Modified Castigliano Theorem

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Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Published by HUST Press,

(English Edition, Vol.5 No.2, Apr. 1984) Wuhan, China


Fu Bao-lian (~,I~L~)
(Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute)

(Received March 23, 1983)

This p a p e r gives the modified AbstractCastigliano's theorem, which is
more convenient and more extensive for applications than the clas-
The sical
Castigliano's problemtheorem. Abstract
of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
The m o donly
an analytic solution i f i c awhen
t i o n s theto polytropic
the classical index of Castigliano's
detonation productstheorem are to three. In
The in f o l l o w i n g two
one-dimensional respects,
problem of the the
motion firstof a respect
rigid is plate
flying that under
the expres-
explosive attack has
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
sion of the partial derivative with respect to the concentrated
an analytic
behavior of solution
the reflection only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
load p of the shock in the explosive
complementary energy products,
densityand in applying the smallCas-
the clasical parameter pur-
general, a numerical
terbation method,
an analytic, is required.
is replaced
In this
approximate paper,
by the solution
however, by
is obtained
thepro- "weak" shock
problem of flying
behavior of
plate driven the reflection
by various
ducts of thehigh shock in the
external explosive
loads polytropic
and products,
influence and applying
other than butthe nearly
the small parameter pur-
equal to three.
terbation method,
tion an
brings analytic,
us first-order
greatest approximate
simplicity and solution
greatestis obtained
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus for
convenience the problem
for of flying
calculations under various loads; the indices
second other
an driven
analytic by various
formula withhigh two explosives
parameters withof polytropic
high explosive (i.e. respect
detonation is that
than but nearlythe
velocity equalpolytropic
and to three.
expressions with the p r o d u c t s of the inhomogeneous boundary dis-
Final velocities
index) for pestimationof flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
l a c e m e n t sof and
the velocity of flying plate
the influence is established.
functions are introduced into the
an analyticclassical
formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation
C a s t i g l i a n o ' s theorem, the modification provides the
velocity and polytropic
index) for theoretical
estimation of the velocity of flying
fundamental plate is established.
for solving the problems of various
boundary conditions. 1. Introduction
We show also the method of h o w to apply the modified Castig-
liano's driven
to solve 1.
the p Introduction
o b l e mits
s ofimportant use in the
the surface study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
Explosive Finally,
driven as a calculated example of important
the applications of theof behavior of
cladding ofm ometals. The flying-plate
method of estimationtechnique offfmds
d i f i e d C a s t i g l i a n o ' s theorem we solved the equation of the
and theuse way
in the study
of raising it are questions
of common under intense surface
impulsiveofloading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
the rectangular plate with two adjacent
cladding ofedges
Under metals. The method
the assumptions
built-in of of
and estimation
other of flyor
two adjacent planevelocity
edges and
detonation the
and way
free. rigidofflying
raising it arethe
plate, questions
of commonofinterest.
approach solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing thethe assumptions
flow of one-dimensional
field of detonation plane the
products behind detonation
flyor (Fig.andI):rigid flying plate, the normal
I. approach of solving
Introduction the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
The principle of minimum potential --ff energy and =o,
ap +u_~_xp+ au
the principle of minimum complemeiL-
tary energy are two J~portant principles of the mechanics of deformable bodies, they
au au 1 =o,
+u_~_xp+ yofau the=0,
ap problems
play important part for solving the mechanics of deformable bodies
au the au 1
However, generally speaking, so far principle of minimum complementary energy is
aS as y =0,
not more a--T for
convenient and more extensive =o,
applications than the principle (i.0
of minimum
aS as
potenital energy. p =p(p, s),the
In order to generalize
a--T =o,applications of the principle of mini-
mum complementary energy we present the modified Castigliano's theorem.
where p =p(p, s),
Sincep, Alberto
p, S, u are pressure, density,
Castigliano foundspecific entropy and
Castigliano's particle in
theorem velocity
1873, offor
solving products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
deflections of u the members, density,
where p, p,F S,
trajectory of flyor as another such
are pressure, as thoseentropy
Both of
boundary. are the beams,
and thethe
unknown; following
position several products
of Rdetonation
of and theo-
the state para-
rems were with
on given: the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary
it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave and the
D i.and the F of
by initial flyor as another boundary.
stage ofCastigliano's
classical Both
motion of flyortheorem are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
* Communicated by Chien Wei-zang. 293
1264 Fu Bao-lian

2. the M a x w e l l - M o h r ' s theorem

~=]t ~ ~M(x)M~(x)dx (1.2)

3. the p a r t i a l l y m o d i f i e d C a s t i g l i a n o ' s theorem

~(~) =If ~j-M(x)M,(x;~)dx+[~ M,-~Q,]'o,r (1.3)

Comparing (I.i), (1.2) and (1.3) with each other it can be shown that the theorem

(I.I) is most fundamental, the theorem (1.2) is derived from the theorem (I.i), the
theorem (1.3) is d e r i v e d from the theorem (1.2).

