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EYP Romania Code of Conduct

General Framework:

Any participant should behave according to the principles promoted by European Youth
Parliament, such as respect, fairness, discipline and tolerance. Although EYP is a
non-formal educational program, due to the status of the organization a highly
level of formality is required. The code of conduct is to be kept in mind at all times
and should be taken into consideration before starting any activity.
EYP Code of Conduct addresses the subject of rules of ethics and behavior, both formal
and informal, within session of European Youth Parliament, as be it regional, national or
international sessions. It provides a brief guide to the main aspects of the responsibility
and accountability of participants (both delegates and officials) at EYP session. Its
primary aim, as either other informational documents, is to provide an easy-to consult
and accessible introduction for the participants into the main issues affecting the
simulation of the parliamentary activity. This document will be communicated to officials
at sessions (organizers, chairs, journos) in order to know how to organize better the
educative activities, to be models for delegates in all aspects, and to communicate parts
of it verbally to delegates in order to prepare them appropriately for the events they will
participate. It is often the case that basic, yet essential information about workings of
parliaments is diffuse and difficult to track down. This paper brings together such
information, allowing the reader to acquaint himself with the procedure of a European
Youth Parliament Session. This paper was drafted by European Youth Parliament
Romania and is available in English only.

Cap.1. Village
General Rules:
In case you are required to make a delegation presentation you have several options:
a power point presentation, a traditional song or dance, a sketch or whatever you and
your delegation agree upon. However you should consider a few things for the
delegation presentation:
- Respect the time limit (not too long, yet not too short).
- Keep it interesting; try to be innovative and to capture the attention of the public.
- It is ok to be funny but be respectful (do not cross the line) and to present positive
aspects of your region/country (avoid self irony or a depreciative presentation)
- Make it relevant and informative (not just funny and original).
The speech presentation of the delegation’s ambassador has to include the positive
presentation of the county/region/country and delegation, and as any speech has to
have 3 parts: introduction, message for the audience and conclusion. Introductory
clauses suggested: “Dear participants, Dear organizers …I am representing the….”
Conclusion clauses suggested: “we hope, we expect, we thank….”

The traditional table:

- Have at least one person at your delegation table at all times. This person should
talk to the people, explain and promote the products. You can take turns.
- Visit every table. Try to find something out about the product and the country/region.
- Be friendly. Don’t be afraid to ask and answer questions.
- Clean up when you are done.

- The organizers/The President of the session have to open officially the Village
Night and to present shortly the program and the timing for the evening (at
microphone in a decent quiet atmosphere of audience), just after this announcement
participants can start to eat and visit other tables. Organizers/The President has to
announce when
Village is finished and the program after this

Dress Code: During Village you are

required to dress in your national costumes
or in clothes that are specific to your

Visitors can dress formal or decent casual.

Cap.2. Teambuilding
Teambuilding is one of the most important parts of the session.
General Rules:
- Do not refuse any game – the Teambuilding is structured in a way that no step can be
burned. You have to be with your committee at all times.
-Do your best for the team to succeed – the point of this part is the cooperation between
team members; so be active, and focus on the tasks.

Dress Code :
Depending on the venue, weather and schedule of the session, teambuilding exercises
can take place indoors or in an open space, in committees or in larger groups.
It is indicated to bring informal clothes, sport’s wear and sports shoes are
recommended (high-heals or formal wear are unacceptable for teambuilding)
You should also be aware that you might get dirty, most of the teambuilding being
outside and involving exercises.

Cap.3.The Concert
The Concert is a formal elegant event.

General Rules:
-Music needs silence – keep it quiet, because both the audience and the performance
need to concentrate on music
-Emotion without motion – move as seldom as you can – you don’t want to disturb the
-When is performed a classical piece (piano; vocal-baritone, soprano; violin etc) do not
clap every time you feel like, abstain until the very end of the performance. Clapping
hands stand up is allowed, and vocal remarks such as “BRAVO!” are welcomed, but in
any case avoid behaving like you are at rock concert or stadium (yelling, screaming or
-When is performed a modern piece (vocal, guitar, band) you can clap, dance, wave,
sing together with the singers.

