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J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221

DOI 10.1007/s10265-011-0428-8


Comparative phylogeography of four component species

of deciduous broad-leaved forests in Japan based
on chloroplast DNA variation
Takaya Iwasaki • Kyoko Aoki • Akihiro Seo •

Noriaki Murakami

Received: 29 September 2009 / Accepted: 17 April 2011 / Published online: 16 June 2011
 The Botanical Society of Japan and Springer 2011

Abstract A phylogeographic study of four tree species following three regional populations were genetically
(Padus grayana, Euonymus oxyphyllus, Magnolia hypol- highly differentiated among all four species: (1) the Sea of
euca, and Carpinus laxiflora) growing in Japanese decid- Japan-side area, (2) the Kanto region, and (3) southwestern
uous broad-leaved forests was conducted based on Japan. Based on some interspecific similarities among the
chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variations. Using nucleotide phylogeographic patterns, the following migration scenario
sequences of 702–1,059 bp of intergenic spacers of of Japanese deciduous broad-leaved forests was postulated.
cpDNA, 20, 27, eight, and eight haplotypes were detected During the last glacial maximum (LGM), the forests were
among 251, 251, 226, and 262 individuals sampled from separately distributed in six regions. After LGM, as the
67, 79, 75, and 71 populations of the above species, climate warmed, the forests in eastern Japan separately
respectively. The geographical pattern of the cpDNA expanded from each of the refugia along the Sea of Japan-
variations was highly structured in each species, and the side or along the Pacific Ocean-side. In contrast, those in
southwestern Japan retreated and moved to high altitudes
from each of the continuous forests.

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this Keywords Chloroplast DNA  Deciduous broad-leaved
article (doi:10.1007/s10265-011-0428-8) contains supplementary forest  Glacial refugia  Intraspecific variation  Japanese
material, which is available to authorized users.
archipelago  Phylogeography
T. Iwasaki
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiba University,
1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8522, Japan Introduction
Present Address:
T. Iwasaki (&) Severe climatic oscillations during the Quaternary period
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, produced great changes in species distribution (Hewitt
3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan 2000, 2004). Recent molecular phylogeographic studies
have revealed the genetic structure of extant populations,
K. Aoki providing insights into the history of changes in species
Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, distribution (Avise 2000). In general, the response of spe-
Kyoto University, Yoshida-Nihonmatsu-cho, Sakyo-ku, cies to climatic oscillations is considered a highly dynamic
Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
process consisting of repeated retreats into refugia during
A. Seo glacial periods and range expansions from the refugia
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, during interglacial periods.
457-4 Kamigamomotoyama, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8047, Japan The Japanese archipelago is located on the eastern edge
of East Asia and consists of four main islands: Hokkaido,
N. Murakami
Makino Herbarium, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. The archipelago stretches
1-1 Minamiosawa, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan 3,000 km from northeast to southwest over a wide range of

208 J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221

climatic zones from subarctic to subtropical. It also has a 2004; Okaura et al. 2007) have been examined phylogeo-
complex mountainous topography along the central axis of graphically. In addition, some phylogeographic studies
Honshu. The cool temperate zone in Japan is now domi- have been conducted for F. crenata using other DNA
nated by deciduous broad-leaved tree species, primarily markers; for example, nuclear-encoded allozyme poly-
Fagus crenata and Quercus crispula. The deciduous broad- morphisms (Tomaru et al. 1997), mitochondrial DNA
leaved forests in northeastern Japan grow from sea level to variations (Tomaru et al. 1998), and nuclear microsatellite
an altitude of more than 1,000 m, whereas those in markers (Hiraoka and Tomaru 2009). These three taxa
southwestern Japan are often isolated from each other in (F. crenata, S. praecox, and Quercus species) are
the form of small patchy forests at elevations over 700 m. co-distributed in the deciduous broad-leaved forests of
During the last glacial maximum (LGM) around Japan. However, some discrepancies have been observed
23,000–18,000 years ago, the mean annual temperature among the geographical patterns of genetic differentiation
was 5–9C cooler and the precipitation was lower than in the three taxa. For example, based on the distribution
present levels (Tsukada 1988). Large areas of the Japanese patterns of cpDNA variations or nuclear alleles, distinct
archipelago are considered to have remained unglaciated regional groups in the Sea of Japan-side area were genet-
even during the ice ages of the Quaternary period, owing to ically recognized for F. crenata and S. praecox, but not for
the archipelago’s location in mid-latitudes and its maritime Quercus species. In addition, the plant populations dis-
climate (Ono 1984). Based on palynological data, historical tributed in the Pacific Ocean-side area could be subdivided
changes in the vegetation of Japan since LGM have been into many regional groups, but locations of the phylogeo-
studied in detail over the last several decades (Takahara graphical breaks among the regional groups were not
et al. 2000; Tsukada 1988; Yasuda and Miyoshi 1998). In identical among these three taxa. Thus, a consensus on the
response to the climatic changes, temperate plant species in postglacial migration history of the deciduous broad-leaved
Japan have generally migrated along the Pacific Ocean- forests in Japan has not yet been reached. Moreover, most
side, the Sea of Japan-side, or mountain slopes of the previous studies could not reveal the detailed locations of
archipelago (Tsukada 1988). These temperate species refugia in Japan during LGM. However, these previous
either migrated southward along the coasts or to lower studies relied only on palynological data for their discus-
altitudes into refugia during glacial periods, and they either sions of the locations of refugia.
expanded northward or to higher altitudes during inter- On the other hand, to examine migration history since
glacial periods (Tsukada 1988). The principal mountains LGM, previous studies based on cpDNA variation (Fujii
might have acted as geographical barriers to the migration et al. 2002; Ohi et al. 2003) used the geographical distri-
and gene flow of many plant species during the Quaternary bution of cpDNA haplotypes as well as genealogical rela-
period. However, interpretations based only on fossil pol- tionships of the haplotypes. However, because of the slow
len records might be misleading, since trace amounts of rate of molecular evolution of cpDNA (1.0–3.0 9 10-9
pollen resulting from long-distance dispersal may lead to substitutions per site per year) (Wolfe et al. 1987), most
overestimates of the species’ distribution range during cpDNA haplotypes observed in these plant species proba-
LGM. Similarly, the absence of fossil pollen records does bly originated long before LGM. Therefore, it may be
not automatically indicate the absence of these species in misleading to discuss their migration history after LGM
the sampled range (McLachlan and Clark 2004). Therefore, based on phylogenetic relationships among the detected
other evidence is needed to reconstruct the biogeographic haplotypes. In the present study, our phylogeographical
history of extant species (Tremblay and Schoen 1999). discussion will be based only on the geographical distri-
Since chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) in angiosperms is bution patterns of the haplotypes, not on their phylogenetic
maternally inherited without any recombination (Corriveau relationships.
and Coleman 1988), it is useful for determining the route of In addition to the effects of climatic changes, the genetic
seed migration and identifying locations of important diversity and population genetic structure of each plant
refugia during LGM (Abbott et al. 2000; Heuertz et al. species are influenced by various factors (Hamrick and
2004; McCauley 1995; Newton et al. 1999). Over the past Godt 1989; Hamrick et al. 1992). Discussing the migration
decade, the geographical distributions of intraspecific history of plant species based only on the phylogeographic
cpDNA variation of various plant species in Japan have pattern of a single species might be misleading. In Japan,
been examined to elucidate their postglacial migration the vegetation zones are determined mainly by mean
history (Aoki et al. 2004; Fujii and Senni 2006; Fujii et al. temperature, because the amount of rainfall throughout the
1997; Ikeda and Setoguchi 2007). In particular, deciduous entire country is sufficient (Kira 1977, 1991). Plant species
broad-leaved tree species, F. crenata (Fujii et al. 2002; growing together in Japan might have reacted to past
Okaura and Harada 2002), Stachyurus praecox (Ohi et al. environmental changes, such as low temperatures, in a
2003), and Q. crispula and related species (Kanno et al. similar manner and could survive in the same refugia.

