Emerging Trends and Challenges in Tertiary Education

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Emerging Trends and Challenges

in Tertiary Education
s the Charles Telfair Institute enters the final phase of its maturation process towards becoming Charles Telfair
University or CTU, a few of its senior staff met in April of this year to explore the implications of this transforma-
tion and establish a coherent strategy.
International trends 3. Changing priorities. edge base and access it in order to service
In this world of constant change, how do adequately their student population made up
We began these meetings by acknowledging universities cope with the shifting priorities of increasingly sophisticated and demanding
that worldwide, universities face formidable resulting from evolving student needs, budget- customers?
challenges. One report from Deloitte Canada ing constraints, falling demand, organizational
in particular was used to highlight the follow- fragmentation and decentralization? 5. Optimizing infrastructure.
ing ten pressing issues: As universities feel the worldwide economic
pinch, how do they maintain a balance be-
1. Funding quandary. tween constant customer demand for more
On the one hand, access to funds is dropping and better facilities, and rising operating and
in almost every country as we struggle with maintenance costs?
the current economic recession. On the other
hand, costs are rising and keep rising. How do 6. Programmes that deliver results.
universities cope with this quandary? As distinctions between academia and voca-
tional training become blurred and the need
2. Intensifying rivalry. for a career-ready graduate intensifies, how
Most second- or third-tier universities face a will universities cope with the competition from
singular struggle: that of attracting local and vocational training suppliers?
international students in the face of mounting
competition. How will universities without a 7. Attracting and retaining talented
4. Technology.
solid Ivy League, Grande École or Russell faculty.
As technology evolves at the speed of light,
Group cope successfully with this escalating
how do universities upgrade both their knowl- How do universities recruit and retain top

Emerging Trends in Tertiary Education Project with Centre de Solidarité Attracting International Students
Emerging Trends in Tertiary Education - Editorial Graduation 2013 Revamping our Social Media
Foundation Course Graduation 2013 Corporate: Launch of a Busy Year
A New Approach to Teaching and Learning at CTI We Train Students to Become Top Traders New Student Perceptions
CTI launches a CineClub Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration Zumba Classes - Letter’s Corner - New Faces

Foundation Course:
talent as they struggle with the implica- levels.
ighlighted in this issue, are the
tions of an aging academic population, 3. Solid academic base

Making Tertiary Education Accessible

formidable challenges which
low retirement rates and competition From its original base of a few account-
from other institutions? ing and IT trainers some 14 years ago, universities face on a worldwide
CTI has grown to reach its current scale. We use as base an excel-

8. Going green. strength of 32 full-time and 21 part-time lent report by Deloitte Canada which
Universities are generally not faring well highlights ten such challenges, ranging
oundation courses have used up a lot of ink recently in the local press. Despite the fear that they
academics, all of whom now hold at
worldwide on sustainability practices will lower the standards of a university education, our experience shows that if run professionally
least a Master’s degree. It is clear that from having to support themselves

