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Epilepsia, 50(Suppl.

8):51–56, 2009
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2009.02236.x


Treatment algorithms in refractory partial epilepsy

Barbara C. Jobst

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire, U.S.A.

peutic guidelines. This article presents two

SUMMARY algorithms to guide decisions in the treatment of
An algorithm is a ‘‘step-by-step procedure for solv- refractory partial epilepsy. The treatment algo-
ing a problem or accomplishing some a rithm describes a stepwise diagnostic and thera-
finite number of steps.’’ (Merriam-Webster, peutic approach to intractable medial temporal
2009). Medical algorithms are decision trees to and neocortical epilepsy. The surgical algorithm
help with diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. guides decisions in the surgical treatment of
For the treatment of epilepsy there is no generally neocortical epilepsy.
accepted treatment algorithm, as individual epi- KEY WORDS: Algorithm, Refractory epilepsy,
lepsy centers follow different diagnostic and thera- Intractable, Therapy, Epilepsy surgery.

medical treatment studies are not easily comparable.

‘‘The Problem’’: Refractory Quality-of-life measures, and psychiatric and neuropsy-
Epilepsy chological outcomes are other important measures.
Epilepsy is considered intractable or refractory if at Studies have shown that quality of life only improves
least two antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) have failed to control significantly, if the patient is completely seizure free
seizures. AEDs should have been titrated up to maximum (Markand et al., 2000). Therefore, seizure freedom is
tolerated doses with a sufficient therapeutic level and not the final endpoint considered in the algorithms.
have been discontinued due to side effects (Berg, 2006).
More stringent definitions require one seizure per month Treatment Algorithm
for 18 months (Berg et al., 2006).
At every decision point in the algorithm (Fig. 1), there
are additional factors that are of vital importance. Man-
‘‘Accomplishing Some End’’: agement of adverse events from any intervention needs to
Outcome Measures be tailored to the individual patient. Any comorbidities,
especially of a psychiatric nature, can rule out certain
Studies for the treatment of epilepsy use different out-
treatment options. Reproductive factors such as pregnancy
come measures. In epilepsy surgery, the most common
and teratogenicity are of concern in young women. Com-
outcome measure is being free of disabling seizures
pliance, quality of life, employment, and driving legisla-
(Engel et al., 2003). The widely used Engel scale
tion are important factors. Healthcare systems, access to
defines class I as being free of disabling seizures but
resources, costs, and the cultural acceptance of an inter-
allows for auras (Engel, 1987). The International
vention frequently influence treatment decisions.
League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) requires no auras for a
class I outcome (Wieser et al., 2001). AEDs and device
Node T1—Video-EEG: Focal epilepsy?
trials use responder rates as the primary outcome. A
The first step in the treatment of refractory epilepsy is
patient is considered a responder if seizures are reduced
to confirm the diagnosis with video-EEG (electroencepha-
by 50%. Because of these differences, surgical and
lography) monitoring. Approximately 20% of patients
evaluated for intractable epilepsy have nonepileptic psy-
Address correspondence to Barbara Jobst, Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center, 1 Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH 02756, (603)
chogenic seizures. If video-EEG monitoring suggests a
653-6118, U.S.A. E-mail: diagnosis other than focal epilepsy, for example, primarily
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. generalized epilepsy, appropriate treatment for those con-
ª 2009 International League Against Epilepsy ditions should be initiated.

B. C. Jobst

Figure 1.
Treatment algorithm (T) for
refractory partial epilepsy.
Epilepsia ILAE

Node T2—Syndrome? deficits to the left or right hemisphere. Good performance

Video-EEG determines whether the patient has a on verbal memory tasks is predictive of significant mem-
temporal lobe syndrome or any other neocortical epilepsy ory loss after resection of the dominant temporal lobe.
syndrome. Medial temporal lobe epilepsy is characterized Small hippocampal volumes and significant hippocampal
by seizures with epigastric, olfactory or dj vu auras, atrophy predict less memory decline after surgery.
altered awareness, oral and manual automatisms, as well Traditionally the likelihood of postoperative memory
as dystonia contralateral to the seizure onset (Williamson loss was estimated with the intracarotid amytal procedure
et al., 1998). Ictal EEG shows lateralized anterior tempo- (IAP, or WADA test). Etomidate or methobrevital sodium
ral theta build-up. Neocortical syndromes also have typi- are used alternatively (Jones-Gotman et al., 2005). There
cal seizure characteristics and EEG findings. Frontal lobe is still discussion of whether the IAP needs to demonstrate
seizures present with bizarre hyperactive automatisms or sufficient memory function of the nonresected hippocam-
asymmetric tonic seizures, depending on the seizure-onset pus (functional reserve model) or whether memory loss
zone (Jobst et al., 2000). There is a paucity of ictal EEG correlates with the function of the hippocampus that is to
findings. Parietal lobe seizures may present with pain, and be resected (functional adequacy model) (Andelman et al.,
occipital seizures with visual phenomena (Jobst & 2006). The morbidity of the intracarotid amytal procedure
Williamson, 2005). is low; 0.36% have a permanent neurologic deficit (Haag
et al., 2008), but it is still an invasive test. The IAP has
Node T3—MRI/MTS? been questioned to be a good predictor of post-operative
The presence of mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) on memory loss (Dodrill & Ojemann, 1997). Memory pro-
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirms medial tem- cessing is dependent on frontal structures in addition to
poral seizure onset, and surgical intervention is superior to the hippocampal structures (Ojemann & Kelley, 2002).
best medical management (Wiebe et al., 2001; Engel Functional MRI has been suggested as an additional non-
et al., 2003). However, how many medications should be invasive predictor of postoperative memory loss and the
tried before surgery is entertained is still subject to debate IAP may not add any additional information (Binder et al.,
(see following contribution by Kwan and Sperling). The 2008).
absence of MTS on MRI warrants certainly more exten-
sive medication trials, as surgical intervention is less Node T5—Surgery
likely to be successful. A temporal lobectomy or a selective amygdalo-hippo-
campectomy is the appropriate treatment for MTS if the
Node T4—Memory evaluation risk for additional memory loss is low. Surgery rendered
Memory evaluation is indispensible in temporal lobe 58% of patients seizure-free but only 8% were seizure free
surgery. Neuropsychological testing gives an overall with best medical management in a class I randomized
estimate of intellectual functioning and can localize trial (Wiebe et al., 2001). A meta-analysis of 24 class IV