J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221 209

A common geographic pattern among several co-distrib- individuals of P. grayana from 67 populations, consisting
uted taxa existing over the same area would indicate the of one–eight individuals per population, were collected. In
influence of common historical factors such as climate the same way, 251 individuals of E. oxyphyllus (including
changes during glacial and interglacial periods. In Europe, E. oxyphyllus var. magnus) from 79 populations, consisting
careful comparison was made of the intraspecific phylog- of one–six individuals per population, 226 individuals of
eographic patterns of 10 taxa to search for congruent M. hypoleuca from 75 populations, consisting of one–six
geographic patterns of genetic variation (Taberlet et al. individuals per population, and 262 individuals of C. lax-
1998). Although only a small degree of congruence was iflora from 71 populations, consisting of one–nine indi-
found, these results indicated that the likely colonization viduals per population were collected. Silica gel-dried
routes exhibit some similarities. leaves were collected from these sites. Geographical
The present study investigated intraspecific cpDNA information on the 106 total populations is shown in
variations in four plant species growing together in Japa- Fig. 1a and Table S1. Voucher information is given in
nese deciduous broad-leaved forests over a common geo- Table S1. The voucher specimens have been preserved
graphic area. These investigations used the same sampling in the Makino Herbarium (MAK), Tokyo Metropolitan
strategy and the same methods of analysis. Furthermore, University.
common phylogeographic patterns among genetic struc-
tures in four plant species were determined. The migration DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction
history of deciduous broad-leaved forests is discussed in amplification, and sequencing
terms of these patterns.
The following four species were selected as plant Prior to genomic DNA extraction, leaf tissue was washed
materials for this study: Padus grayana (Maxim.) using 2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperanzinyl] ethanesulfonic
C. K. Schneid. (Rosaceae), Euonymus oxyphyllus Miq. acid (HEPES) buffer (pH 8.0; Setoguchi and Ohba 1995) to
(including E. oxyphyllus var. magnus Honda) (Celastra- remove polysaccharides. Genomic DNA was extracted
ceae), Magnolia hypoleuca Siebold et Zucc. (Magnolia- from the washed leaf pellets using a cetyltrimethylammo-
ceae), and Carpinus laxiflora (Siebold et Zucc.) Blume nium bromide (CTAB) method (Doyle and Doyle 1987)
(Betulaceae). All these species grow in deciduous broad- with a slight modification. As a preliminary screening, the
leaved forests over a similar geographic distribution range following 13 noncoding regions of cpDNA were analyzed
(from the highlands of Kyushu to the lowlands of Hokka- for each species: the rps16 intron, trnG(UCC) intron, petB
ido) and exhibit relatively large amount of intraspecific intron, rpl16 intron, psbC-trnS(UGA) intergenic region,
cpDNA variation (Iwasaki et al. 2006). In E. oxyphyllus, trnG(GCC)-trnfM(CAU), trnW(CCA)-trnP(UGG), petD-
one variety, var. magnus Honda, distributed in the Sea of rpoA (Nishizawa and Watano 2000), trnL(UAA)30 exon-
Japan-side area, has been recognized based on a combi- trnF(GAA) intergenic region, trnT(UGU)-trnL(UAA)50
nation of morphological characters (relatively large leaves exon (Taberlet et al. 1991), atpB-rbcL intergenic region
and fruits, and thick branches) (Murata 1972). However, it (Terachi 1993), trnH(GUG)-psbA intergenic region and
is often difficult to identify these intraspecific taxa due to trnS(GCU)-trnG(UCC) (Hamilton 1999).
their clinal morphological variation. Accordingly, these In consideration of the amount of intraspecific sequence
varieties were not distinguished in this study. variation, two or three regions were selected for each
Our specific goals were (1) to investigate the levels and species individually (data not shown). Selected regions and
distribution of intraspecific cpDNA variation in the four their polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers (some
plant species growing in Japanese deciduous broad-leaved primers were modified for each species) are summarized in
forests, (2) to search for common phylogeographic patterns Table S2. The PCR mixture consisted of 0.63 units of
among them, and (3) to discuss the locations of refugia and Blend Taq polymerase (Toyobo, Osaka, Japan), 2.5 lL of
migration routes based on the phylogeographical data 10% Blend Taq Buffer [25 mmol/L TAPS (pH 9.3),
obtained. 50 mmol/L KCl, and 10 mmol/L MgCl2], 2 lL of 2 mmol/
L dNTP solution, 1.25 lL of 10 pmol/L of each primer,
and 10–30 ng of genomic DNA, to a total volume of
Materials and methods 25 lL. The PCR cycle conditions were 94C (2 min); then
35 cycles of 94C (45 s), 55C (45 s), 72C (1.5 min), and
Plant materials finally 72C (7 min). After confirming PCR amplification
on an agarose gel, amplified products were treated with
Our sampling strategy was to collect a few individuals ExoSAP-IT reagent (Amersham Biosciences, Tokyo,
from many localities to sufficiently cover the whole geo- Japan) to remove excess primers and dNTPs. Purified DNA
graphic range of each species in Japan. A total of 251 fragments were used as templates for sequencing reactions

