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Formed Metal Inspection of Round Bar

1) Plot the full scale end view of round bar with a compass on a piece of paper. Label the 0 o, 90o, 180o,
270o locations and centre, as shown below.


270o 90o


1) Sub-divide the bar into sectors as per the 0o, 90o, 180o, 270o locations and plot an 8-segment sketch on
a piece of paper for clock-wise (CW) and counter-clock-wise (CCW) scans, as shown below.


CW 180o

270o 0o


180o 90o 270o

CCW 180o



2) Calibrate the range with an un-curved 45o wedge on a IIW V1 block

Set Velocity

Set Range

Zero Probe
3) Change the un-curved wedge with a curved 45o wedge and set the sensitivity (reference level) to what
is written in the worksheet. It may be set it to 40% full screen height (FSH) to the side drilled hole
(SDH) in the bar as shown below. Get the dB when you set this sensitivity as you will use this for

Get the ref dB

4) Do a preliminary scan (both CW & CCW) and mark out any suspect areas based on transducer
location. Mark them on the part and the 8-segment sketch so you can keep track of the indications


CW 180o




CCW 180o


5) Locating the discontinuity. Say you found two indications as shown below (based on the tracking on the
8-segment sketch). Say the first one is when the transducer (index pt.) is at 33mm from 270 o scanning
in CCW direction (top left) and the sound path (PL) is 49mm. Using the end-view plot from step 1 and a
slider with a 45o "line" you will be able to locate the indication on the plot. And at the same time if the
CW direction scan at 12mm from 180o also shows an indication at PL=49mm; it can also be plot at
shown in the picture on the top right.
Similar the pictures at the bottom show an indication detected by a CCW scan with transducer at 29mm
from 0o and PL=78mm. The CW scan detected the same indication with transducer at 33mm from 180 o
and PL-78mm.
6) Size the length of a discontinuity. Set the maximum signal height to say 80% full-screen as shown
below. Then move the transducer longitudinally to the left and wait for the amplitude to drop to 40%full-
screen (equivalent to a 6dB drop) and mark the center of the wedge as shown. Then move the transducer
to the right and wait for the drop to 40% full-screen and mark the centre of the wedge at that location. The
length is then the distance between the two mid-points as shown.

7) Evaluation

From step (6), say you have a signal that peaked at 85% FSH at the reference level/gain (say 40dB).
Bring the signal back to 40% FSH the reference screen height and say that comes to 33.5dB.
So calculate the difference, X;
X = Reference gain @ 40 % FSH – Indication gain @ 40% FSH
X = 40 – 33.5 = 6.5 dB
Then substitute into formula;
% signal amplitude to reference = 10 (x 100%)
= 10 (x 100%)
= 2.1134 (x 100%)
≂ 210%

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