prejudice this impartiality. If this alternative is considered appropriate, the Sub-Clause may
be varied:
Delete Sub-Clauses 20.2 and 20.3.
Delete the second paragraph of Sub-Clause 20. and substitute:
The Engineer shall act as the DAB in accordance with this Sub-Clause 20.,
acting fairly, impartially and at the cost of the Employer. In the event that the
Employer intends to replace the Engineer, the Employer’s notice under Sub-
Clause 3. shall include detailed proposals for the appointment of a replace -
ment DAB.

ub-Clau 20.5  Aabl l

The provisions of this Sub-Clause are intended to encourage the parties to settle a dispute
amicably, without the need for arbitration: for example, by direct negotiation, conciliation, me
diation, or other forms of alternative dispute resolution. Amicable settlement procedures often
depend, forneither
Therefore, their success, on condentiality
Party should andthe
seek to impose on procedure
both Parties’
on acceptance of the procedure.
the other Party.

ub-Clau 20.6  Abao

The Contract should include provisions for the resolution by international arbitration of any
disputes which are not resolved amicably. In international contracts, international commercial
arbitration has numerous advantages over litigation in national courts, and may be more -ac
ceptable to the Parties.
Careful consideration should be given to ensuring that the international arbitration rules chosen
are compatible with the provisions of Clause 20 and with the other elements to be set out in the
Appendix to Tender. The Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (the
“ICC”, which is based at 38 Cours Albert 1er, 75008 Paris, France) are frequently included in
international contracts. In the absence of specic stipulations as to the number of arbitrators
and the place of arbitration, the International Court of Arbitration of the ICC will decide on the
number of arbitrators (typically three in any substantial construction dispute) and on the place
of arbitration.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

U slučaju da se strane opredele za UNCITRAL pravila arbitraže (ili neka druga mimo KTK) bilo
bi potrebno da se u Prilogu ponude navede neka institucija koja bi imenovala arbitre ili vodila
arbitražni postupak, ukoliko takva ustanova (i njena uloga) nije precizirana u pravilima arbitra
že. Takođe bi trebalo utvrditi, pre navođenja institucije u Prilogu ponude, da li je ona voljna da
imenuje arbitre ili da vodi postupak.
U slučaju većih projekata za koje se pozivi za podnošenje ponude raspisuju na međunarodnom
nivou, poželjno bi bilo da mesto arbitraže ne bude u zemlji Investitora ili Izvođača. Takva zemlja
trebalo bi da ima moderno i liberalno arbitražno pravo i ratikovane bilateralne ili multilateralne
konvencije (kao što je to Njujorška konvencija o priznavanju i sprovođenju stranih arbitražnih
odluka iz 1958. godine) ili obe, kako bi se pospešilo sprovođenje arbitražnih odluka u zemljama
Možda bi bilo poželjno da se u nekim slučajevima u arbitražu između Strana uključe i neka
druga lica, čime bi se stvorila višestrana arbitraža. Iako to može da bude ostvarivo, klauzule
o višestranoj arbitraži iziskuju stručno formulisanje, i one se obično pripremaju od slučaja do
slučaja. Još uvek nije sačinjen zadovoljavajući standardni obrazac klauzule za višestranu arbi
tražu za međunarodnu upotrebu.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 45

If the UNCITRAL (or other non-ICC) arbitration rules are preferred, it may be necessary to
designate, in the Appendix to Tender, an institution to appoint the arbitrators or to administer
the arbitration, unless the institution is named (and their role specied) in the arbitration rules.
It may also be necessary to ensure, before so designating an institution in the Appendix to
Tender, that it is prepared to appoint or administer.
For major projects tendered internationally, it is desirable that the place of arbitration be situ -
ated in a country other than that of the Employer or Contractor. This country should have a
modern and liberal arbitration law and should have ratied a bilateral or multilateral conven -
tion (such as the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign
Arbitral Awards), or both, that would facilitate the enforcement of an arbitral award in the states
of the Parties.
It may be considered desirable in some cases for other Parties to be joined into any arbitra -
tion between the Parties, thereby creating a multi-party arbitration. While this may be feasible,
multiparty arbitration clauses require skilful drafting, and usually need to be prepared on a case-
by-case basis. No satisfactory standard form of multi-party arbitration clause for international
use has yet been developed.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova


Prihvatljivi obrasci garancija trebalo bi da se unesu u dokumentaciju ponude: za Aneks A i/ili

B, u Uputstva podnosiocima ponude; i za Anekse C do G, kao prilog Posebnih uslova. Sledeći
uzorni obrasci, koji su (osim Aneksa A) zasnovani na Jedinstvenim pravilima objavljenim od
strane Međunarodne trgovačke komore (“MTK”, čije je sedište u 38 Cours Albert 1er, 75008
Pariz, Francuska), možda bi morali da se izmene kako bi bili u skladu sa merodavnim pravom.
Iako MTK izdaje smernice za korišćenje Jedinstvenih pravila, potrebno je tražiti pravni savet
pre nego što se garancije sačine. Napominjemo da je potrebno da se garantni iznosi navedu u
svim valutama predviđenim Ugovorom u kojim garant vrši isplate korisniku.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 47


Acceptable form(s) of security should be included in the tender documents: for Annex A and/or
B, in the Instructions to Tenderers; and for Annexes C to G, annexed to the Particular C
The following example forms, which (except for Annex A) incorporate Uniform Rules published
by the International Chamber of Commerce (the “ICC”, which is based at 38 Cours Albert 1er,
75008 Paris, France), may have to be amended to comply with the applicable law. Although the
ICC publishes guides to these Uniform Rules, legal advice should be taken before the securities
are written. Note that the guaranteed amounts should be quoted in all the currencies, as speci -
ed in the Contract, in which the guarantor pays the beneciary.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Ak A  

[Videti str.10. i komentar podklauzule 1.1]

Kratak opis Ugovora _________________________________________________________

Naziv i sedište Investitora _____________________________________________________
_________________________________________ (sa pravnim sledbenicima i cesionarima).
Obavešteni smo da _______________________ (u daljem tekstu: “Izvođač”) podnosi ponudu
za pomenuti Ugovor u odgovoru na vaš poziv i da uslovi vašeg poziva iziskuju da on uz ponudu
podnese garanciju matične kompanije.
U slučaju da vi, u svojstvu Investitora, dodelite Ugovor Izvođaču, mi (naziv matične kompanije)
________________ vam neopozivo i bezuslovno garantujemo za dobro izvršenje Izvođačevih
ugovornih obaveza, uključujući Izvođačevo postupanje u skladu sa svim uslovima Ugovora
prema njihovoj nameni i značenju.
Ukoliko Izvođač ne izvrši svoje obaveze i ne postupa u skladu sa Ugovorom, obavezujemo
se da Investitoru nadomestimo svu štetu, gubitke i troškove (uključujući i sudske troškove)
koji nastanu usled takvog neizvršavanja obaveza za koje je Izvođač odgovoran Investitoru na
osnovu Ugovora.
Ova garancija stupa na snagu istovremeno sa stupanjem na snagu Ugovora. Ukoliko Ugovor
ne stupi na snagu u roku od godinu dana od dana izdavanja ove garancije ili ako pokažete da
nemate nameru da Ugovor zaključite sa Izvođačem, ova će garancija biti ništava. Ova garancija
ostaje na snazi sve dok Izvođač ne izvrši sve svoje ugovorne obaveze, nakon čega ona postaje
nevažeća i vraća se nama, pri čemu sa naše obaveze po njoj smatraju izvršenim u apsolutnom
Ova se garancija se primenjuje na i predstavlja dopunu Ugovora sa svim eventualnim izme
nama koje Investitor i Izvođač budu vršili s vremena na vreme. Ovim ih ovlašćujemo da se
dogovaraju o takvim izmenama i garantujemo da će Izvođač postupati u skladu s njima. Naše
obaveze po ovoj učinjenih
drugih ustupaka garanciji ne mogu se
Izvođaču odsmatrati izvršenim zbog
strane Investitora bilobilo
ili zbog kakvog
kakveproduženja rokova ili
izmene ili obustave
radova koji se izvode po Ugovoru ili zbog izmena Ugovora ili statuta Izvođača ili Investitora ili
zbog drugih stvari, sa ili bez našeg znanja.
Na ovu garanciju se primenjuju zakoni one zemlje čiji se zakoni primenjuju na Ugovor, a
svaki spor koji nastane u vezi ove garancije rešava se po Pravilima arbitraže Međunarodne
trgovačke komore od strane tri ili više arbitara koji su postavljeni u skladu sa pomenutim
Pravilima. Potvrđujemo da se naknada iz ove garancije može preneti samo u slučaju prenosa