such as reducing carbon emissions, and competently, they can in fact help to raise the standard of university graduates.
this is a beginning and that much con- financially to the promotion of ethical
improving energy efficiency, and mov- solidation lies ahead as CTU becomes standards and practices, and conclude
ing towards green practices. How will a reality. by reflecting on our own set of issues
the majority attempt to demonstrate
as this country’s first private academic Commonly defined as an who are only interested HSC. In addition to the
and account for better environmental 4. Customer-focused delivery
performance? More than ever, CTI’s customer will institution. The road we’ve travelled dur- alternative pathway to a in raising their admission ten hours per week of
speak with the authority of a monarch. ing the past eleven years has been long degree, the Foundation numbers. English classes, students
9. Education for all. The days of a top-down approach and tortuous and what lies ahead of us concept has brought out are able to choose from
In the light of current cost-cutting embedded into a ‘We know best for appears even more tricky. But we are strong emotions recently. Our experience at CTI a variety of modules
measures, how do universities reach you’ principle are gone. Increasingly, confident that we will get there. Those in favour claim that indicates that those ranging from Humanities
out to those students who cannot afford university customers (once known as it gives a second chance joining our Foundation to Design, Mathematics
the fees, live in remote communities, or students) no longer wish to sit in rows In this same issue, we also highlight our to many students and programme do so often or Commerce, depending
are members of disenfranchised ethnic looking at one PowerPoint slide after those against feel that it because they have been upon the subjects they
academic partner’s new approach to
groups? another. They want to engage in the will foster the wrong at- wrongly counselled and have sat at HSC and
teaching and learning (Curtin Con-
learning process, not only benefiting verged) and ponder briefly on how it titude in our young people have thus made the also upon the degree
10. Better disclosure.
from the knowledge being shared, but who will see it as an easy wrong choice of subject they wish to undertake
As the international market meltdown will change the way we do business at
also internalizing it so that this knowl- way out. combination at HSC eventually.
gathers strength and cuts across fron- CTI.
edge becomes meaningful and alive. level. It may also happen
tiers, it is clear that tighter controls to
ensure ethical standards and practices Critics of Foundation that alternatively, they Results to date are most
CTU will ensure that our students really The Editorial Team
will become the norm. Throughout Courses often hold cer- have not had the social encouraging. Not only do
are at the heart of our approach to
the world, governments will flex their teaching and learning by excelling in ers – no mean goal when one considers the tain erroneous assump- maturity to understand our Foundation stu-
regulatory muscles to ensure funding our practices and competing success- complexities involved. We already produce tions. They believe for ex- the importance of their dents perform well once
accountability, above-board accredita- fully on the world stage. graduates with relevant and up-to-date ample, that all Foundation examinations when they underway in their degree,
tion practices and the protection of their knowledge and skills, ranking them highest courses are the same, sat them. but they often understand
foreign students. How will universities 5. Sound Governance on the employability scale and we must that they are a soft option better the value of a ter-
ensure a higher degree of transparency More than ever, sound governance in continue to do so as CTU. for students who have not The Curtin Foundation tiary qualification - having
accompanied by better disclosure? areas such as curriculum development, worked well at Second- Programme run by CTI is learnt the hard way that
delivery and evaluation, staff manage- 8. A responsibility towards the ary school and, that they a demanding course, only they must earn the right
CTI’s own challenges ment (recruitment, promotion, tenure, country serve the interests of the accessible to students to it.
In the midst of these pressing dismissal, etc.), and student life on At the end of the day, CTU will have a re-
issues, CTI faces some unique tertiary sector who have completed their
campus will need to adopt a critical and sponsibility towards the country as a whole.
challenges as it carves its way As a modern university it will have to do its
urgent importance.
along the path to becoming this
share in creating, debating and developing
nation’s first private university. 6. A Passion for Technology new and innovative ideas and practices and
The workgroup identified the fol-
In a world where distance and physi- in so doing, drive development at the per-
lowing challenges for the future
CTU. cal boundaries have been swept aside sonal, economic, social and cultural level.
through the mere clicks of a mouse, This will be a formidable challenge.
1. A new vision. CTU will have to expand even more
As CTI progresses to full university significantly its existing high-class Jamil Salmi, the former head of
image of technological sophistication. Tertiary Education at the World
status, it is clear that first and foremost,
The latest technology will have to be Bank, once wrote that academic
its dependency of the last 14 years on
ruthlessly pursued and harnessed and excellence is like a good wine, one
its ‘big brothers’ of Australian, British that requires careful nurturing and
or South African origins will soon have yes, money will have to be spent where
a long maturation period. There is
to become something of the past. Our it is needed in order to ensure this is
no reason why CTU cannot achieve
ultimate future as CTU would not only made possible.
this if, over time, our customers and editorial team
depend on our ability to stand on our our staff alike, embrace the process Eric Charoux (Editor)
7. Shareholder enhancement
own two feet, but to face head-on the of learning as one which is lifelong Soraya Sayed Hassen,
CTI has a unique shareholding
worldwide issues highlighted above. and dynamic, constantly evolving Tony Eddison, Vikash Rowtho,
structure as it represents the interests
to adapt to the changes around us Kanya Santokhee
2. New academic pursuits of this country’s top 15 firms. From both at regional and international
Day One, our mission as an academic Rooben Narrainsawmy (Page layout)
To survive in its new status, CTU will levels. The journey may be a long
have to contribute to society through institution has been clear: to contribute one but we have embarked upon
the pursuit of education, learning, and significantly to the enhancement of the it already and we can see our way
research at the highest international knowledge and skills of our stakehold- clearly ahead.