Since the idea of the u n i t - d u m m y - l o a d is introduced into the theorem (1.2), the
partial derivative with respect to the concentrated load p of the bending moment
of the beams has the clear meaning of mechanics, then the theorem (1.2) can be used
to solve the d e f l e c t i o n of any point
of the beams.
The classical C a s t i g l i a n o ' s
The one-dimensional problem theorem of the motion is m o d i f i e d partially in the following two
Abstractof a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analyticon solution
respects, the oneonlyhand,whenthetheacted polytropic
point index
of the of detonation
u n i t - d u m m yproducts
- l o a d in equals
the to three. In
general, The a one-dimensional
numerical problem
analysis is of
required.the motion
In this of a
paper,rigid flying
(1.2) is looked upon as a flowing v a r i a b l e and, on the other hand, the inhomogeneous
by under
utilizing explosive
the attack
"weak" has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur- products equals to three. In
boundary d i s p l a c e m e n t s are introduced into the theorem (i.i) and then the theorem
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying utilizing the "weak" shock
plate isdriven of the
obtamned. reflection
by various highshock
The theorem in the
explosives (1.3) explosive
with is products,
a general
polytropic and
indices applying
other of but
than the nearly
small parameter
deflection axis
equal pur-the
to three.
terbation method,
Final velocities
stralqht an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained
beams : of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus for the problem of flying
an driven
Before the
by classical
formula high
with two explosives
C a s parameters
with polytropic
t i g l i a n o ' sof theorem
high explosiveindices
or the (i.e.Mother than but' snearly
x w e l l - M o h rvelocity
to three.
were used
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
only to solve the d e f l e c t i o n of the members, such as those of the beams, in ref. [5]
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
g e n e rfor
a l iestimation
z e d the of the of
idea velocity of flying plate
the theorem (1.3)is established.
to the elastic thin plates, the~ the
1. Introduction
partially modified C a s t i g l i a n o ' s theorem of the plates was given in the following

form :
Explosive driven flying-plate technique 1. Introduction
ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense
= b ~ - : )driven
~"(~' "Explosive
I ] / ~:'-~:', loading,
+ '~:.M~,- shock
,,(a:.~:., +synthesis
,~:~::~, ) of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The flying-plate technique
method of estimation offfmds
important use way
and the in the study itofare
of raising behavior of
of common under
interest.intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
+2(]+v)M"A'/'~u']":'z'~r c~.(Q"' Os ),~,,,C~ds
cladding of metals.
Under The method
the assumptions of of estimation of flyor
one-dimensional planevelocity and the
detonation and way
raising it arethe
plate, questions
of common interest.
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing thec,the
flowassumptions of
,,-, one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid( 1flying
field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I): .4) plate, the normal
approach of solving
Fro the rectangular the problem
elastic of motion
plates of flyor is
we o b t a i n e d to solve the following system of equations
governing the flowf~fb field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
- : ) J 0 J0 [~lI~I~,+M,M~,-,,(,
w(~. ~3= D g i 1_ ap +u_~_xp++MvM=,) au
au [I>( )]~
au 1
ap +u_~_xp+ y au
au au
+[.f2."., _rr(
aS o..,a s y1 =0,
a--T =o, (i.0
aS as
aAf,, p =p(p,
a.~f.,,ox)~dx]" a--T s), =o,
+ [(2M.,,)z~,]• --[(2M.,,)~] ~:o~ (1.5)
- JO(~sg }
ref. p,[5]
p, S,weu give the last
are pressure, eqs.pspecific
density, (1.3), entropy =p(p, s),
(1.4) and
and (1.5) with
particle respect
velocity to theproducts
of detonation partial-
modified Cwith a s t i the
g l i atrajectory R of reflected
n o ~ s theorem and in shock of detonation
the following we wave
shallD give
as a boundary and the
the complete
trajectory p, p,F S,ofuflyor
are pressure,
as anotherdensity, specific
boundary. Bothentropy
are and particle
unknown; the velocity of
position of Rdetonation
and the products
state para-
m o d i f i e d C a s t i g l i a n o ' s theorem.
meters on it are withgoverned
the trajectory
by the Rflow
of reflected
field I of shock
detonationwavewave D as the
behind a boundary
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
II.D and ThebyTwoinitial stage of motionto ofthe
Modifications flyorClassical
also; the position of F and the
Castigliano's state parameters
Theorem and Theirof products
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
Applications 293
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
On Modified C a s t i g l i a n o ' s Theorem 1265

I. The first m o d i f i c a t i o n
The expression with partial derivative with respect to the concentrated load P
of the complementary energy density or the expression with the products of the act-
ual internal moments and the internal moments produced by the unit concentrated load
in the exps. (1.4) and (I. 5 ) should be modified because it is tortuous, diverse and

