Reactive Robotics: Maldonado Rodríguez Carlos Eduardo 1521IME150 Ime9Vc

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Maldonado Rodríguez Carlos Eduardo


Robots are the machines or electronic programmable devices capable of handle

objects and make some task. They are use in areas like medicine, scientific research
or military, etc.

Robots with reactive behaviors are those who can “react to a stimulus”. If the
stimulus disappear, the reaction also disappear.

We could adapt the concept of reactive behavior as the set of pairs stimulus reaction
that leads to a robot endowed with this set of pairs describing the same observed

The classification of reactive robots is:

 Exploration or preserve the direction: robots that walk without a specific

route, following a specific direction.
 Go to an object: Go to an specific objective or area
 Follow a path: Follow a route, navigate on a hall, and follow a line.
 Avoid an area: avoid or dodge a static or mobile obstacle.
 Walk: walk, turn or run.
 Grab and maneuver: Grab and wrap


Artificial vision is the part of artificial intelligence that is responsible for obtaining
useful information through the analysis and processing of digital images, information
that is used by robotic systems for decision making.

Obtaining the image data constitutes the following stages:

 Pre-processing: the information is divided in a matrix

o Segmentation: Process in which a scene perceived in its parts is
divided to extract objects for later recognition and analysis.
Maldonado Rodríguez Carlos Eduardo

 Processing: usually applied on a grayscale

o Obtaining color (optional): object data are obtained through the RGB
format (Red, Green, Blue), they are divided into two classes:
 Sensory: basic model, based on cameras and television
 Perceptual: transformation of the RGB space to the perceptual
 Border detection process: delimitation of the contour of an object,
characterized by the transition from light to dark or vice versa.
o Sobel: the edge is detected by calculating the gradient of the image in
two orthogonal directions.
o Detection of color borders: this method is applied to each of the
basic components of RGB, as if it were a monochromatic image,
making a combination of all of them, obtaining an average
o Color distance between pixels: take the distance of each pixel from
its neighbors (mask 3x3), add and normalize (division between 8).
o Convex Hull: It is the construction of the geometric model in a
computational way, collecting all the previously obtained information.
o Quick Hull: It is the discarding of the points that will not be part of the
closing border of the convex.
o Labeling: once the object is obtained, a value is sought within the
threshold, and then approximated to the closest value. Obtaining more
homogeneous values.
Maldonado Rodríguez Carlos Eduardo

Initially, planning agents have some knowledge about the state of the world
(environment model). Normally, this knowledge will be incomplete and inaccurate.
The reactor asks the planner for one or more actions when it is required in the
domain. If there are no deadlines to return a plan, the answer can be delayed until
the planner has computed a good plan. When the reactor requests an action, the
planner must reply as soon as possible according to the environment time
constraints. The reactor translates the action into a set of low-level actions and it
sends these actions to the environment. Therefore, a high-level action cannot be
considered as an atomic executable action, so the reactor must have a recovery
mechanism to reach a valid state if the action execution fails in an intermediate

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 H. Méndez, J. Jalomo, F. Ordoñez, J. García, (19 Octubre 2012),
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 Treviño Rafael, (s/f) Entorno de simulación para el estudio de la locomoción
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 Mario, (07 de enero 2017), Robots con comportamiento reactivo, recuperado
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