02 03
Innovation Cultural Activities

A New Approach to Teaching CTI Launches a CineClub

and Learning at CTI

ny educator will confirm that of all the challenges we face in education, there is none as daunting
as pinning students’ focus and keeping them engaged in the learning process. Spurred on by our
academic partner’s new developments in this field, we believe we have found the solution: we
T he Faculty of Education, Communication and Language Studies
launched a CineClub at CTI in March of this year. The purpose behind
the CineClub is to provide a forum for the viewing, enjoyment and
discussion of films for our students as well as for members of the public.
The last Friday of every month will be the allocated time for this activity and
need to capitalize on the latest advances made this century, in modern communication and technology. in order to allow members of the public to attend, the programme will begin
at 7 pm.

To find out more, year by Professor Jill Downie, Significantly, I believe. Already Do you apprehend any The CineClub’s first show, on Friday 29 March, was a resounding success. “Despite the short
Chronicles met with our Deputy Vice-Chancellor, at CTI, we have managed to difficulties in its imple- notice,” commented Soraya Sayed Hassen, Head of Faculty of Education, Communication and
Head of Faculty of IT, Education, at Curtin Univer- replace traditional lectures mentation? Language Studies, “we had an audience of 35 people made up of individuals of all ages and
Design & Internet Stud- sity. It aims at ensuring that in with more learner-centered occupations who turned up to watch the award-winning Tsotsi (2005). Mr Ivan Vosloo, the First
Secretary (Political) at the South African High Commission in
ies, Vikash Rowtho. future, teaching can take place approaches, commonly known We are all thrilled by the
Mauritius introduced the film and led the discussion which fol-
anywhere, anytime, and by as the “flipped classroom”. continued ambitious and pro- lowed the viewing.”
Q: What exactly are you means of any device. To safe- Students are able to access active approach from Curtin.
trying to achieve? guard student and employer and study i-lectures, Prezi We realize though that this Chronicles understands that the feedback from the audience
Current research on the impact satisfaction, it proposes to presentations and You-tube can only work with the efforts was that they rarely have the exposure to films which are not
mainstream commercial successes and would therefore like
that emerging technologies will start with the identification of videos of real-life scenarios of our staff and students and
more opportunities to watch such films. They also appreciated
have on teaching and learn- desired learning outcomes for prior to attending on-campus of course, with the investment the insights provided by both Mr Vosloo and our student pre-
ing practices over the next both students and their future workshops where they can from CTI Management and senter, Shivesh Lutchmeenaraidoo and welcomed the opportu-
five years, indicate clearly employers, and then follow then engage in group discus- shareholders. nity to listen to and join in a live debate about the film.
that unless we move into an this up by offering a variety of sions and debates. Similarly,
The film club will be advertising its monthly movie through the
alternative mode of engaging corresponding experiences we are replacing our traditional
CTI website and Facebook page.
the learner and focusing his and relevant content which will paper-based learning material
or her attention on discernible enable students to achieve the with enriched digital, on-line
outcomes, we will not succeed identified outcomes. learning experiences where
in capturing and maintaining students can connect with their
his or her interest. Q: In what way do you
foresee the student
lecturers and classmates even
when they are off-campus. Project with Centre de Solidarité
Q: What’s wrong with academic experience

the existing mode? changing? Q: Sounds exciting.
fter 25 years spent helping those wishing to overcome their dependence on alcohol and/or drugs,
Relying only on the traditional the Centre de Solidarité - Pour Une Nouvelle Vie is celebrating its anniversary this year by asking CTI
lecturing approach can no to help put together a commemorative magazine.
longer suffice. With advances
in technology, it is clear that
A group of our students, registered on the BA Mass Communication
learning becomes a far more degree, has volunteered to work on this project. Under the guidance of
powerful endeavor when it the Head of the Faculty of Education, Communication and Language
combines different methods Studies, Mrs Soraya Sayed Hassen, these students have met with the
of delivery more adapted to the Administrative Manager of the Centre, Mr Eddy Jaymangal, and formu-
lated a plan of action.
lifestyle of one’s students.
“This project will allow our students to have the direct experience of
Q: What are you pro- working as an editorial team on a live project,” explains Mrs Sayed Has-
posing instead? sen. “Not only will they be responsible for the contents but will help plan
A model based on our the layout and look of the finished product.”
academic partner’s approach,
Chronicles understands that the magazine will be ready for distribution
Curtin University. Known as
by 18 October 2013.
Curtin Converged, this new Overview of Curtin Converged Model
teaching and learning model
was released in January of this

04 05
Graduation 2013 Graduation 2013

A Formidable Challenge
Two full graduations over two days involving 396 graduands, 790 parents and relatives,
32 corporate guests, 82 staff members, 245 parked cars, and a splendid marquee.