In order to explain this judgement let us use the exp. (1.5) to solve the equation
of deflection surface of the simply supported rectangular plate under uniformly dis-
tributed load as shown in Fig. l(a). In this case the exp. (1.5) becomes
1 faf~
w(~, ~ ) = ~ J o Jo [M~M., + M,M,,-v(M.M,, +M,M.~)
+ 2( 1 + v)M~,.M,~,, ],...:r (z.I)
The one-dimensional problem of the motion Abstract
of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
Thea one-dimensional
general, numerical analysis problem of the motion
is required. In this of a rigid
paper, flying plate
however, under explosive
by utilizing attack
the "weak" has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur- equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying "weak" shock
behavior of the
plate driven reflection
by various highshock in thewith
explosives explosive products,
polytropic indicesand applying
other the nearly
than but small parameter pur-
equal to three.
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximatey solution is obtained for the
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus problem of flying
an driven formula
analytic by variouswithhigh
(a) twoexplosives
parameters withofpolytropic indices
high explosive (i.e.other than but
detonation nearly and
velocity equalpolytropic
to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established. with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters Fig. of I high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation
we suppose that ofthetheinternal
velocity of flying plate
bending is established.
moments and twisting moment of the same sim-
1. Introduction
ply supported rectangular plate under a unit concentrated load acted at the point
as shown in Fig. l(b) can be1.solved
Explosive driven flying-plate techniqueIntroduction
ffmdsby ix[?~principle of minimum complementary
its important use in the study of behavior of
energy andunder
they intense Mxt (x,y~,~),
impulsiveby loading,
are denoted M!,(x,y,~,7;)
shock synthesis of diamonds, M~u,(x, welding
and and explosive ,j;$.~) and
of metals.
we The
can method
of estimation
also find offfmds
the internal
flyormoments use way
the in the
of study itof
11[~[x.!i) behavior
M~y(x.U )
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
common interest.
simply supported rectangular plate under the uniformly distributed load in the
cladding of metals.
Under The method
the assumptions of of estimation of flyor
one-dimensional planevelocity and the
detonation and wayrigidofflying
raising it arethe
plate, questions
of manner.interest.
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing assumptions
flow the of one-dimensional
fieldprevious results
of detonation products plane the
behind detonation(Fig.andI):rigid
flyor flying plate, :the
M~Fi(x,y;~.~) normal
approach of
A/~ x.,})solvingandthe problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following
~[~(x,y) into the exp. (2.1) and calculating the exp. (2.1), system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
we obtain the deflection equation--ff of simply supported =o, rectangular plate under u n i f o r
ap +u_~_xp+ au
mly distributed load
au au 1
ap +u_~_xp+ y au
I f~fB =0,
au au
--v[M~(x,y)M,~ (x,yaS y1 (x,y;
$,~) + MAx,y)M;,
as =0,~,~) ]
a--T =o, (i.0
aS as
pv =p(p, s), =o,
=~Jiqw,(x,y;~,o)dxd a--T (2.o)
where p,~u,(x.yj:~,~)
where is the equation
p, S, u are pressure, =p(p,
density,pspecific s),
of deflection
entropy andsurface
particle produced
velocity ofbydetonation
the unit concen-
trated with the
load acted at trajectory
the point R of reflected
(i,R) - shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
From p,the
trajectory p,F S,previous
are pressure,
as programdensity,
another specific
it can beBothentropy
seen arethatandtoparticle
unknown; usethethevelocity
exp. ofof(2.1)
Rdetonation products
state para-
meters on it with
are the trajectory
governed by the R of
flow reflected
field I of shock
centralof detonation
rarefaction wave
wave D
behindas a boundary
the detonationandwave
deflection eq. t~(~,~) is tortuous, diverse and complicated. If we shall not use
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of productsthe state para-
the exp. on(2.1)
meters it aretogoverned
solve the equation
by the flow fieldbut
I ofuse directly
central the wave
rarefaction exp. behind
(2.2),thei.e., we use
detonation wave
D and bythe
directly initial stage of motion
expression of flyor also;
with products of the
theposition of F load
external and theq state
and parameters
influenceof function
1266 Fu Bao-lian

~u,(:r that is very simple. Hence we draw the following conclusion: the exp-

ression with partial derivative with respect to the c o n c e n t r a t e d load of the com-

plementary energy density in the classical C a s t i @ l i n o ' s theorem should be replaced

by the p r o d u c t s of the external loads and influence function. It is the first mo-
dification to the classical Castigliano's theorem.

We show also th..t for the beams, especially for the beams under the various loads,
the first m o d i f i c a t i o n is necessary, too.
2. The second m o d i f i c a t i o n

The second m o d i f i c a t i o n to the classical Castigliano's theorem was a c c o m p l i s h e d

by us in the ref. [5], but it did not give its a p p l i c a t i o n s and it is very important.
In the following we shall explain
its applications.

