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Complications of cesarean delivery

in the massively obese parturient
Mark C. Alanis, MD, MSCR; Margaret S. Villers, MD, MSCR; Tameeka L. Law, MD, MSCR;
Elizabeth M. Steadman, BS; Christopher J. Robinson, MD, MSCR

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to determine predictors of were independently associated with wound complication after controlling
cesarean delivery morbidity associated with massive obesity. for various confounders. Vertical abdominal incisions were associated with
increased operative time, blood loss, and vertical hysterotomy.
STUDY DESIGN: This was an institutional review board–approved ret-
rospective study of massively obese women (body mass index, ⱖ50 kg/
CONCLUSION: Women with a body mass index ⱖ50 kg/m2 have a
m2) undergoing cesarean delivery. Bivariable and multivariable analy-
much greater risk for cesarean wound complications than previously re-
ses were used to assess the strength of association between wound
ported. Avoidance of subcutaneous drains and increased use of trans-
complication and various predictors.
verse abdominal wall incisions should be considered in massively obese
RESULTS: Fifty-eight of 194 patients (30%) had a wound complication. parturients to reduce operative morbidity.
Most (90%) were wound disruptions, and 86% were diagnosed after hospi-
tal discharge (median postoperative day, 8.5; interquartile range, 6 –12). Key words: cesarean delivery, obesity, superobesity, wound
Subcutaneous drains and smoking, but not labor or ruptured membranes, complication, wound infection

Cite this article as: Alanis MC, Villers MS, Law TL, et al. Complications of cesarean delivery in the massively obese parturient. Am J Obstet Gynecol

T he rate of cesarean morbidity in

massively obese women is un-
known despite the increasing relevance plication or infection after cesarean de-
The institutional review board at the
of these patients in modern obstetrics. livery.3-9 Antibiotic prophylaxis for la- Medical University of South Carolina
The percentage of women with a body boring and nonlaboring women and approved this retrospective study. Data
mass index (BMI) of 50 kg/m2 or more suture closure of the subcutaneous space were derived from a single regional ter-
has increased 5-fold in the past 20 years.1 are techniques that have been shown to tiary referral center between Jan. 1, 2005,
We previously reported that the preva- reduce the incidence of wound disrup- and Dec. 31, 2009. All patients undergo-
lence of pregnant women with a BMI of tion in metaanalyses of randomized con- ing cesarean delivery between 20 and 44
50 kg/m2 or more delivering at our insti- trolled trials.10,11 Vertical abdominal in- weeks of gestation with a BMI of 50
tution is 1 in 35, and the rate of cesarean cisions and closed suction subcutaneous kg/m2 or more were included. There
delivery in this population is approxi- drains are commonly used to reduce were no exclusion criteria. All cases were
mately 60%.2 postoperative wound complications for performed by resident and attending
Obesity is a well-recognized risk factor obese patients undergoing cesarean de- surgeons. Heights and weights were
for the development of a wound com- measured at an earlier outpatient prena-
livery. Evidence suggests, however, that
tal visit. The weight taken within 2 weeks
these 2 practices have a negligible or even
before delivery was used for inclusion in
negative impact on the incidence of
From the Department of Obstetrics and the study. The patient’s recall of her last
wound complications.12,13
Gynecology, Medical University of South weight within the 2 previous weeks was
Accurate estimation of wound com-
Carolina, Charleston, SC. used in cases of inpatient transfer.
plications heretofore has been limited by
Presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Chicago, previous publications that rely on hospi- Methods
IL, Feb. 2-6, 2010. tal discharge data, telephone survey, or Data were abstracted from the outpa-
Received March 2, 2010; revised May 7, 2010; mailed questionnaire.7,14-17 Therefore, tient electronic medical record and elec-
accepted June 17, 2010. the objective of this study was to deter- tronically scanned inpatient charts. Two
Reprints not available from the authors. mine the rate of operative complications authors performed independent review
0002-9378/free in massively obese parturients (BMI ⱖ50 of each electronic record, and a single au-
Published by Mosby, Inc. kg/m2) undergoing cesarean delivery.
doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2010.06.049
thor (M.C.A.) verified the findings of the
Furthermore, we sought to determine data abstraction.
For Editors’ Commentary, whether certain operative practices are Body mass index (kilograms per
see Table of Contents associated with increased cesarean mor- square meter) was calculated from ma-
bidity in these patients. ternal height and predelivery weight.