Datum _______________ Potpis(i) ___________________________________________

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 49



[See page 11, and the comments on Sub-Clause 1.1]

Brief description of Contract ____________________________________________________

Name and address of Employer _________________________________________________
__________________________________________ (together with successors and assigns).
We have been informed that _______________ (hereinafter called the “Contractor”) is submit -
ting an offer for such Contract in response to your invitation, and that the conditions of your
invitation require his offer to be supported by a parent company guarantee.
In consideration of you, the Employer, awarding the Contract to the Contractor, we (name of
parent company) ____________ irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee to you, as a pri -
mary obligation, the due performance of all the Contractor’s obligations and liabilities under the
Contract, including the Contractor’s compliance with all its terms and conditions according to
their true intent and meaning.
If the Contractor fails to so perform his obligations and liabilities and comply with the Contract,
we will indemnify the Employer against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including
legal fees and expenses) which arise from any such failure for which the Contractor is liable to
the Employer under the Contract.
This guarantee shall come into full force and effect when the Contract comes into full force
and effect. If the Contract does not come into full force and effect within a year of the date of
this guarantee, or if you demonstrate that you do not intend to enter into the Contract with the
Contractor, this guarantee shall be void and ineffective. This guarantee shall continue in full
force and effect until all the Contractor’s obligations and liabilities under the Contract have
been discharged, when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us, and our liability
hereunder shall be discharged absolutely.
This guarantee shall apply and be supplemental to the Contract as amended or varied by
amendmentandorthe Contractor
variation, fromperformance
the due time to time.ofWe hereby
which authorise them
and compliance with to agree
which by any
Contractor are likewise guaranteed hereunder. Our obligations and liabilities under this guar -
antee shall not be discharged by any allowance of time or other indulgence whatsoever by the
Employer to the Contractor, or by any variation or suspension of the works to be executed under
the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contract or to the constitution of the Contractor or
the Employer, or by any other matters, whether with or without our knowledge or consent.
This guarantee shall be governed by the law of the same country (or other jurisdiction) as that
which governs the Contract and any dispute under this guarantee shall be nally settled under
the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators
appointed in accordance with such Rules. We conrm that the benet of this guarantee may be
assigned subject only to the provisions for assignment of the Contract

Date _____________ Signature(s) _____________________________________________

FIDIC Construction, Part II

50 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Ak B  R

[Videti str. 10]

Kratak opis ugovora __________________________________________________________

Naziv i sedište korisnika _______________________________________________________
_____________________ (koji je u dokumentaciji ponude denisan kao Investitor).
Obavešteni smo da __________________________ (u daljem tekstu: “Komitent”) podnosi -po
nudu za pomenuti Ugovor u odgovoru na vaš poziv i da uslovi vašeg poziva (“uslovi poziva” koji
su navedeni u dokumentu naslovljenim kao Uputstva podnosiocima ponude) iziskuju od njega
da uz ponudu podnese garanciju za javno nadmetanje.
Na zahtev Komitenta, mi ( naziv banke) _____________________ ovim se neopozivo obavezu-
jemo da vama, Korisniku/Investitoru, isplatimo bilo koji iznos ili iznose koji u celini ne premašuju
_______________ (slovima: __________________ ) po prijemu vašeg zahteva u pisanoj formi
i izjave (u zahtevu):
(a) da je Komitent bez vaše saglasnosti povukao svoju ponudu po isteku posled-
njeg roka za podnošenje, a pre isteka roka njene važnosti, ili
(b) da je Komitent odbio da prihvati ispravku grešaka u svojoj ponudi u skladu sa
uslovima poziva, ili
(c) da ste Ugovor dodelili Komitentu i da on nije postupio u skladu sa podklauzulom
1.6 uslova Ugovora, ili
(d) da ste Ugovor dodelili Komitentu i da on nije postupio u skladu sa podklauzulom
4.2 uslova Ugovora.
Svaki zahtev za isplatu mora da bude sa vašim potpisom overenim od strane vaše banke ili
javnog beležnika. Overeni zahtev i izjava moraju da nam se uruče u našim prostorijama do
(35. dana po isteku važnosti Ponude) _______________, kada ova garancija prestaje da važi
i vraća se nama.
Ova garancija podleže Jedinstvenim pravilima potražnih garancija koja je objavila Međunarodna
trgovačka komora pod brojem 458.

Datum ______________ Potpis(i) _____________________________________________

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 51


[See page 11]

Brief description of Contract ____________________________________________________

Name and address of Beneciary _______________________________________________
_______________________________ (whom the tender documents dene as the Employer).
We have been informed that ______________ (hereinafter called the “Principal”) is submitting
an offer for such Contract in response to your invitation, and that the conditions of your invitation
(the “conditions of invitation”, which are set out in a document entitled Instructions to Tenderers)
require his offer to be supported by a tender security.
At the request of the Principal, we (name of bank) ____________________ hereby irrevocably
undertake to pay you, the Beneciary/Employer, any sum or sums not exceeding in total the
amount of _________________ (say: _______________ ) upon receipt by us of your demand
in writing and your written statement (in the demand) stating that:
(a) the Principal has, without your agreement, withdrawn his offer after the latest
time specied for its submission and before the expiry of its period of validity,
(b) the Principal has refused to accept the correction of errors in his offer in accor-
dance with such conditions of invitation, or
(c) you awarded the Contract to the Principal and he has failed to comply with sub-
clause 1.6 of the conditions of the Contract, or
(d) you awarded the Contract to the Principal and he has failed to comply with sub-
clause 4.2 of the conditions of the Contract.
Any demand for payment must contain your signature(s) which must be authenticated by your
bankers or by a notary public. The authenticated demand and statement must be received by us
at this ofce on or before(the date 35 days after the expiry of the validity of the Letter of Tender)
____________________, when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us.

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, published as number
458 by the International Chamber of Commerce, except as stated above.

Date _____________ Signature(s) _____________________________________________

FIDIC Construction, Part II

52 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Ak C  
BR I

[Videti komentar podklauzule .2]

Kratak opis Ugovora _________________________________________________________

Naziv i sedište Korisnika ______________________________________________________
___________________________________ (koji je u Ugovoru denisan kao Investitor).
Obavešteni smo da je ___________________________ (u daljem tekstu: Komitent) vaš izvo
đač na osnovu pomenutog Ugovora, po kojem je obavezan da podnese garanciju za dobro
izvršenje posla.
Na zahtev Komitenta, mi (naziv banke) _____________________ ovim se neopozivo obavezu-
jemo da vama, Korisniku/Investitoru isplatimo bilo koji iznos ili iznose koji u celini ne premašuju
_______________ (slovima: __________________ ) po prijemu vašeg zahteva u pisanoj formi
i izjave (u zahtevu) u kojoj se navodi:
(a) da je Komitent prekršio svoju ugovornu obavezu ili obaveze, i
(b) priroda prekršaja Komitenta.
[Kada primimo overeni primerak potvrde o primopredaji celokupnih radova u skladu sa
klauzulom 10 uslova Ugovora, pomenuti garantni iznos se umanjuje za _______ % i mi vas
odmah obaveštavamo da smo tu potvrdu primili i umanjili garantni iznos u odgovarajućoj
meri.] (1)
Svaki zahtev za isplatu mora da bude sa potpisom vašeg (ministra/direktora) (1) overenim od
strane vaše banke ili javnog beležnika. Overeni zahtev i izjava moraju da nam se uruče u
našim prostorijama do (70. dana po očekivanom isteku Roka za prijavljivanje nedostataka
radova) _______________ (“rok isteka”), kada ova garancija prestaje da važi i vraća se
Obavešteni smo da korisnik može da od Komitenta traži produženje ove garancije ako potvr
da o dobro izvršenom poslu po Ugovoru ne bude izdata 28 dana pre datuma isteka važnosti.

zahteva se izjave
i pisane da vamdagarantni
potvrda iznos isplatimo
o dobro u roku
izvršenom od 28
poslu nijedana odkrivicom
izdata prijema vašeg pisanog
Komitenta i da
ova garancija nije produžena.
Ova garancija podleže zakonima ___________________ i Jedinstvenim pravilima potražnih
garancija koje je objavila Međunarodna trgovačka komora pod brojem 458, osim u gore nave
denim slučajevima.