The The
second m o d i f i c a t i problem
one-dimensional o n shows
of the Abstract
the motion of the
of a rigid inhomogeneous
flying boundary
plate under explosive dis-
attack has
an analytic in
I:lacements solution
the d eonly
f l e c when the polytropicForindex
t i o n equation. the of detonation
plates, products
if we equals
suppose in to three.
advance In
Thea one-dimensional
general, numerical analysisproblem
is of the motion
required. In this of a rigid
paper, flying plate
however, by under explosive
utilizing the attack
"weak" has
the boundary d i s p l a c e m e n t s on the basis of deformable character on the edges, then
an analytic
behavior solution
of the only shock
reflection when the in thepolytropic
explosiveindex of detonation
products, and applying products
the small equals to three.pur-
parameter In
let us introduce
general, a numericaltheanalysis
secondis mrequired.
o d i f i c a t iIn
o n this
in paper,
the exp. ~1.4)byand
however, (1.5) the
utilizing gives
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
butions ofof the
plate driven the reflection
by various highshock
i s p l ain
d explosivesc ethe n texplosive
m e with to theproducts,
s polytropic indicesand
equation ofapplying
other d ethan the
f l e cbut nsmall
t i o nearly parameter
surface pur-
of three.
equal to the
p]Final method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained
ate. velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus for the problem of flying
an driven formula
analytic by various high
with two explosives
parameters withofpolytropic
high explosiveindices
(i.e.other than but
detonation nearly and
velocity equalpolytropic
to three.
R,-yleigh-Ritz method has a chief shortcoming, which is hard to assume in advance
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established. well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an equation
the analytic formula with two parameters
of deflection surface under of highvarious
(i.e. detonationconditions.velocity and The polytropic
ing can for
be estimation
overcome of by the
thevelocity of flying variational
generalized plate is established.
p r i n c i p l e s [2] and b] the modified
1. Introduction
Castig] J ano's theorem, too.
Finally, we sdriven
Explosive h a l l flying-plate
explain the 1. Introduction
technique to apply
ffmds to the muse
its important o d iin
f i ethe
d Cstudy
a s t i gof
l i abehavior
n o ' s theo-
rem undertheintense
to solve b e n d iimpulsive loading,
n g of the shock synthesis
rectangular elasticof thein
diamonds, and explosive
plates weldingbound-
with various and
cladding driven
of metals. The flying-plate technique offfmds
method of estimation flyoritsvelocity
important use way
and the in the study itofare
of raising behavior of
ars, conditions.
materials under intense
of common interest. impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding to S aThe
of metals. i n t -method
V e n a n t ofprinciple
estimation ofit flyor
is easy to and know that any complex boundary
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional planevelocity
detonation the
and way rigidofflying
raising it arethe
plate, questions
of common
conditions interest.
can be transformed into a simple boundary condition
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations and corresponding
boundary thethe
force assumptions
flow field
and of one-dimensional
of detonation
displacment. products plane the
For thebehind detonation
rectangular (Fig.andI):rigid
flyor plates, if flying
we takeplate,a the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
supl)orted edge as the simple b o u n d a r y condition, then any other boundary conditions
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
can be transformed into the simply --ff supported edge=o,
ap +u_~_xp+ au
as well as the c o r r e s p o n d i n g boun-

dary force and displacement.

au au 1 =o,
ap +u_~_xp
In the follwcing we shall discuss yau respectively,
three + cases =0,
au au edge1 built-in and other adjacent edge simply
(i) the first case with one adjacent
aS as y =0,
supported (or built-in) a--T
as shown in Fig. =o,
2(a) (i.0
aS as
.~,~ /rr7-7
p =p(p, s), =o, ~/o
a--T ~,, z'~
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density,pspecific =p(p, s),entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory
B ,2 . . . . .
R of
~ reflected shock
of detonation
. . . . .
wave D as a boundary and the
where p, p,F S,ofuZflyor
trajectory are pressure, density,
as another
/ Bothentropy
are andQ" particle
/ ' unknown;
velocity of
the 1'position of Rdetonation products
and the state para-
respectively, /')'
with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonationD as a boundary andwave
trajectory F of flyor as another
D and by initial stage of motion boundary. Both are unknown;
of flyor also; the position of (b) the position of R and the state
F and the state parameters of products para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor2 also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
On Modified C a s t i g l i a n o ' s Theorem 1267

Removing the bending restrictions of the built-in edge CD , which are replaced
by the distributed bending moment Mza(N) taken in the form of the series

M,;a(y) = c,, sin b (2.3)
(2) The second case with one adjacent edge built-in (or simply supported) and
other adjacent edges free as shown in Fig. 3(a).
. . . . . . .