This was the formidable challenge CTI faced as it took the decision, for the first time in its history,
to hold its annual graduation on its campus in Moka. The photos below tell the story.

Photos : Naresh Roodur, 3rd Year Mass Com Student

Innovation at CTI Marketing

We Train Students to Attracting International Students

Become Top Traders
nternational students. Our Government is adamant that to become a knowledge hub, this country will have

to attract large numbers of foreign students as well as several international institutions. The Ministry of
ow should academic institutions react as Derivatives Trading Tertiary Education is on record for having stated that by 2020, it wishes to have no fewer than 50,000 foreign
becomes the norm in Mauritius? As financial liberalization students studying in Mauritius. What are the implications?
takes place, Mauritian firms will be increasingly looking for
gains through speculative trading or through arbitrage. What would
be the implications for institutions like CTI? On the positive side, some prog- facilitate student integration.
ress has been made. Five years
down the track, Mauritius has Despite these obstacles, we at
“Derivatives trading in Mauritius is regulated by the Financial Services
Commission,” points out Dr. Karlo Jouan, Head of Accounting, Finance attracted around 1 800 foreign CTI persevere in our attempts
and Law . “While ensuring that our students get the technical expertise students and has a growing to attract a significant number of
to deal with the changing environment, we also have the moral duty number of international aca- international students. We are
to ensure that they learn to do the right thing and avoid the type of demic partnerships including both doing this in a variety of ways
blunders that took place in 1995 when Nick Leeson, a trader at Barings Branch Campuses and Fran- which include capitalizing on the
Bank, was sent to jail following his spearheading of a massive interna- chises. It is acknowledged that overseas presence of our 15
tional financial scandal with the use of derivatives.”
the island does indeed provide shareholders, launching various
Dr Karlo Jouan goes on: “We want our students to be in touch with a unique learning environment joint ventures with our Australian
how derivatives trading is progressing in Mauritius. A few weeks back in that it offers idyllic surround- partners, appointing overseas
a workshop was organized at CTI, led by people from Global Board of ings, is relatively affordable and recruiting agents, attending and
Trade (GBOT). Soon, some of our students will visit the GBOT trading multicultural, and it is safe. sponsoring various international
room and meet with their brokers. ” Rajiv Nathoo, Lecturer at CTI also student fairs, and capitalizing on
commented: “We’ve also encouraged our students to participate in the
On the negative side, this INSEAD, our academic through- lack of a critical population our social media.
annual Trade Mogul competition organized by the GHF Futures Ltd.
progress is rather subdued. The put is limited in terms of research mass, lack of track record as a
This international company employs traders in different countries, including Mauritius, to invest in derivatives products with a view to making
speculative gains.” numbers are small, we lack the and teaching excellence, and our knowledge hub, limited financial Will we succeed? Only time will
pulling presence of top-of-the- various campuses have limited resources, limited academic tell. The challenge is enormous.
Chronicles understands that this international competition is about the trading of derivatives based on computer simulation over several range international universities resources and facilities. resources and shoddy places
weeks. Throughout the world, teams will compete each other in order to achieve the highest profit. During the last two years, the top Mauritian such as an Oxford or Harvard or The obstacles are well-known: of entertainment designed to
participant has been from CTI.

Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration Revamping our Social Media

he portfolio of courses offered by Charles Telfair Institute has fur- he importance, role and influence of sound social media should never be undervalued. CTI recently
ther increased with the launch of the Diploma of Interior Design and revamped its efforts in this area in an attempt to boost its image and effectiveness. The initiative
Decoration course at the beginning of this year. was a resounding success.