Epilepsia, 50(Suppl. 8):51–56, 2009

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2009.02236.x
Treatment Algorithm Epilepsy

studies reported 59–67% of patients free of disabling sei- less successful than in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy,
zures (Engel et al., 2003). however, it is still superior to best medical treatment
After successful surgery, AEDs can be reduced after (Yang et al., 2008).
2 years, and if surgery is not successful intensification of
medical treatment, surgical reevaluation, or implantation Node T8—VNS
of a vagus nerve stimulator (VNS) is appropriate. Vagus nerve stimulation is indicated if surgery fails or
is not an option. VNS reduces seizure in 50% of patients
Node T6—Optimize medical treatment by more than 50% (Vonck et al., 2004). Only a small
In neocortical epilepsy, optimizing medical treatment is percentage (7%) of patients become seizure free (Vonck
the initial mainstay of therapy. Phenytoin, carbamazepine, et al., 2004).
valproic acid, phenobarbital, primidone are more tradi-
tionally prescribed AEDs. Topiramate, lamotrigine, Node T9—Callosotomy, clinical trials, brain
oxcarbazepine, and felbamate are approved as monothera- stimulation
py in the United States. Levetiracetam, pregabalin, Other nonstandard treatment options are indicated if all
tiagabine, zonisamide, and gabapentin are adjunctive for previously mentioned treatments failed. Callosotomy pre-
partial seizures. Rufinamide and Lacosamide have vents falling and generalized tonic–clonic seizures. Clini-
recently been approved. Clobazam and vigabatrin are not cal trials for novel treatments are another option.
yet available in the United States. Lately, brain stimulation has been studied for the treat-
Medical treatment includes hormonal treatment and ment of intractable partial epilepsy. There are two princi-
dietary treatment. In small studies, progesterone has been ples for applying brain stimulation to treat epilepsy.
shown to be effective in catamenial epilepsy. A large mul- Responsive stimulation requires the detection of seizures
ticenter trial is under way ( number and application of an electrical current if a seizure occurs.
NCT00029536). In a multicenter study in children, the ke- A cranially implanted responsive device is currently under
togenic diet was effective in reducing seizures in 54%, as investigation ( number NCT00079781).
shown in a multicenter study (Vining et al., 1998). The Continuous or open-loop stimulation applies current to an
low glycemic index diet and the Atkins diet are alternative intracerebral target independent of whether a seizure
dietary options. The Atkins diet has a responder rate of occurred. The optimal target is still under discussion. The
47% (Kossoff et al., 2008). only completed randomized trial for brain stimulation in
epilepsy targeted the anterior nucleus of the thalamus with
Node T7—Evaluate for surgery/resection possible? open-loop stimulation for the treatment partial seizures
Surgical evaluation is indicated if seizures persist (Fisher, 2008). This reduced seizures by 30%. Other small
despite best medical management. For details, see the sur- nonrandomized studies report varying success rates with
gical algorithm (Fig. 2). Surgery in neocortical epilepsy is stimulation of the hippocampus or the centromedian