i/-~ -/ i-
Abstract " 4'
(a) (b)
The one-dimensional problem ofFig. 3Abstract
the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an Removing
analytic solution only when the polytropic
the bending restrictions of the built-in index of detonation
C O , products
as before, equals to three.
which In
are rep-
Thea one-dimensional
general, numerical analysis problem of the motion
is required. In this of a rigid
paper, flying plate
however, under explosive
by utilizing the "weak" attack has
an by thesolution
analytic moment only M.~(9)
when the ; applying
polytropic corresponding boundary equivalent toshearing
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosiveindex of detonation
products, and applying products equals
the small three.pur-
parameter In
force anda numerical
displacement analysis is
w~(~)at required.
the In
free this
edge paper,
BC however,
, then by
the utilizing
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying the
is "weak"
plate the
into of
driven the reflection
by various
simply highshock
supported edgein the
explosives explosive
B Cwith shown products,
as polytropic Fig. and
in indices (b)applying
3 other than butthe nearly
small parameter pur-
equal to three.
Final method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
the edge of flying
x = 0 is plate obtained
simply agree verywewelltake
supported, withthe
of by computers. Thus
displacement of
an driven formula
analytic by various with high twoexplosives
parameters withofpolytropic
high explosiveindices
(i.e.other than but
detonation nearly and
velocity equalpolytropic
to three.
Finaledge y = b of in the form obtained of the agreeseries
for estimation flying
of theplate velocity of flying veryiswell
plate with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two
w~(x) = ~ to. sin rnnx parameters
of high explosive (i.e. detonation
velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
m - I
When the edge x-----0 is free, we 1.takeIntroduction the equation of displacement of the edge

y=b in the form

Explosive wdriven
1. Introduction
b ( x ) = -flying-plate
( a - x ) kb + technique ffmds its important use(2.5)
~ to,.sin rmr~x in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and

at theExplosive
claddingsame time,
of metals. Thetheflying-plate
method concentrated
of estimation offfmds force must
important inbe the
use way
and the applied
of at behavior
study itof
raising arethe corner
of common
point under intense
(0,b)interest. impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals.
The the The
third casemethodwithof of estimation
two adjacentof flyor
edges and shown
free as the
and way inofflying
rigid raising
Fig~ it arethe
4(a) questions
of common interest.
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing thethe assumptions
flow of one-dimensional
field of detonation plane the
products behind detonation
flyor (Fig.andI):rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
ap +u_~_xp+ au
au au 1
ap +u_~_xp+ y au
(a) au au (b) (i.0
Fig. 4 as y1 =0,
a--T =o, (i.0
Applying $orresponding boundary equivalent shearing force and displacment w~(Y)on
aS as
the free edge x=a , then the =p(p,
pfree s), =o,
edge is transformed into the simply supported

where Cp,O p, as
S, ushown in Fig.density,
are pressure, =p(p, s),
4(b). pspecific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
When the with
respectively, edge the y-----0 is R
trajectory simply supported,
of reflected the
shock of equationwave
detonation of Ddisplacement
as a boundaryofandthethe
where p, p,F S,of
free edge
u are pressure,
x = aflyorisas taken
specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
the formBoth are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
respectively, with the trajectory
meters on it are governed by the oo flow reflected
R of nzy I of shock
field centralofrarefaction
wave D as the
(2.6~ a boundary andwave
detonation the
trajectory F of w.(g)=
flyor as k~ ~ boundary.
another ~.sin b Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
D and by initial stage of motion i 1 . ! of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
at the on
meters same,
it arethe corresponding
governed by the flowconcnetrated force
field I of central must be
rarefaction applied
wave on detonation
behind the the cornerwave
D and
point by initial
(c .b) stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
1268 Fu B a o - l i a n

When the edge g:0 is free, the equation of dzspla,seme~,t of the f~:ee e d g e x ~a

is t a k e n in t h e form
~,,a(,U)=&+. I+,~),~+~oo . ruff/
~vnsm ~" (2.7}

~t the same time, the corresponding concentrated forces must be applied on the cor-

ner points (a,b) a n d (a,0)

Applying corresponding b,)undar;, e d u i v a l e n t shearinq force and disp]aceme;,t :Ub[X)

On the free edge !l=b , then the free e d q - is transf~rmed int , t h e stmply support-

ed edge /JC as shown in F i g . 4(b)

When the edge x:0 is simply supported, the equation c~f d i s p l a c e m e n t of the free

edqe g=b is [ a k e n in the form

~'~(x) = ko+ ~ -a.,
" ' sin mr~x
Cl ( 2.8)
el. 1
When the edge x=0 Js free, the equation
Abstract of dJsplaceme~:t of the fcce edqe ,tl---b
is t a k e n in the form gx3

The one-dimensional w~ problem

(x) ---- & +of (/e~--_
the kk)a
motion x + of ~ a~'=sinrigid"nx-~
flying plate under explosive
(2.9) attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
at t h e s a m e t i m e , t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g c o p . c e n t r a t e d f o r c e m u s t b e a p p l i e d on the c o r n e r
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
p obehavior
int (O,b)
of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
I l lplate
. D e r i v aby
driven t i o various
n o f the
o d i f i e d Cwith
a s t i polytropic
g l i a n o ' s Theorem
indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
In the c a s e cf small ,lef ~rm~tir,~ we d e r i v e IS]
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
v:here .i(~,U,~) Js t h e actual equetion of deflection in the direction of tile d u m m y