SEPTEMBER 2010 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 271.e1

SMFM Papers

Gestational age was determined by the tions included seroma, hematoma, ab- plications of placenta accreta. The final
last menstrual period or ultrasound dat- scess, and fascial dehiscence. For the pur- study group included 194 women.
ing, according to American College of poses of this study, wound cellulitis was A wound complication occurred in 58
Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) rec- defined as a physician diagnosis of ery- cases (30%), 52 of which (90%) were
ommendations.18 Pregestational type 1 thema and warmth spreading beyond wound disruptions. Fourteen patients
and type 2 diabetes was determined by the immediate area surrounding the in- (24%) required readmission to the hos-
the patient’s medical histories, and ges- cision and requiring treatment with pital for treatment, and 8 (14%) required
tational diabetes was determined by ab- antibiotics. Simple, mild erythema or in- reoperation because of a wound compli-
normal diagnostic testing during preg- duration around the wound was not cation. One patient with a BMI of 109
nancy according to guidelines published considered wound cellulitis, and such kg/m2 experienced evisceration and re-
by the American Diabetes Association.19 cases were not counted as a wound com- quired resection of necrotic fascia 10
Pregestational and gestational diabetes plication. Furthermore, uncomplicated days after cesarean delivery. All other
were analyzed as a single, combined vari- yeast infections were not considered a cases of reoperation required only sim-
able for all analyses. Preeclampsia and wound complication. ple wound debridement. Only 8 of 58
chronic hypertension were determined (14%) wound complications were diag-
according to guidelines published by Statistical analysis nosed before hospital discharge. The re-
ACOG.20 Continuous variables were reported as maining wound complications were di-
Induction of labor was defined as the medians and interquartile ranges, and agnosed either in the outpatient clinical
use of cervical ripening agents or uterine categorical variables were reported as setting (52%) or the emergency depart-
contractile agents in women without column percents and frequencies. Biva- ment (34%). The median postoperative
regular uterine contractions or women riable analyses with the Wilcoxon rank day of diagnosis for all wound complica-
with regular uterine contractions but sum test and ␹2 test (or Fisher’s exact test tions was 8.5 (interquartile range [IQR],
cervical dilation less than 3 cm. Labor when appropriate) were performed to 6 –11.5 days). Overall, posthospital dis-
was defined as regular, painful uterine assess the relationship between wound charge follow-up records were available
contractions and cervical dilation of 3 complication and various perioperative for 171 patients (88%), and patients
cm or greater. Ruptured membranes factors. without follow-up did not differ in terms
and chorioamnionitis were diagnosed Stratified analysis was performed to of background or operative characteris-
clinically. assess the independent effect of abdom- tics (data not shown).
Abdominal incisions were considered inal incision (vertical or transverse) on Women who experienced a wound
vertical or transverse. Transverse inci- wound complication. Multivariable lo- complication were slightly older and had
sions were Pfannenstiel incisions in all gistic regression analysis was used to higher rates of smoking, diabetes, verti-
cases except 1, which was a subumbilical control for confounding. Unadjusted cal abdominal incision, subcutaneous
transverse incision. Vertical incisions and adjusted odds ratios with 95% con- drain, and blood loss greater than 1000
were all paramedian or midline incisions fidence intervals (CIs) were reported, mL at their cesarean delivery (Table 1).
above or below the umbilicus. Subcuta- and P ⬍ .05 was considered statistically Neither labor nor ruptured membranes
neous closure was performed with ab- significant. Tests for two-way interac- were associated with wound complica-
sorbable suture in all cases, and all tion between dichotomous covariates tion (Table 1). The great majority of sub-
subcutaneous drains exited through a were performed using the Breslow-Day cutaneous drains were placed in those
separate incision. Typical antibiotic pro- test, and the Hosmer-Lemeshow good- receiving a vertical abdominal incision
phylaxis during the study period was 1 g ness-of-fit test was used to assess the fit of (Table 2). Therefore, a stratified analysis
of cefazolin except in a small number of multivariable models. The Cochran-Ar- was performed to better assess the rela-
cases, which were due to antibiotic al- mitage trend test and 1-way analysis of tionship between vertical abdominal in-
lergy or physician preference. During the variance (Brown-Mood test) were used cision and wound complication.
study period, the results of a randomized to analyze changes in practice patterns Vertical abdominal incision was not
controlled trial influenced a practice over time. Statistical analyses were per- associated with wound complication in
change in favor of preincision over post- formed with SAS version 9.1.3 (SAS In- this stratified analysis either with (odds
cord clamp antibiotic prophylaxis.21 stitute, Inc, Cary, NC). ratio [OR], 3.4; 95% CI, 0.65–17.20) or
Wound complication was defined as without (OR, 1.4; 95% CI, 0.62–3.26) a
either a wound disruption or wound cel- subcutaneous drain. Therefore, the final
lulitis. A wound disruption was defined R ESULTS multivariable logistic regression model
as the partial or complete opening of the A total of 195 women with a BMI of 50 included the following predictors: ma-
deep subcutaneous space. Superficial kg/m2 or greater underwent cesarean de- ternal age, smoking, diabetes, estimated
skin separation was not considered a livery during the study period. One blood loss, and subcutaneous drains.
wound disruption, and these cases were woman was excluded from the analysis Controlling for confounders, the
not counted as a wound complication. because of maternal death on postoper- model verified the independent associa-
Underlying causes for wound disrup- ative day 0, a result of hemorrhagic com- tion between subcutaneous drains and

