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The purpose of this study was to investigate psychological abuse and marital satisfaction on married women in
Dessie town. For this purpose, a total of 50 married women were selected by using simple random sampling.
The data were collected through questionnaire and interview. To analyze the collected data, both qualitative
and quantitative methods were employed. The data that were gathered through questionnaire were analyzed
using descriptive (frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (one sample t-
test and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient), and the statistical analysis was made at 0.05 levels.
The qualitative data were analyzed thematically. The result of the study indicated that psychological abuse on
married women was low. In addition to this, a one sample t-test analysis showed that married women's marital
satisfaction was good. Moreover, the results of the study showed that there was a significant negative
correlation between psychological abuse total score and marital satisfaction total score. Finally, based on the
findings of the study, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were forwarded.

List of table
Table 1: Total Marital Years and Age of Respondents
Table 2: Educational Level of Respondents
Table 3: Significance of mean differences on psychological abuse
Table 4: Significance of mean differences on marital satisfaction
Table 5: Pearson product moment correlation coefficient
List of Figure

Bar graph 1: respondents' occupations

Bar graph 2: occupation of husbands
Pie chart 1: income level of respondents
Pie chart 2: income level of husband of the respondent

FDRE:- Federal Democratic Republic

STD:- Sexually Transmitted Disease

ANRSG:- Amhara National Regional State Government

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1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

Psychological abuse is any kind of abuse that is psychological rather than physical in nature.
It can include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subs tactics, such as
intimidation, manipulation and refusal to ever be pleased. Psychological abuse can take many
forms. Three general patterns of abusive behaviour include aggressiveness, denying the
victims right and minimizing a person's value. The tactics of brain washing can fall under
psychological abuse as well; but emotional abuse consists of the manipulation of the victim's
emotions (Kennedy, Leslie, Dutton and Donald, 1987).

The victim may feel their emotion are being affected by the abuser so much that he/she may
no longer recognize what their own feelings are about issues the abusers is trying to control.
As a result the victim's self-concept and independence is systematically taken away

Psychological abuse occurs across all communities throughout all social and economic
classes and in all cultures (Hague and Molos, 1993). Traditionally, the overriding attitude
toward psychological abuse was to consider it a private matter between husband and wife.
Historically, there has been strong tendency to excuse or minimize the abuse and blame the
women (Chang, 1996; Douglas, 2000).

In china, psychological abuse in intimate relationship was first reported tang in a population
based study conducted in 1996. Tang conducted telephone interviews with 1132 married
women using the conflict tactic scales. The prevalence of psychological abuse perpetrated by
husband during the surveyed year was 77.5% (compared with physical abuse which was
10%). The most common form of psychological abuse was husband sulking or refusing to
talk (56.7%). In New-Zealand; psychological abuse committed by men against their female
partners is more prevalent than physical or sexual abuse and may result in greater negative
effects. In Ethiopia, most women faced physical abuse in the form such as kicked with an
object (73.8%), pinching 78.5%. When we come to psychological abuse, it is through
shouting, insulting and frightening/threatening (Simmons 2002).

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Psychological abuse happen in a wide spectrum of social groups. It can involve a range of
parties such as employee, father and child, mother and child, husband and wife, brother and
sister, brother and brother, nation and nation, etc. Furthermore, the issues of psychological
abuse and condition of marital satisfaction are interrelated phenomena that occur in a married
couples' life. Spiritually, marriage is God ordained covenant between a man and a women. It
is a respected ''institution'' among most society and governments give it protection by law
(Hines, Denise and Morrism, 2001).

Marriage is the foundation of a nation. A successfully managed marriage impacts a nation

positively. One of the fundamental reasons a marriage sustains is the level of satisfaction of
the husband and the wife by their marriage. It is most likely that a husband or a wife who
draws maximum satisfaction from his/her relationship bears all other challenges and keeps
the marriage in a good condition. On the other hand, a suffering husband/wife because of
his/her relationship is liable to aggravate any problem or challenge and speeds-up ultimate
separation (Murphy, Christopher 1989).

1.2 Statement of the problem

Psychological abuse seems simple matter for external observer, but it is rather difficult
mental pain that prevents the victim's peace of mind day and night. It might to some extent be
avoided by changing environment; but its legacy fallows the victim wherever she goes,

While it is undeniable fact that women are almost equal proportion of a society, most of them
are seriously dependents on their husband. Particularly, married women are regarded as child
bearers and responsible for the house work. Because of this unbalanced perception of the
society; women are quite often the victim of psychological abuse by their husband in their

It is so obvious that expectation is high before marriage and early marriage time and the high
expectation comes from misunderstanding of situations and the nature of life itself. Life in
general is unpredictable for an individual and it is more variable to predict when it is the
relationship of two men.

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Having a look at of the high divorce rate in our society gives us good reason to think that
many relationships fail not because of the individual love for singleness but lack of
satisfaction in marriage and might be because of psychological abuse. It is a fact that there
are other many factors of a divorce. Some of them are family or friend intervention,
biological problem like infertility, impotency competition etc. Thus, the objective of this
study will be assess the psychological abuse and marital satisfaction of married women in
Assosa town.

1.3 Basic Research Questions

This study will be guide by the following research questions
1. What is the level (prevalence) of psychological abuse among married women?
2. What is the relationship between psychological abuse and marital satisfaction among
married women?
3. What are the possible strategies or remedial measures to prevent psychological abuse
and problem of marital satisfaction in Assosa town?

1.4 Objective of the Study

1.4.1 General Objective

The general objective of this study will be explore psychological abuse and marital
satisfaction on married women in Assosa town and suggest remedial measures to curb the
problem in the future.

1.4.2 Specific Objective

 To examine the level (prevalence) of psychological abuse among married

women in the study area.
 To explore the relationship between psychological abuse and marital
satisfaction among married women.
 To suggest some possible strategies (at the government, university, health
institutions, organization, family, individual, level etc,) to prevent
psychological abuse and ensure marital satisfaction in intimate relationship.

1.5 Significance of the study

This particular research can have the following significances.

