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Charlie gets bullied by a group of people, she goes to the library and her friend gives her a book

about witch craft (or anything creepy). She later goes home and walks her/his dog. The dog
leads Charlie to find a wrapped “gift” in which she brings home. She sits down on her desk and
opens the wrapped gift and opens to find sheets of spells and a doll (voodoo doll). She grooms
the doll and puts it on her bed then goes back to the desk and looks at the spells. Then
Charlie’s phone lights up and shows messages from the bully. Charlie throws the phone out of
her hand and then takes the spells and stares at it for awhile and looks at the voodoo doll until
she decides to use the spells on the voodoo doll.

The next day she comes to school with the doll in her hand and a pin. Charlie hesitates at first
but then starts to poke the doll with the pin and sees the bully in pain, when Charlie is satisfied,
she puts the a grin on her face. As Charlie walks away from the scene, she bumps into
someone and harshly tells that people to watch it. The camera stays focus with the figure for a
shot second. Charlie enters her/his and is shocked as she sees the doll laying on the table.

The next day Charlie brings the doll to school and puts the doll in a locker and locks it. A
person covered in dark clothes can be seen standing at the side of the shot. Charlie can then be
seen studying in the library. After a moment, Charlie’s hands begins to hurt, and her neck.
Charlie realises about the voodoo doll and quickly runs to find it in the locker. At the locker, once
Charlie discovers that the locker is open, the dark figure be seen blurred in the back. Charlie
slowly turns around and sees the figure with the voodoo doll and pin, before Charlie could
scream or stop the person, the figure pins the pin into the voodoo doll. THE END.

++ Charlie finds a ragged doll in the bushes and takes it home to clean it up with caress. A
whole montage on doll getting a sponge bath.

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