271.e2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology SEPTEMBER 2010 SMFM Papers

Relationship between perioperative factors and wound complication
No wound complication Wound complication
Variable (n ⴝ 136) (n ⴝ 58) OR (95% CI) P valuea
Maternal age, y 28.0 (25–33) 31.0 (26–36) — .04
BMI, kg/m2b 54.8 (51.5–58.4) 54.7 (51.3–58.7) — .77
Race/ethnicity, %
White 22.1 (30) 29.3 (17) — .52
Black 72.8 (99) 67.2 (39)
Hispanic 5.2 (7) 3.5 (2)
Payer status, %
Private insurance 21.3 (29) 25.9 (15) — .43
Medicaid/Medicare 76.5 (104) 74.1 (43)
Self-pay 2.2 (3) 0 (0)
Gestational age, wks 38.0 (35–39) 38.5 (37–39) — .32
Smoking, % 8.1 (11) 19.0 (11) 2.7 (1.08–6.54) .03
Nullipara, % 30.2 (41) 39.7 (23) 1.5 (0.80–2.89) .20
Cesarean section, n (%)
Primary 47.1 (64) 51.7 (30) — .31
Second 34.6 (47) 32.8 (19)
Third 16.9 (23) 10.3 (6)
Fourth 1.5 (2) 5.2 (3)
Diabetes, % 25.0 (34) 41.4 (24) 2.1 (1.10–4.06) .02
Chronic oral steroids, % 1.5 (2) 3.5 (2) — .37c
Chronic hypertension, % 39.7 (54) 51.7 (30) 1.6 (0.88–3.02) .12
Preeclampsia, % 27.9 (38) 22.4 (13) 0.7 (0.36–1.53) .42
Induction of labor, % 28.7 (39) 32.8 (19) 1.2 (0.62–2.35) .60
Labor, % 35.3 (48) 27.6 (16) 0.7 (0.36–1.37) .29
Labor, h 9.0 (4–13) 11.5 (6–13.5) — .44
Ruptured membranes, % 36.0 (49) 32.8 (19) 0.9 (0.45–1.66) .66
Ruptured membranes, hb 11.0 (5–19) 10.5 (6–16.5) — .92
Chorioamnionitis, % 6.6 (9) 3.5 (2) — .38c
Cesarean priority, %
Nonurgent 56.6 (77) 58.6 (34) — .41
Urgent 27.9 (38) 32.8 (19)
Emergent 15.44 (21) 8.6 (5)
Operative time, % 65.0 (54–82) 63.5 (55–90) — .63
Vertical abdominal incision, % 47.8 (65) 67.2 (39) 2.2 (1.18–4.27) .01
Subcutaneous drain, % 28.7 (39) 48.3 (28) 2.3 (1.23–4.38) .009
Subcutaneous closure, % 56.6 (77) 48.3 (28) 0.7 (0.39–1.33) .29
Staples skin closure, % 48.5 (66) 58.6 (34) 1.5 (0.81–2.80) .19
Blood loss ⬎1000 mL, % 30.9 (42) 46.6 (27) 1.9 (1.04–3.66) .04
Blood transfusion, % 9.6 (13) 10.3 (6) 1.1 (0.39–3.03) .87
Preincision antibiotic prophylaxis, %d 66.2 (90) 56.9 (33) 0.7 (0.36–1.27) .22
Anticoagulation, %e 17.0 (23) 24.1 (14) 1.5 (0.73–3.28) .25
BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.
Continuous data were analyzed by Wilcoxon rank sum tests, and categorical data were analyzed by ␹2 tests; b Continuous data listed as medians (interquartile range); c Fisher’s exact test; d A total
of 190 patients (97.9%) received prophylactic antibiotics for cesarean delivery (67 after cord clamp); e Anticoagulation refers to postoperative use of unfractionated heparin or enoxaparin.
Alanis. Cesarean and massive obesity. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010.