210 J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221

Fig. 1 Population sites

sampling in this study (a).
Detailed voucher information is
shown in Table S1. The 57 grid
cells and nine regions defined in
this study (b)

J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221 211

using the ABI PRISM Big Dye Terminator Cycle 2009). In this analysis, nucleotide substitutions, inversions,
Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, and indels (including mononucleotide repeat length varia-
USA) with the same primers used for PCR amplification. tions) were weighted equally.
The resultant mixture was analyzed using an Applied
Biosystems 3100 genetic analyzer. The sequences obtained Local areas with high genetic uniqueness
were aligned using ChromasPro version 1.34 (http://www. and BioEdit ver- To search for local areas with high genetic uniqueness, 57
sion software (Hall 1999). grid cells were defined following the 80-km mesh cells
provided by the Geographical Survey Institute of Japan
Haplotype classification (Fig. 1b). Several populations distributed within each grid
cell were integrated to one grid population (Table S1), and
In this study, cpDNA variations based on inversions and the proportion of rare haplotypes in each grid cell (PR) was
indels, including mononucleotide repeat length variations, calculated for each of the four species. The interspecific
and nucleotide substitutions, were detected. The sequences average values of PR among the four species were also
differing by nucleotide substitutions, inversions and indels calculated for each grid cell. To test whether areas with
were treated as different DNA types (indicated by A, B, high PR values are geographically concentrated or not, the
C,…). Those differing only by number of mononucleotide spatial autocorrelation pattern of the PR values was
repeats were treated as different subtypes of each DNA investigated by calculating Moran’s I values (i.e., a mea-
type (indicated by A, A0 , A00 ,…). DNA type labels denote sure of spatial autocorrelation; Moran 1950) using the free
relative frequency alphabetically, the A-DNA type of each software R (R development Core Team 2010) with the
species being the most common. Similarly, the subtypes spdep (Bivand 2009) package. Furthermore, in the nine
denote relative frequency, with the A-subtype of each DNA regions defined by integrating grid cells (Fig. 1b), the
type being the most common subtype and the A’-subtype values of H (Nei 1987) and PR were calculated using the
being the second-most common subtype. In this study, both Arlequin ver. 3.1 software (Excoffier et al. 2005) and by
different DNA types and subtypes were treated as equally manual for each of the four species, respectively. The
different haplotypes, except for the following haplotype interspecific average values of H and PR among the four
network analyses. Furthermore, haplotypes with a fre- species were also calculated for each region.
quency of more than 5% were defined as common haplo-
types, whereas haplotypes with a frequency of 5% or less Spatial genetic structure
were defined as rare haplotypes.
Spatial genetic structure was assessed by testing significant
Haplotype network analysis isolation by distance using a Mantel test with 9,999 random
permutations of the relationship between the matrices of
Multiple sequence alignment was performed manually. The pairwise genetic distances and those of the natural loga-
simple indel coding method of Simmons and Ochoterena rithm of geographical distances among populations. As the
(2000) was employed for gap coding. The gaps caused by genetic distance matrix, the pairwise relative Sorensen
variation in the number of mononucleotide repeat units distance (D) (McCune et al. 2002) was used.
were removed from this intraspecific haplotype network The relative Sorensen distance is a metric based on the
analysis, given their susceptibility to homoplasy (Ingvars- sum, over the haplotypes, of the pairwise differences in
son et al. 2003). The haplotype network was constructed haplotype frequencies between populations as follows:
using TCS version 1.21 software (Clement et al. 2000). The  
1 X  y1j y2j 
mutations (nucleotide substitutions, indels, and inversions)
Dðx1 ;x2 Þ ¼   
were treated as unordered and were equally weighted. 2 j¼1 Rpj¼1 y1j Rpj¼1 y2j 