Imagining that you are in a concert hall, you should avoid: mobile phones rings, pagers,
and beeper watches (Turn them off!), talking, whispering, unwrapping things, squeaking
a chair, jingling coins, rustling the program, saying “shhh”, adding or subtracting clothes,
messing around with belongings, eating, entering or leaving, walking around
Dress Code:

The concert is one of the elegant events during an EYP session. Your choice of clothes
should consist in classy clothing and accessories, such as dresses and suits (Opera/
concert elegant clothes). Try to dress decent and appropriate for your age and position.
Do not dress casually, sexy-clubbing-shinny style (do not wear short tight skirt, shiny
tops, very short dresses, funny tights, funny shoes, funny ties), or sport style (T shirts,
sport jackets, snickers)
As colors you can dress in any color you like, but try not to be extravagant,
nonconformist, or to look like a fashion victim. Prints are allowed, such as flowers,
stripes, dots, but avoid the animal print. Clothes/shoes fabrics have to be fine,
preferably natural fabrics such as cotton (including velvet), silk, wool and leather (avoid
plastic, stretch, lame). Accessorize, but remember that “less is more” cliché it may be
very useful and in any case try to use small fine accessories and preferably real (not
kitsch). Please take into consideration that your concert clothes has to be for concert or
similar events, and you are not going out same outfit for a coffee, cinema, shopping,
school, clubbing.

Suits and tuxedos are preferable.

Black, navy blue, grey are ideal colors for your suit. White, light blue shirt. Ties and
bowties are essential (you can choose a colorful one if you wish). Leather shoes in dark
colors are recommended.

Elegant high heels (even small high hills) are recommended for an elegant appearance
(shoes or sandals; fine tights are required for shoes; in sandals preferable without
tights) Shoes or elegant sandals are acceptable and wear elegant accessories (avoid
kitsch, or enormous accessories), elegant purse.
The little black dress is always a safe option.
Long colorful or simple dresses are also a great choice as far as you look elegant.

Dresses appropriate for the musical piece you are going to perform, yet elegant. Avoid
outfits that attract more attention than your performance. Make sure your outfit is not
restrictive when holding and playing your instrument. Check to see that no
undergarments "peek" is out when you play.
When an audience acknowledges a performance with applause, the performer should
show appreciation with a bow at the end of the performance. If a performer does not
bow, it could be seen as rude behavior toward the audience, especially when it was a
classical performance.
For the hosts of the Concert: generally the concert is presented by a couple (boy and
girl), they have to be compatible together, to look good as a couple on the scene and to
be matched dressed both ELEGANT (following the above rules and even more,
considering that the whole audience will look at them as models), also their
presentation, gestures, language, position on stage has to be decent, elegant, including
good jokes, playing short sketches, etc. They have to pay attention al the time at their
mimics and their body position (legs, hands) on stage, to have body and language
control all the time. The performers have to be introduced with their full names,
country/country, the name of the musical piece (if it is a classical piece will be
mentioned also the composer). At the end of the concert all musicians will be invited by
hosts on scene for the final applause.
Cap.4. Committee Work
CW is the part where “the session is being made” – so act accordingly and contribute to
the amount of work the rest bring with. Research the topic and challenge yourself to be
active during the whole day. Taking into consideration that this is the most academic
part of the session, you have to prepare and act professionally.

General Rules:
- Intervene only when you do not interfere with somebody else – try to establish
together with the group an effective system of setting the order of speeches, and every
time you have something to say write it down and wait for your turn.
- Do your research – spend at least one week before the session researching your
- Think openly – do not focus only on your own ideas; try to analyze whether you can or
not merge your ideas with others, in order to strengthen them.

Dress Code:
The dress code during CW also consists in
comfortable clothes, but you can lean towards
something casual too, depending on your
Remember that it is very probable that you will still
play a few TB games during CW if the dynamic of
the group requires that. However you might be
asked to dress smart casual – check this with your

Cap.5. General Assembly / Opening and Closing Ceremonies

These are the most formal parts of the session. Your behavior has to be official, elegant
and serious. The debate is your opportunity to appear in front of the others and prove
your preparation level and professionalism.

