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1. Table= I forgot my cell phone on the table when I went out to my job.

2. Table-cloth= My mom bought some Christmas tablecloths for decorating the house
3. Tablet= I take tablets only when it is necessary because I dislike it
4. Table tennis= My best friend was the best table tennis player in the high school
5. Take= I always take my driver license when I drive my car
6. Takeaway= my father buy takeaway because he likes to eat at home
7. Take away= I don't like to take my laptop away because it's heavy
8. Take care of= I like to take care of my nephew because I still don't have children
9. Take off= I don't like to take off my socks before to sleep
10. Take part= I like that my students take part a lot in the class
11. Take place= the first world war took place in Europe on 1914
12. Take up= I'm very taken up with the dance practice for the joy parade
13. Talent= my brother has a lot of talent to play soccer
14. Talented= Lionel Messi is considered the most talented soccer player in the world
15. Talk(n)= Occasionally it is a good idea had a talk with your partner
16. Talk(v)= I like to talk with my sister about my troubles because she advise me
17. Talk show= I listen EXA radio because it has the best talk shows in special the morning
18. Tall= my cousin is the taller man in the family he is 1.85 meters
19. Tap= I tried to fix the kitchen tap but I broke it
20. Taste(n)= the coffee candies are too sweet for my taste
21. Taste(v)= I never had tasted Peruvian food because I dislike seafood
22. Tasty= I cooked a tasty breakfast for my mother's birthday
23. Tax= In this year the government has increased the taxes
24. Taxi= I prefer to take a bus because it's cheaper than taxis
25. Tea= The English people usually drink a cup of tea every afternoon
26. Teach= my uncle taught me how to swim when I was a child
27. Teacher= I hope being a college teacher in the future
28. Taaching= Nowadays we haven't forgotten the holy bible teachings
29. Team= My brother played in the high school soccer team
30. Tear(n)= When my aunt died many tears ran down my cheeks
31. Tear(v)= my dog tear my sweater when he want to play with me
32. Technique= I want to improve my cooking techniques in special with desserts
33. Technology= I read many technology papers about which is the best cell phone processor in
the world
34. Teenager= I used to have a piercing in my eyebrow when I was teenager
35. Telephone(n)= I hate when the telephone ring while I take a shower
36. Telephone(v)= My sister usually talk by telephone with your boyfriend a long time
37. Television= The doctors say it isn't a good idea to have a television in the bedroom because
it interrupts the dream
38. Tell= My grandmother used to tell me amazing histories
39. Temperature= The temperature is the more difficult variable to control in the industry
40. Temporary= I want to find a temporary home to my cat while I come back of my business
41. Tennis= Andres Gomes was the best tennis player in the Ecuador
42. Tense= The weather in this tense is very hard for the farmers
43. Tent= My cousin lent me your tent for my scout’s encampment
44. Term= Litigation is a term used by lawyers to express a judgement
45. Terrible= The hurricane is one the more terrible natural phenomena in the world
46. Terribly= I am terribly sorry, I drank a lot of liquor in the party
47. Terrific= I hope city festivities will be terrific this year
48. Terrified= I was terrified about the destruction of earthquake in special in the coast region
49. Test(n)= My brother failed the practice test of driving
50. Test(v)= It very important to taste all the sensor options when you build an electronic system
51. Text(n)= I had to read many text for finishing my thesis because it was an investigation work
52. Text(v)= the teacher texted us explain how to do the homework
53. Textbook= Nowadays the online books are more popular than textbooks
54. Text message= I prefer to write a text message than record an audio in WhatsApp
55. Than= I think is more easy studying than working
56. Thank= It's important to give thanks when someone help you

I think my ideal partner is someone who doesn't egotistical, she should not boast about her

I love easygoing girls because I think they are the ideal persons to start a relationship.

my ideal partner should not be inflexible because it's important to reach an agreement when
we have a trouble

It's important to have a modest partner because it is not necessary share the accomplishments
with everyone.

my ideal person should be sociable for to make some friends in common

I can't stand if my partner is stingy because I hope to share with her all my life

I would like to have a supportive partner who wanted to help others without expecting anything.

if my partner is temperamental I hope can stand when she changes her sense of humor.

I expect that my ideal partner doesn't be unreliable because she could break my trust and I hate
the lies

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