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 The women and youth office may use the findings of the study to known the current
marital satisfaction level of the town.
 The women office may use this findings to protect women psychological abuse.
 The media (both written and audiovisual) may use it as input for their program.
 Other researchers can start from psychological abuse and further study other types of
abuse such as marital rape, physical and verbal abuse with marital satisfaction.

1.6 Scope of the study

The objective of this study is to explore the psychological abuse and marital satisfaction of
married women in Assosa town. The study thematically limited to assess psychological abuse
and marital satisfaction. Geographically, it is limited to Assosa town only on married women.

1.7 Limitation of the study

During the whole study, there were a number of challenges and limitation. Some of the
limitation and challenges are: lack of experience of the researcher to re-search, limited time
and money, and some of respondents are very reluctant to fill the questionnaire.

1.8 Operational/Conceptualization Definition of Terms

 Psychological abuse: a form of abuse characterized by a husband subjecting,

exposing a wife to a behaviour which may results in psychological trauma such as
anxiety, stress, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder.
 Marital satisfaction: the degree to which partners in marriage assess their approval
of different aspects of their marital relations.
 Married women: A women who has a husband at the time of data collection.

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2. Review of Related Literature

2.1 Psychological abuse

It is also referred to as psychological violence, emotional abuse or mental abuse is a form of

abuse, characterized by a person subjecting, or exposing, another person to behaviour that
may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or disorder. Such
abuse is often associated with situations of power imbalance, such as abusive relationships,
bullying, gas lighting, and abuse in the workplace. (Smith, Melinda and Jeanne 2014).

As of 1996, there are ''no consensus views about the definition of emotional abuse''. As such,
clinicians and researchers have offered sometimes divergent definitions of emotional abuse.
However, the widely used conflict tactics scale measures roughly twenty distinct acts of
''psychological aggression'' in three different categories: Verbal aggression (e.g., saying
something that upsets or annoys someone else); Dominant behaviours (e.g., preventing
someone from contacting their family); Jealous behaviours (e.g., accusing a partner of
maintaining other parallel relations).

''Emotional abuse is any kind of abuse that is emotional rather than physical in nature. It can
include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subtle tactics, such as
intimidation, manipulation, and refusal so ever be pleased. Emotional abuse can take many
minimizing'. ''Even though there is no established definition for emotional abuse, emotional
abuse can possess a definition beyond verbal abuse which can affect a victim emotionally.
The victim's self-worth and emotional wellbeing is altered and even diminished by the verbal
abuse and result is an emotionally abused victim. The victim may experience severe
psychological effects. This would involve the tactics of brainwashing, which can fall under
psychological abuse as well, but emotional abuse consists of the manipulation of the victim's
emotions. The victim may feel their emotions are being affected by the abuser so much that
the victim may no longer recognize what their own feelings are about issue/s the abuser is
trying to control. The result is the victim's self-concept and independence are systematically
taken away (Kennedy, Dutten and Donald 1987).

The U.S. Department of Justice defines emotionally abusive traits as including causing fear
by: intimidation, threatening physical harm to self, partner, children, or partner's family or

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friends, destruction of pets and property, forcing isolation from family, friends, or school or
work. Subtler emotionally abusive tactics include insults, putdowns, arbitrary and
unpredictable inconsistency, and gas lighting (e.g. the denial that previous abusive incidents
occurred). Modern technology has led to new forms of abuse, by text messaging and online

In 1996, Health Canada argued that an isolated incident of verbal aggression, dominant
conduct or jealous behaviours does not constitute the term ''psychological abuse''. Rather, a
pattern of such behaviours is a more appropriate scenario to be considered, unlike physical
and sexual maltreatment where only one incident is necessary to label it as abuse. Thomason
and Tuck write, ''Emotional abuse is characterized by a climate or pattern of behaviour(s)
occurring over time(s). Thus, 'sustained' and 'repetitive' are the crucial components of any
definition of emotional abuse. ''Andrew, an author, attorney and former sex crimes
investigator, defines emotional abuse as ''the systematic diminishment of another. It may be
intentional or subconscious (or both), but it is always a course of conduct, not a single event''.

2.2 Marriage Satisfaction

2.2.1 Domestic Violence

Domestic abuse- defined as chronic mistreatment in marriage, families, dating and other
intimate relationships-can include emotionally abusive behaviour. Psychological abuse does
not always lead to physical abuse, but physical abuse in domestic relationships is nearly
always preceded and accompanied by psychological abuse. Murphy and O'Leary report that
psychological aggression by one partner is the most reliable predictor of the other partner's
likelihood of first exhibiting physical aggression.

A 2005 study by Hamel reports that ''men and women physically and emotionally abuse each
other at equal rates. ''Basil found that psychological aggression was effectively bidirectional
in cases where heterosexual and homosexual couples went to court for domestic disturbances.
A 2007 study of Spanish college students aged 18-27 found that psychological aggression (as
measured by the conflict tactics scale) is so pervasive in dating relationships that it can be
regarded as a normalized element of dating, and that women are substantially more likely to
exhibit psychological aggression. Similar findings have been reported in other studies.
Strauss et al. Found that female intimate partners in heterosexual relationships were more
likely than males to use psychological aggression, including threats to hit or throw an object.

Page 7
A study of young adults by Giordano et al. Found that females intimate heterosexual
relationships were more likely than males to threaten to use a knife or gun against their

Numerous studies done between the 1980 and 1994 report that lesbian relationships have
higher overall rates of interpersonal aggression (including psychological aggression/
emotional abuse) than heterosexual or gay male relationships. Furthermore, women who have
been involved with both men and women reported higher rates of abuse from their female

In 1996, the National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, for Health Canada, reported that
39% of married women or common-law wives suffered emotional abuse by husbands/
partners; and a 1995 survey of women 15 and over 36-43% reported emotional abuse during
childhood or adolescence, and 39% experienced emotional abuse in marriage/dating; this
does not address boys or men suffering emotional abuse from families or intimate partners.
BBC radio documentary on domestic abuse, including emotional maltreatment, reports that
20% of men and 30% of women have been abused by a spouse or other intimate partner.

