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666 Clinical neuroscience

Sex differences in the association between gray matter

volume and verbal creativity
Baoguo Shia, Li Xua, Qunlin Chenb,c and Jiang Qiub,c

The explanation for why significant sex differences are sex differences in verbal creativity because women usually
found in creativity has become an increasingly important surpass men in semantic processing, which is the major
topic. The current study applied a cognitive neuroscience function of the left temporal region. NeuroReport
perspective and voxel-based morphometry to investigate 28:666–670 Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
the sex differences for the association between verbal All rights reserved.
creativity and gray matter volume (GMV) in a large sample NeuroReport 2017, 28:666–670
of healthy adults from the Chinese Mainland (163 men and
193 women). Furthermore, we sought to determine which Keywords: gray matter volume, originality, sex differences, verbal creativity,
voxel-based morphometry
brain regions are responsible for these differences. Our
behavioral results showed a significant sex difference. Beijing Key Laboratory of Learning and Cognition, Department of Psychology,
Capital Normal University, Beijing, bKey Laboratory of Cognition and Personality
Specifically, women scored higher than men on originality. (SWU), Ministry of Education and cSchool of Psychology, Southwest University,
The voxel-based morphometry results indicated that the Chongqing, China

relationship between originality and GMV differed between Correspondence to Baoguo Shi, PhD, Beijing Key Laboratory of Learning and
men and women in the left temporo-occipital junction. Cognition, Department of Psychology, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048,
Higher originality scores in women were associated with Tel: + 86 138 1083 9083; fax: + 86 105 890 8389;
more GMV. In contrast, higher originality scores in men were e-mail:

related to less GMV. These findings suggest the left Received 2 April 2017 accepted 11 May 2017
temporo-occipital junction GMV plays a unique role in the

Introduction between sex and creativity. Since some studies have

Creativity is generally accepted as a core element of found significant sex differences in cognitive aspects,
social interaction, and it is of great importance to the including creativity (e.g. [9,10]), explanations for the
progression and innovation of society. According to existence of these differences have become increasingly
Guilford [1], divergent thinking (DT) is the basis of important. Generally, individuals may suggest that bio-
creativity. It refers to the ability to produce many answers logical, cultural and historical, and social and environ-
to one question. As a result, tests of DT have long been mental factors as well as interactions among various
the most commonly used tools in research to assess an factors play important roles. To gain a deeper under-
individual’s creativity [2]. Of these tools, the Torrance standing of this issue, studies on sex differences have
Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) is one of the most been extended to cognitive neuroscience. Increasing
well-established measures of creativity [3]. Typically, neurophysiological evidence supports the existence of
responses to DT tests are assessed according to their sex differences in the structural and functional organi-
originality (i.e. the statistical frequency of the answer), zation of the brain [11,12]. However, among all of the
fluency (i.e. number of answers), and flexibility (i.e. neuroscience investigations, sex and creativity studies are
number of response categories). Among these, originality quite few. Razumnikova and Vol’f [13] examined sex
is vital for creativity [4] and it reflects creativity more differences in creativity related to global/local hemi-
strongly than fluency in the real world [5]. On the basis of spheric selective processing. Their results indicated that
this knowledge, we used originality as measured by the verbal activity originality was more associated with the
verbal TTCT as the creativity index in the current study. success of selective processes in the left hemisphere
Sex differences in cognitive abilities are a relatively among males. However, this activity was more associated
popular topic that has been studied across various with the selective functions of both hemispheres in
domains including creativity. Most previous behavioral females. Ryman et al. [14] carried out a structural neuroi-
studies have focused on determining whether females maging study with young adults from Mexico to explore
differ from males in terms of creative personality [6], the the association between white matter connectivity and
creative process [7], and creative potential [8]. creative cognition. Significant inverse relationships were
Furthermore, they have sought to identify the factors that observed between global connectivity (i.e. total connec-
contribute toward sex differences as well as when and tions of each region to all other regions), efficiency (i.e.
how long these differences play a role in the relationship path lengths from each region to all other regions),
0959-4965 Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000820

