Mage Level 42-49 in 2 Hours

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Just thought I'd share a quick way to get from 42-49 in about 1.5-2 hours.

Requirements - WoWarp, a buddy, flamestrike, blizzard.

Okay heres what you do, goto the LEFT locked door in Scarlet Monestary, wowarp forward, and
slightly left into the church, w/ commander morgain. Float just above the alter behind him,
make sure you're Z'd up near the ceiling, agro him w/ wand/lvl 1 fireball. This will agro about
30+ mobs, they all come and circle morgan, perfectly, just the right size for your flamestrike.

Flamestrike/Blizzard, the majority will run, stop casting.. sit, wait for them to come back, do not
worry about the healers, they will come back and form the circle again, repeat untill oom, use
gem/evocation. At lvl 42-43 this should give you about 5-6 bars per pull. Use save point to zone
back to instance portal. Zone out, have a buddy (can be anywhere) give you group leader,
disban themselves, and then invite you. (instance will respawn) rinse repeat. Grats on 49.

Hope this helps some mages out there. If anyone knows of some simular instances w/ high
clustered mobs, 46+ or that act in a simular way, please post Smile I want lvl 60 :/

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