2.2.2 Family

Emotional abuse of a child is commonly defined as a pattern of behaviour by parents or

caregivers that can seriously interfere with a child's cognitive, emotional, psychological or
social development. Some parents may emotionally and psychologically harm their children
because of stress, poor parenting skills, social isolation, and lack of available resources of
inappropriate caregivers were emotionally abused during their own childhood. Straus and
Field report that psychological aggression is a pervasive trait of American families: ''verbal
attacks on children, like physical attacks, are so prevalent as to be just about universal''. A
2008 study by English, et al. Found that fathers and mothers were equally likely to be
verbally aggressive towards their children.

Choi and Mayer performed a study on elder abuse (causing harm or distress to an older
person) with results showing that 10.5% of the participants were victims of
''emotional/psychological abuse,'' which was often perpetrated by a son or other relative of
the victim. Of 1288 cases in 2002-2004, 1201 individual, 42 couples, 45 groups were found
to have been abused. Of these, 70% were female. Psychological abuse (59%) and
material/financial (42%) were the most frequently identified types of abuse.

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2.2.3 Workplace

Rates of reported emotional abuse in the workplace vary, with studies showing 10%, 24%,
and 36% of respondents indicating persistent and substantial emotional abuse from co-
workers. Keashly and Jagatic found that males and females commit ''emotionally abusive
behaviours'' in the workplace at roughly similar rates. In a web-based survey, Namie found
that women were more likely to engage in workplace bullying, such as name-calling, and that
the average length of abuse was 16.5 months.

Pai and Lee found that the incidence of workplace violence typically occurs more often in
younger workers, ''Younger age may be a reflection of lack of job experience, resulting in [an
inability] to identify or prevent potentially abusive situations. Another finding showed that
lower education id a risk factor for violence''. This study also reports that 51.4% of the
workers surveyed have already experienced verbal abuse, and 29.8% of them have
encountered bullying/mobbing within the workplace.

2.3 Characteristics of abusers

In their review of date from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study (a
longitudinal birth cohort study) Moffitt et al. Report that while men exhibit more aggression
overall, sex is not a reliable predictor of interpersonal aggression, including psychological
aggression. The study found that no matter what gender this person is, aggressive people
share a cluster of traits, including high rates of suspicion and jealousy; sudden and drastic
mood swings; poor self-control; and higher than average rates of approval of violence and
aggression. Moffitt et al. Also argue that antisocial men exhibit two distinct types of
interpersonal aggression (one against strangers, the other against intimate female partners),
while antisocial women are rarely aggressive against anyone other than intimate male

Male and female perpetrators of emotional and physical abuse exhibit high rates of
personality disorders, particularly borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality
disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. Rates of personality disorder in the general
population are roughly 15% -20%, while roughly 80% of abusive men in court-ordered
treatment programmers have personality disorders.

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Abusers may aim to avoid household chores or exercise total control of family finances.
Abusers can be very manipulative, often recruiting friends, law officers and court officials,
even the victim's family to their side, while shifting blame to the victim.

2.3.1 Effects of intimate relationships

Most victims of psychological abuse within intimate relationships often experience changes
to their psyche and actions. This varies throughout the various types and lengths of emotional
abuse. Long-term emotional abuse has long term debilitating effects on a person's sense of
self and integrity. Often, research shows that emotional abuse is a precursor to physical abuse
when three particular forms of emotional abuse are present in the relationship: threats,
restriction of the abused party and damage to the victim's property.

Psychological abuse is often not recognized by survivors of domestic violence as abuse. A

study of college students by Goldsmith and Freyd report that many who have experienced
emotional abuse do not characterize the mistreatment as abusive. Additionally, Goldsmith
and Freyd show that these people also tend to exhibit higher than average rates of alexithymia
(difficulty identifying and processing their own emotions). This is often the case when
referring to victims of abuse within intimate relationships, as non-recognition of the actions
as abuse may be a coping or defence mechanism in order to either seek to master, minimize
or tolerate stress or conflict.

Marital or relationship dissatisfaction can be caused by psychological abuse or aggression. In

a 2007 study, Lauret, et al, report that psychological aggression in young couples is
associated with decreased satisfaction for both partners: ''psychological aggression may serve
as an impediment to couples' development because it reflects less mature coercive tactics and
an inability to balance self/other needs effectively''. In a 2008 study on relationship
dissatisfaction in adolescents Walsh and Shulman explain. ''The more psychologically
aggressive females were, the less satisfied were both partners. Interestingly, the unique
importance of males' behaviour was found in the form of withdrawal, a less mature conflict
negotiation strategy. Males' withdrawal during joint discussions predicted increased

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There are many different response to psychological abuse, Jacobson et al, found that women
report markedly higher rates of fear during marital conflicts. However, a rejoinder argued that
Jacobson's results were invalid due to men and women's drastically differing interpretations
of questionnaires. Coker et al, found that the effects of mental abuse were similar whether the
victim was male or female. A 1998 study of male college students by Simonelli & Ingram
found that men who were emotionally abused by their female partners exhibited higher rates
of chronic depression than the general population. Pilot-Kublak and Cortina found that
severity and duration of abuse were the only accurate predictors of after effects of abuse; sex
of perpetrator or victim were not reliable predictors.

2.3.2 In the family

English et al, report that children whose families are characterized by interpersonal violence,
including psychological aggression and verbal aggression, may exhibit a range of serious
disorders, including chronic depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociation
and anger. Additionally, English et al, report that the impact of emotional abuse ''did not
differ significantly'' from that of physical abuse, and this group experienced higher rates of
psychological problems. In their study of men emotionally abused by a wife/partner or
parent. Hines and Mallei-Morrison report that victims exhibit high rates of post-traumatic
stress disorder, drug addiction and alcoholism.

