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GBセᄋ@ セZᄋ@

セ@ II? * y_セ@ )
4. (a) D1scuss the concept of rot all on a! symmetry for classification of crystal structu are

terms ofurut cells?

イセ@ (20)
(b) Discuss different types of btnding forces tn holding the crystals エッ セ セ ッキ@ the phys1cal
properties of a crystal are effected by the type of bonding? セ@ +
h=·••-" 00< •• mm''"''"''•"" ァッ セ@ c;
Describe different methods of surface hardening of met· . Dis uss different methods of

セg b@
5. Answer any three of the following (each not exceed 20 0 words):
(20 X 3 = 60)
(a) What is a Flexible m セ N@
System? Discuss the applications of F1exibl e
Manufacturing sケウエ セ ュウN@ "'(F.
(b) Describe a basic e · mo othening model for forecasting. What are the conditions
under which thisq ; セ ッイォウ@ best?
(c) What are the ad . ag and disadvantages of Laser Beam Machining? What are the areas of
its 。ーャゥ」 セ ᄋッョ_@
(d) wィ セ h@エ asitrules for locating and clamping in the design of jigs and fixtures? What is
the· p @セ NC machining on the designing of jigs and fixtures?
6. H。I セ iョ Lセ 。」@ ·ng process, explain the factors which affect the accuracy of machined surfaces.
セGャ セ@ various ways of reducing chatter.
What are the advantages of numerically controlled machines? Explain how through
numerically controlled processes, automation is having an important imp act on process
technology forb oth high-volume standardized as well as low volume pro ducts.
(c) Draw a neat iron-carbon diagram showing the variation in iron structure as carbon percentage
is increased. How do heat treatment processes like annealing and case-hardening affect the
physical properties?
7. (a) Define Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). How is EOQ determined?

(I 0)
(b) A company buys 80,00 0 containers per year. The following costs are appli cab! e:
P (Cost per unit) = Rs. 12 per container
0 (Cost per order) = Rs. 2400/-
H (Holding cost) = Rs. 3 per container per year
i (Interest rate) = 15% per annum including charges for insurance and taxes
One warehouse is used to hold exclusively these products. Calculate the e」 セ ョッ@ · Order
Quantity (EOQ) and annual sto eking cost.

(c) The process time for each unit of the two pro ducts on the mixing machine A p ing
machine B are as follows: Madline A セ」ャwゥ・@ B

P.rodUR (brhtnit) (llr.lunit) '-J

4 •

8. (a) Define the terms : use カ。ャオ・ @セ alue, cost value and exchange value as related to value
engineering. What are the L,.a! sts 'or developing better value alternatives? Discuss that
different phases of j ッ セ ーャ@ . 1li to udge for value engineering.
(b) Describe the prifiOW' セ@ ectra-Chemical Machining (ECM) and discuss its advantages and
dtsadvantages セ ウ@ ECM differ from Electro-Dtscharge Machi rung?

• (20)
(c) Wn tine MULT to multiply two matnces [A]L x M and [B]M x N Wnte a mam
prl erate a untt matnx [T]toxto and use the subroutine MULT to obtam [T] 2 and

from !5° C to 30 o•c, the air pressure at the entry being 1.0 13 bar. The expression Nu = 0. 0 2
(Re)02 may be used together with the following data:
Thermal conductivity at the mean air temperature 0. 0575 W /m• C Absolute viscosity 1.0 2 x
I o-5 kg/ms
For air Cp = 1.005 k.Jikg °K and R = 0.287 k.J!kg•K.
(b) Distinguish, with the help of sui table graph I diagram, between "film boiling", "Pool boiling"
orul" Nodo., b•lmg' md ,,.,., •• .,,. ヲゥ]セ@ of セィ@ of.,.,'"'" ッヲ「 セ I@

SEC110NB 0
5. Answer any three of the following parts (answer to each part should not exes : : : ;words):
セ@ .. + (20x3=60)

What are the requirements of a good refrigerant?
refrigerant in tropical climates ? Why Freon-12 is
friendly replacement refrigerants being tried?
Explain the phenomena of "shock" formriii
a£ ·
ing セ ャ。」・、@
dioxide is not used as a
and which are the eco-

of a fluid through a convergent

divergent nozzle. How does it affect the ュ ᄋセ oG@ and exit temperature?
(c) How can smoke intensity be measur . セ ・@ 'with sketches the two important types of
smoke meters.
(d) What do you understand 「 ・ セ @G ce tll ough boiler". (ii) "Super critical boiler" and (iii)
"F1uidised bed combustion 1 1i .at are the advantages and drawbacks of each of these
types of boilers, and their' m ヲ u @セ le files of application?
6. (a) An axial flow 」ッュー セ]M ウ@
a total head pressure ratio of 4 : I with an overall total
head isentropic e fi · n . o 8 5%, when the in! et total head temperature is 29 00 K. This
compressor is 、セ M { ッ@
50% reaction with inlet and out! et air angles from the rotor blades
of 45° and 10° r ec · -ely. The mean blade speed and axial velocity are constant throughout
the compF ssor. ing a value of 20 1.16 m/sec for the blade speed and a work done
factor 0. firt1:l the number of stages required. What is the inlet Mach number relative to
the to ean blade height of the first stage?
(b). and explain the performance characteristics of centrifugal compressors. Compare
with axial flow compressor.
7. A constant pressure gas turbine works between pressures p 1 and p2 and there is no exhaust
heat regeneration. If the ratio between the maximum and minimum temperatures of the cycle
is t and if the isentropic efficiencies of the turbine and the compressor are 111 and t]c
respectively, show that the efficiency of the eye! e is given by the expression.

17 = (1- .:..!.) (,B- a) where W = 17 (t -I)

a (W-a+l) '

(b) Distinguish between "Open cycle" and "Closed cycle" gas turbines. Give advantages,
disadvantages and fie! d of application of each. Why is gas tribunes not used commercially as
prime movers for automobiles while they have replaced IC engines in aircraft applications?
8. (a) A boiler bums coal of the following composition:
C 8 0%. Hl 3. 8%, Ol 2.2% and the remainder ash. On a particular occasion, the percentage of
COl passing up the chimney was I 0%. The temperature of the exhaust gases was セ U@ o:o
C. If the sample of the gas is analysecl. by the ORSAT apparatus at room temp e, v, t
percentage of COl would you expect assuming complete combustion of fuel?

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