load /~ ; ~"c is the

c o m r , ] e m e n t a r v 1. enercly density,;
Introduction P~l, P ~ and P,I d e n o t e 8p~ ap~
. . . . aP ' aP
~nd Op~ respectively; ~. ~ ~nd ~ a r e t h e g i v e n ,:]is]~]p.cement components on the
part Explosive
0. concernecJ. driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
Fro, t h e ] i n e q r el :.,stic ]bodies, t h e c b m p ] c m e n t a r ' / e n e r g y der, s [ t v [*c is ec!ua] to the
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
},~,tentil] enerq'/ Jensit),' [[~ , :h,2n~ ;,:e <,re
of common interest.
8I'o aU, of BUr
Under the assumptions Oe~ 8U~ 3p,+
one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying (plate, the normal
OP aP ac~ ,3~" + d e : , de.~ ~ .... (Cr~ e z l nu 7velt~ a-' ' " ) 3,2]
w},ere of solving
e.,, eg~.'" the problem of motion
a t e str,-'.ln cc :,: -:~en of a t {]0e pc.ints(x..q z ) p r o d u c e d b y t h e equations
flyor is to solve the following system of uF, i't--!um-
governing the flow field of
m,'-lc)7.,d ,icted on t ~ e ~,,qtnt~
detonation products
behind the flyor
9 oa, ~s~. ... o~ue a c t u a l
(Fig. I): s t r e s E c'm/e,..e:its.

~:ubstitutinm t],e e:<::,. (]:.2) _':,'.: t first term on the right-hand side (;f the c;.:p.

i-',.]) , roe! .~-,-llnq tc t}:e

, f +u_~_xp
e:~u,~tior. ap e :.~i I i:A-ium,
+ au _,r
=o, ] boundar}" conditions ~:,,~

:{llreSS-r;t]7-air+-t rc],7, t]-ras aP,(] aN')l-+'3!-tc~

au , ++::
aui : . f ~1
:m".]-: ,we }~ave
y =0,
aS as
rr a--T =o,
l,:~,,)JLJ (3.S)
.," J 9
Substituting the exp. (3.3) =p(p,
i n t o pthe s), (: ,]) , we
exp. ! t ~_n finally

where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
~t is the on mito dare
i f igoverned
ed < a s t iby
g l ithe
a n o 'flow
s tfield
h e o r Ie mof central
for t h rarefaction
e t h r e e - d i wave
m e n s ibehind
~n~l the
p r odetonation
blems o f wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
ticJt,:,,, w h e r e f~. f~ and f: denote the components of t~.~e bed,/ f o r c e s ; p.,, p~ <nd
)I~ ~odi'~,d Ca':t~c]i~no's Theorem 1269

" :.'., : ><:sc'riL',d extern:~] for es. ll,, lh and :~1 denote

t :. " ,_; u., :~ and ~. dent,te the surface displace-

' 4 : '(" :r

:" )- t:< ,. : h . " : , ! :L< ".,.,.it},the curve boundary the m o d i f i e d Castiqlian,,'s

L} e':'rc,'h i,<~C,%Y~

, L,

~!j" (()- (.,'1.:);.

-~:.,/.~.,,hl:- "X> sll. a,ia u,
< (.,:.,~: ~,~1)ds

-j, ({.).~ + ~- - Abstract

< ~-, f~'(x,u)d~

The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution\ only ' I{ U.,. when '!:~7',"':-,.,/~
the polytropic index of detonation products equals ( 3 . 5 ) to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
i ' ,~. ~ i i e zect~:,:iu]a~ e l a sin
t i cthethin plates, takingandthe s o l u t ithe
o n s small
of tile simplypur-suF-
behavior of the reflection shock explosive products, applying parameter
i-,,,rtecl method,
t~ be n_ted an analytic,
k,y thefirst-order approximate solution
uylit cc4~.centrated l<~d as isiobtained n f l u e n c e forfu~ctions,
the problemthe of flying
plate driven by various thigh
ed Castiglianc,~s h e o r eexplosives
m b e c o m e swith polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic;,'(.:,formula
,~) = !"-,'.,Jm',
with two parameters (x ,,, .~ ,,~)dxdu+
of highEexplosive
P,~', (x,,u,,(i.e.~,,~)
detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.

1. Introduction

Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
of common interest.
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid] flying ~176 < ;. O) the normal
approach of solving the problem of motion of flyor is to solve the following system of equations
where q(_~.u)-- J~-<:n~'Jt/ of d i s t r i b u t e d load; Hi-- c o n c e n t r a t e d load acted at
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
rl,e ~)oi!:t (x~,L/~) ; \i~,,.... exterYa] bendinq moment in the :< - d i r e c t i o n acted on the
-J-int (x~, U;) ; ][.j _ _ exrerna! bending moment in the Y -direction ~cted at the point
--ff +u_~_xp+ au =o,
(>~, lJ~.) and otl.e r~otations ap~re i d e n t i c a l with that which is h a b i t u a l l y used,
au s y s tau
The'/ are all acted on the : tu~-;l em
y1 =0,
uh(x,U:~.U ) is the equation of d e f l e c t i o n surface of the simply (i.0

