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CHAPTER 9 RIZAL IN FRANCE AND “You are very correct in saying that you’re not

being sent your allowance not due to lack of will

but indeed economic crisis or lack of work.”

RIZAL IN PARIS, FRANCE He only survived through the help of his Filipino
compatriots such as Juan Luna who
While in Madrid, Rizal wanted to go home in the wholeheartedly lent or gave his money for his
Philippines as early as 1884 which he stated in daily needs.
his letter to his family dated Nov 26, 1884 Rizal
wrote Knowing that he could not rely entirely to his
friends for financial support. Rizal made an
“I expressed to you my desire to return there outright decision to move to in Germany where
(Philippines) as soon as possible.” the cost of living was less expensive.

However on January 1 1885, Paciano Rizal his RIZAL’S CONTIBUTION TO THE

elder brother in a letter replied to Rizal,
“I think that you should continue your studies
The monkey and the turtle
there and end them when are resources are
Sketched by Rizal for Paz Pardo de Tavera the
love then of Juan Luna.

With this answer Rizal felt that Paciano, was

The death of Cleopatra
against his decision to go home.
Rizal posed and portrayed as an Egyptian priest.

Following the advice of Paciano, Rizal proceeded

Blood compact
to Paris France in the first week of October in
Rizal posed and portrayed as Chief Sikatuna of
1885 in this city he learned more about
ophthalmology. He registered in the clinic of dr.
Louis Wecker , who was recognized as a leading
French ophthalmologist of that time in Paris.
Rizal learned from Wecker by training 50 to 100
While in Paris in 1885, Jose Rizal composed and
patients every day. After clinic hours, He devoted
wrote prose in French language that he mastered
his time to learn and to master French, Italian,
just like Spanish and German languages.
German, English, polish and Greek languages.

In Paris, Rizal’s compatriots were Juan Luna, Felix

Resurreccion hidalgo and the Tavera brothers
who were both physicians. There he suffered
financial difficulties as stated in a letter from
BAROMESS (The story was patterned from his readings in
This is a book review done by Rizal, he gave French and German) Rizal presented in the story
comments on the plot of the novel where he was a conservation of fisherwoman and a very small
amazed of the author who was a woman writing fish. The fisherwoman invited the fish in her
in a manly way. The following are his lines as home, after a lengthy discussion, the fish agreed
views in the essay on the condition that it would touch the pink lips
and little white teeth of the fisherwoman. The
following translated lines are excerpts from the
 Certainly there is vice everywhere and in story:
all classes of society and the more one
goes up, the more vice one finds, because
idleness wealth and comfortable life are  For this reason, we say at home: “he’s an
three favourable things for its intelligent as a fish”, but the Germans say:
development but we ought to believe that “ I’m some like a fish”
the whole species is perverted. There’s intelligence in a healthy body.


This is a book review of Rizal, where he
In this prose Rizal presented the happy start and expressed his comments on the characters of the
sad end of Mrs. Hen’s story when she lost the play.Such as Tartarin and Bompard. The excerpt
ring she borrowed from Mr. kite (a cruel below in the view of Rizal found in this work.
sanguinary bird). The following are translated
lines from the story;
 But one cannot always wrte according to
 Since then the hen has searched forever the veracity and reality of things. Every
and everywhere, in the sand a well as in human work has its faults.
the wheat, and all her unfortunate
descendants, shedding very bitter tears
will continue to search until the end of
time or o their race. In the meantime, the
kite will demand without pity from the
innocent victims of their grandmother’s

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