Datum __________________ Potpis(i) _______________________________

U pripremi dokumentacije ponude, potrebno je da sastavljač odluči da li da unese neobavezni tekst
u zagradi [ ] .

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 53



[See comments on Sub-Clause .2]

Brief description of Contract ___________________________________________________

Name and address of Beneciary _______________________________________________
_____________________________________ (whom the Contract denes as the Employer).
We have been informed that __________________ (hereinafter called the “Principal”) is your
contractor under such Contract, which requires him to obtain a performance security.
At the request of the Principal, we (name of bank) ___________________ hereby irrevocably
undertake to pay you, the Beneciary/Employer, any sum or sums not exceeding in total the
amount of _________________ (the “guaranteed amount”, say: __________________ ) upon
receipt by us of your demand in writing and your written statement stating:

(b) that the Principal
the respect is inthe
in which breach of his
Principal is obligation(s)
in breach. under the Contract, and
[Following the receipt by us of an authenticated copy of the taking-over certicate for the whole
of the works under clause 10 of the conditions of the Contract, such guaranteed amount shall
be reduced by ______ % and we shall promptly notify you that we have received such certi -
cate and have reduced the guaranteed amount accordingly.](1)
Any demand for payment must contain your [minister’s/directors’] (1) signature(s) which must
be authenticated by your bankers or by a notary public. The authenticated demand and state -
ment must be received by us at this ofce on or before(the date 70 days after the expected
expiry of the Defects Notication Period for the Works) ________________ (the “expiry date”),
when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us.
We have been informed that the Beneciary may require the Principal to extend this guarantee
if the performance certicate under the Contract has not been issued by the date 28 days prior
to such expiry date. We undertake to pay you such guaranteed amount upon receipt by us,
within such period of 28 days, of your demand in writing and your written statement that the
performance certicate has not been issued, for reasons attributable to the Principal, and that
this guarantee has not been extended.
This guarantee shall be governed bythe laws of _______________ and shall besubject to the
Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, published as number 458 by the International Chamber
of Commerce, except as stated above.

Date _____________ Signature(s) _____________________________________________

When writing the tender documents, the writer should ascertain whether to include the optional text, shown in
parentheses [ ]

FIDIC Construction, Part II

5 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Ak   
BR I
 JEMV

[Videti komentar podklauzule .2 ]

Kratak opis Ugovora __________________________________________________________

Naziv i sedište Korisnika _______________________________________________________
________ (skupa sa pravnim sledbenicima i cesionarima, koji su u Ugovoru denisani kao
Ovim jemstvom, (naziv i sedište izvođača) ____________________________________ (koji
je izvođač po pomenutom Ugovoru) u svojstvu Komitenta i (naziv i sedište garanta) ______
________________________ kao Garant neopozivo jemče Korisniku za iznos od ________
____________ (“Garantni iznos”, i slovima ______________________ ) za dobro izvršenje
ugovornih obaveza Komitenta. [Pomenuti garantni iznos se umanjuje za _____ % po izdava -
nju Potvrde o preuzimanju radova u celini u skladu sa klauzulom 10 Uslova ugovora.] (1)
Ovo jemstvo stupa na snagu Danom početka koji je preciziran u Ugovoru.
Po kršenju bilo koje ugovorne obaveze od strane Komitenta ili po nastanku bilo kog događaja ili
okolnosti navedenih u podklauzuli 15.2 Uslova ugovora, Garant se obavezuje da Korisniku -na
domesti štetu nanetu Korisniku zbog takvog kršenja, događaja ili okolnosti.(2) Međutim, ukupna
odgovornost Garanta ne može da bude veća od garantnog iznosa.
Obaveze Garanta ne mogu se smatrati ispunjenim zbog produženja rokova ili bilo kojih dru -
gih povlastica koje Korisnik bude pružio Komitentu ili zbog izmene ili obustave radova koji se
izvode po Ugovoru ili zbog izmena Ugovora ili statuta Komitenta ili Korisnika ili zbog bilo čega
drugog, sa ili bez saglasnosti Garanta.
Sva potraživanja po osnovu ovog Jemstva moraju da budu podneta Garantu do (šest meseci
po isteku očekivanog roka za prijavu nedostataka) _______________ (“rok isteka”), kada ovo
jemstvo prestaje da važi i vraća se Garantu.
Naknada po osnovu ovog jemstva može da se prenese u skladu sa odredbama Ugovora u
vezi prenosa i to pod uslovom da se Garantu podnesu dokazi da je u potpunosti postupljeno u
skladu sa tim odredbama.
Jemstvo podleže zakonima one zemlje čijim zakonima podleže i Ugovor. Jemstvo je zasnovano
na i podleže Jedinstvenim pravilima ugovornog jemstva koja je objavila Međunarodna trgovač
ka komora pod brojem 524, a izrazi koji se koriste u ovom jemstvu imaju značenje kakvo im je
dato u pomenutim Pravilima.
U potvrdu svega rečenog, ovo jemstvo su izdali Komitent i Garant (datum) _______________
Potpis(i) za i u ime Komitenta ___________________________________________________
Potpis(i) za i u ime Garanta ____________________________________________________

U pripremi dokumentacije ponude, sastavljač bi trebalo da odluči da li da unese neobavezni tekst u zagradi
[ ].
Uneti: [i nema pravo da izvršava ugovorne obaveze Komitenta.
ili: [ili po izboru Garanta (vrši se u pisanoj formi u roku od 42 dana od prijema potraživanja u kome je naveden
prekršaj) da izvrši ugovorne obaveze Garanta.]

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 55


 REY BN

[See comments on Sub-Clause .2]

Brief description of Contract ____________________________________________________

Name and address of Beneciary ________________________________________________
_________ (together with successors and assigns, all as dened in the Contract as the Employer).
By this Bond, (name and address of contractor) __________________________________
(who is the contractor under such Contract) as Principal and (name and address of guarantor)
__________________________________ as Guarantor are irrevocably held and rmly bound
to the Beneciary in the total amountof ____________________ (the “BondAmount”, say:
_________________) for the due performance of all such Principal’s obligations and liabilities
under the Contract. [Such Bond Amount shall be reduced by ___ % upon the issue of the taki ng-
over certicate for the whole of the works under clause 10 of the conditions of the Contract.] (1)
This Bond shall become effective on the Commencement Date dened in the Contract.
Upon Default by the Principal to perform any Contractual Obligation, or upon the occurrence of
any of the events and circumstances listed in sub-clause 15.2 of the conditions of the Contract,
the Guarantor shall satisfy and discharge the damages sustained by the Beneciary due to
such Default, event or circumstances. (2) However, the total liability of the Guarantor shall not
exceed the Bond Amount.
The obligations and liabilities of the Guarantor shall not be discharged by any allowance of time
or other indulgence whatsoever by the Beneciary to the Principal, or by any variation or sus -
pension of the works to be executed under the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contract
or to the constitution of the Principal or the Beneciary, or by any other matters, whether with or
without the knowledge or consent of the Guarantor.
Any claim under this Bond must be received by the Guarantor on or before (the date six months
after the expected expiry of the Defects Notication Period for the Works) __________________
(the “Expiry Date”), when this Bond shall expire and shall be returned to the Guarantor.
The benet of this Bond may be assigned subject to the provisions for assignment of the Contract,
and subject to the receipt by the Guarantor of evidence of full compliance with such provisions.
This Bond shall be governed by the law of the same country (or other jurisdiction) as that which
governs the Contract. This Bond incorporates and shall be subject to the Uniform Rules for Contr
Bonds, published as number 524 by the International Chamber of Commerce, and words used in
this Bond shall bear the meanings set out in such Rules.
(date) ___________
Wherefore this Bond has been issued by the Principal and the Guarantor on
Signature(s) for and on behalf of the Principal _________________________________________
Signature(s) for and on behalf of the Guarantor______________________________________
When writing the tender documents, the writer should ascertain whether to include the optional text, shown
in parentheses [ ]
Insert: [and shall not be entitled to perform the Principal’s obligations under the Contract.]
Or: [or at the option of the Guarantor (to be exercised in writing within 42 days of receiving the claim
specifying such Default) perform the Principal’s obligations under the Contract.]