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Sex differences in GMV and creativity Shi et al. 667

clustering (i.e. number of connections among all adjacent Assessment of general intelligence
nodes of the region), and creative cognition in women, The combined Raven’s test is used widely to psycho-
whereas no significant relationship was noted in men. metrically measure individual intelligence and the
Abraham et al. [15] carried out a functional neuroimaging Chinese version was revised in 1994 by the Department
study with German undergraduates to investigate the sex of Psychology in East China Normal University. It shows
differences in conceptual expansion. The results indicated high reliability and validity [17], and consists of 72 non-
that males showed significantly stronger activation in the verbal items in ascending order of difficulty. The total
left inferior frontal gyrus, the inferior parietal lobule, and score is computed by summing the items responded to
the orbitofrontal cortex, whereas females showed stronger correctly.
activation in the anterior and posterior superior temporal
gyri, and the superior parietal cortex. Assessment of creativity
The verbal TTCT was used to assess each participant’s
Taken together, no clear picture has emerged on the DT ability. This test consists of seven tasks. Three tasks
relationship between sex and creativity. In addition, the ask participants to respond to a vivid scenario by gen-
current research is needed for two major reasons. First, erating questions, causes, and consequences. Participants
most previous studies of sex and creativity have been were given 5 min to complete of these tasks. The next
broad behavioral studies and not neuroscience investi- task asked participants to improve a toy elephant by
gations. Even in the existing neuroscience investigations, proposing creative ideas. Ten minutes were provided to
sex was considered an unimportant factor in creativity in complete this task. In the fifth task, participants were
the whole study, which was not sufficient to fully given 10 min to produce different ideas for the possible
recognize the reasons for sex differences in creativity. use of cardboard boxes. The sixth task asked participants
Second, most investigations have focused primarily on to think of several carton-related questions in 5 min. In
the results in children and adolescents, whereas findings the last task, participants were provided with an ima-
in adults are rare. For a complete understanding of the ginary scenario and told to imagine several possible
relationship between sex and creativity, it is imperative consequences in 5 min.
to collect data from different age groups, cultural con-
Given that originality can reflect creativity more strongly
texts, and research perspectives.
than other aspects of creativity, the current study used
Because gray matter (GM) is considered to be respon- the originality score as the index of the verbal creativity.
sible for high-level mental functions studied by cognitive Three raters scored the participants. The participant’s
neuroscientists, the current study investigated whether responses were coded to corresponding scores on the
sex differences exist in the relationship between GM basis of norming scoring guides. First, the three raters
morphology and verbal creativity among adults from were shown the method of manual scoring and the
Mainland China. Specifically, we used psychological creativity definition. The results of the 30 participants
creativity tests for DT and voxel-based morphometry were then given to the three raters, and they were asked
(VBM) to measure gray matter volume (GMV) and to assess all of the items according to the uniform scoring
sought to determine the brain regions responsible for criterion. This step was used to determine the inter-rater
these differences. correlation coefficient, which was found to be significant
at 0.89.

Imaging data acquisition

Methods All images were collected using a Siemens 3-T Trio scanner
Participants (Siemens Medical Systems, Erlangen, Germany) with a
A total of 356 college students recruiting from Southwest 12-channel phased-array head coil. High-resolution three-
University participated in the current study, including dimensional T1-weighted structural images were obtained
163 men (mean age = 20.20 years, SD = 1.35) and 193 using a Magnetization Prepared Rapid Acquisition Gradient-
women (mean age = 19.68 years, SD = 1.03). All partici- echo sequence (Repetition time/echo time = 1900 ms/
pants were right-handed, and had no history of mental 2.52 ms; flip angle = 9; Slices = 176; slice thickness = 1.0 mm;
health illness or neurological disorders. They were first resolution matrix = 256 × 256; voxel size = 1 × 1 × 1 mm3).
asked to sign a written informed consent document (for
the two 17-year-old participants, we obtained informed Images preprocessing for voxel-based morphometry
written consent from their guardians), and then under- A VBM analysis was carried out using SPM8 (Welcome
took a set of psychological tests and MRI scans. This Trust Center for Neuroimaging, London, UK, http://www.
study was part of an ongoing project to examine the link ) with Matlab 7.8
between brain imaging, creativity, and personality [16]. (MathWorks, Natick, Massachusetts, USA). First, each
The Institutional Review Board of the Southwest MRI scan was displayed using MRIcro (designed by
University Brain Imaging Center approved this project. Chris Rorden in the Neuropsychology Lab, Columbia,

