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DIARY 2018/2019 (dates marked ** are handing-in nights for competitions)

3-Sep Great Budworth Member's Challenge (see rul
10-Sep Geoff Reader DPAGB BPE3* ** An Evening With Geoff (imag
17-Sep Harry Emmett CPAGB Towards CPAGB
24-Sep First Competition- Any Subject
1-Oct Phil Austin Building the Lighthouse at M
8-Oct L&CPU Folio A + Salon Images ** Images from L&CPU competi
15-Oct Barry Richards Is Photography Art? -The firs
22-Oct Second Competition- Set Subject
29-Oct L&CPU Folio C Images from L&CPU competi
5-Nov Neil Hulme The Latest Mono Images
12-Nov Table Top Circuits ** Bring your camera and creat
19-Nov Ian Whiston DPAGB, EFIAP, ABPE The National Parks of East A
26-Nov Third Competition- Any Subject
3-Dec Table Top Circuits-the Results Members show what they to
10-Dec Tillman Kleinhans ARPS EFIAP DPAGB 40th Anniversary Tour
17-Dec Christmas Party
24-Dec No Meeting National Holiday
31-Dec No Meeting National Holiday
7-Jan Print Panel & Sequence Competition See web site for rules etc
14-Jan John Morton “Lands of Myths and Legend
21-Jan Fourth Competition Any Subject
28-Jan Mini talks from successful members This year ‘The Jon and Andre
4-Feb Chairman's Colour print Knockout Members best Colour prints
11-Feb Colin Balls FRPS APAGB ** The Magic Lantern Show-AV
18-Feb Battle 85 Group
25-Feb Fifth Competition - Any Subject
4-Mar L&CPU Folio B Selection of Images from L&
11-Mar Member's Audio-Visual Evening "The Harry Bosworth Trophy
18-Mar John Shaw "Wolf, Victim or Villain"
25-Mar Portrait Night Andre Sercombe
1-Apr Possible Exhibition ** Set up and results?????
8-Apr Cheadle Alliance?? "Battle with Stockport, Hyde
15-Apr Sixth Competition - Any Subject See web site for rules etc
22-Apr No Meeting National Holiday
29-Apr AGM
6-May No Meeting National Holiday
13-May Club Field Trip Chester Zoo
20-May Jane Lines MPAGB ** Photography her work and h
27-May No Meeting National Holiday
3-Jun Photographer of the Year Final competition night-see w
10-Jun Members Social Evening "Presentations,Games, Quize
or competitions)

er's Challenge (see rules)

ning With Geoff (images & stories)

See web site for rules etc

g the Lighthouse at Monton by the Canal
from L&CPU competitions and National Salons
ography Art? -The first 70 years
"Landscape" - See web site for rules etc
from L&CPU competitions and National Salons
est Mono Images
our camera and create a still life tableau
tional Parks of East Africa
See web site for rules etc
ers show what they took and what they did
nniversary Tour

al Holiday
al Holiday
b site for rules etc
of Myths and Legends”
See web site for rules etc
ar ‘The Jon and Andrew Show’
ers best Colour prints -judged by panel
agic Lantern Show-AV by one of the ‘Originals’

See web site for rules etc

on of Images from L&CPU competitions
arry Bosworth Trophy"""
Victim or Villain"
and results?????
with Stockport, Hyde and Romiley"
b site for rules etc
al Holiday
al Holiday

raphy her work and her Passion

al Holiday
ompetition night-see website for rules
ntations,Games, Quizes, nibbles etc"

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