FIDIC Construction, Part II

5 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Ak E  

[Videti komentar podklauzule 1.2]

Kratak opis Ugovora __________________________________________________________

Naziv i sedište Korisnika _______________________________________________________
___ _____________________________________(koji je u Ugovoru denisan kao Investitor).
Obavešteni smo da je ___________________________________ (u daljem tekstu: “Komitent”)
vaš izvođač na osnovu pomenutog Ugovora i da želi da mu bude isplaćen avans, za šta mu je
po Ugovoru potrebno da obezbedi garanciju.
Na zahtev Komitenta, mi (naziv banke) ________________________________ se ovim ne-
opozivo obavezujemo da vama, Korisniku/Investitoru, isplatimo bilo koji iznos ili iznose koji u
celini ne premašuju _______________ (“garantni iznos”, slovima: __________________ ) po
prijemu vašeg zahteva u pisanoj formi i izjave u kojoj se navodi:
(a) da Komitent nije izvršio povraćaj u skladu sa uslovima Ugovora, i
(b) iznos koji Komitent nije vratio.
Ova garancija stupa na snagu po prijemu (prve tranše) avansa od strane Komitenta. Pomenuti
garantni iznos se umanjuje za iznose avansa koji budu vama vraćeni, o čemu kao dokaz služe
vaša obaveštenja koja su izdata u skladu sa podklauzulom uslova Ugovora. Obavezujemo se
da vas odmah po prijemu (od Komitenta) primerka svakog potvrđenog obaveštenja obavestimo
o izmenjenom garantnom iznosu.
Svaki zahtev za isplatu mora da bude sa vašim potpisom overenim od strane vaše banke ili
javnog beležnika. Overeni zahtev i izjava moraju da nam se uruče u našim prostorijama do (70.
dana po očekivanom isteku Roka završetka) _______________ (“rok isteka”), kada ova garan -
cija prestaje da važi i vraća se nama.
Obavešteni smo da Korisnik može da od Komitenta zahteva produženje garancije ako
avans ne bude vraćen najmanje 28 dana pre pomenutog datuma isteka. Obavezujemo
se da vam isplatimo pomenuti garantni iznos u roku od 28 dana od prijema vaseg za -
hteva u pisanoj formi i izjave da nije izvršen povraćaj avansa i da ova garancija nije
Ova garancija podleže zakonima ____________________________ i Jedinstvenim pravilima
potražnih garancija koja je izdala Međunarodna trgovačka komora pod brojem 458, sa gore
pomenutim izuzecima.

Datum ______________ Potpis(i) ____________________________________________

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 57



[See comments on Sub-Clause 1.2]

Brief description of Contract ____________________________________________________

Name and address of Beneciary ________________________________________________
______________________________________ (whom the Contract denes as the Employer).
We have been informed that __________________ (hereinafter called the “Principal”) is your
contractor under such Contract and wishes to receive an advance payment, for which the
Contract requires him to obtain a guarantee.
At the request of the Principal, we (name of bank) __________________ hereby irrevocably
undertake to pay you, the Beneciary/Employer, any sum or sums not exceeding in total the
amount of ________________ (the “guaranteed amount”, say: _________________ ) upon
receipt by us of your demand in writing and your written statement stating:
(a) that the Principal has failed to repay the advance payment in accordance with
the conditions of the Contract, and
(b) the amount which the Principal has failed to repay.
This guarantee shall become effective upon receipt [of the rst instalment] of the advance
payment by the Principal. Such guaranteed amount shall be reduced by the amounts of the
advance payment repaid to you, as evidenced by your notices issued under sub-clause 14.6 of
the conditions of the Contract. Following receipt (from the Principal) of a copy of each purported
notice, we shall promptly notify you of the revised guaranteed amount accordingly.
Any demand for payment must contain your signature(s) which must be authenticated by your
bankers or by a notary public. The authenticated demand and statement must be received by us
at this ofce on or before (the date 70 days after the expected expiry of the Time for Completion)
_____________ (the “expiry date”), when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us.

We have been informed that the Beneciary may require the Principal to extend this guarantee
if the advance payment has not been repaid by the date 28 days prior to such expiry date. We
undertake to pay you such guaranteed amount upon receipt by us, within such period of 28
days, of your demand in writing and your written statement that the advance payment has not
been repaid and that this guarantee has not been extended.
This guarantee shall be governed bythe laws of _______________ and shall besubject to the
Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, published as number 458 by the International Chamber
of Commerce, except as stated above.

Date _____________ Signature(s) _____________________________________________

FIDIC Construction, Part II

5 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Ak F  

[Videti komentar podklauzule 1.9]

Kratak opis Ugovora _________________________________________________________

Naziv i sedište Korisnika ______________________________________________________
________________________________________ (koji je u Ugovoru denisan kao Investitor).
Obavešteni smo da je ___________________________ (u daljem tekstu: “Komitent”) vaš izvo
đač po pomenutom Ugovoru i da želi mu ranije bude vraćen (deo) garantnog depozita, za šta
mu je po ugovoru potrebno da obezbedi garanciju.
Na zahtev Komitenta, mi (naziv banke) _______________________ ovim se neopozivo obave-
zujemo da vama, Korisniku/Investitoru, isplatimo bilo koji iznos ili iznose koji u celini ne prema-
šuju _______________ (“garantni iznos”, slovima: __________________ ) po prijemu vašeg
zahteva u pisanoj formi i izjave u kojoj se navodi:
(a) da Komitent nije izvršio svoju obavezu da otkloni izvesne nedostatke za koje je
po Ugovoru odgovoran, i
(b) priroda nedostataka.
Naša odgovornost po ovoj garanciji ne može da bilo kada premaši ukupan iznos garan -
tnog depozita koji je Komitentu prenet sa vaše strane, što se potvrđuje vašim obave -
štenjima izdatim u skladu sa podklauzulom 14.6 uslova Ugovora, čiji su primerci nama

Svaki zahtev za isplatu mora da bude sa vašim potpisom overenim od strane vaše banke ili
javnog beležnika. Overeni zahtev i izjava moraju da nam se uruče u našim prostorijama do (70.
dana po očekivanom isteku Roka za prijavu nedostataka) _______________ (“rok isteka”),
kada ova garancija prestaje da važi i vraća se nama.
Obavešteni smo da Korisnik može da od Komitenta zahteva produženje garancije ako potvrda
o dobro izvršenom poslu u skladu sa Ugovorom ne bude izdata najmanje 28 dana pre pome-
nutog datuma isteka. Obavezujemo se da vam isplatimo pomenuti garantni iznos u roku od 28
dana od prijema vašeg zahteva u pisanoj formi i izjave da potvrda o dobro izvršenom poslu nije
izdata bez krivice Komitenta i da ova garancija nije produžena.
Ova garancija podleže zakonima ____________________________ i Jedinstvenim pravilima
potražnih garancija koja je izdala Međunarodna trgovačka komora pod brojem 458, sa gore
pomenutim izuzecima.