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668 NeuroReport 2017, Vol 28 No 11

Descriptive statistics of the behavioral measures (N = 356;

Table 1 Results
women = 193, men = 163)
Behavioral data
Sex difference Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics and compar-
isons between the men and women with respect to the
Men (mean ± SD) (mean ± SD) t-Value P-value different measures. Two significant sex differences were
Age 20.20 ± 1.35 19.68 ± 1.03 4.118 0.000*** noted in the table: men scored significantly lower than
Combined 65.69 ± 3.86 66.25 ± 3.21 − 1.513 0.131 women on creativity in terms of originality (t = − 3.194,
Raven’s test P < 0.01), flexibility (t = − 2.900, P < 0.01), and fluency
Originality 43.89 ± 16.13 49.70 ± 17.87 − 3.194 0.002**
Flexibility 26.12 ± 6.32 28.07 ± 6.15 − 2.900 0.004** (t = − 2.075, P < 0.05) and men were older than women
Fluency 55.70 ± 18.86 59.91 ± 19.27 − 2.075 0.039* (t = 4.118, P < 0.001). Given that originality can reflect
*P < 0.05. creativity more strongly than other aspects, the main
**P < 0.01. focus of the current study was originality. Correlation
***P < 0.001. analysis indicated that both the correlation between age
and originality for men and for women were negative but
not significant, which suggested that there was no dif-
South Carolina, USA) to screen for artifacts and gross ference in the relationship between age and originality
anatomical abnormalities. For a better registration result, with men and women. Moreover, to focus on whether
the reorientation of the images was set to the anterior verbal creativity (originality) differs between men and
commissure manually. Second, the images were seg- women, we controlled for age as a covariate in the follow-
mented into white matter (WM), GM, and cerebrospinal up MRI data-processing step.
fluid using a new segmentation in SPM8. Third, the
DARTEL toolbox on SPM8 was used to produce WM Sex differences in the associations between verbal
and GM population templates from the entire image creativity (originality) and gray matter volume
dataset. Fourth, each participant's images were normal- To assess the structural difference between men and
ized into the Montreal Neurological Institute space and women in verbal creativity, we used an analysis of covar-
then modulated to ensure that the relative volumes of iance that controlled for age, intelligence, and total GMV.
WM and GM were preserved following a spatial nor- As Fig. 1 shows, an interaction between sex and originality
malization. Finally, to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, was found with respect to the GMV in the left temporo-
these images were smoothed using a 10-mm full-width at occipital junction (TOJ.L; Montreal Neurological Institute
half-maximum Gaussian kernel. coordinates: − 49.5, − 66, − 6; t = 4.62, P < 0.05; cluster
size = 604 mm3). Specifically, the originality scores were
positively related to the TOJ.L GMV in women, but
Statistical analysis negatively related to it in men. Certain regions of interest
A morphological group analysis was carried out using a existed at an underlying threshold of P value less than
voxel-wise analysis of covariance in SPM8 to investigate 0.001 (uncorrected), including the left inferior parietal
whether the relationship between regional gray matter cortex, bilateral superior frontal gyrus, right inferior frontal
gyrus, right inferior temporal gyrus, and left superior par-
volume (rGMV) and the originality scores differed
ietal cortex (Table 2).
between the sexes. During this analysis, the originality
score, age, combined Raven’s test score, and total GMV
were included as covariates. Except for total GMV, all of Discussion
the covariates were modeled to observe their unique To explain why significant sex differences exist in crea-
relationship with GMV within each sex using the inter- tivity, the current study investigated the sex differences
actions option in SPM8, whereas total GMV was modeled in the association between verbal creativity and GMV in
as a common association with rGMV across the sexes. a large sample using VBM. The results indicated that
Moreover, t-tests were performed to identify the rela- men scored significantly lower than women on measures
of creativity. Furthermore, an interaction was observed
tionship between sex and the originality score.
between sex and originality with respect to the TOJ.
Significant effects were defined as P value of less than L GMV.
0.05 corrected at a nonstationary cluster level with an These behavioral results are consistent with some pre-
underlying voxel level of P value of less than 0.001 and vious studies (e.g. [9]), but inconsistent with others. For
value of more than 10 voxels. We then extracted each example, He et al. [18] examined adolescents and found
participant’s regional mean GMV values from the cluster that males were superior in creative thinking. Grande
of voxels where a significant interaction effect was et al. [7] investigated adults and found that men with
shown. These effects were analyzed using SPSS 17.0 for primary or secondary levels of education scored higher
Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). To visua- than their female counterparts on the Figural Originality
lize the data, we graphed the interaction pattern. Scale, whereas women with a university education scored