Amount of genetic diversity where D(x1, x2) is the relative Sorensen distance between
populations x1 and x2, p is the number of different haplotypes
To evaluate the amount of genetic diversity within each of between the two populations, j varies from 1 to p, y1j is the
the four species, haplotype diversity (H) (Nei 1987), number of individuals with haplotype j in populations x1, and
nucleotide diversity (p), that is, the average number of y2j is the number of individuals with haplotype j in popula-
nucleotide differences per site between two sequences (Nei tion x2. D(x1, x2) takes values between 0, when the haplotype
1987), and the Watterson estimator (h), that is, the number frequencies are identical between two populations, and 1,
of segregating sites per site (Watterson 1975), were cal- when the populations have no haplotypes in common. Dif-
culated using DnaSP ver. 5.10 software (Librado and Rozas fering from other types of genetic distance measures, this

212 J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221

distance measure makes it possible to estimate divergence, and Sokal 1973). To construct the distance matrix, pairwise
even when populations are fixed at different haplotypes. The relative Sorensen distances (McCune et al. 2002) between
values of relative Sorensen distance were calculated using the SAMOVA groups were used. UPGMA analysis was
PC-ORD version 5.10 software (McCune and Mefford performed using PC-ORD version 5.10 software (McCune
1999). A Mantel test was performed using GeneAlex version and Mefford 1999).
6.2 software (Peakall and Smouse 2006).
Parameters of population differentiation (GST, NST)
were estimated following the methods of Pons and Petit Results
(1996), using PERMUT version 2.0 software (http://www. These two Intraspecific cpDNA variation and haplotype network
parameters were compared by using a permutation test with
10,000 permutations. GST is a population differentiation The nucleotide sequences of noncoding regions, 694–
parameter based solely on haplotype frequency within 727 bp for P. grayana, 637–668 bp for E. oxyphyllus,
populations, whereas NST is a parameter that includes both 1,039–1,051 bp for M. hypoleuca, and 678–702 bp for
haplotype frequency and mutation steps between haplo- C. laxiflora, were determined. All the sequence data obtained
types. The comparison thus allows testing to determine in the present study have been deposited in DDBJ under
whether distinct haplotypes occurring in the same popula- accession numbers AB525243–AB525282 for P. grayana,
tion are on average more closely related than distinct AB525283–AB525336 for E. oxyphyllus, AB525337–
haplotypes from different populations. Some populations AB525360 for M. hypoleuca, and AB525361–AB525376
were excluded from this analysis because the numbers of for C. laxiflora. The aligned sequences for polymorphic
samples were smaller than the minimum required for sites and frequencies of each haplotype in the four species
analysis (at least three samples are required). are shown in Tables S3, S4, S5, and S6, respectively. In
Spatial analysis of variance (SAMOVA) based on a P. grayana, 14 haplotypes, three of which had two–four
simulated annealing procedure was used to define groups of subtypes, were distinguished, and 20 distinguishable
populations that are geographically homogeneous and cpDNA haplotypes were recognized in all. In E. oxyphyl-
maximally differentiated from each other (Dupanloup et al. lus, 19 haplotypes were distinguished, six of which had two
2002). The software SAMOVA version 1.0 (http://web. or three subtypes. In all, 27 distinguishable cpDNA hap- iteratively lotypes were found. In M. hypoleuca, eight cpDNA hap-
seeks the composition of a user-defined number K of lotypes were recognized. In C. laxiflora, seven DNA types,
groups of geographically adjacent populations that maxi- one of which had two subtypes, were found, total of eight
mizes FCT; that is, the proportion of total genetic variance distinguishable cpDNA haplotypes. Common haplotypes
resulting from differences among groups of populations. In and their frequencies were as follows: types A (22.7%), A0
the present study, this analysis was carried out based only (9.6%), B (27.5%), C (11.6%), and D (9.6%) in P. grayana;
on haplotype composition, not taking phylogenetic rela- types A (30.3%), A0 (14.7%), B (12.0%), B0 (7.2%), and C
tionships among haplotypes into consideration. The pro- (5.2%) in E. oxyphyllus; types A (51.8%), B (25.7%), and
gram was run for 10,000 iterations for K (K values were set C (17.3%) in M. hypoleuca; and types A (42.7%), B
between 2 and 20) from each of 300 random initial con- (28.6%), and C (25.2%) in C. laxiflora. All the frequencies
ditions. For each K, the configuration with the largest FCT of the other haplotypes were 5% or less, and these were
value after the 300 independent simulated annealing pro- treated as rare haplotypes.
cesses was retained as the best grouping of populations. The calculated values of H, p, and h are shown in
Two criteria were considered to select the number of Table 1. The phylogenetic relationships among the haplo-
groups. First, the pattern of FCT values as a function of types in each species are shown in the parsimony network
K was examined. In particular, the number of groups (Fig. 2a–d). All haplotypes were distinguished from their
necessary for FCT to reach a plateau was investigated. most closely related haplotypes by three or fewer muta-
Second, configurations with one or more single-population tional steps. Large phylogenetic breaks, which would
groups were excluded, because this indicates that the group indicate the existence of cryptic species or isolation for long
structure is disappearing (Godbout et al. 2005; Heuertz time, were not observed in the networks of the four species.
et al. 2004; Magri et al. 2006).
Because the geographic patterns observed in SAMOVA Geographic distribution patterns of haplotypes
analysis were complicated in P. grayana and E. oxyphyllus, in the four species
similarities between SAMOVA groups were measured by
performing cluster analysis using the unweighted pair- The geographical distributions of the cpDNA haplotypes in
group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) (Sneath the four species are shown in Fig. 2a–d. The haplotype

