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Humor Monastery - Historical Monument Traditions and folk manifestations

included in UNESCO heritage. Farmhouse - January 6

The Battle of the Easter Eggs

Stones of Muierii - between Poiana Micului and

Witchcraft Cave – Plesa

The ruins of the old Humor date back to the time

of Alexandru cel Bun in 1415.
The Day of the Village - August 15
Winter Serbs - December 26

Possibilities of recreation
Carriage rides (summer) or sleigh (winter)
drawn by horses
Other attractions are the cultural, tourist and
mountainous objectives that can be visited in the Fishing on the river Humor or Moldova Active
commune or in the nearby areas: the Catholic Crafts - Dogarit (Plesa), sculpture in wood, tourism: mountain bike, trekking, nordic
churches of Poiana Micului and Plesa, the tissue. walking
Orthodox churches in Poiana Micului, the
Soimul: ski slope
famous Voronet, Moldovita and Sucevita Mountain tourism resources
monasteries - also included in the UNESCO
patrimony . The ladies' stones - Toaca's peak

Situated on Humorului Valley, Humorului

Monastery commune is at an altitude of 533
meters. The access to this area is very simple,
the Humorului Monastery being crossed by the
county road DJ177, which departs from the
national road DN17, at the point of Gura

Faith and History

Situated in a mountainous area with an

important tourist and landscape potential, the
commune of Humorului Monastery can be an
ideal destination for a peaceful holiday,
regardless of the season. There are numerous
guesthouses, where tourists are welcomed with
hospitality and with the traditional traditional
This material is published within the project Bucovinian dishes. Besides the charming
"Tourist Information Center" implemented by panoramas that impress the locality, one of the most important tourist attractions here is Humor
Monastery, one of the oldest and most famous
holy places in the North of Moldova, being
enlisted on the list of the most important
historical monuments of the region.

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