Glaser reports, ''An infant who is severely deprived of basic emotional nurturance, even
though physically well cared for, can fail to thrive and can eventually die. Babies with less
severe emotional deprivation can grow into anxious and insecure children who are slow to
develop and who have low self-esteem. ''Glaser also informs that the abuse impacts the child
in a number of ways, especially on their behaviour, including: ''insecurity, poor self-esteem,
destructive behaviour, angry acts (such as fire setting and animal cruelty), withdrawal, poor
development of basic skills, alcohol or drug abuse, suicide, difficulty forming relationships
and unstable job histories''. Also, these children often grow up on become who abuse their
own children, either emotionally or otherwise, due to the child's development being impaired
in all domains of functioning.

Oberlander, et al, performed a study which discovered that among the youth, those with a
history of maltreatment showed that emotional distress id a predictor of early initiation of

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sexual intercourse. Oberlander, et al, state, '' A childhood history of maltreatment, including,
psychological abuse, and neglect, has been identified as a risk factor for early initiation of
sexual intercourse. In families where child maltreatment had occurred, children were more
likely to experience heightened emotional distress and subsequently to engage in sexual
intercourse by age 14. It is possible that maltreated youth feel disconnected from families that
did not protect them and subsequently seek sexual relationships to gain support, seek
companionship, or enhance their standing with peers''. It is apparent that psychological abuse
sustained during childhood is a predictor of the onset of sexual conduct occurring earlier in
life, as opposed to later.

2.3.3 In the workplace

Some studies tend to focus on psychological abuse within the workplace. Namie's study of
workplace emotional abuse found that 31% of women and 21% of men who reported
workplace emotional abuse exhibited three key symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
(hyper vigilance, intrusive imagery, and avoidance behaviours). The most common
psychological, professional, financial, and social effects of sexual harassment and retaliation
are follows:

 Psychological stress and health impairment, loss of motivation.

 Decreased work or school performance as a result of stressful conditions; increased
absenteeism in fear of harassment repetition.
 Having to drop courses, change academic plans, or leave school (loss of tuition) in
fear of harassment repetition and or as a result of stress.
 Being objectified and humiliated by scrutiny and gossip.
 Loss of trust in environments similar to where the harassment occurred.
 Loss of trust in the types of people that occupy similar positions as the harassment or
the colleagues, especially in cases where they are not supportive, difficulties or stress
on peer relationships, or relationships with colleagues.
 Effects on sexual life and relationships: can put extreme upon relationships, with
significant others, sometimes resulting in divorce.
 Weakening of support network, or being ostracized from professional or academic
circles (friends, colleagues, or family may distance themselves from the victim, or
shun him or her altogether).

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 Depression, anxiety and/or panic attacks.
 Sleeplessness and/or nightmares, difficulty concentrating, headaches, fatigue.
 Eating disorders (weight loss or gain), alcoholism, and feeling powerless or out of

2.3.4 Popular Perceptions

Several studies found standards in how people tend to view emotional abuse by men versus
emotional abuse by women, Follingstad et al. Found that, when rating hypothetical vignettes
of psychological abuse in marriages, professional psychologists tend to rate male abuse of
females as more serious than identical scenarios describing female abuse of males: ''the
stereotypical association between physical aggression and males appears to extend to an
association of psychological abuse and males''. Similarly, Sorenson and Taylor randomly
surveyed a group of Los Angeles, California residents for their opinions of hypothetical
vignettes of abuse in heterosexual relationships. Their study found that abuse committed by
women, including emotional and psychological abuse such as controlling or humiliating
behaviour, was typically viewed as less serious or detrimental then identical abuse committed
by men. Additionally, Sorenson and Taylor found that respondents had a broader range of
opinions about female perpetrators, representing a lack of clearly defined mores when
compared to responses about male perpetrators.

When considering the emotional state of psychological abusers, psychologists have focused
on aggression as a contributing factor. While it is typical for people to consider males to be
the more aggressive of two sexes, researchers have studied female aggression to help
understand psychological abuse patterns in situations involving female abusers. According to
Walsh and Shluman, ''The higher rate of female initiated aggression [including psychological
aggression] may result, in part, from adolescents' attitudes about the unacceptability of male
aggression and the relatively less negative attitudes toward female aggression''. This concept
that females are raised with fewer restrictions on aggressive behaviours (possibly due to the
anxiety over aggression being focused on males) is a possible explanation for women who
utilize aggression when being mentally abusive.

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Some researchers have become interested in discovering exactly why women are usually not
considered to be abusive. Hamel's 2007 study found that a ''prevailing patriarchal conception
of intimate partner violence'' led to a systematic reluctance to study women who
psychologically and physically abuse their male partners. These findings state that existing
cultural norms show males as more dominant and are therefore more likely to begin abusing
their significant partners.

Dutton found that men who are emotionally or physically abused often encounter victim
blaming that erroneously presumes the man either provoked or deserved the mistreatment of
their female partners. Similarly, domestic violence victims will often blame their own
behaviour, rather than the violent actions of the abuser. Victims may try continually to alter
their behaviour and circumstances in order to please their abuser. Often, this results in further
dependence of the individual on their abuser, as they may often change certain aspects of
their lives that limit their resources. Studies show that emotional abusers frequently aim to
exercise total control of different aspects of family life. This behaviour is only supported
when the victim of the abuse aims to please their abuser.

Many abusers are able to control their victims in a manipulative manner, utilizing methods to
persuade others to conform to the wishes of the abuser, rather than to force them to do
something they do not wish to do. Simon argues that because aggression in abusive
relationships can be carried out subtly and covertly through various manipulation and control
tactics, victims often don't perceive the true nature of the relationship until conditions worsen

2.3.5 Cultural causes

Some scholars state that wife abuse stems from ''normal psychological and behavioural
patterns of most men. Feminists seek to understand why men, in general, use physical force
against their partners and what functions this serves for a society in a given historical
context''. Similarly, Dobash and Dobash claim that ''Men who assault their wives are actually
living up to cultural prescriptions that are cherished in Western society--aggressiveness, male

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dominance and female subordination--and they are using physical force as a means to enforce
that dominance,'' while Walker claims that men exhibit a ''socialized areocentric need for

While some women are aggressive and dominating to male partners, some studies show that
the majority of abuse in heterosexual partnerships, at about 80% in the USA, is perpetrated
by men. (Note that critics stress that this Department of Justice study examines crime figures,
and does not specifically address domestic abuse figures. While the categories of crime and
domestic abuse may cross-over, most instances of domestic abuse are either not regarded as
crimes or reported to police-critics thus argue that it is inaccurate to regard the DOJ study as
a comprehensive statement on domestic abuse). A 2002 study reports that ten percent of
violence in the UK, overall, is by females against males. However, more recent data specially
regarding domestic abuse (including emotional abuse) report that 3 in 10 women, and 1 in 5
men, have experienced domestic abuse.

