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Ch1: Erick

You are a *senior student at college. Your *schedule is from 2pm to 9pm.
You want to get your first job. You are looking for a job as a *supervisor in
an international company. Your *professional practices at your college help
you to get experience in your *major. You are responsible, punctual and
hard-working. In addition, you have the highest grades in your class. So,
you think you are the best option for the company.
Convince the others that you are the best option for the company
“I have the highest grades in my class”
Ch2: Margot
You are the *interviewer at the international company. You look
for good employees but you prefer to hire students because you
do not want to pay high *salaries. You always consider other
people’s opinions but make your own decision. You want Erick
to work from 9am to 3 pm. You are inflexible.
Confirm that Erick is the most qualified person for the job
“Are you the most punctual person?”
Ch3: Mr. Brown
You are the *manager of the international company. You want good
elements for the company. You like to *support young employees to get
experience. You *care about honesty in all the employees. You make the
final decision to hire the *heads of the company (*supervisor).
Demonstrate that you want young but good elements for your
“Does Erick have the highest grades in his class?”
Ch4: Simon
You are Erick’s *classmate and work at the international
company as the supervisor’s assistant. You like to *gossip about
people. You have good grades but Erick has better grades.
However, you think Erick *cheats on the tests and pays for
homework because he is *lazy. You do not want to work with
Erick because you are *afraid of losing your job.
Avoid Erick to get the job.
“Erick has the highest grades but he is the most dishonest
person I know”

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