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Independence- Freedom- Happiness

No. :........../BV/AB
Pursuant to Civil Code promulgated in 2005 by Socialist Republic of Viet
Pursuant to ability and demand of both parties.
Today, May 27th 2008, we are:
Party A: ( Party hire security service):
Name of enterprise: : ..........................................................
Address: : ...........................................................
Tel : ...........................................Fax: ........................
Tax code : .......................................................................
Representative Mr : ...............................................
Position: ...............................
Party B: (Party supply security service)
Address: : A23 - Lane 252 Hoµng Quèc ViÖt – Tõ Liªm - Hµ Néi
Tel : 7.555.621 Fax : 7.555.625
Representative Mr : nguyÔn h÷U c¤NG Position: General Director
Both two parties agree the content of this contract as follow:


A, The scope of contract:
1.1. Party B agrees to supply security service to Party A, party B’s security
guards have responsibility to protect property, peace and order at Coffee shop
(herein after called “protection area”) for Party A, at No. 7 Hang Gai, Hoan
Kiem, Ha Noi according to security plan. Security plan is one party that can
not be separated in this contract.
1.2 Both parties also acknowledge that this contract is for the service only
mentioned in this contract, not an insureance contract or warranty for all Party
A’s property.
B, Party B’s Security service:
1.3 Working time 24/24h, at weekdays (including Saturday, Sunday, holiday
and Tet). The guard shift is in security plan above.
1.4 The quality of security guard:
All security guards are Vietnamese citizens that were recruited
according to An Binh Security and Trade Service Joint Stock Company’s
regulation, have clear curriculum vitae, ability, no previous conviction and
offence, good health, high responsibility with work, and passed security
technical training.
 Have good knowledge of the Law of Viet Nam.
 Well- equipped uniform and equipments serving for work.
 Have good knowledge of guarding, protecting the protection area.
 To be proficient in using means of communication such as:
 Have enough knowledge of martial art to self- defence and protect the
objective safely.
 To be proficient in using electronic security equipments, on-site
firefighting equipments.
 Know how to deal with first aid.
 Know to make report of the matter as regulation.
 Make daily, weekly, monthly, yearly report or unexpected report as
party A’s requirement.
2.1. Ensuring the security for peace and order at the protection area of Party
a) Initiatively finding and preventing act of facility vandalism of Party A in
accordance to regulations of this contract and Vietnam Law .
b) Well implementing security duties, strictly executing the regulations on
supervision, examination, control, taking notes to monitor commodities,
assets, people and vehicle going in and out security area.
c) Fully and timely reporting information relating to situation of properties and
assets, of public order that Party A has treatment plan.
d) Often patrolling, guarding to timely find out and treat unsafe assets for
party A (especially safety in preventing and fighting fire).
e) Arresting and making timely report when catching red-handed law-breaker
in accordance with Vietnam law to anyone having act of vandalism, theft,
swindle and fraudulent… to appropriate assets or disturb public order in
security zone also informing authorities of party A about the happenings.
f) Guiding Party A’s staffs and customers to get to the nearest parking area.
g) Fully and accurately implementing order, notices from Party A’s office
( these orders must be suitable with Viet Nam law and in the restriction of
security’s function and responsibility).
h) Having good relationship with local authority and police to create a good
condition for the service contract between two parties.
i) Checking and warming workers and guess entering the protection area to
be obey regulation of Party A.
j) Being responsible for keeping secret of production and business as per
other operations of Party A.
k) On Monday’s afternoon every week, the leader of security team (or
substitute that assigned in written) have responsibility to report situation of
carrying out security in a week to authorities of party A.
l) The handing over to the next team must be presented in written. In case of
the guardians of next team has not yet arrived, the previous shift staffs are
impossible to leave their position of security.
m) Ensuring the number of shift staffs as the number of them in security plan.
n) Party B has right to take initiative to control their staffs. Take initiative to
carry out security plan as discussed before with Party A.
o) Actively settling situations happening out of administrative working time of
Party A with a view of ensuring safety for security area and immediately
inform Head of the Company.
p) Supplying for party A the list of security guards working as contract. Party B
must supply the list and curriculum vitae of leader and other security