Commentators argue that legal systems have in the past endorsed these traditions of male
domination, and it is only in recent years that abusers have begun to be punished for their
behaviour. Conversely, in 1879, a Harvard University law scholar wrote, ''The cases in the
American courts are uniform against the right of the husband to use any chastisement,
moderate or otherwise, toward the wife, for any purpose''.

While recognizing that researchers have done valuable work and highlighted neglected topics
critics suggest that the male cultural domination hypothesis for abuse is untenable as a
generalized explanation for numerous reasons:

 Many variables (racial, ethnic, cultural and sub cultural, nationally, religion, family
dynamics, mental illness, etc). Make it difficult or impossible to define male and
female roles in many meaningful way that apply to the entire population.
 Studies show that disagreement about power-sharing in relationships are more
strongly associated with abuse than are imbalances of power.

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 Peer-reviewed studies have produced inconsistent results when directly examining
patriarchal beliefs and wife abuse. Yolo and Straus argued that ''low status'' women in
the United States suffered higher rates of spousal abuse; however, a rejoinder argued
that Yolo and Straus's interpretive conclusions were ''confusing and contradictory''.
Smith estimated that patriarchal beliefs were a causative factor for only 20% of wife
abuse. Campbell writes that ''there is not a simple linear correlation between female
status and rates of wife assault. ''Other studies had similar findings. Additionally, a
study of Hispanic Americans revealed that traditionalist men exhibited lower rates of
abuse towards women.
 Studies show that treatment programs based on the patriarchal privilege model are
flawed due to a weak connection between abusiveness and one's cultural or social
 Numerous empirical studies challenge the concept that male abuse or control of
women is culturally sanctioned, such studies show that abusive men are widely
viewed as unsuitable partners for dating or marriage. A minority of abusive men
qualify as pervasively misogynistic. The majority of men who commit spousal abuse
agree that their behaviour was inappropriate. A minority of men approve of abuse
under even limited circumstances. Furthermore, the majority of men are non-abusive
towards girlfriends or wives for the duration of relationships, contrary to predictions
that aggression or abuse towards women in an innate element of masculine culture.
 Dutton argues that the numerous studies establishing that heterosexual and gay male
relationships have lower rates of abuse than lesbian relationships.

Some argue that fundamentalist views of religions tend to reinforce emotional abuse. A
researcher states, ''Gender inequality is usually translated into a power imbalance with
women being more vulnerable. This vulnerability is more precarious in traditional patriarchal

The Book of Genesis has often been cited as an example of a Christian text has been used to
justify men abusing women: '' in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children: and thy desire shall
be to thy husband, and he shall rule over there.
Critics also suggest that fundamentalist religious prohibitions against divorce make it more
difficult for religious men or women to leave an abusive marriage. A 1985 survey of

Page 16
protestant clergy in the United States by Jim M Altdorf found that 21% of them agreed that
''no amount of abuse would justify a women's leaving her husband, ever,'' and 26% agreed
with the statement that ''a wife should submit to her husband and trust that God would honor
her action by either stopping the abuse or giving her the strength to endure it.''

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3.1 Research Design

The study used mixed research survey design, because it is essential to explain or summarize
large data collected through questionnaire which include open-ended and close-ended

3.2. Study Area

This study was done on Dessie town residents. Dessie is found in Amhara regional state,
South wollo zone, North Eastern part of Ethiopia. It is the largest town and center of south

3.3 population of the study area

In Dessie town, there are a total of ten sub city. From these, the researcher selected one sub
city; Menafesha sub city in this area to study my research I have selected 50 married women
by simple random sampling. The survey address these 50 married women randomly selected
from Menafesha sub city.

3.4 Data Collection Tools

To collect data which is relevant to the study, the researcher used questionnaire and
interview. The questionnaire is prepared for married and the interview is prepared for
selected married women. The questionnaire has three parts; the first part asks about the
demographic characteristics of respondents while the second part deals with psychological
abuse and the last parts deals with marital satisfaction of married women. The questionnaire
was prepared and translated in Amharic to make it simple and understanding to the

3.4.1 Procedures of Data Collection

In order to collect the necessary data, the following procedure adopted:

Regarding primary data:-

 First appropriate questionnaire has been prepared and approved;

 Data collection locations has been identified;

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 Respondents were contacted and informed about the purpose of the questionnaire;
 I asked each questions from the questionnaire turn by turn;

Regarding secondary data direct contact was made to the municipality of Dessie Town.
Generally data collected in physical presence, from internet and available written materials.
Both primary and secondary data were collected as explained in the subsequent sections.

3.4.2 Primary Data

Although it is tiresome to collect primary data and requires high care to maintain its quality,
it is the only means of securing accurate information. A number of techniques are available
to collect primary data. For the purpose of the current study, a questionnaire is designed to
meet my information need and utilized it professionally. To collect data from the
respondents, the researcher used interview based on the already prepared questions which
include both open ended and close ended questions.

3.4.3 Secondary Data

Secondary data is fundamentally supplementary to the primary data. This data is primarily
collected from document analysis marriage and divorce file from municipality of Dessie

3.5 Method of Analysis

The collected data analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis.
The data collected through questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively and the data collected
through interview were analyzed qualitatively. Specially, the quantitative data were analyzed
using descriptive (frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation) and inferential
statistics (one sample t-test and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient), and
qualitatively data interpreted by making comparison between different descriptive data
collected. In the case of data collected by making use of closed ended questions through the
structured interview, the details believed to reflect respondents' views and experiences and
these views used to draw conclusion and make recommendations together with the other
gathered information.