General Rules in GA or Panel Sessions:

Listen to the official guests having speeches and applaud at the end.
Pay attention when your colleagues are addressing questions.
Ask questions during Panel Session which are related to the topic, address the
audience by presetting yourself: “Dear audience, my name is….and I am from…I have a
question for Mr./Mrs.…) and control your body, gesture and mimics when addressing.
- Be active during the GA – it will improve both your knowledge on certain topics and
your English level; make notes – this is the only way your attention will not be distracted
- Do not leave the room unless the official breaks – it is disrespectful for the delegates,
the board and the guests
- Do not use any electronic devices – they will, for sure, disturb your attention from the
- Be as quiet as possible – you will distract not only yourself but the people around you
- Do not use Direct Response unless your observation is strictly related to the very last
point made – since your committee has only one Direct Response per debate, you may
waste the chance of a very good point

Rules for hosts (mediators of the Panel Session), members of the board:
Such events will be started by mediators by addressing a short welcome word and the
European Anthem which will be listened to.
If at Opening Ceremony or Panel Session there are official guests invited (from local
or European authorities), they request a special attention accordingly to their official
position. They will be placed in board considering their position (in the middle will be the
most important guest), mediators will seat aside from the board, or at the very end of
the board table. Mediators will start the speech by addressing whole audience (“Dear
participants, dear guests of the …”), thanking everybody for their presence, a brief
presentation of the event: for ex: “we are here for the Panel Session/GA of the
European Youth Parliament Regional Selection Session, event attended by 100
participants from…..countries, our committee topics were focusing on….; the event is
supported financially by….; We have to address our special thanks to the sponsors of
the event….. , to the media present here (TV, press)..; allow me to introduce our special
guests for this event…-full and correct name, position and activity- (guests will be
presented considering their importance in state and they will address the audience
following the same procedure (the most important speaks first and so on). At the end of
the intervention of the guests the mediator will thank the guest for his/her words, and
will give the floor for questions and answers (if it’s an open dialog).

Speeches addressed by the ambassadors of the youngsters have to start by addressing

the audience, and mentioning the most important guests of the event. Speech has to be
short, comprehensive and promoting positive educative principles, the state of rule, the
active European Citizenship, respect and equal treatment etc, adapted to the age and
experience of the speaker, avoiding the casual language, funny gestures and any kind
of instigation to violence, xenophobia, rebel attitudes, anarchy, and giving attention to
the main purpose of the EYP program which is to promote the active European
citizenship, and to develop leadership skills among the youngsters which will be
the Europe’s future politicians.
At the end of the meeting the hosts/mediators have to thank the guests and participants
for their presence etc. and to give a conclusion to whole event.
Closing ceremony of the session:
Mediators of the event announce the Closing Ceremony of the Session…, and they give
the floor to eventual official guests. If there are no guests, speeches will follow the
order: Head Organizer (they have to thank the participants, officials, etc and to transmit
an educative stimulating message), editor, official representative of the organizing NGO,
final speech of the President of the Session (a positive educative message,
encouraging youngsters to remain active and to act as European Citizens, to try to
choose their carrier appropriately based on their personal skills, comprehensive and
promoting positive educative principles, the state of rule, the active European
Citizenship, respect and equal treatment and so on, adapted to the age and experience
of the speaker, avoiding the casual language and any kind of instigation to violence,
xenophobia, rebel attitudes, anarchy, and giving attention to the main purpose of the
EYP program which is to promote the active European citizenship, and to develop
leadership skills among the youngsters which will be the future politicians of Europe.
The President of the Session declares the session closed and it will be followed by
“Imagine” (John Lennon), participants will be told at microphone what to do (to hold the
neighbors shoulder, same as the officials are doing)

Dress Code: smart official

Dark colors are required: black, dark blue, grey, both for man and woman as main outfit
which has to be a suit , trousers and jacket for man-preferable same color (ties or
bowties are recommended, avoid funny ties/bowties, or funny socks, preferable black,
grey, dark brown socks, same color as shoes and long enough to cover your legs when
you are seated).
Skirt/trousers and jacket for girls, deux-pieces (shirt may be colored, but not strident).
Girls can try also colors like varieties of brown, dark green. Shirts can be colored more
vivid. Tights are recommended all the time, as shoes cannot be wearing without tights
(shoes are recommended also for girls). Avoid funny, strident tights.

