Complete The Following Areas:: Exercise On Goals & Objectives

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Exercise on Goals & Objectives

Complete the following areas:

Goal and Objectives for Designing an English course for…
Ss of Ingles Curricular, level 4, in the Facultad de Artes of the Univesidad Autònoma de Chihuahua
By the end of the semester Ss will be able to use basic vocabulary for every day interaction,
as well as basic, simple grammatical structures that will help them communicate at a basic level.
By the end of this course the students will be able to…
1. Identify basic grammatical structures such as simple present, simple past, present continuous and
past continuous.
2. Memorize basic words of everyday use such as comfort, pity, observe, speak, etc.
3. Select the appropriate words and structures at a basic level for simple communication
4. Ss will be able to produce basic sentences using simple and continuous tenses.
5. Ss will be able to write sentences using simple grammatical structures such as present simple and
continuous and past simple and continuous.
6. Ss will be able to read basic, simple sentences and Vocabulary such as simple present and past
and present and past continuous, university, vocabulary, theater, etc.
7. Ss will gain confidence when they produce language.
8. Ss will be able to interact with each other.

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