Page 19

4. Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the results of the study in line with the research questions. The results
of the study are presented in five parts. The first part of the chapter presents the general
background information of respondents while the second part deals with psychological abuse
on married women. The third part presents marital satisfaction on married women. The fourth
part deals with the relationship between psychological abuse and marital satisfaction. Finally,
the last part of this chapter presents the strategies to prevent psychological abuse.

4.1. Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

The subjects involved in this study were married women in Dessie town. The total numbers
of respondents were 50.

As show in table 1, the total marital years of respondents ranged from 1 to 35 years with the
mean of 11.36 years. In addition, with respect to their age, the respondents' age varies from
21 to 50 years. The husbands' age also ranged from 26 to 70 with the mean age of 38.28

The majority of the women's age was less than that of their of their husbands and it may
affect marital satisfaction and finally may result in psychological abuse. This finding revealed
that, women's had lower income per month than their husbands and influenced by
psychological abuse and marital satisfaction. Because, women's where economically
dependent on under their husbands income and make it psychologically abused and
dissatisfied with their marriage.

Table 1: Total Marital Years and Age of Respondents

Variables N Minimum Maximum Standard Mean

Respondent's age 50 21 50 7.126 31.86
Husband's age 50 26 70 9.615 38.28
Total marital years 50 1 35 8.497 11.36

Page 20
Bar graph 1: Respondents' Occupations





10 8

5 3
1 1
Private business Government Private employee House wife Others

Bar graph 2: Occupation of Husbands

35 33




15 Series1
Private business Government Private employee Farmer

Page 21
Pie chart 1: Income level of respondents

below 1000 birr

above 4000 birr
1000-2000 birr

2000-4000 birr

Pie chart 2: Income level of husband of the respondent

below 1000 birr

8% 1000-2000birr

above 4000 birr 2000-4000 birr

54% 36%

As can be seen from table 2, the majority 37(74%) of respondents were government
employees. Regarding to husband's occupation, like their wives 66% of the husbands were
government employees. With respect to their monthly income, 25(50%) and 13(26%) of the
respondents had a monthly income of between 2000 and 4000 birr and above 4000 birr
respectively. In addition, 54% of their husbands had a monthly of above 4000 birr.

Page 22
The average women's income per month was 298 Eth. Birr per month. Another ways the
average income of husband per month was 352 Eth. Birr and slightly greater than those of
women's income.

With regard to their educational level, 23(46.0%) and 18(36%) of the respondents had first
degree and certificate/diploma respectively. In addition to this, 17(34%) and 14(28%) of the
respondents had master and above and first degree respectively. Besides, 9(18%) of the
husbands had certificate or diploma.

Table 2: Educational Level of Respondents

Variables Alternatives Response ( N = 50

Frequency Percentage

Illiterate 4 8.0
Primary education 1 2.0
Respondent's High school graduate 3 6.0
Educational Level Certificate/diploma 18 36.0
Degree 23 46.0
Masters and above 1 2.0

Total 50 100.0
Illiterate 2 4.0
Primary education 1 2.0
Husband Education High school graduate 7 14.0
Level Certificate/diploma 9 18.0
Degree 14 28.0
Masters and above 17 34.0
Total 50 100.0

The average number of children's at household level was 1.8 and the maximum and minimum
were 5 and 0 respectively.

Page 23
4.2 Psychological Abuse on Married Women

In this sub-section, the present study intended to assess the psychological abuse of married
women. To achieve this objective, respondents were asked to show their agreement or
disagreement to statements that explain psychological abuse. So, the collected data are
analyzed using a statistical method. The observed and expected means of respondents'
responses on psychological abuse scale were computed and then a one sample t-test was
calculated to see significant differences between the two means. The result is given in table 2

Table 3: Significance of mean differences on psychological abuse

Variable N µ Mean SD t Sig.

Psychological abuse 50 30 24.66 8.625 -4.378 .000
*P<0.05 µ = expected mean SD = standard deviation

As shown in table 3, the calculated t-ratio for psychological abuse, (i.e. -4.378) is greater than
the critical t-ratio at 0.05 level of significance. This shows that there is a significance
difference between the observed sample mean (24.66) and the expected mean score (30) of
the married women's psychological abuse items. Thus, as the sample mean is lesser than the
expected mean, it can be interpreted that married women experience low psychological
abuse. And the prevalence of psychological abuse on married women in Dessie town was

4.3. Married Women's Marital Satisfaction

In this study, an attempt was made to explore the marital satisfaction of married women.
Thus, participants were asked about the level of their marital satisfaction.

In the behavioural sciences assessing the marital satisfaction of married women cognitive is
very crucial to design an intervention strategy to prevent separation and divorce. Thus, in this
section, the present study intended to see the marital satisfaction of married women. To
achieve this objective, respondents were asked to see their agreement or disagreement items
on married satisfaction on a five point linker scale. The observed and expected means of

Page 24
students responses to the marital satisfaction scale were computed and then a one sample t-
test was calculated to see significant differences between the two means. The analysis for
marital satisfaction is given below in a table.

Table 4: Significance of mean differences on marital satisfaction

Variable N µ Mean SD t Sig.

Marital satisfaction 49 45 50.35 8.948 4.183 .000
*P<0.05 µ = expected mean SD = standard deviation

As it is indicated above, the one sample t-test statistical analysis revealed that there was
statistical significance difference between expected and observed mean on marital
satisfaction (t = 4.183, df = 48, p< 0.05). Hence, as the sample mean (50.35) for marital
satisfaction significantly greater than the expected mean (45), it can be reported that married
women's marital satisfaction was good. They had good marital satisfaction.

4.4. The Relationship between Psychological Abuse and Marital Satisfaction

To see the strength and direction of relationship between psychological abuse (PATS) and
marital satisfaction (MSTS), Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was employed.