J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221 213

Table 1 Haplotype diversity, nucleotide diversity, and Watterson C. laxiflora. Some groups consisted only of a single pop-
estimator observed in four component species of deciduous broad- ulation. Thus, the groupings corresponding to K = 6
leaved forests
(FCT = 0.539), 12 (FCT = 0.522), 3 (FCT = 0.715), and 3
Species n nh H p h (FCT = 0.848) in each of the above four species were
considered as valid and retained for interpretation
Padus grayana 251 20 0.841 0.00418 0.0042
(Table 3). Geographic distributions of the recognized
Euonymus oxyphyllus 251 27 0.860 0.00425 0.0053
groups in each species are shown in Figs. 3a, b and 4a, b.
Magnolia hypoleuca 226 8 0.638 0.00176 0.0018
In P. grayana and E. oxyphyllus, the geographic distribu-
Carpinus laxiflora 262 8 0.674 0.00381 0.0036
tion patterns of the detected SAMOVA groups were
n number of samples, nh number of haplotypes, H haplotype diversity complicated (Fig. 3a, b). In contrast, three well-separated
(Nei 1987), p nucleotide diversity (Nei 1987), h Watterson estimator groups were observed in M. hypoleuca (Fig. 4a): SAM-
(Watterson 1975)
OVA group I in eastern Japan, II in the Sea of Japan-side
area, and III in southwestern Japan. In C. laxiflora, three
compositions in the nine regions are summarized in well-separated groups were also detected (Fig. 4b): SAM-
Table 2. Although a few haplotypes were disjunctively OVA group I in eastern Japan, II in the Sea of Japan-side
distributed, most haplotypes were geographically clearly area, and III in southwestern Japan.
structured. Notably, common haplotypes in each species The UPGMA dendrograms of P. grayana and E. oxy-
were distributed in specific areas, not randomly. In phyllus, based on the relative Sorensen distance matrix
P. grayana (Fig. 2a), common haplotype A was mainly between the groups of populations recognized by SAM-
distributed in the Tohoku and the Sea of Japan-side area. In OVA, are shown in Fig. 3a, b. The results revealed some
contrast, types A0 and D were predominant in the Kanto clustering and implied geographic structure. In P. grayana,
region. Besides, type B was widely distributed in south- three widely distributed cluster groups and one local group
western Japan, and type C was found in the Hokkaido and (SAMOVA group IV) were observed (Fig. 3a): the first
Tohoku regions. In E. oxyphyllus (Fig. 2b), common hap- cluster was in southwestern Japan (SAMOVA groups I and
lotype A was widely distributed along the Pacific Ocean- II), the second cluster was in the Kanto region (III), and the
side. The distribution pattern of type A0 was similar to that third cluster was in the Sea of Japan-side area (V and VI).
of type A, but this type was confined to eastern Japan. In In E. oxyphyllus, three widely distributed cluster groups
contrast, types B and B0 were mainly distributed in the Sea and six local groups (SAMOVA groups III, VIII, IX, X, XI,
of Japan-side area. In M. hypoleuca (Fig. 2c), common and XII) were found (Fig. 3b): the first cluster was in
haplotype A was widely distributed in the eastern part of southwestern Japan (SAMOVA group I), the second cluster
Japan. On the other hand, type B was predominantly dis- was in eastern Japan (II), and the third cluster was in the
tributed in southwestern Japan. Type C was distributed in Sea of Japan-side area (IV, V, VI, and VII).
the Sea of Japan-side area. In C. laxiflora (Fig. 2d), com-
mon haplotype A was widely distributed in southwestern Local areas with high genetic uniqueness in Japan
Japan, while type C was distributed in eastern Japan. Type
B was distributed in the Chubu region and the Sea of The interspecific average values of PR among the four
Japan-side area. species in each grid cell are shown in Fig. 5. Moran’s I was
significantly positive (I = 0.079, P \ 0.001). This finding
Geographic structure of genetic variation suggests that the overall distribution pattern of PR values is
not random but spatially autocorrelated. The PR values
In the Mantel tests, measures of genetic distance (pairwise were relatively high in the following seven grid cells:
relative Sorensen distance) were significantly correlated PR = 0.312 in HR8 grid, 0.400 in KT6 grid, 0.404 in CB4
with geographical distance in the four species (Table S7). grid, 0.376 in KI4 grid, 0.333 in CG2 grid, 0.333 in CG6
In P. grayana and E. oxyphyllus, calculated parameters of grid, and 0.350 in CG7 grid. The haplotype compositions
population differentiation, NST (0.737 and 0.609, respec- of each species in these seven grids are shown in Table 4.
tively) were significantly higher than GST (0.574 and Many rare haplotypes were detected in Padus grayana and
0.464) (P \ 0.001 and P \ 0.001). NST in M. hypoleuca Euonymus oxyphyllus, comparing to Magnolia hypoleuca
(0.696) was higher than GST (0.661) but not significant and Carpinus laxiflora. On the other hand, no grid cells
(P [ 0.05). However, NST in C. laxiflora (0.763) was with high PR (C0.20) values were observed in the Hok-
smaller than GST (0.809). kaido and Tohoku regions or in the northern part of the
In the SAMOVA analysis, the FCT values increased with Hokuriku region.
K, and for values of K C 7 in P. grayana, K C 13 in The values of PR and H in each of the nine local regions
E. oxyphyllus, K C 4 in M. hypoleuca, and K C 4 in are shown in Table 2. Compared with the values of the