In partnership with the Perth-based Central IT, Design & Internet Studies. “It puts a lot of When it comes to marketing, the potential These are located in 20 countries across
Institute of Technology, CTI now offers the emphasis on working on ‘live’ projects which of social networks can never be under- the globe - including Ghana, Nigeria,
Diploma to those interested in pursuing their is of course ideal for their future employability. estimated in terms of either increase in Kenya, USA, India, Malaysia and several
studies further. At the Diploma level, students One of our students, for example, is currently the number of leads or downright sales. European countries.” He elaborates fur-
will become involved in a number of projects engaged in preparing a proposal for remodel-
In February of this year, with a view to ther, “Our YouTube video channel com-
which will enable them to design residential ing the CNEA Centre of the Maryse Justin
and commercial interiors, decorate for events, Stadium.” marketing our range of courses more ef- prises six videos including a professionally
and work on restoration projects. They will fectively and connecting with our students made video campus tour. This video alone
also learn how to work with suppliers and One of the students enrolled on the Diploma on their territory, we revamped our Social has had 13,500 views and our Channel as
specify finishes, soft and hard materials, fix- of Interior Design and Decoration course Media presence with a brand new Face- a whole has been viewed almost 17,000
tures and furniture. Finally, they will be taught explained: “We believe that our involvement book Page, Twitter site, and our own CTI times from countries across the world. With
how to apply CAD applications to document in such real-life projects is crucial for acquiring YouTube Channel. time we expect to improve even further and
and illustrate their design proposals. the necessary experience and skills that will and ‘Likes’ going through the roof. From a strengthen our relationship with all those
make us ready for the world of work. It’s very “The initiative was a great success,” ex- zero-base just a few months ago, we are connected with CTI both inside and outside
“The way this course has been designed is good experience.” today reaching an average of 25,000 view-
plains Tony Eddison, Director of Business the classroom.”
brilliant,” commented Vikash Rowtho, Head of ers per week through our Facebook Page.
Development, “with new viewer numbers

08 09

The Launch of a Busy Year Our First-year Student Population Profile

n a yearly basis, CTI undertakes a demographic survey to help determine any emerging trends and patterns
he month of April saw the launch of five corporate programmes for and better address our new student needs. By combining an anonymous questionnaire with focus-group
our shareholders and clients alike. Known officially as the Certifi- explorations, we surveyed this year’s 482 freshers as we sought to find out who they are, why they joined
us, what they wish to study here, and what it is that they expect from us. Here are the most salient results:
cate in Management Development and the Diploma in Manage-
ment and Leadership and registered with the TEC as such, both pro-
grammes of study make up the core of CTI’s corporate educational arm Organiser Who are they? The vast majority of students said that they our Events Manager and the opening of our

des évènements
and are designed to develop further the managerial and leadership skills CTI first-year students are typically single, feel part of a vibrant academic community. second canteen]. In general, over 90% of
of their participants. In vogue since 2005, they provide those attending
aged between 18 and 20, have an HSC They commented favourably on the fact freshers indicated they were satisfied with
with an introduction (the Certificate) and in-depth appreciation (the Diplo-
and are enrolled with us on a full-time that their lecturers are mostly trained over- their experiences to date and concluded
ma) of contemporary leadership and management theories and practices.
basis. They are slightly more likely to seas and are proficient in their fields. They that they would recommend CTI to other

A total of 103 delegates is be females, to live in Quatre-Bornes or also appreciatethe fact that lectures students who are thinking of applying here.
scheduled to attend the 2013 Vacoas, and catch the bus to come to CTI.
courses from the following
organisations: They come mostly from a middle-class fam- After CTI?
ily milieu and the combined income of their When asked what career they were plan-
· Harel Mallac
(customized version focused parents will probably average over Rs50 ning to follow once their studies completed,
on soft skills)
L’équipe du départment de la communication
000 per month. the majority (71%) replied that they were