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Sex differences in GMV and creativity Shi et al. 669

Fig. 1

The interaction effect between sex and originality scores (verbal creativity) in the regional GMV. The left panel indicates that verbal creativity was
positively associated with the GMV in the TOJ.L in women, but negatively associated among men at the peak voxel (x = − 49.5, y = − 66, z = − 6). The
right panel shows the corresponding partial correlation scatterplots of the interaction effects of sex and verbal creativity in the TOJ.L, previously
adjusted for age, intelligence, and total GMV for illustration purposes only. The y-axis of each scatterplot represents the standardized residuals of the
TTCT (originality) scores. The x-axis represents the standardized residuals of brain region GMV. The standardized residual measures controlled for
age, intelligence, and total GMV. The results are shown as P < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons at the cluster level with an underlying voxel
level of P < 0.001, uncorrected. GMV, gray matter volume; TOJ.L, left temporo-occipital junction; TTCT, Torrance Test of Creative Thinking.

Table 2 Sex differences in the associations between verbal creativity (originality) and gray matter volume
Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates

Brain regions Side t-Value x y z Cluster size

Temporo-occipital junction Left 4.62* − 49.5 − 66 −6 604
Inferior parietal cortex Left 3.98 − 52.5 − 34.5 37.5 297
Superior frontal gyrus Right 3.74 18 57 12 46
Superior frontal gyrus Left 3.71 − 20 54 11 121
Inferior frontal gyrus Right 3.70 48 31.5 1.5 87
Inferior temporal gyrus Right 3.59 46.5 − 54 −6 106
Superior parietal cortex Left 3.41 − 25.5 − 55.5 46.5 25

All t-scores reflect a VBM threshold of P < 0.001 (uncorrected) and a minimum cluster size (k) of 20 contiguous voxels.
Mean cluster level corrected at P <0.05.

higher than their male counterparts on the Verbal polite and restrained, and they might have a con-
Fluency Scale. These findings remind us to consider the sequential inhibited ideation [19]. In college, however,
effects of social and cultural factors on the sex differences girls might have access to more resources, and thus, they
present in creativity. One possible explanation for the begin to perform as well as boys or even better.
inconsistent results found across previous studies is that
social influence differs throughout development. The In addition to social and cultural factors, the brain imaging
environments and resources of primary and middle results in the present study found an interaction between
school might favor boys because girls are taught to be sex and originality with respect to the TOJ.L GMV.

Copyright r 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

670 NeuroReport 2017, Vol 28 No 11

Previous studies have found that this region lay between 31571137), the Social Sciences Research Fund Project of
the most caudal part of the anterior occipital sulcus (ventral Beijing (14JYB015), the National Outstanding Young
ramus) and the inferior temporal sulcus, near the motion People Plan, the Program for the Top Young Talents by
areas in the human brain [20,21]. According to Mobbs et al. Chongqing, and the Beijing Advanced Innovation Center
[22], TOJ was involved in the semantic and linguistic for Imaging Technology (BAICIT-2016018).
aspects of humor comprehension, and it may be respon-
sible for detecting incongruence or surprise. Further, Amir Conflicts of interest
et al. [23,24] found that the activation of TOJ was related There are no conflicts of interest.
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