214 J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221

J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221 215

b Fig. 2 Parsimony network relationships among chloroplast DNA other grid areas have not been identified as special refugia
haplotypes, and geographical distribution of the haplotypes observed in previous studies, all seven of our grid areas were
in a Padus grayana, b Euonymus oxyphyllus, c Magnolia hypoleuca,
and d Carpinus laxiflora. Open circles in network indicate missing included in the full-glacial distribution range of F. crenata.
haplotypes. Solid bars, open bars and stars in networks indicate Therefore, we suggest that these seven grid areas were very
nucleotide substitutions, indels, and inversions, respectively. Letters probably important refugia for Japanese deciduous broad-
with single or double quotation marks designate a haplotype differing leaved forests during LGM. On the other hand, no grid cell
from the original haplotype only by number of mononucleotide
repeats. Colored letters designate a common haplotype with a with high PR values was observed in the Shikoku and
frequency of more than 5%, and black letters designate a rare Kyushu regions. Palynological studies suggested the exis-
haplotype with a frequency of 5% or less. Numbers in parentheses tence of refugia in these areas during LGM (Tsukada 1988;
correspond to population number Yasuda and Miyoshi 1998). In these regions, the present
distribution of deciduous broad-leaved forests are limited
other eight regions, those of H in the Hokkaido region were to high altitude areas only, and the population sizes of these
low (actually H = 0.000 in P. grayana, M. hypoleuca, and forests were relatively small. Bottleneck effects can act
C. laxiflora), except for E. oxyphyllus (H = 0.765). In the strongly in small-sized populations (Nei 1987). Rare hap-
other regions, the values of H were similar to each other. In lotypes in these areas might be lost because of these effects
addition, the values of PR in the Hokkaido and Tohoku after LGM or during previous interglacial periods.
regions were also low (PR = 0.000 and 0.174 in P. gra- Furthermore, no grid cell with high PR values was
yana, 0.242 and 0.200 in E. oxyphyllus, 0.000 and 0.000 in observed in the Hokkaido and Tohoku regions. The fre-
M. hypoleuca, and 0.000 and 0.000 in C. laxiflora). quency of rare haplotypes should decline with increasing
distance from refugia as a consequence of successive
founder events during postglacial colonization (Hewitt
Discussion 1996, 2000). Therefore, this result might suggest that
refugia of deciduous broad-leaved forests did not exist in
Locations of important refugia during LGM these areas, and that most extant populations were derived
from the populations in the southern regions—for example,
Petit et al. (2003) investigated geographic distribution of the Hokuriku or Kanto regions—after LGM.
cpDNA variations in 22 widespread European plant species
in order to test the hypothesis that glacial refugia harbor a Three possible migration routes after LGM in the Sea
large fraction of the intraspecific biodiversity. They con- of Japan-side area, the Kanto region, and southwestern
cluded that the plant populations in the refugia showed Japan
high genetic uniqueness rather than a high number of
haplotypes. Following their suggestion, this study chose to The geographical pattern of the cpDNA variations was
regard the areas rich in rare haplotypes as possible highly structured in each species. The Mantel tests revealed
important refugia during LGM. Because most rare haplo- significant positive correlations between geographical and
types were specific to a single area, the interspecific genetic distance, indicating the existence of strong isola-
average values of PR among the four species in each grid tion by distance. The results of comparison between NST
cell were used as indexes of genetic uniqueness in each and GST indicated that distinct haplotypes occurring in the
area. Relatively high values of PR were observed in the same population are more closely related than haplotypes
following seven grids (Fig. 5): HR8 in the Hokuriku from different population in P. grayana and E. oxyphyllus,
region, KT6 in the Kanto region, CB4 in the Chubu region, but not in M. hypoleuca and C. laxiflora. Because the rate
KI4 in the Kinki region, and CG2, CG6, CG7 in the of molecular evolution of the cpDNA genome is very low
Chugoku region (Table 4). Based on palynological data, (Wolfe et al. 1987), these observed haplotypes may be
especially from F. crenata, a major component plant spe- supposed to have originated long before LGM.
cies of deciduous broad-leaved forests in Japan, the full- The phylogeographic patterns observed in this study
glacial distribution range of F. crenata during LGM was were not completely identical, but they were similar among
reported to be areas south of 38N latitude along the coastal the four species. Based on the combination analysis of
regions of Japan (Tsukada 1982a). Furthermore, in the area SAMOVA and UPGMA dendrogram (Figs. 3a, b; 4a, b),
surrounding Wakasa Bay (near the HR8 grid), the existence the following three regional populations showed high
of refugia during LGM for Cryptomeria japonica, one of genetic similarities, which were genetically highly differ-
the most important species of Japanese cool temperate entiated among all four species: (1) the Sea of Japan-side
forests, was suggested both by palynological study (Tsuk- area (the Sea of Japan-side area of the Tohoku region, the
ada 1982b) and by phylogeographic study using micro- Hokuriku region, and the eastern part of the Chugoku
satellite markers (Takahashi et al. 2005). Although the six region), (2) the Kanto region, and (3) southwestern Japan