rectangular plate produced by aS as concentrated

the unit load acted at the p o i n t (~,~I] ;
a--T =o,
the ~1.-~. ~f~'~ and -~]z,a: are the b e n d i n g moments and t w i s t i n g moment prod-
p =p(p, s),
used by the unit concentrated load.
in the case of tile straigl~t
beams, taking s o l u t i o n s of the simply s u p p o r t e d b e a m
where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
acted by with the trajectory
nhe unit c o n c e n t rR
a t eof
d reflected
load onshock
the of detonation
flowing c o o r dwave
e as
poai nboundary
t ~ as and the the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position
ence functions, the e q u a t i o n of the d e f l e c t i o n axis of the a c t u a l of R and the state para-
s t r a i g h t beams
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D band
by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
1270 Fu Bao-lian

w(~)= oq(X) Wl(x;~)dx + %~p,wl(x~t~)+ M~-dx w,(xj;~)

~-i I-I

-[M@x w,(x;~)]'0-[O,(x,~)w]~ (s.7)

It must be pointed out that the formulas (3.5) - (3.7) are identical with the cor-
responding formulas of the ref. [6].

IV. The application of the modified Castigliano's theorem to solving the bending of
the rectangular plate with the two adjacent edges b u i l t - i n and other two adjacent
edges free as shown in Fig. 5.


The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock Fig. in 5the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
In this method,
case the an analytic,
modified first-order approximate
Castigliano's solution
formula is obtained
(3.6) becomesfor the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
w(~,q) • J-i ][ qw~ (x,y;
Final velocities e~,rl) dxdy
of flying ]i
My,, (x)agree
~-~d-dw~ (x,Owell
very ; ~e,r/)with
d:t numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
+ ]oM.o(ul~--~,(o,u,~,,T)
index) for estimation of the velocity dy-j~
[b( ak.~, 0M~,,
+2~-) o,~,~,,,~.(,j)<,j
of flying~plate is established.

ay ~.,;,.,:,q, ~"(x)dx+2M'''(a'b;~'Tl)~(a'b)
1. Introduction (4.1)

which must satisfy the following ~oundary conditions

Explosiveamdriven flying-plate technique 8w ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense: o ,impulsive loading,: shock synthesis
of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
asw . Saw l .
raSw 8sw 1 ,

of common interest. L-~,-+ta-~)a-~V],., =o (4.~)
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of O'~w
o_-~ )~.~ =o.
solving ; Ozw
the problem a'-w
( ~ - + of motion=o,
t O2w I
of flyor is to :o
toq~j~,:~ solve the following system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):
We assume that the bending moments of the edges A m and A N are respectively
M,o(X) = ~ D = s i n rr~x
,,., a --ff =o, (4:3)
ap +u_~_xp+ au
n~y au au
M,,,,(y) = ~
A , sin b y1 =0, (4.4)
and the equations of displacement of the edges BC and CD are respectively
aS as
w , ( x ) = ~ko+
x a--T
~ , b . sinm~.~
~-- =o, (4.5)
m~l G

p =p(p, s),

where p, p, S, u are pressure, density,

specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
Substitutingwiththe the exps.
trajectory R of (4.6)
(4.3)- reflected shock
into theofexp.
(4.1) wave
and D as a boundary
merging and the
the terms with
teh constant F of flyor as another boundary.
k,, i n t o o n e , we o b t a i n Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed a 0
by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
On M o d i f i e d Castigliano's Theorem 1271

0 w~(x,O,~,~)dx

+ i 5-~
~ nny 0 w~(O,y)~,~)dy
8 8x

_[( +ooM..,

"[~ ( OM,l aJ' ~ 9 '~=y .

_rf~ p_s,, oM:., ~ -~ d,

'P/ OM:, zOM:,,)Abstract~-dy-~.M.,, (a,biGrD]k,, (~.7)

+ J o [ - ;~Z + --o,j--.<<,,.,~,,,
The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
R e g a r d i n g to the first t e r m on the r i g h t - h a n d side of the exp. (4.7), we o b t a i n
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, 2 and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
plate driven by various high explosives with polytropic indices other than but nearly equal to three.
Final velocities of flying plate obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
Regarding to the second term on the right-hand side of the exp. (4~ we o b t a i n
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
im-[ r ~-I

9[fl,.ethfl. ~" ( b -- ~/) c t h-~-"1.(b---~)-

] 1 ft.(b_ . . mrr s i nm~ d. x ]jax
. . ~7)sin .
...... ~ _ ,~fi. ~h b
Explosive driven flying-plate technique ffmds its important use in the study of behavior of
materials under intense impulsive loading, shock synthesis of diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it(4.9~ are questions
of common interest.
R e g a r d i n g to the t h i r d t e r m on the r i g h t - h a n d side of the exp. (4.7), we o b t a i n
Under the assumptions of one-dimensional plane detonation and rigid flying plate, the normal
approach of ~i solving
o~ .thennyl b2 ~.of motion of flyora.(a-~)
problem ctha.(a-~)l
is to solve l system of equations
the following
.., o ..... ~ --Jh%h~.
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):

