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16 | Friday, May 25, 2018 | The Record-Courier

Dion Etchegoyhen level of complexity; classifies property to Trent Tholen management and marketing, minor in
determine extent of taxability; subdivision economics. Completed Essential Man-
Place of Residence: Min- analysis, collects vacant land sales and in- Place of residence: agement Skills and Advanced Essential
den, 57 years terprets information. Genoa Management Skills courses provided
Occupation: Chief Dep- • Using the cost, income or comparative Occupation: Senior by Douglas County. Fully certified to
uty Appraiser, Douglas sales approach, as appropriate; calculates Appraiser appraise real and personal property in
County agricultural and historic deferred tax liens; Age: 37 the state of Nevada. Held Series 7 and
Age: 58 provides the treasurer’s office with parcel Contact information: Series 66 licenses as a financial consul-
Contact information: values after roll close; prepares an ap- 775-721-5664; trenttho- tant and was certified as an Accredited
Etchegoyhen 775-790-5628 praisal report detailing the process used to len2018@gmail.com; Asset Management Specialist.
dionetchegoyhen@ establish the value of the property. Tholen www.tholenforassessor. Platform: It is the duty of the Asses-
gmail.com Honors: Former Board Member Family com sor’s Office to carry out several statuto-
www.dionetchegoyhenforassessor.com Support Council Record of service: Over nine years ry requirements. Our main function is
Education: Douglas County Schools, International Association of Assessing dedicated to the Assessor’s Office, to value properties in Douglas County
K-12; University of Nevada, Reno, study- Officers with last year’s performance score at for taxation purposes. It is important
ing Business Administration. Certified in Nevada Assessor’s Association 96.4%. Genoa Town Advisory Board to have an Assessor that can lead and
both personal and real property through IAAO Assessment Administration 400 Member (2013-2016, Chairman in 2015 manage a team of employees to fairly
the State of Nevada Department of Raising two beautiful daughters in & 2016). 2011 Leadership Doug- and consistently carry out the duties of
Taxation. Douglas County, and now watching two las County graduate. Member of the the office, while putting in the effort to
Record of Service: I have 20 years ap- grandchildren grow up here Carson Valley Little League Board of make Douglas County a better organi-
praisal experience with 18 of those years Platform: The State Legislature makes Directors. Douglas County Technol- zation and helping to ensure it contin-
proudly serving the public in the Douglas the laws on assessment for all Nevada ogy Review Board member. Douglas ues to be a great place to live. Experi-
County Assessor’s Office. I am currently counties. The Assessor is responsible County Benefits Committee member. ence is what matters, what you do or
Chief Deputy Appraiser. for the appraisers who discover, list and Douglas County Website Redesign have done that builds your talents. I
I began my appraisal career by working determine the taxable values in the entire Committee member. Attack volunteer believe the Assessor needs to be in-
in the private sector for two years, build- county (based on statutes, market condi- firefighter from 2006-2013; current so- volved in legislative matters. I believe
ing basic skills in field work and apprais- tions, and sales data) and for clerks who cial member. Affiliate, Nevada Asses- in the Republican platform of merit
al. During this time, I completed all my input the data. It is critically important sors’ Association. Associate member, over tenure, that the highest perform-
appraisal education courses required for the Assessor be impartial, fair, and will- Douglas County Republican Women. ers are the ones who should get a posi-
state certification in both personal and ing to explain to anyone how assessments Associate member, Sierra Nevada Re- tion. I believe in being good to people
real property. I was then hired as a per- were determined. publican Women. Member, Douglas and treating them with respect, and my
sonal property appraiser in the Douglas I am very knowledgeable about Nevada County Republican Central Committee. actions prove that. I believe govern-
County Assessor’s Office and was trained Assessment Laws and will be profession- Education: Attended elementary, ment serves a purpose, but should do
by Assessor Barbara Byington. After al, courteous, and gracious to the citizens middle, and high school in Douglas it responsibly with minimal taxes. I be-
only two years, I was promoted to a real of this county. You should expect nothing County. 1999 Douglas High School lieve we can create efficiencies through
property appraiser position. It has been less. The current Assessor has implement- graduate. 2004 University of Ne- technology that will lead to cost savings
my desire the last 18 years to learn all ed effective office procedures for staff and vada, Reno graduate: Dual major in for the taxpayers.
aspects of appraisal and administration in citizens of Douglas County. The current
the office. I have worked closely with the Assessor takes responsibility for a full-time

