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UNIT -2-Decision Table

1. Construct the decision tree for next date function for third party and write test cases for the
same. CO 2 (7 M)
Construct the test cases of third try for next date function with 22 rules. CO 2 (10 M)
Construct the decision table for next date function of third try and write the test cases for
the same. CO 2 (10 M)
2. Write the decision table for triangle problem and discuss how well decision table testing
deals with multiple fault assumption. CO 2 (7 M)
3. Explain about decision tables, Construct DT of triangle problem, it accepts 3 integers a,b,c
as 3 sides inputs equilateral, scalene, isosceles or not a triangle and satisfy the following
conditions a<b+c, b<a+c, c<a+b. CO 2 (10 M)
4. What is Decision table? Construct the decision table for triangle problem by specifying
rule counts. CO 2 (5 M)
5. Generate the test cases of second try for next date problem with 36 rules. CO 2 (10 M)

1. Explain slice based testing with an example. CO 3 (5 M)
2. Explain metric-based testing. CO 3 (8 M)
3. What is Basis path testing? Using McCabe’s strongly connected graph, write the path/edge
traversal. CO 3 (10 M)
4. Explain test coverage metrics in path testing. CO 3 (5 M)
5. For the program graph G(P) and a set of variables V, define the terms : i. Defining node
of a variable ii. Usage node of a variable iii. P-use and C-use nodes iv. du-path with respect
to a variable v. dc-path with respect to a variable CO 3 (10 M)
6. Write a structured triangle program and draw the program graph, find the DD paths, DD
path graph for the triangle program. CO 3 (10 M)
7. Explain about: i. du-path test coverage metrics with data flow diagram ii. Style and
technique to find slice of program. CO 3 (8 M)
8. Define predicate use, du-paths and dc-paths. Write the du-paths for stocks, locks, total
locks, sales and commission for commission sale problem. CO 3 (12 M)
9. Explain slice based testing guidelines and observation in detail. CO 3 (5 M)
10. Explain the guidelines and observations for path testing with a venn diagram. CO 3 (5 M)

1. With a neat diagram, explain the validation and verification activities check work products
against actual user requirements. CO 5 (10 M)
Explain in detail, validation and verification and their differences. CO 5 (10 M)
With a neat diagram, explain the relation of verification and validation activities with respect
to artifact produced in software development project. CO 5 (10 M)

2. List and explain the six principles that characterize various approaches and technique for
analysis and testing. CO 5 (10 M)
3. With a neat diagram Write a short note on: Degrees of freedom CO 5 (5 M)

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