guards that are assigned to work as contract after this contract is signed no
later than 03 days.
q) Being responsible for every kind of insurance, tax and expense of security
staffs as the regulation of law.
r) Party B commit and ensure that all security staffs doing this security
service contract are staffs of Party B, have been recruited by Party B
suitable with regulation of Labour Code. Party B have responsibility to pay
all kinds of insurance, tax, salary, reward and other relating expense for
security staffs above according to current law. Party B also has
responsibility with Party A about every activity of Party B’s security staffs
during the time they doing this security service contract.
s) Strictly observe law and regulations, orders of Party A.
t) Party B have responsibility to supply fully equipments for security staffs
such as: uniform, supporting instruments, books, report samples, paper
under seal, etc.
2.2. Responsibility of security staffs with Party A’s staffs: Prevent
threatenings to staffs’ lives of Party A working at protection area.
2.3. Implementing work: Ensuring that security staffs in the team must be
profession, polite and limit the minimum interruption of Party A’ s activities
during implementing security works.
3.1. Supply fully, accurately and on time necessary informations relating to
property and peace and order protection for party B.
3.2. Supply or agree security staffs to use minimum instruments as follow
during the time of working: working table, document cabinet, stable
telephone, water and documents relating to implementing security service.
3.3. Usually maintain to learn from experience exchange between two
3.4. When urgent situation appears that Party B needs to appoint more
people and means of transport to settle that happening situation relating to
Party B’s responsibility ( regulated in article 2 of this contract), Party A must
support Party B with highest ability ( including finance (if arising) and create
condition for Party B finish their work)
3.5. Have good relationship with local authorities to create good condition for
implementing the contract between two parties.
3.6. Party A not only create good condition for Party B to finish their
responsibility, but also respect honour, health and life of Party B’s staffs.
3.7. Party A’s Legal representative is the person that Party A authorizes by
official document.
3.8. During the time Party B supply security service for Party A ( or during
the period of 12 months from the day that Party B stop supplying security
service for Party A), Party A must not recruit security staff of Party B to work
for Party A.
3.9. Party A do not have responsibility with any agreement or contract by
Party B with their security staffs.
3.10. Party A have the right to refuse any security staff of Party B if Party A
find out that staff have forbidden behaviour regulated at article 7 of this
3.11. Thanh to¸n ®Çy ®ñ, ®óng h¹n theo ®iÒu 4 cña hîp ®ång.
4.1. Servive fee and paymend method:
a). Contract price:
Party A agree to pay for Party B service fee for one hour working is:
10,000VND/01h. (ten thousand dongs/ one working hour, without VAT).
The above price is valid during the time of implementing this
b). Payment method:
Party A pay for Party B monthly by bank transfer to Party B’s bank from
the day Party A receive invoice and payment requirement file of Pary B.
Name of account: C«ng ty cæ phÇn b¶o vÖ vµ dÞch vô th¬ng m¹i an
Account No.: 0561100120005
At Military Bank- Hoang Quoc Viet Branch- Ha Noi.
4.2. Party B have responsibility to transfer red invoice to Party A at the
30 day each month. Party A have responsibility pay service fee for Party B no

later than the 5th day of the following month. If exceeding the time limit, Party
A must accept interest rate 2% month, calculating at the time of paying. If
exceeding the time limit 02 months and party A still not pay service fee for
Party B, Party B will not be responsible with any loss, damage of asset at the
protection area during that time of late payment.
ARTICLE 5: Indemnification:
5.1. Rule of indemnification:
Party B has responsibility to indemnify 100% of the damages to Party A
by cash or check as current market price (apart from conditions regulated in
article 6 of this contract), when:
 As for losses, damages to properties of parties A belonging security
responsibility of Party B due to the cause and direct results from Party B
 Occuring fire, exploding, sabotage in the protection area that security
staffs can control it but he did not have action to stop it.
5.2. Condition of indemnification:
a) Party B only have responsibility to indemnify for Party A the above loss and
damage when the following conditions are satisfied:
i) Party A supplied fully original documents relating to damage of party A’s
asset to Party B, and this document is made a detail report of damage
asset with the fully content ( number, types, worth, made in, year of
producing,etc.). Those original documents are legal accounting records
according to Law.
ii) The above loss and damage are written clearly in the document by the
two parties, or the result of investigation office by District (Commune)
polices and above, or final adjudication by lawcourd, ( or in the case that
result of Ward police’s investigation that the two parties feel
iii) If the faults are defined by Party B, Party B have responsibility to
indemnify for Party A by cash or check within 15 days from the day the
two parties agree by document.