Figure 2.
Surgical algorithm (S) for
neocortical epilepsy.
Epilepsia ILAE

Epilepsia, 50(Suppl. 8):51–56, 2009

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2009.02236.x
B. C. Jobst

nucleus of the thalamus (Velasco et al., 2001; Boon et al., studies localize to eloquent areas, intracranial EEG is nec-
2007). essary for functional mapping and exact localization of
the seizure-onset zone (node S6/7).
Surgical Algorithm for
Node S5—Lateralization? Localization?
Neocortical Epilepsy In nonlesional epilepsy noninvasive studies are aimed at
Node S1—MRI/lesional obtaining lateralizing and localizing information about the
In neocortical or other than medial temporal refrac- seizure-onset zone. In the absence of an MRI lesion, an
tory epilepsy the absence or presence of a lesion on intracranial EEG study is warranted even if noninvasive
MRI is crucial for further decision making. Nonlesional studies are consistent. However, in some cases an intracra-
neocortical epilepsy surgery represents a larger chal- nial study represents too much of a ‘‘fishing expedition’’
lenge. A visible lesion on MRI is associated with a and should not be performed (return to treatment algo-
higher likelihood of successful epilepsy surgery (Yun rithm).
et al., 2006).
Node S6—Intracranial EEG: Clear localization?
Node S2—Video-EEG, PET, ictal SPECT, MEG The implantation strategy should be tailored to the indi-
The noninvasive evaluation includes video-EEG moni- vidual patient based on preoperative noninvasive studies.
toring, ictal and interictal single-photon emission Eighty percent of intracranial EEG studies are followed
computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission by a resection (Yang et al., 2008). Fifty-three percent of
tomography (PET), and magnetoencephalography patients were seizure free following resection after an
(MEG). All of these studies are aimed at identifying the intracranial EEG study. Only 15.2% were seizure free
seizure-onset zone. Interictal SPECT is most useful in with alternative treatment options such as VNS or callos-
temporal lobe epilepsy, and hypoperfusion indicates otomy (Yang et al., 2008). If no clear seizure-onset zone
the region of seizure onset. Ictal SPECT is logistically on intracranial EEG can be identified during the initial
difficult. It involves injection of the tracer during a seizure invasive EEG study, reevaluation with a repeat intracra-
and is strongly dependent on the injection time. Hyper- nial EEG can be successful (Siegel et al., 2000). A
perfusion indicates seizure onset. Subtraction and coregis- well-defined focal seizure onset precedes clinical seizure
tration with MRI (SISCOM) improve sensitivity and manifestations and involves only a few neighboring elec-
specificity (O’Brien et al., 1999). In one center, 52% of trodes. Regional seizure onsets with widespread initial
ictal SPECTs localized correctly indicated the lobe of EEG findings and rapid seizure propagation are less likely
seizure onset, and another 25% lateralized correctly in an to result in a successful resection (Jung et al., 1999). If
experienced center (Thadani et al., 2004). localization is widespread or multifocal on intracranial
FDG-PET has the best sensitivity in mesial temporal EEG, electrodes need to be removed without resection and
sclerosis (Knowlton, 2006). It is less helpful in neocortical medical treatment or VNS are the best options (return to
epilepsy, but can identify MRI-negative medial temporal treatment algorithm).
lobe epilepsy (Carne et al., 2004). Other PET ligands are
under investigation (Natsume et al., 2008). MEG registers Node S7—functional mapping: Eloquent?
small magnetic fields as surrogate for electrical brain Functional mapping via intracranial electrodes deter-
activity. Coregistration with MRI improves sensitivity mines whether the seizure-onset zone involves eloquent
and specificity (magnetic source imaging). Correct locali- cortex. Traditionally 2–5 s in duration, 50-Hz pulses with
zation was achieved in 55% in one study (Knowlton et al., currents between 1 and 15 mA are applied to electrode
2008). pairs to assess motor or sensory phenomena, or to interrupt
a specific task such as naming or speaking.
Node S3—concordant?
Different presurgical diagnostic techniques are avail- Node S8—surgery
able at different centers. If results of video-EEG, PET, ic- Neocortical epilepsy surgery is less successful than sur-
tal SPECT, and MEG, or any combination thereof, are gery for temporal lobe epilepsy (Yang et al., 2008), but
concordant with the location of the lesion on MRI, an nevertheless has a more than 50% chance of making the
intracranial EEG study is not necessary. patient seizure free. This is still better than most other
treatment modalities. If the patient is seizure free after sur-
Node S4—eloquent? gery, AEDs can be reduced after 2 years.
If noninvasive presurgical studies are concordant and
do not localize to eloquent areas of the brain like the Node S9—MST, responsive stimulation
primary motor areas or the language areas, surgical exci- If intracranial EEG shows a well-localized seizure-
sion of the lesion is warranted (node S8). If noninvasive onset zone that is located in eloquent cortex, alternative
Epilepsia, 50(Suppl. 8):51–56, 2009
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2009.02236.x
Treatment Algorithm Epilepsy

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Acknowledgment Knowlton RC. (2006) The role of FDG-PET, ictal SPECT, and MEG in
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In memoriam of Dr. Peter Williamson, a pioneer and leader in the Knowlton RC, Elgavish RA, Bartolucci A, Oiha B, Limdi N, Blount J,
treatment of epilepsy. Bureo J, Ver Hoef L, Paige L, Faught E, Kankirawatana P, Riley K,
Kuzniecky R. (2008) Functional imaging II. Precidtion of epilepsy
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Kossoff EH, Rowley H, Sinha SR, Vining EP. (2008) A prospective study
of the modified Atkins diet for intractable epilepsy in adults. Epilep-
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