Table 5: Pearson product moment correlation coefficient

No Variables MSTS

1 PATS -.312*

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

As shown in table 5, the results of correlation analysis revealed that psychological abuse total
score (PATS) was negatively and significantly related to marital satisfaction total score
(MSTS), (r = -.312, p< 0.05). This implies that psychological abuse has an impact on
women's marital satisfaction. The result revealed that as psychological abuse total score
increases, their marital satisfaction total score decreases.

From the interview identify that low psychological abuse and good marital satisfaction.

4.5. Strategies to Prevent Psychological Abuse

Page 25
1. Central government (FDRE)

The FDRE should formulate appropriate strategies and polices. Also it should ensure the
proper implementation of polices and strategies. Also the ministry of education should
impose a curriculum that addresses the problem at hand.

2. Regional government (ANRSG)

ANRSG should adopt policies and strategies formulated by FDRE. The regional governments
the one polices and strategies formulated by FDRE the regional government are the one
responsible for the overall development of region. Fighting psychological abuse requires
some kind of budgetary support. So the ANRSG should allocate sufficient budget to execute
strategies and plans to improve psychological condition of married women in the region in
general and in Dessie town in particular. Also ANRSG should take the responsibility of
coordinating all activates going on in the region and in Dessie town.

3. Dessie town administration

The administration should mobilize all government institution (women's office, health
institution, hospital), under its jurisdiction to work towards improving the psychological
condition of married women in Dessie town. I suggest it should have practical action plan to
address the problem at hand.

4. Kebeles/ Sub-cites

Kebele's are the lowest administrative units in the FDRE. Kebele centered development work
very easily is accessible to individual of the community. If the kebeles call for any action, it
is most certain that it will come to effect. The willingness and attitudinal change of kebele
leaders towards improving the psychological conditions of married can make significant

5. Wollo University

I suggest the university to play important role in improving the psychological condition of
married women in Dessie town at a regular time like four times in a year in order to provide
psychological counselling. Also the university should make campaign at the same time to
create awareness about the problems at hand through banners or other appropriate means.

Page 26
6. Exploiting Social Gatherings

People in our community gather at different occasions. Some of these are ''equb'' , ''eder'' ,
and family day. These occasions can be used by respected men and women of the community
(community leaders) to teach and create awareness about psychological abuse of married
women of the town. However, the elders should be first trained about the intensity of the
problem at hand.

Page 27

5. Findings and Discussion

In this chapter, the results reported in chapter four are interpreted and discussed in line with
the main research questions raised. Accordingly, since the major objective of this research
work was to examine the relationship of psychological abuse and marital satisfaction,
prevalence of psychological abuse.

5.1 Psychological Abuse on Married Women

Several studies have argued that an isolated incident of verbal aggression, dominant conduct
or jealous behaviours does not constitute the term ''psychological abuse''. Rather; a pattern of
such behaviours is a more appropriate scenario to be considered, unlike physical and sexual
maltreatment where only one incident is necessary to label it is abuse. (Tomison and Tuccic)
write, ''emotional abuse is characterized by a climate or pattern of behaviour(s) occurring
over time. Thus, 'sustained' and 'repetitive' are the crucial components of any definition of
emotional abuse. Andrew Vachss, an author, attorney and former sex crimes investigator,
defines emotional abuse as ''the systematic diminishment of another. It may be intentional or
subconscious (or both), but it is always a course of conduct, not a single event.
In the present study, an attempt was made to assess psychological abuse and marital
satisfaction on married women. In china, psychological abuse in intimate relationship was
reported by tang in a population based study conducted in 1996. Tang conducted telephone
interviews with 1132 married women using the conflict tactic scales. The prevalence of
psychological abuse perpetrated by husbands during the surveyed year was 77.5% (compared
with physical abuse which was 10%). The most common form of psychological abuse was
husband sulking or refusing to talk (56.7%). In New-Zealand; psychological abuse committed
by men against their female partners is more prevalent than physical or sexual abuse and may
result in greater negative effects.

Page 28
6. Conclusions and Recommendations
6.1. Conclusions

The study has been deal in psychological abuse and marital satisfaction on married women. I
have used fifty women. My method was percentage and frequency, mean median and
standard deviation according to this study most of the clients were satisfied with their marital
life. And low psychological abuse.

6.2. Recommendations

On the basis of the findings that were obtained, the following recommendations are

In child hood period family aware their children about psychological abuse and marital
satisfaction not deeply rather than smoothly in addition for children the family life style
always live in a good/stable family style because later personality create good marital
satisfaction and low psychological abuse.

Psychologist, schools counsellors, social workers and other health professionals should raise
public awareness about psychological abuse and marital satisfaction besides the above
mentioned professional should provide the necessary counselling services for married women
who are victims of psychological abuse.

Other researchers need to conduct further study in the area of psychological abuse and marital

Page 29

(Dutton, Mary and Bennett, Lauren 2000), ''Court-involved battered women's responses to
violence: the role of psychological, physical, and sexual abuse''.

(Murphy, Christopher 1989). ''Psychological aggression predicts physical aggression in early


(Smith, Melinda and Jeanner 2014). ''Domestic violence and abuse: signs of abuse and
abusive relationships''.

(Thompson, Anne 1996). ''Emotional abuse''. The British Journal of Psychiatry. Royal
College of psychiatrists.

(Tomison, and Tucci, 1997). ''Emotional abuse: the hidden form of maltreatment''.

Mega, Lesly Tamarin; Mega, Jessica Lee; Mega, Benjamin Tamarin; Harris, Beverly Moore
''Brainwashing and battering fatigue: psychological abuse in domestic violence''.

Page 30
Appendix A: English Version Questionnaire

Objective of the Questionnaire

This questionnaire is designed with the intention of assessing a married women's level of
psychological abuse by her partner and marital satisfaction while interaction with her
husband. Its purpose is to use the outcome as a partial fulfilment of Bachelor of Arts Degree
in Psychology and the gathered information is confidential to be used as an input for
academic research only.