If the meeting is in summer time or is not expected the presence of very high officials
(such as Royal Highnesses, President of the country, Prime Ministry etc), girls can
dress also in monochrome deux-piece (two pieces suit: skirt and jacket, or trousers and
jacket) but not in strident colors (preferable dark green, light blue, light yellow, caramel,
dusty pink etc; avoid strong colors such as red, flash blue, flash green, cyclamen.

Dresses are also acceptable for girls as far as they’re not casual dress, have a classic
cut, in the colors mentioned above, elegant fabric, and covers your arms, legs enough.
Avoid plastic fabrics in stripes, spots, flowers, any kind of prints. For girls a skirt up to
knee (mini) is acceptable if it’s not more than 7 cm up to knee. Trousers for girls have
the have a classic cut (large enough on legs, stretch trousers are not acceptable).
Leader shoes for man and decent shoes for ladies (black, dark blue, grey) with or
without high hills (no sandals) are recommended.
Flashy athletic shoes, flip-flops, slippers, and any shoe with an open toe for men are not
acceptable. Elegant small accessories are acceptable.
Wearing no stockings is acceptable for girls in warm weather (in shoes with toes cut in
front, no sandals preferable). Too much perfume or cologne might make your fellow
delegates feel dizzy when sitting too close to you.
Just imagine that you are a politician and everybody will analyze your appearance. So,
dress appropriately.

Dress Code Review

- Teambuilding, TB – Casual/sport Wear
- Village – Traditional Wear
- Concert – Elegant
- Committee Work, CW – Smart Casual / Business Casual
- General Assembly, GA – smart official
An efficient, correct speech:
Eye Contact
Use it. The audience connects with you through your eyes. Avoiding eye contact can also be a red flag to
the audience that you are not confident in what you are saying or that you are hiding something. Don’t
focus your attention on one person, but instead spread your eye contact around to members of the
Hand Gestures
Using them can definitely be good, especially to emphasize a point, but you also don’t want to overdo it
and distract the audience (don’t put them in your pockets and do not use them to support you on the
Movement can represent confidence to the audience. Too much movement, however, is a sign of
nervousness. Standing straight projects confidence.
Facial Expressions
Don’t be afraid to use facial expressions. If you know you are saying something funny, then smile. If you
are talking about something serious, show a look of empathy. A stony face will make you seem a fool,
while an expressive face can help you connect with the audience.
Vary Your Voice
How you say something can be just as important as what you are saying. Pay attention to our tone and
your speed. Don't talk to fast. No Yelling. And avoid the soft voice that can't be heard. Use your pace and
tone to emphasize important ideas.
Take Your Time
Take your time and allow everyone to absorb what you are saying. A speech is not a race. Start slow and
if you see that your audience wants you to speak a little faster, then, and only then, start to pick up the
Pause for Important Ideas
Pauses are good. They let your audience think about your words. Try to pause after the most important
points in your speech, but be careful not to use too many, giving in this way the impression you lack
consistency in your thoughts.

Match Your Style to the Occasion - Opening Ceremony Speech

Usually, the opening speech will be held by the president of the session.
- It will be a welcoming speech; a welcome speech marks the start ofany special event or occasion
requiring a formal opening – the EYP opening speech will officially declare open thesession.
- The focus of the speech is always the audience and the goal is to make them look forward to whatever
is coming next. You are uniting and bringing them together in the common purpose at the heart of the
-Specifically acknowledge any important guests;

There is a protocol of the order in which you welcome the gathering. Follow this easy to
remember the following formula.
MR.= Mr. Chairman, Chief Guest Mr. ...., President, Guest of Honor Mr. ..., other Dignitaries, Guests,
Press & TV, Delegates/Participants, Ladies & Gentlemen.
G = General Welcome . Welcome to the ....... (Exact name of the program - organized
by/conducted by/hosted by.....(Name of the organization.).
O = Organization. Say two sentences about the organization.
O = Occasion . Few sentences about importance of the program.
S = SPECIAL WELCOMES. Welcome one by one, in one or two sentences in the same
order as above ( i.e., Chief Guest, Guest of Honor, Invitees, Press, People)
E = End. Once again welcome everybody and hope that.... They will enjoy, it would be very useful, a
memorable experience, a turning point, a milestone, create history, open a great future, reach new
heights . . .
EYP Romania

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