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Knowing about the GG methods of healing and how its working is a precious gift...

Come let we
go deeply


Every disease / problem is a digression of the norm. This deviation can be expressed in several
cells, in single and in whole cell associations, such as organs, or in the essential functions of the
whole organism. To cure a disease really means to return to the norm. Numeric codes facilitate
this return. Focusing helps us to adjust to the vibrational state, which is the norm, which results
in the cure of this disease / problem. Number are not just mathematical signs, they are the
energy of the Creator. The process of realignment is the healing itself, because it brings
awareness. You can select a number, according to the disease, put it in the mental field, reduce
the number of size, and imagine the number entering your body and leave it for some time. Put
the color white, to enter a diseased organ. For the numerical series to have impact on the body,
you should concentrate, the more you focus on the numbers, the greater its effectiveness (such
as a meditation).
"... Every disease is a deviation from the norm. Deviation from the norm in individual cells or
organs, or any organism. The recovery of disease means a return to NORMA ... Behind each
number there is a corresponding vibrational structure. The same can be said about the
sequence of numbers ... and keeping the focus on the sequence of digits indicates TUNING.
Similarly, the sound of a tuned tuning fork musical instruments ... (Grigori Grabovoi) ".
According to Grabovoi everything depends on us and is in ourselves; the world is the external
reality, man has a soul that is the inner reality, and the two, in fact, are nothing more than
structures of information.

Grigori Grabovoi's workshops including Number Codes for Transformation, Organ and Cell
Regeneration, Manifestation, Healing, and Intuitive Abilities

Llyoid Mears numbers:

It is well-known that health conditions are associated with certain frequencies…Lloyd Mear has
developed a unique numerological modality that attributes numbers to certain frequencies to
balance bodily energies.

The correct combination of intention and numerical sequences can transform consciousness,
revitalize water, and optimize the body for hydration. In this interview, Lloyd explains how and
why he uses dowsing, numbers, and intuition to promote healing like a radio tuned to the right
station captures a broadcast. Tune in and discover the power of healing by numbers!

Lioyd Mear suggests you say a sequence about 7 to 10 times a day out loud 21/24 days.

I will tell my experience I felt really quite tired and not very well so I said the sequence
778899003 7 times and repeated it during the day and I really felt much better.
This number 778899003 Llioyd Mear used when his wife had a stroke he tells about in the



for removing nuclear radiation; 6 8 4 7 9 7 2 4 3 7

for removing mercury 8 3 3 9 4 6 5 7 3 9 6 7 8 8 3 6

Brain balancing 9 x 0

Immuneboost 9X 1

Energy boost 9 X 8

Release all negative energies from body


Hypothalamus 9 8 3 7 6 7 7 8 4 8 8

Happy 6 5 7 6 8 5

This website has an hour long interview with Lloyd Mear

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