Please, take time and give me your genuine response based on your own experience. There is
no need to worry and I hope you to be frank as much as possible.

Part 1: Personal Information

Direction: Please write your answer on the space provided or indicate your answer by
marking in the box that corresponds to your answer.

1. Total Marital Years________________________

2. Respondent's Age_________________________
3. Husband's Age_________________________
4. Respondent's Occupation
A. Private Business D. House Wife
B. Government Employee E. Other Specify_______________
C. Private Employee
5. Husband's Occupation
A. Private Business D. Farmer
B. Government Employee E. Other Specify_______________
C. Private Employee

Page 31
6. Respondent's Income level/month
A. Below 1,000 Birr C. 2,000-4,000 Birr
B. 1,000-2,000 Birr D. Above 4,000 Birr
7. Husband Income level/month
A. Below 1,000 Birr C. 2,000-4,000 Birr
B. 1,000-2,000 Birr D. Above 4,000 Birr
8. Respondent's Education Level
A. Illiterate D. Degree
B. High school graduate E. Masters and above
C. Diploma
9. Husband Education Level
A. Illiterate D. Degree
B. High school graduate E. Masters and above
C. Diploma
10. How many children do you have?____________________

Page 32
Part 2: Psychological Abuse Scale

S.N Questions Disagree Undecided Agree

1. My partner's demonstrations of love occurred 1 2 3
when he wanted me to forgive him for some
offensive behaviour or for some other reason in
this interest.

2. My partner did not take my feelings into account. 1 2 3

3. To get what he wanted, my partner didn't hesitate 1 2 3

to threaten to break up with me or hurt himself.

4. My partner did not pay attention to the things I 1 2 3


5. My partner blamed me for almost everything that 1 2 3

went wrong between us.

6. My partner addressed me with insults and 1 2 3


7. My partner showed a lack of appreciation of my 1 2 3

role as a mother and wife.

8. When talking about my work, my partner referred 1 2 3

to me in an offensive way.

9. My partner invalidated me or made fun of me in 1 2 3

front of other people.

10. If there was disagreement, my partner imposed his 1 2 3

view of things.

11. My partner rejected my way of thinking when it 1 2 3

didn't coincide with his,

12. My partner insisted that the two of us were one and 1 2 3

that I couldn't live without him.

13. My partner did not tolerate my disagreeing with 1 2 3


14. My partner made me do things that went against 1 2 3

my values.
15 My partner ruled my daily life without considering 1 2 3
what I wanted.

Page 33
Part 3: Marital Satisfaction Scale

S.N Items Stron Modera Neither Modera Strongl

gly tely Agree tely y
Disagr Disagre nor Agree Agree
ee e Disagre
1. My partner and I understand each other 1 2 3 4 5
2. I am not pleased with the personality 1 2 3 4 5
characteristics and personal habits of my
3. I am very happy with how we handle role 1 2 3 4 5
responsibilities in our marriage.
4. My partner completely understands and 1 2 3 4 5
sympathizes with my every mood.
5. I am not happy about our communication 1 2 3 4 5
and feel my partner does not understand
6. Our relationship is a perfect success. 1 2 3 4 5
7. I am very happy about how we make 1 2 3 4 5
decisions and resolve conflicts.
8. I am unhappy about our financial 1 2 3 4 5
Position and the way we make financial
9. I have some needs that are not being met 1 2 3 4 5
by our relationship.
10. I am very happy with how we manage 1 2 3 4 5
our leisure activities and the time we
spend together.
11. I am very pleased about how we express 1 2 3 4 5
affection and relate sexually.
12. I am not satisfied with the way we each 1 2 3 4 5
handle our responsibilities as parents.
13. I have never regretted my relationship 1 2 3 4 5
with my partner, not even for a moment.
14. I am dissatisfied about our relationship 1 2 3 4 5
with my parents, in-laws, and/or friends.
15. I feel very good about how we each 1 2 3 4 5
practice our religious beliefs and values.

Page 34
Interview Questions

Interview Questions

1. Do you abuse by your husband?

2. Is your husband understand? is he protect your emotion?
3. Do you enjoy your sexual intercourse?
4. Are you happy with your marriage?
5. Do you enjoy eating breakfast/lunch/dinner together?
6. Do you love to be with your husband in public places?
7. Do you suspect your husband for having love affair with other women?
8. Do you go to recreational places at regular interval/ do you have budget for it?
9. Do you want to divorce him?

Page 35
Amharic Version Questionnaire
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Page 36
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Page 37

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15 ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3

አአአ 3አ አአአአአአአአአአአአአአአአአአአአአ
ይይይይይይ ይይይይ ይይይይይይይይይ ይይይ(1)ይይይይይይይይይይይይ
ይይይ(2)ይይይይይይይይይይይይይ ይይይ(3)ይይ ይይይይይይይይይይ ይይይ (4)ይይ
ይይይይይይይይይ ይይይ ይይይ (5)ይ ይይይይይ ይይይይይይ

ይይይይይ ይይይ ይይይይ ይይይይይ ይይይይ ይይይ

ይይይይይ ይይይይይ ይይይይይ ይይይይይ ይይይይይ
ይ ይ ይ ይ ይ
1. ይይይ ይይይይ ይይይ ይይይ 1 2 3 4 5
2. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5
3. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5
4. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5
5. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5

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6. ይይይይይይይይ(relationship)ይይይ 1 2 3 4 5
7. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5
8. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5
9. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5
10. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5
11. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5
12. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5
13. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5

14. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5
15. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ 1 2 3 4 5

አአአ አአአአአአ
አአአ-አአአ አአአአአ አአአ
ይይይይይይይ ይይይይይ

2. ይይይይይይይይይይ?ይይይይይ ይይይይይይይ?

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3. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ?
4. ይይይይይይይይይ ይይይይይይይይይይይ? ይይይይይይይይይ?
5. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ?
6. ይይይይይይይይ ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ?
7. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ?
8. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ? ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ ይይ?
9. ይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይይ ይይ?

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