-~--~'~ -b-~ <''-'=-~
ap +u_~_xp+ au
.~. [ - s h L ~ <"~o
au au
y1 =0,
F"-V--~ sn a b (4 to) (i.0
Regarding to the fourth termaSon the
as right-hand side of the exp. (4.7), we o b t a i n
a--T oO
- --oy - + 2--~.~ )<.,~,.., ~ b.
p =p(p, s),

where p, p, S, u =arem~.L pressure, (:t.ll)products

sh/%. t density, 2 ~, specific
. entropy
o andu particle
.J u velocity
u of detonation
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
R e g a r d i n g to the fifth t e r m on the r i g h t - h a n d side of the exp. (4.7), we o b t a i n
trajectory F of flyor J OM,q as another boundary. Both
8M~,, ~ oo
are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed +by
' 7 -the
- - - flow field ~I ofc .central
. n y rarefaction
1,o,,,~.,, .., s i n -~- d" wave behind the detonation wave
0 .~-~-( " oy Y
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products
1272 Fu Ba0-1 ian

= ~ . ]+l r m,,th~.~-- clh ~'

- - tl tl I1
sb~ L~
( 4 . "12)

Regarding to the sixth term on the righc-h.-,n.i side oL u}:e e x p . i'<./), v,e ,>},-~l:Lr

c 9 . . ,.. . ~.... a' + [, ch" :7!t ",< ,s.:," ,7 li

/,V = -\7/
--"7"l[:a':(cr'L>:~ J) ub I~ (,t.13',

The e x p s . (-!.8) , (~,9) , (4.]0} , (4.!~) , (q..l.' .~nd (4.]3) are ]dc:ntic,~.l with the

exps, (I) , (7) , (13) , (19) , (25) a~d (31) <~f t ] ; e ~ e~<. [A] respectively.

5u],stituting the exF~ (4,_%)- (4. i5) into the g e n e r a ] eq. (4.7) ~f the d e f l e c t i o n

surface, the complete solution is o b t a i n e d . Since the result < f the c,_,mplete solu-
tion obtained by us is identical w,th th:tt of [4], v:e -ire n<t jolnq to c tlculate tile

numeric,~l values.

The one-dimensional problem of the motion of a rigid flying plate under explosive attack has
an analytic solution only when the polytropic index of detonation products equals to three. In
general, a numerical analysis is required. In this paper, however, by utilizing the "weak" shock
(1) Chien Wei-zang and Yeh Kai-guan, Elastic Mech~nLos, :A:.el;cm ]'ress (March, iI'$0)
behavior of the reflection shock in the explosive products, and applying the small parameter pur-
terbation method, an analytic, first-order approximate solution is obtained for the problem of flying
(in Chinese)
(2) drivenWei-zang,
by various highThe explosives
Variationwith polytropic
Method indices other
and Finite than but
Elemen#, Vol.nearly equal to three.
~, Science F,_~::~{,
velocities (in
of flying plate
obtained agree very well with numerical results by computers. Thus
an analytic formula with two parameters of high explosive (i.e. detonation velocity and polytropic
(3) Timoshenko, S. and S Woinowsky-Krieger, Theory of Plates and SheZls, Secon,
index) for estimation of the velocity of flying plate is established.
Edition, (1959).
(4) Chang Fu-fan, The Rectangular
1.Plate with Two
Introduction Adjacent Edges Suiit-in 7~d <:~her
Two Adjacent Edges Free, (March, 1980) (in Chinese)
(5) FuExplosive
Bao-lian,driven flying-plate
Energy technique
Theorem ffmds Equations
of Solving its importantofuse in the studyApplied
Deflection, of behavior of
materials under
manism, intense
Vol. impulsive
2, No, loading,
6. (Dec. shock
1981). synthesis of and
Mathematics diamonds, and explosive welding and
cladding of metals. The method of estimation of flyor velocity and the way of raising it are questions
(o) Fu Bao-lian, Applications of the Reciprocal Theorem to Solving the Equations
of common interest.
the Deflection
the assumptions Surface of the Rectangular
of one-dimensional Plates and
plane detonation wit]~ Various
rigid Edge the
flying plate, Condltions,
approach of solving the problem of motion
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol of flyor is to solve the following
3, No. 3, (June, 1982). system of equations
governing the flow field of detonation products behind the flyor (Fig. I):

ap +u_~_xp+ au

au au
y1 =0,
aS as
a--T =o,
p =p(p, s),

where p, p, S, u are pressure, density, specific entropy and particle velocity of detonation products
respectively, with the trajectory R of reflected shock of detonation wave D as a boundary and the
trajectory F of flyor as another boundary. Both are unknown; the position of R and the state para-
meters on it are governed by the flow field I of central rarefaction wave behind the detonation wave
D and by initial stage of motion of flyor also; the position of F and the state parameters of products

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