Datum _____________ Potpis(i) ____________________________________________

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 59



[See comments on Sub-Clause 1.9]

Brief description of Contract ____________________________________________________

Name and address of Beneciary _______________________________________________
______________________________________ (whom the Contract denes as the Employer).
We have been informed that ________________ (hereinafter called the “Principal”) is your
contractor under such Contract and wishes to receive early payment of [part of] the retention
money, for which the Contract requires him to obtain a guarantee.
At the request of the Principal, we (name of bank) __________________ hereby irrevocably
undertake to pay you, the Beneciary/Employer, any sum or sums not exceeding in total the
amount of ________________ (the “guaranteed amount”, say: __________________ ) upon
receipt by us of your demand in writing and your written statement stating:
(a) that the Principal has failed to carry out his obligation(s)to rectify certain defect(s)
for which he is responsible under the Contract, and
(b) the nature of such defect(s).
At any time, our liability under this guarantee shall not exceed the total amount of retention
money released to the Principal by you, as evidenced by your notices issued under sub-clause
14.6 of the conditions of the Contract with a copy being passed to us.
Any demand for payment must contain your signature(s) which must be authenticated by your
bankers or by a notary public. The authenticated demand and statement must be received by us
at this ofce on or before (the date 70 days after the expected expiry of the Defects Notication
Period for the Works) ________________ (the “expiry date”), when this guarantee shall expire
and shall be returned to us.
We have been informed that the Beneciary may require the Principal to extend this guarantee
if the performance certicate under the Contract has not been issued by the date 28 days prior
to such expiry date. We undertake to pay you such guaranteed amount upon receipt by us,
within such period of 28 days, of your demand in writing and your written statement that the
performance certicate has not been issued, for reasons attributable to the Principal, and that
this guarantee has not been extended.
This guarantee shall be governed by the laws of _______________ and shall be subject to the
Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, published as number 458 by the International Chamber
of Commerce, except as stated above.

Date _____________ Signature(s) _____________________________________________

FIDIC Construction, Part II

0 Smernice za pripremu posebnih uslova

Ak G  

[Videti str. 3: Finansije Izvođača ]

Kratak opis Ugovora __________________________________________________________

Naziv i sedište Korisnika _______________________________________________________
_________________________________________ (koji je u Ugovoru denisan kao Izvođač).
Obavešteni smo da je ___________________________ (koji je u Ugovoru denisan kao
Investitor i koji se u daljem tekstu naziva “Komitent” potrebno da pribavi bankarsku garanciju.
Na zahtev Komitenta, mi (naziv banke) _________________________ se ovim neopozivo
obavezujemo da vama, Korisniku/Investitoru, isplatimo bilo koji iznos ili iznose koji u celini ne
premašuju _______________ (slovima: __________________ ) po prijemu vašeg zahteva u
pisanoj formi i izjave u kojoj se navodi:

(a) da isplatu dana

četrnaest koja jeoddospela po Ugovoru
isteka roka Komitent
preciziranog nije izvršio
u Ugovoru u celini u roku
za pomenutu od
(b) iznos ili iznosi koje Komitent nije isplatio.
Uz zahtev za isplatu prilaže se primerak [ spisak dokumenata kojim se potvrđuje pravo
na isplatu] __________________________, u vezi kojih Komitent nije izvršio isplatu u

Svaki zahtev za isplatu mora da bude sa vašim potpisom overenim od strane vaše banke ili jav
nog beležnika. Overeni zahtev i izjava moraju da nam se uruče u našim prostorijama do
meseci po očekivanom isteku Roka za prijavu nedostataka radova) _______________ , kada
ova garancija prestaje da važi i vraća se nama.
Ova garancija podleže zakonima ____________________________ i Jedinstvenim pravilima
potražnih garancija koja je izdala Međunarodna trgovačka komora pod brojem 458, sa gore
pomenutim izuzecima.

Datum ______________________ Potpis(i) _______________________________

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Guidance for the Preparation of Particular Conditions 61



[See page 37: Contractor Finance]

Brief description of Contract ____________________________________________________

Name and address of Beneciary _______________________________________________
_____________________________________ (whom the Contract denes as the Contractor).
We have been informed that __________________ (whom the Contract denes as the Employer
and who is hereinafter called the “Principal”) is required to obtain a bank guarantee.
At the request of the Principal, we (name of bank) ___________________ hereby irrevocably
undertake to pay you, the Beneciary/Contractor, any sum or sums not exceeding in total the
amount of _________________ (say: __________________ ) upon receipt by us of your de -
mand in writing and your written statement stating:

(a) that,
to in respect
make paymentof ina payment
full by thedue
dateunder the Contract,
fourteen days afterthe
expiry ofhas
the failed
specied in the Contract as that within which such payment should have been
made, and
(b) the amount(s) which the Principal has failed to pay.
Any demand for payment must be accompanied by a copy of [list of documents evidencing
entitlement to payment] __________________________ , in respect of which the Principal has
failed to make payment in full.
Any demand for payment must contain your signature(s) which must be authenticated by your
bankers or by a notary public. The authenticated demand and statement must be received
by us at this ofce on or before(the date six months after the expected expiry of the Defects
Notication Period for the Works) ___________________ when this guarantee shall expire and
shall be returned to us.
This guarantee shall be governed by the laws of __________________ and shall be subject
to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, published as number 458 by the International
Chamber of Commerce, except as stated above.

Date _____________ Signature(s) _____________________________________________

FIDIC Construction, Part II


 Forme Tendera i Ugovora




Pregledali smo Uslove ugovora, Specikacije, Crteže, Predmer i ostale spiskove, Prilog
i Dodatke br. ____________________________ za izvođenje gore pomenutih Radova.
Nudimo se da izvedemo i završimo Radove i da otklonimo sv e nedostatke u njima u skladu
sa ovom Ponudom koji uključuje sve pomenute dokumente, za iznos od (valute plaćanja)


ili neki drugi iznos koji bude utvrđen u skladu sa Uslovima ugovora.
Prihvatamo vaš predlog u pogledu postavljanja KRS, kako je navedeno u spisku __________

teSpisak smone
sugestije kompletirali dodavanjem
predstavljaju uslov ovenaših sugestija
ponude. ]* u vezi ostalih Članova KRS, s tim što

Pristajemo da se držimo ove Ponude do ________________ i on će za nas biti obvezujući i

može da bude prihvaćen bilo kada do pomenutog datuma. Potvrđujemo da Prilog sačinjava
sastavni deo ovoe Ponude.
Ukoliko ova ponuda bude prihvaćena, obavezujemo se da obezbedimo predviđenu Garanciju za
dobro izvršenje posla i da pristupimo izvođenju Radova u najkraćem mogućem roku posle Datuma
početka i da Radove završimo u skladu sa gore pomenutim dokumentima u Roku završetka.
Sve do pripreme i zaključenja zvaničnog Sporazuma, ova Ponuda i vaša pisana potvrda o -pri
hvatanju istog sačinjavaće obvezujući ugovor između nas.
Poznato nam je da niste u obavezi da prihvatite najniži ili bilo koji druga ponuda koji budete primili.

Potpis ____________________ u svojstvu _______________________________________

koji je ovlašćen da ponude potpisuje u ime i za račun ________________________________

Adresa: ___________________________________________________________________


Datum: _________________________

* Ako ga podnosilac Ponude ne prihvata, ovaj stav može da se briše i da bude zamenjen slede
Ne prihvatamo vaše sugestije u pogledu postavljenja KRS. Naše sugestije smo uneli u
spisak, s tim što one ne predstavljaju uslove ove ponude. Ako vam ove sugestije nisu
prihvatljive, predlažemo da KRS zajedničko postavimo u skladu sa podklauzulom 20.2

Uslova Ugovora.