SEPTEMBER 2010 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 271.e3

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Relationship between abdominal incision and perioperative factors
Variable Transverse incision (n ⴝ 90) Vertical incision (n ⴝ 104) P valuea
Maternal age, y 28.0 (24–33) 31.0 (26–34) .007
Body mass indexb 52.8 (51.1–57.1) 56.1 (51.9–59.8) .002
Race, %
White 25.6 (23) 23.1 (24) .76
Black 68.9 (62) 73.1 (76)
Hispanic 5.6 (5) 3.9 (4)
Payer, %
Private insurance 22.2 (20) 23.1 (24) .17
Medicaid/Medicare 74.4 (67) 76.9 (80)
Self-pay 3.3 (3) 0 (0)
Gestational age, wks 39.0 (36–39) 38.0 (36–39) .04
Smoking, % 12.2 (11) 10.6 (11) .72
Nullipara, % 35.6 (32) 30.7 (32) .48
Cesarean number, %
Primary 50.0 (45) 47.1 (49) .53
Second 35.6 (32) 32.7 (34)
Third 11.1 (10) 18.3 (19)
Fourth 3.3 (3) 1.9 (2)
Diabetes, % 18.9 (17) 39.4 (41) .002
Chronic oral steroid use, % 1.1 (1) 2.9 (3) .63c
Chronic hypertension, % 41.1 (37) 45.2 (47) .56
Preeclampsia, % 22.2 (20) 29.8 (31) .23
Induction of labor, % 32.2 (29) 27.9 (29) .51
Active-phase labor, % 40.0 (54) 26.9 (28) .05
Active-phase labor, h 10.0 (5–14) 7.0 (4.5–13) .54
Ruptured membranes, % 41.1 (37) 29.8 (31) .10
Ruptured membranes, h 11.0 (6–19) 10.0 (6–18.5) .74
Chorioamnionitis, % 5.6 (5) 5.8 (6) .95c
Labor epidural use, % 30.0 (27) 24.0 (25) .35
Cesarean priority, %
Nonurgent 60.0 (54) 54.8 (57) .76
Urgent 27.8 (25) 30.8 (32)
Emergent 12.2 (11) 14.4 (15)
Vertical hysterotomy, % 8.9 (8) 42.3 (44) ⬍ .001
Subcutaneous drain, % 11.1 (10) 54.8 (57) ⬍ .001
Subcutaneous closure, % 37.8 (34) 68.3 (71) ⬍ .001
Staple skin closure, % 28.9 (26) 71.2 (74) ⬍ .001
Incision to delivery, minb 12.0 (9–19) 16.0 (11–20) .06
Total operative time, min b
58.5 (49.0–73.0) 71.0 (61–90.5) ⬍ .001
Preincision antibiotics, %d 72.2 (65) 55.8 (58) .02
Blood loss ⬎1000 mL, % 25.6 (23) 44.2 (46) .007
Blood transfusion, % 10.0 (9) 9.6 (10) .92
Continuous data were analyzed by Wilcoxon rank sum tests, and categorical data were analyzed by ␹ tests; Continuous data listed as medians (interquartile range); Fisher’s exact test; A total
2 b c d

of 190 patients (97.9%) received prophylactic antibiotics for cesarean delivery (67 after cord clamp).
Alanis. Cesarean and massive obesity. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010.