216 J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221

Table 2 Summary of chloroplast DNA haplotype composition in each region of the four deciduous broad-leaved species
Haplotype counts Region (population number)
Hokkaido Tohoku Hokuriku Kanto Chubu Kinki Chugoku Shikoku Kyushu Total
(1–12) (13–26) (27–41) (42–52) (53–63) (64–76) (77–86) (87–93) (94–106)

Padus grayana
A 18 30 7 2 57
A0 5 1 13 5 24
B 9 14 11 19 1 15 69
C 13 14 1 1 29
D 1 5 16 2 24
Rare 8 12 2 8 10 4 4 48
Total 13 46 58 39 21 19 31 5 19 251
nha 1 5 11 6 3 4 7 3 3 4.8d
Hb 0.000 0.728 0.701 0.705 0.514 0.591 0.613 0.700 0.368 0.847
PRc 0.000 0.174 0.207 0.501 0.000 0.421 0.323 0.800 0.211 0.191
Euonymus oxyphyllus
A 3 7 8 7 9 6 2 8 26 76
A0 14 11 1 10 1 37
B 1 4 19 2 4 30
B0 7 2 2 7 18
C 1 1 11 13
Rare 8 6 11 13 3 16 13 2 5 77
Total 33 30 41 30 13 25 26 11 42 251
nha 7 7 10 6 5 9 5 4 5 6.4d
Hb 0.765 0.800 0.749 0.763 0.539 0.843 0.785 0.491 0.556 0.860
PRc 0.242 0.200 0.268 0.433 0.231 0.640 0.500 0.182 0.119 0.307
Magnolia hypoleuca
A 25 30 12 27 20 3 117
B 1 4 11 15 11 16 58
C 10 22 7 39
Rare 1 1 4 6 12
Total 25 41 39 27 21 14 26 11 22 226
nha 1 3 4 1 2 2 4 1 3 2.3d
Hb 0.000 0.415 0.591 0.000 0.095 0.363 0.603 0.000 0.450 0.638
PRc 0.000 0.000 0.026 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.154 0.000 0.273 0.053
Carpinus laxiflora
A 13 20 25 12 42 112
B 3 27 4 36 1 4 75
C 3 32 8 18 4 1 66
Rare 2 2 5 9
Total 3 35 50 24 45 22 29 12 42 262
nha 1 2 5 4 4 3 2 1 1 2.6d
Hb 0.000 0.162 0.627 0.424 0.354 0.178 0.246 0.000 0.000 0.674
PRc 0.000 0.000 0.040 0.083 0.111 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.034
All species
Average of H b 0.191 0.526 0.667 0.473 0.376 0.494 0.562 0.298 0.344 0.755
Average of PRc 0.060 0.093 0.135 0.142 0.097 0.265 0.244 0.245 0.151 0.146
The nine regions were defined by integrating grid cells (Fig. 1b). Values given in bold indicate that the haplotypes were found in each regions with high
frequency more than 25%
Number of distinct haplotypes per region
Haplotype diversity
Proportion of rare haplotypes

J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221 217

Table 3 Results of the analyses of molecular variance (AMOVAs) performed considering the groups of populations suggested by the spatial
analyses of molecular variance (SAMOVAs) in each species
Source of variation df Sum of square Variance components Percentage of variation F-statistics

(1) Padus grayana (K = 6)

Among groups 5 104.194 0.50649 53.85 FCT = 0.53850***
Among populations within groups 61 40.562 0.08606 9.15 FSC = 0.19827***
Within populations 184 64.033 0.34801 37.00 FST = 0.63000***
Total 250 208.789 0.94056
(2) Euonymus oxyphyllus (K = 12)
Among groups 11 107.462 0.49656 52.24 FCT = 0.52240***
Among populations within groups 67 34.046 0.02607 2.74 FSC = 0.05743***
Within populations 172 73.600 0.42791 45.02 FST = 0.54983***
Total 250 215.108 0.95054
(3) Magnolia hypoleuca (K = 3)
Among groups 2 88.399 0.62445 71.55 FCT = 0.71548***
Among populations within groups 72 20.720 0.01984 2.27 FSC = 0.07991***
Within populations 151 34.500 0.22848 26.18 FST = 0.73822***
Total 225 143.619 0.87278
(4) Carpinus laxiflora (K = 3)
Among groups 2 138.404 0.80934 84.84 FCT = 0.84842***
Among populations within groups 68 8.274 -0.00863 -0.91 FSC = -0.05971***
Within populations 191 29.268 0.15324 16.06 FST = 0.83936***
Total 261 175.947 0.95394
Geographical units of each K are shown in Figs. 3 and 4
df degrees of freedom
*** P \ 0.001