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Forms of Tender and Agreement 65




We have examined the Conditions of Contract, Specication, Drawings, Bill of Quantities, the
other Schedules, the attachedAppendix and Addenda Nos ______________________ for the
execution of the above-named Works. We offer to execute and complete the Works and remedy
any defects therein in conformity with this Tender which includes all these documents, for the
sum of (in currencies of payment) _______________________________________________

or such other sum as may be determined in accordance with the Conditions of Contract.
We accept your suggestions for the appointment of the DAB, as set out in Schedule

[We have completed the Schedule by adding our suggestions for the other Member of the
DAB, but these suggestions are not conditions of this offer]. *
We agree to abide by this Tender until _____________ and it shall remain binding upon us and
may be accepted at any time before that date. We acknowledge that the Appendix forms part
of this Letter of Tender.
If this offer is accepted, we will provide the specied Performance Security, commence the
Works as soon as is reasonably practicable after the Commencement Date, and complete the
Works in accordance with the above-named documents within the Time for Completion.
Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this Letter of Tender, together
with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive.
Signature ________________ in the capacity of ____________________________________

duly authorised to sign tenders for and on behalf of __________________________________


Address: ___________________________________________________________________


Date: _________________________

* If the Tenderer does not accept, this paragraph may be deleted and replaced by:
We do not accept your suggestions for the appointment of the DAB. We have included our
suggestions in the Schedule, but these suggestions are not conditions of this offer. If these
suggestions are not acceptable to you, we propose that the DAB be jointly appointed in
accordance with Sub-Clause 20.2 of the Conditions of Contract.

FIDIC Construction, Part II

 Forme Tendera i Ugovora

[Napomena: osim pozicija za koje su uneti zahtevi Investitora, potrebno je da se sledeće
informacije kompletiraju pre podnošenja Ponude]

Pozicija Podklauzula Podaci

Naziv i sedište Investitora . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 1.3 _____________________________________


Naziv i sedište Izvođača . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 1.3 _____________________________________


Naziv i sedište Nadzornog organa . . . . . . . & 1.3 _____________________________________


Rok za završetak Radova . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ dana

Rok za prijavu nedostataka . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 dana

Elektronski sistemi prenosa . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 _____________________________________

Merodavno pravo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 _____________________________________

Merodavni jezik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 _____________________________________

Jezik za komunikacije . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 _____________________________________

Rok za pristup gradilištu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 ________dana posle Datuma početka

Iznos garancije za dobro izvršenje posla . . 4.2 _____ % prihvaćenog ugovornog iznosa, u
valutama i razmerama u kojim je ugovorna
cena plativa

Normalno radno vreme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 _____________________________________

Obeštećenje za kašnjenje Radova . . . . . . 8.7 &14.15(b) _____ % konačne ugovorne, cene na dan, u
valutama i razmerama u kojim je ugovorna
cena plativa

Maksimalni iznos obeštećenja za

kašnjenje Radova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.7 _____ % konačne ugovorne cene

Ako postoje okvirne sume:

Procenat korekcije
okvirnih suma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.5(b) _____ %


Paraf potpisnika
potpisnika Ponude
Ponude _________________________________________________________

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Forms of Tender and Agreement 67

[ Note: with the exception of the items for which the Employer’s requirements have been
inserted, the following information must be completed before the Tender is submitted ]

Item Sub-Clause Data

Employer’s name and address . . . . . . . . . & 1.3 _____________________________________


Contractor’s name and address . . . . . . . . & 1.3 _____________________________________


Engineer’s name and address . . . . . . . . . & 1.3 _____________________________________


Time for Completion of the Works . . . . . . . ____ days

Defects Notication Period . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 days

Electronic transmission systems . . . . . . . . 1.3 _____________________________________

Governing Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 _____________________________________

Ruling language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 _____________________________________

Language for communications . . . . . . . . . 1.4 _____________________________________

Time for access to the Site . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 ________days after the Commencement Date

Amount of Performance Security . . . . . . . . 4.2 _____ % of the Accepted Contract Amount,

in the currencies and proportions in which the
Contract Price is payable

Normal working hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 _____________________________________

Delay damages for the Works . . . . . . . . . . 8.7 &14.15(b) _____ % of the nal Contract Price per day,
in the currencies and proportions in which the
Contract Price is payable

Maximum amount of Delay damages . . . . 8.7 _____ % of the nal Contract Price

If there are Provisional Sums:

Percentage for adjustment of
Provisional Sums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.5(b) _____ %


Initials of signatory of Tender ______________________________________________________

FIDIC Construction, Part II

 Forme Tendera i Ugovora

Ako važi podklauzula 13.::

Korekcije za promene u cenama;
Tabele podataka za korekciju . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8

Koecijent; Zemlja porekla; Izvor indeksa; Vrednost u navedenim

obim indeksa valuta indeksa Naziv/denicija danima*
Vrednost Datum
a=0.10 ksno ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
b= ______ Rad ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
c= _________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
d= _________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
e= _________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

* Ove vrednosti i datumi

datumi potvrđuju deniciju svakog indeksa, ali
ali ne
ne denišu
denišu indekse Osnovnog datuma

Ukupno avansno plaćanje . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2

Broj i vremenski raspored tranši . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2

Valute i razmere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2 za plaćanja svakog

meseca/[ GODINE ] u ___________(valuti)

___ % prihvaćenog ugovornog iznosa

Početak vraćanja avansa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2(a)

Vraćanje amortizacije avansa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2(b) ____ % in _____________________________

____ % in _____________________________

Procenat zadržavanja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3 kada plaćanja iznose ____________% prihva-

ćenog ugovornog iznosa umanjenog za okvirne
Granica garantnog depozita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3 sume

Ako važi podklauzula 1.5: _____ %

Postrojenje i materijal za plaćanje
po otpremi na gradilište . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.5(b) _____ %

____ % prihvaćenog ugovornog iznosa

Postrojenje i materijal za plaćanje
po isporuci na gradilištu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.5(c)

_________________________________ [lista]
Minimalni iznos privremenih _________________________________ [lista]
situacija . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.6

Ako se
se plaćanja
vrše samo
samo uu valuti�valutama
navedenim na
na prvoj
prvoj stranici
stranici Ponude:

Valuta/valute plaćanja . . . . . . . . . . 14.15 _________________________________ [lista]


Paraf potpisnika
potpisnika Ponude
Ponude _________________________________________________________

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Forms of Tender and Agreement 69

If Sub-Clause 13. applies:

Adjustments for Changes in Cost;
Table(s) of adjustment data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8

Coefcient; Country of srcin; Source of index; Value on stated date(s)*

scope of index currency of index Title/denition Value Date
a=0.10 Fixed ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
b= ______ Labour ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
c= _________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
d= _________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
e= _________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

* These values and dates conrm the denition of each index, but do not dene Base Date indices

Total advance payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2

Number and timing of instalments . . . . . . . . . . 14.2

Currencies and proportions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.2 for payments

month/[ YEAReach
] in ___________(currency)

___ % of the Accepted Contract Amount

Start repayment of advance payment . . . . . . . . 14.2(a)

Repayment amortisation of advance payment. . 14.2(b) ____ % in _____________________________

____ % in _____________________________

Percentage of retention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3 when payments are _______________% of

the Accepted Contract Amount less Provisional
Limit of Retention Money . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3 Sums

If Sub-Clause 1.5 applies: _____ %

Plant and Materials for payment when

shipped en route to the Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.5(b) _____ %

____ % of the Accepted Contract Amount

Plant and Materials for payment
when delivered to the Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.5(c)

__________________________________ [list]
Minimum amount of Interim Payment __________________________________ [list]
Certicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.6

If payments are only to be made in a currency�currencies named on the rst page of the Letter of Tender:

Currency/currencies of payment . . . . . . . . . . 14.15 __________________________________ [list]


Initials of signatory of Tender ______________________________________________________

FIDIC Construction, Part II

70 Forme Tendera i Ugovora

Ako se neka plaćanja vrše u valuti�valutama koje nisu navedene na prvoj stranici Ponude :

Valute plaćanja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.15 _________________________________ [lista]