271.e4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology SEPTEMBER 2010 SMFM Papers

Change in practice patterns and wound complications over the study period
Variable 2005 (n ⴝ 26) 2006 (n ⴝ 39) 2007 (n ⴝ 43) 2008 (n ⴝ 39) 2009 (n ⴝ 47) P valuea
Primary cesarean, % 46.2 51.3 48.8 43.6 51.1 .95
Vertical incision, % 73.1 66.7 60.5 33.3 42.6 ⬍ .001
Classic cesarean, % 26.9 28.2 37.2 20.5 21.3 .33
b c
Operative time, min 64.0 64.0 62.0 67.0 65.0 .85
Preincision antibiotics, % 3.9 28.2 79.1 89.7 89.4 ⬍ .001
Subcutaneous drain, % 69.2 56.4 30.2 23.1 10.6 ⬍ .001
Subcutaneous closure, % 30.8 51.3 55.8 59.0 63.8 .01
Staple skin closure, % 53.9 48.7 48.8 35.9 68.1 .32
Anticoagulation, % 7.7 12.8 9.3 12.8 45.7 ⬍ .001
Wound complication, % 50.0 33.3 20.9 25.6 27.7 .07
Wound disruption, % 38.5 28.2 20.9 25.6 25.5 .32
Cochran-Armitage trend test unless otherwise noted; b Operative time includes skin incision to skin repair (expressed as medians); c One-way analysis of variance using median scores (Brown-Mood
Alanis. Cesarean and massive obesity. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010.

wound complication (OR, 2.24; 95% CI, nificant wound complication after cesar- complication is likely multifactorial and
1.2– 4.3) and between smoking and ean delivery. Neither labor nor ruptured not fully described by the list of variables
wound complication (OR, 2.9; 95% CI, membranes were associated with wound included in our study. Other potential
1.1–7.4). There were no 2-way interac- complications in our study population. predictors of cesarean wound complica-
tion terms (Breslow Day test P ⬎ .05), This suggests that other factors are more tion include methicillin-resistant Staph-
and the Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed important in massively obese women. ylococcus aureus carrier status, the use of
adequate fit of the model (P ⫽ .24). Our results support the role of smok- chlorhexidine preoperative skin clean-
Separate analyses were performed to ing cessation and the avoidance of sub- ing, and glycemic control in diabetic
better characterize the association be- cutaneous drains as potential strategies patients.25-27
tween cesarean morbidity and type of to reduce the risk of a cesarean wound Our results also support the use of
abdominal incision. Women undergo- complication. Others have recommended Pfannenstiel incisions in obese patients
ing vertical incisions were slightly closed suction drains to decrease the for- with a large panniculus and contradict
heavier, older, and more likely to be dia- mation of loculated fluid in the deep classic teaching by veteran surgeons and
betic. They also experienced greater op- subcutaneous space.22 A recent meta- obstetrical texts.28-30 It has been written
erative time, blood loss, rates of vertical analysis, however, concluded no benefit that transverse abdominal incisions
hysterotomy, placement of subcutane- for patients undergoing cesarean, re- made under the pannicular fold exist in
ous drains, and closure of the subcutane- gardless of obesity or any other demo- “a warm, moist, anaerobic environment
ous space and skin closure with staples graphic variable.12 Results from studies associated with impaired bacteriostasis . . .
(Table 2). Over the 5 year study period, performed by Loong et al23 and Cruse [that] promotes the proliferation of nu-
the use of vertical abdominal incisions and Foord24 are similar to our findings of merous microorganisms, producing a ver-
and subcutaneous drains declined, potential harm associated with subcuta- itable bacteriologic cesspool.”28 However,
whereas the use of subcutaneous closure neous drains at cesarean delivery. we are unable to locate any evidence to
and preincision prophylactic antibiotics There are several possibilities for these support this popular conclusion.
increased in massively obese women un- observations. First, the correct place- In 1978, Ahern and Goodlin31 first re-
dergoing cesarean (Table 3). Postopera- ment of subcutaneous drains involves an ported a case series of massively obese
tive antibiotic prophylaxis (so-called ex- additional incision in the abdominal women undergoing cesarean with a
tended antibiotic prophylaxis) was used wall, resulting in increased tissue dam- Pfannenstiel incision, in which there
in only a small, select number of cases (n age. Second, the drain tubing provides a were no wound complications. Wall et
⫽ 9), mostly including women with con- route by which bacteria may gain access al13 found a higher rate of cesarean
current chorioamnionitis (n ⫽ 6). to the subcutaneous space. Third, most wound complications in severely obese
cesarean deliveries are clean-contami- women receiving vertical abdominal in-
C OMMENT nated operations, resulting in the drain cisions compared with transverse inci-
This study demonstrates that nearly 1 in acting as a reservoir for bacteria. How- sions. However, this study was limited by
3 massively obese women will have a sig- ever, the etiology of cesarean wound a small sample size (26 women with ver-

SEPTEMBER 2010 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 271.e5

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