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Pacific Northwest District

DCON and President’s Council Discussion

Online Meeting | May 6, 2018

Position    Name  In Attendance 

Governor    Esmeralda Hernandez  X 

Secretary    Anna Mylvaganam  X 

  Ekanki Chawla   

Treasurer    Angel Le  X 

  Rabia Kamboj   

Editor    Michelle Chang  X 

  Angel Le  * 

Snoqualmie Lt. Governor    Kelvin Anderson  X 

  Lauren Ho  X 

Rain Cap Lt. Governor    ** 

  Mohammad Alharbi 

Peace Arch Lt. Governor    ** 

  Esmeralda Hernandez  * 

Cascade Lt. Governor    **   


Columbia Lt. Governor    ** 


Inland Empire Lt. Governor  ** 

Lt. Governor At Large  ** 

Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

Position    Name  In Attendance 

PNWLA Chair  Incoming  Gloria Guizar  X 

Outgoing  Serena Ranney   

Sharon Lee   

DCON Chair  Incoming  Tasfia Ahsan   

Veena Lin  X 

Outgoing  Valerie Ebbay   

Technology & Marketing  Incoming  Shane Petrus   

Outgoing  Michelle Chang  * 

Chief Growth Officer  Incoming  Lauren Ho  * 

Outgoing  Lam Duc   

Parliamentarian  Incoming  Josh Kim   

Outgoing  Jasmair Bains   

Subregion A Trustee  Josh Kim  * 

District Administrator  Greg Wegrich  X 

Assist. District Administrator  Tyson Diep  X 

Area Admin. Cascade  Nicholas Hafez   

Area Admin. Peace Arch  Lisa McCoy   

Area Admin. Rain-Cap  Dick Rust   

Kiwanis PNW Governor  Roger Bell   

Kiwanis PNW  Jerry Deas   


Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

I. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez calls the Online Meeting on Saturday, May 6, 2018 to order at 11:05 
II. Attendance (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
III. District Convention location 
A. Narrowing down US location (Discussion) 
B. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez moves to discuss 
1. Treasurer Angel Le- so moved 
2. Editor Michelle Chang second 
C. Mt. Hood Best Western 
1. Challenges of Oregon: no state sales tax 
2. Costs tend to be higher 
3. Charging set-up fees 
4. 27th year we’d be going to the facility if chosen 
5. $200/member 
D. Holiday Inn Airport (Bellingham) 
1. $190/member 
2. Central location for majority of active clubs 
3. Same location as 2018 Convention 
E. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez entertains a motion to vote on US location 
F. Secretary Anna Mylvaganam- so moved 
G. Angel- second 
H. Narrowing down Canadian locations  
1. Secretary Anna Mylvaganam- so moved 
2. Angel- second 
I. Best Western Plus Mission City Lodge 
1. March 1-3 
2. $140 USD 
3. Mission Hospice Society and other volunteer locations onsite 
4. Recommended 
5. Continental breakfast 
J. Coast Hotel Chilliwack 
1. $165 USD 
2. Friendly staff 
3. Buffets for all meals 
4. More accessible- in room beverages 
5. Quality and cost-effective 
6. Service projects 
K. Survey sent to well over 147 people 
L. No visas needed for international students 

Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

IV. District Administrator Greg Wegrich concludes that approximately 50% of Washington and Oregon 
students have passports, which could affect attendance at a Canadian convention 
A. District Convention Convention Chair Veena Lin states paperwork regarding informing club 
presidents about early registration and pushing out forms will be a priority to ensure passport 
card expenses 
V. Best Western Mission City vs. Bellingham Holiday Inn Vote 
A. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez entertains a motion to vote between the final two District 
Convention locations 
B. Secretary Anna Mylvaganam- seconds 
C. Editor Michelle Chang- so moved 
D. Call for vote (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
1. Tallied vote selects ​Best Western Mission City as 2019 District Convention Location 
VI. Council of Presidents benefits 
A. More contact 
B. Direct Communication  
C. Monday, May 7, information will be sent out to club presidents by Governor Esmeralda 
Hernandez include doodle polls for future meetings. 
D. Further organizational details listed in pre-approved proposal 
VII. Closing Remarks 
A. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez states that Governor Reports will soon be put into practice 
B. Technology and Marketing Chair Shane Petrus shares updates on the website, and emails will 
be sent out shortly for pictures and biographies for board members. 
C. Group pictures will be taken at summer board, and individual pictures will be sent prior 
D. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez adjourns the Divisional Officer Training Conference (DOTC) 
Meeting on Sunday, April 22, 2018 to order at 12:38 am. 

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