Valutna jedinica Procenat plativ u toj valuti Kurs

jed narazmene: broj lokalnih
jednu stranu
Lokalna: _____________ [naziv] ___________________________ 1.000
Strana: _____________ [naziv] ___________________________ ___________________________
_____________ [naziv] ___________________________ ___________________________

Rokovi za podnošenje osiguranja:

(a) dokaz o osiguranju . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.1 ____ % prihvaćenog ugovornog iznosa
(b) relevantne polise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.1
________ navedene u Ponudi
Maksimalni odbici za osiguranje od rizika
Investitora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.2(d)

Minimalni iznos osiguranja od odgovornosti ____ dana

prema trećim licima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.3 ____ dana

Rok za postavljenje KRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2


KRS se. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2


28 dana od Datuma početka

Postavljenje (ako nije dogovoreno)

da izvrši . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.3 bilo:
______ inokosni član/ presuđivač

Denicija sekcija::

Opis Rok za završetak Obeštećenje za kašnjenje

(Podklauzula (Podklauzula (Podklauzula 8.7)
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

[ U ovom Prilogu, tekst u italiku predviđen je kao pomoć sastavljaču

sastavljaču konkretnog
konkretnog ugovora
ugovora uu vidu
vidu saveta
saveta uu po
gledu odredbi koje su releventne za dati ugovor. Ovakav tekst u italiku ne bi trebalo unositi u dokumentaciju
ponude, jer bi to ponuđačima izgledalo neprikladno.].]


Paraf potpisnika
potpisnika Ponude
Ponude _________________________________________________________

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Forms of Tender and Agreement 71

If some payments are to be made in a cuirency�cuirendes not named on the rst page of the
Letter of Tender:

Currencies of payment . . . . . . . . . . 14.15 __________________________________ [list]

Currency Unit Percentage payable In the Rate of exchange : number

Currency of Local per unit of Foreign
Local: _______________ [name] ___________________________ 1.000
Foreign: _______________ [name] ___________________________ ___________________________
_______________ [name] ___________________________ ___________________________

Periods for submission of insurance:

(a) evidence of insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.1 ____ % of the Accepted Contract Amount
(b) relevant policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.1
________ as named in the Letters of Tender
Maximum amount of deductibles for insurance
of the Employer’s risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.2(d)

Minimum amount of third party ____ days

insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.3 ____ days

Date by which the DAB shall be appointed . . . . 20.2


The DAB shall be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.2


28 days after the Commencement Date

Appointment (if not agreed) to

be made by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.3 Either:
______ One sole Member/adjudicator

If there are Sections:

Denition of Sections:

Description Time for Completion Dalay Damages

(Sub-Clause (Sub-Clause (Sub-Clause 8.7)
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

[ In the above Appendix, the text shown in italics is intended to assist the drafter of a particular contract by
providing guidance on which provisions are relevant to the particular contract. This italicised text should not
be included in the tender documents, as it will generally appear inappropriate to tenderers.]


Initials of signatory of Tender ______________________________________________________

FIDIC Construction, Part II

72 Forme Tendera i Ugovora


a oo zaključen je __________________ 20_____. godine

između ___________________ iz _____________ (u daljem tekstu: Investitor) s jedne strane
i ___________________ iz ________________ (u daljem tekstu: Izvođač) s druge strane.

Pošto Investitor želi da Radove poznate kao _________________ izvede Izvođač i prihvatio
je Ponudu Izvođača za izvođenje i završetak tih Radova i otklanjanje svih nedostataka u
Io  Izoa u  doool kako sledi:

1. Reči i izrazi koji se koriste u ovom Ugovoru imaju isto onakvo značenje, kakvo im je
pripisano u Uslovima ugovora koji se u daljem tekstu pominju.
2. Sledeći dokumenti se smatraju sastavnim delom ovog Ugovora i kao takvi se tumače:
(a) Potvrda o prihvatanju koja je izdata ___________________
(b) Ponuda koja je podneta ___________________
(c) Dodaci br. ____________________
(d) Uslovi Ugovora
(e) Specikacije
(f) Crteži, i
(g) Popunjeni cenovnici.

3. U zamenu za plaćanja koja će Investitor vršiti Izvođaču kako je niže navedeno, Izvođač
se ovim obavezuje Investitoru da izvede i završi Radove i otkloni sve nedostatke u -nji
ma, u skladu sa odredbama Ugovora.
4. Investitor se ovim obavezuje da u zamenu za izvođenje i završenje Radova i otkla-
njanje nedostataka u njima, Izvođaču isplati Ugovornu cenu u rokovima i na način
predviđen Ugovorom.

uKao potvrda
skladu svega ovde
sa njihovim rečenog, strane su zaključile ovaj Ugovor navedenog dana i godine

POTPISAO: ________________________________ POTPISAO: ________________________________

za i u ime Investitora u prisustvu za i u ime Izvođača u prisustvu

Svedok:: _________________________________ Svedok:: _________________________________

Ime:: _________________________________ Ime:: _________________________________
Adresa:: _________________________________ Adresa:: _________________________________

Datum:: _________________________________ Datum:: _________________________________

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Forms of Tender and Agreement 73


h A made the _______________ day of _______________ 20 ______________

Between _____________ of _____________(hereinafter called “the Employer”) of the one part,
and _____________ of _____________ (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) of the other
Wha the Employer desires that the Works known as _____________ should be executed
by the Contractor, and has accepted a Tender by the Contractor for the execution and comple
tion of these Works and the remedying of any defects therein,
h Eloy ad h Coao a as follows:
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are re-
spectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part
of this Agreement:
(a) The Letter of Acceptance dated _____________
(b) The Letter of Tender dated _____________
(c) The Addenda nos _____________
(d) The Conditions of Contract
(e) The Specication
(f) The Drawings, and
(g) The completed Schedules.

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as

hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with theEmployer to execute
and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein,in conformity with the provi-
sions of the Contract.
4. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor, in consideration of the execu-
tion and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract
Price at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

I W whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day

SIGNED by: ________________________________ SIGNED by: ________________________________

for and on behalf of the Employer in the presence for and on behalf of the Contractor in the presence
of of

Witness: _________________________________ Witness: _________________________________

Name: _________________________________ Name: _________________________________
Address: _________________________________ Address: _________________________________

Date: _________________________________ Date: _________________________________

FIDIC Construction, Part II

7 Forme Tendera i Ugovora


(za jednočlanu KRS)

Naziv i pojedinosti Ugovora __________________________________________________

Naziv i sedište Investitora ____________________________________________________
Naziv i sedište Izvođača _____________________________________________________
Ime i adresa Člana _________________________________________________________
Pošto su Investitor i Izvođač zaključili Ugovor i žele da zajednički odrede Člana koji će da -de
luje kao inokosni presuđivač, koji se u daljem tekstu takođe pominje kao “KRS”.
Io� Izoa  la u  uobo doool kako sledi:
1. Uslove ovog Sporazuma o rešavanju sporova predstavljaju “Opšti uslovi sporazuma
o rešavanju sporova”, koji su dati u vidu dodatka Opštih uslova 1. izdanja “Uslova
ugovora za postrojenje i projektovanje-izgradnju” objavljenog od strane FIDIC-a
uključujui sledeće
izmene iodredbe. Reči i izrazi
dopune Opštih uslovakoji se koristezau rešavanje
sporazuma pomenutimsporova,
odredbama, koje
onakvo značenje, kakvo im je pripisano u Opštim uslovima sporazuma za rešavanje
2. [Pojedinosti vezane za izmene i dopune Opštih uslova Sporazuma za rešavanje spo-
rova, ukoliko su vršene. Na primer:
U Pravilima postupka priloženim Opštim uslovima Sporazuma za rešavanje
sporova,Pravilo __ se briše i zamenjuje sa: “...”]
3. U skladu sa klauzulom 6 Opštih uslova Sporazuma o rešavanju sporova, Članu se
isplaćuje sledeće:
Naknada za raspoloživost uiznosu od ______________ mesečno,
plus dnevnica u iznosu od ______________ dnevno.
4. U zamenu za pomenutu naknadu i ostala plaćanja koja će Investitor i Izvođač vršiti u
skladu sa klauzulom 6 Opštih uslova sporazuma o rešavanju sporova, Član se oba -

sporova.da deluje kao KRS (kao presuđivač) u skladu sa Sporazumom o rešavanju
5. Investitor i Izvođač se solidarno obavezuju da plaćaju Članu za pružanje pomenutih
usluga u skladu sa klauzulom 6.Opštih uslova sporazuma o rešavanju sporova.
6. Ovaj Sporazum o rešavanju sporova podleže zakonima ______________________.