(the western part of the Chugoku region, and the Kinki, from Honshu, whereas the Hokkaido population of
Shikoku and Kyushu regions), although the genetic com- E. oxyphyllus might have not experienced such founder
ponents were often continuously distributed in other areas effects. To clarify migration histories in such areas, further
such as the Hokkaido, Tohoku, or Chubu regions. As a phylogeographic studies using more variable markers
consequence of prolonged isolation, extant plant popula- (e.g., nuclear markers) or using other species are needed.
tions derived from different refugia should be highly
divergent from each other. The three regional populations Influence of past range expansion during LGM
should thus originate from several independent refugia. in southwestern Japan
These hypothetical refugia were probably located in the
seven regions with high PR values as detailed in the above Some inferences can be drawn from comparisons among
section, and contributed to the three independent migration the seven plant taxa that have been examined to date [four
routes (the Sea of Japan-side area, the Kanto region, and species examined in this study and three taxa examined in
southwestern Japan) after LGM. previous studies; F. crenata (Fujii et al. 2002), S. praecox
In contrast to the similarities observed for the three (Ohi et al. 2003), and Q. crispula and related species
specific areas cited, remarkable similarities were not (Okaura et al. 2007)]. The distribution patterns of some
observed in the other regions; that is, Hokkaido, the rare haplotypes were similar among several species, and
northern part of the Tohoku region, and the Chubu region. their distribution range was confined to the three local areas
For example, for each of the three species (P. grayana, in southwestern Japan. The areas were: (1) the Kii Penin-
M. hypoleuca, and C. laxiflora) with common haplotypes sula and nearby areas, (2) areas from the Chugoku region to
that were chiefly distributed in the Tohoku region, only one the northern part of the Kyushu region, and (3) areas from
haplotype was found in Hokkaido. The simple haplotype the Kii Peninsula or Shikoku to the southern part of Kyu-
composition of the three species in Hokkaido might be due shu. For (1) the Kii Peninsula and nearby areas, five hap-
to founder effects during recent migration across the sea lotypes were observed in the four species: rare haplotype G

218 J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221

Fig. 3 The geographical locations of SAMOVA groups and the grayana and b Euonymus oxyphyllus. The number near the point in
UPGMA dendrogram based on the relative Sorensen distance matrix the figure corresponds to population number
between groups of populations obtained by SAMOVA in a Padus

Fig. 4 The geographical

locations of SAMOVA groups
in a Magnolia hypoleuca and
b Carpinus laxiflora. Number
near point in figure corresponds
to population number

in P. grayana, type F and J in E. oxyphyllus, type F in distributed in the Kanto region). For (2) areas from the
F. crenata (although disjunctively distributed in the Kanto Chugoku region to the northern part of the Kyushu region,
region), and type I in S. praecox (although disjunctively five haplotypes were observed in four taxa: rare haplotype

J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221 219

D in E. oxyphyllus (although not distributed in the northern populations. Deciduous broad-leaved forests in south-
part of the Kyushu region), type H in E. oxyphyllus, type D western Japan now occur only in high mountains (over
in M. hypoleuca, type I in F. crenata, and type V in 700 m). In view of this patchy distribution, the latter pos-
Q. crispula and related species. For (3) areas from the Kii sibility seems unlikely. Moreover, during LGM, due to
Peninsula or Shikoku to the southern part of the Kyushu lower sea levels (ca. 100 m below present), Shikoku and
region, five haplotypes were observed in five taxa: rare Kyushu were continuous with Honshu, and the continental
haplotype F in P. grayana, common haplotype C in shelf, ca. 20–30 km from the present coastline, emerged
E. oxyphyllus, rare haplotype L in F. crenata, type C in around the Japanese archipelago (Ohta and Yonekura
S. praecox, and type VI in Q. crispula and related species. 1987). In addition, palynological studies have suggested
Two possible considerations could explain the sharing that in southwestern Japan, most of the deciduous broad-
of rare haplotypes by nearby populations separated by leaved tree species migrated to the coastal areas on the
areas of sea: either these populations originated from a Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan-side during LGM
large continuous population after LGM, or there currently (Kamei and Research Group for the Biogeography from
exists a large amount of gene flow between these Würm Glacial 1981; Tsukada 1988). As the climate
warmed, they recovered and moved to higher altitudes
(Takahara et al. 2000; Tsukada 1988). Therefore, our
results support the former hypothesis and suggest the fol-
lowing scenario. In southwestern Japan, continuously dis-
tributed deciduous broad-leaved forests existed in the
following three regions during LGM: (1) the Kii Peninsula
and nearby areas, (2) areas from the Chugoku region to the
northern part of the Kyushu region, and (3) areas from the
Kii Peninsula or Shikoku to the southern part of the Kyu-
shu region. As the climate warmed, these forests moved to
higher altitudes and were split into the several small pop-
ulations that are now observed in southwestern Japan.

Migration scenario of Japanese deciduous broad-leaved

forests during and after LGM

By taking all of the results obtained in this study, as well as

previous palynological data, into consideration, we can
postulate the following scenario for the migration history
of Japanese deciduous broad-leaved forests (Fig. 6). Dur-
ing LGM, separate forests occurred in the following six
Fig. 5 Distribution pattern of the interspecific average values of PR
among the four species in each grid cell. The haplotype composition
regions: (I) the area surrounding Wakasa Bay (corresponds
of the nine grid cells (HR8, KT6, CB4, KI4, CG2, CG6, and CG7) are to HR8 grid), (II) the southern part of the Kanto region and
summarized in Table 4 nearby areas (corresponds to KT6 and CB4 grids), (III) the

Table 4 Haplotype composition of the nine grid cells which show relatively high PR values (PR [ 0.300)
Grid Region PR Haplotype composition
Padus grayana Euonymus oxyphyllus Magnolia hypoleuca Carpinus laxiflora

KT6 Kanto 0.400 A0 A0 E0 E0 – CCCCG
CG2 Chugoku 0.333 AB00 B00 FM AB0 B0 B0 D BCC –
CG6 Chugoku 0.333 BB – D AA
Bold letters designate rare haplotypes with a frequency of 5% or less

220 J Plant Res (2012) 125:207–221

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