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What Is Ascension?

I like to think of Ascension in it’s most basic form and that is the process of continually
growing, evolving, and ultimately expanding your awareness and fully understanding that
you are one with creation.

Ascension moves you up and into a higher vibration. Ascension makes you grow, take stock
of your life and ultimately clear and leave behind all the things that no longer serve you. The
more you increase your vibration the more you grow spiritually and experience

Ascension is not something that just happens to spiritual people, it is happening to everyone.
It is often presented as a mysterious process only able to be attained by a select few. This is
not the case as we all have the potential to grow, learn, and move forward.

Ascension is the continuous process of enlightenment. I would like to emphasise ‘continuous

process’ as there is no destination. Often enlightenment is viewed as a one-off ‘special’ event
where all of a sudden you attain all the spiritual information that is knowable. This
information is already known. Enlightenment is the discovery of spiritual knowledge of
something that was not previously known through your experience (action). It expands on
what was known and adds spiritual understanding to the universe.

This is why ascension is a process, not a destination. It is also why we can all ascend and
experience enlightenment one step at a time.

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