b) Party B is not responsible for compensating for losses and damages of
properties and commodities of Party A after at least once Party B has
petitioned in writing requesting Party A to apply methods of management
and administration to prevent and eliminate potential risks directly
threatening safety of properties and commodities and security and order in
Security Area, but Party A ignores that petition (which are reasonable and
suitable for competence of Party A).
c) Party B is not responsible for compensating Party A for damages of
properties, jewels, precious stone, documents, accounting record, etc. of
Party A’s staffs or customers.
ARTICLE 6: responsible and non-responsible cases
6.1. Party B will not have responsibility for force majeur such as natural
disasters, flood, war, striking, and sudden changes in policies by the
Government related to Party B’s responsibilities or exceed resistant abilities of
Party B’s security staffs .
6.2. Not contradict to article 6.1 above, the listed incidents in article 6.1
appears correlative with the following conditions will not be considered as
non-responsible cases with Party B if when the incident appears in the
protection area, the Party B’s security staff have ability to find it out, to settle
but intentionally not find out, report and settle it timely, have bad intention or
not obey Party A’s regulations.
Security staffs of Party B during the time to do his duty must not:
7.1. Leave his position during working time.
7.2. Cause troublesome, obstacle for Party A’s staff or customer of Party A.
7.3. Neglect or not serious when doing his duty.
7.4. Sleep in their working shift.
7.5. Play card or gamble during their working shift.
7.6. Dring bear, alcohol or get influent with addicted in working shift.
7.7. Break the working regulation of Party A or Pary B.
7.8. Use official equipments (telephone, printer, fax, photocopy
machine,etc.) in the protection area when not allowed by authorities of
pary A.
The contract has validity in 01 year ( one year) from 26/05/2008 to
9.1. Each party has right to terminate this contract before required time by
informing document to the other party before 30days in following conditions:
a) The two parties agree to terminate the contract
b) The other party is dissolved, suspended, get bankrupt or not allowed to
continue working by authorized national office.
c) The other party is made to do temporary urgent method by the court and
affect seriously to prestigious and financial ability.
d) Party A have right to unilateral terminate the contract before require time if
Party B break listed articles in the contract and not repair it within 15 days
from the day Party A requires.
9.2. When terminate the contract as regualation in this article 9.1, each
party have right to ask for their benefit back because they did well their
responsibility that agreed in this contract. The loss party have right to
ask the other party to compensate all the damage or loss arising
according to law’s regulation.
10.1. This contract is explaint and implemented according to Viet Nam’s Law.
In case, if there is any clause or article in this contract is declared to be
ineffective or rejected by relating authorized office and this not affect the
validity of other parts of this contract, the Clause and Article of this contract
still have validity to carry out.
10.2. Either party has no right to sublease a part or the whole of the contract
under any forms to the others without approval in writing from the other party
of this contract.
10.3. Every amendment, supplymentaries relating to the contract only take
effect when it is made in writing and singed by both Parties;
10.4. Both Parties will security all the articles of the contract as well as arising
matters from services and this won’t be reveal to any third party during
the effect time of Contract except required by law.
10.5 All the conflicts occur during the effect time of Contract will be resolved by both Parties. If
failed, the matter will be judged by a Hanoi Economical Court follow the current law.
10.6. Annoucement: All the announcement exchange between two parties of
this contract must be in writing and send to other party by fax or by post to
the address in the contract. The documents is considered to be received after
05 days of sending by post ( base on the postal stamp) or after 01 day of
sending by fax.
Aritcle 11: General term
11.1. Both Parties commit to implement seriously the duties and
responsibilities of the mentioned in the contract, annex or any
amendments or supplementaries which were signed by both Parties at
each time. Thos who breach the contract will take full responsibility to
compensate for the other party.
11.2. This contract was signed by legal representative of both Parties and was
made into 04 copies; each party shall retain 02 coppies of the same validity.

On behalf of Party A On behalf of Party B


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