Assessed valuation
current and soon-to-be-retired Assessor position, completing real property apprais-
Doug Sonnemann. Last year, I applied als--including more complex and difficult
for the job of Chief Deputy Appraiser, the properties--in approximately 80% of the
second level of expertise in the Assessor’s worktime. The remaining 20% is spent on

cracks $3 billion
Office. A professional panel, including the administrative and budget duties. This has
current Douglas County Assessor, as well proven to be both effective and prudent
as representatives from other Douglas practice. I will continue that tradition
County agencies, chose me unanimously of hard work, saving Douglas taxpayers
for the job. about $100,000 every year in salary and Staff Reports commercial property is ex- tended to be busier in the
Through these promotions and experi- benefits. pected to run $151 billion. last few years, according to
ences, I have gained expertise in the fol- I grew up in a large family in Minden, Douglas County’s to- The county has $39.6 numbers from the asses-
lowing specialized areas of appraisal: and all my siblings still live in Douglas tal assessed valuation million in agricultural sor’s office.
• Personal properties such as aircraft, County. At times, I have worked more is expected to crack $3 land and $116.2 million in The median price of a
hangers, mobile homes, business assets than one job to help raise my family. I am million for the first time vacant land. home was up to $380,000,
(computers, office equipment etc.) fortunate to have learned a few things very since the start of the Great The sales of homes in with the average sales
• Nevada taxation statutes and admin- early on: hard work, the value of the dollar, Recession. the Carson Valley was up price at $431,663. Both
istrative code governing the appraisal of treating people fairly, and being friend- According to the Doug- to its highest level for a those are peak num-
personal, residential, commercial, indus- ly to all, matter. These long-established las County Assessor’s first quarter since 2006. bers, indicated increased
trial and special purpose properties traditions I cherish, and I will continue to Office, 80 percent of the According to the Assessor’s demand.
• Establishing value of residential, foster the same behavior in the Douglas county’s assessed value is Office 175 homes were Sales of homes five years
commercial, agricultural, industrial and County Assessor’s Office. in the form of residential sold during the quarter, up or older were up slightly in
historic real properties of the most difficult property with a total value from 163 the year before. 2017 with 850 of the total
of $2.4 billion. The first quarter is 980 sold.
Commercial and indus- typically the slowest of For more information,
trial property make up the year, while the quar- visit www.douglascoun-
$194 million while tourist ter ending Sept. 30 has tynv.gov/45/Assessor

Assessing properties has its challenges, and its perks

by Kelsey Penrose In the office never get to see otherwise,” said a challenge. ground. Parcel maps, square
kpenrose@recordcourier.com there are six ap- Sonnemann. “So its fun to see “When the market dipped so footage, land values, etc. are all
praisers, one who how those houses and properties badly, we had a horrible time online for the “assessor’s office to
After 30 years, County Asses- does personal are developed.” keeping up with the downward utilize.
sor Doug Sonnemann is retiring, property, and the Some of the biggest challenges slope,” said Sonnemann. “ We’re I’m not retiring because I
and his position is up for grabs. other five do real the assessor faces is keeping up always a year to two years behind don’t love my job, I do,” said
The County Assessor is in property. with legislative changes during the market, because we set it Sonnemann. “But after thirty
charge of the assessor’s office, Sonnemann The county sessions every two years, and based on tax season. When the years, I’m looking forward to new
and makes sure that the depart- is divided into fluctuations in the market. market is going up, it’s fine, be- adventures.”
ment functions well, and that fifths, and Sonnemann handles In general, the land is based cause that means we’re following Sonnemann has been a volun-
property evaluations are com- one chunk alone. on market, while home improve- the market. But when it goes teer with search and rescue and
pleted in a timely manner. This year he has been in charge ments and commercial proper- down, it’s hard to see how it’s go- the fire department for 25 years,
The current office, he said, is of Fish Springs and property at ties are based on a replacement ing to come out, which is where and he’s looking forward to con-
filled with wonderful people who the lake, which he enjoyed. cost and depreciation. appeals come in.” tinuing his volunteering in mul-
are self-starters and work very “I get to go up to the lake The number they come up with The internet has helped greatly tiple positions around Douglas
well together, which makes it and see some of these gorgeous for the appraisal can’t exceed with the assessor’s office, because County during his well-earned
easier for the assessor. houses that people like us will market cost, which is sometimes it has cut out a lot of middle retirement.

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