de la MCB ainsi que les formateurs de CTI
· Winner’s aspiring to a career as an entrepreneur
(Certificate in Management ne formation sur la gestion de
Development) l’évènementiel a été organisée par Why apply to CTI? or manager. 53% of those currently
Delegates from Harel Mallac during the launch of the 2013 Charles Telfair Institute pour les em- When asked what prompted enrolled for a Diploma replied that
Going the Extra Mile Programme
(Certificate in Management ployés du département de Communication de
la Mauritius Commercial Bank du 21 Janvier them to seek admission at CTI, they would wish to continue their
au 28 Février. 65% of new students stated studies from diploma through to
· Blanche, Birger
(Certificate in Management that they already have relatives degree.
« L’objectif de cette intervention était axé sur
l’apport théorique et pratique de l’organisation and friends studying at CTI who
· General Public des évènements à la MCB, » explique Kanya
recommended the Institute. “The survey’s results are most interest-
(Certificate in Management Santokhee, senior marketing consultant.
Development) « Nous avons ainsi mis l’emphase sur des ing,” commented Tony Eddison, Director of
modules tels que Manage Projects, Manage a When asked which factors influenced their Business Development. “We now need to
· General Public Budget, Develop Event Concepts, Contracts
(Diploma in Management and final decision, freshers replied draw up the relevant strategies to address
and Legal Issues, Manage Quality Customer are generally well-organised and run
Delegates from Winner’s during the launch of the 2013
Certificate in Management Development
Service, entre autres. » · Our association with Curtin the various concerns raised so that the ap-
smoothly, and that the library has an ade-
University and consequently, the fact that propriate actions can be taken. It is clear to
L’ouverture du programme a été marquée par quate stock of material supplemented with
l’intervention de Mr Ariel Lamothe, Directeur our awards are internationally recog- us that students’ expectations will continue
on-line access to Curtin’s vast library in
de Impact Production, qui a parlé du marché
nized to rise and more than ever, we’ll have to lis-
de l’évènementiel à Maurice, le futur de cette Perth. On the downside, freshers ex-
industrie et les améliorations à être apportées · We have a hi-tech campus rated as ten to them and in line with our Zero-defect
pressed the hope for more social and sport-
en ce qu’il s’agit de l’organisation, la concré- the best on the island policy, act upon them.”
tisation et les implications d’un évènement. ing events and a wider choice of food in
· A good range of programmes.
the student canteen. [The reader is to note
Une séance de débriefing entre les partici-
pants et les formateurs de CTI, suivi par la that this survey was conducted in the early
Perceptions thus far?
remise des Certificats, a eu lieu le mardi 19 part of the year, prior to the appointment of
10 Mr Christopher Boland, Harel Mallac Group’s 11
Executive Director, welcoming all delegates.
Launch of Zumba Classes

he end of April saw the launch of Zumba classes at CTI. For
the uninitiated, the Zumba Programme is a dance fitness pro-
gramme created by Colombian dancer and choreographer
Alberto “Beto” Perez during the 1990s. It involves both dance and
aerobic elements and its choreography incorporates hip-hop, soca,
samba, salsa, merengue, mambo, martial arts, and some Bollywood
and belly dance moves. Squats and lunges are often included.

“Zumba is an ideal activity to bring our students together,” explains Bennon Soobiah, CTI
Sports and Events Manager, and the man responsible for introducing Zumba to CTI, “as it is
partying yourself into shape.”

What do the participants hope to gain from Zumba? According to Bennon, “as a type
of cardiovascular workout, Zumba is beneficial to the heart. One hour of Zumba could
burn anywhere from 400 to 600 calories, depending on age, fitness level, and intensity of
exercises”. Approximately 14 million people take weekly Zumba classes in over 140,000
locations across more than 150 countries. It is also effective in improving self-esteem and
The Editor
reducing stress.
CTI Chronicles
Telfair, Moka

Dear Sir

We hear through the grapevine that

many social and sporting events are
being planned for this year. Could
you tell us more please?

L Sobhee

Your grapevine is 100% correct!

CTI has recently reinvigorated both
its social and sporting activities.
New Faces You’ve probably noticed the recent
appointment of our full-time Sports
and Events Manager; the running
of our film shows, the holding of
our first Mass Zumba Class and the
purchase of brand new table tennis
equipment. There is more on the
way: watch this space!
Prof. Tony Eddison Soraya Sayed Hassan Bennon Soobiah Tina Moonesawmy
Business Development Head of Faculty, Sports and Events After-School
Director Education, Communication Manager and Holidays Manager
and Language Studies

Parvez Noordaully Asifa Salehmohamed Jirad Jhuboo Sheila Khedoo Dorelie Gourdin Anne Claire Paul
Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer Administrative Administrative Caregiver
Accounting and Finance Education Design Assistant Assistant


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