za i u ime Investitora u prisustvu za i u ime Izvođača u prisustvu Član u prisustvu

Svedok: __________________ Svedok: __________________ Svedok: __________________

Ime: __________________ Ime: __________________ Ime: __________________
Adresa: __________________ Adresa: __________________ Adresa: __________________
Datum: __________________ Datum: __________________ Datum: __________________

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Forms of Tender and Agreement 75


[for a one-person DAB]

Name and details of Contract __________________________________________________

Name and address of Employer ________________________________________________
Name and address of Contractor _______________________________________________
Name and address of Member _________________________________________________

Wha h Eloy ad h Coao have entered into the Contract and desire jointly
to appoint the Member to act as sole adjudicator who is also called the “DAB”.
h Eloy� Coao ad Mb oly a as follows:
1. The conditions of this Dispute Adjudication Agreement comprise the “General
Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement”, which is appended to the General
Conditions of the “Conditions of Contract for Construction” First Edition 1999 pub
lished by the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC), and the -fol
lowing provisions. In these provisions, which includeamendments and additions to the
General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement, words and expressions shall
have the same meanings as are assigned to them inthe General Conditions of Dispute
Adjudication Agreement.
2. [ Details of amendments to the General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement,
if any. For example:
In the procedural rules annexed to the General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication
Agreement, Rule _ is deleted and replaced by: “ … “]
3. In accordance with Clause 6 of the General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement,
the Member shall be paid as follows:
A retainer fee of _______________ per calendar month,
plus a daily fee of _______________ per day.
4. In consideration of these fees and other payments to be made by the Employer and
the Contractor in accordance with Clause 6 of the General Conditions of Dispute
Adjudication Agreement,
accordance with the Member
this Dispute undertakes
Adjudication tonact
Agreeme t. as the DAB (as adjudicator) in
5. The Employer and the Contractor jointly and severally undertake to pay the Member,
in consideration of the carrying out of these services, in accordance with Clause 6 of
the General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement.
6. This Dispute Adjudication Agreement shall be governed by the law______________


for and on behalf of the Employer for and on behalf of the Contractor the Member in the presence of
in the presence of in the presence of

Witness: __________________ Witness: __________________ Witness: __________________

Name: __________________ Name: __________________ Name: __________________
Address: __________________ Address: __________________ Address: __________________

Date: __________________ Date: __________________ Date: __________________

FIDIC Construction, Part II

7 Forme Tendera i Ugovora


(za svakog člana tročlane KRS)

Naziv i pojedinosti Ugovora ___________________________________________________

Naziv i sedište Investitora ____________________________________________________
Naziv i sedište Izvođača _____________________________________________________
Ime i adresa Člana _________________________________________________________

Pošto su Investitor i Izvođač zaključili Ugovor i žele da zajednički odrede Člana koji će da
deluje kao jedno od tri lica koja se zbirno nazivaju KRS (i žele da Član deluje u svojstvu pred -
sedavajućeg KRS).
Io� Izoa  la u  uobo doool kako sledi:
1. Uslove ovog Sporazuma o rešavanju sporova predstavljaju “Opšti uslovi sporazuma
o rešavanju sporova”, koji su dati u vidu dodatka Opštih uslova 1. izdanja “Uslova
ugovora za postrojenje i projektovanje-izgradnju” objavljenog od strane FIDIC-a
godine, i sledeće odredbe. Reči i izrazi koji se koriste u pomenutim odredbama, koje
uključuju izmene i dopune Opštih uslova sporazuma za rešavanje sporova, imajuisto
onakvo značenje, kakvo im je pripisano u Opštim uslovima sporazuma za rešavanje
2. [Pojedinosti vezane za izmene i dopune Opštih uslova Sporazuma za rešavanje spo-
rova, ukoliko su vršene. Na primer:
U Pravilima postupka priloženim Opštim uslovima Sporazuma za rešavanje
sporova,Pravilo __ se briše i zamenjuje sa: “...”]
3. U skladu sa klauzulom 6 Opštih uslova Sporazuma o rešavanju sporova, Članu se
isplaćuje sledeće:
Naknada za raspoloživost uiznosu od __________ mesečno,
plus dnevnica u iznosu od __________ dnevno.
4. U zamenu za pomenutu naknadu i ostala plaćanja koja će Investitor i Izvođač vršiti u
skladu sa klauzulom 6 Opštih uslova sporazuma orešavanju sporova, Član se obave-
zuje da deluje u skladu sa Sporazumom o rešavanju sporova kao jedno od trilica koja
zajednički deluju u svojstvu KRS.
5. Investitor i Izvođač se solidarno obavezuju da plaćaju Članu za pružanje pomenutih
usluga u skladu sa klauzulom 6.Opštih uslova sporazuma o rešavanju sporova.
6. Ovaj Sporazum o rešavanju sporova podleže zakonima ______________________ .


za i u ime Investitora u prisustvu za i u ime Izvođača u prisustvu Član u prisustvu

Svedok: __________________ Svedok: __________________ Svedok: __________________

Ime: __________________ Ime: __________________ Ime: __________________
Adresa: __________________ Adresa: __________________ Adresa: __________________
Datum: __________________ Datum: __________________ Datum: __________________

Građevinski radovi, deo II FIDIC

Forms of Tender and Agreement 77


[for each member of a three-person DAB]

Name and details of Contract __________________________________________________

Name and address of Employer ________________________________________________
Name and address of Contractor _______________________________________________
Name and address of Member _________________________________________________

Wha the Employer and the Contractor have entered into the Contract and desire jointly to
appoint the Member to act as one of the three persons who are jointly called the “DAB” [and
desire the Member to act as chairman of the DAB] .

h Eloy� Coao ad Mb oly a as follows:

1. The conditions of this Dispute Adjudication Agreement comprise the “General
Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement”, which is appended to the General
Conditions of the “Conditions of Contract for Construction” First Edition 1999 pub-
lished by the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC), and the -fol
lowing provisions. In these provisions, which includeamendments and additions to the
General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement, words and expressions shall
have the same meanings as are assigned to them inthe General Conditions of Dispute
Adjudication Agreement.
2. [ Details of amendments to the General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement,
if any. For example:
In the procedural rules annexed to the General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication
Agreement, Rule _ is deleted and replaced by: “ … “]
3. In accordance with Clause 6 of the General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement,
the Member shall be paid as follows:
A retainer fee of _______________ per calendar month,
plus a daily fee of _______________ per day.
4. In consideration of these fees and other payments to be made by the Employer and
the Contractor in accordance with Clause 6 of the General Conditions of Dispute
Adjudication Agreement, the Member undertakes to serve, as described in this Dispute
Adjudication Agreement, as one of the three persons who are jointly to act as the
5. The Employer and the Contractor jointly and severally undertake to pay the Member,
in consideration of the carrying out of these services, in accordance with Clause 6 of
the General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement.
6. This Dispute Adjudication Agreement shall be governed by the law______________


for and on behalf of the Employer for and on behalf of the Contractor the Member in the presence of
in the presence of in the presence of

Witness: __________________ Witness: __________________ Witness: __________________

Name: __________________ Name: __________________ Name: __________________
Address: __________________ Address: __________________ Address: __________________
Date: __________________ Date: __________________ Date: __________________

FIDIC Construction, Part II

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